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I do hereby declare that the project report, entitled ―Study of drug licensing and financial
status of the drug shops in rural and urban areas‖ presented to the Department of Pharmacy,
Stamford University Bangladesh, is the outcome of the investigation performed by me under the
supervision of Md. Xxxx, Associate Professor, the Department of Pharmacy, Stamford
University Bangladesh. I also declare that no part of this Project Report has been or is being
submitted elsewhere for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

Md. Xxxx

ID NO: BPH -xxxxxxxxxx


Md. Xxxxxxxxxx

Associate professor, Department of Pharmacy

Stamford University Bangladesh


This is to certify that project report on Drug shop titled “Study of drug licensing and financial
status of the drug shops in rural and urban areas.” submitted by Md. Xxxx, Enrollment no:
BPH: xxxxxxx during the last semester of the B Pharm. program embodies original work done
by him and this report submission is a partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of
Pharmacy in Stamford University Bangladesh.

Signature of the supervisor

Name : Md. Xxxxxxxx

Designation : Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy

We cannot achieve anything worthwhile in the field of technical education unless or until the
theoretical education acquired in the classroom is effectively wedded to its practical approach
that is taking place in the modern industries and research institutes or in the area of product
selling of those industries. It gives me a great pleasure to have an opportunity to acknowledge
and to express gratitude to those who were associated with my Project. Constraints are the best
source of inspiration and opportunity to explore us. Communication is the key towards all the
responsibilities and demands of time, travel, work in competitive work. It is plus to have
effective, secures communication. I am grateful to all personalities for stimulating and thought
provoking during the entire project. For the successful completion of this project, I feel deep
senses of gratitude to Md. Xxxxxxxxx, Associate Professor, my project supervisor, for
motivating and inspiring to achieve the best and providing opportunity to explore for gathering
knowledge and information.

At last I would again like to express my sincere thanks to those proprietors of those drug shops,
drug sellers and other medical representative for their friendly guidance during the entire stretch
of this report. Every new step I took was due to their persistent enthusiastic backing and I
acknowledge that with a deep sense of gratitude.


Chapter 1
1.1) Introduction and Background…………………………………………………...
1.2) Purpose and importance of this survey…………………………………………. 2
1.3) Drugs act, Criteria and importance of having Drug Selling License…………...
1.4) Importance and Role of registered Pharmacist in community pharmacy………. 5
1.5) Bad effect of unavailability of having Drug Selling License and Role of
registered Pharmacist in drug shops…………………………………………….. 6
Chapter 2
2.1) Questionnaire and Limitations…………………………………………………. 7
2.2) Picture of surveyed rural area…………………………………………………..
2.3) Data of rural areas……………………………………………………………… 11
2.4) List of the name of the companies according to their selling products in those
surveyed rural area….........…………………………………………………….. 21
2.5) Picture of surveyed urban area………………………………………………….
2.6) Data of Urban areas……………………………………………………………. 24
Chapter 3
3.1) Table, graph and findings on the Drug selling license in drug shops …………. 34
3.2) Table, graph and findings on available registered Pharmacist in drug shops…..
3.3) Table, graph and findings on the selling per month in drug shops………..…... 41
3.4) Table, graph and findings on the present investment in drug shops………..….
3.5) Table, graph and findings on MPO visits the drug shops……………………… 45
3.6) Table, graph and findings on most dispensed drug for Gastric Ulcer……….....
3.7) Table, graph and findings on most dispensed drug as Pain Killer……...……… 48
Chapter 4
4.1) Results.................................................................................................................. 49
4.2) Conclusion…………………………………………………...............................
4.3) Reference............................................................................................................. 50

The purpose of this survey was to provide information about the status of the drug shops
according to their having the drug selling license, financial status, most dispensed drugs and the
number of MPOs that visits to the drug shops in rural and urban area. Here I tried to fetch out the
data and information about the availability of Pharmacist, having drug selling license, the present
investment, sales per month, most dispensed drug for Gastric Ulcer and as Pain Killer and the
number of MPOs that come to visit from various drug company in to the drug shops in the both
rural and urban areas. In Bangladesh, the government healthcare system remains a very minor
source of health care for rural households. The availability of registered physicians and
pharmacists is scarce in our country, and the people, the majority of whom are underweight as
indicated by body mass index measurement; have to depend on pharmacy salespersons, quacks
and herbal or spiritual healers. Unlike most develop countries, almost every pharmacy
salesperson illegally recommends and sells prescription medicines. In addition, there are also
unqualified village 'doctors' who do not own a pharmacy shop but provide written prescriptions.
However, the treatments provided by these village 'doctors' remain open to question, with
instances of maltreatment or inadequate treatment. The treatments are mostly symptomatic and
polypharmacy is common, with antibiotics and vitamins prescribed widely. In this project I,
especially, tried to highlight that there are very insufficient pharmacist are involved in our
community pharmacy and due to that reason of maltreatment or irrational drug use is going on
and there is a great prospect for the pharmacist in community pharmacy to serve the people and
for their job.
Chapter 1

1.1) Introduction and Background:

Doing research is an opportunity to the students to express their ideas, concepts and opinions
after research. In a developing country like Bangladesh with 120 million people and limited
financial resources in the health sector, the rational treatment of most common diseases is
essential. 85% of the population lives in rural communities; poor social economic conditions,
demographic structure, system of sanitation, water supply and food are the reasons for the
common prevailing diseases. The concept of essential drugs in Bangladesh was introduced in
1982 after the implementation of the national drug policy and drug ordinance (Drug Control
Ordinance, 1982). The impact of the national drug policy on actual drug use with regard to
disease patterns and drug utilization patterns, compounding, dispensing and consumption, etc.
have not been properly assessed either at macro or micro levels. Similarly, no comprehensive
study has been conducted to assess the extent of rational prescribing and dispensing, except a
few works which were carried out on these aspects at micro level. Inappropriate drug use has
been identified as an important health and economic problems in primary health care and such
prescribers should explore practical ways to promote rational drug use. According to the Drugs
(Control) Ordinance 1982 which controls the manufacture, import, distribution, and sale of drugs
in Bangladesh it is said in section (viii) that no person, being a retailer, is allowed to sell any
drug without the personal supervision of a pharmacist registered in any Register of the Pharmacy
Council of Bangladesh. But irrational and inappropriate prescribing is observed in both graduate
and non-graduate medical prescribers in both rural and urban areas in Bangladesh and most of
the time the drugs are dispensing to the patients without the direct supervision of any registered
pharmacist. On the other hand the many people have their own drug shops which are not licensed
for selling drugs and from those drug shops the less quality and irrational drug dispensing is
going on everyday in absence of a proper guidance of a qualified registered pharmacist. So it is
required to have a registered pharmacist in every licensed drug shop but unfortunately the ratio
of qualified registered pharmacist in even licensed shop is very poor. It is happening all most
every day in many drug shops that wrong and irrational drug dispensing in going on, especially,
in rural areas where a lot of MPOs visit to the licensed and non licensed drug shops and try to
promote their low quality of drug products and increasing the selling of those low quality
products of different little companies around the whole country.

Considering those common problem I have done a survey and project report on drug shops in
both rural and urban areas under a constant supervision of my honorable project supervisor to
fetch out the actual data and picture of those drug shops. I had to explore in the fields and drug
shops and I had to collect the data on some specific questions. Those questions was asked by
myself to the drug sellers or to the proprietor of the drug shops in both rural and urban area to get
the actual picture of the percent of licensed drug shops, community pharmacist, approximate
sales per month and present investment in their drug shops, number of MPOs visits to their drug
shops and the most dispensed drug for Gastric Ulcer and as Pain Killer and the age of their drug

1.2) Purpose and importance of this survey:

This Survey has been done to get know the actual current conditions of the drug shops in both
rural and urban areas where irrational drug dispensing is going on every day in absence of
qualified registered pharmacist which causing many bad and sometimes adverse effect to the
patient by the community pharmacy.

1.3) Drugs act, Criteria and Importance of having Drug Selling License:

Grant of drugs selling licenses:

Food and Drug Administration, Grants Selling Licenses for Drugs according to the provisions of
Drugs and Cosmetics Act-1940. For the sale of Allopathic, Homeopathic drugs in form 20, 21,
20B, 21B, 20A, 21A,

20C, 20D, 20F, 20G, 20BB, 21BB.

For the sale of Ayurvedic Drugs and Cosmetics no sale license is required.

The Requirements of Sales premises are as follows:

Minimum carpet area:-

• For Retail sale - 10 square meter

• For Wholesale - 10 square meter

• For Retail - Wholesale - 15 square meter

Storage facilities:

Adequate storage facilities including cupboards with glass doors, racks refrigerator and UPS are

Procedure to obtain Drug Selling license (Fresh):

Stage 1:

Application for grant of Selling License

The applicant has to make application in the requisite form viz 19, 19A, 19B, 19AA details of.
Forms and pay:

Necessary fees as given in fee chart

Documents to be attached along with the application form:

• Requisite Application Form.

• Receipt for the fees paid or challan, as the case may be or their attested copies.

• Layout plan of selling premises in 3 copies.

• Documents viz. rent receipt, purchase documents or its attested copies showing lawful
possession of the premises.

• Documents relating to the constitution of the firm viz. Partnership-deed, memorandum and
article of association etc.

• Full particulars of the competent technical staff /registered persons along with copies of their
educational qualification, experience and registration certificates.

• Full name of the proprietor or the partners, as the case may be shall be provided in the
application. In

Case of private or public limited concerns, full name of the Directors who sign the application
and the authorized signatory, if any, shall be provided in the application.

• Documents for the purchase of Refrigerator/Deep freezer (For Vaccines / Sera).

Stage 2:


The application is scrutinized and premises inspected.

Stage 3:

Grant of License

If all conditions as prescribed by the act are complied license is granted.

Procedure to Renew Drug selling license

Licenses in Forms 20, 21, 20B, 21B, 20A, 21A, 20C, 20D, 20F, 20G, 20BB, 21BB be renewed.

Stage 1:

Application for renewal of Drug Selling License

The applicant has to make application in the requisite form19, 19A, 19B, 19AA and pay
necessary fees as given in fee chart

The mode of payment of fees is same as fresh license.

Documents to be enclosed along with application of renewal of license:-

• Copy of cash receipt or challan for payment of fees.

• Xerox copy of License /Previous renewal certificate.

• Documents viz. rent receipt, purchase documents or its attested copies showing lawful
possession of the


• Full particulars of the competent technical staff /registered persons along with copies of their

qualification, experience and registration certificates.

Stage 2:


The application is scrutinized and premises inspected .

Stage 3:

Grant of License

If all conditions as prescribed by the act are complied license is granted.

So drug shops have to be licensed according to the drugs act to maintain rational use of drugs.
1.4) Importance and Role of registered Pharmacist in community pharmacy:

Pharmacist: Pharmacists are health professionals who practice the art and science of pharmacy.

Qualifications and registration for the Pharmacists: The requirements of pharmacy

education, pharmacist licenser and post-graduate continuing education vary from country to
country and between regions/localities within countries. In most countries, prospective
pharmacists study pharmacy at a pharmacy school or related institution. Upon graduation, they
are licensed either nationally or by region to dispense medication of various types in the settings
for which they have been trained.

Role of the Pharmacists in Community pharmacy: A pharmacy is the place where most
pharmacists practice the profession of pharmacy. It is the community pharmacy where the
dichotomy of the profession exists—health professionals who are also retailers.

Picture 1: The pharmacist’s role is to dispense drug according to the Doctor’s prescription.

Community pharmacies usually consist of a retail storefront with a dispensary where medications
are stored and dispensed. The dispensary is subject to pharmacy legislation; with requirements
for storage conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc., specified in legislation. Where it was
once the case that pharmacists stayed within the dispensary compounding/dispensing
medications; there has been an increasing trend towards the use of trained pharmacy technicians
while the pharmacist spends more time communicating with patients. All pharmacies are
required to have a pharmacist on-duty at all times when open. They also play roles as a
community pharmacist are those:

 Nutrition Counseling

 Decreased medication errors

 Women Welfare-Pregnancy and Infant Care

 Rational Use of Drugs

 Increased patient compliance in medication regime

 Better chronic disease state management

 Lessening the cost of prescription drug insurance

 Sexually Transmitted Diseases-AIDS

 Alcohols, Drug Abuse and Smoking Cessation

 Family Planning

 Individualization of Drug Therapy

 Fostering strong pharmacist-patient relationships

1.5) Bad effect of unavailability of having Drug Selling License and Role of registered
Pharmacist in drug shops:

Poor and irrational prescribing are frequently done and wrong treatment happen mostly in
absence of a qualified registered pharmacist from the both licensed and non licensed drug shops.

The non graduate drug seller can prescribe wrong drug, which is illegal, from the non licensed
drug shops and can be responsible for the bad or adverse happen frequently to the patient. Those
are like:

 Over use of antibiotics, metronidazoles and anti diarrhoeals;

 Indiscriminate use of injections;
 Prescribing of tab iron and vitamin B complexes randomly; and
 Inappropriate dosages and duration of antibiotics.
 Inappropriate dispensing of drug

Key reasons for this include:

 Inadequate education and training of prescribers;

 Misleading promotional activities by pharmaceutical companies;
 Uncertain diagnosis;
 Patients desire;
 Prescribers relying on their clinical experiences;
 Irrational prescribing by peers;
 Lack of monitoring system.
Chapter 2

2.1) Questionnaire: Several questions had been asked to them and those are:

Q1. What are the most dispensed drugs as general Pain Killer in your shop? Say two or three
brand or group name.

Q2. What are the most dispensed drugs for Gastric Ulcer in your shop? Say two or three brand or
group name.

Q3. How many MPO or Medical Representative visit to your shop? From how many companies?

Q4. What is the age of your drug shop?

Q5. What is the present or current investment in your shop?

Q6. What is the amount of average sale per month in your shop?

Q7. Do you have Drug selling License for this drug shop?

Q8. Is there any registered pharmacist in your drug shop?

Q9. What is the educational qualification of the drug dispenser or seller in your drug shop?

Object of those above question:

 To find out the most dispensed drug as pain killer and for Gastric ulcer.
 To find out the number of MPOs come from different companies.
 To find out the financial status of the drug shop i.e. the investment and sales.
 And the most important things are to find out the percent of licensed and non licensed
drug shop and also the percent of registered pharmacist in drug shops in both rural and
urban surveyed areas.


 Few persons did not answer of some questions.

 Few persons did not give accurate answer or information.
 The data obtained from some specific areas does not represent the exact or the total
accurate picture of the whole country.
2.2) Picture of surveyed rural area:

Picture 2: Map of Ghatail Upazila.

Picture 3: One of surveyed drug shop.

Picture of surveyed rural area:

Picture 4: Aerial View of the survey area – GHATAIL.

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Picture 5: Aerial View of the survey area – SONARGAON.

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2.3) Data of rural areas:
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
1. Morshed Drug Flexi Seclo 25 MPO 24y 8 lakh. 3 lakh. YES LMAF
Ghatail House (Acelofenac) (Omeprazol)

2. Arup Drug Acelofenac Ranitidine 25 MPO 8y 10 lakh. 3 lakh. YES No

Ghatail House

3. Reba Medical Clofenac Cosec 25 MPO 10y 8 lakh. 3 lakh. YES LMAF
Ghatail Hall (Omeprazol)

4. Maya Medical Mervan Neotack 25 MPO 30y 12 lakh 6.6 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Hall (Acelofenac) (Ranitidine)

5. Kazi Pharmacy Indoxyl Normacid 50 MPO 6m 2 lakh. 0.8 lakh. YES No

Ghatail (Indomethacin) (Ranitidine)

6. Shorna Medical Isocloamax, Neotack 25 MPO 6y Not known 2.1 lakh. YES No
Ghatail Move. (Ranitidine)

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
7. Shefa Pharmacy Clofenac Losectil 10 MPO 7y 3 lakh. 0.6 lakh YES No
Ghatail (Omeprazol)

8. Takwa Medical Clofenac Seclo 25 MPO 4y 2 lakh. 1.2 lakh. YES No

Ghatail Hall (Omeprazol)

9. Selim Pharmacy Clofenac, Losectil 20 MPO 37y 0.5 lakh. 0.45 YES Yes
Ghatail Ciprocin (Omeprazol) lakh.

10. Mattri Medical Acelofenac, Omeprazol 16 MPO 26y 2 lakh. 1 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Hall Etorix

11. Rahaman A Diclofenac- Ranitidine 25 MPO 20y 3 lakh. 1.5 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Pharmacy Sodium

12. M/S Arif Diclofenac- Ranitidine, 16 MPO 30y 0.5 lakh. 0.3 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Medical Hall Sodium Omeprazol.

Page | 12
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
13. Siddiq Pharmacy Paracetamol, Neotack 25 MPO 21y Not known 0.36 YES Yes
Ghatail Ace Plus. (Ranitidine) lakh.

14. Rahaman Acelofenac Ranitidine, 10 MPO 22y 3 lakh. 0.6 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Pharmacy Omeprazol.

15. Amena Flexi Neotack 25 MPO 7y Not known 0.6 lakh. YES No
Ghatail Pharmacy (Acelofenac) (Ranitidine)

16. M/S Masud Napa Antacid, 20 MPO 12y 0.5 lakh. 0.3 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Medical Hall (Paracetamol). Ranitidine.

17. Sujit Medical Diclofenac- Antacid Plus, 25 MPO 8y 0.6 lakh. 0.3 lakh. YES No
Ghatail Hall Sodium, Ranitidine.

18. Dipta Medical Diclofenac- Ranitidine 20 MPO 11y 0.2 lakh. 0.18 YES Yes
Ghatail Hall Sodium, lakh.

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
19. Khandaker Diclofenac- Ranitidine 25 MPO 17y 0.5 lakh. 0.45 YES Yes
Ghatail Medical Hall Sodium lakh.

20. Shobuj Medical Clofenac Ranitidine 25 MPO 4y 0.5 lakh. 0.15 YES No
Ghatail Hall lakh.

21. Jewel Pharmacy Diclofenac- Neotack 20 MPO 12y 0.65 lakh. 0.6 lakh. YES No
Ghatail Sodium (Ranitidine),
22. Tanmoy Medical Diclofenac- Ranitidine 80 MPO 3y 1 lakh. 0.75 YES Yes
Ghatail Hall Sodium lakh

23. Panna Medical Corax Seclo 25 MPO 2y 15 lakh. 2.4 lakh. YES Yes
Ghatail Hall (Omeprazol),
24. Faisal Medical Etorix Losectil 50 MPO 10y 1 lakh. 0.6 lakh. YES No
Ghatail Hall (Etoricoxib) (Omeprazol)

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
Dispensary as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
25. Kausiq Clofenac Antacid Plus, 25 MPO 2y 1.5 lakh. 0.6 YES Yes
Ghatail Pharmacy Seclo lakh.

26. Maa Medical Acelofenac. Antacid, 25 MPO 4y 1 lakh, 0.45 YES Yes
Ghatail Hall Paracetamol, Ranitidine. lakh.
Ace Plus.

27. Hamdard __ __ No Other 11m 15 lakh. 6 lakh. YES Yes

Ghatail Labratories.* MPOs

28. Payel Medical Flexi Neotack 30 MPO __ 4 lakh. 2.4 YES Yes
Ghatail Hall (Acelofenac) (Ranitidine) lakh.

29. Khan Popular Acelofenac, Ranitidine 20 MPO 3 lakh. 0.36 YES Yes
Ghatail Pharmacy Diclofenac- __ lakh.

30. Unique Acelofenac Ranitidine 20 MPO __ 2 lakh. 0.45 YES No

Ghatail Pharmacy lakh.

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary drug as Pain drug for came to the month
Killer Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
31. Doctor’s Flexi Apex 12 MPO __ 1 lakh. 0.25 YES Yes
Porabari Medical Hall (Acelofenac) (Ranitidine) lakh.

32. G K Pharmacy Acelofenac Ranitidine 12 MPO __ 2 lakh. 0.6 YES No

Porabari lakh.

33. Milon Paracetamol Antacid Plus 20 MPO 8y 7lakh 3 lakh Yes No

Chandpur Pharmacy

34. Gazi Pharmacy Diclofenac- Ranitidine 40 MPO 30y 16 lakh. 6 lakh. Yes C grade
Chandpur Sodium Registered
Sadar Pharmacist

35. Metro Paracetamol Antacid Plus 25 MPO 3y Yes C grade

Chandpur Pharmacy ___ ___ Registered
Sadar Pharmacist

36. Addarsha Diclofenac- Ranitidine 15 MPO 20y 1.2 lakh 0.9 lakh Yes No
Panam Pharmacy Sodium

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary drug as Pain drug for came to the month
Killer Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
37. Seba Medical Paracetamol Antacid Plus 20 MPO 11y 0.5 lakh 1.2 lakh Yes C grade
Mogra Hall Acelofenac Ranitidine Pharmacist
38. Mousumi Drug Paracetamol Omeprazol 30 MPO 1y6m 2.5 lakh 0.75 No No
Mogra House + lakh
Para, Neotack
Sonargoan Wrong!
39. Khandoker Acelofenac Ranitidine 20 MPO 3y 2.5 lakh 0.9 lakh Yes C grade
Mogra Medical centre Pharmacist
40. Islamia Etoricoxib Ranitidine 25 MPO 20y 0.5 lakh 0.45 Yes C grade
Mogra Pharmacy Diclofenac- Omeprazol lakh Pharmacist
Para, Sodium
41. Janata Diclofenac- Omeprazol 25 MPO 3y6m 1 lakh 0.45 Yes No
Mogra Pharmacy Sodium Antacid plus lakh
Para, (Pantoprazol
Sonargoan –for female)
42. Sirin Pharmacy Paracetamol Ranitidine 30 MPO 12y 4 lakh. 3.6 lakh Yes LMAF
Mogra Omeprazol
Para, Pantoprazol

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary drug as Pain drug for came to the month
Killer Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
43. Progoti Medical No drug Ranitidine 15 MPO 20y 8 lakh 9 lakh Yes DMF
Mogra Hall without
Para, prescription
44. Ma Pharmacy Paracetamol Antacid Plus 45 MPO 16y 6 lakh 4.5 lakh Yes C grade
Mogra Acelofenac Omeprazol Pharmacist
45. Bhuyan Diclofenac- Ranitidine 30 MPO 5y 6 lakh 3 lakh Yes C grade
Mogra Pharmacy Sodium Pharmacist
46. Mamun No drug Ranitidine 25 MPO 3y 4 lakh 3 lakh Yes No
Mogra Pharmacy without
Para, prescription
47. Sawkat Medical Paracetamol Pantoprazol 14 MPO 2y6m 3 lakh No No
Mogra Centre + -----
Para, Caffeine
48. Nupur Drug No drug No drug 35 MPO 2y6m Yes LMAF
Mogra House without without -----
Para, prescription prescription ---

Page | 18
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary drug as Pain drug for came to the month
Killer Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
49. Sonargoan Bad Practice Ranitidine 60 MPO 50y 18 lakh 7.5 lakh Yes DMF
Mogra Pharmacy
50. Habib Medical Diclofenac- Ranitidine 70 MPO 10y 1.5 lakh 1.2 lakh Yes LMAF
Mogra Hall Sodium Omeprazol
Para, Acelofenac
51. Modern Paracetamol Antacid Plus 50 MPO 3y6m 1.5 lakh 1.5 lakh Yes LMAF
Mogra Medicine Hall
52. Sufia Pharmacy Paracetamol Antacid Plus 20 MPO 4y Yes No
Mogra ----- ------
53. Japani Diclofenac- Antacid Plus 30 MPO 8m 6 lakh 1.2 lakh Yes LMAF
Mogra Pharmacy Sodium Ranitidine
54. Eva Drug Paracetamol Ranitidine 20 MPO 18y 3 lakh 0.9 lakh Yes B grade
Mogra House Pharmacist

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Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
55. Ali Drug House Paracetamol Ranitidine 25 MPO 10y 0.9 lakh Yes Yes
Mogra Diclofenac- -----
Para, Sodium
56. Limon Paracetamol Ranitidine 25 MPO 8y 0.75 Yes Yes
Mogra Pharmacy ---- lakh

Page | 20
2.4) List of the name of the companies according to their products in those surveyed rural area:

1. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 31. Jalalabad Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 61. Pharmadesh Laboratories Ltd.
2. ACI Limited 32. Janata Health care 62. Chemico Laboratories Ltd.
3. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 33. Kapricorn Enterprise Ltd. 63. Reckitt Benckiser Ltd.
4. The Ibn Sina Pharmaceutical Industry 34. Kumudini Pharma Ltd. 64. Shamsulalamin Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
5. Lt 35. Libra Infusions Ltd. 65. Shuvro Ltd.
6. Novartis (Bangladesh) Ltd. 36. Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 66. Silva Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
7. Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd. 37. Proteety Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 67. Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
8. Nuvista Pharma Ltd. 38. Rangs Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 68. Modern Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
9. Opsonin Pharma Ltd. 39. Rasa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 69. Supreme Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
10. Orion Infusion Ltd. 40. Chemist Laboratories Ltd. 70. Bristol Pharma Ltd.
11. Pacific Pharmaceuticals 41. City Overseas Ltd. 71. Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
12. Peoples Pharma Ltd. 42. Doctor’s Chemical Works Ltd. 72. Renata Ltd.
13. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 43. General Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 73. Rephco Laboratories Ltd.
14. Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 44. Gonoshasthaya Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 74. Sanofi Aventis
15. Navana Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 45. Hamdard Laboratories Bangladesh
16. Glaxosmithkline Bangladesh Ltd. 46. Ultra Pharma Ltd.
17. The Acme Laboratories Ltd. 47. Unimed & Unihealth Manufacturers
18. Globe Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 48. Ltd.
19. Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 49. Zenith Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
20. Desh Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 50. Ziska Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
21. Apollo Pharmaceuticals 51. Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
22. Drug International Ltd. 52. Medicon Laboratories Ltd.
23. Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd. 53. Medimet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
24. Gaco Pharmaceuticals 54. Ambee Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
25. Apex Pharma Ltd. 55. Amico Laboratories Ltd.
26. Aristopharma Ltd. 56. A.H Janakalyan Pharmaceuticals
27. Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. 57. Alco Pharma Ltd.
28. Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 58. Belsen Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
29. Nipa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 59. Skylab Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
30. Hudson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 60. Pharmaco International Ltd.

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2.5) Picture of surveyed urban area:

Picture 6: Aerial View of the survey area – Merul and South Badda.

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Picture 7: Aerial View of the survey area – East and Middle Badda.

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2.6) Data of urban areas:
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary drug as Pain drug for came to the month
Killer Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
1. Talukder Ranitidine 20 MPO 14y Yes No
South Medical Hall ---- ---- ----

2. Jibon Drug Ace Plus Neotack 5 MPO 29y 3 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes Yes
South House Etoricoxib (Ranitidine)
Badda Seclo
3. Ali Medical Diclofenac- Neotack 40 MPO 20y 1.5 lakh 1.5 lakh Yes Registered
South Hall Sodium (Ranitidine) Pharmacist
Badda (C)

4. Badda Medical Napa Ranitidine 3 MPO 20y 3 lakh 1.5 lakh No No

South Hal Acelofenac Seclo
Badda (Omeprazol)

5. Dwan Medical Napa Neotack 8 MPO 1y 4 lakh 1.6 lakh No No

South Hall Paracetamol (Ranitidine)
Badda Diclofenac- Antacid Plus
6. Sima Medical Napa Extra Ranitidine 30y 0.75 Yes Registered
South Hall Diclofenac- Antacid Plus ----- lakh Pharmacist
Badda Sodium ___ (C)

Page | 24
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary as Pain Killer drug for came to the month
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
7. Islam Drug Depend Upon Depend Upon 12 MPO 10y 2 lakh Yes Registered
South House Condition Condition ___ Pharmacist
Badda (B)

8. Krisna Nursing No drug No drug 3MPO Yes Yes

South Hall without without ____ ____ ___
Badda prescription prescription

9. Bismillah Diclofenac- Ranitidine 2 MPO 4y Secret 0.6 lakh Yes No

South Medical Hall Sodium

10. Nir Dental and Acelofenac Depend Upon 5 MPO 5y 3 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes LMAF
South Medical Care Condition

11. Lutfun Medical Paracetamol Ranitidine 8y Yes LMAF

South Hall ___ ___ ___

12. Nahar Drug Diclofenac- Ranitidine 5 MPO 7y 7 lakh 2.1 lakh Yes LMAF
Middle House Sodium

Page | 25
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary as Pain Killer drug for came to the month
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
13. Cosmic Medical Diclofenac- Ranitidine 10 MPO 15y 3 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes LMAF
Middle Hall Sodium

14. Al-Amin Paracetamol Ranitidine 4 MPO 16y 1.5 lakh Yes Registered
Middle Pharmacy ----- Pharmacist
Badda (B)

15. Monowara Diclofenac- Omeprazol 4 MPO 1y6m Yea BRMA

Middle Drugs Sodium ___ ___

16. Apan Medical Paracetamol Antacid Plus 15 MPO 12y 2 lakh 1.2 lakh Yes LMAF
Middle Hall + Neotack
Badda Antacid (Ranitidine)
17. Ma Pharmacy Diclofenac- Omeprazol 6y 2 lakh 0.6 lakh Yes No
Middle Sodium ------

18. Medicine Plus Diclofenac- Omeprazol 4 MPO 6m 3 lakh 1.5 lakh

DIT, Sodium No No

Page | 26
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
19. Neha Pharmacy Diclofenac- Depend on 10 MPO 4y 3 lakh Yes LMAF
DIT, Sodium condition ___
20. Golden Paracetamol Ranitidine 3y Yes LMAF
DIT, Pharmacy Diclofenac- Omeprazol ___ ___
Middle Sodium ____
21. S.S Mediacal Paracetamol Ranitidine 2 MPO 7y 3 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes Yes
DIT, Hall +
Middle caffeine
22. Gourinodi Paracetamol No Answer No Answer 7y 3 lakh 0.9 lakh Yes LMAF
Middle Medical Hall

23. M.S Medical Diclofenac- Ranitidine 10 MPO 5y 0.12 No LMAF

Middle Sodium Antacid ___ lakh
Badda Acelofenac

24. Asim Pharmacy Diclofenac- Antacid Plus 10 MPO 1y 2.5lakh 0.6 lakh Yes LMAF
Middle Sodium
Badda Paracetamol

Page | 27
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
25. Tareq Medical Diclofenac- Antacid Plus 7 MPO 5y 3 lakh 1.3 lakh Yes Yes
East Corner Sodium Ranitidine
Badda Omeprazol

26. Joy Dev Medical Acelofenac Seclo 15 MPO 12y 1.5 lakh Yes Yes
East Hall Paracetamol (Omeprazol) ----

27. Mahabub Diclofenac- Ranitidine 6 MPO 8m 4 lakh 1.6 lakh Yes No

East Pharmacy Sodium

28. Hamim Clinic Acelofenac Ranitidine 8 MPO 8m 15 lakh 6 lakh No No

East Diclofenac- Omeprazol
Badda Sodium

29. Siam Pharmacy Paracetamol Ranitidine 10 MPO 5y 2 lakh 0.6 lakh Yes Yes
East Antacid Plus

30. ICL Health Care Paracetamol Ranitidine 10 MPO 1y 3 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes No
East Aceclofenac
Badda Ibuprofen

Page | 28
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
31. Amena Acelofenac Losectil 3 MPO 2y 4 lakh 1.5 lakh Yes No
East Pharmacy (Omeprazol)

32. Jahanara Diclofenac- Ranitidine 8 MPO 7y 15 lakh 6 lakh Yes Yes

East Pharmacy Sodium

33. Sonar Bangla Diclofenac- Ranitidine 4 MPO 3y 4 lakh 1.5 lakh No No

East Medical Corner Sodium

34. Barisal Paracetamol Ranitidine 15 MPO 7y 10 lakh Yes Yes

East Pharmacy Cefenal Omeprazol ____
Badda Diclofenac-
35. Annanda Diclofenac- Ranitidine 15 MPO 10y 15 lakh 7 lakh Yes LMAF
East Mediacal Sodium
Badda Certre

36. Ma Diclofenac- Ranitidine 25 MPO 1y 4 lakh 1.6 lakh Yes LMAF

East Pharmacy Sodium Omeprazol
Badda Paracetamol Esomeprazole

Page | 29
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of
Drug dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per the seller
Dispensary as Pain Killer drug for came to the month
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
37. Rahaman Diclofenac- Ranitidine 30 MPO 39y 1.5 lakh 0.75 Yes C grade
East Pharmacy Sodium Omeprazol lakh Registered
Badda Mephenamic Pharmacist
38. Ashik Pharmacy Clofenac Neotack 6 MPO 3y 3 lakh 1.4 lakh Yes LMAF
East Diclofenac- (Ranitidine)
Badda Sodium
39. Doctor’s Paracetamol Ranitidine 5 MPO 4y 6 lakh 3.5 lakh No No
East Pharmacy Diclofenac- Omeprazol
Badda Sodium

40. Mollah No drug No drug 2 MPO 1.5y 0.2 lakh Yes LMAF
East Pharmacy without without ___
Badda prescription prescription

41. Kazi Pharmacy Diclofenac- Ranitidine 20 MPO 7y 4 lakh 1.2 lakh Yes LMAF
East Sodium Omeprazol
Badda Paracetamol
42. Desh Medical Ibuprofen Neotack 10 MPO 5y 4 lakh 1.6 lakh Yes Yes
East Centre Diclofenac- (Ranitidine)
Badda Sodium

Page | 30
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree of the
Drug dispensed dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per seller
Dispensary drug as Pain drug for came to the month
Killer Gastric Dispensary
43. Mukta Diclofenac- Neotack 13m 1.5 lakh Yes LMAF
East Medicine Sodium (Ranitidine) ___ ___
Badda Corner Paracetamol

44. Vhuiyan Paracetamol Ranitidine 30 MPO 20y 4 lakh 1.5 Yes C grade
East Pharmacy Acelofenac Omeprazol lakh Registered
Badda Pharmacist

45. Mokta Clofenac Ranitidine 12 MPO 20y Permission of Permission of

East Pharmacy Diclofenac- ___ ___ Drug Drug
Badda Sodium Administration Administration

46. Tanvir Drug Paracetamol Ranitidine 16 MPO 1y 1.5 lakh 0.6 No LMAF
East House lakh

47. Biplab Acelofenac Ranitidine 20 MPO 6y 2.5 lakh 1.2 No LMAF

East Health Care Diclofenac- Omeprazol lakh
Badda Sodium Esoprajol

48. Taslima Diclofenac- Ranitidine 12 MPO 1y 4 lakh 1.6 No LMAF

East Medical Hall Sodium with lakh
Badda Amoxicillin

Page | 31
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
49. Bismillah Diclofenac- Ranitidine 15 MPO 3y 3 lakh 0.45 Yes LMAF
East Medical Hall Sodium lakh

50. Shakil Pharmacy Napa Ranitidine 14 MPO 10y 6 lakh 3 lakh No LMAF
East Paracetamol Omeprazol
Badda Diclofenac- Pantoprazol
51. Matri Sheba Diclofenac- Antacid Plus 10 MPO 7 4 lakh 1.5 lakh Yes LMAF
Merul Medical Hall Sodium Ranitidine

52. Manikgoan Napa Extra Ranitidine 7 MPO 6 4 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes No
Merul Medical Hall

53. Vojon Mediacal Ace Ranitidine 15 MPO 1y6m 3 lakh 1.8 lakh Yes LMAF
Merul Hall Napa Extra
Badda Ibuprofen
54. Rajit Medical Ranitidine 12 MPO 2y6m 3 lakh 1.5 lakh No Yes
Merul Hall ___

Page | 32
Area Name of the Most Most Number of Age of the Present Sales License Degree
Drug Dispensary dispensed drug dispensed MPOs that Dispensary Investment per of the
as Pain Killer drug for came to the month seller
Gastric Ulcer Dispensary
55. Sheba Pharmacy Paracetamol Antacid Plus 15 MPO 7y 6 lakh 2 lakh Yes Yes
Merul Diclofenac Ranitidine

56. Noyon Pharmacy Diclofenac Ranitidine 8 MPO 5y 2.5 lakh 1.5 lakh Yes No

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Chapter 3

3.1) Table, graph and findings on the Drug selling license in drug shops:

Table 1:
Rural Areas Number of drug Number of Licensed Number of Non-Licensed
shops drug shops drug shops

Ghatail, Tangail. 32 32 0
Sonargaon, 21 19 2
Chandpur sadar 3 2 1
Total 56 53 3

Table 1: Those estimated data in this table has been derived after surveying 56 drug shops in the
rural areas (Ghatail, Sonargaon and Chandpur sadar). Here the table is representing the
comparative values of the number of licensed and non licensed drug shops. Here we got 53 drug
shops have drug selling license and 3 are non-licensed among 56 the of surveyed drug shops.




Figure 1
Figure 1: This pie-chart is representing the ratio of licensed and non-Licensed drug shops in
those rural areas (Ghatail, Sonargaon and Chandpur sadar). Here we found that 95% and 5%
drug shops are licensed and non-licensed respectively.

Findings 1: There are 5% drug-shops are non-licensed but there should not have any drug shop
without drug selling license according to the drugs acts.

Page | 34
Table 2:
Urban Areas Number of drug shops Number of Licensed Number of Non-Licensed
drug shops drug shops

Badda, Dhaka. 56 43 13

Table 2: Those estimated data in this table has been derived after surveying 56 drug shops in the
urban areas (Badda). Here the table is representing the comparative values of the number of
licensed and non licensed drug shops. Here we got 43 drug shops have drug selling license and13
are non-licensed among the 56 of surveyed drug shops.




Figure 2
Figure 2: This pie-chart is representing the ratio of licensed and non-Licensed drug shops in the
urban area (Badda). Here we found that 77% and 23% drug shops are licensed and non-licensed

Findings 2: There are 23% drug-shops are non licensed but there should not have any drug shop
without drug selling license according to the drugs acts and the percent of licensed drug shop is
less in urban area than rural area.

Page | 35
Ratio of licensed drug shop in rural and urban area:

Rural 53

Urban 43

Total 56

Figure 3

Figure 3: This Bar-Chart is representing the total comparative ratio of licensed drug shop in
urban and rural areas. Total 120 shops were surveyed, 56 shops in rural and another 56 shops in
urban areas. The above Bar-Chart is showing the ratio of Total shop : Shops in urban areas:
Shops in rural area is equal to 56 : 43 : 53 i.e. 77% and 95% (see figure 2 and 1) shops are
licensed in urban and rural area respectively in those surveyed areas.

3.2) Table, graph and findings on available registered Pharmacist in drug shops:

Table 3:
Rural Areas Number of drug shops Number of Number of Do not have
Pharmacist LMAF required
diploma Degree

Ghatail, Tangail. 32 5 5 11

Sonargaon, 21 0 5 1
Chandpur sadar 3 2 0 27

Total 56 7 10 39

Table 3: Those estimated data in this table has been derived after surveying 56 drug shops in the
rural areas (Ghatail, Sonargaon and Chandpur sadar). Here the table is representing the
comparative values of the number of pharmacist, the number of LMAF diploma holder and do
not have required degree in those drug shops. Here we got only 7 pharmacists. Also 10 LMAF
diploma holders and 39 persons have no required degree for drug selling.
Page | 36






Do not have
Total Shop Pharmacist LMAF
required degree
Series 1 56 7 10 39

Figure 4
Figure 4: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the data of registered pharmacist, LMAF diploma holder
and do not have required degree in rural areas according to the table-3 explained in above.


Total shop


Figure 5
Figure 5: This pie chart is representing the ratio of the registered pharmacists and total shops in
those rural areas. Here the ratio has found as the Total shop : Pharmacist is equal to 89 : 11.

Findings 3: Very poor number of pharmacists is available in those rural areas which is a serious
ignoring of the drug acts.

Page | 37
Table 4:
Urban Areas Number of drug shops Number of Number of Do not have
Pharmacist LMAF required
diploma Degree

Badda 56 8 23 25

Table 4: Those estimated data in this table has been derived after surveying 56 drug shops in the
urban area (Badda). Here the table is representing the comparative values of the number of
pharmacist, the number of LMAF diploma holder and do not have required degree in those drug
shops. Here we got only 8 pharmacists. Also 23 LMAF diploma holders and 25 persons have no
required degree for drug selling.







Do not have required
Total Shop Pharmacist LMAF
Series 1 56 8 23 25

Figure 6
Figure 6: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the data of registered pharmacist, LMAF diploma holder
and do not have required degree in urban areas according to the table-4 explained in above.

Page | 38

Total shop


Figure 7
Figure 7: This pie chart is representing the ratio of the registered pharmacists in those urban
areas and total shops. Here the ratio has found as the Total shop : Pharmacist is equal to 88 : 12.

Findings 4: Very poor number of pharmacists is also available in those urban areas which are a
serious ignoring of the drug acts.

Table 5:
Area Number of Licensed shops Pharmacist LMAF
Rural 56 54 7 10
Urban 56 43 8 23
Total 112 97 15 33

Table 5: Those estimated data in this table has been derived after surveying 112 drug shops in the
both rural (56) areas and urban (56) areas. Here the table is representing the comparative values
of the number of licensed drug shops, the number of pharmacists and the number of LMAF
diploma holder in those drug shops. Here we got 97 licensed shops and total only 15 pharmacists
in 112 drug shops. Also 33 LMAF diploma holders in out of 112 surveyed shops.

Page | 39






Rural Urban Total
Number of shops 56 56 112
Licensed shops 54 43 97
Pharmacist 7 8 15
LMAF 10 23 33

Figure 8
Figure 8: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the total data summary of licensed shops, registered
pharmacist and LMAF diploma holder in both rural and urban areas according to the table-5
explained in above.

Total Shops Number of Pharmacist



Figure 9
Figure 9: This pie chart is representing the total ratio of the registered pharmacists in both rural
and urban areas and total shops. Here the ratio has found as the Total shop : Pharmacist is equal
to 88 : 12.

Findings 5: Very poor number of pharmacist is available in both rural and urban areas which is a
serious ignoring of the drug acts.

Page | 40
3.3) Table, graph and findings on the selling per month in drug shops:

Table 6:
Amount of average Rural Urban

Less than 50 thou 14 3

50 thou 14 8
1 lakh 5 5
1.5 lakh 2 21
2 lakh 4 2
3 lakh 7 1
3.5 lakh 1 1
4.5 lakh 1
6 lakh 2 2
7 lakh 1 1
9 lakh 1
12 lakh 1
No Answer 3 12
Total 56 56

Table 6: The estimated data found in here after surveyed 112 little drug shops in both rural (56)
and urban (56) areas. Here 3 and 12 person did not answer in rural and urban area about their
sales per month respectively. There I have got 14 (rural) and 3 (urban) little shops where the
average sale per month is less than 50 thousand. Here also 14 (rural) and 8 (urban) little shops
where sale per month is 50 thousand to less than one lakh, and 2 (rural) and 21 (urban) little
shops where a sale per month is around 1.5 lakh.

Findings 6: We can see that in the little or medium drug shops in urban areas has more sales per
month compare to the rural areas if we compare those 1, 2, 3 and 4 no rows in above table-6.

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than 50 1.5 3.5 4.5 12
1 lakh 2 lakh 3 lakh 6 lakh 7 lakh 9 lakh Answe Total
50 thou lakh lakh lakh lakh
Rural 14 14 5 2 4 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 56
Urban 3 8 5 21 2 1 1 2 1 12 56

Figure 10

Figure 10: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the total data summary of sales per month, mostly, into
the little drug shops in both rural and urban areas according to the table-6 explained in above.

Page | 42
3.4) Table, graph and findings on the present investment in drug shops:

Table 7:
Amount of Present Rural Urban
Less than 50 thou 1 0
50 thou 9 0
1 lakh 6 0
1.5 lakh 1 6
2 lakh 5 4
2.5 lakh 2 3
3 lakh 5 14
4 lakh 3 11
6 lakh 3 3
7 lakh 1 1
8 lakh 3
10 lakh 1 1
12 lakh 1
15 lakh 4 3
20 lakh 2
No Answer 9 10
Total 56 56

Table 7: The estimated data found in here after surveyed 112 little drug shops in both rural (56)
and urban (56) areas. Here 9 and 10 person did not answer in rural and urban area about their
present investment in their shops respectively. There I have got 1 (rural) and 0 (urban) little
shops where the approximate present investments are less than 50 thousand. Here also 9 (rural)
and 0 (urban) little shops where the approximate present investment is 50 thousand to less than
one lakh, and 6 (rural) and 0 (urban) little drug shops where the approximate present investment
is 1 lakh to less than 1.5 lakh.

Findings 7: We can see that in the little or medium drug shops in urban areas have more
investment compare to the rural areas if we compare those 1, 2, and 3 no rows in above table-7.

Page | 43






than 50 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 7 8 10 12 15 20
Answ Total
50 thou lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh lakh
Rural 1 9 6 1 5 2 5 3 3 1 3 1 1 4 2 9 56
Urban 0 0 0 6 4 3 14 11 3 1 1 3 10 56

Figure 11

Figure 11: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the total data summary on current or present investment
into the little drug shops in both rural and urban areas according to the table-7 explained in

Page | 44
3.5) Table, graph and findings on MPO visits the drug shops:

Table 8:
Number of MPO goes to the Rural Area Urban Area
drug shop

Less than 5 MPO 11

5 MPO 10
10 MPO 5 14
15 MPO 4 8
20 MPO 11 3
25 MPO 21 1
30 MPO 5 2
35 MPO 1 1
40 MPO 1
45 MPO 1
50 MPO 3
60 MPO 1
70 MPO 1
80 MPO 1
NO Answer 1 6
Total 56 56

Table 8: The estimated data found in here after surveyed 112 little drug shops in both rural (56)
and urban (56) areas. Here I got 11 and 10 shops (row 1 and 2) in those surveyed urban area
where less than 5 and more than 5 to 9 MPO visits respectively but there is no little or medium
drug shop in rural area where less than 5 or 5 to 9 MPO visit from different companies. In the
lower part table also showing that there are 3 drug shops in rural areas in where about 60, 70 and
80 MPO visit respectively from different companies but there is no drug shop in those surveyed
urban areas where 60 or 70 or 80 MPO visit from different companies.

Findings 8: More MPOs from more companies are more available in rural area compare to the
urban area. May be due to this reason less quality or substandard product is more available in
rural areas than urban area.

Page | 45






than 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80
Answ Total
Rural Area 5 4 11 21 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 56
Urban Area 11 10 14 8 3 1 2 1 6 56

Figure 12

Figure 12: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the total data summary of the number of MPO visits to
the drug shops in both rural and urban areas from different companies according to the table-8
explained in above.

Page | 46
3.6) Table, graph and findings on most dispensed drug for Gastric Ulcer:

Table 9:
Most dispensed drug for Rural Urban
Gastric Ulcer
Ranitidine 33 41
Omeprazol 10 5
Antacid Plus 10 4
Pantoprazol 1 0
Others 2 6
Total 56 56

Table 9: This table representing the comparative sales amount of Antacid Plus, Ranitidine,
omeprazol and other groups of drugs as the most dispensed drug for Gastric ulcer. Here
Ranitidine is the most dispensed drug Gastric Ulcer. On the other hand the Omeprazol, Antacid
plus and other drugs are in 2nd, 3rd and 4th position used for Gastric ulcer treatment.

Findings 9: Ranitidine is the most dispensed drug for Gastric Ulcer treatment which is a H2
receptor antagonist. But omeprazol should be the most used drug for Gastric Ulcer treatment as it
is a proton pump inhibitor which works at the last stage of acid secretion and more appropriate to
use than Ranitidine.







Ranitidine Omeprazol Antacid Plus Pantoprazol Others Total
Rural 33 10 10 1 2 56
Urban 41 5 4 0 6 56

Figure 13
Figure 13: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the total data for the most dispensed drugs for Gastric
Ulcer treatment according to Table-9 explained in above.

Page | 47
3.7) Table, graph and findings on most dispensed drug as Pain Killer:

Table 10:
Most dispensed drug as Pain Rural Urban
Diclofenac Sodium 18 21
Paracetamol 6 22
Acelofenac 13 5
Others 19 8
Total 56 56

Table 10: This table representing the comparative sales amount of Paracetamol, Diclofenac,
Acelofenac and other groups of drugs as pain killer. Here Diclofenac Sodium is the most
dispensed drug as general pain killer. The Paracetamol is in 2nd position, used as general pain
killer in both rural and urban area.

Findings 10: Diclofenac Sodium is the most dispensed drug as general pain killer in both rural
and urban area. But other groups (19) are also use mostly in rural areas where sometimes
antibiotics are used as wrong treatment as painkiller as I have observed twice during this survey.







Diclofenac Paracetamol Acelofenac Others Total
Rural 18 6 13 19 56
Urban 21 22 5 8 56

Figure 14
Figure 14: This Bar-Chart is illustrating the total data for the most dispensed drugs as pain killer
according to Table-10 explained in above.

Page | 48
Chapter 4

4.1) Results:

1. Among the 112 surveyed drug shops I have found about 5% and 23% (see figure-1 & 2)
drug shops are non-licensed in rural and urban area respectively. So those non-licensed
drug shops are ignoring the Drug acts and the percentage of licensed drug shops is more
in rural areas than urban areas that I have found from this survey.

2. There are only 11% and 12% (see figure-5 & 7) qualified registered pharmacist in rural
and urban areas respectively and I found only 15 pharmacists (see table-5) in 112
surveyed Drug shops. The total percent of community pharmacist is 12% (see figure-9)
which is the main cause of mal-treatment or irrational drug use in our country.

3. Here (see table-6) I have got 14 (rural) and 3 (urban) little shops where the average sale
per month is less than 50 thousand. Also 14 (rural) and 8 (urban) little shops where sale
per month is 50 thousand to less than one lakh, and 2 (rural) and 21 (urban) little shops
where a sale per month is around 1.5 lakh which indicates that the amount of drug selling
is more in urban area in spite of less licensed drug shops than rural areas.

4. There I have got 1 (rural) and 0 (urban) little shops (see table-7) where the approximate
present investments are less than 50 thousand. Also 9 (rural) and 0 (urban) little shops
where the approximate present investments are 50 thousand to less than one lakh, and 6
(rural) and 0 (urban) little drug shops where the approximate present investments are 1
lakh to less than 1.5 lakh which also indicates that the investment is more in urban area in
spite of less licensed drug shops than rural areas.

5. This project report has revealed that there are 11 and 10 shops (see table-8) in those
surveyed urban area where less than 5 and more than 5 to 9 MPO visits respectively but
there is no little or medium drug shop in rural area where less than 5 or 5 to 9 MPO visit
from different companies. The lower part of the table-8 also showing that there are 3 drug
shops in rural areas where about 60, 70 and 80 MPO visit respectively from different
companies but there is no drug shop in those surveyed urban areas where 60 or 70 or 80
MPO visit from different companies. So the table-8 indicating that more MPOs from
more companies are more available in rural areas compare to the urban areas. Due to this
reason less quality or substandard products are more available in rural areas than urban

6. This project report has revealed that Ranitidine is the most dispensed drug (see figure-13)
for Gastric Ulcer treatment.

Page | 49
7. This project report has also revealed that Diclofenac Sodium is the most dispensed drug
(see figure-14) as general Pain Killer.

4.2) Conclusion:

Considering the results and findings that I have already mentioned after every table or chart or
graph I have found that the drug shops in both rural and urban areas are not running according to
the Drug Acts. I have surveyed 112 drug shops where most drug shops are running on little or
medium investment and where the non-licensed drug shop is more in urban area than rural areas
but the present investment into the drug shops are more in urban areas than the rural areas. Also
the drug selling is more in urban areas than rural areas as like the more present investment in
urban areas. From the above results, it is clearly manifested that the number of qualified
Pharmacists are very inadequate who have definite beneficial roles regarding health matters in
community pharmacy. But a pharmacist is the legally qualified and professionally competent
person to handle drugs and allied supplies required for the patients within and outside the
hospital. Most of the maltreatment and irrational use of drugs is happening or responsible due to
do not having adequate number of qualified registered pharmacist in drug shops. I have found
only 15 pharmacists in 112 surveyed drug shops and it is a matter of regret that the government
of our country is taking very little effort to employ highly skilled pharmacy personnel in
community pharmacy. But in the developed countries, pharmacists are in unique position in this
regard and there have a lot of job scopes for them, especially, in community pharmacy. So the
governmental health policy should be modify by incorporating pharmacist and increase their job
scopes in community pharmacy and there should not have any non-licensed drug shop to
improve and ensure the better health service for the safety, rational use of drugs and wellbeing of
the patients of our country.

4.3) Reference:




4) The Drug Control Ordinance 1982

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