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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Climate Action in Clevelands Neighborhoods April 2013 Proposals Due: May 6, 2013 Notification of Awards:

May 24, 2013 PURPOSE Enterprise Community Partners and the City of Cleveland, in partnership with the Cleveland EcoDistrict working group, are accepting proposals for a firm or team of firms to develop a Neighborhood-Based Climate Action Plan for two Cleveland EcoDistricts and a Climate Action Community Toolkit to be used by all Cleveland communities. Both deliverables are meant to complement a forthcoming citywide Climate Action Plan for all of Cleveland. Enterprises mission is to create opportunity for low- and moderate-income people through affordable housing in diverse, thriving communities. We offer a range of financial products and programs to revitalize communities. Sustainable Cleveland 2019 is a 10-year initiative of Mayor Frank Jackson and the Cleveland Office of Sustainability that engages people from all walks of life, working together to design and develop a thriving and resilient Cleveland region that leverages its wealth of assets to build economic, social and environmental well-being for all. PROJECT BACKGROUND Clevelands civic and community development leadership is committed to sustainable development with a goal of creating a Green City on a Blue Lake. While Clevelands industrial past inspired the Clean Water Act in 1972, Clevelands future is intentionally being built on renewable energy, green building, environmentally and socially conscious businesses, and local food. A range of sustainability programs guide this work across the city, including the ReImagining a More Sustainable Cleveland vacant land reuse initiative and Clevelands Complete and Green Streets legislation. In 2009, Mayor Frank Jackson created Sustainable Cleveland 2019, a 10-year initiative that engages people from all walks of life, working together to design and develop a thriving and resilient Cleveland region. Nearly 35 working groups comprised of community volunteers have been engaged in a variety of sustainable economic initiatives, ranging from green building and advanced energy to local food and community engagement. Sustainable Cleveland 2019, which is led by the Mayors Office of Sustainability, provides support and alignment for the vast range of sustainability efforts being implemented in Cleveland. The creation of EcoDistricts does the same for a neighborhood by providing a geographic target area for a comprehensive set of sustainability projects. There are currently two neighborhoods in Cleveland that have made the most progress in implementing an EcoDistrict concept and that have geographic areas with concentrated sustainability efforts underway: Detroit Shoreway and Kinsman. These efforts are led by the Community Development
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Corporation (CDC) in each neighborhood Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization (DSCDO, in Detroit Shoreway) and Burten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc (BBC, in Kinsman). DSCDOs EcoVillage was designated as the first urban ecovillage in the country in 1998. Projects in the EcoVillage, both completed and underway, have shown that sustainability principles can be used effectively as a long-term vehicle for urban re-investment and socially responsible neighborhood renewal. A community-led planning philosophy centered on the triple bottom line has been applied within four key areas:
Mixed Income Housing and Green Building Completed: Twenty-four energy efficient market rate and affordable homes, including 20 EcoVillage Townhomes (1), a Green Cottage and a deep green Habitat for Humanity home (2) Under Development: Waverly Station - 22 townhomes being built to Enterprise Green Communities standards (3) Opportunity Housing - affordable for-sale homes built to Enterprise Green Community standards Planned: Thirty-seven unit affordable transitoriented multifamily housing project Additional housing including a prototype passive home Transportation and Infrastructure Completed: Citys first green, rapid transit station at W. 65th St. (4) Green Space and Local Food Completed: Vacant land reclamation through creation of green space and gardens. Resident-run chicken co-op Four community gardens and one market garden Redevelopment of 22 acre Zone Recreation Center for recreation and environmental education (7) Ongoing: Urban Garden District Zoning designation EcoVillage Greenspace and Vacant Land Reuse community planning Development of green surface parking lot to be developed by Metro Catholic School including native vegetation, bioswales and other sustainably developed features. Community and Society Ongoing Grants and TA for homeowners for landscaping, greening and beautification in W. 58th Street Model Block Community workshops, charrettes, events and active block clubs Resident committees on green space and local food

Pedestrian-friendly bridge (5) and walking path around rail station (6) Planned: Potential site for stormwater management project by Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Reconstruction of Madison Avenue bridge as Resident and Expert EcoVillage Steering pedestrian-only adjacent to W. 61st Street Committee Rapid Transit Station which will include native vegetation and installation of migratory bird sanctuary. Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. Page 2 of 7 Sustainable Cleveland 2019 Climate Action in Clevelands Neighborhoods

The Kinsman neighborhood contains a unique range of sustainability efforts, centered on the Urban Agriculture Innovation Zone, which has begun to transform a large portion of the desolate Forgotten Triangle into a twenty-six acre green oasis. Together with BBCs Healthy Food Access Initiative and resident engagement activities, these projects provide fresh and healthy foods and education for residents and income-generating jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Completed or Under Development 1. E. 79th St. Rapid Transit stations 2. LEED silver headquarters for CMHA and solar field 3. Heritage View Green Model Block 4. Newly built Anton Grdina School 5. Urban Agriculture Innovation Zone 6. Kinsman Farm Urban Agriculture Incubator 7. Heritage View Homes public housing redevelopment (350 units, including green homes) 8. Bridgeport Caf healthy food restaurant, CornUcopia Place Kinsman EcoDistrict Focus Area teaching kitchen and urban agriculture prep center, and mobile market 9. Streetscape and housing upgrades in Colfax Model Block, as well as orchard project and community garden 10. Green City Growers industrial greenhouse and employeeowned business 11. Rid-All Green Partnership urban farm, fishery and youth education center 12. Expansion of the 62 year-old Miceli Dairy Products, including a bio-digester and waste treatment facility.

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Planned Opportunity Corridor, a proposed three-mile boulevard that will make 200 acres of underutilized land available for development The Zone is also a high priority potential site for stormwater management (Green infrastructure) by Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

In each of these neighborhoods, the CDC and its partners have incorporated various sustainable community engagement and development efforts into their work, but there is no overall framework, endgame or performance measurement for these efforts, nor do they fit into a master strategy or set of goals at the citywide level. However, there is an opportunity to link these EcoDistrict efforts to the City of Clevelands Climate Action Plan, which is currently being shaped and will be completed during summer 2013. This citywide Climate Action Plan will establish a baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and outline quantifiable goals and a plan for GHG reductions. This plan will include strategies and actions that continue to spur economic growth while significantly reducing GHG emissions. The strategies will be prioritized based on cost effectiveness and impact. The Plan will also include longer-term strategies for adapting to the impacts of climate change within the region. The Climate Action Plan presents an opportunity to align the EcoDistrict initiatives with the quantifiable goals, actions and strategies that will be prioritized for the city as a whole. At the same time, there are lessons to be learned from the work carried out to date in the EcoDistrict neighborhoods that can inform strategies outlined in the Climate Action Plan. SCOPE OF WORK The goal of this project is to highlight EcoDistricts as a strategy within the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and to align baseline measurement, metrics, goals and strategies established in the citywide CAP with those prioritized in the individual EcoDistrict neighborhoods. A description of the EcoDistricts and a baseline analysis will be included in or as an appendix to the CAP. Finally, best practices in resident engagement around climate action will be captured in a Climate Action Community Toolkit and tested in the two EcoDistricts. Throughout the project period, the chosen consultant(s) will work closely with the EcoDistrict working group, which currently includes the Citys Office of Sustainability, the Cleveland City Planning Commission, Enterprise Community Partners, Neighborhood Progress, Inc., LAND Studio, Bike Cleveland, the Cuyahoga County Food Policy Coalition and the two neighborhood CDCs.
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The maximum budget for this project is $27,000. The required scope of work is broken into the following activities: Neighborhood GHG Inventory: Conduct a baseline GHG analysis for two EcoDistrict neighborhoods using the same methodologies as those used within the citywide baseline analysis where feasible (ICLEI U.S. Community Protocol for GHG emissions). The analysis should focus on specific sustainability indicators related to GHG where data is available at the neighborhood level and that are within the control of the neighborhood to reduce, including waste, energy, and transportation. Not all indicators and emission sources tracked at the citywide level will necessarily make sense for the neighborhood level. The City will work closely with the consultant(s) to share data already collected for the city-wide Climate Action Plan. The final product should include a detailed methodology and a detailed process for periodically measuring progress. Ultimately, this analysis should be able to be replicated by community groups and their partners and updated to measure progress towards reduction goals. EcoDistrict Narrative: Complete a narrative that describes the Cleveland EcoDistrict neighborhoods and includes a full inventory of assets in the two neighborhoods related to climate change and sustainability, including past efforts and ongoing initiatives. The narrative should list priority projects that each neighborhood has identified, and also highlight actions in the citywide CAP that can be implemented through specific pilots or other opportunities in the EcoDistrict neighborhoods. These projects could serve as visible demonstration sites to serve as neighborhood-based climate action hubs. The EcoDistrict working group members and CDC staff will work closely with the consultant(s) on this component and will provide written materials that the consultant can expand. Asset-Based Community Engagement and the Climate Action Community Toolkit: Identify best practices for resident and stakeholder engagement, and education around climate action and sustainability. The strategies should be developed within the context of Cleveland and the citys existing community engagement infrastructure. The strategies should focus on identifying additional community assets, education approaches, and strategies to motivate stakeholders into action and behavior change related to climate change that can result in measurable GHG reductions. These best practices will be piloted in the two EcoDistrict neighborhoods by the consultant, in partnership with CDC staff, through workshops in order to test outreach and communication strategies, and to identify lessons learned for replicating resident engagement efforts across the city. The best
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practices, informed by lessons learned from the workshops, should be incorporated into a Climate Action Community Toolkit that can be used by all of Clevelands CDCs, and is available online. Proposers should identify key elements to be included in the toolkit within the specified budget. Proposals that address the following additional activity will be prioritized. Implementation Plan and Impact Analysis: Develop a methodology to prioritize CAP projects and strategies for each EcoDistrict based on the GHG impact of the proposed projects. This methodology should be replicable for neighborhoods throughout the City.

PROJECT SCHEDULE AND DELIVERABLES The EcoDistrict Narrative should be finalized by June 30, 2013. The draft Climate Action Community Toolkit should be completed by September 27, 2013. All work must be completed no later than October 31, 2013. SELECTION PROCESS The EcoDistrict Working Group will review the proposals and make recommendations to Enterprise for funding. Proposals may be approved, denied, approved conditionally or sent back to applicant for revision and re-submission.

DECISION NOTIFICATION AND TIMELINE Each applicant will be notified regarding funding decisions by May 24, 2013. Funding decisions are at the discretion of Enterprise and all decisions are final. Proposals Due: May 6, 2013 Notification of Awards: May 24, 2013

After the work plan and budget is finalized Enterprise will prepare a contract for execution.


1. Proposal Narrative (maximum pages indicated on provided form) Required information is described in narrative form. Submit Word version of the narrative; do not send a PDF. 2. Proposal Budget Submit a detailed cost breakdown by each of the activities listed in the scope of work. Include all expenses, including but not limited to staff time, overhead, travel and materials. Submit Excel version of the budget; do not send a PDF.
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Proposal items must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY by 11:59 p.m., May 6, 2013 to:

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