A Letter From Mark: A Quarterly Newsletter For The Global Product Committee

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



A Letter from Mark

Dear Friends, Five weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Beirut, discussing and evaluating work alongside some of the brilliant leaders of Leo Burnetts Middle East & North Africa region. It was an inspiring week, filled with candid debate and good company, and the entire 2Q12 GPC team relished our time in Lebanon. Beirut is an astonishing place that confounds expectations, a vibrant creative hub filled with cosmopolitan people who have a wealth of life experience and a truly unique perspective on the world around them. The city has an ancient heritage as well as a modern mentality, and multiple languages and traditions coexist to form the rich cultural mosaic that is Lebanese society. There is something timeless about Lebanon and its people, who have endured centuries of turbulence and uncertainty but have never let events overwhelm their passions or identities, or stifle their love of ideas, their taste for high fashion, or their ambition to transcend limitations and borders. There is a lot we can learn from our friends in Beirut, and Im delighted that the GPC finally had an opportunity to visit one of the Leo Burnett networks most celebrated offices, in one the oldest and greatest cities of the world.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



A Haul of Lions
The great Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran once wrote that progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. Every year I find myself reflecting on our progress as a company as I depart Cannes in late June. Beyond its role in honoring the great work produced over the past year, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity also offers up a tantalizing glimpse into the world that lies ahead. Cannes is both a barometer that charts the health of our industry, and a showcase of future-facing thinking that helps determine how we must reinvent ourselves each year to meet the challenges of tomorrows world. We cannot simply refine the skills we have and expect that to suffice: we must also embrace new ways of thinking and adapt to new tools and mediums. Our business is changing as communication evolves. Cannes offers us an honest assessment of where we stand in relation to our competitors, and also shows us that a future we can barely imagine is much closer than we think. This year, Im proud to say that the Leo Burnett global network won the largest number of Lions it has ever won at Cannes. Our previous record was an impressive 52 Lions in 2010, but this year, the network won a total of 55 coveted Lions, a remarkable achievement that highlights our global creative prowess. We were awarded 9 Gold, 16 Silver, and 30 Bronze Lions, and we also had a record 173 pieces shortlisted, across a range of categories and communication channels. 22 different offices contributed to this total, demonstrating the depth and breadth of our talent around the world. Leo Burnett offices from Milan, Detroit, Shanghai, Sydney, Beirut, New York, Melbourne, Zurich, Bangkok, Toronto, Seoul, Tokyo, Colombo, Mumbai, Warsaw, So Paulo, Bogota, Singapore, Brussels, Dubai, Chicago, and Lapiz all won Lions in 2012. There were highlights every night, but Im particularly proud of the fact that the iconic Bundy Rum Watermark campaign that LB/Sydney produced for Diageo, which won a Gold PR Lion in 2011, was awarded a Gold Creative Effectiveness Lion in 2012. Thats two years in a row that Leo Burnett offices have won Gold Creative Effectiveness Lions, testifying to the fact that our finest creative work, rooted in brilliant strategic thinking and executed with impeccable craftsmanship, inevitably results in strong business growth for our most important clients. Its also hugely encouraging that we won two Gold Lions for Branded Content and Entertainment in the categorys inaugural year at the festival. This is arguably the most exciting and future-facing field. We are no longer in the business of advertising at consumers: we are peoples partners in their ongoing quest to find compelling content that entertains and inspires them. The ability to curate creativity is becoming as important as the ability to produce original content, and two Gold Lions in this category means were on the right track. Its clear from our performance at Cannes that were firing on all cylinders, and our HumanKind philosophy is helping to push the needle forward for the entire industry. We are poised and ready for what comes next. Im very proud of everyone who poured blood, sweat, and tears into our product to get these results, and I want to thank you for all your hard work. Each year, we are taking the necessary steps to advance towards the lofty goal our founder laid down so many years ago: best in the world, bar none. In 2012, we took home the largest haul of Lions in company history. This new benchmark is a sign of progress, and I hope in the years to come we continue to break our own records as we pursue the greatness that is our birthright as part of Leo Burnett Worldwide.
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Now that Cannes is over, we must return to the work at hand with renewed energy. Although our record-breaking success at the festival this year was hard won, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. It is one thing to reach the giddy heights of our profession, and something else entirely to stay up there, where the air is thin and where the view is dizzying. It is a constant battle to overcome the complacency that accompanies success which sets the truly great apart from everyone else. Success must become something we practice routinely until it becomes a habit we come to expect. I ask you all to savor this moment, to celebrate your Lions and those of your colleagues, to praise your teams, and to reflect on all that it took to get us here. Lets use this success as an inspirational springboard to get back to work. The campaign for Cannes 2013 starts today. A great example of an agency with this singular focus is Leo Burnett/Beirut. In 2009, at Cannes, Beirut won the first Gold Lion ever awarded to a Lebanese agency for their brilliant Khede Kasra campaign for the Hariri Foundation. In 2011, they won a Silver Lion for their Fake it All campaign for the Brand Protection Group. The team regarded these accomplishments not as an end, but as a beginning, the start of a new chapter, and began their work rejuvenated, with the expectation that they would win another Gold Lion in 2012. Their relentless drive paid off, as last week, Leo Burnett/Beirut won a Gold PR Lion, two Silver Lions and two Bronzes for their phenomenal No Rights No Women campaign, and the agency also picked up another Lion for work featured in the following pages. This is an agency committed to producing great work, and they do an excellent job of taking advantage of every opportunity that comes across their desks. They are passionate about what they do, and they are hungry for the kind of sustained success that the worlds best agencies enjoy. Its a credit to their leadership team that theyve improved upon their performance at Cannes last year, and I hope to see them on stage at Cannes again next year and in the years to come, earning further recognition for the outstanding work they are producing. Please take a look at some of Leo Burnett/Beiruts amazing work in the pages that follow. We were delighted to award the agency with only the second 9-Ball the GPC has ever bestowed, for their inspiring campaign A Bet for A National Conscience created by former CCO Farid Chehab. This HumanKind campaign that has the potential to change an entire countrys fortunes, and its wonderful that Leo Burnett is the driving force behind it. The 2Q12 8-ball gallery is also full of Cannes Lion winners from around the world, and this quarters 7+ collection features a range of intelligent, well-crafted work. Please spend some time, as the GPC did, marveling at the creative output of our company and the talented people we have working under the Leo Burnett banner. On behalf of all the 2Q12 GPC delegates, I want to extend a deep thank you to Carol Hanna, Hala Akiki and the whole team at LB/Beirut for being amazing hosts, and I also want to thank LB/MENAs CEO Raja Trad for making this GPC possible. A special thank you also goes to Bechara Mouzannar, the CCO of LB/MENA, who repeatedly went out of his way to provide all of his guests with an immersive experience of his country. Bechara served as an incomparable tour guide, offering up insightful commentary and providing us with a window into the rich history of Lebanon. His generous hospitality went above and beyond what anyone expected, to the point where years from now it will became the stuff of legend. All of us departed Beirut deeply appreciative of our shared experience. All in all, its been a marvelous few weeks, and the future looks bright indeed. Kind regards,

Mark Tutssel Chief Creative Officer Leo Burnett Worldwide


HumanKind aims to add something to peoples lives.



a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



The 2Q12 Global Product Committee Starting from Scratch: ReBoot Bechara Mouzannar: Not All Who Wander Are Lost Farid Chehab Comes Full Circle The 2Q12 9-Ball Gallery The 2Q12 8-Balls The 2Q12 7+ Gallery 6 7 8 9 10 11 24

Conferences are often valuable, and it is not necessarily true that five people in a room are five times as stupid as any one of them, but the only creative conference worth a damn, in my opinion, is one in which everybody in the room starts from the same base of fact, a consuming appetite for ideas, no matter how wild they may first appear, and a humble respect for them. I have learned that producing outstanding ads is a process of profligate wastefulness of peoples time, skills, and sometimes their feelings.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



The 2Q12 Global Product Committee

Clockwise, from left to right: Bechara Mouzannar (LB/MENA), Raja Trad (LB/MENA), Pawel Heinze (LB/Warsaw),
Peter Kacenka (LB/Slovakia), Mohamed Fouad (LB/Cairo), Per Erik Jarl (LB/Oslo), Areej Mahmoud (LB/Beirut), Rich Stoddart (LB/Chicago), Ahmed Hussain (LB/Cairo), Nabil Rashid (LB/Dubai), Jean Traboulsi (LB/Dubai), Grisha Sorokin (LB/Moscow), Mark Tutssel (LB/Worldwide), Cristiano Tonnarelli (LB/Milan), Nada Abisaleh (LB/Beirut), Carol Hanna (LB/Beirut), Paulo Dematteis (LB/Milan), Rosalie Geier (LB/Chicago), Hala Akiki (LB/Beirut), Farid Chehab (LB/MENA), Fuad Ahmad (LB/Bangkok), Peter Bidenko (LB/Dubai), Haakon Dahl (LB/Oslo), Jennifer Skidgel (LB/Chicago), Anja Radulovic (LB/Belgrade)

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



Starting from Scratch

Sometimes you just need to start over. Throw out the rule book, discard everything you think you know, and begin with a blank sheet of paper and an open mind. Wipe the slate clean. Too often in our business we make the choice to simply follow formulas, to take the path of least resistance and accept the dubious briefs were handed without fighting for anything more. The easiest way to produce forgettable work is to simply do whats expected of us, to go through the motions and let the machine crank out something safe, familiar, and predictable. Beset with deadlines, hemmed in by research, and tasked with delivering something on a budget that clients will actually buy, inertia almost always prevails. Without a time and space to really give new ideas and fresh approaches an honest hearing, we tend to fall back on what we know, and ultimately end up with the safe media buy, the clichd product demo, and the tried and tested techniques that have worked since time immemorial. We end up doing uninspired work. This is why the Global Product Committee is initiating the ReBoot Series. Quarter after quarter, year after year, the GPC has observed that a certain stagnation occasionally seems to set in on any given account. Its a perfectly understandable situation, but without some external impetus to shake up the complex web of egos, relationships, and attachments knotted up around a piece of business, the problems will likely become more entrenched, and fresh ideas will find no inroads in. The business may be fine, and the advertising may be working, but that does not mean that we cannot do better. The GPC believes that every brand team should have a periodic opportunity to examine its brand anew, stripped of all its scaffolding, and regarded like a shiny piece of new business that our agency would like to befriend for the first time. If you were pitching to this client for the first time, would you present to them the work that youre doing now? Maybe so, but it cant hurt to spend a weekend, a day, or maybe just a few hours examining your brand with new eyes. Strip away all your premises and look at it with a fresh perspective. Invite random people in to reconsider its purpose. ReBoot it, and see what makes it tick. Replenish your idea pool by contemplating alternative possibilities. Recharge, rejuvenate, and reset. The ReBoot Series will give brand teams the opportunity to restructure platforms, reappraise strategies, and consider ways to buck convention. Without this series, its likely that our communication calcifies into predictable campaigns, and our daily work becomes replication instead of creation. Perhaps the ReBoot Series will simply be an hour spent throwing out half-formed ideas that could never work. Perhaps nothing usable will emerge, and we will return back to our previous approach with a renewed appreciation for the status quo. Thats fine. But there is always the potential that we stumble upon something profound, or something brilliant or even just more fun, and if we dont make space for this kind of open reappraisal of ourselves, we are not fully serving our clients or their brands. We are launching the ReBoot Series in the second half of 2012. Its coming soon to an office near you.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



Bechara Mouzannar: Not All Who Wander Are Lost

In the middle of a Rio de Janeiro street at night, just behind Copacabana, a Lebanese traveler is being held at knife-point by a gang of Brazilian men demanding all his money. Surrounded by hostile faces and with a blade placed flush against his throat, there is no escape available, no hero waiting to intercede, and no possibility of any outcome that defies the harsh and unforgiving reality of favela life. The blade is pressed against his chin and above him looms a hard and threatening face indifferent to his fate. At this moment, with his life in the balance, the man opens his mouth and begins to sing: Tristeza no tem fim, felicidade sim. A felicidade como uma gota de orvalho numa petala de flor.... The first phrases of the iconic Brazilian love song A Felicidade pour out of him, and the blade drops from his throat as his surprised captors stare astonished at the man singing his heart out in Portuguese. The cloud of danger suffusing the moment drops away, and is replaced with sudden good humor at the unexpected turn of events. The knife is pocketed, and the men surrounding the traveler begin to laugh, and they join in and sing the songs last refrain together: A Felicidade como uma pluma, que o vento vai levando pelo ar... The man looks out at the group and they look back at him, with newfound respect and curiosity, and when he offers them his money they refuse to take it. In a few minutes he will depart the scene unscathed, with his wallet intact, and with new friendships made in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world. They have recognized in each other a shared humanity, and they part ways with blessings and good wishes all around. This is a true story from the life of Bechara Mouzannar, a man of profound depth who navigates the world with a studied grace that colors all of his interactions. Bechara serves as Leo Burnetts Chief Creative Officer for the Middle East & North Africa, overseeing the work of multiple offices in the region. A 2009 graduate of Michael Conrads Berlin School of Creative Leadership, Becharas long and storied career in advertising over two decades has made him one of Leo Burnetts most highly regarded global creative leaders. He has been an ardent champion of the work from the Middle East for years, and under his leadership, the offices in LB/MENA are rapidly ascending the global creative rankings. Beyond his invaluable contributions to the Leo Burnett brand, Bechara is also a devoted family man, and the proud owner of a formidable film collection of over 8000 movies culled from video stores across the planet. Bechara is so much more than an ad man. He is a connoisseur of art and beauty, a scholar of history, a rich repository of culture and ideas, and an avid traveler who bridges seemingly impossible gulfs with unassuming grace, a gifted tongue, and a refined mind.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



Farid Chehab Comes Full Circle

My name is Farid Chehab, and I am from the past. This self-effacing proclamation at the beginning of the 2Q12 GPC drew laughs from the group, most of whom have known the silver-haired gentleman in the corner of the room for many years. While he has transitioned from his role as the Chief Creative Officer of Leo Burnetts Central Europe, Middle East, & Africa region (CEEMEA) into semi-retirement, Farid was invited to participate in the 2Q12 GPC because he is a celebrated authority on creativity, and because he has lobbied for a GPC in his hometown of Beirut for many years. Farids experience is invaluable, his perspective is unique, and when he grips a microphone and lets loose on the merits or flaws of any given piece of work, its clear that he is far more than just a quirky voice from yesteryear. Farid offers cutting and insightful critiques, with a brutally eloquent honesty that is one of his trademarks. He is never shy about offering his opinions, and his outspoken assertions have long been a highlight of GPC debates. As the cofounder of H&C Leo Burnett/Beirut in 1974, he is a legend in his own right, and indisputably one of the greatest ad men the Middle East has ever produced. What does one do for a second act, after a long and illustrious career at Leo Burnett? Farid chose to write a compelling book entitled A Bet For A National Conscience, and has invested time and energy in fostering a dialogue about the future of the Lebanese people. In his book, he puts forward market-based solutions to some of Lebanons ongoing problems, and the book serves as both a challenge issued to the Lebanese people and a call to arms for those occupying positions of influence to begin a vast series of projects that have the potential to remake the countrys civil society. It makes a brilliant case for change, and through Farids charisma, connections, and the strength of his ideas, the book has already begun to bear fruit. Below is a short passage from his book (available for free online at pari-rihan.org in French, English, & Arabic) where Farid reflects on the motivations underlying his writing. Someone once told me that a man needs three things to be happy: start a family, build a house, and write a book. I would add a fourth prerequisite to reach happiness: giving back. Giving back to society what it generously gave to you. This is probably what pushed me to finally write this book... ...Each of us, in our search for happiness, has a duty to give back: the industrialist through initiatives to help the environment he destroys, the researcher through life-saving discoveries, the philosopher, with new concepts in a distraught world searching for new answers. If this book is able to move our destinies forward, it would be wonderful. At the very least, it will have made me a little bit happier and appeased my conscience.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e



ball gallery

Leo Burnett Beirut A Bet For A National Conscience

Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Integrated

Lebanon has been continually plagued with political unrest for decades. Multiple wars and regional conflicts have hindered the nations economic progress and development, and the countrys government has struggled to effectively serve a diverse population comprised of many different social and religious groups, each with different agendas and concerns. In the face of constant upheaval, and without a common national objective to rally around, the Lebanese people have lost faith in their politicians, and have trouble envisioning Lebanons long term future. With the intention of changing this mentality, and enacting alternative solutions to the countrys problems, Leo Burnett MENAs chairman Farid Chehab authored a book entitled A Bet for A National Conscience, in which he puts forth ideas designed to help the country develop a federative economy. The widespread interest in the interactive book (available for free online in Arabic, English, and French) started a national conversation, and the ideas and proposals suggested by Farid Chehab quickly became the basis of a much larger initiative. The book helped bring together some of the countrys top entrepreneurs and business people to form a Civic Influence Hub, which serves as a committee with the economic power, vision, and connections to begin working on huge public projects designed to improve the countrys long term economic health. By bypassing all the problems involved in dealing with a gridlocked government, the Civic Influence Hub can work efficiently on public projects without being subjected to political pressures. Farids book has initiated a new chapter for the Lebanese people, and this brilliant 9-ball integrated campaign has the potential to markedly change the future of Lebanon.


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The Village Voice New York Types

Leo Burnett / New York City Category: Promo & Activation (Cannes Gold Branded Entertainment Lion)

The Village Voice is legendary publication with a reputation for capturing and delivering the real, uncensored voice of New York City. To emphasize this heritage, and re-establish the Village Voice as the citys go-to source of arts and culture, LB/New York City created New York Writes Itself, a crowd-sourced content platform designed as a place for New Yorkers to write down the amazing things they see and hear on the streets of NYC every day. By capturing and sharing these impressions, New Yorkers could see their observations transformed into editorial and creative content. The first execution in this campaign was a letterpress art exhibition in which the citys leading letterpress artists brought real words heard on the streets of New York City to life, letter by letter. The exhibition was hosted at the Art Directors Club of New York and was a huge success, well-attended and publicized throughout the city in influential editorial channels like the New York Times. Due to the campaigns widespread popularity, the Village Voice has made New York Writes Itself into a permanent piece of the publications art and culture content. New components of this campaign are in progress and will appear in late 2012 and beyond.

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La Sexta Alcatraz Delivery
Leo Burnett / Madrid Category: Promo & Activation To promote the show Alcatraz on Spanish TV channel La Sexta, Leo Burnett Iberia created a food delivery service that let people sitting in the comfort of their own homes experience a little taste of prison life. Anyone who ordered food from Alcatraz Delivery was greeted at their front door by a convict, accompanied with a police officer, who handed over a meal along with impeccably designed prisonthemed paraphernalia promoting the show. Online and offline components helped make this campaign a hugely successful PR coup for La Sexta, and made the premier of Alcatraz one of the most watched shows of the TV season in Spain.

Switzerland Tourism Weather Prophet - Ant Hill

Leo Burnett / Zurich Category: Film

Martin Horat is a real, authentic Swiss Weather Prophet, who has built a large following in Switzerland for his annual proclamations that detail what kind of year lies in store for the Swiss people. Will it be a long winter or will it rain early? Martin gleans information by shaving cows skulls, observing field mice, tasting snow, and in this funny spot from Leo Burnett Zurich, he divines a great winter ahead, which he foresees through a masterful act of ant-whispering. The charms of Switzerland have never been more readily apparent. Book your trip now.


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Coca-Cola - Coke Studio Sounds of Happiness Calendar

Leo Burnett / Mumbai Category: Design

The Coke Studio TV program features performances from a wide variety of Indian musicians, each a distinct articulation of Indias rich musical heritage. To promote the show, Leo Burnett Mumbai designed a beautiful direct mail piece, a 12-month Sounds of Happiness calendar where each month is represented by a Coke bottle filled with distinctive elements that capture the sounds of each month of the year in India. Every bottle was a functional musical instrument, a rhythmic shaker that could be played by its recipients. Calendars were sent to select musicians who made these percussion instruments into a hot topic throughout Indias music industry. The calendar brought out the sounds of happiness for music lovers everywhere, and built publicity for Coke studio.

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McDonalds Family Time Forever

Leo Burnett / Dubai Category: Integrated

McDonalds has always been a family-oriented restaurant focused on providing simple, easy meals that both parents and kids can enjoy. In a city with a growing number of workaholics, Leo Burnett Dubai asked people an important question: what happened to family time? The campaign was launched around a beautiful TV spot featuring children boldly striding into offices and reclaiming their parents from meetings and cubicles, pulling them away from their office responsibilities and into a McDonalds to share a meal. A variety of channels were used to amplify this message, posing the same poignant question to people about their work/life balance. Outdoor posters written in a childs stilted script posed requests like: Mr. CEO, please send daddy home before bedtime. Ambient executions placed children with microphones in office lobbies petitioning their parents to take some time off. Tray liners at McDonalds restaurants were printed with a parents report card where kids could grade their parents on their attendance at family events. Each execution helped emphasize McDonalds positioning as a family restaurant where children and parents could come together to celebrate lifes most important relationships. McDonalds. Family Time Forever.


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Qingcongquan Autism Foundation The Distance Between Mother And Child

Leo Burnett China / Shanghai Category: Design (D&AD Yellow Pencil for Spatial Design)

On April 2nd, World Autism Day, Shanghais QingCongQuan Autism Foundation launched an exhibition of living sculptures in Shanghais Central Library to raise public awareness of the plight of Chinese families with autistic children. The sculpture contains a mother and her child, both dressed entirely in black, sitting at each end of a 20-meter long, black netted cage, vividly presenting the psychological distance between the autistic child and its parents. Literature was disseminated, detailing the organizations work and the facts about the pervasiveness of autism in China. This exhibit generated widespread media coverage and helped bring autism out of the shadows and into the public light.


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Chulabhorn Hospital - Cancer Patients Department Hair for Hope

Leo Burnett / Bangkok Category: Integrated (Two Cannes Bronze Promo & Activation Lions)

Leo Burnett Bangkok wanted to help cancer patients in Thailand pay for expensive chemotherapy treatments. The agency enlisted a Thai artist who used hair lost from cancer patients to craft beautiful sculptures which became the basis of a Hair for Hope exhibit at a prominent Bangkok art gallery. These original art pieces were ultimately sold, with the proceeds helping to finance chemotherapy treatments for patients who could not afford to pay for them. This campaign helped save lives.

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Montblanc - Nicolas Rieussec Chronograph The Beauty of A Second

Leo Burnett / Milan Category: Integrated (Cannes Gold Direct Lion, Cannes Gold Branded Entertainment Lion, Cannes Silver Cyber Lion, Cannes Silver Promo & Activation Lion)

The Beauty of a Second is an international campaign created by Leo Burnett Milan to promote Montblanc chronographs, which were created to honor Nicolas Rieussec, the man who invented the original chronograph 190 years ago. The campaign idea was to create the worlds first 1-second long film festival, where people submitted 1-second videos celebrating the fragile beauty captured in just a single moment of time. The contest captivated peoples imaginations, and resulted in submissions from all over the world, making this initiative one of the most successful user-generated campaigns Leo Burnett has ever produced. The entries were hosted online and generated immense web traffic. Montblanc partnered with Vimeo to curate the submissions, and on the campaign site, viewers could compile and select second-long videos to create playlists, and add different original music scores to their collections. Noted filmmaker Wim Wenders served as the judge of the festival, selecting the winning entries, who received Nicolas Rieussec Chronographs as prizes. This campaign generated global publicity, and enhanced the publics awareness of Montblanc as one of the worlds most prestigious watchmakers.

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Montblanc - Nicolas Rieussec Chronograph Fonts

Leo Burnett / Milan Category: Design (One Show Design Gold Pencil for Craft Typography)

This typeface was designed as one component of Montblancs hugely successful Beauty of a Second campaign. Each letter is composed of one clock-face, representing various increments of time. This font was used in the cover design for the Beauty of a Second soundtrack album, and was also utilized in animation elements for the Beauty of A Second award ceremony.


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Fontegrafica S.R.L. Sabbatical Year

Leo Burnett / Milan Category: Design

If you could go on sabbatical anywhere in the world, where would you go? This is the concept behind Fontegraficas Sabbatical Year calendar, created by designer Azzura Bacchetta. The calendar chronicles a global trip, with each months unique imagery composed of the smells, icons, and colors of different nations and cultures. Each impeccably designed month showcases a wide array of the specialized printing techniques employed by Fontegrafica, a recognized global leader in the printing business.


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Fiat - Original Spare Parts Butler / Nurse / Clown

Leo Burnett / So Paulo Category: Print (Cannes Outdoor Bronze Lion)

Just one non-original part changes the whole story. Fiat. Original Parts. This is a classic example of the beautiful art direction Brazilian agencies are renowned for producing. These exquisitely designed posters for Fiat Original Spare Parts are the first installment of award-winning work from our new office in So Paulo, Leo Burnett Tailor Made.


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Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Catfish / Pig / Butterfly
Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Radio (Cannes Bronze Radio Lion - Best Scriptwriting)

Catfish SFX: Light music throughout. Voiceover: In what must be Mother Natures worst typo, a human was given a mere ten thousand taste buds, while a catfish received one hundred and eighty thousand, all over its body, making it basically a swimming tongue. Yet, what does the creature with more taste receptors than a food network studio audience get to start the night doing? Squirming through the foul tasting gauntlet of a river beds nether regions, while humans, who think that everything tastes like chicken, start the night with double distilled, red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum. Bundaberg Red. Its as smooth as life is rough. Pig SFX: Light music throughout. Voiceover: Did you know that pigs have twice as many taste buds as humans? But instead of reviewing inner city restaurants, these little piggies start the night staring down the barrel of another barrel of bitter tasting, tail-curling, unidentifiable slop. Fortunately, these greviously-overqualified waste disposal units cannot physically look up, for if they could, they would see that the farmer, who has ten thousand taste buds less than the creature he intends to baste in its own juices, starts that same evening sipping double distilled red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum. Bundaberg Red. Its as smooth as life is rough. Butterfly SFX: Light music throughout. Voiceover: Have you ever noticed how hesitant butterflies are to land? Its because they taste with their feet. Imagine walking to work and tasting everything you stepped on along the way. Yes, everyday is taste roulette for natures confetti. Add in a short life expectancy, and its little wonder that the butterfly ends each exhausting day with a bitter taste in its mouth. Meanwhile, we humans, whose taste buds have spent their day relaxing on a soft pink cushion, like overpriced jewelry, sip undeservedly on double distilled red gum treefiltered Bundy Red Rum. Bundaberg Red. Its as smooth as life is rough.


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Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Footy Dreams

Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Promo & Activation

To reach Bundys target audience of young men in an increasingly cluttered media landscape, Leo Burnett Sydney decided to attempt unlocking the worlds largest untapped vault of virgin media, by accessing mens dreams while they sleep. The agency was familiar with the scientific research indicating that it is possible to influence the content of dreams by feeding the mind messages prior to sleeping. Using this fact, and the insight that most Australian men grow up wanting to be legendary football players, LB/Sydney launched the worlds first branded dreamcasts, courtesy of Bundy rum. These recordings, which were released as free podcasts via the iTunes store, gave subscribers the opportunity to become football stars in their sleep. The dreamcasts offered a narrative structure that successfully infiltrated mens dreams, and within just a few weeks of launching this service on iTunes and an accompanying microsite, the Footy Dreams program had reached over 50,000 men. During the campaign, sales of Bundy rum grew by 6%. With this innovative new approach, Bundy bravely ventured where no brand has gone before: into the realm of dreams.


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Diageo - Johnnie Walker Keep Walking Lebanon - Nadine Labaki

Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Integrated

Johnnie Walker in Lebanon was looking to take the brands Keep Walking campaign line into the future. For the first time in its global history, Johnnie Walker selected a woman to serve as the brands spokesperson and as the embodiment of the Keep Walking ethos. Celebrated filmmaker Nadine Labaki has received international praise as a director, and her latest film Where Do We Go Now is a meditation on the uncertainty that helps characterize the Lebanese identity. Leo Burnett Beirut leveraged Nadines talent and her fame in a series of films and interviews that served as TV commercials and viral components of this campaign. Print ads and posters were also crafted, and the campaign became hugely popular in Lebanon and helped Johnnie Walker stake out new territory for the brand. Nadines artistry served as the campaigns centerpiece, and through a concerted PR effort, the brand increased its market share, grew its online community, and gained valuable advocates simply through an inspired choice of its spokesperson. Johnnie Walker. Keep Walking Lebanon.

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Diageo - Johnnie Walker

Keep Walking Lebanon / Nadine Labaki - On Set
Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Film

Diageo - Johnnie Walker

Keep Walking Lebanon / Nadine Labaki - On Screen
Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Film

This beautiful spot for Johnnie Walker shows Nadine Labaki on the set of one of her films, directing a crew of people as her voice narrates the journey that has taken her from relative obscurity to international acclaim. How does one overcome obstacles to achieve success as an artist? Nadine says that no matter where youre from, when you give a voice to your ideas, the whole world will listen. Walk with Nadine Labaki. Johnnie Walker Lebanon.

Premiering on New Years Eve, this second TV commercial for Johnnie Walker shows Nadine Labaki watching a screening of her hit film Where Do We Go Now in a public square in Lebanon, as she ruminates on the purpose underlying her aspirations as a filmmaker. Her movie tackles difficult subjects, and conveys a message about the need to coexist. Where do we go now? We decide. Walk with Nadine Labaki. Johnnie Walker Lebanon.

Diageo - Bundaberg Rum The Distillatorium

Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Promo & Activation

After the devastating Queensland floods of 2010-11, visits to the famous Bundaberg Rum distillery slowed to a crawl. Instead of waiting for regional tourism to pick up again, the brand created a traveling museum called the Distillatorium, which traversed the country on trucks and offered visitors an immersive experience celebrating Bundy Rums rich legacy as an Australian icon.


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Caf Super Brasil Read the Countrys Fortune

Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Integrated / Film

Throughout the Middle East, there is rich tradition of reading peoples fortunes based on the residue left in their coffee cups. Leo Burnett Beirut used this as the basis for an integrated campaign for Caf Super Brasil. The agency created the character of Abou Nazih, a butler in the government headquarters who could foretell the countrys near future based on the coffee cups of government officials. This topical campaign was hugely popular in Lebanon, and included multiple executions across a variety of channels.

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Switzerland Tourism Weather Prophet - Winter

Leo Burnett / Zurich Category: Film

Martin Horat returns in a second spot promoting Swiss Tourism. He predicts a glorious winter in Switzerland on the basis of the sweet tasting snow he clearly relishes. The use of an authentic Swiss weather prophet to promote the country as a tourist destination is a marked departure for the category, but one which has clearly resonated throughout Europe. Switzerland Tourism. Book your trip now.

Ceylon Newspapers - Mawbima Paper Flag

Leo Burnett / Colombo Category: Promo & Activation (Cannes Bronze Media Lion) This brilliant activation idea by Leo Burnett Colombo helped people celebrate Sri Lankas independence day. A large flag was printed on the back page of Mawbima, a national newspaper, along with simple instructions that directed people to cut around the image, instantly transforming the publication into a portable flag. Congratulations to Leo Burnett Colombo for winning Sri Lankas first ever Cannes Lions!


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Door Step School Ink Pad

Leo Burnett / Mumbai Category: Promo & Activation (Cannes Silver Media Lion)

The Door Step School is an NGO focused on increasing literacy in India. To promote recruitment to adult learning programs, Leo Burnett Mumbai used the most identifiable symbol of illiteracythe thumb impression-to help convey the joy of writing. The agency designed an ink pad that allowed illiterate individuals to print their name using thumb prints. A transparent sheet with cut-outs of the alphabets of Hindi (Devanagari script) was placed on top of the ink pad. When the thumb was pressed onto it, only the ink from the alphabet cut-out portion would get transferred onto the thumb. This simple device generated a 600% increase in enrollment.

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) - Earth Hour I WIll If You Will

Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Integrated

The challenge of Earth Hour 2012 was to go beyond the hour itself and encourage environmental activism that affects real change. To this end, Leo Burnett Chicago launched the I Will If You Will platform, a program that gives people the chance to dare friends and followers to commit to environmental action. The program allowed people to inspire each other, and resulted in increased engagement and awareness around Earth Hour 2012.

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BMW ITALY - MINI The Big Bluff

Leo Burnett / Milan Category: Integrated

In Italy, the Mini is one of the most sought-after first cars for young people. But the price of a Mini makes it an unaffordable dream, unless young people can convince their parents to buy the car for them. This campaign from Leo Burnett Milan uses this insight as the basis for a campaign that presents young people with a variety of approaches to use to convince their parents that they are worthy of a Mini. Ranging between insincere flattery to outright brown nosing, these approaches are communicated with a tongue-in-cheek attitude that fits Minis brand essence perfectly. Multiple executions across a range of communication channels help strengthen this idea that you can bluff your way to a Mini, if you play your parents just right. The beautiful crafting of this work and the strength of the underlying strategy help make this campaign stand out in a crowded car category.

General Motors - Cadillac V-Series The Perfect Storm - 4D Cinema

Leo Burnett / Dubai Category: Film (Cinema)

To dramatize the speed, power, and acceleration of the Cadillac V-Series, Leo Burnett Dubai created a cinematic experience for moviegoers. The people seated in the theater were treated to a blast of air courtesy of high powered fans when the Cadillac drove by in the visceral twister sweeping across the movie screen. This memorable experience perfectly conveys the brand character of Cadillacs finest cars.


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Effem Mexico - Lucas Native
Leo Burnett / Mexico City Category: Film A group of natives have captured two irreverent young teenagers in a jungle trap. When the leader of the natives demands Lucas candy, one of the captives slyly sells out his friend by telling the natives that if they want Lucas, his friend has some available. Meanwhile, he is dipping his own candy and savoring the strong and intense flavors. He watches as his friend is cut down and surrounded by the hostile natives, pausing to periodically suck on his Lucas candy as the natives tear apart his friend. Youre the intense type. Youre the Lucas type.

Amnesty International Captcha

Leo Burnett / Warsaw Category: Interactive

Leo Burnett Warsaw identified an opportunity to support human rights each time a computer asks you to verify that you are in fact a real person, and not a program or a machine. Recognizing the widespread use of captcha software, Leo Burnett created a captcha execution on behalf of Amnesty International that lets people sign human rights petitions each time a computer asks them to verify their humanity. This simple and intelligent interactive piece gathers data and enlists help on ongoing petitions while asserting that supporting human rights is a better proof of your humanity than typing distorted letters. Amnesty Captcha. Prove Your Humanity.


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McDonalds Parents Report Card
Leo Burnett / Dubai Category: Print As part of McDonalds Family Time Forever campaign, Leo Burnett Dubai created Parents Report Cards that served as tray liners in restaurants. The cards gave kids a chance to evaluate their parents on their punctuality and attendance at family events. McDonalds. Family Time Forever.

McDonalds Tastes of the World

Leo Burnett / Dubai Category: Film

This charming campaign from Leo Burnett Dubai promotes the McDonalds Tastes of the World menu by using the cinematic traditions and soap opera cliches found on screen in various parts of the world. This quirky and entertaining TV campaign is crafted beautifully, with an eye for detail and humorous premises.


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Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Print Catfish

Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Frames: Catfish / Butterfly / Pig

This campaign offers a master class in art direction. Copy: In what must be Mother Natures worst typo, a human was given a mere ten thousand taste buds, while a catfish received one hundred and eighty thousand, all over its body, making it basically a swimming tongue. Yet, what does the creature with more taste receptors than a food network studio audience get to start the night doing? Squirming through the foul tasting gauntlet of a river beds nether regions, while humans, who think that everything tastes like chicken, start the night with double distilled red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum. Bundaberg Red. Its as smooth as life is rough. Butterfly Copy: Have you ever noticed how hesitant butterflies are to land? Its because they taste with their feet. Imagine walking to work and tasting everything you stepped on along the way. Yes, everyday is taste roulette for natures confetti. Add in a short life expectancy, and its little wonder that the butterfly ends each exhausting day with a bitter taste in its mouth. Meanwhile, we humans, whose taste buds have spent their day relaxing on a soft pink cushion, like overpriced jewelry, sip undeservedly on double distilled red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum. Bundaberg Red. Its as smooth as life is rough. Pig Copy: Did you know that pigs have twice as many taste buds as humans? But instead of reviewing inner city restaurants, these little piggies start the night staring down the barrel of another barrel of bitter tasting, tailcurling, unidentifiable slop. Fortunately, these greviouslyoverqualified waste disposal units cannot physically look up, for if they could, they would see that the farmer, who has ten thousand taste buds less than the creature he intends to baste in its own juices, starts that same evening sipping double distilled red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum. Bundaberg Red. Its as smooth as life is rough.

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Rasayana Retreat Pig / Cow / Chicken

Leo Burnett / Bangkok Category: Print

This Thailand retreat specializes in cleanses and detox treatments for its guests. Natural Detox Treatments. Rasayana Retreat.


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Luerzers Archive Untouchable Covers

Leo Burnett / London Category: Print

Luerzers Archive is an advertising institution, a quarterly collection of the worlds best communication that is essential reading for anyone interested in creativity in marketing. Over the years, the magazine has developed a reputation around agencies as one of the most stolen publications in the world. To address this problem, Leo Burnett London devised a series of magazine covers that could be slipped on top of the latest edition of Luerzers and would render the magazines untouchable, keeping them safe from the pilfering hands of greedy agency people desperate for some fresh inspiration. These beautifully crafted covers keep the magazine from being nicked, because no one wants to be seen with a publication for self-professed cock experts.


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Raise the Roof Dog / Outside / Job

Leo Burnett / Toronto Category: Print (Cannes Bronze Outdoor Lion)

These beautiful, award-winning posters for Canadas Raise the Roof organization address the uncomfortable subject of teen homelessness. Designed to confront peoples prejudices and force them to question their assumptions, these exquisitely laid-out print pieces are well-written and have been crafted to perfection. Congratulations to LB/Toronto for winning a Bronze Outdoor Lion at Cannes for this work!


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Himaya Break the Silence

Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Integrated (Cannes Bronze PR Lion)

Himaya Repetition
Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Film

Lebanon has a very high percentage of children whove been the victims of sexual abuse. To shine a light on this taboo subject, Leo Burnett Beirut partnered with the organization Himaya to launch an integrated campaign that raised awareness of this problem in Lebanese society. Through impactful TV spots, print and ambient pieces, and a carefully orchestrated PR push, Leo Burnett Beirut helped create a national conversation around this topic, and encouraged people to call a hotline if they ever suspected a child was being abused. This campaign received a Bronze PR Lion at Cannes. Congratulations to LB/Beirut!

This powerful film for Himaya shows the same disturbing scene unfolding over and over again, as spectators sit in the darkness debating and whispering to each other about what they ought to do. The message is clear: if you know anything about the sexual abuse of a child, call Himaya immediately to report it. This awardwinning spot has helped initiate a national conversation on the subject of child sexual abuse.

Himaya Predator In The Park

Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Ambient Media

This ambient execution for Himaya dramatizes how predators can be all around you if youre not paying attention. A creepy mannequin is painted into a park scene, until passers-by note his presence and pick up some of the papers by his side, warning them of the presence of sexual predators in public parks in Lebanon. If youre not paying attention, the presence of this man might go unnoticed. Thanks to Leo Burnett Lebanon, both kids and parents will now be on the lookout for predators in the park.


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Center for the Protection of Childrens Rights Foundation Girl / Boy

Leo Burnett / Bangkok Category: Print

It never goes away. Help stop child abuse before it begins. 02-412-1195


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National Library Board of Singapore Emperors New Clothes / Little Red Riding Hood
Leo Burnett / Singapore Category: Print (Cannes Bronze Press Lion)

Let your imagination unfold. This beautiful print campaign for Singapores National Library Board uses a variety of different illustrative styles to show how a single story can be visualized in countless ways.

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Montblanc - Nicolas Rieussec Chronograph Flipbook
Leo Burnett / Milan Category: Design As part of Montblancs Beauty of A Second campaign, original flipbooks were created documenting some of the 1 second films that captured fleeting beauty.

Leo Burnett Warsaw All Year Pencils

Leo Burnett / Warsaw Category: Design

This self-promotional direct mail calendar from Leo Burnett Warsaw makes great use of Leo Burnetts iconic black pencil. 12 pencils represent the 12 months of the year, and the days of every month are notched along the side of each pencil, encouraging people to use the pencil each day and shave off a little more as you scribble and brainstorm for ideas. This elegant and well-designed pencil box is both an interesting DM gift and a great way to stimulate a conversation about the creative process. The agency also created a web platform that served as an online hub for people to submit the ideas they came up with while using their pencils. This well-conceived and executed idea does a great job of leveraging the rich history of the Leo Burnett brand and its iconography.


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Staedtler Church / Chair / Car

Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong Category: Print (Cannes Bronze Press Lion)

Where it begins. Staedtler. This beautiful print campaign distills the essence of the Staedtler brand into simple, stunning visuals that highlight the brands human purpose in the most extraordinary fashion. God is in the details. The Church execution above was featured on the cover of a special Cannes edition of TechnikArt magazine, and went on to win a Bronze Press Lion for Leo Burnett Hong Kong.


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Procter & Gamble - Max Factor Evil Eye
Leo Burnett / Beirut Category: Print All eyes will be on you. Smoky Eye Effect. Max Factor. The symbol of the eye in the middle of the palm is a well-known lucky charm in the Middle East, which protects you against envious looks. In Saudi Arabia, where this ad ran, all women are veiled and the eyes are the only visible facial feature.


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