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Contributed Paper

Effects of Illegal Harvest of Eggs on the Population

Decline of Leatherback Turtles in Las Baulas Marine
National Park, Costa Rica

Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, U.S.A.
†Department of Fisheries Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point,
VA 23062, U.S.A.
‡Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Ministerio de Ambiente y Energı́a, Apartado 10104-1000, San José, Costa Rica
§Department of Biology, Indiana-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499, U.S.A.

Abstract: Within 19 years the nesting population of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) at Parque
Nacional Marino Las Baulas declined from 1500 turtles nesting per year to about 100. We analyzed the effects
of fishery bycatch and illegal harvesting (poaching) of eggs on this population. We modeled the population
response to different levels of egg harvest (90, 75, 50, and 25%) and the effect of eradicating poaching
at different times during the population decline. We compared effects of 90% poaching with those of 20%
adult mortality because both of these processes were present in the population at Las Baulas. There was
a stepwise decline in number of nesting turtles at all levels of egg harvest. Extirpation times for different
levels of poaching ranged from 45 to 282 years. The nesting population declined more slowly and survived
longer with 20% adult mortality (146 years) than it did with 90% poaching (45 years). Time that elapsed
until poaching stopped determined the average population size at which the population stabilized, ranging
from 90 to 420 nesting turtles. Our model predicted that saving clutches lost naturally would restore the
population when adult mortality rates were low and would contribute more to population recovery when
there were short remigration intervals between nesting seasons and a large proportion of natural loss of
clutches. Because the model indicated that poaching was the most important cause of the leatherback decline
at Las Baulas, protecting nests on the beach and protecting the beach from development are critical for
survival of this population. Nevertheless, the model predicted that current high mortality rates of adults will
prevent population recovery. Therefore, protection of the beach habitat and nests must be continued and
fishery bycatch must be reduced to save this population.

Keywords: Costa Rica, Dermochelys coriacea, leatherback turtle, sea turtle, turtle egg harvest, turtle egg

Efectos de la Cosecha Ilegal de Huevos sobre la Declinación Poblacional de Tortugas Laúd en el Parque Nacional
Marino Las Baulas, Costa Rica
Resumen: A lo largo de 19 años, las poblaciones anidantes de tortugas laúd (Dermochelys coriacea) en el
Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas han declinado de 1500 tortugas anidantes por año a cerca de 100.
Analizamos los efectos de la captura incidental por pesquerı́as y la cosecha ilegal (captura furtiva) de huevos
de esta población. Modelamos la respuesta de la población a diferentes niveles de cosecha de huevos (90, 75,
50 y 25%) y el efecto de la erradicación de la captura furtiva en diferentes tiempos durante la declinación
poblacional. Comparamos los efectos de 90% de captura furtiva con los de 20% de mortalidad de adultos
debido a que ambos procesos estuvieron presentes en la población de Las Baulas. Hubo una declinación

Paper submitted July 3, 2007; revised manuscript accepted February 15, 2008.
Conservation Biology, Volume 22, No. 5, 1216–1224

C 2008 Society for Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.00987.x
Santidrián Tomillo et al. 1217

escalonada en el número de Tortugas anidantes en todos los niveles de cosecha de huevos. Los tiempos
de extirpación para los diferentes niveles de captura furtiva variaron entre 45 y 282 años. La población
anidante declinó más lentamente y sobrevivió más tiempo con 20% de mortalidad de adultos (146 años) que
con 90% de captura furtiva (45 años). El tiempo transcurrido hasta que cesó la captura furtiva determinó
el tamaño poblacional promedio en el que la población se estabilizó, variando entre 90 y 142 tortugas
anidantes. Nuestro modelo predijo que salvando las nidadas que se pierden naturalmente, las poblaciones
se restablecerı́an cuando las tasas de mortalidad fueran bajas y pudieran contribuir a la recuperación de la
población cuando hubiera intervalos cortos de remigración entre perı́odos de nidación y una alta proporción
de pérdida natural de nidadas. Debido a que el modelo indicó que la captura furtiva fue la causa más
importante de la declinación de tortuga laúd en Las Baulas, la protección de nidos en la playa y la protección
de playas ante el desarrollo son crı́ticos para la supervivencia de esta población. Sin embargo, el modelo
predijo que las altas tasas actuales de mortalidad de adultos evitará la recuperación de la población. Por lo
tanto, la protección de hábitat de playa y de nidos debe continuar y la captura incidental por pesquerı́as debe
disminuir para salvar a esta población.

Palabras Clave: captura furtiva de huevos de tortuga, cosecha de huevos de tortuga, Costa Rica, Dermochelys
coriacea, tortuga laúd, tortuga marina

Introduction Las Baulas: (1) the high rate of fisheries bycatch causes
mortality of turtles in the later life stages (Spotila et al.
On the basis of the principles of life-history theory 2000; Lewison et al. 2004b; Kaplan 2005) and (2) egg
(Stearns 1992), it is typically recommended that con- poaching results in mortality of early life stages (Pritchard
servation efforts focus on protection of late life stages 1996). Other threats include development on the nest-
of long-lived species and that management be directed ing beaches (Spotila & Paladino 2004; Clune 2005) and
to ensure the survival of late-stage juveniles and adult the more frequent occurrence of El Niño events since
animals (Crouse et al. 1987; Heppell et al. 1996). Never- 1980 (Saba et al. 2007). Thousands of seabirds (Lewison
theless, it is also acknowledged that protection of all life & Crowder 2003; Tuck et al. 2003), mammals (Lewison
stages is necessary for the survival of natural populations et al. 2004a), and sea turtles (Lewison et al. 2004b) are
(Congdon et al. 1993; Crouse 1999; Heppell et al. 2005). killed every year due to longlines and other fisheries in
The illegal harvest (hereafter poaching) of young and the world’s oceans. Bycatch of leatherback turtles in long-
adults is one of the greatest threats to the survival of lines and coastal gill-net fisheries is reducing their pop-
populations of plants and animals (Manel et al. 2002). ulations in the Pacific Ocean (Kaplan 2005; Lewison &
Poaching is related to population declines and high prob- Crowder 2007). In addition, annual mortality rate of nest-
ability of extinction across taxa. Intensity and duration ing leatherbacks at Las Baulas is 22% (Santidrián Tomillo
of poaching are both critical factors in the process of et al. 2007). This is considerably higher than the 11%
extinction (Kenney et al. 1995). estimated for the increasing population of leatherback
Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are long- turtles nesting at St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands (Dutton
lived vertebrates and are critically endangered (Hilton- et al. 2005).
Taylor 2000), especially in the eastern Pacific, where Poaching of turtle eggs at Las Baulas began in the 1950s
populations have declined greatly in the last 20 years (E. Rodrı́guez and T. Rosales, personal communication).
(Spotila et al. 1996, 2000). It is commonly accepted that There were only a few families living around the area
a species such as the leatherback cannot sustain any level between the 1950s and the 1970s that went occasionally
of harvest of adults and late juveniles in their populations to the beach and took 1–2 clutches of eggs for their own
(Congdon et al. 1993; Spotila et al. 1996). Nevertheless, consumption. We estimated that the level of poaching
population responses to heavy harvest on early stages at this time was <1%; therefore, the impact of poaching
have yet to be explored. on the population was very low. A road opened early in
Leatherback turtles that nest at Parque Nacional Marino the 1970s that facilitated beach access, and people soon
Las Baulas (PNMB) in Costa Rica are the last large nesting started to arrive from nearby villages and from more dis-
population of the species in the eastern Pacific. The to- tant locations, such as the cities of Santa Cruz and San
tal length of its 3 nesting beaches is 6 km, and the main José. A systematic system of poaching was well estab-
nesting beach is Playa Grande (3.6 km). The population lished by 1975. Poachers divided the beach into small
declined by 95% from the 1988–1989 nesting season to sections and removed 90% of eggs, and wholesalers trans-
the 2003–2004 season (Spotila et al. 1996, 2000; San- ported eggs by truck to big-city markets. Intense poach-
tidrián Tomillo et al. 2007). There are 2 main hypotheses ing lasted until 1991, when the park was established (San-
proposed to explain the decline of leatherback turtles at tidrián Tomillo et al. 2007). Thus, heavy poaching lasted

Conservation Biology
Volume 22, No. 5, 2008
1218 Illegal Harvest of Turtle Eggs

for 15–20 years. Beach protection was fully enforced after Table 1. Life table of a stable population of leatherback turtles
1993–1994, and poaching was reduced to <1% a year. calculated on the basis of reproductive characteristics of females that
nest at Las Baulas Park in Costa Rica and survival of their hatchlings.∗
We sought to assess the impact that high levels of egg
poaching over 15–20 years had on the leatherback pop- Average production
ulation nesting at Las Baulas. We ran simulations to test Turtle characteristic per female in a season
the response of a stable population to 90% poaching and
Number of eggs per clutch 62
examined in detail the effects of continuous poaching at Estimated clutch frequency 6.6
the 90% level, lower intensities of poaching, cessation Proportion of female embryos 0.75
of poaching, and relocation of eggs threatened by the Total female eggs produced 307
ocean. Then, we simulated the response of a stable pop- Emergence success 0.38
ulation to annual adult mortality in combination with the Female hatchlings emerged 117
Survival rate on the beach 0.87
other factors. Female hatchlings that 101
reach the water

Age Annual Annual Number of

Methods (years) survival fecundity individuals

Data and Model Assumptions 0 0.609 0 1000

1 0.609 0 609.0
We conducted interviews with the 4 oldest residents 2 0.609 0 370.9
(60 to over 80 years old) and reformed poachers (15) of 3 0.609 0 225.9
4 0.609 0 137.6
Playa Grande and the nearby town of Matapalo to reassess 5 0.609 0 83.8
the intensity of poaching since leatherback nesting was 6 0.609 0 51.0
discovered. From their descriptions of their activities, we 7 0.609 0 31.1
determined that poaching at the 90% level took place be- 8 0.609 0 18.9
tween the early 1970s and the time Las Baulas became 9 0.609 0 11.5
10 0.609 0 7.0
a national park in the early 1990s. Thus, we simulated 11 0.9 307 4.3
the response of a stable population to the effects of (1) 12 0.9 0 3.8
90% egg poaching, (2) 20% adult mortality, and (3) 90% 13 0.9 0 3.5
poaching and 20% mortality of adults. 14 0.9 0 3.1
We created a Leslie matrix for a stable population, built 15 0.9 307 2.8
16 0.9 0 2.5
on a life table similar to the one used by Spotila et al. 17 0.9 0 2.3
(1996) that included more recent data (Table 1). Average 18 0.9 0 2.0
number of eggs per clutch, estimated clutch frequency, 19 0.9 307 1.8
percentage of female hatchlings (Binckley et al. 1998), 20 0.9 0 1.7
emergence success, and survival of hatchlings on the 21 0.9 0 1.5
22 0.9 0 1.3
beach were derived from 2 data sets, one collected from 23 0.9 307 1.2
1993–1994 to 2006–2007 and the other, more detailed 24 0.9 0 1.1
set collected from 2004–2005 through 2006–2007. We 25 0.9 0 1.0
considered that 10% of eggs were lost every season ow- 26 0.9 0 0.9
ing to tidal inundation (Santidrián Tomillo et al. 2007). 27 0.9 307 0.8
We based estimated annual survival of adults (90%) on ∗ Age at first reproduction is 11 years and the remigration interval

a stable population of leatherback turtles (Spotila et al. between nesting seasons is 4 years.
1996). This survival rate is similar to the 89% for the nest-
ing population of leatherback turtles at St. Croix (Dutton
et al. 2005). We based age at sexual maturity (11 years)
on Zug and Parham (1996). Turtles were considered ju- fifth-time nesters. Therefore, in any season there were
veniles from the time hatchlings reached the water until turtles that came to nest in every nesting stage. We have
they reached sexual maturity. We calculated annual sur- not observed a turtle nesting for more than 5 seasons
vival of juveniles (60.9%) on the basis of the other values (an observation that may be due to the length of the
(Spotila et al. 1996). Population growth rate was zero. study). Thus, we considered only 5 nesting stages. We
Together the values we assigned to these variables pro- assumed an average remigration interval (time elapsed
duced a stable population. between 2 nesting seasons) of 4 years (Reina et al. 2002;
So that we could compare model results with what we Saba et al. 2007). Consequently, we assumed a reproduc-
observed on the beach, we examined the structure of tive life of 20 years (Hughes et al. 1996; Spotila et al.
the nesting population in detail. We divided nesting tur- 1996) and the same fecundity and survival at all nesting
tles into 5 nesting stages from first-time nesters through stages.

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Santidrián Tomillo et al. 1219

Simulations effect of egg relocation on each population and their re-

sponses to increased adult mortality.
We first simulated the effect on a stable population of
removing 90% of the eggs laid every year. We set the Nesting Population at Las Baulas
simulation to start with 1000 nesting turtles a year. We
looked specifically at the effect of egg poaching on the to- Details of field methodology are described in Reina et al.
tal number of nesting turtles and on the different nesting (2002). We individually marked leatherbacks with per-
stages. We calculated extirpation time for the population manent PIT (passive integrated transponder) tags every
at this level of poaching. Second, we ran the same sim- nesting season beginning in 1993–1994. We based esti-
ulation for poaching at 75%, 50%, and 25% levels and mates of the number of nesting turtles from 1988–1989
looked at the overall effect on the number of nesting tur- through 1992–1993 on the number of body pits (the dis-
tles per year. Then, we calculated extirpation time for turbed area of sand left after a turtle lays its eggs) counted
each poaching intensity. The population was considered (Reina et al. 2002; Santidrián Tomillo et al. 2007). We
extirpated at 10 or fewer nesting females per year. Third, recorded 100% of leatherbacks that nested at Las Baulas
we repeated the simulation at 90% poaching for a given by maintaining beach coverage (percentage of nesting
period of time after which poaching stopped. In that run leatherbacks identified each time they nest) at 90% (Reina
we reduced poaching to 50% in the first year that poach- et al. 2002). This coverage allowed us to identify every
ing stopped, 25% in the second and third years, and 0% nesting turtle at least once each season. We considered
in all years after the third. This followed how poaching a turtle to be a new recruit to the population if it was
was actually eradicated at Las Baulas (Santidrián Tomillo unmarked from 2000–2001, when enough seasons had
et al. 2007). We based the cessation of poaching at differ- passed since saturation tagging started.
ent times in the simulation on the characteristic stepwise
decline that occurred in the first simulation at the 90%
level of poaching. To determine the response of the pop-
ulation to a removal of the human predation pressure on Effects of Egg Poaching
the eggs, in these simulations poaching ceased when the
number of nesting turtles dropped for the first, second, The model showed a rapid stepwise decline in number
third, and fourth time. Finally, we simulated the effect of of nesting turtles when 90% of its eggs were poached
relocating eggs that would otherwise have been lost to for an extended period of time. There was a delay of
tidal inundation. 11 years from initiation of intense poaching until the
We simulated the effect of mortality due to bycatch population dropped for the first time. This delay was
on a stable population by decreasing the annual survival the time lag from when eggs were laid until the re-
of adults from 90% to 80%. We also simulated the ef- sulting turtles reached sexual maturity and reproduced
fect of reducing the annual survival of adults to 80% for the first time. At this point there was a 38% de-
and increasing the level of poaching from 0% to 90%. cline in total number of nesting turtles as a result of the
In this case, we kept 20% adult mortality and 90% poach- large drop in recruitment. This drop was followed by a
ing until the number of nesting turtles dropped for the second reduction (32%) in total number of nesting turtles
second time. Then, we reduced poaching as described 4 years after the first drop, due to a drop in second-time
above. Thereafter, we kept 20% continuous annual mor- nesters. This pattern repeated itself every 4 years (i.e.,
tality rates of adults and 0% poaching. Finally, we simu- there was a decline in the total number of nesting tur-
lated the effect of egg relocation. Relocation started af- tles because of corresponding drops of third-, fourth-,
ter poaching was eradicated but high mortality of adults and fifth-time nesters [Fig. 1a]). The largest drop in total
continued. numbers was the first one because the population was the
To compare the effect of egg relocation in Atlantic largest and new nesters were the largest percentage in the
and eastern Pacific leatherbacks, we simulated 2 popu- stable nesting population in the simulation and in real life
lations of leatherbacks with corresponding remigration (Table 2).
intervals of 2 and 4 years (Atlantic leatherbacks have a There was also a stepwise nesting population decline
shorter remigration interval). Both populations were con- at poaching intensities lower than 90%, but the drops
sidered to nest for 5 seasons and to have equal production were not as large, and the overall decline was smoother
of hatchlings. Annual survival of juveniles for the 2-year and slower (Fig. 1b). The 11-year delay occurred in all
remigration population was 59.3%. We assumed that the cases. At 90% poaching the population was extirpated
populations were stable at 400 nesting turtles per season after 45 years, whereas at 75%, 50%, and 25% poaching
to re-create the nesting numbers of a population stabi- the population disappeared after 64, 116, and 282 years
lized after poaching. In addition, we considered that the respectively.
populations could lose either 10% or 20% of eggs to tidal The model showed that the population stabilized when
inundation under natural conditions. We compared the poaching stopped (Fig. 2a), but there was a delay in this

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Volume 22, No. 5, 2008
1220 Illegal Harvest of Turtle Eggs

Table 2. Percentage of leatherbacks of different nesting stages

measured in seasons 2004–2005, 2005–2006, and 2006–2007 at Las
Baulas Park in Costa Rica and estimated for a stable population on the
basis of the life table in Table 1.

stage (%) 2004–2005 2005–2006 2006–2007 Estimated ∗

First time 35 36 51 39
Second time 22 33 16 26
Third time 35 19 16 17
Fourth time 8 9 14 11
Fifth time 2 3 3 7
∗ Percentage of different nesting stages derived from Table 1. First-,

second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-time nesters correspond to ages 11,

15, 19, 23, and 27 respectively.

stabilization. The population continued to decline until

recruitment was normal again; then the number of nest-
ing turtles stabilized. When poaching ceased after the
number of nesting turtles declined for the first, second,
third, and fourth time, the nesting population stabilized
at around 420, 260, 150, and 90 nesting turtles per year
respectively. When relocation of eggs started, the num-
ber of nesting turtles increased rapidly after a time lag of
11 years (Fig. 2b).
Fishery Bycatch Mortality versus Egg Poaching
There was an immediate population response to the in-
crease in adult mortality due to simulated bycatch in a
fishery. There was no delay in the decline, as observed
when the pressure came from egg poaching. The number
of nesting turtles decreased as soon as the fishing pres-
sure started. Nevertheless, the decline was smoother and
slower than it was with 90% poaching (Fig. 3a). When
annual adult mortality rates were 20% and egg poach-
ing was 0%, the population was extirpated in 146 years.
With 90% poaching and 20% adult mortality, the nesting
population showed an immediate decline due to the in-
crease of adult mortality and then a delay of 11 years until
the population drops from poaching started. Poaching of
eggs ceased in this case at the second drop in population.
Nevertheless, the number of nesting turtles continued to
decline. The population under these conditions lasted
longer than it did with 90% continuous poaching but
eventually disappeared in 86 years because it could not
sustain adult mortality rates of 20% (Fig. 3a). Relocation
of eggs slowed down the decline but was insufficient to
Figure 1. Effects of poaching on number of nesting recover the population (Fig. 3b). The population lasted
turtles. Over time the (a) effect of 90% poaching of 179 years with 20% adult mortality, no poaching, and egg
eggs on the total number of nesting turtles and relocation. When adult mortality was 20%, egg poaching
number of first-, second-, third-, fourth- and fifth-time 90% to the second drop, and egg relocation started after
nesters, (b) effect of different intensities of egg poaching, the population was extirpated in 101 years.
poaching (90%, 75%, 50%, and 25%) on the total
number of nesting turtles, and (c) actual number of Effects of Egg Relocation, Length of Remigration Interval,
and Proportion of Natural Egg Loss
nesting turtles per season at Parque Nacional Marino
Las Baulas between 1988 and 2007. Arrows mark the Relocation of eggs increased the number of turtles when
time when poaching started. mortality rates of adults were those of a stable population

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Volume 22, No. 5, 2008
Santidrián Tomillo et al. 1221

Figure 2. Effects of poaching of turtle eggs on the total

Figure 3. Effects on turtle population of 90%
number of nesting turtles over time, with 90%
continuous poaching, 20% annual adult mortality,
poaching starting at year 20 and cessation of
and 90% poaching with cessation after the second
poaching after the first, second, third, and forth drop
drop in population with 20% adult mortality (p-m
in the population (a) without egg relocation (p and
and arrow, time when poaching, adult mortality, or
arrow, time when poaching starts) and (b) with egg
both start; r, time when relocation starts): (a) no egg
relocation of 10% of eggs (p and arrow, time when
relocation and (b) relocation of 10% of eggs starting
poaching starts; r and arrow, time when relocation
at year 60. Population parameters are as in Fig. 1.
starts). Population parameters are as in Fig. 1.

in number of nesting turtles. There were high rates of

(10%), and it resulted in a faster increase in populations recruitment in the last 3 years (Table 2), and the observed
with a natural egg loss of 20% and with a 2-year remigra- stepwise decline in the population was similar to that
tion interval (Fig. 4). Relocation of eggs was unsuccessful predicted by the model for the cases with 90% continuous
in recovering populations when adult mortality increased poaching, with or without 20% adult mortality.
to 20%. Extirpation times for an initial population of 400
turtles and 10% natural egg loss were 200 and 145 years
for corresponding remigration intervals of 2 and 4 years Discussion
(Fig. 4a). Extirpation times for populations of 20% egg
loss were 384 and 209 years for 2- and 4-year remigrants Our simulations indicate that egg poaching was the
(Fig. 4b). most important cause of decline in the nesting popu-
lation of leatherback turtles at PNMB. This is counter-
Nesting Population Data from Las Baulas
intuitive given data (Congdon et al. 1993) and mathe-
The actual nesting population of leatherback turtles at matical models (Heppell & Crowder 1996) that indicate
Las Baulas declined from about 1500 to about 100 turtles that populations of long-lived animals are more sensitive
between 1988–1989 and 2006–2007 (Fig. 1c). Despite to changes in adult mortality than to changes in hatch-
variability in the annual number of nesting turtles due ling and juvenile mortality. Our simulations indicated that
to environmental factors, there was a stepwise decline the leatherback population would decrease more rapidly

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Volume 22, No. 5, 2008
1222 Illegal Harvest of Turtle Eggs

In addition, if a population suffers egg removal for

an extended period of time, the proportion of nesting
stages changes. After a drop in recruitment, there is a
higher proportion of late-stage adults. Consequently, ap-
parent annual mortality rate increases because old turtles
die and there is no recruitment. Our simulations indi-
cated that nesting populations that suffer from poaching
show over time significant changes in the proportions
of animals in particular nesting stages. In the case of the
population at PNMB, when we started PIT tagging in
1993–1994 most of the turtles were old and there were
probably few recruits. Seventeen years after poaching
was reduced and 14 years after it stopped there was nor-
mal recruitment because new turtles came from eggs laid
after implementation of beach protection. Proportions of
second-time nesters were similar to those of a population
with no poaching. It will still take 10–15 more years be-
fore the nesting population structure can recover from
past poaching. Even if high environmental variability af-
fects the number of nesting females per season (Saba
et al. 2007), the proportion of nesting stages in a pop-
ulation with no poaching will be similar to those esti-
mated on the basis of the life table of a natural population
(Table 2).
Extirpation times varied with levels of poaching. Al-
though all levels of poaching affected the population,
the population response to different poaching levels var-
ied greatly. The simulated population lasted 237 years
longer with 25% poaching than it did with 90% poach-
Figure 4. The effect of turtle egg relocation on stable ing. When poaching of eggs begins in a stable population,
populations (10% mortality) versus the effect of time elapsed from egg poaching to extirpation will be de-
relocation on populations with increased adult termined by poaching intensity: the higher the intensity,
mortality (20% mortality) (r, time when relocation the faster the extirpation. If poaching stops the popu-
starts; m, time when annual mortality of adults lation will stabilize (as long as there are no additional
increases to 20%): (a) populations that naturally lose pressures) and the time passed will determine size of the
10% of eggs to tidal inundation and (b) populations nesting population. A nesting population of 400 turtles a
that naturally lose 20% of eggs laid. year may respond better to additional anthropogenic im-
pacts than a population of 50 turtles. Nevertheless, any
population that recovers from poaching may still be vul-
nerable to extinction due to environmental stochasticity
with 20% adult mortality than with 25% egg poaching. (Kenney et al. 1995).
Nevertheless, the effect of 90% egg poaching was over- In the case of leatherback turtles that nest at Las Baulas,
whelming. poaching stopped after 15–20 years of high-intensity egg
At Playa Grande, for 15–20 years, 90% of eggs were poaching. The number of turtles had probably already
removed for human consumption (E. Rodriguez and dropped 2 to 3 times when this happened. There are cur-
T. Rosales, personal communication). As a result the nest- rently about 100 turtles nesting per year. Had poaching
ing population dropped in <20 years from about 1500 stopped 5–10 years earlier, the population could have
turtles in the late 1980s to about 100 turtles by 2001 stabilized at about 200–400 nesting turtles. If poaching
(Fig. 1c). We began collecting data in 1988–1989 when had continued for 5–10 more years, the annual num-
poaching had been ongoing for about 15 years. Thus, the ber of turtles on the beach could have been as low as
population was probably already reduced by this time. 20–40 females. If poaching continued any longer, the
It is hard to determine accurately at which stage in the population would have followed the same course of the
stepwise decline the population was by 1988–1989. If leatherback population at Terengganu, Malaysia (Chan
sexual maturity is 11 years, as assumed, the number of & Liew 1996). At a constant rate of 90% poaching, the
nesting turtles could have already dropped for the first, simulation showed the population would disappear by
second, or even third time. 2020.

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Leatherback turtles that nested at Terengganu, Atlantic populations of leatherback turtles have shorter
Malaysia, were members of the largest population of remigration intervals than Pacific ones (Wallace et al.
leatherback turtles in the world. The population was, 2006), and relocation of eggs has a larger effect in re-
however, practically extirpated by the mid-1990s be- covering those populations. Relocation of eggs cannot
cause of decades of egg poaching. Other causes were help a nesting population recover if adult mortality is
bycatch of turtles by fisheries, unnatural production of high. Thus, even if beach protection is successful, every
sex ratios in hatcheries, and unregulated costal develop- nest laid on the beach hatches, and eggs laid under the
ment (Chan & Liew 1996). A combination of egg poach- high tide line are relocated, the population will not sur-
ing and fisheries bycatch mortality also caused the rapid vive unless the mortality rates of adults are reduced to
decline of leatherback turtles on the Pacific coast of Mex- those of a stable population.
ico (Sarti et al. 2007), which replaced Terengganu as the The effects of direct take and fishery bycatch on adult
largest population in the world (Pritchard 1982). The mortality of other long-lived species are also much greater
population at PNMB also faced, and is facing, all those than those of harvesting young. In sooty shearwaters
threats, except for the negative effect of hatcheries, but (Puffinus griseus) bycatch of adults has a 10-fold greater
has not collapsed. Two crucial events that did not happen effect than an equivalent level of chick harvest (Hunter &
in Malaysia may have tipped the scale at Las Baulas toward Caswell 2005). When pressure on late stages is caused by
survival. First, establishment of an effective national park increasing adult mortality in long-lived species, selection
guaranteed full beach protection and eradicated poach- may favor early maturation (Reznick et al. 1990). It takes
ing. Second, poaching was eradicated before it was too many generations, however, for organisms to adapt to
late. such a change, and human impacts can cause extirpation
The population of leatherback turtles that nests at during the lifetime of a single generation.
PNMB is still far from stable; one problem has been solved Management plans for the protection of long-lived
with the eradication of poaching but other threats re- species must implement protection of early and late life
main. Fishing is probably the biggest current threat to its stages. In the case of sea turtles, it is necessary to guar-
survival. The response of a stable population to fishing antee protection on the beach that counteracts human
differs from that of its response to egg poaching. When impacts such as poaching, light pollution, development,
adult mortality is increased, the number of nesting turtles and tourism and to protect sea turtles from bycatch, di-
declines immediately because reduction is produced by rect capture, and contamination in the ocean. Conserva-
direct removal of adult turtles (Fig. 3). When poaching tion must prioritize protecting sea turtles in their natural
occurs, there is a delay in population response related habitat, and other activities, such as clutch relocation,
to the time it takes for a turtle to develop from egg to should only be applied when needed (Frazer 1992). Egg
reproductive female. The same time lag happens from relocation increases hatchling production. Nevertheless,
the time poaching stops until the population recovers. hatching success could be lower in relocated than in in
In our simulation extirpation took place 101 years later situ nests (Eckert & Eckert 1990). Clutch relocation can
with 20% adult mortality than it did with 90% poach- extend the life of the population in the face of high adult
ing. Nevertheless, extirpation occurred 136 years earlier mortality and can buy time for implementation of conser-
with 20% adult mortality than it did with 25% poaching. vation methods at sea.
The impact of killing adult turtles was higher than the Populations of sea turtles cannot be maintained with-
impact of removing their eggs. The impact of poaching out beaches on which eggs can develop and hatchlings
was greater than that of fishing at Las Baulas, however, can find their way to the ocean, and they cannot sur-
because of the much higher intensity of poaching. vive if adults are killed by fisheries at sea. Therefore, we
Relocation of sea turtle eggs at risk of tidal inundation is conclude that pressure on both early and late stages can
a common practice to increase the number of hatchlings result in population declines of long-lived species, and we
produced. Several nesting beaches where leatherbacks recommend protection of all stages when human actions
nest are high-energy beaches and, consequently, have are diminishing their populations.
high rates of egg loss (Eckert 1987; Leslie et al. 1996).
Other beaches, such as those at PNMB, are more stable
and therefore lose a smaller proportion of eggs to tidal in- Acknowledgments
undation. Relocation is more efficient when populations
naturally lose higher proportions of eggs because there is We thank E. Rodrı́guez, T. Rosales, M. Jaén, L. Rosales, S.
a greater proportional increase in number of hatchlings. Arrieta, and O. Calvo for sharing their memories of the
The population of leatherbacks at St. Croix, U.S. Virgin poaching at Playa Grande. We thank E. Chacón for as-
Islands, with a natural loss of eggs of 40%, is currently in- sistance in setting up some of the interviews. We are
creasing as a result of egg relocation (Dutton et al. 2005). grateful to all the Earthwatch volunteers and field as-
Duration of remigration interval between nesting sea- sistants who collected data over the years. We thank
sons also affects effectiveness of egg relocation. North M. Boza and C. Padilla for their work in establishing and

Conservation Biology
Volume 22, No. 5, 2008
1224 Illegal Harvest of Turtle Eggs

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Conservation Biology
Volume 22, No. 5, 2008

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