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Volume 13, Issue 6 February 26, 2013

THEME: Sharing Our Vision--Strengthening Our Society
We were saddened to hear of the passing of another sister from our Lambda Chapter. We will spend time at our March meeting paying tribute to Betty Durst. Please share your memories of Betty. Since our last meeting Jim and I have officially moved to Reedsburg. For the most part, we are all moved in. The farm is in the process of being sold. It will be a sad day for me when I leave the place where I have lived for the past 38 years. Lots of memories of my own and the Pauls family in that house. I really enjoy my new home, so all is well.

Delta kappa gamma international (sigma state)

Lambda Chapter News

Thanks to the Strategic Action Plan groups for meeting to create your action plans. The results will be presented at our next meeting. Those of us that participated feel that it is important for members to have a say in how we would like to go forward as a DKG chapter. The Executive meeting was held on January 22nd. The minutes are on page 4 of this newsletter. Lois Anderson Ursin and the Literary Competition Committee have been busy. Judging has been done, the first place books have to be scanned and then sent to Sigma State for judging. The reception for the top-prized books will be on March 21st, at Doudna Elementary. We will hear the first place winners read their stories at our April 4th meeting. I am amazed at the quality of the work produced by these kids. Thanks to Lois and her committee for all the work involved in this project. We did not hold a business meeting in December so the minutes of the November meeting need to be approved. Please refer to the December newsletter for these minutes. The Grandparents Reading Program is going strong. We appreciate the dedication the readers are giving to this program.

Next MeetingThursday, March 7th at Pippin Hall (5:00)

Barb Cody, President, Ph: 608 647-3733 or 608-475-3537

Please let Bev Harper know if you are not able to attend this meeting.

Lambda Treasurer's Report January 21, 2013

Beginning Balance 11/19/2012 $2,879.05 $987.85 $
$ $

Income Deposited Deposit-Refreshments (Nov. 3 x $3, Dec. 25 x $3) - 12/17/12 Deposit- Scholarship donations-12/17/12 Deposit-Scholarship donation-1/17/13 Disbursements Check 2403 Barbara Edwards (S. Garner flowers) Check 2404 Rebecca Circle (Dec. lunch, 28 x $3) Check 2405 Jim Brock (Dec. custodieal) Check 2406 (Richland County Campus Foundation scholarship) Check 2407 (DKG Soc. Intern'l website rental) Checkbook Balance (Richland Co. Bank) 01/21/2013 Certificates of Deposit Richland County Bank CD #4048490 1.50% APY, matures 06/28/2017 Grants in Aid Fd. CD #4048474 1.50% APY, matures 06/28/2017 Scholarship Fd. CD #4048482 1.50% APY, matures 06/28/2017 Scholarship Fd. Westby Co-op Credit Union (WCCU) SC#22204 .50 % APY, matures 09/21/2013 Ruth Dobbs Memorial Fund
Respectfully submitted, Jan Nowlen, Treasurer

853.85 50.00

$639.44 $ $ $ $ $ 9.44 84.00 10.00 500.00 36.00 $3,227.46 $ 6,128.20

$ 2,148.04 $ 1,007.47 $ 1,007.47

$ 1,965.22

December Door Prizes

Spring 2013 Lambda Calendar

March 7, 2013, 5:00 p.m. Pippin Hall, UW-R Campus: Carlettas Activity, Strategic Action Plans Presentations, Tribute to Betty Durst, Business Meeting Hostesses: Roxanne Kovars, Helen Nelson, Mary Stanek April 1, 2013, 4:30 p.m. Pippin Hall, UW-R Campus: Reception for Literary Contest Winners & their families, Students read their winning entries Hostesses: Kay Ziegahn, Judy Barnicle, Eileen Eberle May 2, 2013, 5:30 p.m. Peace United Methodist Church: Speaker: Ellen LindeenTanzania Hostesses: Julie Lewis, Jean Birkett, Rachel Corey Call or email Bev Harper if you cannot attend the December meeting by Sunday, March 3rd 583-4742 or If you cannot be a hostess on the meeting assigned, please contact Carole Troxel 647-7818.

Additional Dates to Remember

Carletta Heides Scanarama Tuesday, July 23rd
Get your photos scanned and enjoy visiting with your sisters. More details in later newsletters

2013 Sigma State Convention: April 19-21, 2013 Raddison Hotel, 200 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI
(Please make hotel and convention reservations by March 15th)

Delta Kappa Gamma Society Northwest Regional 2013 Convention: July 31-August 3, 2013 Cheyenne, Wyoming Find more information online at:
3 Volume 13, Issue 6

Lambda Executive Board Minutes

The Executive Board of Lambda Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met Tuesday January 22, 2013 at the home of Jane Bellman. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by President Barb Cody. Present: Sue Tatar, Jean Birkett, Jan Nowlen, Jane Bellman, Barb Cody, Carletta Heide, and Eileen Eberle. The Literary Contest dates and activities were discussed. Sue Tatar is to MC the reception; Carletta Heide is in charge of the publicity and the refreshments, Barb Cody is to copy the books for the reading of the winners at our April meeting, the judges signed up at the December meeting and are to get the books for judging on February 18th, Lois Anderson Ursin is to get the winning books to the state, and all are to assist at the reception. Cookies will be needed for this. At the March 7th meeting the 4 groups will report their strategic action plans. Each group will have 7 to 10 minutes to present their report. The 4 groups are to meet by mid-February and get their results to Barb Cody and Kay Ziegahn by February 20th. The different SAP groups are: Communication, Sisterhood, Membership, and Branding. The Reading Grandparents Program in 2 school districts continues to thrive. The Lambda Chapter and Richland Home, Community, and Education work together on this community volunteer program and we are planning a get-together for the 2 groups, so we can become better acquainted. Sue Tatar, Jane Bellman, and Eileen Eberle are to work on this. We want to get out publicity on this program and create an awareness of this program. A Technology Committee was formed to keep our organization active in the different areas: Scanning, Carletta Heide; Web pages, Barb Edwards; Newsletter, Barb Cody; and Loretta McCarthy and Jill Vestuto also on this committee. The dates for the next years meetings were set as follows: September 12,2013 March 6,2014 October 3,2013 April 3,2014 November 7,2013 May 1,2014 December 5,2013 Carletta Heide has volunteered to hold a Scanarama on July 23, 2013 from 10:00-4:00. The meeting place is yet to be determined. Members can come anytime within these hours to use Carlettas scanning equipment. We are hoping many will also join us for lunch. The basket from Lambda Chapter for the state conference will have the theme of Quilting. Barb Cody has a basket and members having items to donate with this theme would be greatly appreciated. Carletta Heide had many ideas for themes and this one was selected for 2013. We are in need of a Second Vice-president. The board is distributing the duties of the office so the President is not overwhelmed with the duties. Please notify Barb Cody of any illness of a member or concerns we need to know of any of our families. She will get the information to Nancy Clausius, our sunshine lady. An Initiation Committee was set up and members of this will be the Past President and the Vice-President, and any others they recruit. Sheets were distributed on volunteerism in helping beginning teachers. This includes mentoring, aiding in certification, teachers boxes, reading grandparents program, etc. These sheets need to be filled out and returned to the president. The motion to adjourn at 11:55 by Jean Birkett, 2nd, and carried. President Barb Cody adjourned the meeting. By Recording Secretary of Lambda Chapter of DKG Eileen Eberle
4 Volume 13, Issue 6

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