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Learning Objectives Lesson 1: Objectives: o Students will be able to recognize short vowel sounds in words.

. o Students will know what are the short vowels; a, e, i, o, u. Explain how objectives are aligned with the standards o The objectives are aligned with the standard, RF 2.3a: Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable word, by the students being able to recognize short vowel sounds in words when reading a story. Discuss why the objectives are appropriate o My learning objectives are appropriate because students have already been introduced to the short vowels but they still need help recognizing them in words. The students will be able to use the skill Punching Words when trying to recognize short vowels in words which meets the students physical needs. The objectives are also appropriate because they meet the social needs of the students because the students will be able to interact with the teacher and their peers. The learning objectives meet the students cognitive needs by the students being able to receive constructive criticism.

Lesson 2: Objectives: o Students will recognize the diagraphs wh, ch, sh, th in words. o Students will be able to come up with words that use the diagraphs wh, ch, sh, th. Explain how the objectives are aligned with the standards The objectives are aligned with the standards, RF 2.3a- Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes and RF 2.4b- Read on level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings, by the students being able to recognize words with the diagraphs, wh, ch, sh, th while reading a story. The objectives are also aligned with the standards by the students being able to think of words that used the diagraphs, wh, ch, sh, th. Discuss why the objectives are appropriate o My learning objectives are appropriate because students have already been introduced to the diagraphs but they still need help recognizing them in words. The students will be able to use the skill Punching Words when trying to recognize diagraphs in words which meets the students physical needs. The objectives are also appropriate because they meet the social needs of the students because the students will be able to interact with the teacher and their peers. The

learning objectives meet the students cognitive needs by the students being able to receive constructive criticism. Lesson 3: Objectives o Students will be able to explain what is happening in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Explain how the objectives are aligned with the standards o The objective is aligned with standards, RL 2.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action and SL 2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media, by the students being able to describe the beginning, middle, and end of a story by acting out the key details in each part. Discuss why the objectives are appropriate o The learning objectives are appropriate because the students have prior knowledge of beginning, middle, and end. The students will use the skill, reading the beginning of the story and thinking of one word that describes what is happening. The students will also do this skill with the middle and end. The students like to act out things to learn them so the students will be acting out the scenes in the beginning, middle, and end which is meeting their social and cognitive needs.

Lesson 4: Objectives o Students will create index cards that contain a definition and a picture for the terms government, citizens, mayor, city council, judge, and police officers. Explain how the objectives are aligned with the standards o The objectives aligned with the standard, Standard 2-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of local, state, and national government and the indicators, Indicator 2-2.3: Identify the roles of leaders and officials in government, including law enforcement and public safety rules and Indicator 2-2.4: Explain the role of elected leaders, including mayor, governor, and president by the students creating index cards that contain the definition and a picture for the terms government, citizens, mayor, city council, judge, and police officers. This objective is also aligned with the visual arts standard, VA2-2.3: Select and use various elements and principles of design to communicate his or her ideas, feelings, and stories through works of visual art by the students creating a picture based of their ideas of what the terms mean. Discuss why the objectives are appropriate o My learning objectives are appropriate because students have prior knowledge of summarizing the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority. My learning objectives will meet the students social needs by the students being able to interact with one another and the teacher. My learning objective will meet

the students physical needs by the students being able to write definitions and draw pictures for the terms using their locomotor skills. My learning objective will meet the students emotional needs by the students being able to give and receive constructive criticism. Lesson 5: Objectives o Students will create index cards that contain a definition and a picture for the terms President, Governor, Congress, and Supreme Court. Explain how the objectives are aligned with the standards o The objectives are aligned with the standard, Standard 2-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of local, state, and national government and the indicators, Indicator 2-2.3: Identify the roles of leaders and officials in government, including law enforcement and public safety rules and Indicator 2-2.4: Explain the role of elected leaders, including mayor, governor, and president by the students creating index cards that contain the definition and a picture for the terms President, governor, Congress and Supreme Court. This objective is also aligned with the visual arts standard, VA2-2.3: Select and use various elements and principles of design to communicate his or her ideas, feelings, and stories through works of visual art by the students creating a picture based of their ideas of what the terms mean. Discuss how the objectives are appropriate o My learning objectives are appropriate because students have prior knowledge of summarizing the concept of authority and giving examples of people in authority. My learning objectives will meet the students social needs by the students being able to interact with one another and the teacher. My learning objective will meet the students physical needs by the students being able to write definitions and draw pictures for the terms using their locomotor skills. My learning objective will meet the students emotional needs by the students being able to give and receive constructive criticism.

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