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No. 4721 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

March 23, 2009

» Zahid warns Bar Council on Allah poll pg2 » Made in Malaysia pg18 Entertainment

The secretsg pg28

of coachin

Samy keeps post

for the 11th time
by Karen Arukesamy division and state chiefs were re- turning officers in the presidential
election and they should have
KUALA LUMPUR: Longest-serving been barred from being involved
MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy in any lobbying but this was not
Vellu, 73, added another term to the case.
the record, his 11th and avowed He also claimed that he was
last term, yesterday. given only 65 nomination forms by
He won uncontested when MIC headquarters whereas Samy
the declared challenger, Datuk M. Vellu was given more than 550
Muthupalaniappan (pic), failed to forms.
get the required 50 nominations. The party constitution requires
The former party vice-president a presidential candidate to obtain
submitted 53 nominations, but the 50 nominations, each with one
six-member election committee proposer and five seconders. All
declared 48 as invalid for not proposers and seconders must
complying with the party consti- be among the 3,700 branch
tution and presidential election chairmen.
by-laws, leaving only five valid
Samy Vellu said that this would
be his last term.
RM43,000 for shattered plaque ... Five broken pieces of a plaque commissioned to commemorate
the Perak State Assembly sitting under a tree were yesterday auctioned for RM42,900. Each jagged piece marble with
Committee chairman Datuk “This is my last election. I will inscription was mounted in a transparent case together with a replica of the original, which was shattered by vandals.
K. Vijayanathan announced Samy not contest after this and I will Auctioneer Frankie Wong from the DAP opened bidding for Lot 5, the biggest and last piece at
Vellu, who secured 455 nomina- select the best candidates to lead RM4,000, and after 19 bids, the item was sold for RM17,100 to a businessman identified as Lee. »
Full report Page 4
tions, the only candidate for the the party after my term. I am also
president’s post, after about three out to ensure that they are well-
hours of scrutinising the nomina- trained and prepared to face future
tions. Some 117 nominations were challenges,” he said after he was
rejected for the same reason. declared unchallenged.

‘Umno must
“More than 90% of the “My victory shows that the
nominations rejected were due party is still united as one,” he said,
to duplication of signatures with adding that it’s not just his victory
both candidates obtaining nomina- but the whole party’s.
tions from the same people. This “The responsibility as president
is not allowed under the party in the current period will be more
constitution and election by-laws,” challenging as three by-elections
Vijayanathan stressed. will be held simultaneously,” he
Muthupalaniappan declared said, expressing strong confi-
that democracy was dead in the dence of the BN winning the Bukit
MIC. He claimed his bid for the Selambau seat.

dare to change’
presidency did not go down well The former works minister, who
with Samy Vellu from “day one” lost his Sungai Siput parliamentary
as he (Samy Vellu) wanted to win seat in the general election and
unopposed to show MIC’s coun- with it his cabinet post, has held
terparts in the Barisan Nasional the top party post since 1979,
that he was in control of the when he became the
party. acting president
“In a true democ- after the death
racy, contest must be of Tan Sri V.
encouraged and not Manickavasa-
muted. This is the last gam.
straw. Democracy is The deputy’s UALA LUMPUR: Umno deputy
truly dead in the MIC,”
he told Bernama.
He claimed that
branch chairmen
who had signed his
post is expected
to be hotly-con-
tested with incum-
b e n t Datuk G.
K president Datuk Seri Najib Abdul
Razak says changes to Umno’s
constitution are possible in the
reformation of the party.
He said the party’s organisational
programme on Radio Television and needs on the basis of the power
nomination forms facing a structure and policies also needed to Malaysia’s TV1 channel at the Putra sharing concept the BN practises.
were asked to also straight be revamped in repositioning Umno in World Trade Centre last night. “If they are unable to deliver,
nominate Samy fight with line with the current needs of the people He expects the changes to they will lose credibility among the
Vellu, thus invali- incumbent and to counter the negative perception Umno’s constitution to take place ethnic groups they represent.”
dating both. vice-president people have of Umno. before the party polls in the coming Najib, who will be taking over
He said that an- Datuk S. Sothina- “Change must take place in Umno years. the leadership of the nation after
ticipating this, he than. itself so that the negative perception Najib, who is deputy prime min- the assembly which will begin to-
had the branch can be eliminated. For this reason, the ister, also wants Umno delegates to morrow and end on Saturday, said
chairmen who election process of Umno’s leaders also the party’s general assembly this he did not see himself enjoying a
nominated needs to be reviewed. week to only return leaders who are honeymoon period as the political
him to make “We must do something in a serious capable and willing to serve with situation in the country and the cur-
a statutory way, and dare to make changes. I am integrity, credibility and loyalty. rent world economic crisis would
declara- confident if we take this path, support “I hope they will choose leaders not allow it.
tion that for Umno and the Barisan Nasional will based on the party’s interest and not He said every move he makes
they were return and we can be back to where we self-interest. will be scrutinised under a “micro-
nominat- were previously. “If we go for this attribute, I am scope” from the very first day.
ing him for “So, internal changes in Umno sure it will signal the beginning of “Nevertheless, I believe the peo-
the post. need to be tackled first and after that the reform process for Umno.” ple will give me a chance to prove
He also government policies and approaches He said in reforming itself, myself,” he said, adding his cabinet
said that in the direction we intend to take to Umno, which is also the lynchpin of lineup and first address as the
according fulfil the aspirations of the people. This the BN, must also be willing to give prime minister would be the initial
to the MIC is what we will have to strive for,” he room to the component parties in yardsticks they would measure him
constitution, said when interviewed on the Dialog@1 the coalition to forward their views by. – Bernama

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