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Ikhaya Day House First Semester Newsletter 2011

...The Morning After...

When I was told that I would have a roof over my head in times the Cape Town weather pulls one of its not so impressive stunts. To my surprise, not only did I have a roof over my head, but it turned out that Ikhaya also offers day students the experience of a res student, which I have yet When I signed up for Ikhaya, I to experience. If I go on any further, the rest of the newsletter will be a waste of paper so Im going to leave the rest of the com and some homies (absekaya). So the com has complied this for you to read and stay clued up.

Ho On The Rangers
In a surprising turn of events, The Rangers went from a position of dominance in the Steinhoff International League to becoming whipping boys. This is mainly due to a huge decrease of players turning out for the squad, an issue that is being addressed by administration. Despite the lack of numbers, the few players that turned out for the Rangers did so in true Ikhaya spirit. Heart is something that the current squad has never lacked. Hopefully, this passion will be maintained in the second half on the season, especially on the Ikhaya Rhodes Tour, where our rugby team will be playing one
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of from the Rodents. Sorry, I mean Rhodents. However, what is needed now to restore Ikaya to its high levels of glory is added support from members of the day house and a higher player turnout at the Sunday training sessions and games. Hope to see all of you on the Green Mile. Pana Nyati Sports Representative

Ikaya to me is a ha spot a ngout way fr o m he bla sun or zing the fr eezing c o ld. When the g aps be lectur tween es are great I go there to chill . I would definit ely rec mend omit to o ther p eople t o join And I will no t be g Rhode oing to s beca u se I h a ve not budge ted fo r it. Zipho Lizzy M avuya

kaya Day House 2011

Money Talks
As Treasurer, my role includes balancing all of Ikhayas accounts, managing the annual budget and coming up with fund-raising strategies. The Ikhaya Day House started this year in debt accrued from last year, which was one of the greatest challenges for my portfolio. The Houses prudent decision-making and accountability has resulted in much progress. Learning from last years experiences, the House Committee has achieved its objectives. Thus far we have achieved two out of the four main events in the Ikaya Day House annual calendar, namely the Tiger Tiger Opening Party and St. Patricks Day, both of which were huge successes. The third of these, the Ikaya-Rhodes Tour, is scheduled for 4 7 August. As Treasurer, I have been able to co-ordinate a cost -effective yet above par tour. This years tour will accommodate 80 people at a reasonable price to Ikaya members and non-Ikaya members alike. Amongst other things this year; the House Committee bought: a banner with the newly designed Ikhaya logo, a new toaster, fans, consumables and replaced the front doors lock. Lately, the House Committee is planning a formal this year. The House Committee is considering selling Ikaya House hoodies to fundraise for the formal since most of our budget is being utilized to settle all Ikhaya accounts and the Ikaya-Rhodes Tour. Siya Biniza Treasurer

Breakdo wn:


R151 683

Budget (2011): Total


.56 :

R77 291

Expence s Surplus:


R74 391

Utilizatio 51%

.77 n:

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kaya Day House 2011

On behalf of the rest of the com, I am glad to present to you the first biannual Ikhaya Dayhouse newsletter. As always, every year brings upon new challenges; looking back at the previous year, there were many changes that needed to take place as well as new introductions. Ikhaya Dayhouse needed to look more appealing to the eye(s) of *DSA* so the following will be used to groom it up: a promising tutoring program pre-exam, interaction with the SRC Day Students portfolio and an outreach project are just to name a few (they can take away our bad boy image, but they can never take away our *beverage con-

I am very confident in my coChairperson, Jade McDonnell, and the rest of the com to roll with the punches and steam ahead. With fresh ambitions and new ideas, I believe that Ikhaya will progress in leaps and bounds and I am hoping that the members of the Dayhouse will be very supportive and adaptive to the changes that we will be introducing in the 2nd semester. In essence, we are here to accommodate each other. It takes a lot of tolerance, patience and good team

be an Ikhaya Ranger. With my *protection and helmet on, I am proud to be an Ikhaya member and will gladly let you all know that... I WANA BE AN IKHAYA RANGER, LIVE MY LIFE WITH **SEX AND DANGER!!!

*Euphemisms I cant let them know what we get up to.

**Different font same reason

as above.
Karabo KB Thahane Co-Chairperson

First Semester Newsletter

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Iman Latief Just wondering how people are being chosen for Rhodes Tour? Because I sent my letter, and then the application form on Dropbox a long time ago, before that first due date, and then emailed it again recently, because I wanted to make sure... So I was one of the first people to apply, but Im worried that because I emailed it only later, it's going to hurt my chances. Jay Tip

Ikhaya On Facebook
DO IT FOR THE LOVE Kiren 'ridiki' Reggo whats happening for intervarsity??? Pana Nkosi HEy Everyone. The RANGERS are looking for players 4 a game tomorrow. If you available to play (Rugby) inbox me your position or just comment here. Working on the Team List. Rangers vs Panthers

ATT: TO ALL MCeeZ/ RAPPERS, C Fields 4:.30 DOWNLOAD FREE JAYTIP'S BEAT, AND MAKE A CLASSIC TRACK>>>> Justin Minnaar FREE BEAT1>>>http:// Rugby practice today lower ops fields 4pm!! FREE BEAT2>>>http:// Patrick Liam What time does the dayhouse CAURTESY OF JayTip@Work get locked, last couple of times PRODUCTION, ive been between my lectures i ...note: send me em tracks was not able to get in as it is should you decide to record on locked. em beats!!


kaya Day House 2011

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