Wolfe Study Abroad Scholarship Application Form: Grants & Scholarships

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Wolfe Study Abroad Scholarship Application Form

Fall 2009 Application Form
1. Full Name: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. E-mail address: ________________________ 3. Alternate e-mail address: ___________________ 4. Cell phone: ___________________________ 6. High School: _________________________ 5. Local phone: ____________________________ 7. Hometown Newspaper: _____________________ 9. County: _________________________

8. City/State of High School: _______________________

10. Major(s): _____________________________ 11. Minor(s): _______________________________ 12. Check your current rank: Sophomore Junior Senior

13. Cumulative GPA: ______________ 14. Name of Study Abroad Program: ____________________________________________________ 15. Country of Study Abroad Program: ___________________________________________________ 16. Check the quarter/s you will be studying abroad: WI 2010 SP2010 WI & SP2010

17. Previous overseas experience(s) and length of stay(s): _________________________________________________


Yes, I give permission to use my name in publicity materials in the event that I am a Wolfe Scholarship recipient. I affirm that the information I have provided on this application form and any additional material that I submit to the Wolfe Study Abroad Scholarship competition at the Office of International Affairs is complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that furnishing false or incomplete information on any part of this application or related materials may result in disciplinary action under the Administrative Code of The Ohio State University. In countries under a current Department of State Travel Warning, undergraduate students cannot use scholarship awards for study abroad programs and/or individual international projects outside of venues approved by Ohio State. Graduate and professional students may petition the Study Abroad Health and Safety Committee for approval a minimum of three months prior to proposed travel. For further information, please contact Grace Johnson (Johnson.136@osu.edu) at the Office of International Affairs. Date ___________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Please address the following questions using the space provided below: 1. Describe the relevance of this particular study abroad program to your academic and professional goals. Be specific.

2. How and in what academic, cultural, educational, and financial ways are you preparing yourself for your upcoming international experience?

3. It is an expectation that OIA Study Abroad scholarship recipients will serve as campus ambassadors for study abroad and international education upon their return. Please describe how you will contribute to the expansion and access of study abroad for other Ohio State students upon your return.

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