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FM 19-15

MCWP 3-33.2

Civil Disturbances

U.S. Marine Corps

PCN 144 000050 00

FM 19-15
25 NOVEMBER 1985
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:


General United States Army
Chief of Staff

Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General

Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11 A, Require-
ments for Civil Disturbance (Qty rqr block no. 138).
Additional copies may be requisitioned from the US Army Adjutant General Publications Center,
2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220-2896.

✩ U . S . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1994 0 - 300-769 (22251)

*FM 19-15
Field Manual Headquarters
No. 19-15 Department of The Army
Washington, DC, 25 November 1985



The purpose of this field manual is to provide guidance for

the commander and his staff in preparing for and providing
assistance to civil authorities in civil disturbance control opera-
tions. It discusses the principles, policies, and legal considerations
that govern the commitment of federal forces to civil disturbance
control operations, the principles of civil disturbance control
operations, planning and training for such operations, and the
operational tasks and techniques employed to control civil
disturbances and neutralize special threats.
This guidance is intended for use of both active and reserve
component US Armed Forces. Commanders of federal instal-
lations that use nonmilitary personnel, such as DOD police or
contract security guards, for security must consult current DOD
policy on the use of such personnel in civil disturbance control
The proponent of this publication is HQ TRADOC. Submit
changes for improving this publication on DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and
forward it to Commandant, United States Army Military Police
School, ATTN: ATZN-MP-DML, Fort McClellan, AL 36205-5030.

Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men
and women are included.

*This publication supersedes FM 19-15,30 October 1975, and TC 19-1, 1 August 1975.

FM 19-15

FM 19-15

Civil Disturbances

Civil disturbances arise from acts of civil disobedience.

They occur most often when participants in mass acts of civil
disobedience become antagonistic toward authority, and
authorities must struggle to wrest the initiative from an unruly
crowd. In the extreme, civil disturbances include criminal acts of
terrorism. Civil disturbances, in any form, are prejudicial to
public law and order.


Under the US Constitution and the US and finds the resources not sufficient.
Code, the President is empowered to direct Usually, active-duty federal forces are used
federal intervention in civil disturbances to: to augment the requesting state’s National
Respond to state requests for aid in Guard. But the President may choose to
restoring order. federalize another state’s National Guard
and use them, alone or with other forces, to
Enforce the laws of the United States. restore order.
Protect the civil rights of citizens.
Protect federal property and functions. The President also can employ federal
troops to ensure the execution of US law
Under the Constitution, each state is when a state opposes or obstructs US law
responsible for protecting life and property or impedes the course of justice under those
within its boundaries. State and local laws. And the President can employ armed
governments use their civil forces to federal troops to suppress insurrection,
maintain law and order and to quell domestic violence, unlawful assemblies,
civil disturbances. However, if a civil and conspiracy if such acts deprive the
disturbance exceeds the resources of a people of their constitutional rights and
state, federal troops may be called upon to privileges and a state’s civil authorities
help restore and maintain law and order. cannot or will not provide adequate
The Constitution and federal statutes protection.
authorize the President to direct the use of The President is also authorized to use
federal armed troops within the 50 states, armed federal troops to protect federal
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and property and functions when the need
US possessions and territories and their for protection exists and the local civil
political subdivisions. The President is also authorities cannot or will not give adequate
empowered to federalize the National protection. The right of the United States
Guard of any state to suppress rebellion to protect all federal property and functions
and enforce laws. regardless of their locations is an accepted
Federal aid is given to a state when the principle of our government.
state has used all of its resources, including As a temporary measure, federal military
its National Guard, to quell a disorder equipment and facilities may be loaned to

FM 19-15

state and local governmental bodies and requesting agencies are expected to provide
law enforcement agencies for use during enough resources of their own to minimize
civil disturbances. These resources may the need for US military resources. And the
also be loaned to a state’s National Guard loan of the resources must not conflict with
and to nonDOD federal agencies. The US military needs.

Civil disturbances may arise from a community’s relations with local police are
number of causes. Most often they arise part of the problem.
from political grievances, urban economic Significant cultural differences in a
conflicts and community unrest, terrorist community can create an atmosphere of
acts, or foreign influences. The event may distrust. Unrest among ethnic groups
be triggered by a single cause. Or it may competing for jobs can erupt into civil
arise from a combination of causes. disturbance. Sometimes a large group of
refugees resettles in one community,
Demonstrations of political grievances creating unrest in the community. If jobs
range from simple protests of specific are in short supply and refugees are taking
issues to full-scale civil disobedience. what jobs there are, feelings of animosity
Many forms of political protest, while can arise. As emotions run high, violence
disruptive, are not unlawful. These protests becomes likely.
may be spontaneous, but they generally
are planned events. They may even be Civil disturbances may be organized by
coordinated with local authorities. Most disaffected groups. These groups like to
protectors are law-abiding citizens. They embarrass the government. Or they may
intend their protests to be nonviolent. demonstrate as a cover for terrorism.
Violence occurs mainly when control forces Their goal is to cause an overreaction by
must try to contain a protest or arrest authorities. They think this will generate
protectors involved in civil disobedience. sympathy for their cause among the
The presence of agitators increases the general population. Foreign nations may
chance of violence. Agitators want to promote civil disturbances through sur-
provoke the control force into overreacting. rogate organizations. The surrogates
This embarrasses authorities. It can also involve themselves in activities that
gain media and public sympathy for the promote a particular nation’s interests.
protectors. Their actions may be quite overt. Some-
times they even conduct fund-raising and
membership drives. The surrogate’s
Urban conflicts and community unrest sponsors provide support in many ways.
arise from highly emotional social and The sponsors give money, organizational
economic issues. Economically deprived help, and moral support. They may also
inner-city residents may perceive them- help by training members of the surrogate
selves treated unjustly or ignored by the group in civil disobedience, vandalism,
people in power. Tension can build in a and agitation and manipulation of crowds
community over a variety of issues. Com- and media. Agents of foreign nations may
munity services and housing and labor influence civil disturbances. Agents infil-
issues are often disputed. Tension creates trate disaffected groups to increase their
the potential for violence. When tension is potential for violence. If they are successful
high, it takes only a minor incident or a and government forces overreact, the
rumor of an injustice to ignite a civil targeted government may be seen as
disturbance. This is particularly true if the repressive.

FM 19-15

Civil disturbances may arise from a Urban areas can be the scene of inner-
symbolic of a grievance, near the cause of a city conflicts, labor disputes, and political
grievance, or close at hand to an aggrieved struggles. Disturbances in urban areas
crowd. Examples of such places are nuclear are usually fueled by aggrieved members
weapons facilities or power plants, in of the community. However, an urban area
urban areas, at refugee camps, or at having symbolic value to a particular
government facilities. Nuclear weapons group may be the stage used by outside
facilities and power plants are subject to demonstrators to draw attention to their
demonstrations by anti-nuclear activists. cause.
These activists demonstrate at places they
know or think are used to develop, build, Refugee and resettlement camps can
transport, or store nuclear weapons or their become the focus of a civil disturbance.
parts. The facilities can belong to federal Large numbers of refugees entering the US
agencies or to businesses with DOD con- in mass are often placed temporarily in
tracts. Active involvement with nuclear refugee camps until they can be resettled.
weapons is not necessary. Past involve- Resettlement can be a slow and difficult
ment or the activists’ belief of past process. The boredom, frustration, and
involvement can make the facilities targets other stresses refugees experience in these
for demonstrations. Nuclear power plants camps can create tensions that may erupt
are also targets of environmentalists and into violence. And agitators may infiltrate
other activist groups. The plants are seen refugee camps to exploit these tensions in
as dangers to society and the environment. ways that will embarrass the US.
Demonstrations at plants or plant con-
struction sites may be held to try to inter- Demonstrations at US government
fere with plant operations. facilities are not limited to those in the US.
US facilities in foreign nations can be
US government facilities like recruiting locations of civil disturbances. DOD instal-
offices, federally-leased buildings, ROTC lations, US embassies, and US consulates
buildings, and federal courthouses also in foreign nations are favorite targets of
can be the targets of demonstrations. A demonstrators. DOD installations in
government facility may be targeted simply foreign nations are often scenes of protests
because a protesting group attaches a against US foreign policies. The actual
symbolic value to, or perceives a connection installation and its mission may or
with, a protested policy. This is especially may not be the true target. Often the
true of anti-war and anti-nuclear protest installation is just used as a highly visible
groups. They may choose a facility because symbol of US government. American
they see it as the source of their grievance. embassies and consulates also are subject
Or they may target a facility because the to disturbances. They too are highly
people working there are seen as having visible, concrete representations of the US
the power to address the group’s grievance. government.


The mission of the military forces in a is the responsibility of state and local
civil disturbance is to help local authorities governments and law enforcement authori-
restore law and order. The preservation of ties. The preservation of law and order
law and order in the civilian community on the federal property of a military

FM 19-15

installation is the responsibility of the flexible and selective in their responses.

installation commander and military law A commander must select the option that
enforcement authorities. The military is the best response to a given civil
performs civil disturbance operations in disturbance in that specific physical and
support of these local authorities. Most psychological environment. He must be
often the military is used to disperse able to both reduce the intensity of the
unauthorized assemblages and to patrol confrontation and restore order.
disturbed areas to prevent unlawful acts. In all contacts with the civilian popu-
Military forces may be used to maintain lation and the participants of the disturb-
the mechanics of essential distribution, ance, military forces must display fair and
transportation, and communications impartial treatment. And they must ad-
systems. Military forces are also used to here to the principle of minimum force.
make a show of force, set up roadblocks, Whenever possible, civil police apprehend,
cordon off areas, disperse crowds, release process, and detain civil-law violators.
riot control agents, and serve as security Military forces perform these functions
forces or reserves, And the military may be only when necessity dictates and only to
tasked to initiate needed relief measures. the minimum extent required. These
functions are returned to civil authorities
The commitment of military forces to as soon as possible. When military forces
civil disturbance control operations does have achieved enough order to allow the
not automatically give these forces police local authorities to resume control, the
power. The police power of military forces military’s mission is accomplished and
is bound by legal constraints as well as their active role in controlling the dis-
humanitarian consideration. Only the turbance ends.
degree of force reasonably needed in a
circumstance is permitted. All military As the disturbance subsides, the com-
leaders and planners must be familiar mander takes steps to restore control to
with the laws, regulations, and policies the civil authorities. The control force
that govern military involvement in civil gradually reduces the number and scope of
disturbances. They must know the laws its operations and begins removing its
and policies that have a direct impact on equipment from the area. But the control
military civil disturbance control plans and force takes care not to give the impression
actions. Those laws and policies dictate that all controls have been removed.
how the military can and should act when Withdrawal is not immediate. That would
controlling a civil disturbance. create the impression of abandonment
and could lead to a resurgence of the
Military control force commanders must disturbance. The control force gradually
know what options are available to them. withdraws in a phased return of control to
Commanders must be able to be highly civil authorities.

The Participants
A civil disturbance occurs only in a particular environ-
ment. That environment is a fusing of cause, place, and willingly
confrontive participants. Civil disturbance participants come from
all walks of life. Participants cover the political spectrum from the
far right to the far left. They range from members of special
interest groups to the ranks of the unemployed. They may be
environmentalists, anti-nuclear activists, or foreign and domestic
opponents of US policy. They come from all age groups and from
all classes.
They may be curious onlookers who have of people discourage individual behavior;
become swept away by the excitement of the urge to imitate is strong in humans.
an event. They may be demonstrators or People look to others for cues and disregard
counterdemonstrators who have become their own background and training. Only
emotional about their cause. Whoever they well-disciplined persons or persons with
are, they have become subject to the social strong convictions can resist conforming to
and psychological factors that can turn a a crowd’s behavior. Crowd behavior influ-
large gathering of people into a disruptive, ences the actions of both the disorderly
disorderly mass. Understanding these participants and the authorities tasked to
factors can help reduce confrontation and control them.
permit order to be restored with a minimum Under normal circumstances, a crowd is
of force. orderly. It does not violate any laws. It
The basic human element sparking a dis- does not threaten life or property. It does
turbance is the presence of a crowd.There not present a problem to authorities. But
are almost as many types of crowds as when a crowd’s collective behavior becomes
there are reasons for people to assemble. unacceptable to the common good, cause
There are casual crowds like the crowd that for concern arises. When a crowd’s law-
assembles for a football game or gathers at abiding collective behavior breaks down
an accident. Persons in such a crowd and takes a dramatic form, a civil dis-
probably have no common bonds other turbance ensues.
than enjoyment of the game or curiosity Civil disturbances arise when a crowd—
about the accident. And there are
“planned” crowds like the crowd that Gathers to air grievances on issues and
assembles at the call of a leader to transfers its anger from the issues to the
accomplish a goal. Members of a planned people dealing with the issues.
crowd have common bonds of interest and Swells uncontrollably as curious
purpose. bystanders and sympathetic onlookers
Simply being a part of a crowd affects a join forces with the activists or
person. Each person in a crowd is, to some protectors.
degree, open to actions different from his Is incited to irrational action by skillful
usual behavior. Crowds provide a sense agitators.
of anonymity because they are large and Adopts irrational behavior and becomes
often temporary congregations. Crowd a mob.
members often feel that their moral re- Consists of two or more groups with
sponsibility has shifted from themselves to opposing views, and they become
the crowd as a whole. Large numbers engaged in a violent confrontation.

FM 19-15

Crowd behavior is influenced by the strategic suggestion or command. An
presence or absence of social factors like experienced leader may be able to calm a
leadership, moral attitudes, and social crowd, appeal to the reasoning powers of
uniformity. Crowd behavior is also in- its members, and avoid a serious situation.
fluenced by the psychological factors of
suggestion, imitation, anonymity, imper- Crowd behavior is influenced by emo-
sonality, emotional release, emotional tional contagion. Excitement, transmitted
contagion, and panic. from one person to another, creates a high
state of collective emotion. Ideas conceived
Crowd behavior expresses the emotional by crowd leaders and dominant crowd
needs, resentments, and prejudices of the members pass rapidly from person to
crowd members. However, a crowd only person. These ideas and the general mood
does those things that most of its members of the crowd sweep to bystanders and
want to do. The crowd is influenced by the curiosity seekers, who can become caught
concerns of its members as to what is right, in the wave of excitement and crowd
based on local custom, convention, and action. Emotional contagion exceeds the
morality. But the emotional stimulus and bounds of personal contact. It can be
protection of being in a crowd encourages passed by mass media.
its members to unleash impulses, aggres-
sions, and rages that they usually restrain. Emotional contagion is especially signifi-
When blocked from expressing its emotions cant in a civil disturbance environment. It
in one direction, a crowd’s hostility often is provides the crowd psychological “unity.”
or can be redirected elsewhere. In a civil The unity is usually temporary. But this
disturbance environment, any crowd can be unity may be the only momentum a crowd
a threat to law and order because it is open needs to turn it to mob action. When emo-
to manipulation. tional contagion prevails, self-discipline is
Leadership has a profound effect on the low. Normal controls give way to raw
intensity and direction of crowd behavior. emotions. Personal prejudices and unsatis-
In many crowd situations, the members fied desires, which usually are restrained,
become frustrated by confusion and are readily released. This is a strong
uncertainty. They want to be directed. incentive for individuals to follow the
The first person to give clear orders in crowd, to do things they have wanted to do
an authoritative manner is likely to be but dared not try alone. This contagion can
followed. When crowd members become cause a crowd to lose its concern for law
frustrated, radicals can take charge. They and authority. A crowd that follows its
can exploit a crowd’s mood and turn them leaders into unlawful and disruptive acts
against a convenient target. A skillful becomes a mob. Mob behavior is highly
agitator can increase a crowd’s capacity for emotional. It is often unreasonable. It is
violence. He or she can convert a group of always potentially violent.
frustrated, resentful people into a vengeful Panic also affects crowds. It prompts
mob. An agitator can direct a crowd’s unreasoning and frantic efforts to seek
aggression toward any target included in safety. Panic is extremely contagious and
their resentment. In fact, skillful agitators spreads rapidly. In a state of panic, people
using television, radio, and other communi- become so irrational they endanger them-
cations media can reach large portions of selves and others. Panic can occur during a
the population and incite them to unlawful civil disturbance when crowds—
acts without having direct personal con-
tact. On the other hand, one person can Think or feel danger is so close at hand
sometimes calm or divert a crowd by a that the only course of action is to flee.

FM 19-15
Think escape routes are limited or that anonymity. Leaders must know their
only one escape route exists. subordinates’ names and address them by
Think the limited routes are blocked or name at every opportunity. Commanders
congested and passage is slowed or must ensure that soldiers of questionable
stopped. emotional stability or with strong
Believe an escape route is open after it is prejudices against the group being
blocked and in trying to force a way to controlled do not participate directly in
the exit, cause those in front to be civil disturbance control operations.
crushed, smothered, or trampled. Control force members, like crowd
Are not able to disperse quickly after members, tend to imitate the actions of
being exposed to riot control agents and others. One improper act copied by others
begin to believe their lives are at risk. can result in a chain of wrong behavior.
Like participants, control force members But rigorous training, effective supervision,
are also susceptible to crowd behavior. and immediate correction of improper acts
They, too, are likely to become emotionally can prevent this. During confrontations a
stimulated during a tense confrontation. control force also must guard against
The highly emotional atmosphere of a coming to see the participants impersonally
disturbance can infect control force mem- rather than as people. The control force
bers despite their disciplined training. should have a racial and ethnic balance to
When emotional tension is high, members reduce the chance of seeing the disturbance
may lose their feeling of restraint. Then as a confrontation between “them” and
they may commit acts they normally would “us.” Some control force members may
suppress. Emotional contagion can also harbor ill feelings toward people who look,
make a control force easily affected by think, or behave unlike themselves. If they
rumor and fear. Commanders must watch take advantage of the confrontation and
for this and counteract it quickly. show their ill will, their behavior will
inflame rather than reduce a confrontation.
In a large control force dealing with A control force must be thoroughly briefed
masses of demonstrators, control force on fair and impartial performance of their
members can lose their sense of indi- duties. All members of the control force
viduality. Control force members must must be aware that they are accountable
not be allowed to develop a feeling of for all their actions.

In civil disturbances, crowds employ any They may use verbal abuse. Obscene
number of tactics to resist control or to remarks, taunts, ridicule, and jeers can be
achieve their goals. Tactics may be un- expected. Crowd members want to anger
planned or planned, nonviolent or violent. and demoralize the opposition. They want
The more purposeful the disturbance, the authorities to take actions that later may
more likely is the possibility of well- be exploited as acts of brutality.
planned tactics.
Sometimes women, children, and elderly
Nonviolent tactics may range from people are placed in the front ranks. This
name-calling to building barricades. plays on a control force’s sympathy to try
Demonstrators may converse with control to discourage countermeasures. When
force members to distract them or to gain countermeasures are taken, agitators take
their sympathy. Demonstrators may try to photographs to stir public displeasure
convince control force members to leave and to embarrass the control force. Dem-
their posts and join the demonstrators. onstrators may form human blockades to

FM 19-15
impede traffic by sitting down in roads planned violence occurs, a crowd will use
or at the entrances to buildings. This rocks, bricks, bottles, or whatever else is at
can disrupt normal activity, forcing control hand. If violence is planned, a crowd can
personnel to physically remove the dem- easily conceal makeshift weapons or tools
onstrators. Demonstrators may lock arms, for vandalism. They may carry—
making it hard for the control force to Balloons filled with paint to use as
separate and remove them. It also “bombs.”
makes the control force seem to be using
excessive force. Bolt cutters to cut through fences.
Picket signs to be used as clubs.
Groups of demonstrators may trespass on
private or government property. They want Pipes wrapped in newspapers to throw
to force mass arrests, overwhelm detain- as deadly missiles.
ment facilities, and clog the legal system. Firecrackers dipped in glue and covered
Or demonstrators may resist by going limp, with BBs or small nails to use as deadly
forcing control force members to carry grenades.
them. They may chain or handcuff them- Plywood shields and motorcycle
selves to objects or to each other. This helmets to protect against riot batons.
prolongs the demonstration. Agitators may Safety goggles to protect against tear
spread rumors to incite the crowd and to gas.
try to force the control force to use stronger
measures to control or disperse the crowd. A crowd may erect barricades to impede
The agitators want to make the control troop movement or to prevent a control
force appear to be using excessive force. force from entering certain areas or build-
Terrorist groups may try to agitate crowds ings. They may use vehicles, trees, furni-
as a diversion for terrorist acts. They also ture, fences, or any other material that may
try to provoke an overreaction by the be handy. In an effort to breach barriers,
control force. rioters may throw grapples into wire barri-
Mass demonstrations tend to consist of cades and drag them. They may use
people on foot. But sometimes groups grapples, chains, wire, or rope to pull down
organize mobile demonstrations using gates or fences. They may use long poles or
cars, vans, and trucks. Mobile groups spears to keep control forces back while
often coordinate their actions by CB radios removing barricades or to prevent the use
and walkie-talkies. Demonstrators also of bayonets. They also may crash vehicles
may monitor police frequencies by using into gates or fences to breach them.
scanners. They may even try to use trans-
mitters to jam police communications Rioters can be expected to vent their
or to confuse control forces through mis- emotions on individuals, troop formations,
information. and control force equipment. Rioters may
throw rotten fruits and vegetables, rocks,
Violent crowd tactics, which may be bricks, bottles, improvised bombs, or any
extremely destructive, can include physical other objects at hand from overpasses,
attacks on people and property, setting windows, and roofs. In the past, troops,
fires, and bombings. Crowd use of violent firefighters, and utility workers on duty
tactics is limited only by the attitudes and during a civil disorder have been beaten,
ingenuity of crowd members, the training injured, or killed. Vehicles have been over-
of their leaders, and the materials available turned, set on fire, or otherwise damaged.
to them. Crowd or mob members may
commit violence with crude, homemade Rioters may direct dangerous objects like
weapons. Or they may employ sophis- vehicles, carts, barrels, and liquids at
ticated small arms and explosives. If un- troops located on or at the bottom of a

FM 19-15
slope. On level ground, they may drive control force members into firing a volley
wheeled vehicles at the troops, jumping out into the crowd. Innocent casualties make a
before the vehicles reach the target. This control force appear both undisciplined and
tactic is also used to breach roadblocks and oppressive.
barricades. Explosives may be used to breach a dike,
Rioters may set fire to buildings and levee, or dam. Bombs can be exploded
vehicles to block the advance of troops. ahead of troops or vehicles so rubble blocks
Fires are also set to create confusion or a street. They can be used to block an
diversion, to destroy property, and to mask underpass by demolishing the overhead
looting and sniping. Rioters may flood an bridge. In extremely violent confrontations,
area with gasoline or oil and ignite it. Or bombs placed in buildings may be timed to
they may pour gasoline or oil down a slope explode when troops or vehicles are near.
or drop it from buildings and ignite it. Demolition charges can be buried in streets
and exploded as troops or vehicles pass
Weapons fire against troops may take the over them. Explosive-laden vehicles can be
form of selective sniping or massed fire. rolled or driven at troops. Animals with
The fire may come from within the ranks explosives attached to their bodies can be
of the rioters or from buildings or other forced toward troops to be set off by remote
adjacent cover. The weapons used can vary control. Even harmless looking objects
from homemade one-shot weapons to high- like cigarette lighters and toys have been
powered rifles. Snipers may try to panic loaded with explosives and used.

Federal Intervention

Federal intervention in civil disturbances begins with the

issuance of a presidential proclamation to the citizens engaged in
the disturbance. The proclamation directs all persons engaged in
acts of domestic violence and disorder to cease and desist and to
disperse and retire peaceably. If the proclamation is not obeyed,
the President issues an executive order directing the use of federal
forces to suppress the violence and authorizing the Secretary of
Defense to use whatever forces are needed to accomplish the
mission. Federal intervention in a civil disturbance ends when
order is restored and the Secretary of Defense directs the
withdrawal of federal forces.


A state requesting federal help to restore disorder continues, the President issues the
and maintain law and order addresses its executive order directing the Secretary of
request to the Attorney General of the Defense to employ such National Guard
United States, the chief civilian officer in and federal troops as are needed to restore
charge of coordinating all federal activities law and order. The Secretary of the Army
relating to civil disturbances. The Attorney alerts and, if necessary, pre-positions con-
General has been designated by the Presi- trol forces through the CSA, but such
dent to receive and coordinate preliminary forces do not become involved in the
requests from states for federal military disturbance until the executive order is
assistance. (Applicants presenting a re- issued.
quest to a local commander are informed of When directed by the Secretary of the
the need to address the request to the Army the CSA directs the FORSCOM
Attorney General. The commander then commander in CONUS or appropriate
immediately informs the Director of Mili- commanders in US territories outside
tary Support of the request and any facts CONUS to position ground forces near
pertaining to it.) When a request for federal disturbance areas or to move such forces
assistance is received by the Attorney into disturbance areas. The CSA alerts the
General, he sends a representative to Air Force to provide required air transport.
assess the situation and make recom- He tasks other military services and DOD
mendations. components to provide military resources
When the representative’s assessment as planned and required. He also informs
shows that a need for federal assistance the JCS, and commanders of unified
exists, the Attorney General advises the commands if the operations are outside
President, who issues the proclamation CONUS, of the actual or potential use of
directing that order be restored. If the military resources.

FM 19-15
Civil disturbance deployment occurs as they submit their request to the
follows: Secretary of the Army. If additional
1. Following coordination with the JCS units are needed from CONUS forces to
(and OCONUS commanders, if augment the forces assigned to the
applicable), the CSA issues a warning command concerned, REDCOM
order or CIDCON message. This is done nominates the required units, provides
as far in advance as possible to allow surface transportation, and submits
airlift and ground force preparedness airlift requirements to the Secretary of
measures to begin. (For more the Army.
information on CIDCONs, see 7. At the appropriate time, the CSA
Appendix.) (COMAAC in Alaska) issues a letter of
2. The FORSCOM commander (in instruction to the task force commander.
CONUS) or commanders of unified or The content of the letter of instruction—
designated commands (OCONUS) Provides for planning and
nominate the task force commander and preparatory actions when received. It
units to make up the task force. is effective for execution on order of
3. CSA (COMAAC in Alaska) directs the the CSA.
designated task force commander and Specifies the task force commander’s
his staff to reconnoiter the disturbance mission and designates the task force
area to assess the situation. The units. It also instructs the commander
reconnaissance is made in civilian to be prepared to assume operational
clothing using commercial transporta- control of additional federal troops
tion and communications equipment. and others when so ordered.
4. The National Guard Bureau chief Designates a command post location
notifies the state or territorial adjutant and authorizes direct communication
general of the task force commander’s with other armed forces commanders
arrival. in the vicinity.
5. The task force commander submits States that the task force commander
recommendations concerning the will consult with the Attorney
commitment of federal forces directly to General’s senior civilian representa-
the CSA within two hours of his arrival tive, who will coordinate the federal
in the disturbance area. civilian effort and assist the task
force commander’s liaison activities
6. Meanwhile, the FORSCOM commander with civil authorities.
or appropriate commander OCONUS
ensures that the military forces are Directs the task force commander to
prepared to move. In CONUS the cooperate with, but not take orders
FORSCOM commander submits airlift from, civilian law enforcement
and surface transportation require- officials.
ments for all designated ground forces to Advises that an on-site DOD public
Director of Military Support. Outside affairs chief will be designated to
CONUS the commanders of unified or furnish public affairs advice and
designated commands provide guidance.
transportation within their capabilities. Designates a personal liaison officer
When additional transport is needed, to provide assistance and advice.

FM 19-15

Designates the Director of Military

Support as responsible for setting up
and maintaining communications
between the task force and the
Director of Military Support watch
P rovides specific instructions on the
applications of force, the use and
control of firearms, the detention of
civilians, searches of individuals and
private property, and cooperation
with civil police in these matters.
Directs the submission of situation
reports to DA at stated times and of
interim reports on major changes or
significant events.
Provides a code name for the task
force for communications purposes.
8. When the task force commander
receives an execution message directing
him to proceed with his ,mission,
military forces move into the
disturbance area, and the task force
commander assumes command of all
military forces placed under his
OPCON. At the discretion of the CSA,
the liaison officer is withdrawn or
remains in the area to assist the task
force commander.

FM 19-15


When a civil disturbance occurs on a US he notifies the Director of Military Support

DOD installation, commanders immedi- through command channels. At the
ately take action to control the disturbance. direction of HQDA, FORSCOM and MDW
Commanders have the authority and re- commanders employ augmentation forces
sponsibility to control the personnel under to reinforce the internal security forces of
their military jurisdiction. And com- installations and activities.
manders have the authority to apprehend If the civil disturbance erupts so sud-
and restrain or remove from the instal- denly that notifying DA and awaiting
lation those persons who do not come instructions through normal channels
under military jurisdiction. A commander presents a danger to life and property, an
may exercise this authority by taking such active Army troop commander may take
actions as are reasonably necessary and such actions as the circumstances justify.
lawful based on applicable regulations. Actions taken without prior authority
In general, a commander’s employment must be for the protection of life, the
of the installation’s military, law enforce- preservation of law and order, and the
ment and security forces is sufficient to protection of property. The overall situation
fragment, and carry out civil disturbance may cause the commander at the site to
operations on the military reservation. limit his mission to the protection of life
(Before using nonmilitary installation and federal property. The officer taking
security forces during civil disturbance such action immediately reports his action
operations, commanders obtain advice from and the circumstances requiring it to the
the SJA. The SJA advises on DOD policy Director of Military Support.
limiting or prohibiting the use of DOD
civilian police and guards or contract On DOD installations overseas and at
security guards for civil disturbance.) But US embassies and consulates, because
additional Federal aid may be requested if of the possible international political
a civil disturbance presents a threat to ramifications of foreign civil disturbances,
persons, property, or functions on an host-nation forces generally control dis-
installation or activity and the threat is turbances targeted at US facilities. Status
beyond the combined capabilities of local of forces agreement define the legal
resources. considerations that guide and constrain
actions by US military commanders.
The installation or activity commander Commanders must have an effective
requests support through appropriate liaison with host-nation authorities.
channels to the Director of Military Through close coordination with host-
Support. He also advises the appropriate nation authorities, US commanders can
HQDA staff agency of the request. If an determine the level of visibility and the
installation commander learns of a need to involvement, if any, of US forces.
protect other federal property or functions,


Unlike conventional military operations forces are deployed to enforce US laws
under a unified command, civil disturbance because civil authorities have not or will
operations may not have a single com- not, the federal forces serve as a part of the
mander with the required authority to military power of the United States and act
direct all control forces. When federal under the orders of the President. The

FM 19-15
Secretary of the Army, through the Army Chief of Staff, commanders can be made
Chief of Staff, directs the federal forces responsible to authorized federal civil
committed for civil disturbances. At a officials.
disturbance site, the task force commander The task force commander has com-
has operational control of military ground mand and control of all federal forces
forces. The on-site commander accom- including the federalized National Guard.
plishes his mission under the authority of National Guard units subject to a call or
reasonable necessity. That authority, how- order to federal active duty must be thor-
ever, is subject to instructions he receives oughly familiar with the provisions of
from his superiors. AR 135-300 and be prepared to meet the
requirements. Special attention must be
The issue of command and control is paid to having troops oriented on their
more complex when federal forces are status as federal troops and on their
deployed to help civil authorities control a mission. When a state’s National Guard is
disturbance. The federal forces are under federalized by the President, the letter of
the command of their superiors in the instruction to the task force commander
military chain of command. They cannot usually states that he is in command of the
be placed under the command of unfed- National Guard units. The military chain
eralized National Guard nor local or state of command and the rank structure then
civil officials. If directed by the Army operate as usual.

FM 19-15
But, just as the task force commander Military authorities cooperate with
does not turn his command over to civilian civilian law enforcement officials to the
authorities, civilian authorities are not maximum extent possible consistent with—
required to turn their local and state police The tradition of limiting direct military
over to the task force commander. And involvement in civilian law enforcement
civilian police cannot be federalized. Thus activities.
operational unity sometimes must be
sought through such means as collocating National security needs and military
operational centers, integrating communi- preparedness.
cations systems, and establishing organi- The requirements of applicable law.
zational responsibilities.
Even on federal installations, the control The task force commander cooperates to
force may consist of more than military the fullest extent possible with the gover-
forces. US marshals, DOD police or guards, nor and other civil authorities and forces
and contract security guards may have a unless, or until, such cooperation interferes
role in protecting an installation and with the mission. The task force com-
preserving order. Responsibilities of non- mander, when he reasonably can, honors
military security and law enforcement requests for help from civil authorities. He
agencies must be consistent with legal may direct elements of his command to
restrictions and prohibitions on their use. assist civil authorities, but he does not
Job descriptions, contracts, and local laws place military personnel under the com-
determine how these agencies can be used mand of civilians. This does not preclude
to protect the installation and what duties such measures as having joint patrols and
they can perform. jointly-manned fixed posts.


An effective civil disturbance task force Each part of the organization must be
depends on an organizational structure needed to accomplish the mission. Each
that allows for inclusion of a variety of element of the organization must be
military units and personnel, including designed to do its part of the mission
National Guard and reserve units. It also effectively without duplicating the missions
must allow for the possible integration of of the other organizational elements. The
military units and civilian agencies within organization must provide effective chan-
an overall force structure. The organization nels of communications to ensure complete
must take into account the responsibilities coordination of all plans and operations
of the civil authorities and agencies that and to prevent gaps and overlaps. The
will be a part of the control force. This organization must be designed to perform
includes not only law enforcement agencies its mission without disruption as the
but community support agencies as well. operation changes in scope or as the
Units organized for a civil disturbance environment changes. A unit’s ability to
mission must be in accord with the organi- task-organize to meet mission needs, and to
zational principles of: do so quickly, is imperative for civil
Essentiality. disturbance operations. The total organ-
Balance. ization must provide for the efficient use of
men, money, material, and facilities.
Flexibility. The DA Civil Disturbance Plan, known
Efficiency. as Garden Plot, provides guidance to

FM 19-15
all DOD components in planning civil EOC. Still, they may need to be notified
disturbance missions. It addresses the use to be prepared for inclusion. Inclusion in
of military resources for civil disturbances. the EOC is based on the likelihood of an
It sets the requirements for DOD represen- agency having to take an action or a sup-
tation at a task force’s headquarters. It port role and on the agency’s importance to
is published under the authority of the the mission.
Secretary of the Army, DOD’s executive
agent for military involvement in civil TASK FORCE ACTION ELEMENT
disturbances. The FORSCOM commander
publishes guidance on model Garden The threat management force is the
Plot organizations for FORSCOM and action element of the task force. The TMF
TRADOC units. The Director of Military carries out the orders of the command
Support maintains the DA Civil Disturb- group to accomplish the overall mission
ance Plan. of restoring order. The command group
employs the TMF consistent with the rules
of force and the force options. The TMF
TASK FORCE CONTROL ELEMENT consists of three subelements: the control
Responsibility for controlling the civil force, the negotiation team, and the special
disturbance resides with the task force. Its reaction team. The control force performs
control element consists of the command most of the operational tasks. The negotia-
group and the crisis management team. tion team establishes and maintains
The command group of city, county, state, communications with demonstration
and military command personnel sets leaders, if possible, and reduces the threat
policy and issues directives. They coordi- to life in special circumstances like hostage
nate the activities of civil and military situations or bomb threats. The special
support agencies, supervise the crisis reaction team serves as the final force
management team, and coordinate with option for handling special threats like
outside agencies. The CMT, made up of snipers or hostage takers. When federal
representatives of civilian and military forces are supporting civil authorities, the
staff sections, advises the command group TMF, like the command group and CMT, is
and coordinates operations and support for likely to be a mix of civil and military
the action element of the task force. The components. Civilian and military control
control elements locate in an EOC to force assets often perform control force
facilitate information processing, resource tasks jointly. However, civilian negotia-
management, and operational control. If tions teams should be used rather than
community leaders have established an USACIDC negotiations teams whenever
EOC, the task force commander may use possible. And military SRT assets are used
the EOC for his command post. If an EOC only when civilian SRT assets are not
has not been set up, the commander available in civilian communities.
establishes one and makes provisions for
including civil authorities to ensure a unity Control Force
of effort.
The diversity of missions in civil disturb
Not all CMT members are located at the ante operations creates the need for simul-
EOC. Some key people may use liaisons to taneous commitment of forces in a variety
represent them at the EOC. The key people of operations. The control force must be
can then research and discuss ideas freely, task-organized to accomplish the mission.
away from the confusion associated with The control force must be composed of
crisis management. The liaison can trans- small units able to function separately, as
mit guidance and answers to the EOC. well as part of the total force. The small
Some agencies may not be needed in the units and teams must be able to be

FM 19-15
committed independently of each other.
The small units must be responsive to
changes in the situation. And they must be
able to react immediately to their leaders’
Small-unit leaders must receive clear,
specific, and complete guidance so they
know what actions to take to deal with
rapidly changing situations. Clearly
defined responsibilities must be assigned
and exercised at the lowest practicable
level. Small-unit leaders must have
adequate authority to allow them to do
their jobs effectively. At the same time,
organizational development must be based
on unit integrity. For example, in an
infantry unit the squad may be considered
the basic patrol unit. If smaller units are
needed, fire teams can be used. Other types
of units may have to organize in a similar
Military police units are particularly well
suited for employment in civil disturbance
operations. MP are trained and experienced
in orderly confrontation management. With
very little augmentation, an MP company
possesses the basic capabilities needed for
successful civil disturbance operations. MP
capabilities include mobility, communi-
cations, and a structure that readily adapts
to task organization. MP units also have
special equipment, such as hand irons,
recognizable symbols of authority, and
vehicle emergency equipment. MP units
are routinely task-organized to accom-
plish MP missions. This makes the tran-
sition from one configuration to another
relatively easy for MP. coordinates with USACIDC for a team of
trained hostage negotiators.
Negotiation Team A USACIDC negotiation team usually
The negotiation team’s primary purpose consists of a team leader, a coordinator,
is to assist in hostage situations that may a record keeper, and trained negotiators.
accompany a disturbance. The team’s A linguist may be added if a language
mission is to peacefully resolve the event. other than English is spoken by many
It is preferable that civilian teams be residents in the disturbance area, especially
employed for hostage negotiations. The OCONUS. The team leader coordinates the
task force commander coordinates with team’s efforts. He commands the team and
civil authorities to obtain this support. If ensures that the negotiator is located away
civilian negotiators are unavailable, he from the mainstream of CP operations, free

FM 19-15

from distractions and interference. He also The negotiation team also can be very
keeps the negotiator apprised of needed helpful when control force representatives
intelligence. The coordinator collects re meet with demonstrators to communicate
ported intelligence. His work is extensive concerns of the control force, to resolve
when collecting intelligence on hostages, issues allowing withdrawal from occupied
hostage takers, weapons and explosives, buildings, or even to plan ways permitting
and the seige area. He gets intelligence peaceful demonstrators in a disturbed area.
from many sources, including the control In these circumstances, the negotiator
force, witnesses, released hostages, and serves as a “neutral” who attempts to
family members. The record keeper align the interests of the subjects with the
maintains a chronological record of all responsibilities of the control force. The
conversation between the negotiator and negotiator strives to—
subjects, especially when dealing with Be a mediator, not an arbitrator.
hostages and hostage takers. He keeps a
separate list of any and all demands and Allow the subjects to set the pace, mood,
deadlines set by hostage takers. He also and topic of conversation.
keeps a separate list of any and all Accept the subject’s views neutrally,
promises and deceptions made by the expressing neither approval nor
negotiator. disapproval.
Hostage negotiators establish a rapport Keep the subjects talking.
with hostage takers to prolong contact
and promote concessions while allowing
demands to be delayed or refused. Prolong-
ing the situation by constructively stalling
for time produces advantages for the
control force. These advantages are:
The longer a situation is prolonged, the
more intelligence can be gathered on the
location, motivation, identity, and
modus operandi of the hostage taker.
The passage of time generally reduces
anxiety, allowing the hostage taker to
assess the situation rationally.
Given enough time, one, some, or all of
the hostages may find a way to escape
on their own.
In time, hostage takers may tire or fall
asleep. This would allow peaceful
resolution of the situation.
The necessary resolve to kill or to hold
out lessens with time.
Time gives the hostage taker a chance to
make the mistakes on which an alert
control force can capitalize.
Transference, also known as the
Stockholm Syndrome, may take effect
(see TC 19-16).

FM 19-15

The negotiation process is physically and situations. The commander uses civilian
mentally exhausting. Hostage situations SRTs, if possible. If civil authorities do
especially are often lengthy. It is not have SRT assets, then a military SRT
recommended that each team have two may be employed. A low-level threat only
negotiators. If more than one negotiator is requires a general SRT manpower and
used, a gradual shift from one negotiator to equipment response capability. A sophisti-
another helps to maintain the desired level cated threat, posed by groups having unique
of rapport. Successful negotiators are abilities and seeking specific targets, requires
mature, mentally and emotionally stable, responding SRTs to possess specialized
and neither overbearing nor antagonistic training and equipment.
in their attitudes. They are experienced in
communication techniques, including being SRT actions are based on a thorough
good listeners. They also are sincere, flexi- knowledge of the situation, a tactical plan,
ble in their dealings, and physically fit. and a minimum use of deadly force. The
priority of actions by SRTs during an
Special Reaction Team operation is—
If high-risk incidents posing a grave 1. Protecting lives, including hostages,
danger occur during civil disturbance law enforcement personnel, bystanders,
operations, the control force must have suspects, and offenders.
access to specially-trained teams to neu- 2. Securing the safe release of hostages.
tralize the special threat effectively and
safely. Special threat incidents include— 3. Apprehending the offenders.
Hostage rescues. 4. Isolating and containing the incident.
Barricaded criminals. 5. Gathering information and intelli-
Barricaded criminals with hostages. gence. This is a continuous
responsibility from the start of an
Sniper incidents. incident until its resolution.
Terrorist incidents. 6. Protecting property and equipment.
Apprehensions of dangerous suspects. 7. Conducting an assault if all other
VIP protection and escort. available options have been exhausted
Threatened suicides. or the situation has deteriorated to the
point where loss of life is considered
Search and evacuation operations. imminent. An SRT assault is a last
Barricaded, mentally disturbed people. resort.
The control force commander can quickly
and successfully resolve a special threat These priorities apply to nearly all special
by requesting the support of an SRT. A threat situations. The one exception to
highly-motivated, well-conditioned team these priorities is a special threat situation
specially equipped and trained to function involving a nuclear weapon. The recovery
as a tactical unit can be effectively and of the weapon is the overriding considera-
safely employed in such special threat tion. See AR 50-5.

Information Planning and Threat Analysis

Information is the key to developing civil disturbance plans.

Who are the demonstrators? When and where will they dem-
onstrate? What are their capabilities and possible courses of
action? A civil disturbance task force commander’s need for
current, valid information cannot be overemphasized. He must
learn as much as he can about the participants, their motivations,
their strategies and tactics, their targets, and their dedication.
The more knowledge he has about the participants, the better
equipped he is to counter their actions. He needs sound infor-
mation to decide how best to use his available resources.

To be useful, collected data must be pro- information bearing on the security of an

cessed into “intelligence.” It must be seen in installation or a community. It focuses on
relation to the social, economic, and politi- potential threats. It identifies likely targets
cal climate of the area, and the likelihood and vulnerabilities. Completed, it enables a
of active participation or support from the commander to assess the threat of a civil
local populace. Obtaining and developing disturbance to an installation, a mission, or
intelligence in a timely manner is a top a community. It forms the basis for his
priority in order to use the information operational plans to counteract a civil
to assess the threat. Threat analysis be- disturbance.
gins with a broad examination of all


Planners must decide what data is information. The installation library is
needed to develop a threat assessment. usually a good source of information. It
They must also develop a list of infor- may have a wealth of open-source material
mation sources. Planners must be able to on past and current political events relat-
obtain information quickly during a dis- ing to a disturbance. Newspapers and
turbance. And they must have ways to news periodicals are also good sources of
obtain information from many sources information. They run articles or special
at once. sections on events that may lead to or
Useful information can come from open have led to a disturbance. Often, they
sources, law enforcement sources, and publish interviews with organizers. These
military sources. Having a diversity of interviews may provide insights into the
sources is the best approach. Information thoughts, perceptions, and intentions of a
from many sources prevents biased crowd’s leaders. Radio and television
interviews are very informational. And
behavior. they provide more real-time information
Open sources of information are perhaps than newspapers, which have less flexible
the most overlooked valuable sources of deadlines. In some cases, radio and TV

FM 19-15

provide live coverage of a disturbance. with agencies that routinely collect

For this reason access to a TV and a radio information or intelligence is needed to
is a must. know if they can support civil disturbance
Law enforcement sources can provide control operations. The DOD intelligence
organizations operate under limitations
useful information on criminal activists. imposed by regulations and executive
Provost marshals, military police, and orders. Attempts to skirt these restrictions
criminal investigators routinely work with may violate regulations or federal statutes.
criminal information. Information also can But intelligence organizations often can
be obtained from local, state, and federal provide important, reliable data for opera-
law enforcement agencies. Criminal in- tional planning within these limitations.
formation provided by law enforcement Local MI field offices must be an integral
agencies may reveal potential agitators. It part of all plans. They know the rules for
also may provide information on criminals collecting and storing intelligence. And
or terrorists who may try to exploit a they can provide valuable advice in this
disturbance. area. If any doubts arise about the legality
The intelligence community is the most of collecting and storing intelligence, the
restricted source of information. Liaison SJA must be consulted.

Collecting information related to a civil The Army cannot gather, process, store,
disturbance is strictly limited to protect or report information on civilians unless
the civil rights of people and organizations civilian activities can be linked directly to
not affiliated with DOD. Civil disturbance a distinct threat of a civil disturbance that
plans and materials must not include may involve federal military forces. Even
lists of groups or people not affiliated when information can be collected, certain
with DOD. But lists of local, state, and restrictions apply. The key restrictions
federal officials who have direct responsi- include the following
bility for the control of civil disturbances Computerized data banks for storage of
are exempt. Data on vital public, commer- civil disturbance information are
cial, and private facilities that are believed established or retained only with the
to be civil disturbance targets also are approval of the Secretary of the Army.
exempt from this prohibition. Information
on civilians and civilian organizations
can be collected only with specific authori- Civil disturbance information relating
zation from the Secretary or the Under to persons or organizations is stored
Secretary of the Army. Conditions for only when DA so orders.
collecting information include the exis- Spot reports generated by information
tence of threats against Army personnel, collection efforts must be destroyed
functions, or property. (See AR 380-13 within 60 days after the disturbance
and AR 381-10.) Civil disturbance infor- ends.
mation available in public documents, or
open source information, may be collected. After-action reports may, for clarity’s
But specific rules regarding its storage sake, contain names of people and
must be followed. Commanders must organizations who were directly
coordinate with SJA, MI, and USACIDC involved in the civil disturbance being
personnel before collecting any such infor- reported. But the inclusion of names
mation. must be kept to an absolute minimum.

FM 19-15

When a civil disturbance ends, the and the task force commander for planning
nature and extent of all accumulated purposes.
files other than spot reports and after- Military intelligence collection efforts,
action reports must be reported to DA. except liaison, may begin only when DA so
The report also must recommend that orders. During a civil disturbance, the
the Department of Justice either release orders must come through the CSA’s
the files or destroy them. personal liaison officer and the task force
Classification of information also limits commander. Covert operations to gather
storage, access, and handling. In general, information on nonDOD individuals and
classified information cannot be shared groups must be approved by the Under
with local and state law enforcement Secretary of the Army. Such approval is on
agencies. This restriction can hinder an operation-by-operation basis, and it
working relationships with these agencies. must come through the personal liaison
The law enforcement agency may see the officer and the task force commander.
military only as a receiver of intelligence, When DA approves collection efforts, MI
providing nothing in return. If this problem elements establish and maintain liaison
arises, and time is available, planners can with the appropriate local, state, and
ask the source to release an unclassified federal authorities. Using these liaisons,
version. Secure transmission capabilities the MI elements collect information on
must be used to discuss any portions of incidents and the general situation. They
classified information being requested. estimate the civil authorities’ ability to
control the situation. Based on current
If the Department of Justice determines plans, they report the results of their
federal intervention in a civil disturbance collection efforts to DA. They keep the
is likely, information relating to the appropriate commander informed. They
disturbance is provided to the Army provide intelligence support to the personal
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence. liaison officer and the task force com-
The information is analyzed and then mander. They also recommend other overt
provided to the Director of Military Support collection methods to DA for DA approval.

Threat analysis is a fluid and continuous Both subjective and objective informa-
process. As data for the analysis change, tion are analyzed. Public perceptions are
so do the results. Planners must adjust compared with more objective, measurable
their plans to incorporate changes that information. This can show how much
occur during the threat analysis. public opinion differs from the objective
Three kinds of information are analyzed measurement. Key factors to be analyzed
to produce a valid threat analysis: intel-
ligence and criminal information, threat State of the economy.
information, and installation/community Standard of living.
vulnerabilities. Intelligence and criminal
information provide information on the Effectiveness of law enforcement.
goals, methods of operation, techniques, Stability of the government and of the
strategies, tactics, and targets of indivi- population’s social and economic
duals and groups. Threat information situation.
identifies individuals and groups. Vul- Morale of the population, their support
nerability information identifies security of the government, and the govern-
weaknesses and high-risk targets. ment’s support of them.

FM 19-15
Some factors change slowly or infre- There are other techniques for making a
quently. These factors include the terrain threat analysis. Planners can apply a
of the area being analyzed and the politi- think-like-the-opposition technique and
cal and ethnic traits of the population. develop plans that the opposition might
Dynamic factors like weather, economic use. This technique can help identify
conditions, and security and law enforce- vulnerabilities and how they could be
ment resources change often. Some exploited. Games can be used to develop
dynamic factors can be controlled. Move- scenarios to identify the threat and to
ments of money and weapons, security of plan countermeasures. Scenarios can be
local sites, and allocations of military developed for situations involving passive
personnel can all be controlled. But many resistance, blockades, violent confron-
dynamic factors cannot be controlled. tations, bombings, arson, hostages, and
These include the weather and the actions occupations of buildings. Although
of local law enforcement agencies. scenarios are unlikely to occur exactly as
Planners can use the Installation conceived, they are beneficial. They help
Vulnerability Determining System as an identify potential problems that can be
analytic tool. It will help them identify corrected before a disturbance becomes a
vulnerabilities, set up training priorities, reality. Command post exercises and field
and allocate resources. IVDS was devel- training exercises are useful methods for
oped to help counter terrorist threats. But training personnel to respond to civil
by exchanging terms, like demonstrators disturbances. CPXs can help identify
for terrorists and community for instal- high-risk targets. They also are useful in
lation, IVDS can be tailored for civil training the people who will operate the
disturbances. IVDS is a guide only. A low EOC. An FTX allows planners to assess
score does not necessarily mean that there response capabilities. FTXs also provide
is not a problem. For detailed information opportunities for evaluating vulnerabilities
on the IVDS, see TC 19-16. from the demonstrators’ viewpoint. If an
FTX cannot be held in the community
IVDS assesses: where a disturbance may be expected,
The installation’s or community’s a community or an area with similar
characteristics and its attractiveness as characteristics can be used. And commit-
a target for terrorist acts or civil tees or councils are another means of
disturbances. evaluating threats and vulnerabilities.
Such groups should include people who
Status of training. would play a major role in a civil disturb-
Availability of communications. ance operation, particularly logistics
Nonmilitary law enforcement resources. personnel and key community officials.
Groups such as these ease the exchange of
Time and distance from US military information and make for more effective
installations that can lend assistance. civil disturbance planning.
Time and distance from urban areas.
Geographic region. When available information has been
collected and the vulnerability study is
Proximity to foreign borders. complete, an assessment of the threat can
Access to the installation or the be made. Although some weaknesses
community. cannot be corrected, others may only
require the careful use of resources. Plans
Population density of the installation or must be made to obtain resources that are
the community. not readily available. Using the identified
Terrain. vulnerabilities, planners categorize these

FM 19-15
weaknesses based on the specific counter- man become more vulnerable. Changes in
measures needed to offset them. An over- mission, tasks, and personnel also may
view of the countermeasures can reveal have an impact on the status of the
additional weaknesses. current threat analysis. Failure to update
To be of value, threat analysis must be a threat analysis on a regular basis or to
a continuous function. As vulnerabilities correct or compensate for vulnerabilities
are reduced in some areas, other areas can adversely affect response capabilities
for civil disturbances.

Operations Planning

Successful civil disturbance operations depend on adequate

plans and well-trained control forces. Planning for civil disturb-
ance operations is a continuous process. Such planning involves
coordination of personnel, logistics, and operational considera-
tions. It provides for the actions to be taken before, during, and
after civil disturbances. It is based on the assumption that federal
military resources may be committed at any time, with or without
warning, to assist local and state authorities or to enforce federal
law. Such commitment may involve either limited or massive
employment of forces.


When federal forces are requested to help of effort. The task force commander must
civil authorities attempting to control a know what civilian resources have been
disturbance, coordination with local civil and will be committed to disturbance
authorities is a must to prevent duplication operations.

FM 19-15

Civil agencies and their responsibilities, authorities can be confusing. Civilian

organization, and authority vary consid- command is not clear cut. State laws and
erably from community to community. The local ordinances vary widely on this point.
task force commander must have an index The legal aspects of mutual aid agreements
of the various agencies, their responsi- may affect the types of activities in which
bilities, lines of communication, and points the agencies may become involved. Joint
of contact. Based on this index, he can operational plans must be drawn up with
plan for liaison needs and for joint civilian due consideration to legal authority. Legal
and military efforts. Local authorities and and jurisdictional boundaries also affect
National Guard troops can supply valuable the process of controlling the disturbance,
information. They know the area, the local especially if the disturbance crosses these
agencies, and the population. Among the boundaries. Because control of a dis-
major areas requiring coordination are the turbance within a given jurisdiction is the
following: responsibility of that jurisdiction,
command and control of the disturbance
Preservation of law and order. may suddenly shift when the disturbance
Custody of offenders. crosses boundaries. In some states,
Documentation of evidence. especially where mutual aid is not clearly
News releases. defined, law enforcement personnel
Traffic and circulation control. operating outside of their normal juris-
Exchanges of situation information. diction only have the power of citizens
arrest. And the laws concerning citizens
Care of the injured. arrest also vary considerably from com-
Evacuation, housing, and feeding. munity to community. Early discussion of
Protection of key areas, facilities, and jurisdictions with the agencies involved
personnel. can reduce possible confusion and provide
Delineation of areas of responsibility for a smooth transfer of control.
and establishment of joint patrols. Whenever practical, assigned unit
Removal of debris that interferes with boundaries should coincide with local
operations. police subdivisions. This simplifies
Explosive ordnance support. coordination of activities in the area.
Equipment. Boundaries usually are located along
Use of facilities. streets or alleys, with coordinating
points at intersections. When a street is
Sometimes commanders must undertake designated as a boundary, responsibility
joint civilian and military efforts with for both sides of the street is given to one
agencies that provide resources under unit to ensure proper coverage. Arrange-
“mutual aid” agreements. Mutual aid ments should be made to have troops and
agreements and their legal considerations civil police operate together. In addition to
vary from community to community. Some the joint patrols and posts, arrangements
states have more detailed agreements than should be made to exchange liaison offi-
others. Lines of responsibility and cers at each headquarters, from company
authority between state, county, and local through division, on a 24-hour basis.


Federal forces participate in civil dis- emergency requirement, and Army re-
turbance operations as an unprogrammed sources under DA control are loaned to

FM 19-15

state and local governments and law General Counsel of the Army. When
enforcement agencies as a temporary authorized by the Secretary of the Army,
emergency measure. Therefore the costs the task force commander also may
incurred by the Army as a result of such approve Group Two requests.
operations are financed in accordance
with AR 500-50. And the policies and Group Three — Firefighting resources,
procedures for equipment loans, including including personnel; protective
property issued to the National Guard are equipment and other equipment not
delineated by AR 500-50. included in Group One or Two; and the
Army resources are classified in three use of Army facilities. Requests for these
groups. Requests are considered for resources may be granted by the
approval in the following order: Secretary or Under Secretary of the
Army, major Army commanders,
Group One — Personnel, arms, commanding generals of CONUS
ammunition, tank-automotive armies, the MDW commander, and
equipment, and aircraft. Requests for commanders-in-chief of unified
personnel to be used for direct law commands outside CONUS.
enforcement must be made by the state’s
legislature or governor. Requests for Commanders who have Group Three
other Group One resources can only be approval authority can approve requests
granted by the Secretary of the Army or, for Group Three military resources, less
when so designated, the Under active duty and reserve forces, to nonDOD
Secretary of the Army. federal agencies before or during civil
disturbances. Commanders who have
Group Two — Riot control agents, Group Three approval authority also can
concertina wire, and similar military approve requests for Army resources less
equipment that is not included in Group personnel, regardless of classification, to
One. Requests for these can only be National Guard units in an active duty
granted by the Secretary of the Army, status. Loans of Army resources will be
the Under Secretary of the Army, or the approved, if possible, when the National
Director or Deputy Director of Military Guard is authorized such resources, but DA
Support in coordination with the cannot provide them on a permanent basis.

Civil disturbance operations involve assets, regardless of ownership, that are
special consideration of logistical needs. available within a disturbance area to
Logistics planning must provide for supplement military resources.
obtaining supplies, services, and facilities
through local procurement. This includes TASK FORCE SUPPLIES AND
food and beverages, laundry services, and EQUIPMENT
sanitation facilities. When planners set
up lines of supply, they should consider Supplies and equipment that will
using nearby installations or National accompany a unit must be ready so the
Guard and Reserve facilities. Logistics unit can respond rapidly in emergencies.
planners should visit the disturbance area Supply lists must be developed with unit
to identify sources and to coordinate integrity in mind. Units must be able to
support. Authorities must identify all civil operate with self-sufficiency. Among the
and military equipment and material items that must be provided for are

FM 19-15

ammunition, food, water, gasoline, lubri- Locally purchased or manufactured

cants, spare parts, riot control agents, body shields.
maps, and administrative supplies. A Armored vehicles.
running inventory must be kept and Riot batons.
complete inspections made as necessary. Flexcuffs.
Procedures must be in place for the periodic
replacement of certain items. Bulk riot Riot control agent dispersers.
control agents, ammunition, food, and Floodlights, spotlights, and search-
gasoline deteriorate in prolonged storage. lights.
Retention of unserviceable materials can Night observation devices.
have grave consequences in an emergency. Communications equipment, particu-
Ammunition must be segregated by type. larly hand-held equipment.
That way, if there is a late notification of Videotape and instant-developing film
weapons restrictions, nonessential cameras.
ammunition can be separated before Public address systems.
Heavy construction equipment.
Some equipment or supply items that the Concertina wire.
task force may need are not organic to the Aircraft, especially helicopters.
unit or may not be transportable by the Ambulances, first aid kits, and
available means of transportation. If this Firefighting equipment.
situation should arise, commanders must Grappling hooks, ladders, and rope.
advise the chain of command so that these
items can be made available to the task Special weapons.
force through special transportation ar- Generators.
rangements, by drawing from pre- Personal protective equipment, such as
positioned stocks, or by borrowing them faceshields and protective vests.
from units close to the objective area. For Planners should consider the need for extra
example, STANO equipment, which not all tents, cots, and, perhaps, tent stoves. Plans
units may have, can be used to— also should provide for barricade and
Locate and neutralize snipers. roadblock materials and equipment needed
to build, set up, and remove barricades.
Secure roadblocks and checkpoints.
Procedures must be established for re-
Prevent ambushes or frontal attacks by supply in the disturbance area. Logistical
crowds. contact teams can be set up in the disturb-
Augment security patrols of isolated ance area. Contact teams must have
areas. direct communications with support units
Identify friendly and hostile elements. so they can get critical supplies as soon as
needed. Requisition priorities must be set to
Individual and organizational equipment ensure a fast response to resupply requests.
prescribed in CTA and TOE for troops and Suggested supplies and equipment to
units are often not sufficient for civil accompany the task force are listed in
disturbance operations. Ways to obtain Appendix 1 to Annex D of Garden Plot.
additional equipment must be considered The list of supplies contained in Garden
when planning logistical support. For Plot is the minimum needed to support a
example, vehicle augmentation may be civil disturbance operation. Commanders
needed to meet mission requirements. Other and other planners should not rule out
additional equipment that may be needed other items of equipment just because they
includes: are not on this list.

FM 19-15

ASSEMBLY AND TROOP Because rioters can use tactics that will
QUARTERING AREAS delay the arrival of troops, the commander
selects the most direct routes that are
When possible, assembly and troop least vulnerable. Close coordination with
quartering areas should be on federal, the movements officer is vital. The com-
state, or public property to reduce claims mander plans reconnaissance patrols for
for property damages, contract costs, and security en route and at arrival points. The
the dissatisfaction over perceived inequities main body must be preceded by a party of
among the populace. Reserve centers and sufficient strength to prevent interference
National Guard armories are ideal loca- with the main body’s arrival. The com-
tions. As a general rule, assembly areas mander also plans alternate routes and
should be located away from the direct arrival points.
observation of disturbance crowds. This
improves operations security and avoids Coordination with transportation units
direct harassment of the troops. Quartering must be a part of task force development.
areas are selected only after careful Each mode of transportation must be
consideration of the physical security carefully developed during logistics plan-
measures needed to protect the area and ning. The final plans must be able to be
the troops. But assembly and quartering executed quickly. Foot, rail, water, air, and
areas must be close enough to a disturb motor movements all offer certain advan-
ante area to ensure that troops can be com- tages and disadvantages. Some modes
mitted quickly. And there must be adequate require more coordination and earlier
main and alternate routes between the preparation than others. Rail movements
areas. Other factors to be considered when usually involve the use of special trains,
selecting quartering areas are the selection of entraining and detraining
points, and the calculation of departure
Weather that is likely to be encountered. and arrival schedules. Coordination with
Number of troops that are likely to be railroad officials, therefore, is an important
using the area. planning step. When selecting air travel,
Length of time that the troops will be task force planners must determine the
using the area. characteristics of available aircraft to
facilitate proper loading. In motor moves,
Availability of sanitation facilities and provisions must be made for supplies of
recreation areas. gasoline and repair parts. When forces are
to be airlifted into a disturbance area,
TASK FORCE MOVEMENT planning must include provisions for
sufficient ground transportation and
Movement to and within disturbance communications equipment in the
areas must be considered when developing disturbance area.
operational plans. The means of movement
is critical to the success of the operation Planners must also consider transpor-
because of the time factor involved. tation for use within the disturbance area.
Usually, troops are committed to civil They consider the use of commercial buses
disturbance missions on extremely short and rental cars. The buses could be used
notice. They must arrive promptly if the for mass transportation in the disturbance
disturbance is to be contained with area. Unit vehicles can be augmented with
minimal injuries and property damage. additional vehicles to provide sufficient
Troops must be moved to the objective flexibility and mobility for operational and
area in a mission-ready status, while support elements and mobile cordons.
minimizing the cost to DOD and to the Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft also
military departments concerned. should be included in transport planning

FM 19-15
for use within a disturbance area. When- handling data forms. Load plans must be
ever possible, helicopters are employed to developed for each mode of transportation.
provide command and control, surveillance, Personnel and equipment load plans must
medical evacuation, troop lift, and supply be based on unit integrity to ensure that
lift capabilities. Planning also must ad- the control force arrives in the disturbance
dress the selection of landing zones and area prepared for immediate employment.
the use of air traffic control measures in Except for limitations in handling haz-
the disturbance area. ardous equipment, each element of the
force should take its required equipment
All units with civil disturbance missions and a small reserve of ammunition, riot
must maintain qualified personnel for control agents, and basic supplies. Load
preparing load plans and certifying special plans must be rehearsed and made a part
of unit SOPs.

Civil disturbance operations require set up net radio interface/phone patches.
adequate and versatile communications (Net radio interface stations connect
equipment. Communications must be mobile radios to switching systems. From
maintained at the disturbance scene and there, the routing goes to telephone
between the scene and the operations subscribers.) Signal security measures,
headquarters. Planners must consider including authentication systems, are used
using every means of communication during disturbance operations. Radio
available, including operators working close to rioters use
Telephones. headsets to receive messages and a low
voice to send messages to keep rioters from
Hand-carried and vehicle-mounted hearing the messages. And troops must
public address systems. know emergency procedures for clearing
Commercial radio and television the radio nets.
stations. Public address systems are useful in
Teletype machines. issuing proclamations and psychological
pronouncements or persuasions. They can
Taxicab radio nets. drown out vocal demonstrations. They help
Military and civilian police radios. prevent vocal communications between
crowd leaders and crowd members. And
Civilian communications systems should they can be used by commanders to direct
be used as much as possible, but they must and control troops. Control force leaders
be supported by an independent military wearing protective masks can use mega-
system. And the military system must be phones with battery-operated loudspeakers
able to sustain all essential communica- to convey instructions to troops.
tions. If military equipment is not com- Visual signals also can be useful. Flares
patible with the civilian equipment, plans can signal the beginning and ending of
must be made to collocate stations, ex- operational phases. Hand and arm signals
change equipment, allocate frequencies, or and messengers also can be used.

Civil disturbance operations are demand- need relief if efficiency and discipline are to
ing, both mentally and physically. Troops be maintained. During civil disturbance

FM 19-15
operations, units assigned an area con- Commanders at each level must conduct
trol mission may be totally committed, a thorough reconnaissance of their opera-
preventing relief operations within the unit. tional areas. All unit leaders must receive a
Relief must be provided by a higher complete briefing from the outgoing unit.
echelon retaining uncommitted units. Routes into the areas must be reconnoi-
Ready reserve forces should not be used for tered. Critical facilities, barricades and
relief because they may become actively roadblocks, patrol routes, and other items
involved in operations. Relief must be of operational importance must be iden-
accomplished in place to ensure that the tified. And unit leaders must familiarize
relieving unit physically occupies assigned themselves with their assigned area and
facilities and the area of operation. Relief establish a rapport with the law-abiding
during civil disturbance operations must be citizens in the area.
conducted during the least critical times.
Relief priorities must be set to ensure that Commanders of the incoming and out-
forces employed at the most vulnerable going units must arrange for the exchange
facilities and in the most riot-prone areas of special equipment items essential to
are relieved first. The relief units may have the mission that may be in short supply.
more or fewer troops than the units being Vehicles and radios may be exchanged
relieved, depending on the situation. because the need for them in civil disturb-
ance operations usually exceeds the TOE
Relief operations must be coordinated issue authority. Other items, such as barri-
with civil police, fire departments, and cade and roadblock material, wirelines,
other agencies operating in the disturbance switchboards, extra ammunition, and riot
area. Civilian relief operations must be control agent munitions, can be left with
conducted in such a way that they do not the relief unit. Equipment exchanges are
conflict with military relief operations. based on the authority included in the
Any time that unit capabilities or the task relief order of the next higher commander.
force commander change, the incoming Equipment exchange must be made using
commander reviews the joint control and proper accountability procedures.
support agreements. If it is necessary, he
coordinates new agreements. This action
helps ensure available resources are used in
the most effective manner possible.
Commanders at each echelon should be
present at the field CP of the outgoing unit
to facilitate command and control. The
commander of the outgoing unit directs the
relief procedures. He usually remains re-
sponsible for the area of operations until
most of the relieving unit is in position and
communications and control have been
established by the incoming commander.
The exchange of responsibility is agreed
upon by the commanders concerned and is
verified by the concurrence of the next
higher commander. If riotous activity
occurs before the incoming commander
assumes responsibility, he assists the
outgoing commander with all means

FM 19-15
Plans and administrative procedures following services are extremely important:
must be developed to handle personnel Rest and recreational facilities, such as
actions resulting from the commitment of free movies, special service activities,
forces to civil disturbance duty. Personnel TVs in barracks, and athletic equipment
plans must provide for care of dependents and facilities.
and personal property left at home station,
indebtedness, emergency leave, sickness, Assistance to dependents and access to
and injury. To ensure personnel matters American Red Cross and Army
are properly handled in the disturbance Emergency Relief services.
area, members of unit personnel sections Post exchange facilities, including
must accompany the task force. barber shop and laundry facilities.
Financial services and access to a bank.
DISCIPLINE, LAW, AND ORDER Medical and dental services.
Directives must be published that clearly Postal services.
set the standards of conduct and appear- Leave and passes.
ance expected of the troops in the perform- Religious services.
ance of their missions. Troop relationships Legal assistance.
with, and attitudes toward, civilians must Decorations and awards.
be stressed. The provost marshal can
provide helpful advice on matters of These services are necessary to maintain
discipline, law, and order. Troops must high morale and to allow soldiers to con-
refrain from acts that could be damaging centrate on the complex, sensitive, and
to the high standards of personal conduct stressful tasks that they must perform
and discipline of the Army. during civil disturbance operations.
Appearance and discipline of federal MEDICAL SERVICES
forces have a psychological impact on the
populace and facilitate mission accom- Emergency medical attention must be
plishment. Leaders must ensure that subor- available for military and civilians. Medi-
dinates are clean, well-groomed, neat, and cal support for civilians, however, should
conduct themselves in the highest stand- be provided by civilian medical facilities.
ards of military courtesy and discipline. Military facilities should be used by civil-
The importance of strict adherence to ians only to prevent undue suffering or
prescribed standards of conduct and fair loss of life or limb. Plans must provide
treatment of civilians must be stressed for qualified medical personnel, air and
continuously. ground ambulance service, medical facili-
ties, medical supplies, medical evacuations,
MORALE AND WELFARE and casualty reporting. Casualty notifi-
Morale and welfare are areas of particu- cation procedures are prescribed in
lar concern in civil disturbance planning AR 600-10. Factors to consider for medi-
because of the restrictions and demands cal facilities include location, sources of
imposed on the troops. Because control power and water, and sanitation facilities.
forces must perform very sensitive duties Existing medical facilities, military and
under great physical and mental stress, the civilian, can be used whenever practical.
Whenever federal forces are committed to disturbance area the public is directly
a disorder, media interest is generated. In a affected by actions taken individually and

FM 19-15

collectively by military personnel. Simi- and other background data concerning

larly, the public outside the area has an the operation.
intense interest in events taking place Regular news conferences and periodic
within the area. Press interest in most briefings. They should beheld by senior
cases will be high. Unless timely, accurate civilian and military officials who can
information is furnished, the press will be provide timely, accurate information
forced to rely on speculation and rumor. and the opportunity for the media to
Soldier responsibilities with regard to question senior commanders. When it is
media contact must be made clear. Soldiers practical, the task force commander
must be informed that they must treat should consider allowing the media to
media members with courtesy and respect. accompany senior officials on tours of
They also must be cautioned not to make the affected area.
any comments concerning upcoming or Making news releases concerning civil
active civil disturbances and unit missions, disturbance operations and instructions
even if told their remarks will be “off the for public cooperation. These releases
record.” Soldiers, when approached, refer must comply with AR 360-5.
media members to superiors or the PAO.
Liaison and coordination with local
The task force commander must antici- civilian public affairs officials and
pate media contact. Plans must include the information agencies. This simplifies
clearance of all news releases with the the exchange of information, ensures
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public the information’s accuracy, and
Affairs, the on-site public affairs chief, or generally aids the news-gathering
a higher authority, whichever is appro- effort.
priate. Procedures must be established
for confiscating film and videotape of Setting up a rumor control center. A
prohibited areas. Both the PAO and the rumor control center helps reduce the
SJA must review the procedures to ensure adverse effects of misinformation.
that the ability of the media to gather and DA public affairs policy is to provide the
report news is not unduly restricted. To public, through cooperation with the news
help maintain media relations, plans also media, prompt, responsive, and accurate
must include: information. Emphasis must be placed on
Procedures for furnishing accredited the fact that the Secretary of the Army has
media members with press passes to been assigned a mission, assisted by DOD
facilitate their passage through police components, to help civil authorities in
lines and military checkpoints. News restoring and/or maintaining law and
media members must be allowed order. It also must be pointed out that the
freedom of movement as long as they do mission will be accomplished using the
not interfere with control force minimum force needed. Maximum dis-
operations. closure of accurate information on the
situation in the disturbance area with
SOPs for coordinating press requests to minimum delay is the governing principle,
cover operations in the disturbance subject only to security and operational
area, including furnishing military needs. Annex F of Garden Plot provides
escorts. the commander with guidance on the
responsibilities for disseminating public
Establishment of a newsroom by the information. Annex F also provides guid-
task force PAO. The newsroom can be ance that can aid in planning for personnel
used for periodic press briefings and for and equipment to conduct information
furnishing the media with fact sheets activities in the disturbance area.

FM 19-15
Appropriate operating procedures and newsrooms and the access control
command guidance must be issued in procedures for restricted areas. In most
writing to prevent the release of instances, the media will not be furnished
information potentially harmful to the communications or transportation, nor will
military mission. Members of the news a press center be set up in the disturbance
media must be clearly informed of the area. But a newsroom should be set up. The
location of prohibited areas that may not media should be afforded the use of tables,
be photographed or videotaped and chairs, typewriters, and other equipment
restricted areas where they must have a associated with a newsroom operation
proper escort. If soldiers must detain or when this use does not interfere with
apprehend members of the media for control force operations. If the military is
entering restricted areas without proper the only source capable of providing
authorization or for trying to film or communications and transportation
videotape prohibited areas, the soldiers support, such support will be provided, if
notify their leaders immediately. Operating possible. However, prior arrangements
procedures should include the locations of must be made for reimbursement.


Detailed plans for civil disturbance Plans for deployment.
operations at each level of command
implement the plans of the next higher Plans for withdrawing after order is
echelon. Contingency plans are prepared restored.
based on a reconnaissance of the disturb- Plans for medical care and for
ance area and a comprehensive review of evacuation operations.
after-action reports of similar operations.
Each plan shows an assembly area, routes A security plan for priority facilities that
and alternate routes to the assembly area, are vulnerable to dissident activity, that
tentative locations of roadblocks and OPs, are critical to the community’s well-
and temporary facilities for billeting, being, and that have value to the
feeding, and detention. Maps, overlays, dissidents.
aerial photographs, and sketches of the
area should be obtained. Plans for Operations plans must also provide for
distribution and reserve stockpiling are establishing and maintaining command
developed. Usually, contingency plans are posts. Locations for the EOC and tactical
not implemented exactly as written. Their command posts should be selected in
value is not in rigid application, but as a advance. Collocation of command posts
firm base from which to mount flexible and establishment of joint operations
tactics in response to developing situations. centers facilitate liaison and coordination
Operational plans provide for the main between military and civil authorities.
tasks to be accomplished in controlling a Plans must be made for staffing and equip-
civil disturbance. The plans include: ping the CPs with a minimum of delay.
A plan to isolate the affected area. The EOC must have security. Key per-
sonnel can become targets for terrorists. An
A patrol plan. alternate EOC, and people to staff it, also
Plans for crowd control. must be considered. The primary EOC
could be overrun by the disturbance. The
Plans for the neutralization of special need for an alternate EOC can be deter-
threats and for rescue operations. mined by threat analysis. If an alternate

FM 19-15

EOC is needed, procedures for evacuating Plans must include the collecting of data
the primary EOC or for passing command for reports and lessons learned. Task force
and control must be in place. personnel must keep detailed records and
journals during and after operations. An
The EOC must have extensive radio and important part of the termination process
wire communications. Sufficient phone is preparing and submitting an after-action
lines must be installed to facilitate coordi- report. The after-action report is as detailed
nation and information dissemination with as the commander feels is necessary. Or it
outside agencies and operational forces. is based on higher headquarters require
If a particular agency must be able to ments. National Guard Regulation 500-50
communicate without delays, some lines sets the format for submitting National
may have to be dedicated. And the EOC Guard after-action reports. The report’s
must have sufficient radio equipment to contents are not limited to just the findings
monitor all civilian and military opera- of the commander and his staff. The report
tional frequencies. The EOC also must may include materials or lessons learned
have space for individual work areas and contributed by subordinates or other
for conference rooms for meetings and sources that the commander feels are
briefings. An overcrowded EOC is noisy valuable.
and raises the stress level of EOC mem-
bers. Distracters have an adverse impact In the aftermath of civil disturbance
on the decision-making process. operations, many claims and investigations
are likely to occur. There must be accurate
Planning considerations must cover both and timely information for processing
the main CP and the tactical CPs in the claims and conducting investigations.
various areas where rioting is most likely Legal matters are a service responsibility
to occur. Security measures must be taken and all third party tort claims must be
to ensure that CPs are not penetrated or processed according to AR 27-20. Plans
overrun by riotous elements. Each CP must also must include provisions for resolving
have an evacuation/relocation plan. legal problems of task force personnel.

Control Force Operations
To restore order in a civil disturbance, a control force
must isolate the disturbance area to prevent the disturbance from
spreading. It must protect the people, facilities, and services likely
to become targets of attacks in a continuing disturbance. It must
exert control over the disobedient crowds. It must establish con-
trol of the disturbance area. And it must neutralize any special
threats that arise.
Federal forces can expect to do one, some, all, or any part of
these operational tasks. Which operational tasks they perform
and to what extent depends on the kind of disturbance and the
reason for federal intervention.


The initial task in controlling a disturb a means to control public utilities. Street
ante is to isolate the people creating the lights, gas, electric, water, and telephone
disturbance from those who have not yet service must be able to be turned on or off
become actively involved. Once a crowd is to support control force tactics. Passage
isolated, time is on the side of the com- into and out of the isolated area must be
mander. The first action is to identify the controlled. Persons connected with the
area and the people to be isolated. The disturbance should not be able to move into
second is to seal off the disturbance area. or out of the area. But emergency medical
The objectives ofthe task are to— personnel, public work crews, media mem-
Prevent disorder from spreading to bers, and others may need to enter or leave
unaffected areas. the disturbance area. And persons residing
within a disturbance area may need to
Move uninvolved people from the area travel to and from work. Installation
quickly. and/or municipal contingency plans
Prevent unauthorized people from usually include a pass and ID system to
entering the affected area. allow authorized personnel into and out of
restricted areas. To be effective, a pass and
Prevent the escape of people who are ID system must be carefully planned in
bent on expanding the disturbance. detail before it is needed.
Every effort must be made to allow a crowd Barriers like barricades and roadblocks
to leave an area peacefully. This reduces can be used to stop the passage of people
the number of people who may have to be and vehicles to and from an area. Or they
apprehended or dispersed. may be constructed to permit specific
people and vehicles to pass. Often it is
Useful measures for isolating an area impractical to seal off an area due to
include barriers, patrols, pass and ID physical and geographical limitations.
systems, and control of public utilities. College campuses and suburban areas, for
Some measures may be in place before the example, often have woods and open fields
disturbance. Civil authorities usually have that make them difficult to seal off.

FM 19-15
Temporary barriers of troops can be set face away from the disturbance. The use of
up until more permanent barriers can be two perimeters protects the backs of the
made. When a troop perimeter is used to troops in each line. The use of two perime-
isolate an area, the control force sets up an ters also creates a clear zone in which to
inner and an outer perimeter. The inner stop people who breach one of the lines. In
perimeter contains the area of the dis- large crowds control force stand shoulder.
turbance and keeps the disorder from to-shoulder. In small crowds they stand
spreading. Troops on the inner perimeter double arm’s length apart. If a closed
face the disturbance. The outer perimeter perimeter is needed, they can link them-
prevents outsiders from entering the selves together with riot batons.
disturbance area. Outer perimeter troops

FM 19-15

Portable barricades of sawhorses, ropes, But concertina wire is used only under the
and other field-expedient devices can be most serious circumstances. And then it is
used to impede pedestrian traffic. Con- used sparingly, because it is indicative of
certina wire is a suitable material for violent disorders.
rapidly constructed, effective barricades.

FM 19-15

Roadblocks that cannot be easily Approaches to the position must be illumi-

breached by vehicles require large and nated without silhouetting the people
heavy construction materials. Barrier manning it. Auxiliary lighting may include
materials are loaded on staged trucks for hand-carried lights, vehicle-mounted
rapid emplacement. A quickly-erected searchlights, spotlights, floodlights, flash-
barrier can be made by parking vehicles lights, and vehicle headlights. Canvas or
bumper-to-bumper. However, the vehicles sandbags should cover materials that could
may be damaged by a hostile crowd. A chip or shatter when hit by thrown objects.
vehicle-mounted barricade is useful both as And signs must be placed in front of the
a barricade and as part of a formation. It position to warn unauthorized personnel
can be made locally by fitting a wire- not to approach.
covered wood or metal frame on the
bumper of a vehicle. More permanent
roadblocks can be made from 55-gallon Perimeter patrols are useful to prevent
drums filled with water or earth. Sandbags, entry to and exit from the disturbance
earthworks, and trees can also be used to area of people or groups trying to by-
block roads. Several roadblocks placed at pass barricades and roadblocks. These
intervals of 25 to 50 feet will usually pre- patrols operate along the outer operational
vent breaches by heavy or high-speed boundary of the disturbance area. Their
vehicles. If small arms fire is likely, barri- routes can be integrated with patrol routes
cades and roadblocks must provide cover. within the disturbance area.

FM 19-15


In most civil disturbances, civil police factor to be considered. Planners must Measures of this type may or may not be in
enforce the laws in the disturbance area, analyze the destructive intent and the effect at the time of the disturbance. Troops
and military forces protect likely targets. capabilities of the participants. This also can be used to implement security
Key buildings, utilities, and services critical analysis will help identify both likely measures. Troops used as sentinels or walk-
to the functioning of a community must be targets and the degree of violence likely ing guards and at checkpoints must be
protected. Also, key people and VIPs can to occur. committed jointly with guards from the
be targets for crowds angered by official facility being protected. Existing guard
policy. The military must anticipate the need forces can be augmented with additional
for the rapid implementation of physical equipment. Fixed security posts must be
VIPs may be at risk in public, at work, or manned by enough guards to be effective
at home. Off-duty control force members security measures. (Detailed information on
may be targets if they are recognized by physical security measures and procedures and to protect themselves until relieved.
is found in FM 19-30.) Perimeter barriers, And troops can be used as a highly mobile
demonstrators with whom they have been protective lighting, alarm systems, and response force, centrally located near likely
in conflict. Control force members on patrols intrusion detection devices help deter and targets. A mobile response force reduces the
too small to defend themselves against a detect intruders. These preventive measures need for fixed security, freeing troops for
violent crowd also may be in danger. other operational tasks.
impede unauthorized access to a facility.
Armories, arsenals, hardware and sport-
ing goods stores, pawnshops, gunsmiths,
construction sites, outlets for chemical
products, and other places where weapons
or ammunition are stored must be pro-
tected. To conserve manpower, the control
force may move dangerous items to a
central facility. Facilities that could be
symbolic targets for radicals must also be
identified and protected when possible.
Likely targets for such attacks are control
force CPs, billeting areas, and motor parks.
Priorities for providing physical security
must be established. Effort and manpower
must be placed where they will do the most
good. When setting priorities for the pro-
tection of facilities, for example, considera-
tion is given to the facility’s importance to
the well-being of the community or the
installation. The loss of water and electric
utilities endangers the health of the
community. The loss of government build-
ings disrupts government functions. Radio
and TV stations, if seized by demonstra-
tors, can be a powerful tool for spreading
disorder. A facility’s susceptibility to
damage or loss must be considered. The
degree of risk to a facility is based on its
physical layout, its type of construction,
and its existing protective measures. When
developing priorities for protection, the
intent and ability of the crowd is always a

FM 19-15

The measures used to exert control in a force may be enough to disperse a dis-
disturbance affects the crowd’s behavior. organized crowd. But organized crowds
Each crowd is unique. The makeup of a have leaders to give the crowd direction.
crowd can vary during the disturbance. Leaders can plan actions to frustrate or
Control force measures must be geared counteract control force plans and tactics.
to each crowd’s size, temperament, coopera- They may use small groups, operating
tiveness, and degree of organization and independently of the main crowd, to divert
uniformity. Measures should change as or fragment the control force.
the crowd’s characteristics change. Even a A generally uniform crowd having a
change of one characteristic can drastically common cause and belief in their actions
alter a crowd’s response to control force may respond to control attempts in a
measures. Large crowds may be easy to predictable manner. The response of a
control if they are organized, cooperative, varied crowd is harder to predict. A varied
and nonviolent. Nonviolent crowds are crowd often has conflicts between factions
often easy to control with a very limited within the crowd. These conflicts can lead
show of force. Small crowds can be hard to to heated arguments and, eventually, to
control if they are organized, uncoopera- violence. A control force is open to charges
tive, and violent. of favoritism if it appears that they do not
To control a cooperative crowd, a control treat all factions evenhandedly. The control
force may only have to direct traffic, force must balance its responses to the
provide information, and control isolated actions of the various factions. They must
criminal acts like theft and vandalism. be careful not to show favoritism toward
A cooperative crowd may even have its any one faction.
own security force, which can provide The military control force uses carefully
liaison and assist the control force. But selected tactics and wisely committed
uncooperative crowds do not have to be resources to exert control over disobedient
violent to evade control. They can pas- crowds. The task force commander chooses
sively resist attempts to disperse them. the control measures most useful for con-
They can form human blockades, occupy trolling a particular crowd. The variables
buildings, or chain themselves to objects to that influence his choice include:
force arrests and bodily removal.
Intensity level of the disturbance.
Crowd size has a direct impact on the Public opinion.
selection and use of crowd control meas- Current policies.
ures. Small crowds can be very mobile.
They are easily dispersed, but they can Crowd mood, intent, composition, and
quickly re-form elsewhere. Because of this, activity.
crowd control formations are seldom Capabilities and readiness of control
effective against small crowds. Large forces.
crowds are less mobile. Because they are Immediate and long-range benefits of
easier to contact, most crowd control control force action.
formations are effective against them. Weather, terrain, and time of day.
A control force can disperse a dis- In general, the commander has four
organized crowd more easily than an options available to him. He can monitor,
organized crowd. A disorganized crowd disperse, contain, or block the crowd. These
lacks the leadership that gives a crowd crowd control options are often used in
direction. If violence has not broken out, a combination. He chooses his options based
proclamation and an organized show of on his evaluation of the particular crowd.

FM 19-15

He selects any combination of control control a situation without need for more
techniques and force options he thinks will severe measures. If communications exist
influence the particular situation. He must with crowd leaders, the authorities may be
always try to choose the response that can able to divert either the leaders or the
be expected to reduce the intensity of the crowd from their stated or apparent goal.
situation. (Control techniques and force Pressure can be put on the leaders to chan-
options not fully discussed below are nel the crowd into an area that minimizes
detailed in separate chapters later in the disruption to the community and aids
manual.) control force operations. March routes and
demonstration areas can be limited to those
MONITORING that will help contain the crowd and re-
The commander may task control force duce their potential for disrupting the
teams to monitor crowd activity and note community. Pressure can be positive, like
developments. The monitoring done by offering concessions, or negative, through
these observation teams enables the the use of deterrents.
commander to gage the crowd’s activity If the control force can gain the coopera-
and intent in relation to the overall tion of crowd leaders, it can decrease the
disturbance. It also may allow him to crowd’s potential for disorder. If crowd
influence the crowd by persuasion. Moni- leaders seek cooperation from authorities,
toring is employed throughout crowd officials should try to be accommodating.
control operations. Monitoring is appro- Crowd leaders can be placed in liaison
priate when more decisive action is not positions between the crowd and the
feasible due to crowd size or when the control force. Leaders can be made respon-
intensity of a situation might escalate. It is sible for managing the crowd by policing
particularly useful in large, nonviolent their own activities.
demonstrations. Monitoring can serve as
an interim measure until more control When planned demonstrations, marches,
forces arrive. Monitoring includes estab- or rallies within a disturbance area are
lishing communications with crowd leaders announced, the task force commander and
to convey official interest and intent to the local authorities meet with the organizers.
crowd. It also includes efforts to gain the Authorities convey the control force’s
cooperation of crowd leaders. interests and learn the organizer’s plans.
Observation teams monitor a crowd’s Crowd leaders can be encouraged to help
activities to gather information. They plan ways for the protectors to peacefully
observe and report on crowd size, location, demonstrate. Joint guidelines can lessen a
mood, and on the developing situation. demonstration’s impact on the community.
An observation team may consist of a The following matters, if they apply, are
marksman, a radio operator, and an discussed:
observer equipped with binoculars. They
may be posted on strategic rooftops and Parade or demonstration permits.
other high terrain that overlooks the Locations of the demonstration and the
crowd. Sometimes observers use helicopter- march routes.
mounted observation devices. This also
affords security for the control force. The Time limits for the activity.
control force must know where observation Provision of marshals by activity
teams are located so they do not mistake organizers.
the teams for snipers.
Communications with crowd leaders and Prevention of violence.
participants can help a commander to Safety of all involved.

FM 19-15
The task force commander and local establishes the illegal nature of a crowd’s
authorities can also inform the organizers actions. A proclamation puts the popu-
how authorities plan to deal with violence, lace on notice that the situation demands
unlawful actions, and violations of limits special measures. It prepares the people for
imposed on the activity. But they do not the presence of military authority. It tends
express their plans as an ultimatum. If to inspire respect. It supports law-abiding
they do, the organizers may hold the elements. It psychologically bolsters mili-
demonstration in defiance of authority. tary forces trying to restore order. It also
Instead, they solicit the cooperation of all demonstrates to all concerned the gravity
concerned so the demonstration, rally, or of the situation. It is an excellent way to
parade can occur without incident. make a commander’s intentions known to a
Taking pictures of the faces of crowd crowd. And it is a good way to reduce a
members can prevent or reduce unlawful crowd’s size before direct action is taken.
and violent acts. Knowing they can be The control force commander can make a
recognized lessens crowd members’ sense verbal proclamation similar to the fol-
of anonymity. And, if needed, photographs lowing: “In the name of the President of
or videotapes can be used as evidence the United States, I command that you dis-
for prosecutions. To be effective, crowd perse and retire peaceably to your homes.”
members must see their presence being Such a proclamation may even make direct
recorded. The photographer or cameraman action unnecessary.
should be in uniform to let the crowd know
he or she is a member of the control force. In making a proclamation, a commander
The photographer must be close enough to may consider imposing a time limit. But
the crowd to be easily seen, but not close the situation may change, and the lack of a
enough to be endangered. time limit would leave the commander free
to choose other actions when he wants, A
proclamation must be specific in its in-
struction. If a time limit is stated, it must
DISPERSING allow a reasonable length of time for the
The commander may task the control crowd to comply with the instructions.
force to disperse the crowd. The intent of When drafting a proclamation, the com-
dispersal is to fragment a crowd. This mander must consult closely with his SJA.
option is most useful for small crowd He must use the simplest language possible
situations in congested urban sites. But to maximize the proclamation’s effect. If
dispersal may increase and spread law- proclamations must be translated to a local
lessness rather than reduce it. Thus the language, the translation must be made
control force must control the dispersal with great care. The commander at the
routes and the areas in which dispersal scene may direct that a proclamation be
will occur. The force must protect the fa- issued over public address systems. The
cilities that are likely targets for dispersing force of the words used in the proclamation
groups. And dispersal operations may need must be gaged to the composition of the
to be followed by apprehensions of small crowd. If the crowd consists of usually
groups still active in the area. The use of law-abiding citizens who are presently
proclamations, a show of force, crowd assembled to show disagreement with
control formations (see Chapter 8), and riot an existing situation, the proclamation
control agents (see Chapter 9) can disperse requires less force. On the other hand, if
crowds. the crowd consists of militant rioters, the
proclamation requires more force. The text
Issuing a proclamation can help dis- may take a number of forms, depending on
perse a crowd. A proclamation officially the situation.

FM 19-15

Marching troops in a show of force is troops arrive by helicopter, the psycho-

often a useful measure for dispersing a logical impact of the helicopters can be
crowd. Troops arriving by truck dismount used. Troops dismount from the helicopters
and assemble out of sight of the crowd. in sight of the crowd, but far enough away
This point is as close as possible to save to prevent damage to the aircraft by
time and conserve troop energy, but far thrown objects. (The first echelon to
enough away to ensure security. When dismount from the aircraft secures the

FM 19-15
landing area.) When small groups are a temporary obstacle between a crowd and
scattered throughout a large disturbance a line beyond which they will not be
area, a show of force can be made by allowed to cross. A well-trained mobile
marching troops, by motor marches cordon can effectively do the job of as
through an area, by saturation patrol- many as 10 times the number of dis-
ling, and by setting up static posts. Some- mounted soldiers. But troops must train
times marching a well-equipped, highly- intensely to be able to execute safe, quick
disciplined control force into view of a reversals of direction for mobile cordons on
crowd may be all that is needed to con- narrow roads. By-the-numbers commands
vince them to disperse and retire peace- issued over vehicle radios is a good method
ably. However, a show of force may attract for coordinating cordon movements. The
people to an event. And it may provoke a cordon’s speed is usually about 5 miles per
nonviolent crowd into a violent con- hour with an interval of at least 20 feet.
frontation. Troops must be silent and alert. Blue and
CONTAINING red lights, sirens, blinkers, and horns may
or may not be used. Armored vehicles also
The commander may task the control can serve as mobile CPs. They provide
force to contain the crowd. Containment security, communications, and mobility.
limits a crowd to the area they are pres-
ently occupying. It prevents the disorder Vehicles equipped with a public address
from spreading. Containment is a suitable system are useful. The address system can
option for a campus disorder. It keeps be used to issue commands and directives
demonstrators from spreading out to sur- during control operations. And the vehicle
rounding communities. It keeps outsiders itself may be used as a command post or a
from entering the campus. Containment rally point. It can also serve as a weapons
also is useful when crowd members must be carrier and a barricade for channeling
apprehended. Crowds can be contained by crowd movement.
crowd control formations, perimeter
patrols, and barriers.
Armored vehicles are adaptable to BLOCKING
roadblock operations, serving as barriers. The commander may task the control
They also can provide added protection force to block a crowd. Blocking physically
for the troops. They provide an easily denies a crowd’s advance. It may be used
accessible barrier for troops to crouch to protect a facility or area that is a
behind and protection for those troops potential or actual target. Crowd control
inside. Military vehicles traveling at close formations, mainly the line formation, and
intervals in a column formation next to a barricades are used to block. Barricades of
crowd is a largely psychological barrier. vehicles, concertina wire, and water-filled
They can be used to contain a large, fast- barrels are used to block or to channel the
moving crowd. The moving cordon creates movement of the crowd.


Unimpeded government operations and increases unrest and the possibility of
are essential. Public transportation, com- group violence. The control force must
munications, and other public services and prevent acts of interference with public
utilities also must continue operations functions and help maintain those
during periods of unrest and tension. Dis- functions.
ruption of such services works hardships

FM 19-15

Control of a civil disturbance area usually to prevent these businesses from being
does not require the imposition of martial looted.
rule. The role of the military is to support, Looting may start at any time or
not supplant, civil authority. Thus military any place. It may start as an isolated
forces never take over. They issue orders incident and quickly spread throughout an
and regulations only to support and enforce affected area. Looting often involves
civil law and to restore civil authority. women, children, and the aged. Troops
The concept of martial rule is unusual in dealing with looters must exercise extreme
that it is not written, neither in the form of caution, being careful to apply the principle
law nor as a military regulation. Martial of minimum force. Most children found
rule is based on public necessity. Public looting have no idea of the seriousness of
necessity in this sense means public safety. their actions.
Martial rule usually is exercised at the Commanders must be familiar with
direction of the President. But state au- the antilooting measures that can be taken
thorities may take such action within their by civil authorities. These measures include
own jurisdictions. And local military boarding up windows, covering windows
commanders do have emergency authority with two sheets of plastic containing CS
if time factors would thwart effective agents or luminescent particles between the
action. For example, after the 1906 earth- sheets, and promptly posting looting
quake General Funston ordered buildings penalty warnings. Antilooting measures
in San Francisco dynamited to halt the that can be taken by the control force
spread of fire. At the same time, he an- include:
nounced and enforced measures against Foot and motor patrols.
Fixed guard posts.
Whether or not martial rule has been Roadblocks and barricades.
proclaimed, commanders must weigh each Illumination of likely looting targets.
proposed action against the threat to public
order and safety. If the need for martial
rule arises, the military commander at the Troops can be posted in likely businesses,
scene must so inform the Army Chief of and patrols can be increased in and around
Staff and await instructions. If martial rule these businesses. Weapons can be tem-
is imposed, the civilian population must be porarily confiscated and stored in a
informed of the restrictions and rules of central, secure facility. Troops at fixed
conduct that the military can enforce. posts must be briefed not to leave their
The information, whether announced by posts to pursue individual looters on foot.
proclamation or order, is given the widest They must remain on post and prevent
possible distribution by all media. looters from approaching their areas of
LOOTING AND ARSON Troops must be briefed that deadly force
Control in the disturbance area must will not be used to apprehend looters.
prevent looting and arson. Liquor, drugs, Deadly force is not authorized to control
weapons, ammunition, and explosives must looting. Even the looting of weapons and
not fall into the hands of rioters. Liquor ammunition does not justify the use of
stores, drug stores, sporting goods stores, deadly force. But the potential danger that
pawn shops, and hardware stores are such looting represents dictates that every
highly sensitive targets in a disturbance available measure, short of deadly force,
area. Simply ordering that they be closed is be employed immediately to prevent
not sufficient. Quick action must be taken looting.

FM 19-15
Acts of arson frequently accompany performing his official duties. The act
outbreaks of lawlessness. Lives and includes members of the National Guard
property must be protected from lawless and of a federal control force in its defini-
firestarters. Once a fire breaks out, the tion of law enforcement officers. Close
firefighting task force must be able to coordination with local governmental
respond rapidly. The control force is also bodies can help the commander make use
responsible for providing security for the of civil laws, ordinances, and restrictions.
firefighters. And the advice of the SJA will ensure that
Fires may be started without apparent no improper actions are taken by a control
force in regard to civil law. News media
purpose. They may be planned to destroy provide a means by which laws, ordi-
public and commercial records. Or they nances, and similar restrictions can be
may be reprisals for past grudges. Fires publicized and explained to the populace.
can be set by an ordinary person with little
sophisticated knowledge. The equipment Except in the unlikely event of martial
consists of easy-to-obtain common items, rule, federal forces cannot impose re-
such as a candle, a jar lid, some rags, and strictions on a civilian population. But
lighter fluid. But their destructive potential restrictions may be imposed by civilian
is considerable. Because of the innocuous authorities to aid the control of lawless-
appearance of makeshift arson materials ness. Military leaders can recommend
and the ease with which an arsonist can which restrictions have the most value in
move through the chaos of a disturbance, comparison to the amount of effort needed
detection and prevention are extremely to enforce them. The most commonly
difficult. recommended restrictions are curfews and
Arsonists can present a grave threat sales restrictions.
to life. The immediate saturation of a
disturbance area by a control force may Imposing a curfew is a highly effective
impede an arsonist’s mobility and reduce control measure in many civil disturbances.
his ability to strike. Lighting the disturb- It restricts the movement of people on
ance area at night reduces an arsonist’s streets and in public places, especially at
chances to operate undetected. Portable night. Before curfews are imposed, joint
lights can augment the existing lighting civilian-military planning must address:
system for this purpose. The threat of Coordination of the initiation,
arson must be reduced with a minimum of enforcement, and termination of a
force. But when deadly force is the only
way to prevent the arson and all of the curfew.
conditions for using deadly force are met, Public proclamations to initiate and
deadly force may be used. terminate curfews.
Curfew exemptions and guidance on
CIVIL LAWS, ORDINANCES, who should receive the exemptions,
AND RESTRICTIONS including written authorizations and
Civil laws and ordinances that can be passes.
helpful to control forces may already exist Provisions for the apprehension and
in the disturbance area. Some of these disposition of curfew violators.
laws, because they limit civil liberty, are
enforceable only during times of civil Local civil authorities set up a curfew and
violence. The Civil Disorders Act of 1968 pass system based on local laws and
makes it a federal offense to obstruct, ordinances. Control forces help enforce the
impede, or interfere with any fireman or system. Some persons must be granted
law enforcement officer who is lawfully passes so essential businesses and public

FM 19-15
utilities can operate during the curfew in rioting and public disorder may be
period. Sometimes all travel must be made unlawful. Making hostile or inflam-
restricted. As tensions ease, limited travel matory speeches advocating the overthrow
can be allowed if permission is granted by of the lawful government and threats
civil authorities. against public officials, if it endangered
public safety, could violate such law. Such
Restrictions on the sale, transfer, laws, if imposed at an early stage, reduce
and possession of certain materials can the danger of disorder and riot by large
help reduce the chance and likelihood of groups of people.
violence. Access to alcohol, drugs, gasoline,
firearms, ammunition, and explosives
needs to be controlled to prevent violence. As tensions ease, assemblies can be
Civil authorities can also prohibit the allowed if permission has been granted by
carrying of firearms, ammunition, and the proper civil authority. A group can
explosives. This can apply to automatic apply for a permit to meet at a certain
weapons, grenades, shotguns and sporting place and time for a specific reason. Use of
rifles, pistols, revolvers, firing devices, and permits lets civil authorities prepare for
some chemical agents. This prohibition and be alert to potential trouble areas.
would allow seizure of privately-owned Permits are appropriate for large events
weapons being carried in vehicles or in the like parades, rallies, athletic events,
open in public. political and labor meetings, and similar
Receipts must be provided for all confis- gatherings.
cated items to maintain accountability. Laws and ordinances may already
Receipts ensure that any items that can be in place to reduce communications
be returned will get to the right people. interference with official messages to the
Civil law enforcement agents may have public. These laws also place an effective
authority to confiscate not only weapons limit on the ability of agitators and mob
but items that could be used as weapons. If leaders to reach a large number of people.
so, vehicles and people entering or leaving It helps if all communications equipment
a disturbance area can be inspected, and able to transmit or interfere with official
objects like clubs, bottles, and chains can messages are required to be registered.
be confiscated. Sound trucks and electronic megaphones
Other restrictions that may be imposed would also come under these restrictions.
include restrictions on:
Interference with public functions. Alert, aggressive patrolling of the
Communications. disturbance area deters the gathering of
crowds. The use of saturation patrolling is
most effective for this purpose. It allows
During a civil disturbance, it may be ad- information to be collected. And it creates
visable to prevent people from assembling. the psychological impression of the control
Civil law can make it unlawful for people force being everywhere at once.
to meet to plan an act of violence, rioting,
or civil disturbance. Prohibitions on Standard military transport vehicles
assembly may forbid gatherings at any provide mobility and communications for
place and time. Or gatherings may be re- area coverage. Troops must be deployed
stricted to certain places at certain times. with enough vehicles to provide the
Civil law may also specify the number flexibility to handle all situations in the
of people that may lawfully gather in an disturbance area. The vehicles can be
area at one time. Inciting or participating modified with sandbags, armor plate, wire

FM 19-15
screen, or similar materials to protect protect themselves. The size of the patrols
against sniper fire and thrown objects. may vary with the degree of violence and
the extent of activity in the patrol area. But
Armored vehicles patrolling an area most often foot patrols are squad-size. A
of violence provide an added psycho- squad has enough patrol members to keep
logical effect. And they allow troops to the use of force minimal. It also keeps the
maneuver close to snipers to make an patrol from being easily isolated or placed
apprehension. They also may be used as in jeopardy.
rescue vehicles to extract hostages or
people surrounded by a hostile crowd. Land or water motor patrols, because of
their speed and mobility, provide timely
Varying patrol routes and times for reconnaissance and broad area coverage.
mounted and dismounted patrols keeps Motor patrols are in radio contact with
lawbreakers from being able to pick a safe task force headquarters. They can make
place or time to act. Patrols are particularly periodic contacts with foot patrols and
useful in preventing overt arson and vio- stationary posts that lack communications.
lence. Patrol members can also spot and And motor patrols can respond quickly to
promptly report fires. Whenever possible, calls for help from other patrols and from
military patrols are integrated with civil guard posts. Land patrols should have at
police patrols. Joint patrols conserve mili- least two vehicles with four men in each.
tary forces and aid civilian-military com- The patrol must have strength in numbers.
munications. They also help troops become And it must not be easily isolated or placed
familiar with an area quickly. And the civil in jeopardy. All motor patrols are equipped
police are available to make apprehensions with fire extinguishers to put out small
if they are needed. Patrol members must fires, thus reducing the burden on the
practice proper standards of conduct and fire department.
fair treatment of civilians at all times.
They are performing an important com- Air patrols are helpful in directing the
munity relations function as well as a overall control effort in the disturbance
control function. area. They can perform reconnaissance and
surveillance over the disturbance area.
Several types of patrols can be employed They are an excellent means of providing
effectively for area control. Foot patrols are timely information. They can monitor
most effectively used in small areas or in rioters’ actions, the extent of damage, the
areas where many people are moving status of access routes, the locations and
about. Foot patrols must be able to control conditions of road barriers, and other
the disorderly. They must also be able to important conditions.


Control forces can be exposed to special SNIPER FIRE

threats that pose grave danger to both the
control force and the general community. Troops who take part in civil disturbance
These threats include, hostage/barricade operations may be fired upon by snipers.
situations, sniping, bomb threats, and fires. And when crowd control formations are
Quick, organized action by the control force being used, the threat of sniper fire in-
can reduce or possibly prevent the tragedy creases. Troops must be prepared to react
that these events can cause. immediately. Measures to counteract sniper

FM 19-15

fire must be executed with speed and Usually this will be an SRT and a nego-
precision. tiation team. The troops should try to fix
the exact position of the suspected sniper
The troops must be aware, however, that so they can inform the SRT leader.
persons in the crowd may try to disrupt a
formation with loud noises, such as fire- Measures must be taken to secure the
works or bursting paper bags. The troops area. If the control force unit on the scene
must be alert to such tactics. Automobile is large enough, they can secure the area.
backfires, firecrackers, light flashes, In most situations, however, it will ,be
accidental weapon discharges, indiscrimi- necessary to commit reserves or other
nate firing by control forces, or distant control force elements. Regardless of what
sounds of firing can all be misconstrued as units are used, they must take steps to
sniper fire. isolate, evacuate, observe, and support.
A security unit sets up an inner and an
The normal reaction of a well-trained outer perimeter to isolate the area and
combat soldier is to respond to sniper fire to block the sniper’s escape routes. The
with an overwhelming mass of firepower. perimeters are set up far enough from the
In a civil disturbance, this tactic endangers danger area to prevent exposure to sniper
innocent people more than snipers. The fire. The unit notifies all other control force
preferred tactic is to use an SRT to enter units that are not involved in neutralizing
the building from which the sniper fire the sniper to stay clear of the area.
originates. Troops must not return a
sniper’s fire unless the prerequisites for If the sniper is encountered in a lightly
using deadly force exist and they have a populated area or building, the unit advises
positively identified target. The control residents to leave using a specific route or
force leader must not permit a mass return exit. As the residents exit, the security
of fire that may endanger innocent people. unit screens and identifies them to make
If firing is necessary, it must be done by a sure that the sniper is not among them.
selected marksman acting on orders from Witnesses and people suspected of being
the senior military person present. And the involved with the sniper are detained.
marksman must consider the possibility of Some residents may be unwilling, unable,
ricochets before engaging a target. or afraid to leave. The unit then makes a
second announcement advising the remain-
When troops encounter possible sniper ing residents to seek cover, stay where they
fire they: are, and stay away from exposed areas and
1. Take cover immediately.
Control force units set up observation
2. Notify bystanders to clear the area or posts on rooftops and in windows of nearby
seek cover. buildings. The observers must have com-
3. Verify that it is sniper fire that has, in munications equipment. Control force units
fact, been encountered. must be ready to support the SRT. That
support may include:
4. Report verified sniper fire and request
assistance. Setting up a staging area for the SRT
and for emergency and support
5. Locate the sniper’s position. equipment.

When sniper fire is verified, the troops Setting up a field CP.

inform the appropriate people of the
situation so help can be sent to the scene. Controlling crowds.

FM 19-15

When the SRT takes action, team members be ready when needed, they may have
will: to stand by as part or all of the inner
perimeter. If the hostage taker tries to
Surround the building in which the communicate demands to the control force
sniper is concealed and gain access. before the negotiators arrive, the demands
They may use armored vehicles if are recorded and communications are
necessary and if they are available. maintained, but no commitments are made.
They tell the hostage taker that a negotia-
Illuminate the area during darkness. tor will be there shortly. Any demands
Darkening a street to gain protection made and any additional information
from sniper fire is counterproductive. about the event are provided to the hostage-
They may use night observation devices site CP. The demands and information must
if they are available. be provided to the negotiation team and the
responding SRT.
Employ riot control agents initially, if The negotiation team must have infor-
feasible, rather than small arms fire. If mation to support negotiations. They get
the agents are not successful, then the their information from interviews with
team may use well-aimed fire by a initial response personnel, witnesses, es-
specifically designated expert caped and released hostages, and captured
marksman. The number of rounds fired suspects. It is critical that the team quickly
is kept to a minimum to reduce the learns the identities, personalities, motives,
hazard to innocent people. habits, and abilities of the offenders. This
information helps the negotiator relate to
HOSTAGE/BARRICADE the offenders persuasively and on a
SITUATIONS personal level. The negotiator must know
to whom he is talking. The intelligence
In a hostage situation, the control force’s must be organized to answer the following
main concerns are to contain the event and questions:
to remove bystanders from the area to
reduce the chances of more hostages being
taken. The control force contains the hos- Do the offenders have criminal records?
tage site by setting up two perimeters. The If so, a wealth of personal information
inner perimeter of troops must be located may be derived from their records.
so they can restrict the hostage taker’s
mobility without endangering the hostages. Do the offenders possess special skills
The outer perimeter of troops must be and knowledge? Could they possibly be
located where they can prevent innocent trained in explosives and sniper tactics?
bystanders from getting injured or killed or This information must be considered
from interfering with the activities at the before deciding to make a straight-on
hostage site. It also helps prevent obser- assault.
vation by bystanders. The presence of
onlookers may only inflame the situation.
Do the offenders have any special
As security is being established and affiliation? Are they members of any
innocent people are being evacuated from group or religious sect that may dictate
the area, the commander requests the or influence their behavior?
negotiation team and alerts the SRT. The
SRT may prepare for an assault, but they What habits or addictions do they have
must be very careful not to interfere with that could predictably influence their
the negotiation effort. For the SRT to behavior?

FM 19-15
What immediate needs do they have, times. All the efforts and progress of a
such as transportation, medical care, negotiation team can be destroyed with one
food, water, or other basic concerns, that accidental or unauthorized shot. The goal
could be negotiable? is for the negotiation team to resolve the
situation without resorting to violence. The
If they are recognized terrorists, what decision to commit the SRT must not be
are their previous methods of operation? based on trying to obtain a quick resolution
Do they shoot hostages? to the problem. Negotiations must be given
time to succeed. If negotiations fail, the
SRT is employed as a last resort.
The physical descriptions of the offenders
and other people inside the barracade are
important. They must be distributed FIRES
immediately to all persons involved in the Fire, and its potential for destruction,
operation. Any photographs help to requires detailed plans to provide im-
identify offenders quickly if they come out mediate and effective responses to limit its
pretending to be hostages. Hostage takers effects. The actions of the firefighting task
have forced hostages to trade clothes with force must be closely coordinated with
them in an effort to fool control force those of the control force. Local authorities
personnel. And hostage takers have been are responsible for the task force. The
known to give hostages empty rifles and firefighting task force consists of fire-
force them to a window to see if control fighting and lifesaving equipment and
force personnel will fire. operational and security personnel. Ad-
ditional equipment and people may be
Intelligence about the hostages is equally requested through mutual aid if additional
important. First, it helps ensure hostage resources are needed. The firefighting task
safety. Second, it helps evaluate what force must be able to move rapidly with
might happen inside a barricade before a enough equipment to quickly put out or
seige is ended. As well as knowing the contain large fires and then move on. More
number of hostages, their identities, and than one firefighting task force may be
their descriptions, every effort must be needed. Each firefighting task force has its
made to learn the following information: own area of operation. When large-scale
Sexes and ages. fires occur in a limited area, several task
Relationships with each other. forces operate together.
Special training or skills. The firefighting task force is totally
Special food and medical needs. committed to containing fires. It depends
Degree to which they are being on other agencies for its security. Fire-
threatened. fighters and their equipment are extremely
vulnerable to harassment and attacks.
Susceptibility to hysteria or other Security for firefighters usually is provided
adverse reactions to extreme excitement by military units. The military leaders
or stress. work closely with the senior fireman or
These factors can help determine the with a designated liaison to ensure that
order in which a negotiator may try to adequate and timely assistance is provided.
have hostages released. If possible, all The size of the security force varies with
information about hostages should come the size of the firefighting task force. It
also varies with the level of hostility in the
from outside the barricade. area and the number of people and
The control force commander must equipment that can be allocated to the
maintain strict control of firepower at all security mission.

FM 19-15
Mobility is a must. Control force ele- and joint operational facilities during civil
ments tasked with security must have disturbances. If possible, each facility
enough vehicles and communications should have a telephone tracing capa-
equipment to move rapidly. Vehicles must bility.
be equipped with flashing emergency lights
to enable them to move safely through Switchboard operators and others likely
traffic and intersections. Military police to receive bomb threats can be provided
vehicles, if they are available, can escort with a checklist so they will know to—
the security force. Activate the telephone tracer system if
The following actions are taken at the one is available.
fire scene: Learn and record the bomb’s location;
the time of detonation; the type of device,
A protective cordon is set up around the including physical description; the sex,
firefighters’ area of operation. The approximate age, and attitude of the
cordon includes security of hoses and caller speech peculiarities or accent;
hydrants. The cordon concentrates on distinguishing sounds or background
activities outside the cordon. Small noises coming from the caller’s location;
units are assigned areas of and the reason for placing the bomb.
responsibility like they would be for any Inform the appropriate people of the
defensive posture. threat.
Observation posts are positioned in and
on nearby tall buildings to prevent The checklist needs to be placed near as
sniping or other attacks. many telephones as possible.
Hostile crowds are controlled with
crowd control techniques. If necessary,
reinforcements are called up.
Traffic trying to enter the area is blocked When a bomb threat is received, the
and diverted. responsible commander notifies appropriate
control force elements, fire and medical
BOMB THREATS services, utilities, and EOD units. He has
them report to a staging area near the
Bomb threats often occur during civil threatened facility. He orders roadblocks
disturbances. Frequently, warnings are or checkpoints set up as needed to keep
given to avoid the loss of innocent lives unauthorized people out of the area.
when a bomb has been planted. However, Perimeters to isolate the area must be far
after an explosion, cranks or disturbed enough away to prevent danger from an
persons occasionally may make threats or explosion.
give false notice to interrupt activities or
business by forcing evacuations. If a fake If the occupants must evacuate the
threat successfully causes an evacuation, building, the evacuation must be orderly.
then more threats usually follow. But any This is best accomplished by using a
doubts concerning safety must always be bomb evacuation plan, a fire plan, or
resolved in favor of evacuation. announcements and directions to building
occupants. The plan must designate
Most bomb threats are received by tele- withdrawal to a building or an area that
phone operators of businesses and schools. offers shelter from the elements. Care must
Bomb threats also may be received at be taken not to create panic. Occupants
rumor control centers, police headquarters, should be told to check their immediate

FM 19-15

surroundings for any unusual or out-of- locations and report their findings to the
place objects or packages before evacuating on-site commander.
the building. Employees should take their
briefcases, overcoats, and like items with The teams first search public access
them when they evacuate. areas. These areas include:
Selected employees or residents of the Building utilities.
building and control force members are Hallways.
organized into search teams. The teams Administrative areas.
must be equipped with communications. Dining areas.
Teams must be warned that the use of Grounds outside the building.
radios during a bomb search can be
dangerous. Radio transmissions can cause Shipping and loading areas.
premature detonation of a blasting cap. Vehicles parked near the building.
The search teams also must be warned Supply rooms.
not to touch any suspicious items. Bombs Stairwells.
may have antitampering devices that set All accessible closets and storage areas.
them off when someone tries to move or
open them. Searchers also must be warned They report suspicious objects or packages
that bombs can be disguised in many found during the search. These objects or
ways. Bombs can be hidden in fire ex- packages must not be handled. Even when
tinguishers, shoe boxes, briefcases, lunch a bomb is located, the search must continue
pails, and parcels. Because of this, building because there may be more than one bomb.
occupants who are on the team should look Bomb dogs can be used to aid in the search
primarily for something that does not if they are available.
belong in the building or is out of place.
Control force members on the team are When the bomb itself or a suspicious
there to ensure that the search is sys- object or package is found, EOD or a police
tematic and thorough. They are not there bomb squad is summoned to neutralize the
to conduct the seach. Control force mem- bomb or suspect packages. (For further
bers record suspicious items and their guidance on bomb threats see FM 19-30.)

Force Options

The task force commander’s mission is to help restore law

and order. In carrying out this mission, the task force commander
ensures that only minimum force is used. In selecting an opera-
tional approach to a civil disturbance situation, the commander
and his staff must adhere scrupulously to the “minimum neces-
sary force” principle. For example, crowd control formations or
riot control agents must not be used if saturation of an area with
troops will suffice. The presence of large numbers of troops can
prevent the development of situations in which the use of deadly
force is necessary. A large reserve of troops should be maintained
during civil disturbance operations. Knowing that a large reserve
force is available builds morale within the control force and helps
prevent them from overreacting to provocative acts by disorderly
persons. Any doubts about the number of troops required usually
should be resolved in favor of large numbers.

Every effort is made to avoid appearing Rules governing the application of force
as an invading force. The commander has as they apply to the specific situation.
many troops at his disposal. But he com-
mits them only when and in the numbers The psychological aspects of the local
necessary. When he does commit troops, he situation, specifically addressing types
ensures that they function in a highly of abuse that the troops can expect to
organized and disciplined manner. The receive and the proper responses to that
control force must present the image of a abuse.
restrained and well-disciplined force whose
sole purpose is to assist in restoring law Identification to be used by news media
and order with a minimum loss of life and representatives and civil officials, if
property and with due respect for those known.
citizens whose involvement may be purely
accidental. While control force personnel The special orders contained on GTA
must be visible, their tactics or force con- 21-2-7.
centrations should be those that will calm
rather than those that may excite.
When the troops arrive at the disturbance
area, they must know and understand
All troops, before taking part in civil operational restrictions and the permissible
disturbance operations, must be briefed degrees of force. They must have a written
on— copy of the special orders. All troops must
The background of the situation and the understand and comply with the special
specific mission of the unit. orders.

FM 19-15

The intent of the special orders is to stressful situations. The masks, especially
achieve a balance in the use of force and when worn with the hood, can increase the
thereby avoid indiscriminate firing in civil risk of heat casualties. They limit the
disturbance situations while protecting the amount of strenuous activity that soldiers
soldier’s right of self-defense. These special can perform. Proper training is the best
orders can be supplemented by additional way to reduce the disadvantages of wear-
written orders for special posts, positions, ing the protective mask. The protective
or operations. Such orders must be as mask carrier is worn in the front to give
simple and brief as possible. added protection to the groin area.
Each unit commander must ensure that The black leather gloves with inserts
his troops have all the personal protective protect the hands. However, soldiers using
equipment needed for civil disturbance equipment or weapons may not need the
operations. Civil disturbance equipment is protection of the gloves. They may need
not stockpiled or issued in quantity. It is flexibility more than protection.
requested or acquired when it is needed. Body shields provide protection that com-
Generally, each soldier’s equipment con- plements the protective vest. They may
sists of the battle dress uniform, a helmet, replace the flak vest altogether. Body
a faceshield, a flak or protective vest, a shields are very effective protection against
pistol belt, a first-aid kit, a canteen, a pro- thrown objects. When pushing back a
tective mask, leather gloves, and a body crowd, body shields deny demonstrators
shield (2 1/2 feet x 4 1/2 feet). Protective something to grab. When body shields are
vests are required when violence is ex- used in groups or formations, they provide
pected. The vest protects the vital organs in a Protective wall for rescue forces and have
the torso. On the other hand, protective strong psychological effects on the crowd.
vests are heavy and cumbersome. In very The Army does not stock body shields.
hot weather, they may increase the risk of However, they may be purchased locally
heat injuries. There is a trade-off between from police equipment manufacturers or
protection and a loss of effectiveness, distributors. Body shields also may be con-
mobility, and visibility caused by the structed locally using aluminum sheets.
equipment. In any case, they must be sturdy and
The helmet and the faceshield protect the lightweight. They must cover the body’s
head and face. Protective masks are vital width from the chin to the knees. If the
items when CS agents and/or smoke are resources are available, viewing slits can
present during a civil disturbance. The be cut in the shields approximately 6
soldiers must know how to use the mask in inches from the top.

FM 19-15

Hand irons are needed for apprehensions. But his choice will always be consistent
The use of hand irons requires special with the principle of using only the mini-
training to avoid damaging the detainee’s mum force needed to accomplish the
wrists and to ensure their efficient use. mission.
Hand irons require a key to double-lock The task force commander is authorized
and to open them. A good alternative to to issue live ammunition to troops under
hand irons are flexcuffs. Flexcuffs require his command. But he must ensure positive
minimum training. One soldier can carry control over the loading and the firing of
several without hindering his mobility. weapons. Guidance concerning placing
Flexcuffs require no equipment for apply- magazines in weapons must be specified
ing them. But they require wire cutters to when the ammunition is issued. Individual
take them off and to clip off the tail end soldiers must be instructed, however, that
after application. they may not place a round in the chamber
Riot control agents have many ad- unless authorized by an officer or, if they
vantages over other measures. They have are not under the direct control and super-
an immediate effect on large groups of vision of an officer, unless circumstances
people without causing permanent harm. justify the use of deadly force. Retention of
Riot control agents, when properly used, control over the loading of weapons by an
disperse large crowds without troops officer until the need for such action is
having to come into contact with the clearly established is of critical importance
crowds. The troops must understand the in preventing the unjustified use of deadly
capabilities and limitations of riot control force. Whenever possible, command and
agents in order to use them in the safest control arrangements must be specifically
and most efficient manner. Only the task designed to facilitate careful control of
force commander has the authority to order deadly weapons. Planners must realize that
the use of riot control agents. Based on the if a participant in the disturbance seizes a
situation, he may delegate this authority to loaded weapon from a control force mem-
qualified personnel. ber, the potential for escalated violence will
increase greatly.
People do not easily develop a tolerance
to riot control agents. But experience and The presence of loaded weapons in tense
knowledge tend to reduce the fear that situations may invite the use of deadly
gives the control force an added psycho- force in response to provocations that,
logical advantage. Riot control agents while subject to censure, are not sufficient
lose some of their advantages in crowd to justify its use. It also increases the
control as they are more widely used and hazard that an improper discharge of a
understood. weapon by one or more soldiers will lead
others to fire reflexively on the mistaken
Short of masking, there are no effective assumption that an order to fire has been
defensive measures against a well-planned given. Officers must be clearly instructed
and executed riot control agent deployment. that they have a personal obligation to
Surplus masks and other types of masks withhold permission for loading until
are available to the public. Troops can ex- circumstances indicate that deadly force
pect masks to be used by highly motivated will very likely be necessary and justified.
members of the crowd. Therefore, riot Strong command supervision ensures that
control agents are not a cure-all. They are a the loading of weapons is not authorized in
tool that must be used in conjunction with a routine, premature, or blanket manner.
well-trained and well-equipped troops.
Task force commanders must exercise
The commander may elect to arm his positive control over the use of weapons at
troops with riot batons, shotguns, or rifles. all times. Each soldier must be instructed

FM 19-15

that he may not fire his weapon except ■ Detention or prevention of the escape
when authorized by an officer or when of a person who, during detention or
he is not under the direct control and while escaping, presents a clear
supervision of an officer and circumstances threat of loss of life or serious bodily
justify the use of deadly force. He must be harm to another person.
thoroughly acquainted with not only the
prerequisites for the use of deadly force, but Every soldier has the legal right to use
also that whenever he is operating as a reasonably necessary force to defend
part of a unit or element under the immedi- himself against violent and dangerous
ate command and control of an officer, the personal attack. The limitations described
officer decides whether the firing of live above are not meant to infringe on this
ammunition is necessary. For this reason, right. However, it must be emphasized that
control force members should have ready a control force member is part of a unit and
access to an officer. is subject to a chain of command. As such,
The use of deadly force can be justified he must act in accord with his orders and
only by extreme necessity. Accordingly, its as a member of a unit. Therefore, unless an
use is not authorized for the purpose of attack is directed at him personally and
preventing activities like curfew violations unless his response can be directed specifi-
or looting that do not pose a significant cally at the attacker, his response must be
risk of death or serious bodily harm. If a governed by the guidance of his immediate
mission cannot be accomplished without supervisor.
the use of deadly force, but deadly force In the United States and its territories,
is not permitted under the guidelines the acts of individual soldiers are subject to
authorizing its use, the mission must be civil laws as well as the provisions of the
delayed until sufficient nondeadly force can UCMJ. Reckless or malicious use of force
be brought to bear. The commander reports may subject soldiers to civil or criminal
the situation and seeks instructions from liability under local law or to adminis-
higher authority. The use of deadly force is trative or criminal liability under military
authorized only when all of the following law. The US Code guarantees any member
conditions exist: of the Armed Forces the right to trial
before a federal court, rather than a state
Lesser means have been exhausted or court, for any charge or claim against him
are unavailable. for any act committed while performing his
official duties. Acts found to be outside the
The risk of death or serious bodily harm scope of military authority can result in the
to innocent people is not significantly loss of this right. In a criminal prosecution,
increased by its use. civil courts ordinarily do not convict a sub-
ordinate for acts done in good faith while
The purpose of its use is one or more of obeying orders from superiors. However, if
the following: an act is so obviously illegal that it would
be immediately apparent to a reasonable
■ Self-defense to avoid death or serious person, obeying the order probably would
bodily harm. not be a valid defense.
In each situation where federal forces are
■ Prevention of a crime that involves a committed, the task force commander must
substantial risk of death or serious determine which facilities within his area
bodily harm, such as setting fire to an of operation constitute vital facilities and,
inhabited dwelling or sniping, as such, justify the use of deadly force in
including the defense of other people. protecting them. Those troops assigned to

FM 19-15

security missions must know if a particular unknown location can never justify
facility or activity is so vital to the health returning fire against any or all persons
and safety of the public that the use of who may be visible on the street or in
deadly force would be justified to protect it. nearby buildings. Such an indiscrimi-
nate response is far too likely to result in
The degree of force authorized for secur- casualties among innocent bystanders
ing a facility must be consistent with the or fellow law enforcement personnel.
rules of force. The task force commander The appropriate response is to take
must ensure that a community’s or an cover and to try to locate the source of
installation’s vital facilities are designated fire so the threat can be neutralized,
as such. Vital facilities can be protected by either through negotiation or by force.
the use of deadly force if the prerequisites
for using deadly force exist. When possible, the use of deadly force
should be preceded by a clear warning to
In addition, the following policies the person or group that the use of
regarding the use of deadly force must be deadly force is contemplated or
observed: imminent.
Task force commanders, at their Warning shots must not be used. They
discretion, may delegate the authority to constitute a hazard to innocent people
authorize the use of deadly force if such and can lead citizens and fellow law
delegation is consistent with the policies enforcement personnel to mistakenly
that follow and if the person to whom believe that sniping is widespread.
such delegation is made understands When firing, the marksman should aim
the constraints on the use of deadly to wound rather than to kill if it is at all
force. possible.
Even when the use of deadly force is Task force commanders may use force to
authorized pursuant to established control a disturbance, to prevent crimes,
constraints, it must be employed with and to apprehend or detain people who
great selectivity and precision against have committed crimes. But the degree
the particular threat that justifies its of force used must be no greater than
use. For example, receiving sniper fire— that reasonably necessary under the cir-
no matter how deadly—from an cumstances.

Crowd Control Formations

Crowd control formations, when properly employed and

executed against a crowd of limited size, are one of the most
practical methods of crowd control. In selecting force options, the
riot baton generally is the main weapon of the control force. If the
situation is serious, the commander may consider employing a
mix of batons and rifles. For example, the first line of the forma-
tion is armed with batons and the second or supporting ranks are
armed with rifles or rifles with fixed bayonets.

Crowd control formations may be such as building searches, saturation

employed to disperse, contain, or block a patrolling, and other tactics.
crowd. When employed to disperse a crowd,
they are particularly effective in urban Rooftops must be secured to help prevent
areas because they enable the control force sniper fire from these vantage points.
to split a crowd into smaller segments. Helicopter observation is one method of
When a crowd has been dispersed, the visually securing rooftops. Occupation of
control force must not assume that they the rooftops is another. When troops are
have capitulated and returned to peaceful stationed in high buildings or on rooftops,
activities. Small groups can initiate dis- all other troops must be informed of this to
persed riotous acts. Therefore, the use of avoid the possibility of control force mem-
formations is only a part of the total dis- bers being mistaken for snipers.
persal effort. If the crowd refuses to move,
the control force may have to employ other Crowd control formations also may be
techniques, such as riot control agents or used for more than just dispersal opera-
apprehensions. tions. If the decision is made to apprehend
crowd members, the crowd control forma-
Commanders must realize the limitations tion may be used as a blocking formation.
of formations. Formations are not the Apprehension teams then escort appre-
answer to all civil disturbance situations. hended crowd members back through the
The commander must not subject his troops formation. (See Chapter 12.) A crowd con-
to unnecessary sniper fire and violence trol formation also may be used to aid
simply to impress the crowd with a show of containment operations by using blocking,
force. When small, dispersed mobs are flanking, and confrontation elements of
rampant in an area, formations are of little the formation.
value. Even when a large mob has been
split up, the problem is not necessarily Commanders analyze the threat, the
solved. The small elements that break control force’s missions, and how crowd
away from the large mob may engage in control formations can be used to aid
small-mob tactics, such as sniping, looting, mission accomplishment. Experience has
and burning. Commanders then, of neces- shown that the formations, to be effective,
sity, must revert to area control measures, must be tailored to meet the situation.

FM 19-15

Whatever the modification, troops must be stay in formation. Troops are much more
proficient in the basic formation move- vulnerable to attack when individual
ments to be able to react or adjust to a soldiers break ranks and chase after crowd
changing situation. members. The individual soldiers place
themselves in danger, and the entire
Civil disturbance training must ensure formation may be threatened if it begins
that the soldiers understand the need to to break down.

Past civil disturbances indicate that the Building shields for mobile barriers by
most frequently used formations are the mounting a wooden or metal frame
line, the wedge, and the echelon. The line strung with barbed wire across the front
formation is used more often because of its of a vehicle.
offensive and defensive applications. As an
offensive formation, the line is used to push Having foot troops in formation walk as
or drive crowds straight back, across an near the front corners of each vehicle as
open area, or up a city street. As a defen- possible to keep rioters from attacking
sive formation, the line is used to hold the the sides and rear of the vehicles.
crowd or to deny access to restricted streets
or areas. The echelon is an offensive Armored vehicles are employed when
formation used to turn or divert groups in practical. They have a strong psychological
either open or built-up areas and to move effect, and they offer protection for the oc-
crowds away from buildings, fences, and cupants. Wheeled armored vehicles are best
walls. The wedge is an offensive formation because they do not deface the pavement.
that is used to penetrate and split crowds.
The diamond, as an offensive formation, is Vehicles are used only in conjunction
used to enter a crowd and is suitable for with troops on foot. Whenever vehicles and
apprehending ring leaders. As a defensive foot troops are employed, the commander
formation, the diamond is used when all- of the foot troops commands the unit. He
around security is required. The circular joins the leader of the motor section in the
formation may be used for the same command vehicle, where he has a vantage
purposes as the diamond. The decision to point. In every instance, his commands are
use either the diamond or the circle is executed through the subordinate leaders.
based on the conformation of the crowd.
Many suitable variations of the crowd
When a control force encounters large control formations can be employed. But
riotous groups, it may be best to employ appropriate commands and signals must be
vehicles with troops on foot in crowd devised to execute the formations. Because
control formations. Although vehicles add of their somewhat complicated nature and
strength to formations, certain precautions the coordination required for these forma-
must be taken. Precautions include: tions, new variations must be practiced
Ensuring windshields of vehicles are extensively before they are used in an
upright, removed, or completely actual civil disturbance.
depressed. If the windshields are safety
glass, they offer some protection in the
upright position, minimizing the danger
of injury from glass fragments.

FM 19-15

FM 19-15

At the commander’s discretion, the formation and when commanded to
members of the crowd control formation assemble.
may carry their weapons in any of the
positions prescribed in FM 22-5. Port arms Commanders use the safe-port position to
is especially useful for resting support impress rioters. However, troops should not
troops who are not in direct contact with be kept in the position very long as it is
the crowd. The positions for safe port, very tiring.
safeguard, and on guard shown below are The safeguard position is a position of
for the M16 rifle. These positions are semireadiness. It is less tiring than the on-
equally suited for the M14 rifle and the Ml guard position. It is used to rest troops
rifle. The hand grasps need only be altered when circumstances permit. For example,
where necessary. as troops advance, they maintain the
safeguard position until just before contact
The safe-port position is quite effective is made or resistance is expected. The
when making a show of force. In this safeguard position can also be used when
elevated position, bayonets can be seen by troops are pursuing a crowd that is with-
participants in the rear of the crowd. The drawing without resistance.
sight of bayonets can create an impression On guard is a position of complete readi-
of strength and numerical superiority. ness. It is used whenever troops are in
contact with a group that is showing any
Troops move into and assemble from all kind of resistance or hesitance to withdraw.
crowd control formations with weapons in It also is a tiring position to maintain for
the safe-port position. Troops automati- extended periods of time. Commanders
tally assume the safe-port position on the must rest their troops at every opportunity
preparatory command for a crowd control by using less tiring positions.

FM 19-15

Commands can be given to crowd control are in the crowd control formation, the
units in formation either orally or with commander commands, “Safeguard,” and
hand signals. The oral commands for safe issues the proclamation. Following the
port, safeguard, and on guard are given in proclamation, the commander informs the
one count. All other commands are given participants that they have a specific time
in two counts, a preparatory command in which to comply with the order to dis-
followed by an execution command. Oral perse. If the participants fail to disperse
commands cannot be relied on completely. within the given time, the commander
Commanders must plan to use alternate employs the measures needed to disperse
methods for relaying commands. When it is the crowd.
necessary, commanders use hand and arm When the commander gives the safe-
signals with oral commands. guard and on-guard commands, the
The unit marches in column formation a commands are for the lead element only.
reasonably safe distance from the crowd When using squads in support and the
and within plain view of it. The unit halts commands for safeguard and on guard are
and remains in formation. The commander given, the support squads automatically
decides on what crowd formation he desires move to the port-arms position when the
for the situation. The unit is ordered into or command of safeguard is given to the lead
assembled from crowd control formations element. If the squads are in general or
while halted. As each soldier reaches his lateral support and must move to another
proper position, he automatically faces in support position, they assume the safe-port
the direction of the unit’s intended advance position. They move to the new support
and comes to a halt. He remains halted in position and are then commanded to port
the safe-port position and awaits further arms. The support elements give a re-
orders. On the preparatory command, the sounding stomp with the left foot when the
troops automatically assume the safe-port lead element goes to the on-guard position.
position. On the execution command, they On the command, “Forward march,” the
form the formation. Once the troops support elements maintain the same half-
step cadence as the lead element.

The usual cadence for moving troops into chological effect, troops using the on-guard
and out of crowd control formations is cadence may accentuate each left-foot step
double time. The troops are at safe port with a stomp.
when performing these maneuvers. When
troops in a crowd control formation are The commander may increase or decrease
moving in the safeguard position, the usual the cadence, depending on the situation.
cadence is quick time. When they are For example, the commander may call a
moving in the on-guard position, the usual quick-time cadence to keep pressure on a
cadence is 60 steps per minute. For psy- crowd that is withdrawing.


Interval is the lateral space between and distance between soldiers in crowd
elements. Distance is the space between control formations are one pace or 30
elements in a column. The usual interval inches.

FM 19-15
Interval and distance can be adjusted for forces have found that a greater interval
particular situations. The 30-inch interval makes formation members less vulnerable
may not be sufficient in some situations. It to thrown objects.
may have to be lengthened. Some police


When a unit is in a column formation, and other platoon HQ members usually
each echelon commander usually takes a take positions at the front of the column. In
position at the head of the column. In a crowd control formation, HQ personnel,
crowd control formations, squad leaders at the commander’s discretion, may be
and their assistants, platoon leaders and positioned near the commander. If the
their assistants, and company commanders situation does not allow this kind of
take positions where they can best direct positioning, HQ personnel may be
and control their units. For diamond and positioned behind the control element.
circle formations, they place themselves in Control force formations can be based on
the center of the formation. For all other 12-man squads, 4-squad platoons, 3-squad
formations, they place themselves at the platoons, and 3-platoon companies with 4-
rear of the unit. However, these are only squad platoons. However, a 9-man or a 10-
guidelines. The leaders can adjust their man squad can be adapted easily to the
position with respect to their unit as they example for a 12-man squad. Any size
see fit. squad, platoon, or larger unit can be em-
In column formations, messengers, radio ployed, and a crowd control formation can
operators, marksmen, disperser operators, be adapted to fit the unit’s organization.

When moving a squad into a crowd preparatory command. As he gives the
control formation from a column formation, execution command, he points to where he
the squad leader takes one or more steps to wants the unit to form. The squad’s
the right of the squad and faces the squad. number two man, or base man, moves to
He gives the hand and arm signal for the that position.
. The squad forms on the base
formation that he wants. He then gives the man’s position.

FM 19-15
SQUAD LINE indicated by the squad leader. The squad
The command for having a squad form members align themselves in sequence on
in a line formation is "Squad as skir- the base man, one pace to the side and one
mishers, move." On the execution com- pace to the rear.
mand, the base man moves to the place
indicated by the squad leader. The squad
members align themselves in sequence on
the base man, one pace apart.

Based on the situation, the squad leader

may designate a specific interval. He does SQUAD WEDGE
this when he gives the preparatory com- The command for having a squad form
mand. If no interval is specified, the squad in a wedge formation is “Squad wedge,
automatically forms using a one-pace move.” On the execution command, the
interval. base man moves to the place indicated by
SQUAD ECHELON the squad leader. Even-numbered squad
members align themselves in sequence on
The command for having a squad form the base man, one pace to the right and
in an echelon formation is “Squad echelon one pace to the rear of each preceding man.
right (left), move.” On the execution com- Odd-numbered members align themselves
mand, the base man moves to the place in the same way to the left of the base man.

FM 19-15

SQUAD ASSEMBLY squad is in a column formation again, they

are ordered to port arms.
When assembling a squad from the To assemble from a squad echelon for-
line formation, the squad leader takes a mation, the squad leader takes the same
position a sufficient distance to the rear steps as for the line formation. The base
of the squad and commands, “Squad man does an about-face. The squad
assemble.” At the same time, he raises his members do either a half left face for an
right hand in the air and makes a circular echelon right or a half right face for an
motion. Squad members who hear the echelon left and follow the base man.
command automatically come to the safe-
port position. The base man does an about- To assemble from a squad wedge for-
face. The other squad members face toward mation, the squad leader takes the same
the base man. On the execution command, steps as for the line and echelon for-
“Move,” the squad leader points to the mations. The base man does an about-face.
place where he wants the base man to as- All even-numbered men do a half left face,
semble. The base man double-times to the and all odd-numbered men do a half right
designated spot, and the other members of face. They then follow the base man in
the squad follow the base man. When the sequence.


Platoon headquarters consists of the PLATOON LINE

following four people:
The command for forming a platoon line
Platoon leader. is “Platoon as skirmishers, move.” Imme-
Platoon sergeant. diately following the platoon leader’s pre-
Selected marksman. paratory command, the squad leaders of the
Messenger or radio operator. first and fourth squads command, “Follow
When directed by the platoon leader, other me.” The squad leaders of the second and
people, such as disperser operators and third squads command, “Stand fast.” On
firefighters, may augment the platoon the platoon leader’s execution command,
headquarters. the first and fourth squads move forward
to the point designated by the platoon
In forming all crowd control formations leader. The number two man of the fourth
from the column, the platoon leader moves squad is the base man for the platoon
to the right of the platoon and faces them formation. The fourth squad forms a squad
when giving his commands. He gives the line to the right of the base man, and the
arm and hand signal and the preparatory first squad forms a squad line to the left of
command. On the execution command, the base man, dressed on the fourth squad.
“Move,” he points to the approximate After the first and fourth squads have
location where he wants the platoon to cleared the platoon, the second and third
form. The platoon leader pauses between squad leaders command, “Follow me.” The
the preparatory command and the exe- second squad forms a squad line to the left
cution command to allow each squad leader of the first squad. The third squad forms a
to issue a preparatory command to his squad line to the right on the fourth squad,
squad. all squads dressing on the fourth squad.

FM 19-15

When assembling the platoon from the the platoon facing back in the direction of
platoon line formation, the platoon leader the crowd control formation, he commands,
and his HQ personnel take a position to the “Counter-column, march.”
rear of the platoon. He then gives the PLATOON LINE WITH GENERAL
command, “Platoon assemble,” raising his SUPPORT
right arm and making a circular motion
above his head. The members of the pla- Whenever the command for establishing
toon automatically assume the safe-port a crowd control formation contains the
position. All squad leaders go to their phrase, in support, without modification, it
number two men and face the platoon means that the support element is to re-
leader. All number two men do an about- main in general support.
face. All other squad members do a facing The command for forming a platoon line
movement toward their respective number with two squads in general support is
two men. On the platoon leader’s execution “Platoon as skirmishers, second and third
command, he points to where he wants the squads in support, move.” The first and
platoon to assemble. The squad leaders of fourth squads execute the line, while the
the fourth and third squads command, second and third squads remain in the
“Follow me,” and together they move column. The number two man of the fourth
toward the platoon leader. As the fourth squad is the base man for the formation.
and third squads clear the line formation,
the first and second squad leaders com- To assemble a platoon with two squads
mand, “Follow me,” and together they in general support, the procedure is the
move toward the platoon leader, dressing to same as for the platoon line, except the
the left of the fourth and third squads. All second and third squads do a counter-
squads halt automatically behind the column. The fourth squad then dresses
platoon HQ and dress. After the squads are to the right of the third squad, and the
in column, the platoon leader commands, first squad dresses to the left of the
“Port arms.” If the platoon leader wants second squad.

FM 19-15

support at any time by the platoon leader.

He commands, “Second and third squads,
lateral support, move.” To have the second
and third squads join the line from either
support position, the platoon leader com-
mands, “Second and third squads, extend
the line, move.” The second and third
squad leaders command, “Follow me.” On
the execution command, the squads set up
PLATOON LINE WITH LATERAL individual lines, closing and dressing on
SUPPORT the existing line.
The command for forming a platoon To assemble the platoon from a platoon
line with two squads in lateral support line with lateral support is the same as for
is “Platoon as skirmishers, second and the platoon line, except the number two
third squads in lateral support, move.” men of the second and third squads do a
The fourth and first squads execute the right face and a left face, respectively,
line as before, and the second and third toward their squad leaders. On the execu-
squads stand fast. After the line has been tion command, the fourth and third squads
formed, the squad leaders of the second move to the point designated by the
and third squads command, “Follow me.” platoon leader. As the fourth and third
The second and third squads move out to squads clear the formation, the first and
their respective flanks. The second squad second squads move.
forms a column behind the last man on PLATOON LINE WITH CLOSE
the line to the left. The third squad forms SUPPORT
a column behind the last man on the The command for forming a platoon
line to the right.
line with two squads in close support is
The second and third squads may be “Platoon as skirmishers, second and third
moved from general support to lateral squads in close support, move.” The first

FM 19-15
and fourth squads execute a line as before.
The second and third squads execute a
second line to the rear of the first line and
close in on the first line. The men in the
supporting line cover the intervals between
men in the first line. To do this, the squad
leaders of the second and third squads
command, “Stand fast.” After the first and
fourth squads are in position, the second
and third squads form lines as indicated.
To assemble the support squads from any
position to general support, the platoon
leader commands, “Second and third
squads in support, move.” The second and
third squads then return to a column
behind the line formed by the other two


The command for forming a platoon line
with one squad in support is “Platoon as
skirmishers, third squad in support, move.”
The second squad moves out and executes
a squad line right. The first and fourth
squads form lines on the second squad to
the left and the right, respectively. The
third squad remains in column formation.

FM 19-15

The support squad may be used in lateral

support on one or both sides of the forma-
tion. It also can be used in close support of
any segment of the formation.
To assemble the platoon, the commander
takes his position as before. On the exe-
cution command, the third squad does a
counter-column. The fourth squad moves
and dresses to the right of the third squad.
The first and second squads then move and
dress to the left of the third squad.
When the third squad is in lateral support,
the commander assembles the third squad
first. He then assembles the fourth, second,
and first squads as before. The same pro-
cedure applies when the third squad is in
close support.


The command for forming a platoon
echelon right is “Platoon echelon right,
move.” After the platoon leader’s pre-
paratory command, the squad leader of the
first squad commands, “Follow me.” The
squad leaders of the second, third, and
fourth squads command, “Stand fast.” On
the execution command, the first squad
moves out and executes an echelon right at
the location designated by the platoon
leader. As each squad clears the column,
the next successive squad moves out and
extends the echelon that has been formed.

FM 19-15

To assemble the platoon, the commander

takes his position to the rear of the forma-
tion with the platoon HQ. On the prepara-
tory command, “Platoon assemble,” all
squad leaders go to their number two men
and face the platoon leader. The number
two man of the first squad does an about-
face. The number two men of the second,
third, and fourth squads do a left face. All
other platoon members do a half left face.
On the command, “Move,” the first squad
moves first, then the second squad, third
squad, and fourth squad. Each squad
dresses as it reaches the column formation.

FM 19-15
The command for forming a platoon
echelon left is “Platoon echelon left, move.”
The platoon echelon left is formed in the
same manner as the echelon right, but in
reverse order. The fourth squad is the base
squad and the remaining squads extend
the echelon in reverse sequence.
Assembly of the echelon left formation is
the reverse of the echelon right. The fourth
squad assembles first, followed by the
third, second, and first squads.

FM 19-15

FM 19-15
The command for forming the platoon
wedge is “Platoon wedge, move. ” After the
platoon leader’s preparatory command,
the squad leaders of the first and fourth
squads command, “Follow me.” At the
same time, the squad leaders of the second
and third squads command, “Stand fast.”
On the platoon leader’s execution com-
mand, the first and fourth squads move
directly to the front. When the last men of
the first and fourth squads clear the second
and third squads, the squad leaders of the
second and third squads command,
"Fo11ow me," and move out to the left and
right, respectively. The number two man of
the fourth squad is the base man for the
formation. The fourth squad executes an
echelon right. The first squad executes an
echelon left on the base man. The second
squad forms an echelon left on the last
man of the first squad. The third squad
forms an echelon right on the last man of
the fourth squad, completing the wedge
Assembling the wedge formation is
basically the same as assembling the pla-
toon line. The fourth and third squads
assemble first. The first and second squads
assemble to the left of the fourth and third

FM 19-15
PLATOON WEDGE WITH GENERAL squads execute the wedge while the second
SUPPORT and third squads stand fast. After the first
The command for forming a platoon and fourth squads have cleared the column,
wedge with two squads in support is the second and third squad leaders com-
“Platoon wedge, second and third squads mand, “Follow me,” and move out to the
in support, move.” The first and fourth left and right, respectively. The second
squads execute the wedge while the second squad forms in column behind the last man
and third squads remain in column for- of the first squad. The third squad forms in
column behind the last man of the fourth
mation. squad.
To move the second and third squads
from general support to lateral support, the
platoon leader commands, “Second and
third squads, lateral support, move.” To
have the second and third squads join the
wedge from either general support or
lateral support, the platoon leader com-
mands, “Second and third squads, extend
the wedge, move.” The second and third
squad leaders command, “Follow me,” and
move out to the left and right, respectively,
to extend the wedge on the first and fourth


The command for forming a platoon
wedge with lateral support is “Platoon
wedge, second and third squads in lat-
eral support, move.” The first and fourth

FM 19-15
The command for forming a platoon
wedge with two squads in close support is
“Platoon wedge, second and third squads
in close support, move.” The first and
fourth squads execute a wedge. The second
and third squads also execute a wedge and
close in on the leading wedge. The men in
the supporting wedge cover the intervals
between men in the leading wedge. To do
this, the squad leaders of the second and
third squads command, “Stand fast.” After
the first and fourth squads are in position,
the second and third squads then form a
second wedge.
To assemble the support squads from any
position to general support, the platoon
leader commands, “Second and third
squads in support, move.” The second and
third squads then form a column behind
the wedge formed by the other two squads.

FM 19-15
PLATOON WEDGE WITH ONE move.” The second squad moves out and
SUPPORT SQUAD executes a squad wedge. The first and
fourth squads form echelons left and right,
The command for forming a platoon respectively, on the second squad. The
wedge with one squad in support is third squad remains in the column
"Platoon wedge, third squad in support, formation.

FORMATION VARIATIONS formations. By changing his preparatory

command, he may choose other squads to
During crowd control operations. the lead his unit. If he wants the first and
platoon leader may rotate his squads in the third squads to lead his platoon wedge, he
lead elements of the formation to give the issues the command, “Platoon wedge,
squads a rest. He is not limited to using second and fourth squads in support,
only those squads specified in the preced- move.” By designating the support
ing examples as the lead elements of the squad or squads in the preparatory

FM 19-15

command, the platoon leader tells the same formation with the support squads.
remaining squads that they will lead the The support element then passes through
formation. The number two man of the the lead element. This procedure is often
third squad becomes the base man. necessary when protective masks are
donned for riot control agent employment.
The platoon leader also may relieve
squads in the lead element by forming the


The execution of crowd control forma- The support squad, usually the second
tions using a three-squad platoon is squad, may be held in general support in
essentially the same as a four-squad single column or in column of two’s.
platoon. The exceptions are that—
The command for forming a platoon
The first and third squads usually are formation with one squad in support in a
used as the lead element in all single column is “Platoon as skirmishers
formations in which one squad provides (echelon right, echelon left, or wedge),
general support or lateral support. second squad in support, move.” The first
The second squad is the base squad in a and third squads execute the formation
platoon line when all three squads are while the second squad
remains in column
committed to the lead element. formation.

FM 19-15

The command for forming a platoon

formation with one squad in general sup-
port in a column of twos is “Platoon as
skirmishers (echelon right, echelon left, or
wedge), second squad in support in column
of twos, move.” The first and third squads
execute the formation. The second squad,
at the command of its squad leader, exe-
cutes a column of twos to the right.
When the support squad moves to either
lateral support or to extend the existing
formation, the even-numbered men move to
the right, and the odd-numbered men move
to the left. They execute these movements
in the same manner as the support squads
for a four-squad platoon. The squad leader
usually controls the even-numbered men,
and the assistant squad leader controls the
odd-numbered men.
A three-squad platoon is assembled in
the same manner as a four-squad platoon.

FM 19-15

When a company commander orders his platoon leader gives the command, “Pla-
company into crowd control formations toon as skirmishers.” The squad leaders
from a column, he moves to the left or the follow with their respective commands to
right near the head of the column so he can their squads to form the platoon line. On
be seen by the platoon leaders. He the execution command, each platoon
then faces the company. As he gives his establishes a platoon line immediately to
preparatory command, he points to where its front.
he wants the formation. If he does not If the company commander wants a
indicate a location, the company forms more formidable formation, he commands,
immediately in front of the lead platoon.
“Second platoon, close support, move.” The
COMPANY LINE IN DEPTH second platoon moves forward and covers
the intervals between the men of the lead
The command for forming a company platoon. The second platoon automatically
line in depth is “Company as skirmishers assumes the same weapons position being
in depth, move.” After the company com- used by the lead platoon, usually the on-
mander’s preparatory command, each guard position. The platoon leader of the

FM 19-15
third platoon then moves his platoon COMPANY LINE IN MASS
forward to occupy the position formerly The command for forming a company
held by the second platoon. line in mass is “Company as skirmishers
in mass, move.” The company line in mass
If the third platoon is called on to sup- is the same as a company line with both
port the company line, it moves forward platoons in close support. Instead of
and takes up a position directly behind forming it in stages, the company com-
the second platoon. The men of the third mander indicates his desire for this
platoon hold their weapons at safe port. formation in his initial command. The
Platoon and squad leaders and their platoons each form a line, and the second
assistants help each other in controlling and third platoons close on the first
the company. platoon without further commands.

FM 19-15
COMPANY LINE WITH SUPPORT the same manner as the support squads in
platoon formations. One platoon can be
In company formations, the first platoon relieved from the lead element by another
usually forms the lead element and the platoon while in formation by having a
second and third platoons provide support. support platoon pass through the lead
The support platoons can be employed in platoon.

FM 19-15

COMPANY ECHELONS AND WEDGE the formation and commands, “Company

assemble.” The platoon leaders take charge
Company echelons and the company of their respective platoons. Usually, the
wedge are formed in the same manner third platoon assembles first, just behind
and with the same variations as the com- the formation. After the third platoon is
pany line. assembled, the second platoon assembles in
A company assembles from a crowd front of the third platoon. Then the first
control formation the same way a platoon platoon assembles in front of the second
or a squad does. However, due to the size platoon. All platoons assemble facing the
of company formations, the commander commander. The second and third platoons
must consider the area that the company then dress on the first platoon. As each
is operating in when he assembles the platoon is assembled, they are ordered to
company. If he follows the guidelines of port arms by the platoon leader to await
platoon assembly, he will have no diffi- further orders from the commander. If four
culty. When assembling the company, the platoons are used, the fourth platoon
commander takes a position to the rear of assembles first.

FM 19-15

fold in
FM 19-15

fold out 8-26

FM 19-15

COMPANY FORMATIONS WITH faces the formation and gives the vehicle
VEHICLES section the hand signal for assembly.
Immediately, the vehicles return to their
The commands for vehicles and foot proper positions in column behind the
troops are the same as for foot troops command vehicle while the troops stand
alone. Because of the additional noise fast. The second in command then assem-
and distances involved, the company com- bles the troops in the usual manner.
mander gives the arm and hand signal for
the line. The command and the signal
apply to the lead platoon only. The other
platoons remain in general support until
further directed.
The motor section moves out first. The
number two vehicle, moving to the right,
passes the lead vehicle and establishes the
position for the center of the line. At the
same time, the third and fourth vehicles
swing out to the left and right, respectively.
They form to the left and right and slightly
to the rear of the number two vehicle. The
first and fourth squads of the lead platoon
then move forward and form lines to the
left and right, respectively, on the front end
of the number two vehicle. As soon as the
troops are in position, the third and fourth
vehicles close in on the squads and tighten
the formation. The second and third squads
of the lead platoon then form a line to the
left and right of the third and fourth
vehicles to complete the company line.
The command (number one) vehicle takes
up a position behind the line where the com-
mander can direct and control the unit.
The second and third platoons move for-
ward and are used in general, lateral, or
close support. In some instances, the foot
troops may move into position first, and
the vehicles join the formation as needed.
To form company echelons or a company
wedge with vehicles, the company follows
the same procedures used for company
formations without vehicles. Vehicles are
moved into appropriate positions using
procedures similar to those used for a
company line.
To assemble troops and vehicles, the
command vehicle moves to a position
behind the formation. The commander

FM 19-15

FM 19-15

FM 19-15

Riot Control Agents

Riot control agents or water can be used to distract, deter, or

disable disorderly people. Usually their effects are temporary and
disappear within minutes of exposure. The choice of whether to
use a particular riot control agent or water in a given situation is
based on the physical characteristics of the target area. Weather,
especially wind, affects the employment of riot control agents
and water.

Planning is essential for the successful Civil disturbance operations in cities

use of riot control agents. The plans must often take place either on narrow streets or
be flexible to accommodate changes in the in park areas. Standard control procedures
situation and the weather. Above all, strict do not work well in such instances. Wind
accountability and control of the employ- direction, the size of the area, and the
ment of riot control agents is a must. Riot proximity of health facilities may preclude
control agents are employed only when the use of large quantities of riot control
the task force commander specifically agents. In such cases it may be necessary
authorizes their use. Employment must to use low concentrations to break a crowd
be strictly controlled. Every instance of into smaller groups.
employment must be duly reported.
The on-site commander obtains weather
Other planning factors are the cause, forecasts for the operational area. The
nature, and extent of a disturbance and the forecasts must cover the times when
crowd’s demeanor and intent. dispersal operations will be performed.
Based on an analysis of these factors, the The commander evaluates the forecasts
commander makes an estimate of the sit- in conjunction with a map, a detailed
uation. The estimate must be as thorough reconnaissance, an aerial photograph,
as time permits. Using the estimate, the or a mosaic study of the terrain in the
commander considers courses of action, operational area. Through his evaluation,
selects riot control agents, and determines he estimates the effects of a dispersal
munitions needs. The main factors in operation.
choosing a course of action are the desired
effects, the crowd’s demeanor and intent, When dealing with large crowds, the
the weather, and the types of munitions control force’s objective is to disperse the
available. crowd and to move it in a specific direction,
usually away from the disturbance area.
Plans also must address security of riot Against large crowds, riot control agents
control agents during storage, trans- usually are employed to cover the target
portation, and employment. The use of area with a cloud of sufficient strength to
riot control agents must be coordinated produce decisive results. Once the proper
with all crowd control forces. Leaders who concentration is reached, the control force
supervise the employment of riot control must maintain that concentration until the
agents should have wireless communica- crowd has been dispersed. When dispersers
tions equipment. are used, the dispersal team maintains the

FM 19-15

concentration by moving the disperser an exit. Public address systems may be

along the release line at an even rate. They used to direct the crowd to the escape route.
maintain the concentration by repeating They also may be used to give first aid
the application as necessary. instructions. It may be necessarv to move
masked troops into the target area to dis-
The control force must have a follow-up perse lingering groups, to prevent regroup-
plan for exploiting the advantage gained ing, or to prevent further illegal activity.
by employment of riot control agents. Clear During follow-up operations, troops must be
escape routes prevent panic and the melee ready to help unconscious or incapacitated
that may result as the crowd scrambles for people in the contaminated area.

FM 19-15

Small groups of 25 to 50 people may agent may only provoke an attack on the
gather during disorders and throw objects outnumbered patrol. High-pressure water
at cars or congregate near stores that have can be effective for moving small groups on
been partially looted. Patrols can employ a narrow front, such as a street, and for
low-volume riot control grenades to break defending a barricade or a roadblock.
up small groups and temporarily prevent
further misconduct. This low volume use of When used against rioters, riot control
riot control agents enables a few troops to agents must be used in sufficient quantities
disperse a group without calling for more to produce an immediate, decisive effect.
manpower and equipment. The limited use Troops using the agents must provide ave-
of an agent must be preceded by a careful nues of escape for the crowd. Except for
assessment of the composition and mood of extreme emergencies, riot control agents
the group. If the group is highly motivated are not used when hospital patients or
or inclined to violence, a small amount of school children may be affected.

FM 19-15
The riot control agent CS comes in two serious injury or death at close range.
forms: a pyrotechnic; mixture and a pow- Troops must-exercise extreme caution when
der. It has a pungent pepperlike odor. using this munition. In the powder form,
Its persistency varies according to wind CS is dispersed by means of the M47 hand
conditions. In powder form, it has greater grenade and by mechanical dispersers.
persistency when there is no wind or when it A protective mask and field clothing
is dispersed in wooded terrain. Its effects protect against the effects of CS. First aid
occur within a few seconds after exposure. for CS contamination is rendered by
As a pyrotechnic mixture, CS is dispersed moving affected people to uncontaminated
by means of an M47 hand grenade or a 40- areas, facing them into the wind, and
millimeter cartridge and the M203 or M79 cautioning against rubbing the eyes or
grenade launcher. When using the M203 or touching the genitals or mucous mem-
M79 and the 40-millimeter cartridge, the branes. Showers provide further relief.
troops must be warned that, because of the Affected people should be kept away from
projectile’s high velocity, it can cause each other.

FM 19-15

There are two types of riot control gre- Burning grenades are thrown by hand or
nades in the Army inventory, a burning delivered by a grenade launcher to the
type and a bursting type. In a wind of upwind side of the crowd. Burning gre-
about 6 miles per hour, a burning-type nades must not be thrown into a crowd
grenade can cover an area about 5 meters because they can be picked up and thrown
wide to a downwind distance up to 25 back. Bursting grenades are thrown into
meters. At the same wind speed, a bursting- the air so that they burst several feet above
type grenade can cover an area about 10 the crowd.
meters wide to a downwind distance up to When the control force is in almost direct
25 meters. contact with the crowd, burning grenades
Burning-type CS grenades and agent are not used. Either the grenades will be
dispersers are the means usually employed thrown back at the control force or the
against large crowds. Bursting-type gre- front ranks of the crowd will be driven into
nades may be used for psychological effect the control force. In this situation, dis-
or to discourage crowd members from persers are used if conditions favor their
trying to throw back grenades. use behind disturbance control lines.

Dispersers provide commanders with a be careful when employing riot control
means of disseminating riot control agents agents in confined areas and in areas with
in sufficient quantities to provide effective restricted avenues of escape. Dispersers
coverage in a variety of situations and usually are transported by soldiers, by
conditions. But their use is limited to l/4-ton or larger vehicles, or by helicopters.
outdoor areas. Control force leaders must When transported on the ground, the

FM 19-15

dispersers may be directly integrated into signals. The troop commander maintains
the crowd control formations. Or they may radio contact with the officer or NCO
be operated in direct support of civil dis- who is in command of the crowd control
turbance operations. Helicopter-mounted formation or of the disperser operators.
dispersers are used in close conjunction Troops who are involved in filling,
with the control force. The exact placement operating, or transporting dispersers wear
of the aircraft with respect to the formation ordinary field uniforms with collar and
is determined by current wind direction cuffs buttoned and trouser legs tucked into
and speed and by physical obstacles that their boots. They also wear a protective
may restrict the movement and positioning mask, a hood, and rubber gloves for
of the aircraft. protection.
All unit members should know the The commander must decide which riot
operation and employment capabilities of control agent will be used in each disperser
the riot control agent dispersers. But the before the mission begins. Wet and dry
unit must depend on specially selected and agents cannot be interchanged in the
trained soldiers. The criteria for selecting same disperser during a civil disturb-
disperser operators include initiative, ance mission. Not only must nozzles be
ability to learn, and the ability to deal with changed, but the whole system must be
large numbers of agitated people calmly. decontaminated before changing types of
The disperser operator works under the agents. For further information on
immediate control and direction of an decontamination procedures, see FM 3-5.
officer or an NCO. Riot control agents are To ensure the dispersers operate properly,
released only on the direct orders of the operators must perform inspections and
commander. If the commander is not fully maintenance systematically each time the
qualified in employing riot control agents, equipment is used. They also service the
a qualified officer must be designated to equipment periodically whether it has been
determine the appropriate time, place, and used or not. Because of the corrosive effects
amount of agent to be released and to issue of some riot control agents, the agents
appropriate commands to the operators. must be removed from the surface of
Disperser operators and dispersal team dispersers and the vehicles or helicopters
members must be well qualified in their that dispersed the agents. Detailed main-
primary MOS and thoroughly trained in tenance, inspection, and repair instructions
riot control operations. Preferably, they can be found in the applicable technical
should receive special training in the use of publications.
riot control agents.
Riot control agent dispersers can release M36 DISPERSER
a large amount of riot control agent in
a very short time. Operators must be The M36 disperser, like other aerosol
especially careful to avoid releasing irritant dispersers, serves as an alternative
intolerable concentrations of the agents. to traditional weapons, such as nightsticks,
The operators must determine the average riot batons, and firearms. As with other
release rate for each disperser in terms of riot control weapons, the M36 must be
pounds of the agent released per second. backed at all times by troops with weapons
The dispersers are not used to deliver of greater force.
riot control agents directly into a closed The M36 disperser is a lightweight,
structure except in extreme circumstances. aluminum and plastic container filled with
Commands are given the disperser pressurized CR solution. It is small enough
operators by voice or by hand and arm to be carried and operated with one hand.

FM 19-15

To use the M36, the soldier holds the can See FM 8-285 for more information on first
upright, aims at the person’s face, and aid procedures.
presses the activator button. The stream of
wet CR vaporizes. It causes a temporary, Troops using the M36 must be thoroughly
reflexive closing of the eyes, tearing, and a trained in the use and hazards of the dis-
burning sensation on the skin and in the perser. Training must include situations in
upper respiratory tract. which the M36 may be used, how to use it,
a demonstration of the stream trajectory,
The most effective way to use the M36 is safety requirements, and decontamination
in one-second bursts. The maximum range procedures. Because the use of the M36
is 10 to 12 feet. This allows the soldier to does not cause immediate incapacitation,
adjust his aim with a minimum waste of training on tactics and disperser limita-
the riot control agent. The soldier must not tions is necessary.
spray a person for more than five seconds
when closer than 3 feet. After being sub- The disperser is carried and stored in a
dued, the person can best be decontami- compact vinyl case with a sna button and
nated by facing the wind or by generous a belt loop. The ammo pouch may be used
flushing with water for several minutes. as a field expedient carrying case.

operator to vary the amount and range of
The M33A1 disperser is a lightweight, the solution by choosing spray or stream.
portable riot control agent disperser that The operator controls dispersal by varying
uses either dry or wet riot control agents. the pressure on the trigger.
The agent is released through a nozzle on a
hand-held gun assembly. Different nozzles The hose and gun group controls the
are used for the powder and the liquid. The amount of riot control agent released. The
special nozzle for the wet agent allows the agent may be released in a continuous

FM 19-15
stream or spray or in short bursts rang-
ing from less than one second to several
seconds. Operators must determine the
particular release rate for each disperser
that they operate, both for talc and for riot
control agents.
Worn as a backpack, the M33A1 looks
and functions like the portable M33
disperser. The difference lies in the units’
capabilities. The M33A1 disperser’s
modular design allows quick replacement
of empty agent and pressure containers.
The M33A1 can use either dry or wet
agents without having to modify the unit
itself. The M33A1 is replacing the M33 on
a one-for-one basis as the M33s wear out.
The effective use of the M33A1 depends
on a following or slightly quartering wind
with a speed of less than 20 miles per hour.

FM 19-15
Optimum wind speed is 3 to 5 miles per The disperser operator may be positioned
hour. Usually, the use of this disperser is in front of, as a part of, or behind the
backed up by other dispersers to ensure crowd control formation. Proximity to the
adequate coverage of the target area. crowd and the disperser’s role determine
where the disperser is placed. When riot
control agents are employed in advance of
a close approach by the crowd control
formation, the disperser operator may be a
part of, or slightly in front of the forma-
tion. These positions give the operator the
greatest freedom in using the disperser. It
also minimizes troop exposure. Freedom to
move right and left may help to disperse a
more uniform cloud over the target. It also
allows, to a limited extent, coverage over
specific sections of the target area. If the
disperser is to be held in reserve, the
operator is positioned from one to several
feet behind the center of the formation.
From this position, the operator can
quickly move to the front of the formation.
When the disperser is not being used, the
operator moves behind the formation for
protection from thrown objects.

The agent tank and the air pressure

bottle both have a quick-disconnect
capability. But unless there are sufficient
tanks and bottles available, the disperser
may be out of action for a period of time,
depending on the location of the com-
pressor and the soldiers’ ability to reload
and repressurize the disperser. Because of
its compactness, portability, and low cost,
the M33A1 provides the user with an
immediately available and very effective
crowd control weapon.

FM 19-15

The optimum distance for firing the released in a given time, and the makeup
disperser to produce the greatest effect and determination of the crowd. The
depends on the wind speed and the opera- operator also must closely observe the
tor’s freedom of movement across the front agent’s dispersal pattern and effect on the
of the target area. Generally, the distance target. Too heavy a concentration may
of the agent release point or line from the result in reaching a tolerance inconsistent
target area ranges from 15 meters to 100 with objectives. Too weak a concentration,
meters or more depending on wind speed. particularly against an organized and
As wind speed increases, dilution of the determined group, may encourage more
powder becomes more rapid. When this violence.
occurs, the distance between the target M5 DISPERSER
area and the release point must be reduced
to place an effective concentration on the The M5 riot control agent disperser
target. consists of an M9 portable disperser gun
for vehicles or a delivery hose for heli-
Factors that affect the amount of a copters, a tank that holds approximately
particular agent needed to produce an 50 pounds of CS, a hose assembly, a pres-
effective concentration are too varied to sure tank, and a pressure regulator. These
permit exact guidance. However, the components are mounted on a tubular
operator must understand the agent’s frame. The complete unit measures
effectiveness, the amount that can be approximately 4 feet by 2.5 feet by 2 feet.

FM 19-15

The M5 disperser has an effective range is followed, except the agent may be re-
of 12 meters when dispersed with the M9 leased in slightly longer bursts. Release of
gun during calm winds. It is effective to 46 an agent along a line must begin in time to
meters when dispersed from a helicopter at assure coverage of the side of the target
an absolute altitude of 24 to 30 meters. The being approached. Dispersal must cease
duration of fire per fill is two minutes with shortly before reaching the far side of the
the M9 gun and 20 seconds with the heli- target. This helps avoid dispersal over
copter delivery hose. The disperser plus the areas other than the target. The exact
agent weighs approximately 210 pounds. moments for beginning and for ceasing the
The M5 disperser can be mounted on a release are governed by the helicopter’s
helicopter or on a l/4-ton or larger vehicle. speed and by wind speed and direction.
See TM 3-1040-220-12&P for more infor- Operating dispersers from a helicopter
mation. while it is hovering or flying at speeds less
The M5 disperser provides an air-to- than effective translational lift speed when
ground dispersal capability when mounted in ground effect may contaminate the heli-
in a helicopter. Situations best suited for copter, the crew, and the occupants due to
the employment of the helicopter-mounted circulation of the agent in the rotor wash.
M5 include large-scale civil disturbances Therefore, either the pilot or the co-pilot
requiring large quantities of riot control must wear a protective mask.
agents and conditions that prevent its use
on the ground. The agent may be released from one or
more stationary ground positions or along
When a helicopter is used, the agent can a line on the windward side of the target.
be released from either a hovering position When released from a stationary point, the
above or on the windward side of the target agent is dispersed in intermittent bursts
area or along a line above or on the wind- as the gun muzzle is swung through an
ward side of the target. When mounted on approximate y 160° arc to the front. When
a vehicle and employed against open-area dispersed along a line, the agent may be
targets, the disperser is operated from released continuously or intermittently,
positions slightly in front of or in the depending on the agent used, the rate of
crowd control formation. movement, and the wind factors.
The release of riot control agents from a Commanders and disperser operators
helicopter must be far enough in front of must ensure that the target area is not
the crowd control formation that the agent covered with an intolerable concentration
dissipates shortly before the formation of riot control agents. This is particularly
arrives. The location of the release point or true when the wind lies calm and when
line with respect to the target is determined the target area is partially enclosed by
by wind speed and direction and by physi- buildings. Also, the operator must remem-
cal obstacles. Other factors include the ber that 1 pound of CS is the equivalent of
effects of the rotor wash on dispersal and five bursting-type CS grenades and, fur-
the ground speed of the helicopter. ther, that 50 pounds of CS can be released
in two minutes or less with the M5.
Initial release of the agent when hover-
ing over the target is accomplished in short The M9 gun group is used when mounted
bursts of three to five seconds duration. with the M5 on a vehicle. The M9 permits
The operator watches the crowd’s reactions close control of the amounts of agent
to determine the number and length of sub- released. Operators must determine the
sequent bursts. When hovering to the wind- release rate for each disperser that they
ward side of the target, the same procedure operate.

FM 19-15

Each M5 dispersal team has three mem- operator. Inclusion of the vehicle driver
hers: a commander who is an officer, an the helicopter pilot as a member of the
operator who is an NCO, and an assistant team is desirable, but not mandatory.

FM 19-15

When using water, a number of factors during cold weather. When using water,
must be considered. The Army does not as with other measures of force, certain
have a water-dispersing system that is restraints must be applied. Troops try to
specifically designed for use in civil dis- avoid using water on innocent bystanders
turbance operations. Such a system can be like women and children. When water is
improvised from existing equipment. The used, the troops must provide the crowd
use of a large water tank—750 to 1,000 with escape routes. Troops employing water
gallons—and a powerful water pump must be protected by formations and, in
mounted on a truck with a high-pressure some instances, by shields. The more se-
hose and a nozzle capable of searching and vere use of water, the flat trajectory appli-
traversing enables troops to employ water cation, is employed only when necessary.
as they advance. By having at least two Because fire departments are associated
such water trucks, one can be kept in with saving lives and property rather than
reserve. maintaining law and order, fire department
equipment must not be used for crowd
Employing water as a high-trajectory control and dispersal.
weapon, like rainfall, is highly effective

Riot Batons

The riot baton is an invaluable weapon in crowd control

situations. Except for extremely violent crowds, the baton in the
hands of well-trained troops is the most appropriate weapon. The
riot baton is not meant to replace the rifle as the main weapon
used by control forces. Rather, the riot baton is used in situations
in which the rifle is not needed. The presence of rifles, with or
without bayonets, tends to escalate the intensity of a civil
disturbance. And unlike the rifle, the loss of a baton to the crowd
does not present a serious threat.
Most control forces are armed with riot baton are rounded to prevent unnecessary
batons. This very versatile offensive injury. The suggested diameter of the baton
weapon can be from 26 to 42 inches long. is 1.25 inches. A hole is drilled 9 inches
But the optimum length is 36 inches. The from the grip end. The wrist thong is
baton is made from any dense hardwood inserted through the hole. Either one or
like rosewood or walnut that does not both ends of the baton should have a series
shatter or break easily. Both ends of the of rounded ridges to aid gripping.

The use of the baton is based on the in direct contact with the crowd is equipped
commander’s appraisal of the situation with batons, and the supporting element is
and his choice of a force option. Units equipped with rifles and bayonets.
committed with the baton must have The riot baton is never the only weapon
marksmen and riot control agent teams in available to control forces. An element
direct support. If the confrontation is deployed with riot batons must have a
intense, the commander also may elect to marksman as a precaution against snipers.
have reserve forces with rifles or shotguns, Reserve forces with rifles and bayonets
with or without bayonets, positioned for must be available for immediate employ-
rapid reinforcement. ment. The commander must be able to
The riot baton is used by units that are withdraw the riot baton elements, issue
employed defensively to protect people and them other weapons, and redeploy them
property. During the termination phase of as a ready reserve force.
the disturbance when the violence has The riot baton, in the hands of trained
subsided and is expected to stay that way, troops, is a formidable weapon. But it must
troops are in a defensive posture. They may be used in conjunction with other measures
be equipped with the riot baton to perform to be most effective. The soldier who is
their tasks. skillful in using the riot baton can ade-
The riot baton can be used in offensive quately cope with most situations
crowd control formations. It can be em- that require physical restraint. Troops must
ployed so that the unit confronting the be trained with the riot baton to the point
crowd is equipped with rifles and bayonets. that they use the various techniques
Or it can be employed so that the element automatically.

FM 19-15

Troops using riot batons must have a death or permanent injury. The riot baton
thorough knowledge of the vulnerable is never raised above the head to strike an
points on the human body. Troops must adversary in club fashion. Not only is this
deter, discourage, or disperse individuals likely to cause permanent injury, it also
threatening their position. But they must projects an unfavorable image of the con-
try to avoid blows that could kill or perma- trol force. Also, the soldier is vulnerable to
nently injure. an attack on his rib cage when his arm is
When deployed, troops usually avoid any
riot baton techniques that could result in

FM 19-15


Three steps are necessary to obtain a

secure grip on the riot baton. First, the
thong of the baton is placed around the
right thumb. Then the baton is held so the
thong hangs over the back of the hand.
Finally, the hand is rolled into the baton
handle so that the thong is pressed into the
palm of the hand. This method of gripping
the baton provides a secure grasp. The
baton can be released quickly by simply
relaxing the hand.

Parade rest is the relaxed ready position.
The feet are shoulder width apart. The
left palm is facing out. The right palm is
facing in toward the body. The hands are
approximately 6 inches from the ends of
the baton.

FM 19-15

The port position is a ready position. It
is particularly well suited for individual
defense. The right hand and forearm are
parallel to the ground. The left hand is
level with the left shoulder. The striking
end of the baton bisects the angle between
the neck and the left shoulder. The baton is
held approximately 8 inches from the body.
The feet are shoulder width apart.

The on-guard position is the ready
position. It should not be maintained for
long periods of time because it is tiring. To
assume the position, the left foot is placed
forward of the right foot. The feet are
spread apart, and the knees are slightly
bent. The right hand and the butt end of
the baton are placed snugly against the
hip. The body is bent slightly forward at
the waist. The left arm is bent so that the
forearm protects the soldier’s throat area,
yet allows a thrust to be made.

FM 19-15

Control forces use one of four techniques is snapped forward, driving the striking
when employing riot batons in offensive end of the weapon into a vulnerable point
operations. They perform the short thrust, of the opponent’s body. The soldier returns
the long thrust, the butt stroke, or the to the on-guard position after delivering the
baton smash. long thrust.
The short thrust is made from the on-
guard position. The body is thrust forward
rapidly by advancing the left foot. The
left arm is snapped straight, driving the
striking end of the baton into a selected
vulnerable point of the opponent’s body.
The soldier must never direct the thrust
directly at the central throat area because
it can cause permanent injury or death.
The soldier returns to the on-guard position
after delivering the short thrust.

The butt stroke is delivered from the on-
guard position. The right hand is elevated
until the baton is almost parallel to the
ground. The butt stroke is made by ad-
vancing the body rapidly off the right foot.
The right arm is snapped straight. The
butt end of the baton is driven to the left,
striking the opponent’s shoulder, chest, or
LONG THRUST jaw. The left hand is kept even with the left
shoulder. The butt stroke may be fatal to
The long thrust is made from the on- the opponent if either the side of the neck
guard position. The body is thrust rapidly or the head is struck. After delivering the
forward by advancing the right foot. The butt stroke, the soldier returns to the on-
baton is held in the right hand. The baton guard position.

FM 19-15
smash is executed by advancing the left
foot rapidly. Both arms are snapped
straight, smashing the length of the baton
across the opponent’s chest. After deliv-
ering the smash, the soldier returns to the
on-guard position.

The baton smash can be delivered from
the parade-rest, the port, or the on-guard
positions. The baton is held horizontal to
the ground, approximately chest high. The

FM 19-15

In some situations, troops may have to driven forward. The right hand is snapped
employ the riot baton to defend themselves. straight, driving the grip end of the baton
They may have to defend against armed or into the opponent’s upper body, avoiding
unarmed attackers. The defensive tech- the head. After delivering the jab or smash,
niques enable troops to defend against the soldier returns to the on-guard position.
blows to the head, jabs to the body, stabs,
and hand holds.
To defend against a blow to the left side
of the head, the soldier starts from the
parade-rest, port, or on-guard position. He
smartly snaps the left hand to the left side
of the body and the right hand up and to
the left. The baton is then in a nearly
vertical position that blocks the oppo-
nent’s blow.
Immediately after blocking the oppo-
nent’s blow, the soldier snaps both arms up
and level with the baton. The left hand is
near the left shoulder, and the right hand
is in front of the left shoulder. The grip
end of the baton is pointing towards the
opponent. The soldier is now in position to
execute a jab or a smash. The body is

FM 19-15


An opponent’s backhand blow can be
blocked from the parade-rest, port, or on-
guard position. Both arms are snapped out
and to the right front of the body. The left
hand is raised above the right hand so that
the grip end of the baton is pointing down.
This position blocks the opponent’s blow.
After blocking the opponent’s blow, the
right hand is brought up near the right
shoulder. The left hand is moved down and
to the front of the chest. The striking end
of the baton should be pointing slightly to
the left front and toward the opponent. The
soldier is now in position to execute the
butt stroke. The body is rapidly advanced
off the right foot. The right hand is driven
forward and to the left. The left hand is
held in place as the baton is driven against
the opponent’s shoulder, chest, or jaw. This
blow can result in a fatal injury if any
other area of the head is struck.

FM 19-15


The long thrust can be countered from
the parade-rest, port, or on-guard position.
The left hand is moved toward the left. The
right hand is moved smartly down and
toward the left. The opponent’s weapon is
engaged and deflected to the left and away
from the body. As soon as the opponent’s
weapon has been deflected, allow the left
hand to slide down to the right hand. The
body and baton are now in position for a
counterblow against a vulnerable point.


This defensive technique can best be
accomplished from the parade-rest, port, or
on-guard position. As the opponent stabs
down, the body is moved to the rear by
withdrawing the left foot. The left hand is
allowed to slide down the baton to the right
hand, and the baton is raised up over the
left side of the body. The baton is brought
down and snapped against the opponent’s
wrist or forearm, disarming him. After
disarming the opponent, the left hand is
slid back up to its original position on the
baton, ready to execute the baton smash,

FM 19-15

opponent drops his weapon, the sol-

dier brings both hands up close to his
shoulders. The baton is held across the
chest. The counterblow is delivered by
moving forward with the right foot and
executing the baton smash.


The upward thrust can be blocked effec-
tively from the parade-rest, port, or on-
guard position. The riot baton is brought
quickly to a position parallel to the ground,
about 6 inches away from the lower chest. Once an opponent has been disarmed, he
Both arms are snapped straight down, must not be allowed to recover his weapon.
driving the length of the baton downward Any blow delivered to a vulnerable point of
to strike the opponent’s wrist. As the the body is effective.

FM 19-15
The riot baton is extremely effective
when used against an aggressive or violent
person. These defensive tactics may be
performed from all three basic positions.
The body is moved slightly to the rear by
withdrawing the left foot. The left hand is
slid down the riot baton to the right hand,
and both hands are brought up to the left
shoulder, the baton parallel to the ground.
Against an opponent’s left-handed blow,
the soldier delivers a counterblow to the
opponent’s collar bone or shoulder. Against
an opponent’s right-handed blow, the
soldier delivers a counterblow to the
opponent’s forearm.
If a soldier is grabbed by an opponent,
the baton can be effectively employed as a
defensive weapon. The baton can be jabbed
into the groin or stomach of the opponent.

Extreme Force Options

When a crowd engages in violent activities, a control force

may have to resort to forceful measures to control the crowd.
Strong measures of force are used only against crowds who em-
ploy defenses, arms, or tactics that make lesser measures of force
ineffective or impractical. These measures include the use of
firearms, the most extreme measure of force. The use of firearms
ranges from the M234, which is a nondeadly force measure, to
the machine gun, which is the most deadly force measure. The
commander employs these firearms in a manner that is consistent
with the principle of using minimum force. When employing
firearms, the commander tries to ensure that they are used in a
way that minimizes the chances for fatalities.


The M234 launcher is a riot control force of the projectile’s impact repels or
weapon that uses nondeadly force. The distracts rioters while causing minimal
launcher, mounted on the M16 rifle, fires injuries.
a projectile that causes pain on impact. The

FM 19-15

The ring airfoil projectile is shaped like

a ring or doughnut. It is 2.5 inches in di-
ameter. It consists of a one-piece, molded
rubber body weighing approximately 1.25
ounces. The projectile is available in two
variations: the soft projectile and the sting
projectile. Both are identical in their ex-
ternal appearance. The sting projectile is
a kinetic energy projectile that inflicts a
painful blow. The soft projectile is identical
to the sting projectile, but it contains riot
control agent powder in small compart-
ments in the projectile’s body. On impact,
the powder is spread directly on the person.

The M234 launcher is mounted on the

closed-end flash suppressor of the M16 (if
so equipped) or on the M16A1 rifle. An
upper arm and a buffer housing on the
rear of the launcher mate with the rifle’s
forward sight and bayonet stud to keep the
launcher from moving on the barrel. The
launcher is aimed using the launcher
sights. The rifle is fired in the usual
manner. The speed and flat trajectory of
the spinning projectile make it extremely
difficult to dodge, catch, or deflect.
The firing rate is about four to six pro-
jectiles per minute. The maximum range is
100 meters, but the weapon works best
against individuals at ranges to 40 meters
and against small groups to 60 meters. It is
most effective when the person is lightly

FM 19-15
The M234 launcher is issued two per
squad for each authorized company. The
weapons may be deployed in several ways.
Soldiers armed with the launcher may be
used as members of foot or motor patrols.
They also may be placed in or behind a
crowd control formation. They must be
positioned behind other squad members
because they are vulnerable and make
likely targets. Also, they must be position-
ed where they can easily hear the squad
leader and fire team leader and react
quickly to calls for fire support.

FM 19-15
The soft projectile produces a CS agent authority to fire the M234 launcher is
cloud 4 to 5 feet in diameter. It is specifi- retained at the platoon or company level.
cally designed to provide the commander In a patrol or a security element, that
with a less lethal means of engaging authority belongs to the person in charge.
specific people or small groups under con- Its use must be limited to people who pose
ditions in which other riot control weapons a serious threat to security forces or criti-
would be prohibited, undesirable, or inef- cal facilities or to people who are bent on
fective. Ball ammunition is used only in violence or destruction. Any other use may
extreme circumstances. Dispersing greater incite more violence and destruction, thus
amounts of a riot control agent by other promoting sympathy for the participants.
means is often undesirable or not possible.
The soft projectile may be particularly FIRING TECHNIQUES
useful against individuals or groups who
are highly motivated, are wearing heavy Firing techniques for the M234 launch-
clothing, or are using protective gear or er include selective, volley, and combina-
shields. tion fires. Selective fire employs fire aimed
at point targets. For greatest effect, the pro-
The sting projectile produces a sharp jectile should hit the front, upper half of the
stinging blow on impact. Through its torso. To prevent eye damage, the soldier
painful effects, it repels, deters, or distracts avoids aiming directly at a person’s head.
crowd members. The sting projectile is Volley fire is used against area targets
employed in essentially the same way as to cover as much of an area as possible.
the soft projectile. Whether the soft or the Volley fire must be restricted to situations
sting projectile is employed in a given in which serious destruction of property
situation is largely a judgmental decision. could occur or life is at stake.
The sudden and painful impact of the sting
projectile is particularly effective when Combination fire is the joint use of the
used against lightly clothed people or M234 and riot control agents. It capitalizes
people wearing masks that protect against on the incapacitating effects of agents and
the effects of the soft projectile. Against the shock of M234 projectiles. Combination
small area targets, employing soft and fire is used against attacks by determined
sting projectiles in combination can be groups of rioters.
highly effective. Troops must be very
careful with the sting projectile. They Although the M234 is designed to keep
must avoid accidental shots that can hit injuries light, misuse of the weapon can
windows, streetlights, or other fragile cause permanent injury. Follow these
structures. The sting projectile can easily precautions:
break ordinary windows and may crack Take special care to avoid accidental use
heavier glass like that used on store fronts. of ball ammunition. Ball ammunition
must not be issued to soldiers using the
Troops using M234 launchers also may M234.
be a part of security elements protecting Avoid, if possible, using launchers for
critical facilities. Their positioning depends volley firing. An M16 firing blank
on the shape and physical limitations of ammunition sounds the same as it does
the perimeter barrier. Whenever M234 firers when firing ball ammunition. To
are used, other members of the unit must prevent panic and unfavorable crowd
be equipped with lethal firearms. reaction, wait until the crowd realizes
blank ammunition is being used. Then
Use of the M234 must be controlled at the launchers may be fired in greater
all times. In crowd control formations, numbers.

FM 19-15
Do not use the M234 launcher for property of residents. Not only can the
indiscriminate or harassing firing. projectile cause pain, it also can damage
Do not fire at older people, pregnant windows, streetlights, or other fragile
women, or children. structures.
Do not aim at the head or the neck. The Give annual training to all members of
projectile’s speed gives it enough force to units using the M234. Training must
severely damage an eye. include related equipment and the
Take every precaution to ensure a stray disassembly, assembly, and use of the
projectile does not hit an onlooker or the launcher.

The riot shotgun is an extremely ver- tered in antisniper operations. Because of
satile weapon. Its appearance and capa- the shotgun’s short range, the danger of
bility have a strong psychological effect on producing accidental casualties at ranges
rioters. It is particularly suited to certain over 60 to 70 meters is much less than
applications in civil disturbance operations. other types of weapons. However, the high
When used with No. 00 buckshot, it is lethality potential of the shotgun at shorter
effective at a limited range. However, the ranges places a severe restraint on its use
use of No. 00 buckshot should be limited to during civil disturbance operations. The
specific missions. For example, it is ideally use of No. 00 buckshot, because of its high
suited for use as a “covering” weapon in lethality at ranges beyond 100 meters,
the antisniper role, during room-to-room must be limited during civil disturbance
searches, and at critical static posts that operations.
could be penetrated by a high-speed vehicle. Regardless of the type of shot used, the
By varying the ammunition from No.00 to shotgun, like any other firearm, constitutes
No. 7 1/2 or No. 9 birdshot, the shotgun a deadly force that can be used only pur-
can be used with considerably less possi-
bility of serious injury or death. This gives suant to the provisions of the rules on
the commander flexibility in choosing the the use of deadly force. Positive control
ammunition that is most appropriate for measures must be established to ensure
the existing conditions. that when shotguns are used, the com-
mander specifically designates the type of
When using No. 7 1/2 or No. 9 shot, the ammunition to be used, and the troops
riot shotgun is suited to close-in firing armed with shotguns use only that type
against isolated targets like those encoun- of ammunition.

The rifle is the primary individual weap- various combinations of the rifle, the bayo-
on used in civil disturbance operations. The net, the magazine, and the rifle’s chamber.
exception is crowd control operations. The Each option represents an escalation in
primary weapon for crowd control is the the level of force. The options are not se-
riot baton. The rifle also may be used for quential in the sense that a commander
antisniper operations. must start with the first option and proceed
When arming his troops with rifles, the from one option to the next in order. As
commander may, in keeping with the long as the option that he chooses is
principle of minimum force, select from appropriate for the threat, he is in keeping
several options. The options consist of with the principle of minimum force.

FM 19-15

The rifle and the rifle with bayonet The troops fix bayonets only on orders.
affixed have very limited offensive use in The order to lock and load rifles can only
civil disturbances as both can constitute be given when the criteria for the use of
deadly force. The main value of the rifle deadly force have been met. When the M16
with bayonet affixed is its psychological rifle is used, a lock plate must be installed
impact on a crowd. However, the danger to prevent automatic fire. The lock plate, a
of accidental or intentional injury to dem- prefabricated insert, fits between the pistol
onstrators or other control force members grip and the receiver group. It prevents the
precludes the use of fixed bayonets ex- selector switch from being inadvertently
cept against extremely violent crowds. flipped to the automatic mode. A soldier
The rifle with a round in the chamber is can install the lock plate in less than a
an option that usually is reserved for the minute using only a screwdriver. Once in
commander of selected marksmen, such place, it ensures that the selector switch
as an SRT leader. stays in the semiautomatic mode.

All automatic weapons, especially ma- disturbance mission. They usually are not
chine guns, are closely controlled by the needed or used. If a need develops, they can
task force commander. It is almost incon- be obtained later.
ceivable that machine guns would be used,
short of guerilla warfare. Only the most Machine guns, 7.62 millimeter and below,
drastic circumstances would justify their may accompany units on civil disturbance
use. Individual automatic weapons must missions. They are not taken on operations
be modified so that they only fire semi- unless their use is imminent. Machine guns
automatically. are available to the control force, but they
are kept in a secure area.
Automatic weapons larger than 7.62
millimeter are not taken on a civil

Apprehension and Detention Operations

During civil disturbances many people engage in unlaw-

ful behavior. The control force may be called upon to take into
custody crowd members who have broken the law. Apprehension
and detention operations are conducted to halt illegal acts and to
deter future disorders. All apprehensions are made by the civil
police force unless it is not possible for them to do so. If it
becomes necessary for a military control force to apprehend or
temporarily detain such lawbreakers, the offenders are turned
over to the civil authorities at the earliest possible moment.
Apprehension is justified only for a person who breaks the law.
The person must be known to have committed an illegal act, or
there must be “probable cause” to believe he or she has done so.
When possible, the military limits its concerns to serious offenses
involving injury or death.

When the military must detain or appre- identified as the offender in question. The
hend violators, certain policies must be team must obtain and provide the names
observed. Apprehended people must be and addresses of witnesses. They should
treated firmly, but with reasonable courtesy use DA Form 3316-R (Detainee Turnover
and dignity. The attitude and behavior of Record) for this purpose. The team must
the apprehending officials is very impor- retain and tag each item of physical evi-
tant. Treating offenders with contempt, dence like a weapon or stolen goods that
hostility, or excessive force increases the supports the apprehension. And the team
likelihood of resistance. And apprehending must give the owner a receipt for each item
people without probable cause or without of evidence that is retained.
concern for their constitutional right to due
process can prevent prosecution of the
offender and, in some cases, result in
prosecution of or a civil suit against the
apprehending officials. Troops must not question offenders at the
When it is at all possible, civil law en- scene. Failure to advise an offender of his
forcement agents are integrated with the rights and improper questioning about law
military control force team making appre- violations can prevent a conviction. Troops
hensions. The team making apprehensions must limit their questions to asking the
must carry out all procedures carefully. For offender’s name, place of residence, and
each apprehension, the apprehension team place of employment. If offenders must be
must document the specific conduct that questioned, civilian police are asked to
violates a law. The team must provide conduct the interrogations. If civilian police
careful descriptive data for each offender. are not available, CID agents or military
The description must be good enough that police may conduct interrogations essential
at a later time that person can be clearly to the civil disturbance mission.

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FM 19-15
It is best to use apprehension teams, And having control force members taking
especially if it is likely that a lot of people pictures can help control crowd reaction. It
will be apprehended. The teams provide an reduces the impact of anonymity on the
organized response to the situation. The crowd’s behavior, making crowd members
teams can be organized at squad or platoon less prone to unruly acts.
level, depending on the number of appre-
hensions expected.
Each team, if possible, consists of an
apprehension officer, a movement element,
and a recorder. If the control force cannot
provide security for the team, a security
element is added to the team. The team
apprehension officer makes the actual
apprehension with the help of the other
elements. The TAO may be either an officer
or an NCO. If possible, a civilian police-
man or a US marshal serves as TAO. The If apprehension teams are not used,
TAO determines who is to be apprehended. each soldier must make a quick mental
He informs the offender of the reason estimate of the situation as he approaches
for the apprehension. He supervises the a person he intends to apprehend. He
handling of the offender. And he ensures observes the scene carefully, noting details
that the apprehension process is properly and conditions that relate to the incident.
conducted and documented. The TAO is He considers what course of action to take.
responsible for the overall apprehension. Each soldier considers the attitudes of the
This limits the number of people who will offender and the crowd in light of the man-
be subpoenaed to court to document the power available. There must be sufficient
apprehension. The movement element manpower to cope with the situation,
helps the TAO handle the people being especially if the crowd might turn hostile.
apprehended. This element moves, re- It is better to wait for help than to have too
strains, and searches the offenders under few troops to handle a situation. Trying to
the supervision of the TAO. The security force an apprehension in a hostile environ-
element watches the crowd and acts as a ment can escalate violence and endanger
blocking element to keep the crowd from the persons making the apprehension.
interfering with the apprehensions. The
recorder helps the TAO document the The behavior of the offender is observed
event. He helps fill out the DA Form to decide if the offender is violent, coopera-
3316-R. If possible, the recorder also photo- tive, or passive. Unless there is good reason
graphs the TAO with each apprehended to believe otherwise, the offender must be
person. This aids the identification process. considered dangerous. The mood of the
And it provides the TAO with documen- crowd is observed to estimate what they
tation of the apprehension for use in court. might do. The crowd may be just curious
onlookers, or they may support the person
If people and equipment are available, to be apprehended.
a videotape or photographic element The soldier selects a course of action that
accompanies the team. This element re- seems best in view of what the offender or
cords the scene before, during, and after the crowd may do. He bases his decisions
the apprehensions. The element provides on the nature and seriousness of the inci-
pictorial documentation for use in court. dent and the factors he used in estimating

fold out
FM 19-15
the situation. Actions must be kept as a crowd to violence. The team may choose
simple as the situation allows. The element to move the offender out of the crowd’s
of surprise can give him an immediate view. If an uncooperative offender is moved
advantage over the offender. But it is best only a very short distance, a come-along
not to use surprise if the offender might hold or carry may be used. If the distance
panic and injure someone. And it is wise to is somewhat longer, flexcuffs or hand irons
make the apprehension at a place offering are applied.
the most advantages to the team and the
fewest to the offender. Apprehensions in After being searched, offenders are
a crowded area are avoided if possible. transported from the area. Vehicles like
Crowded areas provide avenues of escape. trucks, buses, or sedans that are used to
Also, the offender may have supporters in transport apprehended offenders must be
the crowd who will come to his aid. modified with barriers to separate the
offenders from the driver. If a barrier
Each soldier must give commands in a cannot be provided, then a guard is placed
voice and manner appropriate for the in the vehicle. The passenger compartment
purpose and the situation. He must state is checked for items that could be used as
his commands in simple, concise language. weapons. When the guard must sit next to
His manner of speaking must be convinc- a prisoner, the guard always sits with his
ing. It must convey an expectation that his weapon away from the prisoner. Prisoners
instructions will be obeyed. With frightened must be placed where they can best be
people, sympathy combined with an atti- controlled, but they are not fastened to the
tude of firm assurance on the soldier’s part vehicle with hand irons or flexcuffs. Seat
avoids trouble. With uncooperative people, belts must be fastened.
an attitude of forceful authority may be
needed. The soldier’s commands must be of When women are transported and no
such a nature and content that the offender women are available as escorts, measures
does what the soldier wants and only that. must be taken to avoid false charges of
molestation. The names and addresses of
The offender should be searched immedi- witnesses must be taken before leaving the
ately. But circumstances may dictate post- scene. The net control station must be
poning the search until a safer place can be notified of the departure time and the
found. The longer the apprehension takes, vehicle’s mileage reading. And the arriv-
the greater the risk of drawing a hostile al time and the mileage reading at the
crowd. The crowd may sympathize with the destination must be recorded. At least two
offender and try to help him or to escalate male escorts must be present at all times
the violence. The offender’s actions may when a female escort is not present. These
also incite the crowd to violence. The procedures also apply when the male and
longer an offender is the focal point of an female roles are reversed.
apprehension, the more easily he may stir

Apprehended offenders must be searched made. Searches must be conducted by at
immediately for weapons and for evidence least two people. One person searches
that can be easily destroyed or discarded. It while the other person provides back-up or
is during the first contact with an appre- security. If the offender is thought to be
hended person that the greatest caution is armed, the searcher’s assistant covers the
needed to prevent surprise and dangerous offender with a weapon, and the searcher
acts. Due caution, however, must be exer- ensures that his own weapon, if he has one,
cised constantly from the time a person is is secure.
apprehended until proper disposition is

FM 19-15

Searches of people and property that are The searcher commands the offender to
not usually subject to military law may be spread his feet and extend his arms above
made by military forces during a civil his head. The searcher then searches the
disturbance. When possible, civilian police offender from head to feet, crushing the
should search civilians and civilian prop- clothing to locate any concealed weapons.
erty. If police are not available, military When the search is complete, flexcuffs or
personnel may search people incident to an hand irons are put on the offender.
apprehension. Either the stand-up search
or the wall search may be used. The choice
depends on the situation. The search is
made not only of the person, but also of the
immediate area. This prevents the person
from grabbing a weapon or from destroy-
ing evidence. Control forces may search
private property, including vehicles, if—
Reasonable belief exists that a person
has committed or is committing a
violent crime and is hiding in a building
or a vehicle.
Reasonable belief exists that a vehicle
contains weapons or instruments of
Probable cause exists for searching a
building or a vehicle.
Probable cause exists to believe that,
unless immediate action is taken,
evidence of a crime will be destroyed
before a warrant can be obtained.
Control force members must not search a
member of the opposite sex. The TAO must
wait until a member of the opposite sex is WALL SEARCH
available to make the search. If there are When a weapon is found, or when other
no female control force members available factors indicate the need, a wall search
to search a female offender, any qualified is conducted. By rendering an offender
woman, such as a medical professional, helpless by placing him in an awkward
can be called on to conduct the search. A position, the wall search affords safety to
member of either sex can search items that the searcher. Wall searches are particularly
can be easily removed, such as luggage, useful when searching several offenders.
packages, shoes, hat, coat, and handbags. Any upright surface can be used.
For more information on searches, see
FM 19-10. To begin the search, the soldier has the
offender face the wall or other surface and
STAND-UP SEARCH lean spread-eagled against it. The soldier
The stand-up search is a quick search makes sure the offender’s feet are well
of the offender for weapons and evidence. apart. The offender’s head must be kept
In making the search, the searcher has down. The searcher’s assistant stands
the offender stand with his back to the on the side of the offender opposite the
searcher. The searcher’s assistant takes a searcher and to the rear. When the searcher
position where he can watch the offender. moves to the other side of the offender, the

FM 19-15

assistant also changes position. The If the offender resists or tries to escape
searcher walks around the assistant when and must be restrained before the search is
changing sides to avoid coming between completed, the entire search is repeated
the offender and the assistant guarding from the beginning. If flexcuffs or hand
the offender. irons are applied before the wall search is
completed, the offender’s forehead is placed
against the wall to provide support in place
of the hands. Flexcuffs or hand irons are
applied when the wall search is complete.
When searching two or more offenders,
the searcher has them lean spread-eagled
against the same wall, but far enough
apart so they cannot reach one another.
The searcher’s assistant takes a position
a few paces to the rear of the offenders.
The searcher begins the search with the
offender on the right. After searching each
offender, the searcher has him move to the
left end of the line and resume the wall-
search position. This keeps the searcher
from coming between the assistant and an

Come-along techniques can be used to
move resisting offenders. The apprehension
team must be able to move the offender
quickly and without the use of excess force.
Flexcuffs or hand irons are placed on
resisters before moving them. This reduces
a resister’s ability to fight if he or she
suddenly tries to do so.
The two-person carry is the best come-
along technique if there are enough troops
available. This carry avoids injuries caused
by excessive lifting. It also avoids injuries
to an offender. A soldier stands on either
side of the offender and grasps him under
the legs and through his arms and around
his back. The soldiers may grasp each
other’s arms to prevent their hold from
slipping. They also can perform this carry
using riot batons. They place one baton
under the legs behind the knees and the
other baton horizontally across the back.
Both soldiers then grasp the batons,
forming a cradle.

FM 19-15
hands in front of the offender’s chest for a
more secure hold. The second soldier stands
to one side of the offender and encircles the
offender’s legs at the knees with his arm.

A one-person carry has a disadvantage.

It involves lifting considerable weight. This
The offender may try to resist by stiffen- can tire the carrier quickly or cause a back
ing and forcing himself out of the cradle. injury. The soldier lifts the offender from
To counteract this resistance, one soldier the rear by grasping him under the arms.
gets behind the offender and grasps the The soldier locks his hands in front of the
offender under the arms. He locks his offender’s chest. The soldier then pulls the

FM 19-15

offender backward with the offender’s heels

dragging the ground. A riot baton also may
be used for this technique. The soldier
approaches the offender from behind. He
lays the baton to the side of the offender,
slightly behind the offender’s buttocks. He
then forces the offender into a sitting
position, reaches under the offender’s arms,
and picks up the baton. He then rotates the
baton to the front of the offender’s chest.
He places his free hand under the offend-
er’s arm and grasps the other end of the
baton. Again, the soldier pulls the offender
backward with the offender’s heels drag-
ging the ground.

A come-along hold is used to move an
unrestrained, unwilling person from one
place to another. It controls the person’s
movements without injuring him. A come-
along hold puts pressure on a sensitive
part of the body and causes discomfort.
The hold must be executed quickly and
with as little commotion as possible. Speed
is essential in applying these holds. Such
holds are used only for short distances
until the offender can be restrained. Each
soldier must know which holds are best
suited to his capabilities.
Baton as a Restraint and Come-Along
The riot baton may be used as a re-
straining device and as a come-along hold
at the same time. The soldier has the
offender cross his hands behind his back.
He slips the offender’s hand through the
baton’s leather thong. He then twists the
baton until the slack in the thong is taken
up. The thong can be tightened or loosen-
ed depending on the amount of pressure
needed to secure the offender. With his left

FM 19-15
hand, the soldier grasps the left shoulder Gooseneck Come-Along
or the clothing over the shoulder of the
offender. He pulls the offender slightly To apply a gooseneck come-along the
backward so that the offender cannot pull soldier approaches the offender from the
away from the baton end, which is pressed rear. He steps forward with his left foot
against the small of the offender’s back. along the outside of the offender’s right
foot. He grasps the inside of the offender’s
right arm at the elbow with his left hand.
He then grasps the offender’s right hand
with his right hand, placing his thumb
inside the bend of the offender’s wrist and
his fingers across the back of the offender’s
right hand. With both hands, the soldier
sharply pulls the offender off balance and
to the rear so the offender’s weight falls on
the soldier’s left shoulder. The soldier then
bends the offender’s right arm at the elbow
and locks the offender’s right arm against
his chest. He reinforces his right hand with
his left hand, placing both thumbs inside
the bend of the wrist and his fingers across
the back of the offender’s hand. He locks
both his elbows tightly to his side and
steps up beside the offender. He applies
pressure as he steps up beside the offender.
He presses down on the back of the offend-
er’s hand, bending it under toward the

FM 19-15
The soldier applies pressure by turning the with his left hand, and pulling up with his
offender’s head to the right, pushing down left elbow.

Front Hammerlock
For the front hammerlock the soldier
faces the offender. He steps forward with
his right foot to the outside of the offend-
er’s right foot. He grasps the offender’s
right arm at the elbow with the soldier’s
right hand palm up. The soldier breaks the
offender’s balance by pulling the offender’s
right arm slightly away from the offender’s
body. As he pivots behind the offender, he
strikes the offender’s right wrist with his
left wrist and bends the offender’s arm to
the rear. As the soldier completes the pivot
behind the offender, he drives his left fist
straight up until the offender’s right wrist
rests in the bend of the soldier’s left arm.
He then rotates his left hand down, grasp-
ing the offender’s right elbow. He pulls the
offender’s right elbow tightly against his
stomach. The offender may be leaning
forward in this position. The soldier
completes the hold by reaching with his
right hand over the offender’s shoulder and
grasping the left side of the offender’s face.

12-9 fold in
FM 19-15

Fingers Come-Along
The fingers come-along is tiring to main-
tain, but it is extremely useful in moving
an offender for a short distance. The sol-
dier faces the offender. He steps forward
with his right foot to the outside of the
offender’s left foot. As he steps, he reaches
with both hands and grasps the offender’s
left wrist with his left hand. He grasps two
or three fingers with his right hand. He
then pivots counterclockwise on his right
foot until he is standing beside the offend-
er. He thrusts the offender’s arm straight
out in front of him at shoulder height,
maintaining a tight grip on the offender’s
wrist with his left hand and bending the
offender’s fingers down with his right
hand. The soldier applies pressure by
keeping the offender’s arm locked straight
and by pulling the offender’s fingers
straight back toward the offender’s elbow.
This hold can be applied on either hand.

Groin Lift
The groin lift is used to remove a re-
sisting offender from a wall or move him
through a doorway. The soldier approaches
the offender from the rear. He steps for-
ward and places his left foot next to the
offender’s left foot. He grasps the offender’s
left wrist with his left hand, pulling the
offender’s hand sharply down between the
offender’s legs. The soldier then grasps the
offender’s left hand with his right hand
and pulls the offender’s arm up into the
offender’s groin. He reaches with his left
hand and grabs the offender’s shoulder or
collar. He can then move the offender
forward or backward by lifting the offend-
er’s arm against the offender’s groin as he
pushes down on the offender’s shoulder
with his left hand.

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FM 19-15

Baton Come-Along
For the baton come-along the soldier
grasps the center of the baton with his
right hand. He approaches the offender
from behind. He rotates the baton to a
position parallel with his right arm and
pointed toward the offender. He thrusts
the baton between the offender’s legs. He
rotates his right hand so that his palm is
turned up. He then pulls back and up,
placing the baton across the offender’s
upper thighs.
The soldier reaches up with his left hand
and grasps the offender’s collar near the
back of his neck. To move the offender, the
soldier keeps his right hand as straight as
possible and exerts upward pressure from
the shoulder. Simultaneously, he pushes
forward with his left hand. This keeps the
offender on his toes and off balance to
his front.

FM 19-15

Hammerlock Come-Along
For the hammerlock come-along the
soldier holds the baton in his right hand.
He steps forward with his right foot and
tween the offender’s left arm and body.
As the baton passes to the rear of the
the baton passes to the rear of the
offender’s body, the soldier pushes up and
to the rear. He steps forward with his left
foot to the outside of the offender’s left foot.
He then reaches across the offender’s left
shoulder with his left hand and grasps the
striking end of the baton. Pivoting on
the ball of his left foot, he moves to the
offender’s left rear. At the same time, he
presses down with his left hand on the
striking end of the baton in the direction of
the offender’s left front. He also presses up
on the grip end of the baton with his right
hand. This bends the offender well forward
at the waist.

FM 19-15
jaw bone and forces the offender’s face to
the left, straightening him up. To apply
pressure, he presses down on the striking
end of the baton with his left upper arm
and pulls up on the grip of the baton with
his right hand.

After the offender has been subdued, the

soldier holds the baton firmly with his
right hand and releases his left hand. He
reaches across the striking end of the
baton with his left hand and grasps the
right side of the offender’s face under the


Civil authorities must provide adequate handle, civil authorities may ask the con-
detention facilities for all apprehended trol forces to set up and operate temporary
people. Authorities must be prepared to facilities. Army correctional facilities
detain large numbers of people. They cannot be used to detain civilians. A
may choose to expand existing detention temporary Army detention facility can be
facilities or to set up temporary facilities to set up if—
accommodate the extra load. If possible, Federal troops have been employed
large-scale arrests are delayed until suf- under the provisions of AR 500-50.
ficient detention facilities have been The task force commander has verified
provided. that available civilian detention
When federal forces are committed, facilities can no longer accommodate
the commander coordinates with civil the number of prisoners who are
authorities to ensure adequate detention awaiting arraignment and trial by
facilities are available and to learn their civilian courts.
locations and capacities. If there are more Prior approval has been granted by the
detainees than civil detention facilities can Army Chief of Staff.

FM 19-15

Use of the temporary facility ends as soon The basic structure must include:
as civil authorities can take custody of the Search areas.
detainees. The Army is responsible for the
custody, health, comfort, and sustenance of Holding areas for incoming men and
all people detained in its facilities until women.
custody is transferred to civil authorities.
The temporary facilities cannot be used to A processing area.
confine people arraigned or convicted in Holding areas for men and women who
civilian courts. Women are detained in have committed misdemeanors.
these facilities only under the most extreme
circumstances. And women must be trans- Holding areas for men and women who
ported to a civilian facility as soon as have committed felonies or are violent.
A holding area for property and evi-
The same operational procedures that
apply to the management of an instal- A holding area for administrative sup-
lation confinement facility apply to the port and records.
management of temporary detention
facilities, except for training, employment, A medical station.
and administrative discipline. The facilities
are supervised and controlled by MP offi- Latrines.
cers and NCOs trained and experienced in
Army correctional operations. Guards and Facility personnel must ensure that
support personnel under direct supervision proper sanitation is maintained. When
and control of MP officers and NCOs need large numbers of people are detained or
not be trained or experienced in Army processed through a facility, sanitation
correctional operations. But they must be becomes a problem. Medical personnel
specifically instructed and closely super- must conduct regular health inspections to
vised in the proper use of force, their custo- detect unsanitary practices and conditions.
dial procedures, and their completion of (For more information on health inspec-
military and civilian forms and reports tions of detention facilities, see AR 190-38.)
that they might have to use. Troops who
may be tasked to operate a temporary The facility must be organized for a
detention facility should be familiar with smooth flow of traffic. Processing stations
the forms and reports used for civilian must be set up so there is a linear or cir-
apprehensions. cular sequence of movement. Processing
areas are set up out of sight of the holding
The temporary facilities are set up on the areas. If possible, the areas are separated
nearest military installation or on suitable by a door to reduce noise in the processing
property under federal control. Ideally, the area. To reduce distractions, each station
facility is close enough to the disturbance may be partitioned. Detainees may be more
area to minimize transportation and escort cooperative if they are out of the sight of
needs. But it should be far enough away each other.
not to be endangered by riotous acts.
Whenever possible, existing structures are Injured people are given prompt medical
adapted for this use. But construction may treatment and transportation to medical
be needed to provide the segregation for facilities when necessary. A medical aid
ensuring effective control and admini- station for screening detainees and treat-
stration. ing minor injuries is set up inside or next

FM 19-15

to the detention facility. The treatment used to identify different offender classifi-
area, however, must be out of sight of the cations, such as misdemeanor, felony, or
processing and holding areas. If possible, violent. If opposing factions are involved,
access to the medical facility bypasses the procedures are established to ensure
holding and processing areas. Facility members of opposing factions are not
personnel also may consider setting up a processed together or detained in the same
separate holding area for injured detainees. holding area.
After a detainee has been searched and
Detention facility operation plans must classified, he is taken to a processing
contain emergency procedures. As a station. There, his paperwork is processed.
minimum, the following areas must be If offenders passively resist by going limp,
addressed: they may be moved by wheelchair. This
Fire evacuation. reduces the number of escorts needed and
the fatigue to facility personnel.
Detention facility disturbance control.
Equipment like height charts, scales,
Detention facility defense and security. fingerprinting equipment, and cameras
must be available for completing the police
Other emergency procedures may be needed, report and for identifying the offender.
depending on the situation. Because detainees may use aliases and not
carry identification, special attention is
paid to obtaining as much information as
On arrival at the detention facility, the possible about the detainee’s physical
detainee is logged in and searched. The characteristics. The paperwork is reviewed
search is conducted even if the apprehend- to ensure that information is complete,
ing team made a complete search in the including charges, witnesses, and reasons
field. Separate search areas are set up for for the apprehension.
men and women. Weapons, contraband,
flame-producing devices, suspected evi- After the processing is complete, the
dence, money, and high-value items are detainee is placed in an appropriate hold-
confiscated. Medications also are confis- ing area. The paperwork is forwarded to
cated. Detainees that have had medications the administrative section. The file is re-
confiscated are screened by medical person- viewed for completeness and to determine
nel. Receipts are provided for any property the disposition of the detainee. Information
or evidence that is confiscated. Confiscated from the file may be placed into a computer
items are tagged. The items are stored in a to find repeat offenders. The computer may
controlled property area. be used to file criminal information only.
When a detainee is brought to the fa-
cility, a file is initiated. The detainee’s case Custody transfers and release procedures
number is used on all paperwork, such as must be coordinated with civil authorities
logs, evidence tags, reports, and visual and appropriate legal counsel. Every effort
documentation. All paperwork, including must be made to arraign offenders quickly.
photographs, begun outside the detention The purpose of a detention facility is not to
facility is marked with the case number. keep people off the streets, but to aid in
Facility personnel also may use hospital ID processing offenders through the legal
tags. Using indelible ink, they write the system. To speed up the release process,
case number and attach the tag to the planners should consider issuing citations
detainee’s wrist. Different colors may be or subpoenas for minor offenses.

FM 19-15
Control force members may have to re- Military personnel must obey writs issued
spond to writs of habeus corpus. These by federal courts. For writs issued by a
writs are court orders addressed to a pris- state court, the custodian or his legal
oner’s custodian. Such a writ directs the advisor should respectfully reply that the
custodian to bring the prisoner to court to prisoner is being held by authority of the
determine the legality of the prisoner’s ap- United States. The SJA can answer any
prehension and detention. The custodian questions and explain the correct pro-
must be sure to bring all documentation cedures.
concerning the case with him to court.

Training for Civil Disturbances

Civil disturbance training must enable personnel to function

effectively, as individuals and as members of a control force. To
be effective, the training must be intensive, realistic, and con-
tinuous. Individual, team, and unit training are vital to develop
personnel who are able to perform distasteful and dangerous
duties with discipline and objectivity. A lack of training on the
part of even one person can adversely affect the unit’s
performance. That person may not be able to fulfill his responsi-
bilities as a team member. For this reason, the unit must conduct
makeup training. The unit also must make provisions for training
replacement personnel. Garden Plot’s Annex A and AR 500-50
provide guidance on civil disturbance training requirements.

Each commander structures his unit’s time. And rehearsing alert plans, load
training program based on expected plans, and operational plans must be done
contingencies, prior training, the unit’s as often as necessary to reach and main-
degree of experience, and the degree of tain the required degree of proficiency.
proficiency that the unit has attained. The Commanders should also consider training
unit must be trained, equipped, and main- in courtroom procedures. After the event,
tained in readiness for rapid deployment. soldiers may be called as witnesses in
The training must cover all aspects of civil civilian trials.
disturbance operations. And the training Civil disturbance trainers can keep
must entail more than just mechanical abreast of current developments from
proficiency in crowd control formations. reports in the news media, after-action
Training must also address the sensitivity reports, and a number of other sources.
and high visibility of civil disturbance Lessons learned from such reports and
operations. It must emphasize protection of sources are useful for enhancing training
firefighters and their equipment, area and keeping it current. The following
inhabitants, and other people trying to subjects are a guide for refresher training:
control the disturbance.
Training must include operational tech- Policies and legal considerations.
niques for use in urban, suburban, and Standards of conduct.
campus areas, as well as procedures for Use of minimum force.
neutralizing special threats. Training must Use of riot control agents and
also include use of and functioning with munitions.
personal equipment. For example, unit Use of riot batons.
members may expect to be equipped with Search and seizure techniques.
body armor, protective masks, or face-
shields. Thus they should train wearing Apprehension and detention.
this equipment to help them become ac- Neutralization of special threats.
customed to wearing it for long periods of Media relations.

FM 19-15

Unit training must be realistic. Field crowd members shouting at them, insulting
training exercises can be conducted in them, calling them abusive names, throw-
built-up areas on the installation or at ing objects at them, screaming and rushing
mock-ups. The unit commander should try at them, tearing off their own clothes, or
to include local government officials in deliberately injuring or maiming them-
FTXs. The officials can be either witnesses selves. They cannot allow personal feelings
or participants. But care must be taken to to interfere with executing their mission.
prevent adverse psychological effects on They must ignore these actions and use
the local populace, especially if tension is evasive movements to avoid thrown ob-
high. Exercises with local officials work jects. They must never throw the objects
best if based on a detailed scenario. back. Troops must understand that the
Then participants have a chance to test well-disciplined execution of orders is the
command and staff relationships, com- most effective measure against rioters.
munications, coordination, logistics, and
joint development of intelligence. Ex- A way to familiarize soldiers with con-
perience has shown joint exercises can fronting a mob is to conduct an exercise
identify and help solve problems before a using part of the unit as violent demon-
civil disturbance occurs. The task force strators and part as the control force. This
headquarters staff must periodically test exercise must be realistic, but safe. This
their organization and procedures with training, however, must not be conducted
command post exercises. They also must unless the soldier is also trained to deal
establish a civil disturbance SOP. Proper with his internal stress. Installation mental
training can reveal problems to be cor- health personnel may be available to help
rected before actual operations. This re- with stress training. They can teach
duces confusion during civil disturbance methods to help reduce the soldiers’ stress
operations. and fatigue. They may also be able to ad-
vise the commander on other factors that
STRESS increase the soldiers’ stress levels.
Training can make it possible to function
in a highly disciplined and organized
manner under stressful conditions. Stress WEAPONS AND SPECIAL
training has two goals: to improve under- EQUIPMENT
standing of crowd and mob behavior and
to prepare troops to control their own Every member of the control force must
actions and emotions. The troops study be trained to use his weapon and special
the typical causes of civil disturbances to equipment. Weapons and special equipment
gain a better understanding of their role in include riot batons, riot control agent
helping to control civil disturbances. Group dispersers and CS grenades, grenade
behavior must be discussed in enough launchers, shotguns, sniper rifles, cameras,
detail to show the troops what to expect. portable videotape recorders, portable
Also, the troops must learn how psy- public address systems, night illumination
chological factors influence their own devices, firefighting apparatus, grappling
behavior. hooks, ladders, ropes, bulldozers, Army
Troops must control their emotions and aircraft, armored personnel carriers, and
carry out their orders with determination roadblock and barricade materials.
and discipline when in formation, on Training time can be used to construct
patrol, or posted as guards. They must be some special equipment, such as wire
physically and emotionally prepared for barricades and wire coverings for vehicles.

FM 19-15

Troops equipped with riot batons must Methods of operating the dispersers.
be well trained in their use. Riot baton
training covers employment, the human Techniques that give the greatest
body’s vulnerable and fatal points of assurance of placing an effective
impact, the basic positions, and defensive concentration on the target area with a
procedures and use of the baton in riot minimum spillover outside the target
control formations. The procurement of riot area.
batons depends on their availability in the Maintenance of dispersers.
Army’s inventory. If they are unavailable
through Army supply channels, they can Use, care, and inspection of protective
be procured by local purchase at the clothing.
installation level.
Decontamination of equipment.
Each service is responsible for providing,
organizing, equipping, and training its Safety precautions.
forces to use riot control agents in civil
disturbances. The training includes indi-
vidual and unit training. Individual Practical exercises are conducted under
training covers— varying weather conditions and differing
crowd control situations. Whenever pos-
Policy on the employment of riot control sible, training should be integrated with
agents. unit disturbance control exercises. Drills
Characteristics of riot control agents. are conducted periodically to test the readi-
ness and proficiency of the operators and
Individual protection, first aid, and the equipment. For training purposes,
decontamination. technical talc, T1, is used in place of CS.
Maintenance of riot control agent
munitions and equipment. Each unit must have an SOP that pro-
vides guidance to all soldiers, including
drivers and helicopter pilots, who operate
Unit training covers— dispersers. The SOP must cover specific
Riot control agent squad organization. individual duties and actions to be per-
formed before, during, and after operation
Tactical employment of riot control of the disperser.
agents in crowd control.
When special equipment training cannot
These are the minimum training needs. be accomplished before a unit is committed
Other training may be added as needed. to a civil disturbance, the unit commander
must get qualified personnel to operate the
Designated personnel also receive train- equipment. If that cannot be done, the
ing in the operation, employment, and equipment should not be used.
maintenance of riot control agent dis-
persers. They must know and be proficient During training with bayonets, the
with the following: bayonets must be encased in their scab-
bards for safety. Trainers must emphasize
The nomenclature and characteristics of that the only time the rifle is used with
the respective dispersers and the riot fixed bayonets is when the control force is
control agents. confronted by a violent crowd, and the
commander authorizes their use. Also,
The effects of weather, terrain, and troops who will be armed with shotguns
distance on the dispersal of riot control during civil disturbance operations must be
agents. well-trained in their use.

FM 19-15

COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS be confusing because of various systems

Personnel must be trained in the use of that exist in different areas. Troops must
communications systems. Communications receive training on the telephone systems
operating procedures must be included in used in a projected disturbance area. They
special instructions. The telephone system, also must be provided a list of emergency
for instance, is usually simple. But it can numbers.

Civil disturbance operations place un- A leader with two subordinates has two
usual demands on the leadership skills of relationships, one with each subordinate.
members of a control force. The complex As the span of control becomes greater, the
nature of a civil disturbance requires a interaction of relationships becomes more
combination of determined execution of complex. Emotions and stress further
duty and individual restraint. Soldiers and compound the complexities of these re-
small-unit leaders must be aware of these lationships.
demands and be prepared to deal with As the need for close supervision in-
them. Training must include a careful creases and relationships become more
review of military leadership.
complex, the span of control a leader can
Because effective employment of the unit effectively handle decreases. If a leader’s
is a goal of leadership, a good leader must span of control is overextended, bad de-
thoroughly understand span of control. cisions and improper behavior are likely to
Task organizing for civil disturbance result. This, in turn, has an adverse effect
operations is more than usually dependent on the unit’s ability to perform its civil
on span of control. Span of control is the disturbance mission.
number of people or groups that one leader
can control effectively. A leader’s span of
control in civil disturbances is limited by Other factors that must be understood
his span of attention, the personal attitudes concerning span of control include:
of unit members, and the interaction of Experience and training of the leader.
human relationships.
Experience and training of subordi-
A leader’s span of attention—his ability nates.
to give equal attention to a number of tasks Amount of clearly understood
simultaneously—will be severely tested. communication between a leader and
Unit members often must learn new tasks his subordinates.
for civil disturbance operations. Because Degree of similarity among subordi-
these tasks are not part of the unit’s usual nates’ jobs.
mission, leaders must closely supervise Time available for the organization to
these tasks to ensure they are properly translate the leader’s decisions into
performed. actions.
How a soldier works within his unit or Distance by which the leader and his
reacts to a civil disturbance is determined subordinates are separated.
by his attitude. Emotions and preconceived Leader’s personality and the
views and attitudes can impair a soldier’s personality of each of his subordinates.
ability to reason logically. Again, close Mental and physical conditions of the
supervision is the key to preventing im- leader and his subordinates.
proper behavior. Complexity of the organization.

FM 19-15


Past civil disturbance operations show SRT training should be conducted in

that there is a need for personnel to be two phases. The first phase is the develop-
trained to deal with special threats, such ment stage. The team identifies team and
as arson, sniping, and sabotage. Com- individual weaknesses that require ad-
manders, in planning their organization ditional training. This stage requires fre-
and training, must consider the need quent training sessions to achieve the
for special reaction teams to counteract desired response capability, to familiarize
special threats. SRT leaders and members the members with individual and team
must get intensive, specialized training in responsibilities, to sharpen individual
all areas of civil disturbance operations, skills, to improve team cohesiveness, and
with emphasis on counteracting and con- to establish esprit de corps. The second
trolling special threats. This training also phase is the maintenance stage. This stage
includes extensive training in combat in requires fewer training sessions, but
urban terrain, marksmanship, rappelling, it is no less important. In this stage, mem-
physical fitness, first aid, and the use of bers learn advanced skills, develop new
specialized equipment. techniques, and reinforce and hone the
skills learned in the first phase.
The team must know their equipment’s SRTs must be thoroughly trained
potential. They must know how to use not only in basic soldiering skills but in
their equipment properly. And they must specialized and unique skills that enhance
develop confidence in their equipment. In team flexibility. This is vital because each
most cases TOE or TDA military equip- special threat situation is different and
ment and weapons are more than adequate must be dealt with individually.
to deal with special threats if the team’s
training is sufficient. The equipment The SRT is designed to neutralize or
available through supply channels or apprehend a barricaded offender with a
authorized by TOE or TDA must be used to minimum of danger to hostages, team
the maximum extent possible to equip members, control force members, and
SRTs. However, local procurement may be others. All team members must cross-train
needed to obtain special equipment that is in the specialized duties of the other team
deemed absolutely necessary for the safety members. SRTs must be tested in many
of the SRT and for successfully resolving varied scenarios so team and individual
special threat situations. And SRT training strengths and weaknesses can be identified
must include the use of such equipment. An and corrected. It is important that SRT
example of special equipment is soft body members train in a manner that builds
armor with ceramic-fiberglass inserts that teamwork and develops confidence in
is used at static positions. themselves and their teammates. The
capabilities of an SRT influence the com-
The goal of civil disturbance planners is mander’s decision on how and when to
to have one SRT available at all times. employ the team. Therefore, commanders
They should consider training three or should be briefed on their teams’ status
four 5-man SRTs so that one is available after each training session.
for standby. It may be necessary to alert Stress training is invaluable in preparing
or employ more than one team and to SRT members for situations in which they
combine or augment teams to deal with must use their weapons. Stress courses pro-
threats that are beyond the capabilities of vide team members with training in firing
one team. their weapons while they are running,

FM 19-15
firing rapidly, firing from difficult firing marksman must have self-discipline. He
positions, reloading rapidly, firing with must be tested under many different and
accelerated heart and respiration rates, and extreme conditions. He must always train
in other perceived circumstances that with the same weapon and with the same
might confront team members. How well grade of ammunition to ensure consistent
the teams are trained in these areas can round strikes. He must fully understand the
make the difference between life and death capabilities of his weapon, how to identify
for team members, hostages, and offenders. targets, and how to engage targets rapidly.
This training can only be accomplished by
Training the marksman requires addi- continuous practice under varying weather
tional emphasis and consideration and and visibility conditions. For a detailed
must be oriented more to the individual. discussion of individual and team training,
But it also must integrate the marksman’s see FM 21-75, FM 23-9, FM 90-10, TC 19-16,
actions with those of the team. The TC 23-14, and TC 90-6-1.


A-1 fold in


AR - Army regulation MP - military police

CB - citizens band NCO - noncommissioned officer
CID - Criminal Investigation Division OCONUS - outside continental United
CIDCON - civil disturbance condition States
CMT - crisis management team OPCON - operational control
COMAAC - Commander, Alaskan Air OPLAN - operational plan
Command OPs - observation posts
CONUS - continental United States PAO - public affairs officer
CP - command post REDCOM - Readiness Command
CPXs - command post exercises ROTC - Reserve Officer Training Corps
CR - dibenz(1,4)oxazepine SJA - staff judge advocate
CS - chlorobenzalmalononitrile SOPs - standing operating procedures
CSA - Army Chief of Staff SRT - special reaction team
CTA - common table of allowance STANO - surveillance, target acquisition,
DA - Department of the Army and night observation
DOD - Department of Defense TAO - team apprehension officer
EOC - emergency operations center TC - training circular
EOD - explosive ordnance disposal TDA - tables of distribution and allowance
FM - field manual TM - technical manual ,
FORSCOM - Forces Command TMF - threat management force
FTX - field training exercise TOE - table of organization and equipment
GTA - graphic training aid TRADOC - Training and Doctrine
HQ - headquarters Command
HQDA - Headquarters, Department of the TV - television
Army UCMJ - Uniform Code of Military Justice
ID - identification US - United States
IVDS - Installation Vulnerability USA - United States Army
Determining System USACIDC - United States Army Criminal
JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff Investigation Command
MACOM - major Army command USAF - United States Air Force
MDW - Military District of Washington USCG - United States Coast Guard
MI - military intelligence USMC - United States Marine Corps
MOS - military occupational specialty USN - United States Navy
VIP - very important person



Related publications are sources of additional information.

They are not required in order to understand this publication.

DOD Regulations
4000.19-R Defense Regional Interservice Support (DRIS) Regulation

Army Regulations (ARs)

1-4 Employment of Department of the Army Resources in Support
of the United States Secret Service
10-23 US Army Criminal Investigation Command
27-20 Claims
30-1 Army Food Service Program
30-7 Operational Rations
30-18 Army Troop Issue Subsistence Activity Operating Procedures
34-1 US Army Participation in Internal Military Rationalization,
Standardization and Interoperability (RSI) Programs
37-111 Working Capital Funds - Army Stock Fund; Uniform Policies,
Principles, and Procedures Governing Army Stock
Fund Operations
40-3 Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care
40-535 Worldwide Aeromedical Evacuation
500-5 Nuclear Surety
55-29 Military Convoy Operations in CONUS
55-36 DOD Use of Domestic Civil Transportation Under
Emergency Conditions
55-113 Movement of Units Within Continental United States
55-162 Permits for Oversize, Overweight, or Other Special Military
Movements on Public Highways in the United States
55-355 Military Traffic Management Regulation

FM 19-15

75-15 Responsibilities and Procedures for Explosive

Ordnance Disposal
95-1 General Provisions and Flight Regulations
108-2 Army Training and Audiovisual Support
190-28 Use of Force by Personnel Engaged in Law Enforcement
and Security Duties
190-30 Military Police Investigation
190-38 Detention Cell Standards
190-45 Records and Forms
190-47 The US Army Correctional System
190-52 Countering Terrorism and Other Major Disruptions
on Military Installations
195-1 Army Criminal Investigation Program
195-2 Criminal Investigation Activities
210-10 Administration
220-15 Journals and Journal Files
220-58 Organization and Training for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense
230-81 Civilian Nonappropriated Funds and Related Activities
310-25 Dictionary of United States Army Terms
310-50 Catalog of Abbreviations and Brevity Codes
350-7 Training and Evaluation of Forces for Civil Disturbances
350-28 Army Exercises
360-5 Public Information
360-61 Community Relations
360-81 Command Information Program
380-5 Department of the Army Information Security Program
380-13 Acquisition and Storage of Information Concerning
Nonaffiliated Persons and Organizations
381-10 US Army Intelligence Activities
381-20 US Army Counterintelligence (CI) Activities
385-63 Policies and Procedures for Firing Ammunition for Training,
Target Practice and Combat
500-50 Civil Disturbances
500-51 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resoures - Support to
Civilian Law Enforcement
500-60 Disaster Relief

FM 19-15

500-70 Military Support of Civil Defense

525-10 Department of the Army Command and Control Reporting System
530-1 Operations Security (OPSEC)
530-2 Communications Security
530-3 (C) Electronic Security (U)
530-4 (C) Control of Compromising Emanations (U)
600-10 The Army Casualty System
600-20 Army Command Policy and Procedures
600-40 Apprehension, Restraint, and Release to Civil Authorities
638-40 Care and Disposition of Remains
672-5-1 Military Awards
700-49 Loan of DLA Stock Fund Materiel

USACIDC Regulations (CIDRs)*

195-5 Criminal Information Program

National Guard Regulations (NGRs)

500-50 Civil Disturbance Control Operations

Department of the Army Pamphlets (DA PAMs)

27-21 Military Administrative Law Handbook
108-1 Index of Army Motion Pictures and Related Audiovisual Aids
135-3 A Guide to Reserve Components of the Army
310-1 Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms
360-524 Your Personal Affairs
360-525 Family Assistance Handbook for Mobilization

Field Manuals (FMs)

3-4 NBC Protection
3-5 NBC Decontamination
3-8 Chemical Reference Handbook
3-9 Military Chemistry and Chemical Compounds
*CID Regulations are available, upon request, from Commander, USACIDC, ATTN: CIPA-AD,
5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041

FM 19-15

3-100 NBC Operations

19-1 Military Police Support for the AirLand Battle
19-4 Military Police Team, Squad, Platoon Combat Operations
19-10 Military Police Operations
19-20 Law Enforcement Investigations
19-25 Military Police Traffic Operations
19-30 Physical Security
19-40 Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons
19-60 Confinement and Correctional Treatment of Military Prisoners
20-60 Battlefield Illumination
21-10 Field Hygiene and Sanitation
21-ll(TEST) First Aid for Soldiers
21-60 Visual Signals
21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier
21-150 Combative
22-5 Drill and Ceremonies
22-6 Guard Duty
22-100 Military Leadership
23-8 M14 and M14A1 Rifles and Rifle Marksmanship
23-9 M16A1 Rifle and Rifle Marksmanship
23-30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals
23-31 40mm Grenade Launchers M203 and M79
23-35 Pistols and Revolvers
24-l(HTF) Combat Communications
24-16 Communications-Electronics: Operations, Orders,
Records and Reports
2418 Field Radio Techniques
25-1 Training
25-2 Unit Training Management
25-3 Training in Units
25-4 How to Conduct Training Exercises
27-10 The Law of Land Warfare
30-5 Combat Intelligence

FM 19-15

33-1 Psychological Operations: US Army Doctrine

41-5 Joint Manual for Civil Affairs
41-10 Civil Affairs Operation
54-7 Theater Army Logistics
55-1 Army Transportation Services in a Theater of Operations
55-9 Unit Air Movement Plan
55-10 Army Movement Management Units and Procedures
55-12 Movement of Army Units in Air Force Aircraft
55-20 Army Rail Transport Operations and Units
55-30 Army Motor Transport Units and Operations
90-2(HTF) Tactical Deception
90-10(HTF) Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)
100-5(HTF) Operations
100-10 Combat Service Support
100-20 Low Intensity Conflict
101-5 Staff Organization and Operations
101-5-1 (HTF) Operational Terms and Graphics
101-10-1 Staff Officers’ Field Manual: Organizational,
Technical, and Logistic Data
101-10-2 Staff Officers’ Field Manual: Organizational,
Technical, and Logistical Data Extracts of
Nondivisional Tables of Organization and Equipment

Technical Manuals (TMs)

3-240 Field Behavior of Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agents
3-250 Storage, Shipment, Handling, and Disposal of Chemical Agents
and Hazardous Chemicals
3-1040-220-12&P Operator’s and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Disperser,
Riot Control Agent, Helicopter or Vehicle Mounted, M5
3-1040-220-34&P Direct Support and General Support Maintenance
Manual: Disperser, Riot Control Agent, Helicopter or
Vehicle Mounted, M5
3-1040-262-13&P Operator’s, Organizational, and Direct Support Maintenance
Manual: Disperser, Riot Control Agent, Portable: M33A1
8-285 Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and
Conventional Military Chemical Injuries

FM 19-15

9-1010224-10 Operator’s Manual for Launcher, Projectile,

64-mm: Riot Control, M234
43-0001-26-1 Army Equipment Data Sheets: Chemical Defense Equipment
43-0001-26-2 Army Equipment Data Sheets: Chemical Weapons and Munitions

Training Circulars (TCs)

19-16 Countering Terrorism on US Army Installations
23-14 Sniper Training and Employment
90-6-1 Military Mountaineering

Training Films (TFs)

TF 3-3203 Protective Mask Fitting and Drill
TF 3-3372 Masking Procedures in Combat
TF 3-4060 Components of the M17A1 Field Protective Mask
TF 7-4584 The M16A1 Rifle
TF 7-4586 The Pistol, Automatic, Cal .45, M1911A1
TF 7-4589 Weapons Safety - Part V - The M203 Grenade Launcher
TF 19-3950 Civil Disturbances - Principles of Control
TF 19-3951 Civil Disturbances - Part II- Planning for Control
TF 19-4605 The Riot Baton
TF 19-4873 Crowd Control Formations
TF 19-4882 Collective Behavior - Civil Disturbances - Part I - Evolution
of Disorder and Crowd Psychological Factors
TF 19-4884 Operational Doctrine - Civil Disturbances - Part I - Principles
TF 19-4885 Operational Doctrine - Civil Disturbances - Part II - Tasks
and Techniques
TF 19-4886 Operational Doctrine - Civil Disturbances - Part III -
Application of Force
TF 19-4946 Unarmed Defense
TF 19-6080 Management of Special Threat Situations
MF 20-5829 Rumor
TF 32-3589 Communications Security
TF 33-3913 Loudspeakers in Psychological Operations
TF 33-4177 Face to Face Persuasion
TF 41-3443 Military Civic Action

FM 19-15

TF 55-3667 Preparation and Planning

TF 55-3668 Loading Techniques
TF 55-3669 Lashing Techniques
TF 55-4178 Convoy Planning
TF 55-4276 Convoy Organization
TVT 19-54 The Military Police Club
TVT 19-55 The Come-Along

Graphic Training Aids (GTAs)

21-2-7 Special Orders for Civil Disturbance Operations

Department of the Defense Forms (DD Forms)

173/1 Joint Messageform
173/2(OCR) Joint Messageform
173/3(OCR) Joint Messageform
1387-2 Special Handling Data/Certification

Department of the Army Forms (DA Forms)

2028 Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
3316-R Detainee Turnover Record

Department of the Army Civil Disturbance Plan (Garden Plot)
Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 1984


FM 19-15

FM 19-15

FM 19-15

FM 19-15


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