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Language Test
Vocabulary (20 points)

Student B

1 Write the next two numbers in the sequence. (10 points)

0 two, three, 1 eight, nine, 2 thirteen, fourteen, 3 sixty, seventy, eighty, 4 thirty-three, thirty-four, 5 two, four, six, four , ve , , , , ,

Complete the sentences with the negative form. (5 points)

0 Im not from Bogot. Im from Cartagena.

2 Unscramble the letters to form the words for the days of the week. (5 points)
0 dyauest 1 dyathrus
Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.


1 She

British. Shes American.

2 dsunay 3 aydwdenes 4 ursatday 5 omnday 2 I the Youth Club coordinator. The Youth Club coordinator is Zach. . . . Hes Mexican. . 3 Milan in France. Its in Italy. . . Were Costa Rican.

Write the country or nationality. (5 points)

0 Youre from Australia. Youre Australian 1 Shes from Chile. Shes 2 Hes from 4 Were from 5 Im from Spain. Im 3 Theyre from Colombia. Theyre

Grammar (20 points) 4

Circle the correct answer. (5 points) 4 We Paris. from Rome. Were from 0 I am / is Bolivian. 1 She am / is fourteen. 2 We is / are from Brazil. 3 This is / are Polly. 4 I am / is Spanish. 5 They is / are my friends. 5 They thirteen. Theyre fourteen.

Unit 1 Language TestStudent B



6 Complete the questions and the short answers. (10 points)
0 Is he from New York? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. 1 2 3 4 5 your sister twelve? you Italian, Anna? that your book? you and Carlos from Argentina? Zach from New York? 5 Whats your zip code? a) 77150. b) Rio Maya 108, Col. deValle. c) Im from Mexico City.

Write these lines in the correct sequence to make a conversation. Write the name of the person speaking. (10 points)

Nice to meet you. Is this your cell phone, Tara? Its cool! Tara, this is my friend, David. Hi, Tara! How are things? Hi, David. Nice to meet you. Yes, it is. Its new. Thanks, David! Not bad thanks, Carlos. 0 Carlos: Hi, Tara! How are things? 1

Communication (20 points)

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Choose the correct response. (10 points)

2 3 4 5

0 Good morning! a) Hello! b) Shes fourteen. c) Polly. 1 How old are you? a) Hes fourteen. b) Im fourteen. c) Fine, thanks. 2 Whats your last name? a) Campos. b) Diana. c) Im sixteen. 3 Where are you from? a) Yes, I am. b) Im from Portugal. c) Not bad, thanks. 4 How are things? a) See you! b) Im Mexican. c) OK, thanks.


Vocabulary Grammar Communication Total

/ 20 / 20 / 20 / 60

Unit 1 Language TestStudent B

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