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Research freedom

is part of the job

Trinity College lecturers are vindicated in a battle
against 'managerial intrusion'. John Gill reports
A lecturers' union is claiming a glob- demics "literally all over the world".
ally significant victory for academic " I f we had lost it could have had
freedom after a long-running dis- major adverse implications for ac-
pute with Trinity College Dublin. ademic freedom," he said.
The two-year battle was sparked " T h i s directive was about en-
by a directive requiring academics hancing the profile of the
to consult with a line manager on department by trying to corral the
key details of their research, in- staff into areas this professor re-
cluding where it was published. garded as being high yield and high
A lecturer who objected to the return in a marketing sense rather
new rules argued that they were an than a 'pursuit of knowledge' sense.
affront to academic freedom and "It was very important to put
contravened an agreement with the down a marker to say that the dic-
Irish Federation of University Teach- tates of academic freedom require
ers (IFUT) banning managers from only that an academic does research,
imposing new working conditions. and that this sort of intrusive, man-
According to the IFUT, a request agerial attitude... is unacceptable.
to suspend rules imposed by a sen- "We don't have a problem with
ior academic in the geography collegiality and with academics dis-
department on those working be- cussing their research plans, themes
neath him, pending an investigation, and progress in a collegial manner,
was refused. The lecturer who made but we are absolutely opposed to the
the objection was issued with two idea of doing that as if they are
written warnings for refusing to working for the person with whom
comply with the directive. they are discussing it."
The case was taken to the Irish The university declined to com-
Labour Court, which last week ruled ment on the specifics of the case,
that Trinity College Dublin should but said that it "broadly welcomed"
wipe the disciplinary action from the recommendations made by the
the academic's employment record. Labour Court. It said: "We welcome
It also recommended that the col- IFUT's acceptance of the Perform-
lege and the I F U T work to reach a ance Management and Development
new agreement over how research System as a mechanism for the dis-
is co-ordinated. cussion of academic performance."
Mike Jennings, the union's gen- Mr Jennings responded that this
eral secretary, claimed it was the reference to a human resources pol-
first time that the issue of academ- icy that operates across the public
ic freedom had been tested in a sector in Ireland was "laughable"
tribunal of this kind and said that and "completely missed the point".
the case had resonance for aca-

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