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Copyright Q 1975 by William Swygard

Printed in the United States of America Printed by AWARENESS TECHNIQUES sub. THEATRE UNIVERSITY, INC . P.O. Box 49, Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181

There are two ways to read this book. One, as ordinary reading matter. Much can be learned. The other way is to be integrated while you read it. You will see new meaning in each sentence. Each statement in this book can be, and has been, verified directly from the source through the Awareness Techniques.


Introduction Book 2 What You Can See When Integrated Why So Many Cats? Subspecies Migration Inheriting Plants and Animals From Filaria Inheriting Life From The Moon and Mars All About Flying Saucers How do Flying Saucers Run? Soulmates Suicides Baird Spaulding Exercises In Awareness Edited by Diane Swygard

7 8 13 14 16 17 20 22 23 26 31 34 34 38


Ama-Ita-Anda is, without a doubt, the most integrated person in the world. She has been integrated for quite a few years and has had a lot of practice at it. For the many years she has been integrated, scarcely a day or two goes by that she does not find a new use for it. That proves quite a bit in favor of integration. Besides being integrated, she brought to this creation her own method which she calls the Communication Technique. The Communication Technique is just as simple to do as the Awareness Techniques. Besides being the most integrated person in this creation, she is the mother and step-mother of eleven children. Five of these are her own. She still has seven of her children at home. She does all the bookkeeping, much of the correspondence, and other office work, and still finds time to help with these books. So, we are very happy to have Ama-Ita-Anda, or often called Diane. She is always a joy to have around, always ready for a good laugh, and always a wonderful person.

INTRODUCTION This book is taken from several years of lecture work in the Awareness Techniques. The questions found here cover many years. This is because these are some very popular questions that have been asked from time to time. The answers may have varied a little bit from group to group because they were asked in a different way. So, the answer you will find is more of a composite of maybe dozens of answers to very simple questions, say, for example, the answer to the questions "what are flying saucers and how do they fly?" These questions have come periodically since 1950, as there were more and more popular sightings from time to time. Usually at the height of these flaps, questions were asked with more frequency, then they may die out for a year or two only to reappear during another flap. Our answer may not correspond with the type of saucer noted in that particular flap or place in the world, and I think you will find note of that in the answers. This business of nature and migration came up many times in over twenty years of lecturing. This too is a composite of answers. Hardly a period of a few months would go by that someone would not ask about the author Baird Spalding and his adventures in Tibet. This answer is also a composite. The question of suicide is asked as often as any. This is a composite of those answers. The question of soul mates comes up many times each year. These too are answered in a composite manner. So, you will see, as you read on, that we are trying to bring you as much information as possible in these books. Don't be too harsh with the answers that Waldara gives you in these books to the many, many questions asked over a long period of time. There are probably aspects found in these answers that have never occurred to you before. You can see these answers and many, many more, without number in fact, should you integrate and inquire into these subjects heretofore unknown to man. Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts William Swygard January 1975

BOOK 2 It looks like a nice group here tonight. Way down deep in your consciousness, you must have some questions about Nature. This is a subject about which much is written, but nothing is known. So, we will tell you a few things about nature. We will mention migration. This is another unknown subject about which much is written. How do animals and plants know what to be, and what to do? We will talk about how the various species reproduce themselves. That ought to partly fill the evening, anyway. Nature is fulfilled through four things. This is a little hard to explain to people who have read all the books and articles written about nature. But people who are integrated with all of their consciousness, can see these things, these entities, and will not be surprised. These four things then, are elementals, fairies, devas, and the plan. Let us talk about elementals for a while. An elemental grade spirit is the first thing that you were when you were released from the creator. You were an elemental grade spirit doing only the most elemental things. That is something to think about, really. Here you have the potential of being a son. And yet, you are starting out, learning, practicing, knowing the creation from the bottom, so to speak. Here you are, that great potential, making the lowest thing in the creation: The atom. You start out making atoms. They are the very building blocks of the creation. Nothing is smaller or simpler, and yet, nothing is more cohesive and more important in the creation. You start as an elemental by making the simplest form of atom: The mineral elements. Minerals, you know, are everything from water to diamonds, everything in between, and a little bit beyond. They are iron and all the heavy metals, the gases and liquids (rare and common), and the precious stones that man covets so much. All of our clothing and shelter, the things we ride in, the movies and television, the books we read, and the pens and pencils we write with; they are all minerals. (There is a technical point here about some clothing and books being something else, but really, they are mineral.) Yes, all the little particles of all these mineral things are made by elementals. Then when you have finished your work as mineral and someone has taken your place to keep up the mineral activity, you start in the plant kingdom. You make the components of the simplest plant to the most complex one, in that order. Plant elementals, or plant atoms, are more complicated than the mineral forms. They form many more shapes. They can have many more ideas. They have many more purposes than do minerals. They can take many more forms and even reproduce

themselves. They can arrange themselves in more complicated ways than do minerals. Then, when the plant formations are finished, and someone replaces you in doing this work, you start the animal kingdom. Now we seem to be getting somewhere. Animals have mobility. They make nests and reproduce themselves in a different way. They, because of necessity, think a lot more. Animals do many, many things that plants do not and cannot do. This is all possible because they form more complex chemical compounds. Well, at any rate, that is the primary business in the creation. And it is all laid upon the elemental grade spirit. First, they make the minerals. When they have had the experience of making many kinds of minerals, they move on to the plant kingdom. This responsibility is put upon the elemental grade spirit. When they have made a good representation in the plant kingdom, when they know how to arrange themselves in good cohesion in this more complicated way, they move on to the animal kingdom. The responsibility of the animal kingdom is next put upon the elemental grade spirit. After making the atoms in the bodies of a good representative of animals, they are free to go on to the next stage of spirit development. You see, spirit must always improve its being by growing in consciousness, and in doing so, it becomes larger physically. After completing these three sub-grades of elemental, it finds itself capable of becoming the second grade of spirit - the fairy. Maybe we have heard in some lore about fairies, but they are very real. They take a much more important position in the make-up of things than we at first realize. Everything that we come in contact with has form, some degree of permanency, a function, and has a fairy over it. That fairy gives that object, whether it is so-called dead or alive, its meaning, its cohesion, its activity, its destiny. Now we are talking about your left shoe - it has a fairy over it. The buckle or the eyes in the shoe, or the string in the shoe has a fairy over it. We are talking about the foot that wears the shoe. We are talking about the organs of the body, whether it be an eyeball or the ear function, it has a fairy over it. Every plant you see, the trunk, the roots, the branches, the leaves, the fruit, even has a bigger fairy over the whole group. Each and every part, and the whole has a function, so it calls for a fairy.

Every little animal like a mouse and every big animal like an elephant has a fairy over it. And so it goes. These fairies give the mineral, plant or animal their meaning, shape or form, its permanency to a degree, and its function. Then we come to the next grade of the life of spirit. And that is the deva. How many here have seen a deva? None of you. Devas are beautiful. You can see the spirit form and the projected humanoid form. Just integrate and look at one. Elementals are very small. Fairies are larger. A deva, by comparison, is quite large. It has a tremendous responsibility to fulfill. It brings fairies together, say, in your neighborhood. If you live in the city, it may cover six or eight city blocks. Even more if it's a smaller town. Even more if it is in open country. If a building is very, very busy, it would have a deva assigned to it. For instance, the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. would have a deva exclusively for it. So we go on and on. Out in the country, a lake or a mountain side may have a deva. A section of a river or some remote area, because however remote it may be, there is always life. When man travels just a few miles, he comes under the jurisdiction of quite a few devas. That is, the mineral, plant, and animal life man comes in contact with is all sponsored by the deva. The deva is the nature that brings all the mineral, plant, and animal forms together, keeps them balanced and functioning together in what we call the ecology, the ecology of the area. It's up to the deva to provide a balance of nature, so to speak. The deva, then, hands energy to the fairy, in the right amount at the right time. A deva is a graduate fairy so it remembers everything that a fairy did in the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. It is cognizant of what kind of energy is needed for each process of life in each of these kingdoms, and each phase within the three kingdoms. But when it comes to man, he has a third plane permanent body of consciousness that acts as a deva. It is in the center of his body and it administers to the fairies of the body who in turn administer to the elementals of the body. So man is an independent agent. This fact is what makes him more different from the animals than anything in the creation. So we have man standing with nature, but in a way different than the usual. Well, here goes my say-so that takes care of the ecology situation in a nutshell. We have had, for millions of years, well beyond recorded history, the ecology of the planet. Do not think personally that the planet will go to pieces? There are many

unspoiled areas. Many lesser populated areas where there is no smog, no problem of species dying out, or polution. These points will certainly carry the planet through. The planet is no longer in an upsurge of population. There are less men being born. Many areas of the earth show that the population growth is in serious decline. So, I do not have such a bad outlook for the future. And we find now, even in the adverse conditions, that there comes a point where new things are happening. New species, or variations of the old are catching up with life in these conditions. And so life goes on. Let's look now at a species reproducing itself. We have the sexual part where mama and papa get together, or we have the asexual part where the cells divide and in so doing brings about the species of the same kind. Either of these happens every moment of every day. But what happens in the spiritual part? What determines if the offspring will be the same species? It is certainly not the physical part. The physical came as an afterthought really. The spiritual part happens first and the physical part happens second. Not the genes, not the DNA, not the physical part of the species happens first. It happens afterwards. That, I said, is only afterthought. What really makes the cockroach look today as it did millions of years ago? What really causes species to maintain their characteristics that carries the plan? The plan is on a disc. These discs can be reproduced and supported by the deva. They are given to the deva by the lord of the planet. As the species reproduce, then the energy fed to the fairy, and the energy fed to the deva, goes through this little disc, and the species remain true to its being. The genes, the DNA, and the true characteristics of the species are due to the disc. You are familiar in this day and age with the IBM card. Instead of a card being just punched full of holes in various patterns and numbers to transmit certain information, something else is in the disc. It is circular in shape and wafer thin. These discs have many colors on them so that they transmit colored light. The lights on the discs come in every color of the rainbow, and they come in all shades of these colors, smeared, and shaped and arranged so that there is not a color or design that you could not imagine. These colors are known as communication colors. This means that the fairy can communicate with the elemental. The deva can also communicate with the fairy any idea, via color. All colors and shapes have a standard meaning to the fairy. The discs are manufactured first by the technician in the central universe, reproduced

by fairies exactly as they are, at a later time, and sent out of the planets when called for. Just being a disc, and even having a deva, though, does not make the disc work with all of its color or communication magic. It must turn. So turn it does. When the seed or egg starts to form into a more adult stage, the disc starts to turn. Very slowly. This gives each color a chance to turn past a point. It gives each configuration and each pattern among the colors to pass the point. The point of beginning as well as the points that follow in the place where the fairy shows his energy through. A disc must turn very slowly because one turn and the animal or plant has lived its life. You can see that an elephant disc will turn much slower than a cockroach disc. A disc of the sequoia tree turns so slowly it is just about perpetual. The electronic pulse goes through a point to give the tree form and function and life, but the disc turns so slowly that it remains about the same year after year. Let's go over that again so all of it is understood. We will talk about the familiar cockroach. I think it is everywhere, everyone has seen them, so we will use it as an example. Over each cockroach egg case, the fairy and his disc have already been at work for some time. They shine over the cockroach's body. Their shine is invisible to you because this is twelfth plane material, the concept material. The deva has held each new disc over the fairy of each little beginning cockroach. The deva has poured its energy to the fairy who has in turn transmitted it downward through the disc to the cockroach and given it a form, a function, and a kind of permeability or lifetime. This function does not vary at all. When it came time to reproduce again, the same thing takes place. The deva hands the pattern (disc) down and a fairy shines its little energy in the form of light through the disc and it reproduces the same animal. So it goes on,, Generation after generation. Thousands, millions, billions of times if necessary. Always the same species. This same thing is true with a shepherd dog, pine tree, on and on through the thousands and thousands of insects and animals, sea life, and primitive plants. Nature does not form millions and millions of new species every time it reproduces. Even minerals, including our machines, are formed that way. Each mineral has its own crystal formation. Every plant has its form of species. Every animal has its own way. So it goes with nature.

QUESTION: I HEAR WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, BUT IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE. I'VE NEVER HAD IT EXPLAINED TO ME THAT WAY BEFORE. I HAVE WATCHED ANIMALS GROW, OF COURSE: I HAVE HAD MY FAVORITE LITTLE PLANTS AROUND. I HAVE NEVER HEARD AN EXPLANATION LIKE THAT. DO YOU REALLY MEAN WHAT YOU SAY? ANSWER : When I was younger, I felt exactly as you do. I knew nothing about plants. Nothing about animals. Never considered the mineral kingdom as living, breathing, and well ordered in form. All of your geologists have studied these mineral forms. They are crystals, sedimentation. In different periods down through history, they came to organize if in a certain degree of recognizability. However, this really has not done much for the scientific community. When you become integrated, it is easy to converse with the elementals and the devas. You can easily watch what they are doing. You can easily see that all of these things that I tell you are being performed by each member. Some of them happen very rapidly, while some of them take a long time; some over a long period of time - months and years. It is quite an amazing thing to see a calf, half way to maturity, almost to the day, begin to grow horns. You can see many, many things happening to the calf as he becomes a bull. It happens on schedule, and in every case. So there is some good order about this. There is a perfect degree of order in its life plan. Of course there are not enough bulls that die of old age. It is a rare occasion to see them fulfill the entire life pattern, but it is there. It is there to be fulfilled if necessary. We see one squirrel of a species and we have seen all of that species. The actions of all of them are very much identical in every stage of their life. Plants grow very much in order. They are a more simple form of life. It depends very much on sunlight, availability of water, richness of soil, and so on, but each species has that basic pattern. If all are given the same amount of sunlight, water, and right soil, all plants of the same species will achieve the same amount of maturity. So, it has been a matter of you being blind without being integrated. You cannot see "behind the scenes." You see the play without the curtains or props. You see only the players and the stage. But I dare say, it is all true. You can integrate and tune into all of these things as I have spent thousands of hours doing. I speak very much from experience. Pardon me for saying even more things that will startle you.

QUESTION: WE HAVE ON THIS PLANET HUNDREDS OF KINDS OF CATS. EVERYTHING FROM THE HOUSE CAT, THE LION, THE TIGER, THE PUMA, THE LEOPARD, AND SO ON AND SO FORTH. WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO HAVE SO MANY SPECIES? ANSWER: This is where we find, by the grace of the deva and the fairy and the plane lord, a growth of species on a planet. When Filaria blew up, everything from man to the most primitive plants came here to live. When they came into our atmosphere, there was only one species of cat. Cats are indigenous to Filaria. They were designed for that planet. One species of cat. It was not to be known anywhere else in the creation that cats were being made here due to the fact that this was an experimental planet. Even though the technicians made the original cat, there was no part of them to be known in the reproduction of species of cats. So, they came on this planet as the old original species, the saber-toothed tiger. They found the need, or within the makeup of things, found the need, to express itself. First in a few ways and then in many different ways. So, the plane lords designed and redesigned more cats, different species of cats. They were found in need due to the adverse weather conditions of the planet - too hot or too cold or too barren or too rainy. They had here a large number of prey, some quite large and some quite small. So we had a very diverse design of cats with long hair, and short hair, and all kinds of protective coloring, good climbers, good runners, good swimmers, and so forth. So as time went by, many, many forms of cat were to be found. They spread out into the jungle, the tropics, and even into the very, very cold areas, into the dry arid area, and even in the home. And so, generation by generation, each species moved in its own direction. This was left up to the plane lord to decide how many species are needed and the general function and habitat of each species. The deva can change his plan also. It was made to the pattern with the help of the cats themselves, sometimes leading the way. So, today we have a variety of cats which consists of thousands. They all spring from the original saber-tooth tiger which came here from Filaria when it blew up. So, there we have an exception. We have other exceptions too. Such species as the elephant, the horse, the hippopotamus, and several other of the bigger animals. These bigger animals originated from smaller species, more simple species. With the help of the deva and from the plane lord, new species were developed. They come to a point where they are more or less perfected to the best of the ability of the deva and plane lord and they can go no further. But you must remember, the deva and the plane lord are not technicians. In that manner we have had a few species of elephants, much larger than the original. A whole

host of horses in the history of the world and a few species of hippopotami, made necessary changes to keep up with the planet's weather changes. Many, many cats sprung up from one species. If you looked around on the other planets in the universe, you would find that this planet has far more species than any other planet. A normal planet in this creation may have a dozen plants and a like number of animals on it. Some to occupy the waters, and some to occupy the lands and the air. The plants may be all utilitarian. We have so many plants here that are useless to man. The only thing that we can say is that they are green and man has come to learn to appreciate plants. If he gets near them, they only sting or prick him or do some harm to him. They cause abrasions or puffed up and swelled places on his skin. Others are very dangerous to him, should he eat their fruits or the sap of the tree. Still others are there for what we have learned to call beauty and give us shade from the sun. It would not have to be if our sun gave the proper light and was harmless to us. A number of plants on this planet are directly useful to man. Still it is within a hundred or so. We could do very well without all the other plants on this planet. We could do very well without a large number of animals. We could do without, perhaps, all the insects except the honeybee and he himself could do without his stinger. So that planet may come to us someday in the future.


. QUESTION: I AM THINKING NOW OF AN ANT HILL OR A BEEHIVE, WHERE CERTAIN ANTS OR CERTAIN BEES ARE GIVEN CERTAIN DUTIES ABOUT THE HILL OR HIVE. ARE THEY SUBSPECIES, OR WHAT ARE THEY? ANSWER: They are subspecies, yes. The discs are given slightly different patterns which require the keepers of the hill or hive to feed them certain things certain materials which aid and make the body formation different. Perhaps a warrior ant will be given a large head and large pinchers. Maybe he will even grow larger than the rest, but this is due to the disc pattern. The pattern there of a warrior ant exist and he calls to the others to feed him. You see this is in coordination with the fairy. The fairy is a very alive thing. Your spirit was once a fairy grade spirit and perhaps it made some of these plants or insects or animals or something very similar to it. You can look back in your beginning and see when you were these things and it would certainly give your mind a little refresher course. So, each insect in the hill, be it the queen, male, workers, soldiers; in the beehive, the queen workers, or the drone, all exist and it gives them very much a duty just to be. Now of course they can only come through the body of a queen, but when she is given so many worker discs by the deva, she can only reproduce according to the discs. This is so in the ant hill, more workers than anything else, some guards, some soldiers, some males and a limited number of queens to sustain the colony. So that is the way it is.


QUESTION: A VERY INTERESTING THING IS ON MY MIND. THAT IS; AS YOU MENTIONED BEFORE, THE SUBJECT OF MIGRATION. I CAN SEE ANIMALS MOVING FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COUNTRY OR EVEN THE WORLD TO FIND FOOD, BUT WHY IS IT THAT A FAIRLY GOOD NUMBER OF HIGHLY MOBILE ANIMALS, ESPECIALLY BIRDS, MOVE ALMOST FROM ONE END OF THE PLANET TO THE OTHER? HOW ARE THEY GUIDED? HOW DO THEY FIND THEIR WAY? ANSWER: Well, that is a very good question. You probably read some of the answers that the books provide. Some say that they are guided by magnetic waves. Some say they are guided by the sun. Others say they are guided by some unknown force that is contained within their little bodies, to leave on a particular day and travel thousands and thousands of miles with very little food and arrive at their destination, where they were exactly last year , and carry on life there for a few months and then at a given date band together and fly back to an area where they were the very summer before. Even more recently, man has found that some whales migrate. Insects migrate. Various species that they did not know before migrated. They found there is a place that they go to and come from and return to. But that is really very simple. When you realize that each animal has a main fairy over it that allows for its very existence, that allows for its very shape and form, and gives it function. The ideas that follow the category of migration fall very well within the function. Let's look at it from the practical point of view. The bird. Let's take the familiar robin for instance. He has a certain diet of worms and insects. He has lived all summer, made a nest in the old apple tree, and raised three or four young. Perhaps one or two of them survived, and at a certain time of the year, everything around him begins dying off. There are some signs within the annual plants and the perennial plants that they are beginning to lose their leaves, or are about to. The ground will soon be frozen and the worms cannot crawl in the ground. He soon begins to understand that at this time of year the crawling worms, flying bugs, those things he finds in the bushes, in the trees, on the ground, those fruits, have all lost themselves from the trees or have matured. The material to be found for his nest is no longer available and so his whole environment is falling apart. It is the fairy of that robin that senses all those things. Not the robin. The newborn robins of that season have never needed to be a robin before. He may have been a snake or some domestic animal. He may have been a bird that stayed there all season, and did not have to migrate, and lived on a different diet and raised his young in a different way.

So, it is a diet more or less that causes a function that causes them to migrate. Let us examine the planet; the grass, the weeds, all the things that give this robin a livelihood, that provide a meaning for his existence. When a plant dies, the fairy leaves it. All these little fairies, swarms of them, millions and billions of them, begin to be passed on to the devas over the various areas - the city block, the country side, and so on. They are being passed. on by the devas south where the sun shines now. So, the robin has learned very quickly that food will be provided by those fairies that are moving south. They can see those fairies, there are clouds of them. Migration trails are the same trails taken by the fairies of the plants that are going to provide the food for them over the coming months. These fairies go to the same areas each winter. The same deva is lined up with the same fairies in their entourage, and they have the same disc. So, the same plant grows there, the same species of worm and beetle, and so on and so forth. The thing that man does not realize is that the robin is guided by a fairy, and so is his every action. So these swarms of fairies that migrate, making in the north and in the south of the planet the seasonal growth of this tree and that tree, and this grass and that grass, on which the larva or the worms of the beetle and many, many insects can grow, are being passed north and south and north and south again, season after season, to become a source of livelihood and a source of existence for this robin. He just goes with the crowd, so to speak. The fairy that possesses the body of the robin, senses, hears, sees, knows all his activities and just flies with the bunch that will be supporting him these coming months. Now isn't that really simple, when you stop to think about it? Migration does not happen on other planets. Other planets are not seasonal. There was a time when this planet also was not seasonal. we were pretty tropical all year round. But an increasing number of fairies began migrating, and they did not migrate at their own volition. They were passed on by the devas, north to south and south to north. Incidentally, there is more land north than south to accommodate these fairies, so all the fairies did not migrate south. Some learned to stay back and rest. The devas showed them that, and held them here. We have a situation that is unique to this planet. So it is with the plankton in the ocean. Some even have a better habitat in the colder weather and migrate in an opposite flow of the robin. Some insects, I think the monarch butterfly is one of them, the lady beetle is another, go to a certain place and rest during the winter season. If they find a situation like some mountain retreat where it is cooler, but not cold enough to kill them, they can harbor over a few months at a time. The bear, who is not able to get around as well as the robin, or some of the other birds, hibernates. He goes into seclusion. He finds and goes into a dry cave, his

heart beat and respiratory system become almost dormant because there is no food for him. So, there are all kinds of hibernation and migration going on among our animals because this planet, in its present situation, cannot provide all year round for them. That is the little secret of migration. If man could just waken to the fact that there are elementals, fairies, and devas he could waken very easily to these secrets because he was once each of those three stages before he became a man. When you are integrated you see things as they are. There is no room for speculation; there is no room for looking at things while guessing at them. The scientist is really speculating. They cannot say what is true because they cannot see what is true. They cannot see when they are in those stages of development. They cannot see those stages of development around them. So, they are doing the best they can. They are guessing, supposing, and putting two and two together, but it is not two and two at all. We can look perhaps to the primitive man who knows more about these things. He can see from one moment to the next, at least partially. He is better off than the scientist who cannot see at all, who is quite blinded to reality.


QUESTION: YOU SAID A MOMENT AGO, WE INHERITED ALL THE PLANTS AND ANIMAL LIFE FROM FILARIA WHEN IT BLEW UP. WHY DID WE DO THAT? COULDN'T IT HAVE GONE SOMEWHERE ELSE, SPREAD OUT A BIT? ANSWER: It was not a matter of at first inheriting them. They were held in abeyance for a while because there was no planet for them to perform or grow on. There were a few planetary leaders who offered to do the job, but none wanted the job after realizing the state of consciousness that the man, the plants, and animals were in after such a blowup. This was some relief to Luciferana because he participated in the experimentation of the two planets; Filaria and this one here, Kalarana. They were set aside as experimental planets and all these species of plants and animals were made for these planets especially, and Luciferana wanted to see the job through. A large number of technicians were dispatched to Filaria and Kalarana. They spent a long time working on the mineral, plant, and animal life. Then a number of lords came to these planets and checked them all out to see if they were feasible, and so on and so forth. They were all mushed over before leaving these planets and were taken back to their destination where they had well forgotten all of their hard work. Just in passing, we can say, that some of the funniest ideas among animals were invented especially for this planet. We have an animal here on the planet that has a duck's bill, has hair on it and webbed feet, and it is just kind of a cross between everything. It is referred to as the duckbill platypus. It lays eggs and acts like a mammal. The animal such as the elephant was invented here. It has a strange looking nose that it can drink through, grasp with, and has a great deal of strength within it. The ape which is probably the most advanced animal in this creation so far was first brought forth on this planet, and it was the animal that man decended from, when he needed, many, many years later, to incarnate. These are a few exceptions. Most other animals found here, or something very similar to them, have been found throughout the creation, but very limited on each planet. So, we have learned to live with them. They have really been a diversion and a means of keeping us away, or diverting our attention from the creator. They are not, in all fairness, a good thing for us. All the times you stooped over and petted a dog in your lifetime - had you been dwelling on spirit for that same amount of time, you may be a little further along than you are now. We look at the sunset and marvel as its color and yet, in a few minutes it is gone. If all that time was spent dwelling on spirit, communicating with spirit, we would be much further along. And all the time we have spent scratching a mosquito bite, swatting flies, and so forth, we could have been thinking of spirit and maybe be several steps

ahead than where we are now. So, in actuality, these things are diversions from the creator. If all the elementals, fairies, and the devas had been allowed to progress instead of having to go through this abominable maze of plants and animals, they too would have developed and would have been way down the line now, instead of still being minerals, plants, and animals. Development is so slow here where the principle of elementals, fairies, and devas could have been more ahead. So we look at this whole business sometimes as a diversion instead of anything. Also, we learn very little from the animals, and justly so. We learn very little from the plants, and justly so. Because we are beyond animals and plants, we should be doing other things. There are many other diversions of course on the planet, but these are counted among the real ones, the most time consuming, and most definite ones.


QUESTION: YOU SPOKE A WHILE AGO OF GAINING MEN, ANIMALS, AND PLANTS FROM FILARIA AT THE TIME OF ITS BLOWING UP. I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE WAS A LOT OF DEVASTATION ON OUR MOON AND THE PLANET MARS AT THIS TIME BECAUSE THEY WERE IN CONJUNCTION WITH US. DID WE GAIN ANY MEN, OR PLANT LIFE, OR ANIMAL LIFE AT THIS TIME FROM THESE TWO PLACES? ANSWER: Yes, the planet Mars was in conjunction at the time of explosion of the planet Filaria. We did not gain any human life from the moon at that time. We did gain some plant life from the moon, however. These were in the form of small bulb life such as the lilly of the valley which came to us in several varieties, and that which is now familiar to us as bamboo. These plants came, however, from the third universe originally, from the planet Monsa. Mars is a little different story. Many of the men, speaking of an original population of about twenty-five million on Mars, about twenty-three million of those have scattered throughout the solar system, and live on various planets, including a few, a couple million or more, here on the planet Kalarana. The remaining, probably less than three million, people on Mars have gone underground where you still find some water and atmosphere. They live in elongated underground cities. We gained quite a bit of plant life from Mars such as the larger bulb like plants including our tulips, narcissus, crocus, etc. We also got our apples and pears from Mars. Of course they have been developed into hundreds of species, but they found their origin there. The animals, that came pretty much as a group, are cows and bulls (they always seem to be together), the goats, that includes the various species here of other Ecleft hooved animals, but not the pig (it came from Filaria). Again, there were not as many species as there are now. The cows and the goats were pretty well separated, but other cleft hooved animals such as the mountain goat and sheep and many, many others arose out of those animals. So, you are right. We did gain a few people and quite a few varieties of tulips and other bulb plants. Pears and apples, goats and cows, and so forth came from Mars. Smaller bulb plants such as the lilly of the valley and the plant bamboo, which we have derived many species of, came from the moon. Those things came from planets other than Filaria.


QUESTION: I DO NOT LIKE TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT, BUT COULD YOU TELL US WHAT THESE FLYING SAUCERS ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING HERE, HOW THEY ARE MADE AND JUST TELL US ALL ABOUT THEM? ANSWER: You are not changing the subject very much at all. The flying saucers are, in a sense, of the mineral kingdom. They are acting with elementals, fairies, and devas, and they follow a pattern or a plan just as the mineral, plants, and animals do. It is very similar to the questions that have been asked previously this evening. Well, let's begin somewhere. It is quite a loaded question. Let me begin by saying that the flying saucer is attached to the spirit and the third plane consciousness and sometimes the various other plane consciousnesses of an individual. These flying saucers are very much alive. They are brought together with some planning, and then through the third plane being. For instance, the ones we see here are brought into being by precipitation. Now, that is a strange word to some of you, and to others it means the organization of elementals, fairies, and devas just as they were in the mineral, plant, or animal kingdoms, and bringing about this thing into a material relationship with the individual. We mentioned before this evening, there is a third plane permanent body of consciousness that in some cases acts as a deva. It can call within an area elementals and the fairies, and acting as the deva, it can bring into being from what appears to be nothing. We would say we precipitate out of the area or region that a deva would normally handle. But in this case, instead of the deva developing an animal and using the little disc or the plan, the thing or part of the thing is formed by the third plane permanent body of consciousness. It has a picture or forms a plan for the flying saucers. Flying saucers nowadays are pretty complicated things. They had a metamorphosis, of course, down through the period of this creation. They were rather early to appear in the creation, but they have had many refinements, developments, and they have become quite large in some cases. So, it was not a matter of the flying saucers you see nowadays being the first ones. All an individual has to do is to devise in his mind or picture to himself what a part of this flying saucer would be. Let us say, for instance, the walls. Nothing else in the flying saucer has been developed yet or brought about. This is a stage by stage thing. And so, we want the walls of the flying saucer to have certain properties. We want the walls, of course, to be impenetrable. We would want them to give us the light. We would want them to be invisible at times. So, we will take those three properties, if we will, and project, calling on the elementals and fairies, our

third plane permanent body of consciousness acting as a deva, and using our third plane permanent body of consciousness as the plan. We would begin to project these walls, layer upon layer, acid we would build into those walls, or our third plane permanent body of consciousness would plan those walls to have those three properties. We would survey them to be very strong, nothing known to man, for instance, could penetrate them. So we build them, layer by layer, as carrying that property. Then we would put a few layers on to give us light when we want light. When we do not want light, the light is off. We are not turned on. In that manner, when we are without the craft, outside the craft, we could not have the lights on, nor move the craft without being inside it. Then we would build into those walls the property of transparency, for there are many times that we want to see beyond the walls and still have them impenetrable and light or dark. That eleminates windows. So, when we put those layers on, we think invisibility, and that gives us invisibility, and maybe at the same time think light. We really think that! We want to see through the walls, and then a little latter we do not want to see through the walls. And, incidentally, that one-way invisibility of the walls would be so that you could not see in from the outside through those walls, but you could see out from the inside. So it goes. We have a neat little wall. These would all be built in sections, even if this craft were thirty, forty, or fifty feet or more in diameter. Then, you would want some kind of top on it. Maybe we would want a substance similar to the walls. And now we would want an escape hatch. We want some kind of way to remove ourselves from the ship, or we may want that built into the walls. It is entirely up to the designer or originator of this craft. So, we can build a top and it may have the same impenetrability, and the same ability to radiate light, but instead of being invisible, now we would want it to remove itself, temporarily, or we would want it to lay itself over to one side, temporarily. Some way, we need an escape hatch. The fixtures or furnishings of the craft are next. They are rather small craft that we are talking about right now, and we do not want it all cluttered with seats, for instance. We may want beds in it. We may want to go to sleep or somehow rest in the bed. So we would build those devices, seats, or beds, whatever they are, in the floors or walls of the craft, and they would spring forth whenever we would want them; at our mind's desire. We would picture them functioning and they would come out and function, whether we would want to sit down or lay down. There would have to be toilet facilities and bathing facilities. They would be precipitated too. They would be in little stalls in which the individual could make

his toilet and the matter would cling to a button device and then the button device would, at the thought, dissolve or release the substance to nothing. Electronic bathing would be the same way. We would leave our clothes on and this little thing would attract the dead cells on your body or whatever we are releasing from ourselves. We may have picked up a little dirt here or there and it would be all attracted to a little button and the button would release the dirt at the thought of being released. So it goes for the conveniences or features of the flying saucer. Still, these are built in parts. Each one then, having the third plane body of consciousness to think it out, to design, to have the essence of whatever part of the craft it is. The more primitive craft, eons of time ago, were actually built in tanks. They were filled with minerals, and so forth, that were indigenous we might say. Elementals and fairies were over this material and they were transferred to the piece by mind control. But still that was a very primitive way of precipitating. Now they have developed quite well in precipitation and can make the craft in a more direct manner. Let us now talk about the motor, if we can call it that, and the control of the craft. It.depends on where a flying saucer is and on what kind of energy it uses. The most sophisticated and the more recent, use G-force lines to control the craft. Gforce is a short cut for God-force. It is really a nickname. They come from the center of every planet, from the center of every sun, from the center of every constellation, and galaxy, and sector, and universe and hence from the creator. The most elemental forms come from a planet. A step upward would come from the center of the sun, and the center of the constellation would be more powerful, and the galaxy, next on up to the sector, and the universe and the most potent of all, directly, would be the G-force lines of the creator. Man has learned to fly on these lines. But because we call them lines, in no sense are they perfectly still. The whole business from creator to universe lord to sector lord to galactic lord to constellation lord to sun lord to the planetary lord, and all the way back up again takes just a split part of a second. So, theoretically, if we are using these lines to travel on, we could come from the center of the creation out to here in the most split part of a second. But no man or son that travels that distance, has used that amount of energy or travelled that fast, so far in this creation, anyway. They take their time travelling from the central universe to the outer part of the seventh universe, where we are, probably in a matter of two or three days. In every sense, they are slow, but they feel much more at ease travelling at that speed. Even at their amount of ,development, they handle the craft very well. But good times are coming, should we say.

QUESTION: HOW DO THESE THINGS RUN, ANYWAY? WHAT KIND OF MOTOR DO THEY USE? YOU SAID SOMETHING ABOUT WORKING ON THE G-FORCE LINES? ANSWER: Yes, if you know how a sailboat operates, how a sailboat moves into the wind, across the wind, against the wind, then it will be easy for you to understand how flying saucers work. They use the G-force lines. Then they have a means of transportation or a device that so utilizes these G-force lines as a means of locomotion. Now they are moving from the creation center outward. There are two kinds of lines: Those that come down the phalanx from the central universe, clear out to the outer seventh universe, and the kind that come from the center of the planets, the sun, the constellation, and galaxy, and so forth. Now, the only difference between these things, is who operates it. The ones that come from the center of the planet, the solar system, the constellation, the galaxy, and so forth, come from the creator's consciousness and those that come down the phalanx, you might say, come from the lord of that universe and come down the universe lines, in the phalanx, the sector lines, the galaxy lines, the constellation, and so forth. There is very little difference in the potency of these two different kinds of lines, so it does not matter which you connect to. But as a rule, the lines coming from the center of the planets, the solar systems, and so forth, are a bit more strong, should we say. They are the creator lines, and the other fellows, the lords, do not have quite that ability to have such potency. But either one does quite well. So, in accounting for this travel, you might say, we have the motor. It is a very simple thing; it has no moving parts, it itself moves just as the sail on a boat does, but the sail itself is not a moving part. And, so, it is the utmost in simplicity. Rarely does anything happen to it or is damaged. Now the device or the sail is a permanent thing, nothing ever going wrong with it. Since it is following these G-force lines, it can go where there is atmosphere or no atmosphere. It can travel under water. In some cases, it has been able to go through solid material, such as our earth. These things are guided or controlled by any number of ways or a combination of them. If a person is guiding his space craft, so to speak, and he wishes to look something over carefully, he may guide it with his hands. These sail-like apparatus are usually enclosed in a facility looking somewhat like a cell. It can turn in any direction, and they can be controlled by moving the hands over the cover of the cells. That is not done by the hands alone, but by an auric or consciousness level in coordination with the hand movement. They can be set,

if we are going off a long way, straight or on a curved course. They can be set for a very far distance. They need no hands for further attention. They are computerized to carry the craft in the desired direction. I suppose that is enough to satisfy your curiosity. Man cannot manufacture or bring these things about here on the third plane because (A) he does not have enough intelligence yet, or (B) he does not know the manufacturing aspect or the precipitation of these things, and it may be a while before he so learns. But it can be done. No doubt in my mind. So, we will talk for a little bit about those apparatuses we have seen, some of the craft that have been noticed here on the earth. The people are not seeing a cloud, or Venus, or a temperature inversion, or a fog. They are seeing real craft here. I can tell you here and now, that most of them are projections. They are craft that have come from a machine or device that projects a picture of a craft or visions of a craft. They contain no pilot. They have no real purpose in existing except for the very distraction of man. These so called flaps we have here on earth every few years, cover pretty much the whole globe, and are projections of craft. Down under the earth, they have been released through machines, as funny as that might seem to you, and they fly around. They are seen for a short time only; a few minutes, very seldom longer than that. They do have magnetic attraction. They are attracted towards metal things. That is ferric metal only, and yet they will not touch it. They may chase an automobile for a few miles and when they get close, they will vere off to one side or the other and go straight up and disappear. Those craft are in the class of illusion. They did not exist. There is nothing in them or about them to get excited about. Another kind of being has been here from time to time and they came from nearby planets, usually Venus. The Venusians were here for quite some time. We could say thousands of years. The one on the North American continent was near Denver, for instance. But as civilizations increased and more people came, they were in great danger of being discovered and so they obliterated their sight and got off the planet. Incidentally, there were other places on the planet where Venusian space craft were based. Besides the group located in the mountain region near Denver, there was another group located in the Appalachian Mountains. They were always located in the higher places (this made breathing easier for them) around the globe, with one exception. That was on the continent of South America. It was located on the bottom of Lake Maracaibo.

There was a group in the Andes Mountains near Cuzco. Now it must be noted that a central base often supported craft for weeks or months at a time on the continent, about the continental vicinity of the base. Good communications and transportation held those on the continental perimeter safely. This way the entire continent could be explored, noted, and described quite in detail. So they would run expeditions, camp out like campers, using their craft as bases. This happened in Africa from Mount Kilimanjaro. Remember, no spot in Africa was more than minutes away, and the space craft were the best for communications and excellent places to camp. The European area was covered by groups in the Alps mountains. The mid Asian group was found in the Himalayas and the east Asian group settled in Japan on Mount Fujiyama. Then a trip south put you in the mountains of New Zealand. From all of these points, much time was spent looking at the oceans and seas, and the islands thereof. As soon as an area was surveyed, a report was sent to the home planet. As reports were added onto, a very good story was made of various areas of the planet. This went on from about 200 B.C. to 1940 A.D. The goal was to send a large expedition force to earth from Venus. This could not be carried out because down through the years, the third plane of earth became more and more populated. The last Venusian outpost abandoned was the Maracaibo Lake bottom in 1940. Soon after, other more intelligent members of the creation became much too numerous for their comfort. The entire project was given up. So, we have had many, many visitors here from time to time. But what I am trying to say is almost everyone that has been here with flying saucers has had very little experience. They cannot teach us much and we are more or less better off if we did not meet them. Now there is a group that has come here and were sent by the creator. They are under the direction of a very able man and one day presently we will get to meet them because they have been assigned to this planet to teach the people many, many things. Namely, how to get off this planet. Their number runs in the millions. They have millions of craft standing by. They have millions of tons of supplies and they come from the inner universes, from the older universes in the

creation. From among those who have the most modern, the most up to date materials, and they can justly do a good job of teaching us all the things we need to know. They will teach us what we need to know in order to get off the planet, to integrate, and many things that man will find most enjoyable. So we are going to welcome them with open arms and listen to them carefully. They are not warriors. They come completely unarmed, as if they ever had arms to begin with. The first thing that we will learn from them is that there are no religions out there among the planets. Everyone is creator oriented and does not do a thing, even the simplest thing, without being in accord with, and working with the creator, so religion is not needed. This is the only planet where mathematics is used. it is funny to say that man can run the universe, progress in the universe and can do anything in the universe without numbers. They are only a distraction. As an example, when we say to someone walking in the room, bring six chairs for them, we have to count the chairs, we have to make sure that there are six people in the room, and so on and so forth. That is very distracting. We should say, bring chairs for the people and then the person can know for himself how many people are there and bring enough chairs for them. But, we do not count the people. We do not have the myriad of numbers that completely keep us bound and distracted from what we are doing. Well, maybe you will come to understand that more, later on. Another thing they do not have on any planets, other than this one, throughout the creation, is fire. Fire is a very devastating thing. Just look up the statistics every year of how many people are killed by fire, how many people suffer pain by fire. Fire is not needed to run a civilization. It will be done away with. That means doing without many things we understand and seem to get along with. But that, along with the wheel, keeps us stuck to the planet. We cannot get off the planet with the wheel and so the wheel will be done away with. Many of our electronic things are quite primitive and can only do part of the job because we only use one half of the electronic potential or electronic force. We only use the negative part and so they can teach us many fundamental things about our technology to begin with. Another thing they do quite well without is money. Many planets have sort of a voucher system or credit system so the population does not get too greedy, but that is seldom used. So, there are many things that we will learn to progress with, to get along with, get to know the creator better with, and even more important, know ourselves.

So, each person has a teacher among this group and a very willing teacher at that. He can demonstrate many things, many better things, many things that will help you progress even faster than your realization. Do not laugh when you are told that they can remove a good share of the water from the planet. This is really a very small planet and does not give us the proper room to live on, with the population that we have. And so, we will soon be living where deep waters now run. They can level mountains. They can build new cities almost overnight, but they will not be large cities. They will be of populations of hundreds instead of millions. They will also teach, and don't laugh, a few at first, and then many, to have flying saucers like we had on this planet just a short time ago. So it will go with man; many people, many, many ideas. Ideas of education, courses that can teach us in a short time thousands of things, in a much better way and thousands of things that we are missing. So, these people that are coming here with ideas, old ideas to them, and yet are adequate enough to bring peace and progress to our planet. These people on the average are hundreds of years old and yet they look young and very vibrant to us. On this planet, many will learn quickly and they will be associated with those who do learn quickly. And some will learn more slowly, and they will be segregated with those that learn more slowly. There are those on this planet that will take some time to learn but they will all be associated together and taught in a different way. So, we can see in the near future much progress here on the planet. Progress that we have not the slightest inkling of now. They are bringing with them millions of space craft. You will see small ones, maybe thirty feet in diameter. You will see big ones, three-quarters of a mile long. They are warehouse craft. All sizes, all functions of craft. The largest one will be nearly three thousand miles long. So large is this craft, that it takes many small craft to fly within it, actually to fly from one place to another, and yet is so nimble and so swift that it can be out of our solar system in a few minutes. So they come to us. They have such sophisticated instruments in their craft that they can tell what temperature the blood is in your body. They can tell the surface temperature. They can understand where all of our supplies are and see how clumsily we move them about with our transportation systems. They see us in our day to day lives, so inept in running our lives. They are very desirous to be among us.


QUESTION: WHAT IS THIS ABOUT SOULMATES? I HAVE HEARD A LOT ABOUT THEM. 1 THOROUGHLY BELIEVED IN SUCH A MATTER, BUT I DON'T QUITE UNDERSTAND HOW IT GOT STARTED, OR WHO MY SOULMATE IS NOW. ANSWER: Yes, there have been many books about soulmates, there have been many words from the platform about soulmates, and there have been many beliefs about soulmates. Some believe that soulmates can only be man or woman. Very few believe that soulmates can be of any relationship to each other or, that because of various incarnations, they do certain things and perform in certain ways to aid and abet each other. A very few believe that they will go into any activity just as long as the two of them are together. I can say from many, many thousands of lifetimes that we have run, many thousands of hours of observation, and many, many personal investigations into incidents where an individual was led to say this is a soulmate working with me, I have come to believe that not a single word written about them is true. Not a single word spoken from the platform is true and certainly nothing that I have been led to believe about soulmates is, in anyway, true. I am not here to persuade anyone from believing anything, and I am not here to persuade you to have one belief or another. But, for the life of me, I cannot find the subject of soulmates in my memory bank. Let us look at the records and see where the ideas of soulmates came in. First, the idea was begun by a group called the karma board. The karma board worked under a group in this solar system called the heirarchal board, and they were aided and abetted by several planetary teachers and several lords and rulers of the universe. So, the intention was to get you to believe that this was a universal idea and that this was an accepted idea everywhere. They had to think up a very fancy name for it. It was thought over for a period of time and finally called soulmate. This is ridiculous from the very beginning, because any thinking man would know that a soulmate would have a very similar, if not identical, soul to another individual. That is not the creator's idea of a creation. If he is going to have two individuals thinking and doing the same thing, over a period of time, then he has a very bad attitude about his own creation. Why didn't he create one soul twice as big if that is the governing factor? Remember a soul is a record. It shows your performance. There would be no need to have two souls doing the very same thing. There is such a wide variety of

experience in the creation. We have different universes, different sectors, different galaxies, different constellations, and solar systems are made up of different planets. Those are all to give a wide variety of experiences. If you really want to clinch it, the only thing I can say as a clincher against this idea of soulmates, is that the creator created you as an individual and gave you an individual name. He told you to go and know the creation and return it to him. That would not allow two individuals to do this in the same manner. Each has an individual name which means how he is going to know that creation and return it to him. And believe me, the names are different enough, individual enough, so that it does not allow for the idea of soulmates to happen between them. All during these last few million years here on the planet, the karma board has given you things to do, through cycles of incarnations, that makes it appear that you are doing the same things, or somehow makes you believe that you are soulmates. But, as you begin to run these incarnations one after another, when you find the cycle that you were together with a certain individual, then you will see that at one time you were brothers, the next time in the cycle of incarnations you were man and wife, the next time you were father and daughter, the next time maybe a mother and son, and so on. Maybe through a half a dozen to twenty incarnations you appeared together, but usually the relationship was different; a businessman and his partner, sponsor and artisan, or something of that nature. In no sense of the word are you soulmates. One time in one incarnation you approached the problem in one way, and in the next incarnation, if it were not finished out, and apparently it was not, you approached it in another way, trying to solve the dilemma put to you by the karma board. Now, of course you know that is not reason enough, and certainly not reason enough to satisfy me. Let us take the word soul, for instance, which is part of the word soulmate. Soul means record. Soul is the record we make going through the creation. That would mean that the two of you are working on the same problem, and it sometimes appears to be that. But take the patron of the arts and the artisan. Are they working out the same problem? No, they are not really, because the artisan is learning and studying art. The artisan is trying to satisfy certain internal urges to be creative. The patron has an entirely different problem on his hands, and that is helping or solving the problems of the artisan, usually through money. With that he can buy a place for the artisan to do his work, buy materials, pay for models, or somehow get into the scene of his artistic ability. Take the situation where the person believes strongly that you can only be man and wife, usually one person ,always being the man and the other the wife and

are, therefore, soulmates. Now husbands certainly have different problems than the wives. First, his problems are masculine oriented, and all those problems that a man has, or thinks he has, cannot be coupled to the problems that the woman, who is femininely oriented, believes she has. How can you make soulmates out of that? How do you believe each is contributing to a common couse? You have the person who believes that soulmates may change from life to life, from incarnation to incarnation. So, one time you have them father and son, next time mother and daughter, next time father and daughter, next time mother and son, and so forth. How on earth can you orient yourself, after a little common thinking, that it is going to be contributing to a common goal regarding soul, regarding day to day activity? Well, we can think of a dozen more reasons that there are no soulmates, but probably one more example would suffice, and that has to do with the creator aspect. The creator of your creation has a negative and positive aspect to his being. The spirit and the creation substance material. These are represented by various colors. The creator, or the creator aspect is represented by the communication colors which are red, yellow, blue, purple, green, and orange. The creation substance aspect is represented by black and white, gold and silver, crystal and opalescent. That shows very strongly, that while you might appear to be soulmates, or two things making an identical record, how can you compensate for two different kinds of color, the communication colors and the creation material colors? So, these books of answers will reveal from time to time how you have been very badly hoaxed, very badly fooled regarding various things brought to your attention and strongly ingrained in your very being. Those are things that you believe, that are not in the slightest way true, or could not possibly be made to be true. Much of this misinformation could be correctly understood if the individual sat down and used good common sense regarding the subject. Again, we say, we want you to believe and think what you are comfortable with believing. But, as more and more knowledge comes to man on earth, he will find that from time to time, it is no longer comfortable thinking these thoughts. The karma board is no longer here on earth. Their bosses, the hierarch al board, are no longer here. Their desires and teachings are no longer valid. Man is free to go his way, always expanding, always finding new things to believe. That is the way your creator wants it.


QUESTION: WHAT ABOUT SUICIDES, BILL? ANSWER: Spirit plans those just as it plans all "death." There is so much consternation and damning the suicide. The pundits tell us it is such a waste and the person must do it all over again. Well, everybody is doing it all over again, anyway. Getting away from spirit seems to promote suicidal tendencies. Most people on this planet are committing suicide by inches. They destroy their bodies piecemeal. They destroy their environment gradually. I guess the only time we notice and wonder is when it happens all at once. Like the destructive spring flood that happens because we have mismanaged the ecology. Like when a huge bomb goes off. Or like when a human body suddenly lies inert. QUESTION: ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH BAIRD SPALDING'S BOOKS? WHAT IS THE BACKGROUND OF THESE PEOPLE HE WROTE ABOUT? ANSWER: Baird Spalding, in a previous incarnation, was a Frenchman who did almost the same thing as he did in this latest incarnation. I guess you realize he is not now among the living. In the French incarnation he made a trip to Tibet and encountered this same type of individual and had many similar experiences as those he wrote about in Life and Teachings of the Masters in the Far East in his American incarnation. The French manuscript was never published and he died feeling wasted. He came back again as an American, did it all over again and was published by DeVorss and Co. of Los Angeles. As you read the records of this solar system, you find that these Tibetan "masters" as encountered by Spalding, were the more experienced consciousnesses of this blownup planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The remnants of the planet is the astroid belt, some thousands of comets and other assorted debris found in the solar area. In trying to settle their difficulties with atomic energy, they over expressed and wiped their planet out. They blew apart all of the planes so the spirits of everything, plant, animal and human life had to go elsewhere to progress. (Sometimes I do get loose with my descriptions.) The planetary teacher named Lucifer, or more correctly Luciferana picked your planet on which to continue their war. (Maybe "teacher" is another loose term.) They are obviously doing that now. Well, wherever we have a war, there are three factions. And the third are the neutrals; the side that opposes war. These are now called the Tibetans. Anyway, the bulk of the displaced population, according to our planetary records, is located in Japan and Latin America as one faction and China as the other faction. The neutrals are centered in Tibet. But all factions have become scattered all over

the planet; minor concentrations in the East and West Indies and the Arab countries. A smattering in just about every country. All of our modern dictators are of these warring factions. Obviously this entire group is not progressing very fast. The animal life from this shattered planet is here playing havoc with our animal life. These neutrals cannot progress too far ahead, so they are reverting to dissipation, and in the light of strictly spiritual terms, they do a lot of fooling around. These Tibetans are not well integrated and do not have clarity of purpose, but we have already decided that things are rough all over on this planet. They do however have some vague glimpses of their past, but again have difficulty in controlling what they desire to see. These people, incarnating in the Himalayan area for the last twenty-five thousand years or so, have concentrated on the increased awareness in their third and fourth plane bodies of consciousness. By coordinating the activities of these bodies, and even at times integrating them, they have become able to produce phenomena that seem rather miraculous and unusual to the rest of earth's population. Contrary to popular belief, they do not mind showing off to foreigners who are sincere enough to spend some time with them because I believe they are a little bored showing off to each other. As they lead Spalding through the burning forest they helped him (nearly unrealized) to raise his consciousness to the fourth plane or mind level so he is untouched by 'smoke or flame. When he views the physical body of one of the Tibetans asleep under a tree, then observes a duplicate Tibetan body standing and speaking to him, the individual has projected an image of the physical body and its activities to the mind consciousness of Spalding. It helps a lot to have the physical body in trance and immobile during this exercise although I understand that some can have both the physical body and the projected body in motion simultaneously. As I say, this kind of activity done as an end in itself is not a healthy, progressive thing to do. In the Awareness Techniques such activity is sponsored as a form of understanding certain energy levels and the function of the consciousness as integrated for awareness purposes, then left behind. Some of our group work involves individuals, who in turn, project their consciousness as if they were walking about the room; moving in this direction, then pausing, changing direction, perhaps standing in the corner or near the door. Other group members, while integrated, can follow the projected form of

consciousness accurately. Even should the demonstrator suddenly desire and be aware of themself in different clothing, the observer is equally aware of the projected being in different garb. Usually the form is slightly smaller than the original physical form, but it is readily recognized in wonderful detail. This same body incidentally is the "ghost" viewed long after the physical body form has departed the plane. Many individuals project such a form during sleeping hours, usually during first hours of sleep. They move about rehearsing and doing things they enjoy. Sometimes they rehearse coming events, as one friend of mine went to the kitchen in this projected form each night to cook an identical breakfast she had in mind for the ensuing morning - complete to projected skillet of frying eggs and a pot of coffee and bubbling oatmeal in an enameled pan. As an individual is running or viewing the records of a past incarnation, often the third plane consciousness will project a detailed form of the body inhabited during that incarnation. This is noticed by the other individuals in the room. I have seen the whole panorama of human forms of all eras and epochs these past few years as they were projected around prostrately relaxed physical bodies. One individual recently was re-experiencing a life as an American Indian for realization purposes. We picked up the action in the twentieth year of the lifetime. Soon the light skin of the individual seemed to take on a darker hue, and the face rearranged itself to the unmistakable high cheeks and lower forehead. The hair changed little because the individual already had thick, straight black hair. As we ask to see the life sequence in the third year, the skin tone lightened somewhat and a pink glow shown forth from the cheeks. The nose diminished considerably in size and the chin and mouth. The face looked more serene than that face of a moment ago. When the running of the Indian life was concluded the individual resumed his present appearance. At this time several of the group, who observed this activity, also stated that they saw the same pictures as received by the person running. These color, moving pictures appeared in thin air over the head. You can now better understand what Spalding experienced among these people. The Tibetans have since been driven from their homeland by the Chinese, thus continuing an antagonism that began eons ago on another planet. I have corresponded with the leaders at Dalhousie, India, their home in exile. Their response to the Awareness Techniques is most gracious. The two basic

tenets of the religion for which they are world leaders and authorities are based on reincarnation and karma. By utilizing these techniques, I was told, they can understand these tenets much better. As for Baird Spalding, his consiousness was originally from Jupiter. He has returned to that planet. When you become integrated and learn the communication techniques which we will publish before too long, call him there. Ask for Ansonia, his constant name.


QUESTION: SOME TIME AGO, I BELIEVE IT WAS LAST YEAR, I WAS IN ONE OF YOUR CLASSES AND YOU TOLD ABOUT HOW SOME ESP OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAD A PERSON GO OUT OF THEIR BODY WHILE THEY WERE INTEGRATED AND OTHER INTEGRATED PEOPLE FOLLOWED THEM AROUND OR SOMETHING. CAN YOU TELL ME ONE MORE TIME WHAT THAT WAS ALL ABOUT? ANSWER: Well, there is only one reason why I will tell you what this is all about again. Remember, if you will, that last year at that particular time, you were not integrated. So, you did not have a chance to really follow through with the demonstration. This is an experiment we often do during the course of a class to find out how well the individuals participating in the class are integrated. Here's how it is done. A person will find a comfortable seat, on a chair or a davenport, and he will let the light in and become integrated. Now, at this point, to keep running the integration, a person has to have a question or a desire. His desire is, of course, to do some travelling while being in an integrated state. In other words, shift his center of consciousness until he had performed some activity within the room. At the same time, there may be three or four or even fifteen people watching him while sitting in the same room with him. The individual, as a rule, closes his eyes so that he can pay close attention to his activities. The people who are going to watch this experiment, while integrated, keep their eyes open. The person, who we will designate as the sender, will utilize the integrated state in moving himself, or as we said, moving his center of consciousness, around the room. He feels himself going toward the door, through the room, and finally standing near the door. We can designate the people who are watching, while integrated, the receivers. Let's get back to the sender. He is standing or feels himself standing by the front door. The receivers are now looking at the sender by the front door. They can see his physical body still sitting in its original position as well. This is rather easy to do. We have not made a big thing of it in Awareness Technique classes but it is a good initial experiment to do. There are sometimes one or two little things that the inexperienced sender will not be aware that he is doing. First, he may not be wearing the same clothes that he came to class with. You may see him in his pajamas or in other clothes more comfortable than the ones he has on. The second thing is that the person standing near the front door (the sender) will seem slightly smaller than he normally is. These things shouldn't concern you. The main thing here is the fact that you can recognize the person even though he may be wearing different clothes and be two

or three inches shorter than he normally appears to be. These things do not hinder the experiment in any way. As the sender becomes more proficient at moving about, while integrated, he can wear any number of outfits or be taller or shorter, as he wishes. All that is required to accomplish this is that the sender feels the clothes on him or feels himself to be shorter or taller. Let's have the sender change his position now. He can move about the room, taking his time, moving rather slowly. He is now. changing his position and is standing near a big chair. He can move to some similar object within the room where he can clearly be seen by the receivers. If he moves too fast, as he can if he wants to be there instantly, the observers will not see his movements but will see him appear near the chair rather than move toward it. It is important to move slowly so that all the receivers can observe the sender throughout the movement and finally to his destination. Now, the sender will ask the receivers, in turn, to describe his movements in the room and where he is standing now. Next, the sender will do something different. He will find an open place, in the middle of the room, so that all can see him from all angles, and he will lay down. The observers will follow him and call out in turn that they in fact see him (the sender) laying down in the middle of the room. This will throw some of the receivers at first and they may not be one hundred per cent sure but as the vote is taken, you will see that they will finally agree that the sender is in fact laying down in the middle of the room. Now, to continue our experiment, let's have the sender get up and go next to a chair and sit on the floor in front of the chair, his back leaning against the chair. Again, have the observers report what is going on near the chair. The receivers will begin to see the sender clearer and clearer now as their confidence builds up and they will report the movements correctly as they are happening. Finally, have the sender come and sit on the chair or davenport, next to his own physical body. A few of the receivers may be fooled momentarily but by and large they will see this correctly. You may want to add variety-to this experiment as well as participation. Just stay integrated and have one of the observers change place with the sender. You can perform any movement that you may want to in the room. The sender is now one of the observers and is experiencing the other side of the coin so to speak. This is a very interesting experiment to describe ESP, although I feel that ESP is very incomplete. I always ask people where the other twenty three letters of the alphabet went. ESP is a very uncertain thing. It is undefinable, unmanagable but it can be demonstrated through integration and this little experiment. It demonstrates that an integrated person can perform as the sender as well as observe as the receiver and with a little practice, be one hundred per cent correct.

These exercises may be extended by having the sender go outside of the house and pick up something and lay it down again. Or, have him bring the object in the house. Or, if you have a group of six or seven people, you may have two senders and the rest of you act as observers. This adds to the excitement somewhat. You can think of many variations of this, both inside or outside the house. It is preferable to have the inside of the house experiment first because once the sender is outside, the space involved becomes a little hard to manage. He may trot over to the other side of the yard and it may be difficult for the receivers to follow his movements. It is possible to do, of course, if you have practiced inside the house first. There is an exercise mentioned in Book 1 which is done for movement. This could also be done in the afore mentioned exercises. My memory is not always the best, but I think you will find the explanation given is pretty much the same as was told you a year ago. This will give our newly integrated students additional material with which to exercise right away. So, thanks again for bringing up the question.


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