Jasmine Essential Oil

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LATIN NAME FAMILY NAME SYNONYMS Jasminum grandiflorum or Jasminum officinale (both are used) Oleaceae Jasminum officinale is also known as jasmine, jessamine & common jasmine Jasminum grandiflorum is also known as royal jasmine, Spanish or Catalonian jasmine or jati Pale yellow to deep orange-brown Viscous Sweet exotic & rich floral smell / intoxicating Base Very intense


COUNTRIES OF PRODUCTION Originally from China & northern India, brought to Spain by the Moors then spread throughout the Mediterranean. Now produced in France, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, China, Turkey and Japan PARTS USED EXTRACTION METHOD Flowers Produced as a concrete by solvent extraction An absolute is obtained from the concrete by separation with alcohol, and finally An essential oil is produced boy steam distillation 0.2%


BLENDS WELL WITH Rose, sandalwood, bergamot, clary sage, and all citrus oils

MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTS Benzyl, nerol, linalool, terpineol, linalyl acetate, methyl anthranilate, jasmone, cisjasmone, indole, Farnesol WARNINGS & CONTRA INDICATIONS Non-toxic, non-irritant, and generally non-sensitising Some people do have an allergic reaction to the oil Do not used during pregnancy - It is used to ease labour, and as an emmenagogue Can impede concentration People who are hypersensitive, allergic to perfumes, cosmetics or spicy foods should use with caution The odour is very strong use sparingly

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES Anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, mild analgesic, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, expectorant, sedative, uterine tonic, stimulant, emollient JASMINE ESSENTIAL OIL 1

THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS EMOTIONAL Valuable remedy for severe depression Soothes the nerves & produces a feeling of confidence, optimism & euphoria Revitalises &restores energy Reduces paranoia, hypersensitivity, sadness, stress-related disorders, anger, apathy and anxiety Traditionally used to relieve repressed feelings, bitter jealousy, low self-esteem, guilt and emotional abuse DIGESTIVE Stimulates the appetite GENITO-URINARY Facilitates delivery during childbirth hastens the birth by strengthening the contractions & at the same time relieves the pain Effective in post-natal depression Promotes the flow of breast milk Soothing & calming nature - helps with sexual problems impotence, premature ejaculation and frigidity RESPIRATORY Colds & pleurisy Soothes irritating coughs Helps with hoarseness & laryngitis SKIN Good general skin tonic Tones dry, greasy, irritated, sensitive skin Increases elasticity Often used to assist in healing stretch marks and scarring STRUCTURAL Muscle pain Sprains Stiff limbs OTHER

METHODS OF APPLICATION AEROSOL Vapour therapy Addiction, depression, nervousness, tension Coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis, catarrh Relaxation JASMINE ESSENTIAL OIL 2

BATH / FOOT BATH Addiction Post natal depression Relaxation Muscle pains Coughs Tension, stress and nervousness Painful periods, uterine disorders, pelvic congestion, PMS Frigidity & impotence Labour pains and infertility CREAM OR MASSAGE OIL Cream or lotion Dry or greasy skin Sensitive skin Stretch marks Scars Massage oil Muscle spasms & muscular aches & pains Sprains Joint pain Back pain COMPRESS



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