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Dear penpal, How are you doing? Is it fine and everything seems to run smoothly as it supposes to be.

How do you know that I am a medicine course girl? Hahaha. Is it because of my letter that was too long and very much like exam style writing? Ok! Let us just wait the moment of revelation day, when we will feel the awkwardness of seeing and knowing our real penpal. Once again I would like to apologies on writing such horrible letter. I guess that you laughed and thought that I am kind of people that love to write diary. Actually I am that kind of catwoman BUT I never write one although I love it. All the memories that I have will be forever damp in my heart. The memories of my friends during my MRSMs life were the most beautiful and unforgettable. I have a lot of friends that were very much understanding and able to tolerate with whatever kind of situation. Actually, I am a simple girl that likes to eat and to be honest, our caf is the place where I hangout after finishing up my homework. In your previous letter, you wanted to know about my ASEAN trip. So, you wish will be granted. Our preparation to that country was no more challenging than climbing the great mighty Everest because we were the pioneer or the first group to take the risk of doing Humanitarian Project to that country for the first time since no other group from Kolej Mara Banting had been sent before. So, the things related to preparation, contact person, accommodation and Muslim people are the information we have to gather in order to ensure this mission is on the right track and not just a dream. The preparation has its bitter memory since we have trouble regarding our contact person and booking suitable accommodation. The communication problem had worsened the situation, as it was hard to communicate with the people in order to arrange our activities there. We arrived at the airport at approximately 9.00 a.m.

Warm welcome ad how friendly the people there had touched my heart as it was like their pleasure to see us. However, the fact that the life of Muslims in that country made my eye glistening as they lived in a small part of the country, with a small community of Muslims that consist of only 0.01% population. It was difficult to find clean water and Halal food there. However, we were totally shocked to see the commitment given by the Muslims there, on how a large number of people willing to gather at the Al-Azhar mosque just to meet us. We also gave them some donations that we brought from Malaysia like clothes, sajadah and al-Quran. I started to realize and understand that the main point why we went there and met the Muslims were to let them know that we were there for them. And most of all was to guide them to the right path and never let them feel as though they are facing their hardship alone without anyone to support them.

Hmmm. I think thats all for the moment. There a lot of questions that you asked me in your previous letter. I will answer it later and I hope this letter do not make you sleepy and feel just want to throw it away. Thank you. Sincerely,


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