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There are 30 questions in all in this Section.

All questions are compulsory.

6 1.

Which one of the following words is an adjective ?


Use Using

(B) (D)

Useful Usefulness.

(C) 62.

Complete the foliowing sentence with the correct option : My grandfather walks very

(B) (D) fastly nice.

quick fast

(C) 63.

Which one of the following has a correct sentence pattern ?


She put all the books on the table. She put on the table all the books.

(B) (D)

She all the books on the table put. She on the table put all the books.

(C) 64.

Choose the correct pronoun to complete the following : This book is



that one is mine. (B) (D) your yours book.

our book yours

(C) 65.

Choose the correct word order :


Why she did leave so early ? Why did so early she leave ?

(B) [D)

Why did she leave so early ? Why so early did she leave ?

[C) 66.

Pick out the correct sentence :


There are shop near my house. There are a shop near my house.


There is shops near my house. There is a shop near my house.

(C) 67.


Select the correct form of the verb : She


knows is knowing

the right answer. [B) (D) know known.

[ P.T.O.



Fill in the correct form of the verb : When the phone rang, we

........................ television.
(B) (D) are watching were watching.

watched were watch


If Radhika had received a n invitation, she would have gone to the party.

The above sentence tells u s that Radhika


did not receive the invitation

is waiting for the invitation

[B) (D)

had received the invitation did not want to go to the party.


Fill in the appropriate determiner : The ring is made of

..................... gold.
(B) (Dl a any.


x ( no determiner )

Complete the sentence by putting an appropriate determiner : You should always carry W (C) a any

........................ umbrella with you.

(B) (D)

a few.

Manjit said to Anisha, "Could you please open the window ?" In the above sentence Manjit is

asking a question offering advice

(B) (D)

giving an instruction making a request.


No other member in the family is a s intelligent a s Raju is. The above sentence has the same meaning a s

Raju is intelligenter than any other member in the family

(B) Raju is not intelligent

(C) (D) Raju is more intelligent than any other member in the family Other members in the family are not intelligent.

Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the adjective : It was

.............................. car he had ever driven.

(B) (D) the most comfortable the comfortablest.

the more comfortable the comfortable



Choose the sentence which has the same meaning a s the following sentence : Mahim got a higher grade than any other student in the class.

Mahim got the higher grade than any other student in the class Mahim got a high grade than any other student in the class Mahim got the highest grade in the class Mahim got the high most grade in the class.

(B) (C) (D)


Mohan said to Savita. "Can 1 borrow your book for a day ?" In Reported Speech the above sentence will be Mohan asked Savita

if he could borrow her book for a day if they could borrow her book for a day that could he borrow her book for a day if that he could borrow her book for a day.

(B) (C) (D)


She said to her brother, "Do not buy mangoes." In Reported Speech the above sentence will be She asked her brother

to not buy mangoes do not buy mangoes

(B) (D)

not to buy mangoes do not to buy mangoes.


The students said, "We want to learn a foreign language." In Reported Speech the above sentence will be The students said that

they want to learn a foreign language they wanted to learn a foreign language we want to learn a foreign language we wanted to learn a foreign language.

(B) (C) (D)


The word 'courteous' is similar in meaning to


related to a court polite

(B) (D)

impolite kind.


Which word has a meaning similar to 'significant' ?


prominent efficient

(B) ID)

magnificent important.
( P.T.O.



The opposite of the word 'optimistic' is


pessimistic ideal

(B) (D)




The word 'innocent' is opposite in meaning to that of


clever active

(B) (Dl

ignorant guilty.


Pick out the word with the correct spelling :



(B) (D)

varietey variety.

[C) varieti

Which one of the following has the correct spelling ? impresive impressive

imprescive impressiv.



Point out the word which begimj with a different sound ( underlined 1 :

house honour ciQ

(B) [Dl (B) (Dl

home hen. sky t ~ .


Which one of the following words

in a different sound ( underlined ) ?



Identify the word which has a different sound [ underlined ).in the &:




should food.

In which one of the following words does the letter 'is have a different sound ( underlined ? (B) final (A) finish -

[C) fit -


film. -

Rck out the word in which the letters 'ch' have a different sound ( underlined ) :


check chemical

(B) [Dl

chess &airman.

Which letter of the word 'comb' is not spoken ? ( A ) c (C) (B) ID)


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