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Game 1

Shifting the marbles- Keep many marbles in a plate and keep one empty plate with it. Call one member from each team one by one and ask them to shift the marbles from one plate to another using just their foot thumb and the first toe. This is also a one minute game. The member of the team shifts maximum number of marbles will win this round.

Game 2

Picking gems with chopsticks- Keep any gems in one plate and keep another plate beside it. Ask the members to transfer the gems using two chopsticks from one plate to another. Time limit is one minute

Game 3 Catch the ball- In this game each team will play individually. One member will hold many balls in hand and stand backward the other members of the team will stand behind her. The member with balls with throw the balls one by one and the other members will catch it. The team catching the maximum balls will win this game Game 4 Pass the ball- Here whole the team will stand will stand in a circle facing outwards and will be blindfolded except the last member in the circle. In the middle of the circle keep a bucket. Now you will give one member a ball and she will then pass it to the member next to her with her hands backwards. Then you will give her another ball she will pass and so on. The last member will throw the ball in the bucket. Time is 5 minutes.

Game 5

We need two players to play this game. You can take one player from each team. Now keep a chair having a bowl full of water or any mock tail and two spoons on it. Keep two more chairs at a few steps away each having an empty glass. The players have to fill the empty glasses with the spoon taking the water from the bowl. The time is two minutes and the one who fill maximum water in given time will win. Game 6 Material-- cotton balls, dining chair, bowl How to play--This is also a one minute game. Give many cotton balls to the player and keep a bowl below the chair. Now the member has to keep one ball on the chair and blow it in a manner so that it falls directly in the bowl. The member doing right bullseye in one minute will win the game. Game 7 Fix some candles or a candle on a plate or a tray. The member has to lit and put off the maximum candles or one candle maximum times as possible. This will be One Minute. The player who lit and blow candle highest times in one minute is the champion. Game 8 Give all the members a lemon and many rubber bands.Set you stop watch to one minute. The members have to put on the rubber bands on the lemon in one minute. After the time finishes the member with maximum number of rubber bands on lemon will be the winner Game 9 An lemon-and-spoon race is a sporting event in which participants must carry an lemon or other roundish object on a teaspoon, tablespoon or wooden spoon and race to the finish line without dropping the lemon

Game 10

Place safety pins on the table. The player has to open the pin and put the pointed arm in the hole of the second safety pin. In similar fashion he has to make the longest possible chain. He has to do this in one minute. Player who manages to put in largest number of pin in the chain is the winner.

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