Chapter 3 Sociology Study Guide

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Sociology Chapter 3 Test: Part 1 1. Cheating on a final exam is an example of violating campus a. folkways b. symbols c. mores d.

high culture

2. Subculture refers to: a. part of the population lacking culture b. elements of popular culture c. people who embrace high culture d. cultural patterns that set a part a segment of a societys population

3. Of all the worlds countries, the USA is most: a. multicultural b. culturally uniform c. slowly changing d. resistant of cultural diversity 4. US culture holds a strong belief in a. traditions of the past b. individuality c. equality of condition for all d. all of the above

5. Ideas created by people of society are considered: a. high culture b. material culture c. norms d. nonmaterial culture

6. Sociologists define a symbol as a. any gesture that insults others b. any element of material culture c. anything that was meaning to people who share a culture d. any pattern that causes culture shock

7. What region in the US has many people who speak a language other than english? a. southwest b. northeast c. northwest d. south 8. Cultural lag refers to: a. slowing of cultural change b. some societies change faster than yours c. some elements of culture change faster than others d. people who are less cultured than others

9. Who experienced culture shock with the yanomamo tribe? a. Karl Marx b. Emile Durkheim c. Napoleon Chagnon d. Benjamin Whorf

10. Which is not a key value of US culture? a. material comfort b. equal opportunity c. progress d. Poverty

PART ll Matching Section

1. Sapir-Whorf Thesis 2. Language 3. Norms 4. Social Conflict-Approach 5. Subculture 6. Afrocentrism 7. Beliefs 8. Symbol 9. Napolean Chagnon 10. Culture

a. Anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture b. Researcher who experienced culture shock with the Yanomamo tribe c. The symbolic system by which people in a culture communicate with one another d. Specific ideas that people hold to be true e. Emphasizing and promoting African cultural patterns f. The ways of thinking, the ways of acting, and the material objects that together from a peoples way of life. g. Seeing culture as a dynamic arena of inequality and conflict h. Cultural patterns that set apart some segment of a societys population i. The idea that people see and understand the world through the cultural lens of language j. Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members

Answers: 1. i 2. c 3. j 4. g 5. h 6. e 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. f

Part 3 Napoleon Chagnon studied the Yanomamo tribe. Cultural Lag if the fact that the same cultural elements change more quickly than others disrupting the cultural system. The Sociologist Charles Darwin rests on the theory of evolution that he proposed and also came up with the idea of natural selection. Robin Willaims identified 10 values that that are widespread in the U.S. Technology refers to knowledge that people use to make away of life in their surroundings. Symbols, language, values, beliefs, and norms are 5 elements of culture (all possible answers).

Specific ideas that people hold to be true are beliefs. Norms are rules and expectations by which guides the behavior of its members. Values are culturally defines standards that serve as a broad guidelines for social livings. Social cultural are attempts by society to regulate people thoughts and behavior.

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