TheSun 2009-03-23 Page02 Bar Council Gets Final Warning On Allah Issue

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2 theSun | MONDAY MARCH 23 2009

news without borders

Bar Council gets ‘final

KUALA LUMPUR: The Bar Council
has been given a final warning to
stop discussing the issue of the use briefs
of the word “Allah” through a public
opinion survey on its website as the
action has incurred the wrath of Ali Rustam puts
Muslims. party first, says PM

warning’ on ‘Allah’ issue

Minister in the Prime Minister’s KUWAIT CITY: The statements
Department Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad made by Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam
Zahid Hamidi said yesterday it was following the rejection of his appeal
an unwise move by the Bar Council to Umno’s Appeals Panel shows he
as such a sensitive Islamic issue, or places the party first, said Datuk Seri
of any religion for that matter, should Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
not be put to debate or a public opin- The Umno president said Mohd
ion survey. ters come under the jurisdiction of and should therefore not become about the invitation from Pahang Ali had also stated that he would
“If they continue to play up the is- the Malay rulers and if they continue polemic. Umno liaison chief Datuk Seri Ad- continue to serve Umno and up-
sue, the Muslims may rise and if they to dispute the authority’s decision on “The cabinet and Parliament, too, nan Yaakob to Paya Besar Umno hold the good name of the party.
do, the Bar should not be angry but be the issue (use of the word “Allah” in had ruled that the issue should not division head Datuk Ahmad Tajud- “To me, this is a positive attitude,”
willing to accept the consequences,” non-Islamic religious publications), it be put to discussion,” he said. din Sulaiman to swear in the State the prime minister told Malaysian
he told reporters after officiating at a means they are disputing the power “After this, I hope no individual Mosque to prove Ahmad Tajuddin’s journalists covering his official visit
ground-breaking ceremony for the of the rulers.” or organisation will raise the issue allegation that Adnan had interferred to Kuwait yesterday in commenting
Federal Territory Islamic Religious Ahmad Zahid said all quarters, and we should accept the court’s in the Paya Besar divisional elections on the decision of the panel.
Council’s Sekolah Menengah Imtiaz expecially the Bar Council which decision. States had also gazetted the last year. The panel had upheld Umno
in Setiawangsa here. comprised legal professionals, decision made by the Malay rulers He said the mosque should not disciplinary board’s decision
“This is the final warning for the should realise that the issue had been and this should be respected.” be used to settle political disputes. barring him from contesting the
Bar Council. Islamic religious mat- referred to the court for a decision Ahmad Zahid was also asked – Bernama Umno deputy president’s post
at the Umno elections this week

Umno Youth should have NGO mindset: Mukhriz after finding him guilty of having
breached party ethics.
According to Abdullah, Mohd Ali
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth ple, particularly the younger genera- did not sulk over the decision but
chief candidate Datuk Mukhriz tions, switched to the Opposition in in fact had stated that he would
Mahathir said the movement should last year’s general election, he said. continue with the party’s stuggle
play the role and have the mindset Asked why he decided to vie for to ensure it was even more suc-
of a non-governmental organisation the Umno Youth post instead of a cessful in future. – Bernama
(NGO) that champions only the in- seat in the Supreme Council, he said:
terests of the people. “This election determines whether Socso saddled with
To remain relevant, Umno Youth Umno will live or die. RM9m bad debts
should also have the voice of a pres- “In the next general election, there
KUALA LUMPUR: The Social Se-
sure group within the government will be about 1.5 million new young
curity Organisation (Socso) is sad-
or during a face-off with the Opposi- voters. With the 51% popular votes
dled with over RM9 million in bad
tion, he said in an interview with (garnered in the last election) we are
debts because of unpaid study
Bernama. like an egg at the tip of a horn, and
loans, its chief executive officer,
Mukhriz said Umno Youth was also we have the votes from Sabah
K. Selvarajah, said yesterday.
not supposed to be the government’s and Sarawak.
He told Bernama Socso had
official voice and it should dare to “If (there is a) 1% swing, the
tried various means, including
express views through the party’s government will fall into the hands
legal action, to get the 415
Supreme Council pertaining to par- of the Opposition.”
errant borrowers to repay the
ticular decisions of the government. Mukhriz said the challenge to
loans but to no avail.
“To become like an NGO, we be borne by the new Umno Youth
Selvarajah said Socso would
have to play the role and have the head was heavy, especially since the
publish the names of the borrow-
mindset of an NGO,” he said. party would be facing by-elections in
ers and their guarantors in the
Mukhriz, 44, an Umno Youth Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and
newspapers and also inform the
executive council member and Batang Ai in two weeks’ time.
Immigration Department to bar
the MP for Jerlun, is involved in a “I wish to become the initiator
them from leaving the country.
three-cornered fight for the move- to problem solutions, not a trouble-
ment’s top post in this week’s party maker to Umno,” he said.
elections. Asked about people’s perception Priority for school
The other contenders are present that he was in Tun Dr Mahathir extension projects
vice chief Khairy Jamaluddin and Mohamad’s shadow, Mukhriz said
PASIR PUTEH: The Education
party Supreme Council member he was proud of his father and was
Ministry will give priority to school
Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo. unable to run away from the fact his
building extension projects yet to
Mukhkriz said that among the father was a former prime minister.
be implemented when carrying
challenges faced by the movement “I strongly hold to the principles
out projects with the RM2.4 billion
was how to help Barisan Nasional of the struggle. Everyone has his Mahathir is greeted on arrival allocated to it under the economic
(BN) manage its success of govern- own principles. My father, since he at Kelab Kilat Tenaga Nasional stimulus package.
ing the country over the past five was young, is known as a person

Berhad in Kuala Lumpur to The ministry’s secretary-gen-

decades. with principles and has always put deliver a keynote address at the eral, Tan Sri Dr Zulkurnain Awang,
The failure to manage success the party above family and personal Perkasa gathering. said yesterday a major portion of
was one of the reasons why the peo- interests,” he said. – Bernama
all the projects would begin to be
implemented in about two weeks.

Now it’s up to Umno delegates, says Mahathir He said the ministry would re-
port to the Economic Planning Unit
of the Prime Minister’s Department
KUALA LUMPUR: Having wasted elections to be held this week. the final chance will be with Datuk “If Najib picks tainted leaders in and the chief secretary to the gov-
two chances, it is now up to the Umno Second, Umno’s disciplinary Seri Najib Tun Razak (who will take his cabinet, I think all hopes for Umno ernment on the progress of these
delegates to rid the party of corrupt board also failed to arrest the scourge over as the Umno president and to remain a strong party will be lost.” projects weekly.
leaders, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad of money politics in the party. prime minister after the assembly),” In his address, Mahathir urged the The ministry has set up a
said yesterday. “Now, a third opportunity arises he told reporters after delivering a Malays to unite and make changes to steering committee to ensure the
First, he said, the divisions did not and it is in the hands of the delegates keynote address at a gathering of bring the community forward in the effective implementation of the
do a very good job on this during the attending Umno’s general assembly Malay non-governmental organisa- interest of their future generations. projects. Bernama
nomination process for the party’s to rectify the situation, failing which tions under Perkasa. – Bernama
Abdullah to boost
Malaysia-Kuwait ties
KUWAIT CITY: Prime Minister
Khairy shows a copy of the police
report. Inset: The cover of the book. Khairy lodges police report Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi arrived yesterday to
begin an official visit to Kuwait.
over book Abdullah and his wife, Datin
Seri Jeanne Abdullah, were met
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth Khairy said he had not known the on arrival at Kuwait International
deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin lodged author previously and that they had Airport by Kuwaiti government
a police report yesterday against the first met in his office here on Feb 17. representative Sheikh Dr Salem
author of a book which he claimed The author asked for payment or Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
had defamed him. he would publish the book, he said, They are accompanied by
Khairy made the report at the adding that he declined to entertain Second Finance Minister Tan Sri
Brickfields police headquarters. He the author. Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Minister
arrived there with four others at Khairy said the author claimed the in the Prime Minister’s Depart-
10.15am. publication of the book was spon- ment Tan Sri Amirsham A. Aziz,
“The (release of the) book is a sored by Khairy’s political rivals. Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk

deliberate attempt to undermine my “I have also learned that copies Abdul Rahim Bakri, Johor Mentri
image and political career,” he told of the book have been distributed to Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Oth-
reporters almost two hours later after several Umno delegates over the past man and other government and
lodging the report. week,” he said. – Bernama business leaders. – Bernama

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