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1. In developed countries, death ranges ............. very low until middle age or late middle age.

a) is d) were
b) are e) have
c) was

2. Many people with health ...................... a doctor.
a) do not consult d) are not consult
b) not consult e) is not consult
c) does not consult

3. What.................. many people with health problem do?
a) do d) are
b) does e) is do
c) is

4. Health ....................... by the World Health Organization as a state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
a) define d) defines
b) is define e) are defined
c) is defined

5. Chain and Florey...................... an investigation of antibiotics in 1928.
a) undertake d) were undertake
b) undertook e) were undertook
c) undertaken

6. Fleming ............................Penicillin in 1926.
a) is not discovered d) was not discover
b) did not discovered e) was not discovered
c) did not discover

7. .................... the USA transfer the production of penicillin because of the war?
a) Is d) Does
b) Was e) Do
c) Did

8. If the cause of the disease can......................., then it may be a relatively easy matter to
prevent a disease from occurring.
a) examine d) exam
b) exams e) be examined
c) be exam

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