Primary Key Foreign Key: Userid Username Firstname Lastname

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Introduction: In this post I will explain what are the Joins in SQL Server and different types of Joins

example (SQL LEFT outer Join, SQL RIGHT outer Join, SQL FULL outer Join, SQL Cross Join, SQL inner Join sample, Self Join example) and uses of Joins in SQL Server. Description: In SQL joins are used to get data from two or more tables based on relationship between some of the columns in tables. In most of the cases we will use primary key of first table and foreign key of secondary table to get data from tables by using this relationship we can reduce the duplication of data in every table. Before enter into Joins concept first design two tables in database and enter data like as shown below Create one table with primary key and give name as UserDetails UserID 1 2 3 Here UserID is UserName SureshDasari PrasanthiDonthi MaheshDasari the Primary key in UserDetails FirstName Suresh Prasanthi Mahesh table LastName Dasari Donthi Dasari

After that create another table with Foreign Key and give name as OrderDetails OrderID OrderNo 1 543224 2 213424 3 977776 4 323233 5 998756 Here OrderID is the Primary key and UserID is the foreign key UserID 1 2 3 3 1 in OrderDetails table.

SQL contains different types of Joins we will see each concept with example by using above tables. Types of Joins 1) Inner Joins 2) Outer Joins 3) Self Join Inner Join The join that displays only the rows that have a match in both the joined tables is known as inner join. This is default join in the query and view Designer.

Syntax for Inner Join SELECT t1.column_name,t2.column_name FROM table_name1 t1 INNER JOIN table_name2 t2 ON t1.column_name=t2.column_name Now check the below query for inner join Example SELECT u.UserName,u.LastName,o.OrderNo FROM UserDetails u INNER JOIN OrderDetails o ON u.UserID=o.UserID Once we run that query our output will be like this UserName LastName OrderNo SureshDasari Dasari 543224 PrasanthiDonthi Donthi 213424 MaheshDasari Dasari 977776 MaheshDasari Dasari 323233 SureshDasari Dasari 998756 We can write our inner join query like this also it will give same result SELECT u.UserName,u.LastName,o.OrderNo FROM UserDetails u JOIN OrderDetails o ON u.UserID=o.UserID Based on above result we can say that INNER JOIN keyword return rows when there is at least one match in both tables. If there are rows in "UserDetails" that do not have matches in "OrderDetails", those rows will NOT be listed. In inner Join we are having different types of Joins those are 1) Equi Join 2) Natural Join 3) Cross Join Equi Join The Equi join is used to display all the matched records from the joined tables and also display redundant values. In this join we need to use * sign to join the table. Syntax for Equi Join SELECT * FROM table_name1 t1 INNER JOIN table_name2 t2 ON t1.column_name=t2.column_name

Now check the below query for Equi join Example SELECT * FROM UserDetails u INNER JOIN OrderDetails o ON u.UserID=o.UserID Once we run above query our output will be like this UserID UserName FirstName LastName OrderID OrderNo UserID 1 SureshDasari Suresh Dasari 1 543224 1 2 PrasanthiDonthi Prasanthi Donthi 2 213424 2 3 MaheshDasari Mahesh Dasari 3 977776 3 3 MaheshDasari Mahesh Dasari 4 323233 3 1 SureshDasari Suresh Dasari 5 998756 1 In equi join we need to use only equality comparisons in the join relation. If we use other operators such as (<,>) for our comparison condition then our Joins disqualifies for equi join. Natural Joins The Natural join is same as our Equi join but only the difference is it will restrict to display redundant values. Syntax for Natural Join SELECT * FROM table_name1 t1 NATURAL JOIN table_name2 t2 Example SELECT * FROM UserDetails NATURAL JOIN OrderDetails Note: These NATURAL Joins wont work in our SQL Server (only supports in Oracle) it will throw syntax error. If you observe above code "NATURAL" is not highlighted, indicating that it is not recognized as a keyword. Cross Join A cross join that produces Cartesian product of the tables that involved in the join. The size of a Cartesian product is the number of the rows in first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table. Syntax for Cross Join SELECT * FROM table_name1 CROSS JOIN table_name2 Or we can write it in another way also

SELECT * FROM table_name1,table_name2 Now check the below query for Cross join Example SELECT * FROM UserDetails CROSS JOIN OrderDetails Or SELECT * FROM UserDetails, OrderDetails Once we run that query our output will be like this UserID 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 UserName SureshDasari SureshDasari SureshDasari SureshDasari SureshDasari PrasanthiDonthi PrasanthiDonthi PrasanthiDonthi PrasanthiDonthi PrasanthiDonthi MaheshDasari MaheshDasari MaheshDasari MaheshDasari MaheshDasari FirstName Suresh Suresh Suresh Suresh Suresh Prasanthi Prasanthi Prasanthi Prasanthi Prasanthi Mahesh Mahesh Mahesh Mahesh Mahesh LastName Dasari Dasari Dasari Dasari Dasari Donthi Donthi Donthi Donthi Donthi Dasari Dasari Dasari Dasari Dasari OrderID 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 OrderNo 543224 213424 977776 323233 998756 543224 213424 977776 323233 998756 543224 213424 977776 323233 998756 UserID 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 1

Outer Joins A join that return all the rows that satisfy the condition and unmatched rows in the joined table is an Outer Join. We are having three types of Outer Joins Left Outer Join Right Outer Join Full Outer Join Left Outer Join The left outer join displays all the rows from the first table and matched rows from the second table. Syntax for Left Outer Join

SELECT Column_List FROM table_name1 t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table_name2 t2 ON t1.column_name=t2.column_name Now check the below query for Left Outer join Example SELECT u.UserID,u.UserName,o.OrderNo FROM UserDetails u LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails o ON u.UserID=o.UserID Once we run that query our output will be like this UserID 1 1 2 3 3 UserName SureshDasari SureshDasari PrasanthiDonthi MaheshDasari MaheshDasari OrderNo 543224 998756 213424 977776 323233

Right Outer Join The right outer join displays all the rows from the second table and matched rows from the first table. Syntax for Right Outer Join SELECT Column_List FROM table_name1 t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN table_name2 t2 ON t1.column_name=t2.column_name Now check the below query for Right Outer join Example SELECT u.UserID,u.UserName,o.OrderNo FROM UserDetails u RIGHT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails o ON u.UserID=o.UserID Once we run that query our output will be like this UserID 1 2 3 3 1 UserName SureshDasari PrasanthiDonthi MaheshDasari MaheshDasari SureshDasari OrderNo 543224 213424 977776 323233 998756

Full Outer Join

Full Outer Join displays all the matching and non matching rows of both the tables. Syntax for Full Outer Join SELECT Column_List FROM table_name1 t1 FULL OUTER JOIN table_name2 t2 ON t1.column_name=t2.column_name Now check the below query for Full Outer join Example SELECT u.UserID,u.UserName,o.OrderNo FROM UserDetails u RIGHT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails o ON u.UserID=o.UserID Once we run that query our output will be like this UserID 1 1 2 3 3 Self Join Joining the table itself called self join. Self join is used to retrieve the records having some relation or similarity with other records in the same table. Here we need to use aliases for the same table to set a self join between single table and retrieve records satisfying the condition in where clause. To implement self join first design table and give a name as EmployeeDetails EmpID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EmpName Suresh Prasanthi Mahesh Sai Nagaraju Mahendra Sanjay EmpMgrID 2 4 2 1 1 3 3 UserName SureshDasari SureshDasari PrasanthiDonthi MaheshDasari MaheshDasari FirstName Suresh Suresh Prasanthi Mahesh Mahesh LastName Dasari Dasari Donthi Dasari Dasari OrderID 1 5 2 3 4 OrderNo 543224 998756 213424 977776 323233 UserID 1 1 2 3 3

Now I want to get manager names of particular employee for that we need to write query like this select e2.EmpName,e1.EmpName as 'Manager' from EmployeeDetails e1 INNER JOIN EmployeeDetails e2

on e1.EmpID=e2.EmpMgrID Here if you observe above query EmployeeDetails table joined itself using table aliases e1 and e2. After that run our query output will be like this EmpName Sai Nagaraju Suresh Mahesh Mahendra Sanjay Prasanthi Manger Suresh Suresh Prasanthi Prasanthi Mahesh Mahesh Sai

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