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Assignment 1

create a worksheet to find greatest and smallest numbers.

Sr No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

45 65 52 65 83 96 65 75 73 56

89 56 74 56 58 74 56 91 85 65

90 56 82 36 71 65 52 65 56

Economics Commerce Management

85 76 80 95 82 56 74 56 65 36 75 96 65 75 73 56 82 36 56 74 65 74 56 91 85 65 75 73 56 82

90 96 82 95 85 96 82 91 85 82

45 56 52 36 58 56 52 36 56 36

Click start menu. Click All Programs and choose MS Excel. A new wokbook will open. Type the lable of headers such as: maths, computer,english, economics, commerce, management, MAX NO. & MIN No. Active the 'H4' cell and type the function of Max and select the range of numbers on which we want to apply the MAX function. = Max(B4:G4) Click the enter key and the result will be displayed on that cell. Then copy the function to other cells. In this way we can apply the MIN function on these numbers also. = Min(B4:G4) Then copy the function to other cells. After this save the worksheet.

Assignment -2
Calculate the Total & Average marks secured by the students in the given subjects. Sr No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Maths Computer Hemant 90 80 Ravinder 96 65 Veena 69 84 Shashi 98 87 Priyanka 90 56 Ravi 75 65 Harish 82 79 Ramesh 89 78 English 75 82 89 88 86 65 79 78 Economics Commerce 65 84 79 68 78 59 66 82 87 91 84 78 68 57 59 60 Management 78 57 60 75 68 80 65 84 T.Marks 472 447 439 496 478 447 430 448 Average 78.7 74.5 73.2 82.7 79.7 74.5 71.7 74.7

Click start menu. Click All Programs and choose MS Excel. A new wokbook will open. Type the title of the assignment Type the lable of headers such as: maths, computer,english, economics, commerce, management, t. marks & average Type the name of the students. enter the subject-wise marks in the cells Calculate the total Marks =Sum(C4:H4) in the cell H2and press the enter key. Calculate the Average Marks in the given subjects =Average(C4:H4) in the cell J4 and press the enter key. Then copy the function to other cells. And save the workbook.

ce, management, t. marks & average

J4 and press the enter key.

Assignment -3

(Conditional formatting)

Make an assignment on conditional formatting if marks obtained by the students are: Marks >=70 FONT colour Green between 50 - 69 font Colour Yellow between 0 - 49 font Colour red

Hemant Ravinder Veena Shashi Priyanka Ravi Harish Ramesh Deesha

Maths Computer English Economics Commerce Management

90 78 33 98 57 25 82 70 23 80 65 54 87 56 39 79 59 25 75 82 12 88 78 45 79 90 10 65 85 26 66 87 40 68 59 19 84 68 15 82 91 32 57 60 29 78 57 60 52 68 26 65 84 20

Open MS Excel . Create the new workbook Type the Name of columns. Type the name of the students. enter the subject-wise marks in the cells Select marks Subject wise Click conditional formatting command from formate menu. Set condition and formate the value of your choice. Click the enter key, and save the file.

Assignment -4
Hemant Ravinder Veena Shashi Priyanka Ravi Harish Ramesh Deesha

To evaluate the condition True or False)

Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail

Make an assignment of students result. If the marks obtained by students are greater than 240, he/she is declared as Pass oth

Maths Computer English Economics Commerce Management T.Marks

90 96 33 98 90 25 82 89 23 80 65 54 87 56 35 79 78 25 75 82 50 88 86 45 79 78 10 65 79 26 66 87 40 68 59 19 84 68 30 82 91 32 57 60 29 78 57 57 75 68 26 65 84 20 472 447 250 496 478 203 430 448 126

Open MS Excel . Create the new workbook Type the Name of columns. Type the name of the students. enter the subject-wise marks in the cells Calculate the total Marks =Sum(B2:G2) in the cell H2 and press the enter key. To evaluate the condition True or False Type the if function in Result column and hit the enter key = IF(H5>=250,"Pass","Fail") Copy the result with fill handle in other cells.

e is declared as Pass otherwise he/she is declared failed

Assignment - 5

(Nested If Function)
marks marks marks marks marks >=80% Merit >=60% Ist Division >=50% Second Division >=40% Third Division <39 Fail 65 65 26 92 40 68 59 19 66 84 52 15 85 60 57 60 29 80 78 57 60 94 55 65 42 20 72 472 359 200 550 307 430 285 143 491

Make an assignment of students result. If the marks obtained by students are:

Hemant Ravinder Veena Priyanka Ravi Harish Ramesh Deesha Shashi

Maths Computer English Economics Commerce ManagementObtained Marks

90 59 33 90 51 82 45 40 98 80 65 54 93 56 79 39 25 87 75 61 12 96 45 79 40 10 88

Open MS Excel . Create the new workbook Type the Name of columns. Type the name of the students. enter the subject-wise marks in the cells To Calculate the obtained Marks Enter the formula =Sum(B9:G9) in the cell H9 and press the enter key. To Calculate the Max. Marks Enter the formula =COUNT(B9:G9)*100 in the cell I9 and press the enter key.

Calculate the PERCENTAGE marks Enter the formula

=(H9/I9%) in the cell J9 and press the enter key.

For Division Type the formula in K9 cell =IF(J9=>80,"MERIT",IF(J9>=60,"Ist Division",IF(J9>=50,"Second Division",IF(J9>=40,"Third Division","Fail")))) Hit the enter key and copy the result on other cells.

Max.Marks Percentage Division

600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 78.7 59.8 33.3 91.7 51.2 71.7 47.5 23.8 81.8 Ist 2nd Fail MERIT 2nd Ist 3rd Fail MERIT

H9 and press the enter key. cell I9 and press the enter key.

J9 and press the enter key.

ision",IF(J9>=40,"Third Division","Fail"))))

Assignment - 6 (Rank)
Give highest Rank to the given list according to their marks.

Roll no
1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010

Name Percentage RANK

Hemant Ravinder Veena Shashi Priyanka Ravi Harish Ramesh Deesha Rajni 78.50 74.50 33.33 81.83 79.67 33.83 71.67 74.67 21.00 85.60 4 6 9 2 3 8 7 5 10 1

Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Type the Name of columns. Type the name and percentage marks of the students Select the pecentage column range and give any name to this range. Type the formula of =Rank(B5:B13,Percentage) Then press the enter key. The result will display in the cell. And copy the result to the other cells.

Assignment - 7
Create a worksheet to calculate Profit & Loss. SP CP How Much Profit/Loss
3000 5000 7500 5600 2000 2500 4000 8000 3400 2500 500 1000 500 2200 500 Profit Profit Loss Profit Loss

Open MS Excel. Create a new workbook . Type the lebels of the columns as SP, Cp, Profit/Loss and How much. Type the value of SP & CP. Type the function of "IF" in Profit/Loss column: = IF(A4>B4,"Profit","Loss") Then hit the enter keythe result will display in the column. Copy the result to other cells. To calculate How Much Profit & Loss.; = if(A4>B4,A4-B4,B4-A4) Press the enter key to display the result. Then copy the result to other cells.

Assignment - 8
Hemant Ravinder Veena Shashi Priyanka Ravi Harish Ramesh

Calculate the net salary of employees by adding basic salary if DA is 25%, HRA is 20% , TA is 35% of Basic salary a

8000 10000 12000 7000 9000 8000 13000 12500

DA (25%)
2000 2500 3000 1750 2250 2000 3250 3125

HRA (20%) TA (35%)

1600 2000 2400 1400 1800 1600 2600 2500 2800 3500 4200 2450 3150 2800 4550 4375

Gross salary
14400 18000 21600 12600 16200 14400 23400 22500

Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Type the heading of the columns. Type the name of the employees. enter the basic salary for the employees. Enter the formula for: DA =B5*25% in cell C5. Then hit enter key. HRA =B5*20% in cell D5. Then hit enter key. TA =B2*35% in cell E5. Then hit enter key. Gross Salary =Sum(B5:E5) in cell F5.Then hit enter key. Income tex =F5*10% in cell G5.Then hit enter key. Net salary =F5-G5 (Gross salary-Income tax) At last copy the formula to other cells. And save the file

A is 20% , TA is 35% of Basic salary and IT is 10% of the gross salary.

1440 1800 2160 1260 1620 1440 2340 2250

Net Salary
12960 16200 19440 11340 14580 12960 21060 20250

Assignment -9
To create a chart of given Data Profit And Loss Statement
JANUARYFEBRUARY MARCH COST OVER HEADS SALES PROFIT 10,000 6000 18000 2000 15000 11000 35000 9000 18000 14000 42000 10000 APRIL 37000 5000 57000 15000

Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Select the range that we want to plot in the chart. Click the insert menu. And click the chart type that we want to use. Type the chart title. (Profit & Loss) Label the horizontal axis (Month wise) Label the Vertical axis (IN RUPEES) Set the legends and allign it right side. Save the file



Assignment -10
Use of Goal seek command If a employee is working for 42 hours a week and is taking a salary of Rs. 16.5 per hour. The employee is willing to take a salary of Rs. 1000 per week by working overtime. How many hours of work is needed to give him a salary of Rs. 1000. Working Hours Rate per Hour Salary (in Rs)
42 16.5 693

Goal seek

Set cell: C8 To Value: 8000 By changing cell: A2 A8

Working Hours Rate per Hour

60.60606061 16.5


Goal seek Status Goal seek with Cell C2 found a solution Target value: 1000 Current value: 1000 8000 8000

? OK

Cancel Step Pause

Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Type the given data. Use the formula = A8*B8 to calculate the salary in cell C8 Select the option Goal seek from the Data Menu. Goal seek dialog box appears. enter C8 in the Set cell box. Enter 1000 in the To Value box. Enter A8 in the By changing cell box. Finally click OK. Excel will calculate the result automatically. Now, save the file.

Assignment -11 (using AndIf statement)

To calculate electricity bill. Name of Customer
Hemant Ravinder Veena Shashi Priyanka Ravi Harish Ramesh

Initial Reading
700 456 789 689 200 163 200

Final Reading
1000 1000 900 789 456 234 1000

Unit Consumed Bill (in Rs.)

300 544 111 100 256 71 800 1050 2514 333 300 874 213 4050


Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Type the header of columns as Name of Customer, initial reading, final reading, Unit consumed & Bills (in Rs.) Type the data accordingly. To calculate the consumed units Enter formula =(C5-B5) And hit the enter key To calculate the bills, Enter the formula = if(D5<=150,D5*3,IF(AND(D5>150,D5<=300),(450+(D5-150)*4),IF(AND(D5>300,D5<=500),(450+80 And hit the enter key The result will display in the cell. copy the formulas to other cells. and save the file


Assignment -12 (using countIf statement)

Calculate Domestic & Commercial electricity bill if type of connection is domestic then rate is Rs.5 per unit, and if connection is commercial then rate is Rs. 7 per unit. And also count how many domestic & commercial connection? Type of Connection
Domestic Commercial Commercial Domestic Domestic Domestic Commercial Domestic Commercial Commercial Domestic

Initial Reading Final Reading Unit Consumed

700 456 789 689 200 163 400 315 200 150 700 1000 1000 900 789 456 234 800 980 1000 580 1000 300 544 111 100 256 71 400 665 800 430 300

Bill (in Rs.)

1500 3808 777 500 1280 355 2800 3325 5600 3010 1500

Commercial Connection= Domestic connection =

Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Type the header of columns as Typeof connection, initial reading, final reading, Unit consumed & Bills (in Rs.) Type the data accordingly. To calculate the consumed units Enter formula =(C8-B8) And hit the enter key To calculate the bills, Enter the formula =if(A8="domestic",D8*5,D8*7) And hit the enter key For how many commercial connection, enter the formula enter the formula =countif(A8:A18,"commercial") For how many domestic connection, enter the formula =countif(A8:A18,"domestic") Then hit the enter key. The result will diplay in the cell. copy the formulas to other cells. and save the file

Assignment -13
create a paste speacial command.

Maths Computer English Economics Commerce Management T.Marks

90 78 33 98 90 25 82 89 23 80 70 54 66 56 35 79 82 25 75 82 12 88 86 45 79 78 5 65 80 26 66 87 40 68 59 19 84 68 15 82 91 32 57 60 29 78 57 60 75 68 26 65 84 20 472 435 200 475 478 203 430 452 121

Maths Computer English Economics Commerce Management T.Marks

90 78 33 98 90 25 82 89 23 80 70 54 66 56 35 79 82 25 75 82 12 88 86 45 79 78 5 65 80 26 66 87 40 68 59 19 84 68 15 82 91 32 57 60 29 78 57 60 75 68 26 65 84 20 472 435 200 475 478 203 430 452 121


Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Activate the source worksheet that contains the information that has to copied. select the information by using the mouse or keyboard. We can select a cell, range or entire sheet. Copy the information which we want. Activate the destination worksheet. Click the appropriate position in the destination worksheet. Now choose Paste special option from Edit menu to display Paste Special dialog box . We can use Paste special box to paste values, formulas, formats and other cell attributes. We can click on Paste Link button to paste our selection in the destination workbook. Now if both workbooks (i.e.Source and destination ) are open, changes in the source workbook will automatically updated in the

Maths 90 78 33 98 90 25 82

Computer English Economics Commerce Management T.Marks 80 75 65 84 78 472 70 82 80 68 57 435 54 12 26 15 60 200 66 88 66 82 75 475 56 86 87 91 68 478 35 45 40 32 26 203 79 79 68 57 65 430

89 23 0 0

82 25 0 0

78 5 0 0

59 19 0 0

60 29 0 0

84 20 0 0

452 121 0 0

omatically updated in the destination workbook.

Assignment -15
Calculate the salesmen commission. if commission is:
<= 10,000, he will get 10% commission of his sale <= 20,000, he will get 20% commission of his sale

he will get 30% commission of his sale



Total Sale

Commission (in Rs.)

101 Prince 10000 1000 102 amit 15000 3000 103 Akash 12000 2400 104 Ankit 8000 800 105 sonam 23000 6900 106 sonal 20000 4000 107 tarun 150000 45000 108 sumit 200000 60000 109 varun 160000 48000 110 mohit 140000 42000 Steps are: Open MS Excel . Create a new workbook Type the header of columns as ID, Name, Total Sale, & Commission (in Rs.) Type the data accordingly. To calculate the Commission, Enter the formula =if(c14<=10000,C14*10%,if(c14<=20000,C14*20%,C14*30%)) And hit the enter key The result will display in the cell. copy the formulas to other cells. and save the file

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