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ADE 6265

Organization and Administration of Adult and Community Education

Student's Name _Edwiygh Franck

Instructor Approval ______________

Assignment #1
(1) Administrator Interview

Plan for Learning

From which adult or community education setting do you hope to interview an administrator (School District, Community College, State College, Public Sector?) What pre-work will be necessary prior to conducting your interview? (What will you do to make sure the interview goes smoothly?) For the administrator interview, I plan to use the Project Director of the training department of my organization. In order to ensure that the interview goes smoothly, I will provide the administrator with the administrator assessment tool a week prior to the interview to complete. In addition, I will compile the interview questions to ensure that they meet the goals and objectives I am striving to reach. Finally, I will bring a tape recorder to the interview to capture all of the responses. The Project Director who I plan to interview is: a. Darcy Russo, Project Direction of Training at the Palm Beach State College Institute of Excellence in Early Care and Education. Within her department trainings are developed and delivered to early care and education practitioners using adult learning principles. Trainings are developed using a backward design approach. Participants are required to complete implementation plan to demonstrate transfer of learning from the training classroom to the workplace. Trainers and trainings are observed by Quality Assurance Coordinators to ensure training quality and appropriate delivery.

Assignment #2
ADE 6265 Sample Learning Contract 1


Critical Issue

Plan for Learning

How will you identify the Critical Issue you hope to explore? After the interview has been conducted, I will work with the Project Director to identify a critical issue which she feels is a priority for her department. From there I will use the chosen critical issue to complete the critical issue assignment paper. After your Critical Issue has been identified and approved, whats your plan for beginning your research? (Will you begin with the course text and identify competencies that represent your topic? Will you go online and research your issue? Will you go to the library and conduct your research?) Once my critical issue topic has been chosen and approved, I plan to utilize the below resources to begin my research: a. Course textbook b. FAU online library to locate books and peer-reviewed articles and studies on the critical issue topic. c. General internet search such as Google Beta Palm Beach State College instructional Effectiveness Research Department What objectives do you plan to meet? (I plan to , what will you develop, deliver, and/or create as part of your critical issue paper? A PPT? A Professional Development Workshop? A Journal Article?) My plan for the critical issue paper is to thoroughly research the topic and provide the administrator with possible solutions to the issue, along with implementation plans for the solutions. I will present the report to the administrator in a one-onone meeting. If necessary technology will be used to present the information.

Assignment #3
(3) Portfolio

Plan for Learning

What administrative theme(s) will your portfolio reflect? (Ethics, Legal Issues, Dealing with Conflict, Evaluating Programs, etc. ) What will you include in your portfolio? How will you design your portfolio?
ADE 6265 Sample Learning Contract 2

The theme of my portfolio will be a compilation of my accomplishments throughout the course and personal accomplishments; the people who have inspired and motivated me and how they have done so; and it will project a fairly complete picture of who I am and what my future goals are. It will include assignments completed in the course and any other important items that support my progress in the class from beginning to end.

(4) Additional Assignments

Plan for Learning

As part of this Learning Contract, I also agree to: (1) Have an administrator complete one or more of the self-assessment instruments listed in the External Links section of the online class (2) Completing the Self-Assessment Inventory for Administrators of Adult, Community and Continuing Education (Appendix A in the required text) and reflection. (3) Work with my partner to prepare and present a PPT review of a text chapter. (4) Submit 3 one-page overviews of online articles (5) Participate in online class discussions

I understand that all work is due by midnight of due date.

Information regarding Learning Contracts and Portfolios can be found at: Codde, J.R. (n.d.). Learning Contracts in the College Classroom. Retrieved August, 5, 2010, from Barrett, H.C. (n.d.). The Research on Portfolios in Education. Retrieved December 9, 2011 from

ADE 6265 Sample Learning Contract 3

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