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Blog Trends

Tweets and Stats

By Tweet Category

Date: 04/16/2013

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


Session Blog Trends

Introduction: We created several categories, one for each answer. The ones containing "Other" tweets were not included in the report.


Categories total tweets


Replies Pictures


195 113 Links

Tweets Check-ins

328 0

451 1

Category Replies Other Links Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 4 Answer 3 Answer 5 Rest of categories

1.589.586 Impressions
Potential impact

Tweets per user


Total tweets 472 268 144 54 49 37 36 27 1

% 43 25 13 5 5 3 3 2 0

Original Tweets 451 194 113 37 30 25 29 13 1

RT 21 74 31 17 19 12 7 14 0

Users 49 50 44 25 27 18 20 14 1

123.877 Users
Potential reach

Followers per user


num. tweets

Most Active Users


tweets followers



tweets 11
00:00 10 apr



08:00 11 apr

00:00 12 apr


08:00 13 apr

00:00 14 apr


08:00 15 apr 00:00 16 apr



tweets followers


num. users
15 14



3 1000-1500 1500-5000 5000-10000 >10000

tweets followers


6 4 3 2 4

6 5












num. followers

5 6

tweets followers


num. tweets per user


tweets followers

>5 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 8 3




num. users

tweets followers



Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category

Ranking of Categories. Top categories with the highest number of: Potential Reach Other Replies Links Potential Impact Other Replies Links Users Other Replies Links Original tweets Replies Other Links Retweets Other Links Replies

4 5

Answer 1 Answer 2

4 5

Answer 1 Answer 2

4 5

Answer 2 Answer 1

4 5

Answer 1 Answer 2

4 5

Answer 2 Answer 1

Charts Impressions per category Tweets per category Users per category

Categories Category Replies Other Links Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 4 Answer 3 Answer 5 Pictures Total tweets 472 268 144 54 49 37 36 27 1 % 43 25 13 5 5 3 3 2 0 Original Tweets 451 194 113 37 30 25 29 13 1 RT 21 74 31 17 19 12 7 14 0 Users 49 50 44 25 27 18 20 14 1 Impressions 402.983 473.487 340.032 89.274 89.213 80.493 56.355 56.741 1.008 Potential Reach 47.790 60.314 58.511 33.148 37.834 26.587 24.956 19.729 1.008 Tweets/ User 9,6 5,4 3,3 2,2 1,8 2,1 1,8 1,9 1,0 Followers/ User 975 1.206 1.329 1.325 1.401 1.477 1.247 1.409 1.008

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


Number of users Top 5 users Most active users

Number of users per category

Number of tweets per user

Number of impressions per user

Most popular users


Users with the highest impact


tweets privateschprep Afrizion


impressions gritandglamour

tweets msfemminista

followers gritandglamour

impressions DigitalKaitlyn




4 5


tweets MadelineHere

4 5


followers gorgeousingrey

4 5


impressions patricksplace




Most participative users



Most original users


num. categories HouseOfJeffers DigitalKaitlyn

num. of RTs BlogTrends

original tweets

num. categories MadelineHere MadelineHere

num. of RTs msfemminista

original tweets

num. categories

num. of RTs

original tweets

4 5


num. categories gritandglamour

4 5


num. of RTs gritandglamour

4 5


original tweets matt_janacone

num. categories

num. of RTs

original tweets

Followers per user

36 24 20


14 3
influence level
Very low 0 to 10 followers Low 10 to 50 followers Medium-low 50 to 200 followers Medium 200 to 500 followers Medium-high High 500 to 1000 1000 to 5000 followers followers

Very high >5000 followers

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


BlogTrends Total Tweets:


privateschprep Total Tweets: 122 matt_janacone Total Tweets: 52 BelleandEIB Total Tweets: modernette Total Tweets: 23 21

msfemminista Total Tweets: 86 gritandglamour Total Tweets: 50 HouseOfJeffers Total Tweets: 22 EternallyZobia Total Tweets: 20 heatherfonseca Total Tweets: 14 laceandzippers Total Tweets: 12 MakeupKitty1 Total Tweets: 8 LetsChickChat Total Tweets: 6 seo88sumbit Total Tweets: 5

DigitalKaitlyn Total Tweets: 83 bloggingitfwd Total Tweets: 49 Chasing_Joy Total Tweets: 21 MikiDeMann Total Tweets: KatiePetix Total Tweets: girlkarma Total Tweets: 20 13 11

MadelineHere Total Tweets: 64 patricksplace Total Tweets: 40 ConfettiBlog Total Tweets: 21

KpSittingPretty Total Tweets: 19 NHDaveH Total Tweets: 13

CameronMiquelon Total Tweets: 15 thecuriouspug Total Tweets: 13 RebeccaKSampson Total Tweets: 9 nikkiana Total Tweets: 7

clintonwilmott Total Tweets: 10 DrivenByTatiana Total Tweets: 7 BostonBloggerGG Total Tweets: 5 EmariMParsons Total Tweets: 3 BellBelleBella Total Tweets: 2 jasonsmcc Total Tweets: 2

YaniraGarza23 Total Tweets: 8 MokaExec Total Tweets: BBorowicz Total Tweets: 6 4

MidnyteReader Total Tweets: 5 MsTravelChic Total Tweets: 3 BudgetFairyTale Total Tweets: 2 meetashy Total Tweets: Afrizion Total Tweets: 2 1

PattiMurphyCT Total Tweets: 3 CurvEnvy Total Tweets: 2

shoplove_struck Total Tweets: 3 LatinaLifestyle Total Tweets: 2 starcrossedsmil Total Tweets: 2 CarolSBetsy Total Tweets: 1

priscilladeason Total Tweets: 2 Brittany_WMSB Total Tweets: 1 Danny__O Total Tweets: 1

4hatsandfrugal Total Tweets: 1 CathyLSG Total Tweets: 1

DanKingBlogs Total Tweets: 1 Hello_TerriLowe Total Tweets: 1 MeganFrugalista Total Tweets: 1 SlateClean Total Tweets: 1

FoodieLetitia Total Tweets: 1 KatjaNyquist Total Tweets: 1

GlitteryGlossy Total Tweets: 1 LeilaGaloul Total Tweets: 1

HereIsMySpout Total Tweets: 1 MissFoodieFab Total Tweets: 1 SmartSavvyStyle Total Tweets: 1 VanayeHamilton Total Tweets: 1 alexshook Total Tweets: 1

QueeninHeels Total Tweets: 1 TaimataR Total Tweets: 1

ScorchingStyle Total Tweets: 1 ThatGirlMo Total Tweets: aDadsPov Total Tweets: 1 1

TheLadyBoys Total Tweets: 1 alexachipman Total Tweets: 1 boldchicstyles Total Tweets: 1 gorgeousingrey Total Tweets: 1 libiadennise Total Tweets: 1

WeBlog_Design Total Tweets: 1 allthingslatino Total Tweets: 1 divasdelite Total Tweets: 1

audaciouslady Total Tweets: 1 glossandmascara Total Tweets: 1 latinaprpro Total Tweets: 1

citizenrosebudz Total Tweets: 1 kaylahedwall Total Tweets: 1 miffalicious Total Tweets: shanlakes Total Tweets: 1 1

kimlmendoza Total Tweets: 1 nycstylecannoli Total Tweets: 1 stylecartel Total Tweets: sydnee_xo Total Tweets: xfallenmoon Total Tweets: 1 1 1

rachelmaleady Total Tweets: 1 styleisland Total Tweets: taylorbrione Total Tweets: 1 1

rxqnaesthetics Total Tweets: 1 stylishhwife Total Tweets: 1

suburbanmama Total Tweets: 1 violincatherine Total Tweets: 1

thelifeofclare Total Tweets: 1

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


Answer 1
Tweets to answer 1

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. KpSittingPretty 2. gritandglamour 3. DigitalKaitlyn 4. msfemminista 5. BlogTrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:05 - 16 Apr 13

Blog Trends @BlogTrends

01:05 - 16 Apr 13

RT @BlogTrends: Q1 Ive just started blogging. How do I develop my voice and writing style? #blogtrends

Q1 Ive just started blogging. How do I develop my voice and writing style? #blogtrends

Ashley @privateschprep

01:05 - 16 Apr 13

Dave Herndon @NHDaveH

01:06 - 16 Apr 13

A1: Basically just write how you like and ask people to edit it to make it better #blogtrends

A1. Just keep writing, eventually you'll find your voice. It takes practice, practice and more practice. #Blogtrends

Courtney @msfemminista

01:06 - 16 Apr 13

Patrick Phillips @patricksplace

01:06 - 16 Apr 13

A1: The easiest way is to write how you naturally speak. I find bloggers who write like this are very easy to relate to. #blogtrends

A1 Only one way: WRITE and let it emerge! RT @BlogTrends: Q1 How do I develop my voice and writing style? #blogtrends

Kaitlyn Pierce @DigitalKaitlyn

01:06 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:06 - 16 Apr 13

A1 I struggle with this, I like it to be conversational but I also want to have some whit and creativity #blogtrends

A1: 1st decide if you want you're readers to feel like friends, students, or customers. Most important, remember to be yourself. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:06 - 16 Apr 13

Alycia @thecuriouspug

01:07 - 16 Apr 13

A1 Write the way you speak, as if you are talking to a friend. And pay attention to writing that captivates you... #blogtrends

A1 write how you talk, be yourself, don't feel like you have to post about certain things because everyone else is. #blogtrends

Courtney @msfemminista

01:07 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:07 - 16 Apr 13

A1: Also, don't publish your first draft. Go back to refine and shorten. #blogtrends

A1 Why are you captivated? Look at the language, the layout, the voice. Study what compels you, to inform your own words. #blogtrends

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:07 - 16 Apr 13

Brittney Borowicz @BBorowicz

01:08 - 16 Apr 13

A1: The easiest way would be to approach your readers as friends b/c you can write how you would speak to any friend. #blogtrends

A1: I blog/write like I speak... which Wordpress does not always seem to appreciate. #blogtrends

Monique+Silvane @BelleandEIB

01:09 - 16 Apr 13

Jen Jeffery @HouseOfJeffers

01:09 - 16 Apr 13

A1: make it clear about what you are writing about and stay constant, your style shouldn't change, this will confuse readers #BlogTrends

A1 Writing styles develop over time and practice. For me, I write the way I speak - as if I'm talkin to a friend. #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category

Amanda @ConfettiBlog

01:09 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:09 - 16 Apr 13

Q1 I just try to write the way I speak and offer up information I know about! #Blogtrends

A1: It's also good to read what you write before someone else does and get proof readers. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:09 - 16 Apr 13

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:09 - 16 Apr 13

A1 And READ, READ, READ! The best writers are avid readers. #blogtrends

A1. Be yourself when you write! Readers want to discover your unique style. Don't try to be like anyone else. #blogtrends

Courtney @msfemminista

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

A1: Read a lot. Magazines, books, other blogs. Everything. Take note of what you're drawn to style-wise. #blogtrends

A1: Know that it will take time to really hone your voice so be patient and keep writing, you'll get in the swing of things. #blogtrends

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

A1 A great way to start is to define who your audience is very specifically and write for that one specific person #blogtrends

A1 - I see a lot of comments about writing as if you were talking to a friend. This is such great advice! #blogtrends

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

A1 Your writing style should reflect you. It's a matter of translating the way you think into a format that's intelligible #BlogTrends

A1 Practice makes perfect. Write often, and study grammar rules. They DO matter, especially if you want to go pro. #blogtrends

Alycia @thecuriouspug

01:10 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:11 - 16 Apr 13

A1 try to do one topic per post, not a whole bunch of random things. #blogtrends

A1: Don't stress because that will make you adopt a voice that is not yours. #blogtrends

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:12 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:12 - 16 Apr 13

A1 A word of caution: Write in your speaking voice, but be aware of spelling, grammar, and punctuation! Avoid looking sloppy. #blogtrends

A1 You attract readers through your own personal take on topics so it's important to be an original! #BlogTrends

Alycia @thecuriouspug

01:13 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:14 - 16 Apr 13

A1 write when the mood strikes. dont force it. sometimes i'll go days w/o inspiration, then all of the sudden i get 3 post ideas #blogtrends

A1: Oh and don't be surprised if your voice is not how you thought it'd sound! Be personable and have fun! #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category

Yanira Garza @YaniraGarza23

01:19 - 16 Apr 13

nikkiana @nikkiana

01:20 - 16 Apr 13

A1. You can't tell the difference between how I speak and how I write. That is my voice. For some it develops over time #BlogTrends

Q1: Practice, practice, practice. It's something that evolves over time. #blogtrends

LetsChickChat @LetsChickChat
A1. Be original. Be yourself. #BlogTrends

01:20 - 16 Apr 13

Courtney @msfemminista

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

A1: For SEO purposes 300+ words is ideal. I usually write 300-600 words depending on the post. #blogtrends

Stylish Housewife @stylishhwife

01:33 - 16 Apr 13

MsWrite @MokaExec

01:55 - 16 Apr 13

THIS. ;) RT: @gritandglamour: A1 Write the way you speak, as if you are talking to a friend. #blogtrends

"@YaniraGarza23: A1. Depend on topic & what your readers like.. Pics for fashion, details for beauty" #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


Answer 2
Tweets to answer 2

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. gritandglamour 2. BlogTrends 3. KpSittingPretty 4. bloggingitfwd 5. laceandzippers

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:15 - 16 Apr 13

Blog Trends @BlogTrends

01:15 - 16 Apr 13

RT @BlogTrends: Q2 What are some writing tips to encourage community and comments on my blog? #blogtrends

Q2 What are some writing tips to encourage community and comments on my blog? #blogtrends

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:15 - 16 Apr 13

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

A2 Ask your readers opinions and specifically asking for comments are direct ways to encourage community on your blog #blogtrends

A2 - I always try to include a "call to action" at the end of my blog posts. But it has to be authentic! #blogtrends

Courtney @msfemminista

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

Ashley @privateschprep
A2: I actually just posted a tip! Oops :) #Blogtrends

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

A2: I always like to engage readers in sharing what they think. I ask questions. I try to be relatable. #blogtrends

Dave Herndon @NHDaveH

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

Alycia @thecuriouspug

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

A2, Don't be afraid to pose questions to the readers, they are likely to respond to them. #Blogtrends

A2 just be friendly, reply to comments and tweets, don't be afraid to be vulnerable (within your comfort level of course). #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

Jen Jeffery @HouseOfJeffers

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

A2 Ask your readers a question. Ask for their opinions. Cover controversial topics from a fresh perspective. #blogtrends

A2 Ask questions, and leave content open ended to kick start convos. Create posts that invite opinions. #blogtrends

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:16 - 16 Apr 13

Ashley @privateschprep

01:17 - 16 Apr 13

A2: Ask a question at the end of your posts. Let them know you want and care about their opinion. #blogtrends

A2: At the end of each post, I ask a question that will encourage the readers to respond with a comment. #Blogtrends

Miki DeMann @MikiDeMann

01:17 - 16 Apr 13

Patrick Phillips @patricksplace

01:17 - 16 Apr 13

A2: Find blogs that you want to follow. Comment often on those blogs and make yourself known! #blogtrends

A2 Be honest. Be genuine. Let your audience know you are interested in what they have to say. Ask them questions. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:17 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:17 - 16 Apr 13

A2 Also, to get comments, you have to give them when you're just starting. That's just the way it is. #blogtrends

A2: Also go to their blogs and ask them a question. Respond to their comments. Engage, engage, engage! #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:18 - 16 Apr 13

Courtney @msfemminista

01:18 - 16 Apr 13

A2 Writing on controversial topics and voicing your own opinion can also encourage comments & conversation #blogtrends

A2 I find the question method doesn't always work. We have to be a bit more engaging than just ending a post w/a question. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:18 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:19 - 16 Apr 13

A2 Also, responding to comments on your blog shows you're listening. People are more likely to come back & comment when you do. #blogtrends

A2 Write with an appreciation that your readers might feel the same or contrary to your opinion. It will foster discussion #BlogTrends

Zobia @EternallyZobia

01:20 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:20 - 16 Apr 13

A2. If you simply ask a couple of questions at the end of your post, short conversations with your readers start! #BlogTrends #blogtrends

A2 Also state your opinion on the topic clearly so that your readers will know your stance and will able to agree or disagree #BlogTrends

Georgina @BostonBloggerGG

01:20 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:21 - 16 Apr 13

A2: end your post by posing a relevant question to your readers #blogtrends

A2: If you choose to post a question at the end of a post, make it fun and interesting! When I first started it worked wonders. #blogtrends

nikkiana @nikkiana

01:21 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:22 - 16 Apr 13

A2: Find blogs you love and comment often. Respond to those who comment on yours. #blogtrends

A2 It's also good to mix in question posts. We recently started our "Masterpiece or Mayhem" posts. It will get comments going #BlogTrends

Chasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy

01:22 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:23 - 16 Apr 13

A2. Ask a question, ask for tips, and or advice #BlogTrends @BlogTrends

A2 Remember your content. If you're posting outfits without a narrative, that doesn't leave much for people to comment on. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:24 - 16 Apr 13

MsWrite @MokaExec

02:04 - 16 Apr 13

A2 If you want interaction/ENGAGEMENT, be ENGAGING. Be a storyteller. You don't have to bait anyone if you're engaging. #blogtrends

"@HouseOfJeffers: A2 Ask questions, and leave content open ended to start convos.. Invite opinions" #blogtrends

MsWrite @MokaExec

02:08 - 16 Apr 13

"@gritandglamour: A2 Cover controversial topics from a fresh perspective" #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category



Answer 3
Tweets to answer 3

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. gritandglamour 2. KatiePetix 3. KpSittingPretty 4. bloggingitfwd 5. laceandzippers

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:27 - 16 Apr 13

Blog Trends @BlogTrends

01:26 - 16 Apr 13

RT @BlogTrends: Q3 Sometimes I write a lot...Does it matter how long my posts are? If so, what is the ideal length? #blogtrends

Q3 Sometimes I write a lot and others just a little. Does it matter how long my posts are? If so, what is the ideal length? #blogtrends

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:26 - 16 Apr 13

Chasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy

01:27 - 16 Apr 13

A3 Short posts may not give any value to the reader. Long posts may lose the readers attention. 400-600 words is a good range #blogtrends

A3. I think it's best to be natural. Write a lot when you have a lot to say. #BlogTrends

Patrick Phillips @patricksplace

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

Ashley @privateschprep

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

A3 For SEO purposes 300-500 words seems to be preferred. #blogtrends

A3: I think it does matter because you don't want something that is too short, but you also don't want a novel. #Blogtrends

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

Alycia @thecuriouspug

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

A3 - There's no "right or wrong" answer for how long your posts should be. Write what's in your heart and gauge reader reaction. #blogtrends

A3 as a blogger I will write as long or short as I feel, as a blog reader, shorter is better. #shortattentionspan #hypocrite lol #blogtrends

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

Miki DeMann @MikiDeMann

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

A3 I think it also has a bit to do with your reader and niche though. #blogtrends

A3: Make it long enough to tell the story WELL and short enough to keep your audience's attention. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

A3 There is no "ideal" length. But there are tricks to making long posts digestible: chunking, subheadings, bullets. #blogtrends

A3: Write the amount that feels comfortable to you. If you don't you'll ramble on and on about nothing. #blogtrends

Zobia @EternallyZobia

01:28 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:29 - 16 Apr 13

A3. I don't think it matters how long your post is. It's always quality over quantity! #BlogTrends #blogtrends

A3: Some people only need a few words and photos to tell a story or convey a feeling, others need more. #blogtrends

Courtney @msfemminista

01:29 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:29 - 16 Apr 13

A3: I don't like reading super short posts, but I also don't think there's an ideal length content-wise. #blogtrends

A3 If you have a long post, don't you dare do it all in one paragraph! You MUST break it up with subheadings and smaller paras. #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


Clinton Wilmott @clintonwilmott

01:29 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:29 - 16 Apr 13

A3 The length of your posts can very. The most important thing is to post regularly. #blogtrends

A3 That's classis writing for the web: users don't read, they scan. And they read 25% slower online. #blogtrends

LetsChickChat @LetsChickChat

01:30 - 16 Apr 13

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:30 - 16 Apr 13

A3. As long as the content is clear, and your message is complete, length of post doesnt matter #BlogTrends

A3:I find that lots of blog readers like things quick & to the point. If you're going to be lengthy, you'd better be interesting #blogtrends

nikkiana @nikkiana

01:30 - 16 Apr 13

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:30 - 16 Apr 13

A3: 400-600 is ideal. However, don't treat it as a hard fast rule. Use the appropriate amount of words to tell your story. #blogtrends

A3 If a post starts getting too long, try breaking it up into a series. Part 1 and Part 2. plus the link back is great for SEO #blogtrends

Clinton Wilmott @clintonwilmott

01:30 - 16 Apr 13

Jen Jeffery @HouseOfJeffers

01:31 - 16 Apr 13

This is important too! ;) RT @patricksplace: A3 For SEO purposes 300-500 words seems to be preferred. #blogtrends

A3 I personally don't like super lengthy articles. If I have to scroll through a lot to get to your point, I won't come back. #blogtrends

Monique+Silvane @BelleandEIB

01:31 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:31 - 16 Apr 13

#blogtrends A3: some people write differently, some write a few words and others write plenty of words

A3 Length of posts is probably a blogger's biggest challenge. One school of thought is to write until you feel it's perfect #BlogTrends

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:32 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:33 - 16 Apr 13

A3 It really depends on the nature of the topic. An editorial needs more expression while a light feature can be shorter #BlogTrends

A3 One main consideration is that you feel that it represents your opinion, style and voice. That's what really matters #BlogTrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:35 - 16 Apr 13

MsWrite @MokaExec

01:52 - 16 Apr 13

A3 Consider your topic with regard to post length. Don't waste words. No need to blow it out if it's all fluff & filler. #blogtrends

"@laceandzippers: A3 [Make sure posts] represent your opinion, style and voice. That's what matters" #BlogTrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category



Answer 4
Tweets to answer 4

Most Active Users

tweets Tweets from this category



potential reach

potential impact

tweets / user

1. gritandglamour 2. BlogTrends 3. bloggingitfwd 4. laceandzippers 5. DigitalKaitlyn

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:40 - 16 Apr 13

Blog Trends @BlogTrends

01:39 - 16 Apr 13

RT @BlogTrends: Q4 What is scannable content? How can I write my posts to make them scannable? #blogtrends

Q4 What is scannable content? How can I write my posts to make them scannable? #blogtrends

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:39 - 16 Apr 13

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:39 - 16 Apr 13

A4 Scannable content is short paragraphs with headings. Numbered lists. Bullet points. Small digestible clumps of info #blogtrends

A4 Readers should be able to scan your post and gather all the main points. #blogtrends

Ashley @privateschprep

01:39 - 16 Apr 13

Kaitlyn Pierce @DigitalKaitlyn

01:41 - 16 Apr 13

For Q4, what does scannable content mean? #Blogtrends

RT @gritandglamour: RT @BlogTrends: Q4 What is scannable content? How can I write my posts to make them scannable? #blogtrends

Patrick Phillips @patricksplace

01:41 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:41 - 16 Apr 13

A4 I make my posts "scannable" by putting key sentences in boldface. For longer posts, I use sub-headings, too. #blogtrends

A4 Scannable content is "chunked," with subheadings that summarize paragraphs so you get the gist quickly. #blogtrends

Dave Herndon @NHDaveH

01:41 - 16 Apr 13

Amanda @ConfettiBlog

01:41 - 16 Apr 13

A4, subheads, but that's just sound journalism, not really "scanable content," #Blogtrends

A4 easy to read, clear breaks and headings, a nice and relevant photo is great too #Blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:42 - 16 Apr 13

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:42 - 16 Apr 13

A4 For example, if you have tips, the subheading above indicates that. So people can scan right to the juicy stuff if they want. #blogtrends

A4 - Readers are busy & have short attention spans (thanks to Twitter)! Make sure a reader can "scan" your post and get the gist #blogtrends

Jen Jeffery @HouseOfJeffers

01:43 - 16 Apr 13

Alycia @thecuriouspug

01:44 - 16 Apr 13

Q4 Scannable content draws the eye in, and calls out copy/content. Almost like doing all the work and guiding readers. #blogtrends

A4 i didn't know that's what it was called, but i do know that I like to read posts like that :) #blogtrends

Courtney @msfemminista

01:44 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:45 - 16 Apr 13

A4: Keep magazines in mind. Layout, headings and font is important to keeping your content readable. #blogtrends

A4 Scannable content are those posts that peak your interest through an eye catching picture, headings and succinct pointers #BlogTrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


nikkiana @nikkiana

01:45 - 16 Apr 13

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:45 - 16 Apr 13

A4: It strains the eyes to have to read through long paragraphs. It's more inviting to keep them short. #blogtrends

A4 Infrographics definitely get the job done through a combination of both. #BlogTrends

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:45 - 16 Apr 13

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:46 - 16 Apr 13

A4: Making your post scanable is about the words photos and more. Making it easily identifiable and easy to pick out is key. #blogtrends

And they are great for Pinterest RT @laceandzippers: A4 Infrographics definitely get the job done through a combination of both. #BlogTrends

Kelley @KpSittingPretty

01:47 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:47 - 16 Apr 13

A4: I think of it like a "grab"able snap shot a reader can pick out/remember easily. Attention grabbing tidbits. #blogtrends

A4 When all else fails, GOOGLE! Google "writing for the web," or "scannable content." You'll find plenty of instruction. #blogtrends

Lace and Zippers @laceandzippers

01:48 - 16 Apr 13

Chasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy

01:48 - 16 Apr 13

A4 Orientation of the content is also important. Don't be afraid to mix up the fonts, placement of info and the general flow #BlogTrends

A4. I like to use bullet points, lists, and bold font to make my posts more scan-able. #BlogTrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:49 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:51 - 16 Apr 13

A4 Another critical thing: best readability: black text on white background. Bigger, rather than smaller fonts. #blogtrends

A4 Don't use script fonts for body copy online. It's terrible for readability. #blogtrends

Zobia @EternallyZobia

01:53 - 16 Apr 13

A4. I'd love to hear what others have to say. I'm clueless to SEO! #BlogTrends #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category



Answer 5
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1. gritandglamour 2. BlogTrends 3. DigitalKaitlyn 4. bloggingitfwd 5. HouseOfJeffers

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:51 - 16 Apr 13

Blog Trends @BlogTrends

01:51 - 16 Apr 13

RT @BlogTrends: Q5 Do you have any writing tips or tricks to increase my blogs SEO? #blogtrends

Q5 Do you have any writing tips or tricks to increase my blogs SEO? #blogtrends

Blogging It Forward @bloggingitfwd

01:52 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:52 - 16 Apr 13

A5 - Have a unique, descriptive title, and keywords in your first few sentences. Also, don't forget Alt Text for your pictures! #blogtrends

A5 Use keywords in the URL, H1 and H2 tags, and in the body. Have complete metadata. #blogtrends

Patrick Phillips @patricksplace

01:52 - 16 Apr 13

Courtney @msfemminista

01:52 - 16 Apr 13

A5 Wordpress SEO by Yoast plugin is easy to use and teaches you quite a bit about SEO. #blogtrends

A5: Write naturally and go back to optimize later. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

A5 Also name image files with keywords. #blogtrends

01:52 - 16 Apr 13

Kaitlyn Pierce @DigitalKaitlyn

01:53 - 16 Apr 13

I try to remember to do this RT @gritandglamour: A5 Also name image files with keywords. #blogtrends

Ashley @privateschprep

01:53 - 16 Apr 13

Katie Petix @KatiePetix

01:54 - 16 Apr 13

A5: write how you would talk and promote your posts #Blogtrends

A5 naming images with keywords has been huge for my traffic, such a quick and easy tip! #blogtrends

Clinton Wilmott @clintonwilmott

01:54 - 16 Apr 13

Jen Jeffery @HouseOfJeffers

01:54 - 16 Apr 13

A5 When you choose a topic to writing about do a little keyword research first to see what ppl are searching for. #blogtrends

A5 Pay attention to your search results & posts that drive traffic. It'll help you think of other related, SEO content. #blogtrends

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:55 - 16 Apr 13

Grit & Glamour @gritandglamour

01:56 - 16 Apr 13

A5 Never, ever aim for 300 words when it's unwarranted, just for SEO! Leverage your metadata instead. And keywords. #blogtrends

A5 If you want to remain under the radar, don't put your name in your image filename. You can never retrieve them from the Web. #blogtrends

Analysis of the session 'Blog Trends' created with Tweet Category


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