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Happy Hearts

12 inch square
Copyright 2005 Chris Simon

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Materials: Worsted weight yarn one background color plus
up to Iour colors Ior hearts
Size H (5 mm) crochet hook or size to obtain gauge

Finished Size: 12" square

Stitch Guide:

Split tr: keeping last lp oI each tr on hook, tr in two indicated
sts, then yo and pull through all 3 lps on hook.
V-st: (dc, ch 2, dc) in indicated stitch or space.

Heart - make 4:

Your hearts can be all one color, or use a variety!

Rnd A: Ch 4, (3 dc, sc, 4 dc, 2 sc, dc, 2 sc) in 4
ch Irom hook.
Join with sl st in 4
ch oI beginning ch 4.

Rnd B: Ch 3, 2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, sc in next 3 st, 2 dc
in next st, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, sc in next 2 st, 3 dc in
next st, sc in next 2 st. Join with sl st in 3
ch oI beginning ch

Note: Round C calls Ior a lot oI markers. AIter you`ve made
the square once or twice, you probably won`t need to use them,
but Ior the Iirst time, they`ll help you see where to join the
hearts in the next step. An easy way to mark stitches is to lay a
contrasting color yarn scrap in the stitch just beIore you pull the
last loop through.

Rnd C: Ch 3, 2 dc in next st, 2 tr in next st, (2 tr in next st,
placing marker in the Iirst one), (2 dc in next st, placing marker
in the second one), ch 2, sc in next st, sk next sc, sc in next st,
ch 2, (2 dc in next st, placing marker in the Iirst one), (2 tr in
next st, placing marker in the second one), 2 tr in next st, 2 dc
in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next
st, (dc, tr, dc) in next st, sc in next st, hdc in next st, hdc in next
st. Finish oII by joining to 3
ch oI beginning ch 3.

Center Medallion: Now we`ll join the Iour hearts together
with their points Iacing outward.

Rnd 1: Using background color, ch 4, join with sl st to Iorm
ring. Ch 1, (sc, ch 5, sc, ch 2) 4 times in ring. Join with sl st in
beginning sc.

Rnd 2: Sl st into ch 5 sp. Ch 3, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. *#
Ch 1, dc in next ch 2 sp. Ch 1, # (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 5
sp. Repeat Irom * twice, then Irom # to # once. Join with sl st in
ch oI beginning ch 3.

Rnd 3: Sl st in next dc and into ch 2 sp. Ch 1, sc in same sp.
Pick up Iirst heart, holding it with point Iacing away Irom you.
*# Ch 2, remove loop Irom hook. Insert hook in back loop only
(BLO) oI 2
marked st Irom your right. Pick up lp and sl st
through heart lp, ch 1, sc in same ch 2 sp oI Rnd 2. Ch 2, re-
move loop Irom hook. Insert hook in back loop only oI 3rd
marked st Irom your right. Pick up lp and sl st through heart lp,
ch 1, sc in same ch 2 sp oI Rnd 2. Ch 2, sc in next ch 1 sp, ch 2,
remove loop Irom hook. Insert hook in BLO oI 4th marked st
Irom your right. Pick up lp and sl st through heart lp, ch 1. Pick
up next heart, holding it with point Iacing away Irom you, re-
move loop Irom hook. Insert hook in back loop only oI 1

marked st Irom your right. Pick up lp and sl st through heart lp,
ch 2, sc in next ch 1 sp oI Rnd 2. Ch 2, # sc in next ch 2 sp oI
Rnd 2. Repeat Irom * twice, then Irom # to # once, joining to
last remaining marked stitch on Iirst heart. Finish oII by joining
to beginning sc oI Rnd 3. You`re done with the markers, so you
may remove them now, iI you haven`t already.

Okay, that round was kind oI hairy! I promise it gets easier
Irom here on!

Outer Rounds: Now we`ll move on to the outside oI the hearts
and Iinish the square.

Rnd 4: Using background color, join with sc in BLO oI tr at tip
oI any heart. Ch 2, sc in BLO oI same st. *# Ch 3, sk 2 st, sc in
BLO oI next st, ch 3, sk 2 st, hdc in BLO oI next st, ch 3, sk 2
st, work 1
halI oI split tr in BLO oI next st, work 2
halI oI
split tr in BLO oI corresponding st on next heart, ch 3, sk 2 st,
hdc in BLO oI next st, ch 3, sk 2 st, sc in BLO oI next st, ch 3,
sk 2 st, # (sc, ch 2, sc) in BLO oI tr at tip oI heart. Repeat Irom
* twice, then Irom # to # once. Join with sl st in beginning sc.

Rnd 5: Sl st into ch 2 sp. (Ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. *#
(Ch 1, 4 dc in next ch 3 sp) 6 times, ch 1, # (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in
next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat Irom * twice, then Irom # to # once.
Join with sl st in 3
ch oI beginning ch 3.

Rnd 6: Sl st in next dc and into ch 2 sp. (Ch 5, dc, ch 2, V-st) in
same sp. *# (V-st in next ch 1 sp) 7 times. # (V-st, ch 2, V-st) in
next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat Irom * twice, then Irom # to # once.
Join with sl st in 3
ch oI beginning ch 5.

Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in same st. 2 sc in next ch 2 sp, sc in next dc. *
(Sc, ch 2, sc) in next corner ch 2 sp. (Sc in next dc, 2 sc in next
ch 2 sp, sc in next dc) 9 times. Repeat Irom * three times, end-
ing Iinal side with 8 repeats instead oI 9. Join with sl st in be-
ginning sc.

Rnd 8: (Make Rnd 8 in a contrasting color to Irame square iI
desired.) Ch 1, sc in same st. Sc in BLO oI each st around, with
(sc, ch 2, sc) in each corner ch 2 sp. Finish oII.

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