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n our experiences of travel, interaction with astrologers and critical observation of internet forums, we found something dampening, something that made us realise our own grave mistake of the last few years. We found that not even 5 % of the astrologers remember Raman Saheb in their monthly and yearly interactions with fellow astrologers while some of the senior astrologers leveled various kinds of accusations towards Raman Saheb. Some of the seniors accused Raman Saheb of amassing huge amount of wealth via astrology not realizing that if they were in Dr. Ramans position, would they themselves, in fact, have relinquished that Throne that Dr. Raman enjoyed or avoided making money? Some accused of some malpractices which we cannot comment upon since we are not Dr. Raman let us be clear that every human has a mission and, in this Kaliyuga, he or she is sometimes forced to do what he has to do for the sake of the higher mission of establishing astrology as a science. Whether Dr. Raman did something wrong is immaterial what is pertinent is the question: could you or me, in Dr. Ramans position, remain even 10 % as pure as he was? He who never wrote a major editorial or several articles condemning his detractors No he did not very rarely would you find one in his vision called the Astrological Magazine. It is so easy to hurl stones at a man who gave so much of his life towards Astrology but so difficult to uphold the dignity with which he treated his editorials, with utmost professionalism that none have been able to surpass. His greatest contribution was not just making Astrology acceptable in scientific circles but something far bigger that has gone unnoticed so far and the truth of which none dare speak. Raman Saheb freed us from the slavery of Parampara which only allows knowledge to be given to a chosen few. Today, anyone belonging to any caste or any economic background can easily access astrological material only due to the works of Raman Saheb who not only inspired the English speaking community, but even the vernacular lot to publish books for all. Some of the accusations were that he allowed advertisements for stock markets predictors and talisman sellers to be published in the magazine. As mentioned earlier, each publisher has to sacrifice his ideals when it comes to the monetary aspects of the publishing world. In those days, very few richy rich were into astrology today there are many more but still, you would find no takers to finance a good astrological magazine, become an Editor Publisher and you would know what Dr. Raman had to go through. Become an Editor Publisher and you will know that you, like Dr. Raman, will need to sacrifice your own childrens lives for the sake of the higher cause of astrology; you would not get time to even spend with your children or loved ones when you are busy editing or writing an article. This pain, only an Editor Publisher knows one can say 20 people maximum in India, so far, can know this pain and not the 100,000 odd readers. An editor is spoilt when he has to face the egos of his writers. Sometimes we think how much Dr. Raman would have had to face these ego problems in the course of his illustrious career but did he not get tired due to this or commit suicide as some editors feel when they face the huge unwarranted egos of their writers? So far in Saptarishis, we have not spoken much about Dr. Raman due to our not satisfied with the volume of his work as we feel that he could have achieved so much more, given us so many classics in English when he knew Sanskrit so well and, most importantly, he never got the Dhruva Nadi published in spite of having it in his possession from 1953. It was a personal grudge on someone whom, we felt, was expected to have done more in his illustrious career of 61 publishing years & also having ones own publishing company. Coming back to Dhruva Nadi, it contains the highest of all knowledge why did he not publish it was an oft complain of ours But each editor knows how a book or an article not yet published sits in his office for decades till the time is right. Some even went on to say that the old issues of The Astrological Magazine are no longer preserved since that knowledge was never supposed to be preserved, God did not want it. Alas these accusers forget the word Technology. If things go well, resources come in then within a year we would prove these

accusers wrong by freely making available in digital form issues of astrological magazine of several decades. The worst part is that no one remembers Raman Saheb and his team of warrior writers who produced and removed fabulous knowledge not a single internet forum speaks about Dr. Raman and the techniques of his warriors. Some of the present Gurus only talk of themselves whereas it should be their duty to speak of the stalwart warriors that shaped astrology as we know it today. Without their contributions, we all today would not have existed. These gurus should speak of the great Ashutosh Ghosh, of Bepin Bihari, of S. Kannan, of H R Shankar, of J N Bhasin and many other forgotten stalwarts. Due to these circumstances, since we have heard of Dr. Raman and his fleet of light-workers, we have decided to produce, after a lot of hard work, a series dedicated to him and his Light-workers to bring back the old knowledge to show to Dr. Ramans accusers that knowledge can be lost for some time but not forever Also to show to those paramparas of today that what is taught as parampara knowledge as of now in conferences, many of it is actually what they learnt from the old issues of the Astrological Magazine. Let us face it, there was only one man chosen by the Sages when they freed us from the slavery of Parampara and that was Dr. Raman who created this revolution in his own way and with his own limitations. In this series, with each issue of Saptarishis Astrology, we would come out with few of the top articles from Raman Sahebs old issues, bringing his memory back to life and seeing to it that the contributions of his generation are not lost. The modern Gurus may feel threatened due to this but, so be it. The other great contribution of Dr. Raman was that he separated mantra shastra from Jyotish Shastra and brought back Jyotish Shastra to its original form. You can see that very rarely 1 any sage gives mantras in their classics. This separation task was given to Raman Saheb by the Divine Spirit since the energy had changed and it was time to bring astrology out of the clutches of superstitious and unscientific remedies which had become the bread and butter of practitioners for centuries. Raman Sahebs magazine can be browsed through and you can see the percentage of articles on mantras this does not go to show that Dr. Raman hated mantras. He himself was an ardent practitioner of mantras but he knew that it is important to separate them out from mainstream astrology. Alas, after the demise of Dr. Raman, this aspect of mantra shastra which is supposed to be reserved only with the pious lot has come back into mainstream astrology and is being practiced with flaws e.g. Dasa Mahavidya being prescribed to anyone on the forums. We remain indebted to our team members Rajendra R Shah, Yenbeeyes, Shastry, Ravindra Bhagawat, A V Sundaram, AIAC Chicago and 30 more volunteers who took to the task of typing out the articles and proof reading it without worrying like so many others who think that typing is a lowly task. Only those who type selflessly know what spiritual merits happens via their Mercury. We thanks these modern selfless workers for bringing this work out to honor and bring back the memories of the light workers of astrology of the last century. Their knowledge will not be lost since knowledge does not belong to one person or to these symbols & TM of which men have become slaves of ; it belongs to the Rishis to whom none of us give royalty.

BPHS prescribes Vishnu Sahasranama, (a stotra) many times.

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