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monomers is to reduce the crystallinity and to receive materials for blending.

esters such as methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate form
exible copolymers. They provide enhanced adhesion, particularly in coextruded lms or
Late transition metal complexes are more ecient in the copolymerization of ethene
and polar monomers. Nickel or palladium complexes (see strtuctures (30)(32) are
functional-group tolerant allowing the copolymerization of ethene and methyl methacry-
late or CO [224227].
A. Homopolymerization
In contrast to the polymerization of ethene, only coordination catalysts are successful in
polymerizing propene to a crystalline polymer. The cationic polymerization of propene
with concentrated sulfuric acid leads to oily or waxy amorphous polymers of low
molecular weight [228]. Next to strong acids, catalysts such as complex Lewis acids
may serve as initiators in the cationic polymerization of propene. The polymerization
is conducted at temperatures between 100 and 80

C. Chlorinated hydrocarbons are

commonly used as solvents.
Under cationic conditions, migration of the CC double bond is observed. Like all
other a-olens, propene cannot be polymerized via an anionic route. The same applies to
free-radical polymerization. In polymerization with ZieglerNatta catalysts, propene or
longer-chained a-olens are inserted into the growing chain in a head-to-tail fashion
with high selectivity. Every CH
-group (head) is followed by a CH(R)-group (tail) with
Figure 5 Glass transition temperatures of norbornene/ethene copolymers catalyzed with different
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
a tertiary carbon atom bearing a methyl or even larger alkyl group:
This construction principle is mandatory for the stereoregular structure of the
polypropene molecule. In addition, head to head
and tail-to-tail
arrangements occur. These links can be detected by IR and
C NMR spectroscopy.
Exclusive head-to-tail bonding is a mandatory but not a sucient condition for stereo-
regularity. Another important detail is the sterical orientation of the pendant methyl
groups with respect to the main CC axis of the polymer molecule.
Natta formulated three dierent structures [229]
Isotactic structure
Syndiotactic structure
Atactic structure
1. In the structure all pendant methyl groups are located on one side of the zigzag
plane; these polymers are called isotactic
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
2. For polymers in which the position of the pendant methyl groups is alternatingly
above and below the backbone plane, the term syndiotactic is used.
3. When the pendant methyl groups are randomly positioned above and below the
plane, the polymer is said to be atactic.
While the structural description of low molecular weight compounds with asym-
metric carbon atoms is explicit, there are no similarly accurate rules for the description of
polymers. Tertiary carbon atoms in polyolen chains are not asymmetric in a general
chemical sense. Even with one of the substituents bearing a double bond at its end and
the other terminated by an ethyl group, they are very similar. Therefore, these carbon
atoms are often called pseudo asymmetric. The dierences between the three forms of
polypropene with identical molecular weight distribution and branching percentage are
considerable (Table 13).
B. Isotactic Polypropene
In view of the stereochemistry, Natta managed to synthesize isotactic crystalline
polypropene with the combination catalysts that have previously been discovered by
Ziegler [230]. He thus achieved a breakthrough for a technical application of polypropene.
The most widely used catalyst for the stereospecic polymerization of propene still consists
of titanium halogenides and alkylaluminum compounds. In addition to this catalyst, a
large number of other systems have been tested. Table 14 lists important heterogeneous
Table 13 Some characteristics of polypropene.
Characteristic Isotactic Syndiotactic Atactic
Melting point (

C) 160171 130160
Crystallinity (%) 5565 5075 0
Tensile strength (kP/cm
) 320350 0
Table 14 Heterogeneous catalysts for the propene polymerization.
(g PP/g Ti h atm)
Part of isotactic
PP (%)
(1:3) 30 27 231
Cl 25 87 232
Cl 120 80 233
15 234
/NaF 70 90 236
99 95 237
520 98 238
Low Low 239
Low Low 240
Lewis base 1, methylmethacrylate; LB
Lewis base 2, diisoanyl ether.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
The nature of the ligands and the valency of the transition metal atoms essentially
govern activity, productivity, and stereospecity. Another strong inuence is exerted by
the nature of the cocatalyst. It consists of organometallic compounds of the main groups 1
and 3 of the periodic table. For the propene polymerization, alkyls of lithium [64],
beryllium [240], magnesium [240], zinc [241], aluminum [64], and gallium [10] have been
used. Aluminum alkyls have been proven to be particularly suitable. Nowadays they
are used exclusively as cocatalysts since they are superior to all other organometallic
compounds as far as activity, stereospecity, accessibility, and availability are concerned.
Only lithium alanate is an exception to this. It possesses higher thermostability and is
therefore preferred for solution polymerization at temperatures between 150 and 200

Heterogeneous catalysts are suspended in the solvent. The Ziegler catalyst TiCl
aords polypropene with very low stereospecity (compare Table 14). One
criterion for the determination of stereospecity is the isotacticity index, which is dened
as the percentage of polymer that is insoluble in boiling heptane [10]. Natta achieved
a substantial increase in stereoselectivity by using TiCl
instead of TiCl
Al ! 3TiCl
The aluminum halogenide content of TiCl
leads to the formation of defects in
the crystal lattice, thereby eecting an increase in activity. At temperatures up to 100

is formed, which upon tempering assumes the layered structure of -TiCl
. Above

C, a-TiCl
is formed. Today, TiCl
in combination with Al(C
Cl is still used as a
catalyst for the polymerization of propene. It is referred to as a rst-generation catalyst.
The use of Al(C
decreases the stereospecity and Al(C
drastically lowers the
catalytic activity [242]. Table 15 gives the inuence of various ligands on stereoregularity
for the system TiCl
X [243].
The preferred metal alkyls possess ethyl and isobutyl ligands. Typical examples
are AlEt
, AlEt
Cl, and Al-(i-Bu)
Cl. The stereoregularity of the polypropene
decreases with increasing size of R in AlR
[244]. Vanadium salts attracted much attention
because they led predominantly to statistical copolymers, as opposed to block copolymers
produced with titanium salts.
Depending on reaction temperatures, rst-generation catalysts produce increasing
amounts of atactic polypropene (8 to 20%) next to the isotactic main product. By
modication with electron donors (Lewis bases; see also Table 14) of the desired
complexation tendency, the atactic polymerization sites can be largely deactivated, thus
raising the isotaxy index to 94 to 98% [245]. It is obvious that atactic polymerization
Table 15 Varying X in Al(C
catalysts polymerizing.
X Rate of polymerization
(relative to XC
I.I. (%)
100 85
F 30 83
Cl 33 93
Br 33 95
I 9 98
Source: Ref. 243.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
centers have a greater tendency towards complexation than do isotactic ones. Catalysts
that are modied in this manner are also known as second-generation catalysts.
The partial blocking of active sites leads to a decrease of catalytic activity. Due to
a tremendous increase in surface area of the TiCl
the activity of the modied catalyst can
be increased by a factor of 2 to 5.
1. Kinetic Aspects
To date, numerous papers dealing with the kinetics of propene polymerizations have been
published [246263]. Since in the course of the polymerization the TiCl
crystallites break
into smaller pieces, thereby exposing new active centers, the kinetical investigation of the
reaction is made more dicult. For the majority of systems, however, it was found that the
polymerization rates are proportional to the concentrations of catalyst and monomer but
do not depend on the aluminum organic component as long as a threshold concentration
is maintained.
r k




This means that there is practically no dependence of the propene polymerization
rate on the Al(C
ratio over a wide range. However, a dependence of the
reaction rate on the metal component ratio was observed by Tait [264] and Zakharov et al.
[265] in the presence of AlR
and Al(C
systems. It must be
remarked that extremely high aluminum alkyl concentrations of 0.3 mol/l were used,
whereas these are normally 0.005 mol/l. The authors introduced kinetic models of the
LangmuirHinshelwood type with reversible adsorption of aluminum alkyl on the
transition metal halogenide surface.
Other dierences in behaviour between the investigated catalytic systems concern the
dependence of the polymerization rate on time. In the rst minutes the activity increases
until it reaches a maximum value, which keeps constant for several hours [266,267].
2. Active Sites
To measure the activity of the catalyst, it is necessary to know something about the
portion of titanium atoms that form active sites. A lot of studies have been carried out to
evaluate the concentration of active sites and their location [268]. Such studies are
facilitated by the fact that the rst polymer chains forming on active sites preserve only a
trace of their origin as well as by the fact that the variation of their molecular weight with
polymerization time depends on the number of active sites. On the other hand, a correct
determination of the active sites is made complex by the nature of the phenomena
occurring during the polymerization.
There are two parameters linked to the concentration of active sites, the poly-
merization rate (propagation rate) and the growing time (average lifetime) of the polymer
chains. The various methods are summarized as follows:
1. Variation of the molecular weight as a function of polymerization time [268278]
(kinetic method). This could only be obtained at low temperatures and low
monomer conversions.
2. Determination of the number of labeled alkyl groups bound to the polymer
chains (end groups) of polymers obtained with catalysts prepared in the presence
C-labeled aluminum alkyls [268,279].
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
3. Inhibition of the active sites with compounds such as methanol, iodine, or
allenes [280]. Since it is most unlikely for these compounds to react with active
sites only, the method gives too high values.
4. Reaction between the transition metalcarbon bonds present in the polymeriza-
tion system and a labeled quenching agent such as
, tritiated alcohols or
water [276], deuterated methanol or water, and
CO or
Table 16 summarizes some results of the propagation rate k
and the number of active
sites for various TiCl
catalysts. It can be seen that 0.33.6% of the total titanium atoms
form active sites.
Polymerization does not seem to involve proper kinetic chain termination
phenomena, but polymer chain transfer processes, making the active site available to
initiate a new polymer chain. These can be formulated as a chain transfer process with
the monomer M:
H M ! CatMH M
or as a transfer process with the organometallic compound:
! CatR AlR
H 52
There is evidence that many polymer chains are bound to aluminum at the end of
polymerization [283]. Very important is a spontaneous termination process by b-hydride
H ! CatH CH
H 53
When operating in the presence of H
as molecular weight regulator, saturated polymer
chains are formed:
! CatH HM
H 54
Table 16 Percentage of active sites (C*) and propagation constants (k
) for propene
polymerization with TiCl
Catalyst system Temp.

(L mol
(% Ti active/Ti total)
70 0.71.7 MW,
C 268
Cl 70 0.30.6 MW,
C 268
80 2.9 0.54 K 273
70 0.54 I 269
Cl 70 1.1 3.6
CO 274
70 100 0.58
CO 275
Cl 70 124 2.8 T 276
70 90 0.8
CO 275
Cl 50 80 1.5 MW,K 277
MW, molecular weight variation method; K, kinetic method; I, inhibitor method;
C, ratoactive alkyl method;
T, tritiated quenching agent method;
CO, radioactive carbon monoxide method.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Dividing the chain propagation rate constant k
by the average transfer rate constant k
gives the average molecular weight M
of the polymer chain. M
was assumed to be
in the range 5 to 10 [284].
3. Mechanism
Various models of catalytic centers and of monomeric unit addition mechanism have been
proposed to interpret the isospecic polymerization of a-olens with ZieglerNatta
catalytic systems [285293]. For the a-olens the combination of x-ray diraction and IR
analysis showed very early that the polymers obtained with the Ziegler catalytic system
[294] are substantially linear polymers with head-to-tail enchainments. The regioselectivity
of the amorphous product is slightly lower than that of the crystalline polymer. a-Olen
polymerization is shown to occur through a cis-insertion reaction by using deuterated
propene. The cis addition to the double bond was proven when Miyazawa and Ideguchi
[295] and Natta et al. [296] established that the polymer of cis-ld1-propene is erythro-
diisotactic, whereas the polymer from trans-ld1-propene is threo-diisotactic. The metal
atom of the catalyst bearing the growing chain and the growing chain end are added
simultaneously to the double bond of the incoming monomer:
To synthesize isotactic polypropene, the catalytic center must sharply discriminate
between the two prochiral faces of the a-olen. To do this, the catalytic system must
possess one or more chirality centers.
Considering the simplest model of a monometallic catalytic center (55), there cer-
tainly is a chiral carbon atom in the growing chain in a-position with respect to the metal
atom; furthermore, the metal atom itself can be a center of chirality [297], which being
bound to a solid surface could maintain its absolute conguration during the insertion
reaction. Therefore, stereoselectivity is caused by the chirality of the catalytically active
center and not by chiral atoms in the growing chain.
One model for the active center, proposed by Arlmann and Cossee [298,299], is based
on monometallic catalytic centers (56) with hexacoordinated transition metal:
The Ti atoms close to the TiCl
surface have a vacant octahedral site, one chlorine
ligand singly bonded and four chlorine ligands bridge bonded with neighboring Ti atoms.
By reaction with the aluminum alkyl, the singly bonded chlorine atom is substituted by
an alkyl group with the formation of a TiC bond. The olen is complexed on the vacant
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
site with the double bond parallel to an octahedral axis. Two orientations are therefore
possible, giving rise to the stereospecity. After monomeric unit insertion, the TiR bond
enters the vacant site and another olen molecule is coordinated.
This model is modied by Pino [300,301], Corradini [302], Kissin [303], Keii [304],
Terano [305], Cecchin [306] to other titanium complexes. Bimetallic models between the
titanium compound and the cocatalyst were discussed by Sinn and Patat [137], Pino [301],
and Zakharov [307]. Others suggest that the growing polymer chain is bound to the
transition metal through a double bond (carbene complex) and that the insertion reaction
occurs through formation of a metal-cyclobutane intermediate [308,309].
4. Supported Catalysts
The traditional ZieglerNatta catalyst, based on TiCl
and aluminum alkyls (rst
generation), is not active enough to do without the removal of catalyst residues from the
polymer. This is why only a small part of the titanium present on the side surface of
crystallites is deemed to be active in propene polymerization. Researchers have
endeavored to obtain better utilization of the titanium halogenide by trying to attach it to
the surface of proper supports. Great industrial interest is evidenced by the numerous
patent applications following the initial Shell patent [310319]. Commonly used supports
are MgCl
, SiO
, Mg(OH)
, Mg(OH)Cl, MgR(Cl), MgO, MgCO
, SiO
, and SiO
[320333]. The preferred halides are those having the same layered lattice structure
as d-TiCl
. The dimensions of MgCl
and COCl
(ionic radii of Mg
and Co
are 0.066
and 0.072 nm) make them particularly suitable carriers for TiCl
(ionic radius of Ti
0.068 nm). These catalysts were demonstrated to substantially increase the activity in
propene polymerizations using AlEt
or AlEt
Cl as cocatalysts (second generation).
Furthermore, the use of electron donors, notably esters of carbocylic acids such as
ethylbenzoate, was demonstrated to increase stereoselectivity (third generation) [334347].
With TiCl
supported on SiO
, the activity is low but the crystallinity of the resulting
polypropylene is high [348]. The addition of NaCl, CaCl
, or BaCl
increases the activity
by a factor of up to 5.
Soga studied propene polymerizations with catalytic systems based on Mg(OH)
Mg(OH)Cl, or MgCl
[94,322]. Unlike the TiCl
system, these catalysts
exhibit an almost constant overall rate of polymerization (4.1 g PP/g Cat hatm) for at least
2 h. Catalysts obtained by reaction of Ti benzyl and cyclopentadienyl derivates with
Mg(OH)Cl have been investigated as well as Grignard reagents together with TiCl
varying ratios have been investigated [317].
The most important catalysts are obtained by supporting titanium halides on
activated MgCl
. By combination with the cocatalyst AlR
, a very high activity is given,
although the stereospecity is low (Table 17) [321]. The discovery of catalysts sup-
ported on activated MgCl
and modied Lewis bases has solved the problems of low
5. Role of Lewis Base Esters
The catalyst can be prepared on dierent routes such as ball milling, vibration milling, or
chemical conversions [349]. First, commercially available anhydrous MgCl
is ball milled
with ethyl bonzoate over 20 h to aord active MgCl
. By this process the dimensions of the
agglomerated primary MgCl
crystallites (60 30 nm) are broken (3 2 nm) and stabilized
by ethyl benzoate. The support develops a surface area of 50 to 300 m
/g [334]. Second, the
ball milled support is mixed with TiCl
by further ball milling of the catalyst support in
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
the presence of TiCl
or by suspending the MgCl
/EB in hot undiluted TiCl
. The resulting
solid is washed to remove soluble titanium complexes. The catalyst contains 1 to 5 wt% Ti
and 5 to 20 wt% ethyl benzoate or diisobutylphthalate. The Lewis base used in this
procedure is called an internal Lewis base.
Therefore the function of the internal donor in MgCl
-supported catalysts is
twofold. One function is to stabilize small primary crystallites of magnesium chloride; the
other is to control the amount and distribution of TiCl
in the nal catalyst. Activated
magnesium chloride has a disordered structure comprising very small lamellae.
An essential part of every Ziegler catalyst is the cocatalyst. Supported MgCl
or MgCl
are combined with AlEt
or AlEt
/EB/ to give high polymerization
activities. The donor used for this procedure is called an external Lewis base. Carboxylic
acid esters or aromatic silanes, preferably alkoxisilane or derivatives such as para-ethyl
anisate, are described as external Lewis bases [338,345]. Silyl ethers R
such as
, Ph
, PhSi(OCH
, and (C
) have also been found to
be highly active promoters in stereospecic olen polymerization [350,351].
Both internal and external Lewis bases react with aluminum alkyls forming a 1:1
complex in the rst step (57) [352,353]. The second step is an alkylation reaction aording
a new alkoxyaluminum species (58).
57 58
Kashiwa found that suitable amounts of ethenebenzoate increased the yield of iso-
tactic polymers; at the same time, the production of atactic polymer is strongly decreased.
So the aromatic ester simultaneously acts as a poison of the aspecic sites and as an
activator of the isospecic sites: It is reasonable to assume that a highly active and
stereospecic catalyst can be obtained by selectively using only the stereospecically active
Table 17 Polymerization of propene with supported MgCl
catalysts by 70

Catalyst Ti
Cocatalyst Activity
(kg PP/mol Ti h)
3.6 AlEt
870 49
3.6 AlEt
Cl 45 33
/EB 2 AlEt
650 98
0.3 AlCl
24 AlEt
23 76
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
centers in the MgCl
catalyst system. The Lewis base increase M
for isotactic
polymers and slightly decrease M
for atactic ones. Such catalyst yields 100 to 2000 kg/g Ti
of polypropene containing 95 to 98% isotactic polymer in about 3 h. The high activity
makes it possible to leave the titanium (0.5 to 2 ppm) in the polymer. The concentration
of active sites reaches values of 5 to 20% measured by the
CO method [354,355].
A new type of catalysts contain a diether such as 2,2-disubstituted-1,3-dimethoxy-
propane and have high stereospeccity even in the absence of an external donor [356]. The
polypropene yield obtained under typical polymerization conditions (liquid monomer,

C, 12 h) has increased from 3080 kg PP/g cat for the third generation to
80160 kg PP/g cat [342,357].
Giannini [358] has indicated that, on preferential lateral cleavage surfaces, the
magnesium atoms are coordinated with 4 or 5 chlorine atoms, as opposed to 6 chlorine
atoms in the bulk of the crystal. These lateral cuts correspond to (110) and (100) faces of
. It has been proposed that bridged dinuclear Ti
species can coordinate to the
(100) face of MgCl
and on contact with an alkylaluminum cocatalyst these species
are reduced to Ti
units in which the environment of the Ti atoms is chiral [358],
a necessary condition for isospecic polymerization. In the absence of a Lewis base, TiCl
will coordinate to both the (100) and the (110) faces of MgCl
. In the presence of an
internal donor, however, there will be a competition between the donor and TiCl
for the available coordination sites. One possible function of the internal donor is that,
due to the higher acidity of the coordination sites on the (110) face, preferential
coordination of the donor on these sites will avoid the formation if Ti species having poor
The requirement for an external donor when using catalysts containing an ester
as internal donor is due to the fact that, when the catalyst is brought into contact with the
cocatalyst (most commonly AlEt
), a large proportion of the internal donor is lost as a
result of alkylation and/or complexation reactions. In the absence of an external donor,
this leads to poor stereoselectivity due to increased mobility of the titanium species on the
catalyst surface [360].
In contrast to ester internal donors, the diethers, having greater anity towards
than towards AlR
, are not displaced from the catalyst surface on contact with the
cocatalyst [361]. Consequently, highly isotactic poly(propene) can be obtained even in the
absence of an external donor.
Studies by Busico et al. [362] have indicated that active species in MgCl
catalysts can isomerize very rapidly (during the growth time of a single polymer chain)
between three dierent propagating species. The chain can therefore contain, in addition
to highly isotactic segments, sequences that can be attributed to weakly isotactic
(isotactoid) and to syndiotactoid segments.
For the production of isotactic polypropene, dierent processes can be used (see
production of polyethene). In the laboratory, the catalyst is suspended in dry pure heptane
(or other hydrocarbons) in inert gas atmosphere and then bubble in propane gas at 30 to

C. Polymers form a while solid permeating the catalyst particles.

In industry scale bulk polymerization is carried out in liquid propene, solution
process, or in gas phase using a stirred bed as well as a uidised bed process [357,363365].
Mostly used is the sheripal process using a spherioidal catalyst and liquid propene
[357,363]. The polymerization takes place at 70

C and 4 MPa circulating liquid propene

round one or more loop reactors. A single axial ow agitator in each loop maintains
high ow rates to ensure good heat transfer to the water-cooled jackets, whilst also
preventing any polymer particles settling from the slurry. Continuously metered catalyst,
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
triethylaluminum and a Lewis base stereoregulator are fed into the reactor to maintain
polymerization and stereo control.
6. Homogeneous Catalysts
With ansa(chiral) titanocenes, zirconocenes, and hafnocenes in combination with
methylalumoxane (MAO) it is possible to obtain highly isotactic polypropene [366374].
When changing the symmetry of the complex, dierent structures of the polypropene are
yielded. The activity of these hydrocarbon soluble catalysts are extremely high.
The microstructure of polypropene in terms of the enchainment of the monomer
units and their conguration is determined by the regio- and stereospecicity of the
insertion of the monomer. Depending on the orientation of the monomer during insertion
into the transition-metal-polymeryl bond, primary (1,2-) and secondary (2,1-) insertions
are possible (Figure 6). Consecutive regiospecic insertion results in regioregular head to
tail enchainment (1,3-branching) of monomer units while regioirregularities cause the
formation of head to head (1,2-branching) and tail to tail (1,4-branching) structures.
Generally, metallocenes favor consecutive primary insertions due to their bent
sandwich structure. Secondary insertion also occurs to an extent determined by the
structure of the metallocene used and the experimental setup (especially temperature and
monomer concentration). Secondary insertions cause an increased steric hindrance to
the next primary insertion. The active center is blocked and therefore is regarded as a
resting state of the catalysts [375]. The kinetic hindrance of chain propagation by another
insertion favors chain termination and isomerization processes. One of the isomerization
processes observed in metallocene catalysed polymerization of propene leads to the
formation of 1,3-enchained monomer units [376379]. The mechanism is discussed to
involve transition metal mediated hydride shifts [380,381].
Figure 6 Primary (1,2) and secondary (2,1) insertion in propene polymerization.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Another type of steric isomerism observed in polypropene is related to the facts that
propene is prochiral and polymers have pseudochiral centers at every tertiary carbon
of the chain. The regularity of the conguration of successive pseudochiral centers
determines the tacticity of the polymer. If the conguration of two neighbored
pseudochiral centers is the same this diad is said to have a meso arrangement of the
methyl groups (Figure 7). If the pseudochiral centers are enantiomeric, the diad is called
racemic. A polymer containing only meso diads is called isotactic, while a polymer
consisting of racemic diads only is named syndiotactic. Polypropene in which meso and
racemic diads are randomly distributed is atactic (see structures (46)(48)).
A single step of the polymerization is analogous to a diastereoselective synthesis.
Thus for achieving a certain level of chemical stereocontrol, chirality of the catalytically
active species is necessary. In metallocene catalysis, chirality may be located at the
transition metal itself, the ligand, or the growing polymer chain, e.g. the terminal mono-
mer unit. Therefore two basic mechanisms of stereocontrol are possible [382]: (a) catalytic
site control (also referred to as enantiomorphic site control), which is connected to
chirality at the transition metal or the ligand, and (b) chain end control which is caused
by the chirality of the last inserted monomer unit. These two mechanisms cause
microstructures (Figure 8) which may be described by dierent statistics, while in the case
of catalytic site control, errors are corrected due to the regime of the catalytic site
(Bernoullian statistics), chain end controlled propagation is not capable of doing so
(Markovian statistics).
a. Isotactic Polypropene. In the mid-1980s, the rst metallocene/MAO catalysts
for the isotactic polymerization of propene were described. Ewen [369] found Cp
MAO to produce isotactic polypropene at low temperatures by chain end control
mechanism (stereoblock structure). When using a mixture of racemic and meso
in combination with MAO, he obtained a mixture of isotactic and atactic
polypropene, the isotactic polymer having a microstructure in accordance with catalytic
site control (isoblock structure). The use of pure racemic [En(Ind)
yielded for the
rst time pure isotactic polypropene formed by metallocene/MAO catalysts [366,382].
These investigations were the beginning of rapid development in the area of metallocene
catalyzed polymerization of propene which resulted in the invention of tailor-made
Figure 7 Schematic drawing of the racemic and meso diad of poly(a-olefins).
Figure 8 Microstructures of polypropenes resulting from different types of stereocontrol during
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
metallocenes for dierent microstructures based on the mechanistic understanding of
According to the structure of the metallocene, dierent microstructures are realized.
Generally, among the rigid metallocenes, some dierent structures may be distinguished,
and there are also metallocenes which will be referred to later, having uctuating
b. C
Symmetric Metallocenes. C
symmetric metallocenes like Cp
are achiral. The only stereocontrol observed is both chain end type and
low, due to the fact that the chiral center of the terminal monomer unit of the growing
chain is in b-position due to 1,2-insertion of the monomers. A signicant inuence on
the tacticity is only observed at low temperatures (Table 18) and much more pronounced
in case of titanocenes and hafnocenes due to their shorter MCa bonds bringing the chiral
b-carbon closer to the active center [385387]. Therefore mainly atactic polypropene is
produced [388].
c. C
Symmetric Metallocenes. rac-Ethenebis(indenyl)zirconium dichloride and
rac-ethenebis(4,5,7,8-terahydroindenyl)zirconium dichloride were the rst chiral metallo-
cenes investigated and found to produce isotactic polypropene (see Figure 2). During the
last ten years a lot of variations of these metallocenes have been published and patented,
aiming for higher activities, molecular weights, tacticities and thereby higher melting
points. Table 19 summarizes some of the developments leading to catalysts which
Table 18 Chain end control by Cp
/MAO at low temperatures determined as
isotacticity index I.I. and sequence length of meso and racemic blocks.
Temp (

C) Zr/30 Zr/7 Zr/20 Zr/60 Ti/3

mmmm% 0.052 0.085 0.106 0.140 0.430
2.02 2.28 2.36 2.53 4.09
1.50 1.69 1.74 1.88 3.47
1.48 1.32 1.29 1.23 1.13
Table 19 Comparison of the productivity, molecular weight, melting point and isotacticity
obtained in polymerization experiments with various metallocene/MAO catalysts (bulk polymer-
ization in liquid propene at 70

C, Al/Zr ratio 15 000) showing the broad range of product properties

Metallocene Productivity
[kg PP/(mmolZr h)]

[% mmmm]
188 24 132 78.5
190 36 137 81.7
48 24 141 84.5
99 195 145 88.5
245 213 150 88.6
97 31 149 89.2
10 19 155 94.3
403 330 146 88.7
755 729 157 95.2
750 1135 158
875 920 161 99.1
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
can produce polypropenes with properties comparable to the ones reached by using
supported TiCl
catalysts [389391].
Systematic investigation of bis(indenyl)zirconocenes showed that the main chain
termination reaction is b-hydrogen transfer with the monomer [392,393]. This reaction is
very eectively suppressed by substituents (Me, Et) in position 2 of the indenyl-ring
[394,395]. Substituents in position 4 also cause an enhancement in molecular weight by
reducing 2,1-misinsertions which preferably result in chain termination by b-hydrogen
elimination. Due to the fact that primary insertion is sterically hindered after a regioerror
occurs and therefore the catalyst is in a resting state after a 2,1-insertion, suppression
of this type of misinsertion also leads to enhanced activities. Using aromatic substituents
in position 4 results in additional electronic eects. Thus the most active catalysts
feature a methyl or ethyl group in position 2 and an aromatic group in position 4 of the
indenyl rings.
Besides the bis(indenyl) ansa compounds, C
symmetric bridged bis(cyclopenta-
dienyl) metallocenes of zirconium and hafnium (structure (59)) were found to be able
to produce isotactic
polypropene (Table 20) [396]. The key for high isotacticity are substituents in positions
and 5
generating a surrounding of the transition metal similar to the one in
bis(indenyl) metallocenes.
In this type of metallocenes the chirality is due to the chirality of the ligand and the
two chlorines (e.g. the position of the growing chain and the coordinating monomer) are
Table 20 Polymerization behavior of metallocenes based on bridged biscyclopentadienyl com-
pounds. All polymerizations were performed at 30

C in 500 ml toluene at 3 bar. Al/M10 000,

[M] 0.002 mmol, t 2 h.
(structure 5)
[kg PP/(mmolZr h)]

[% mmmm]
1.6 134 162 97.7
11.1 87 160 97.1
0.3 10 149 93.4
16.3 14 148 92.5
0.30 256 163 98.7
0.10 139 162 98.5
0.03 17 157
1.61 67 148
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
homotopic. According to a model of Pino et al. [397400] the conformation of the growing
polymer chain is determined by the structure of the incoming monomer and is forced
into a distinct orientation by steric interactions of its side chain with the polymer chain
(Figure 9) [401406].
The C
-symmetric metallocenes give polypropylenes with a high melting point

C) and
C-NMR spectroscopically measured tacticities (mmmm pentades) of 97 to
99%. The properties and melting point of isotactic polypropenes prepared by metallocene
catalysts are determined by the amount of irregularities (stereo- and regioerrors) randomly
distributed along the polymer chain. Thus the term stereospecicity does not refer to
extractable aPP as for conventional PP always having a melting point of 160165

Metallocene catalysts depending on their substitution pattern can give a wide range of
homopolymers having melting points between 125 and 165

C (Table 21).
The molecular weight distribution of these iPPs (M
22.5) is lower than that
of conventional produced PP (M
520). For applications demanding broader
molecular weight distributions, two or more metallocenes may be combined to give
a tailor-made molecular weight distribution. Compared with conventional iPP grades,
metallocene products show enhanced mechanical strength which can be improved by
tailoring the molecular weight distribution.
The low melting points obtained with some metallocene catalysts, even at high
pentad isotacticities, are caused by 2,1- and 1,3-misinsertions [408,409]. Low melting point
polymers with conventional catalysts are obtained by copolymerization with small
amounts of ethene.
The excellent performance of metallocenes in copolymerizations also oer improve-
ments in impact copolymers. In the wide variety of properties of impact copolymers, the
stiness of the material is determined by the matrix material, while the impact resistance
Figure 9 Mechanism of the isotactic polymerization of propene using an alkylzirconocenium ion
generated from a C
symmetric bis(indenyl)zirconocene. The orientation shown for the first inserted
propene with the methyl group down is favored over the other possibility with the methyl group up.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
largely depends on the elastomeric phase. While conventional catalysts show some
inhomogeneities in the ethene/propene rubber phase due to crystalline ethene rich
sequences, the more homogeneous comonomer distribution obtained with metallocene
catalysts results in a totally amorphous phase [410].
Using highly stereoselective metallocenes, highly crystalline, sti polypropene types
are produced. These polymers exhibit a stiness 2530% above that of conventional
polypropenes, resembling that of polypropenes lled with talcum or other minerals [411].
Packages made from these polypropenes may have reduced thickness of the walls, are
easier recycled, show enhanced impact strength, heat resistance, lower density and less
Metallocenes are also interesting for the production of new iPP waxes for use as
pigment dispersants, toner or lacquer surfaces [412]. The molecular weight of about 10 000
to 70 000 g/mol combined with melting points between 140 and 160

C is easily obtained by
the choice of the metallocene
The homogeneous system is capable of producing isoblock polypropene (see
Figure 8). More stereoerrors shown as lower isotacticity are formed. [En(Ind)
(see Table 19) produces a polypropene with an isotacticity of only 78.5%. This means that
about 15 propene units are incorporated in the same stereospecic structure, one is
reversed and the following one has the same orientation as the previous block. The block
of 15 same oriented units is called isotactic sequence length.
A dierent structure is obtained when 4 to 12 propene units have the same
stereospecic structure; then there is a change and the following block of propene units
has the opposite stereospecic structure. This results in a stereoblock polypropene
(see Figure 8). Such structures of polypropene can be synthesized with a catalyst in which
the chirality is further or the rotation of the ligands is hindered away from the transition
metal [411]. Bis(neomenthyl)zirconium dichloride is an example of this type. The catalyst
possesses three chiral carbons at the neomethyl group bonded to the cyclopentadienyl ring.
The stereoblock length depends on the polymerization temperature. With increasing
temperature, the stereoblock length increases. Products with smaller isotactic block length
have a lower melting point and are more exible.
The methylaluminoxane as cocatalyst can be replaced by a mixture of trimethyl-
aluminum and dimethyluoroaluminum, or by N,N-dimethylanilineumtetrakis(penta-
uorophenyl)boron, showing similar polymerization activities [412,413]. Cocatalyst-free
propene polymerization systems are found by Watson [414] like (C
but the
activity and the molecular weights are low and there is no stereotacticity. Homogeneous
Table 21 Comparison of isotactic polypropenes prepared by different metallocene/MAO catalysts
(I), [Me
(II), [Me
(III) at 70

C in a
bulk polymerization at Al/Zr 15 000 to conventional isotactic PP prepared by a TiCl
catalyst (IV) [407].
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
Melting point [

C] 139 151 160 162

2.2 2.3 2.5 5.8
Modulus [N/mm
] 1060 1440 1620 1190
Hardness [N/mm
] 59 78 86 76
Impact resistance Izod [mJ/mm
] 128 86 100 103
Light transmission rate [% 1-mm plate] 56 44 35 34
Melt ow rate [

/min] 2 2 2 2
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
vanadium catalysts are not able to produce isotactic polypropene but yield a syndiotactic
C. Syndiotactic Polypropylene
Syndiotactic polypropene was rst isolated by Natta [415] through separation of polymer
obtained with a- or -TiCl
and Al(C
F or LiC
and on TiCl
and LiC
. The
yield of boiling hexane-soluble polypropene was only 1 to 10%. Higher yields are obtained
with homogeneous catalyst based on vanadium compounds (Table 22). For highly
syndiotactic polypropene the Al/V ratio is between 2 and 10; when a weak Lewis base such
as anisole is added, it is 1:1 [416421].
The syndiospecic increases as the polymerization temperature is lowered and as the
steric hindrance of the alkyl groups of the cocatalyst increases. Higher syndiospecicity
is attainable when operating in n-heptane instead of toluene. The viscosimetric molecular
weight of polymers obtained in the presence of anisole increases almost linearly with
polymerization time and is in the range of 10 000 units (intrinsic viscosity in tetralin at

C0.5 to 1). The polymerization rate is low; the resulting polymer amounts to only
a few percent of the converted monomer [417].
Experiments with various deuterated propenes have shown that syndiospecic
polymerization with vanadium catalysts takes place via cis addition of the monomeric
units to the growing chain [423]. The polymerization is not thoroughly regiospecic; that
is, 12 insertions are possible [424,425]. Next to syndiotactic stereoblocks, the polymer
also contains irregular stereoblocks [426428].
In 1988, Ewen and Razavi developed a catalyst for the syndiotactic polymerization
of propene based on C
-symmetric metallocenes (Table 23) [429431].
From these prochiral metallocenes, chiral metallocenium ions can be produced in
which chirality is centred at the transition metal itself. Due to the ipping of the polymer
chain, the metallocene alternates between the two enantiomeric congurations and pro-
duces a syndiotactic polymer [432437].
Syndiotactic polypropene produced by metallocene catalysts shows a higher level
of irregularities than isotactic ones. Comparing samples of the same degree of tacticity,
the syndiotactic polymer exhibits a lower melting point, lower density (strongly)
depending on the tacticity, ranging from 0.87 to 0.89 g/cm
, lower crystallinity, and a
lower crystallization rate [438]. The small crystal size in syndiotactic polypropene causes a
higher clarity of the material but is also responsible for its inferior gas barrier properties
Table 22 Syndiotactic polypropene produced with vanadium catalysts
Vanadium compound Cocatalyst Al:V:An (Mot) Solvent Temp. (

C) I.S.
)Cl 5:1:1 Toluene 78 1
)Cl 10:1:1 Toluene 78 0.9
Cl 5:1:1 Toluene 78 1.3
Cl 5:1:1 n-Heptane 78 2.4
)Cl 5:1:1 n-Heptane 78 1.9
)Cl 2:1:1 n-Heptane 78 1.3
Source: Ref. 422.
Conditions: time 1820 h, vanadium concentration 12.6 mmol in 100 mL of solvent, temperature 78

I.S. crystallinity index due to syndiotactic polymer, determined by IR methods.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
preventing applications in food packaging. However, the resistance against radiation
allows medical applications. Other advantages of sPP are the higher viscous and elastic
moduli at higher shear rates and its outstanding impact strength which disappears at low
temperatures due to the independence of the glass transition temperature on the tacticity.
Commercial product of syndiotactic polypropene utilizes a silica supported metallo-
cene in a bulk suspension process at 5070

C and a pressure of 30 kg/cm

Variation of C
-symmetric metallocenes leads to C
-symmetric ones (structure (60)).
If a methyl group is introduced at position 3 of the cyclopentadienyl ring, stereospeci-
city is disturbed at one of the reaction sites so every second insertion is random.
A hemiisotactic polymer is produced [440442]. If steric hindrance is bigger (for example
a tert-butyl group is introduced instead of the methyl group), stereo selectivity is inverted
and the metallocene catalyses the production of isotactic polymers [432,443450].
1. Elastomeric Polypropene
Elastomeric polypropenes (Table 24) of two dierent types may be prepared using
metallocene catalysts: (1) polypropenes being elastomeric due to a high content of 1,3-
enchainments; and (2) polypropenes having a stereoblock structure prepared using
oscillating or C
-symmetric metallocenes.
Oscillating metallocenes are obtained if unbridged substitutet metallocenes have a
signicant rotational isomerization barrier (Figure 10). Early attempts concentrated on
substituted cyclopentadienyl and indenyl compounds [411,451453].
Most recent eorts by Coates and Waymouth have shown that 2-phenylindenyl-
groups are well suited for this purpose [454]. They oscillated between the enantiomeric and
meso arrangements giving rise to a stereoblock polypropene containing atactic (produced
Table 23 Syndiotactic polypropenes prepared by different metallocene catalysts (see Figure 2).
Polymerizations were carried out at 60

C in 1 l of liquid propene.
Metallocene Productivity
[kg PP/(gMh)]

[rrrr %]
180 90 0.82
3 778 0.73
50 171 111 0.71
3138 478 133 0.87
28 1950 102 0.74
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
by the meso rotamer) and isotactic (produced by the chiral rotamer) sequences. The block
length was strongly dependent on the temperature.
-symmetric metallocenes are able to produce also elastomeric polypropene if
consecutive insertions take place on the same active site in addition to chain migratory
insertion. Polypropenes containing blocks of atactic and isotactic sequences are produced,
the block lengths depending on the rate of chain stationary insertion or site isomerization
vs. chain migratory insertion [447,455458]. Rieger [455] used bridged indenyl-uorenyl
metallocenes (structure (61)) to catalyze polypropenes with tailored isotacticities between
20 and 80%.
D. Atactic Polypropene
Atactic polypropene (aPP) is a head-to-tail polymer that is incapable of crystallizing, due
to the statistically irregular sequence of sterical orientations of methyl groups connected
Table 24 Properties of enastomeric polypropenes prepared by [MeHC(Ind)(C
(2), [Me
(3), and (2PhInd)
Catalysts 1 2 3 3 4
(kg/mol) 127 30 50 380 889
Isotacticity (mmmm %) 40 38 54 52 28
Melting point (

C) 47/61 54/93 53/84 125145

Crystallinity % 6.7 7.2 19.1 16.7 0.2
Elastic recovery
after 100% strain 93 92 95
after 200% strain 91 90 93
after break 86 86 84
Figure 10 Oscillating metallocene: by rotation of the cyclopentadienyl rings the metallocenes
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
to the tertiary carbon atoms [459]. It is amorphous to x-rays. The IR spectrum features
strong absorption bands at 1155 and 970 wavenumbers, respectively [460].
The glass transition temperature below which atactic polypropene becomes solid is
in the vicinity of 12

C [461]. Atactic polypropene is employed in polymer blends for

adhesives, and carpet coatings [462]. It can be produced with the aid of ZieglerNatta
catalysts. Without the use of stereoselectivity regulators, the synthesis yields 20 to 70%
of atactic polypropene, which can be isolated through extraction with n-hexane or
n-heptane [463].
In contrast to atactic polypropene produced with ZieglerNatta catalysts, the
polymer synthesized by a cationic mechanism does not possess an exclusive head-to-tail
sequence but is of irregular structure with head-to-head and tail-to-tail enchainments
accounting for up to 10% of the polymer [464]. However, there are still syndiotactic
or isotactic portions in atactic polymers produced with heterogeneous systems (using
vanadium catalysts). Very pure atactic polypropene is obtained with metallocene
(see Table 18) [465467]. The atactic polypropene extracted from ZieglerNatta catalysis
shows a broad molecular weight distribution and low molecular weight and is used as
additive to oil and bitumen.
Using metallocene catalysts, aPPs convering the whole range of molecular weights
of technical interest with narrow molecular weight distributions of M
2 can be
produced [468,469]. The main characteristics of high molecular weight aPP produced by
are low density, high transparency, softness, low modulus, and high
elongation caused by the totally amorphous state of the polymer. High molecular weight
aPP has potential applications in blends with other polyolen, upgrading transparency,
softness, elastic recovery and elongation.
1. Supported Metallocene Catalysts
Metallocene catalysts which are to be used as drop-in catalysts in existing plants for
polyolen production have to be heterogenized due to the fact that current technology is
based on gas phase and slurry processes. Thus the metallocenes are to be xed on a carrier.
Carriers may be divided into three groups: (1) metals have been used as llers; (2)
inorganics like silica, aluminia, zeoliths or MgCl
[470,476]; and (3) organic materials
like cyclodextrins [477], starch (as a ller) [478] and polymers (polystyrenes, polyamides)
have been used to support either the metallocene or the cocatalyst.
Looking at the preparation of supported metallocenes, synthesis of the metallocene
on the carrier is found as well as xing a metallocene either via functionality at the ligand
or by direct reaction with the carrier, in both cases followed by activation with MAO or
trialkylaluminum, but more common is heterogenization of the cocatalyst prior to mixing
the modied carrier with the metallocene and activation by trialkylaluminum.
Soga et al. have reported the synthesis of ansa zirconocenes on silica by synthesizing
a precursor of the bridge anchored using SiO
OH groups on the surface of silica [479].
Activation of these catalysts is done using either MAO or triisobutylaluminum.
In all cases the polymers obtained are isotactic despite the fact that synthesis of xed
bis(indenyl) metallocenes may result in inseparable meso and racemic diastereomers and
bridged bis(uorenyl) metallocenes are not chiral.
A similar procedure starts with a metallocene carrying an additional functionality at
the ligand which can be used for bonding on the carrier. These metallocenes may be xed
on silica (probably after modication of the SiO
OH groups) or other inorganic carriers
as well as on polymeric materials.
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Metallocenes may also be xed on silica or alumina by direct reaction of the two
components. Marks has shown that reaction of dimethyl metallocenes with alumina
results in the formation of an active catalyst [480]. Others have investigated the direct
reaction of metallocene dichlorides with silica (and alumina) and faced the problem of
metallocene decomposition. Nevertheless an active species is formed which produces
isotactic polypropene but with rather low activities.
Two approaches have been followed to generate a supported methylaluminoxane: (1)
the reaction of a carrier containing hydroxyl groups (starch, silica) with trimethylalumi-
num; and (2) xing MAO itself by reaction with OH groups of the carrier. In both cases
heterogenization of the cocatalyst is followed by reaction of the heterogeneous MAO with
a metallocene dichloride to generate a metallocene bond to the supported MAO. These
catalysts are usually activated by trialkylaluminums or additional small amounts of MAO.
Metallocenes xed on supported MAO exhibit similar behavior in polymerization as do
their homogeneous analogues (Table 25). Transfer of knowledge about catalysts design
gathered in homogeneous processes is possible. Therefore these techniques are most widely
used to x metallocenes onto a carrier.
E. Copolymers
The most important copolymer of propene with ethene is described under ethene polymeri-
zation. There are copolymers of propene with longer-chained a-olens, too. Copolymers
with 1-butene [484], 1-hexene [485], 4-methyl-1-pentene [486], styrene [487], and vinyl-
cyclohexane [488] are amorphous over a wide range of composition and show elastic
properties. Table 26 gives the copolymerization parameters r
and k
Conventional ZieglerNatta titanium-based catalysts produce block copolymers of
butadiene and propene while vanadium-based catalysts give highly alternating copolymers
[489,490]. Metallocene catalysts are highly active for the copolymerization of propene with
other 1-olens and cycloalkenes [491498].
The copolymerization of butadiene and propene is possible by zirconocene/MAO
Table 25 Comparison of metallocenes in homogeneous phase and supported on silica fixed MAO
at 40

C. (I) [En(IndH
, (II) [Me
, (III) Cp
Catalyst Cocatalysts Activity
(kg/molZr h)

(I)/homogeneous MAO
3 mmol
2070 111 3.3 1.9 71%mmmm
1 mmol
77 140 5.3 2.5 90%mmmm
2 mmol
382 105 6.6 1.8 69%mmmm
(II)/homogeneous MAO
13 mmol
758 123 39.3 1.8 77% rrrr
2 mmol
141 133 45.2 1.9 83% rrrr
(III)/homogeneous MAO
10 mmol
132 0.3
TIBA 99 1.8
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
With the system ethylenebis(indenyl)zirconium dichloride/methylaluminoxane, 6%
of 1,5-hexadiene could be incorporated [499,500]. The copolymerization parameter r
this reaction is in the range of 14 to 19. The polymerization rate decreases with increasing
1,5-hexadiene concentration in the reaction mixture. The block copolymers are mostly
mixtures of the copolymer and both homopolymers [501].
1. Polymer Characterization and Compounding
Isotactic and syndiotactic polypropene are partly crystalline polyolens. Therefore,
their properties largely depend on their degree of crystallinity and crystal structure. These
parameters can be inuenced by crystallization temperature, cooling rate, tensile
stress, tempering, molecular weight, and molecular weight distribution. Isotactic poly-
propene forms a 3.1 helix with identical conguration at every tertiary carbon atom,
whereas in syndiotactic polypropene the conguration of the tertiary carbon atoms
is alternating. The helix conformations are states of particularly low energy and are
therefore favored by the system. In the helix the pendant methyl groups have a
well-dened tilt pointing up and down, but they are always oriented toward the outside
(away from the center) [502]. The helical phase is a racemic mixture consisting of pairs
of dextrogyric and levogyric helices. This is responsible for the high melting point of

In contrast to this, atactic polypropene is amorphous even at room temperature.
The degree of crystallinity of iso- or syndiotactic polypropene is normally on the
order of 60 to 70%. There are several modications of isotactic polypropene. The most
important is the monoclinic a type. Its unit cell, with dimensions of 0.67, 2.10, and
0.65 nm, contains three monomeric units of four polymer chains, respectively [503]. Next
to this, the trigonal a and triclinic g-modications occur. They are best characterized
by spectroscopical methods IR [502,503], x-ray diraction [504],
H-NMR, and
Stabilizers and additives are blended into the crude product to prevent the polymer
chains from degrading. The tertiary carbon atoms bearing the pendant methyl groups
are fairly sensitive to oxidation. That is why the processing must proceed under exclusion
of air with antioxidants present in the polymer.
Substituted phenols that act as scavengers for radicals formed in the course of the
degradation reaction as well as thio compounds and organophosphites are added as
antioxidants. Benzophenone and carbon black act as UV stabilizers. Calcium stearate or
other carboxylic acids are added to bind chloride originating from the catalyst. Further
additives can be acceptors for coloring, anti-electrostatics, nucleating agents to promote
crystallization, lubricants, or ame retardants [507,508]. Polypropene can also be blended
with other polymers as rubbers (EPDM) or polyethene [509511]. In these products the
Table 26 Copolymerization of propene (1) with various a-olefins (2).
Comonomer (2) Catalyst r
1-Butene TiCl
4.6 0.5 484
1-Hexene TiCl
Cl 4.18 0.16 485
1-Methyl-1-pentene TiCl
Cl 6.4 0.31 486
Styrene TiCl
20.5 0.3 487
Vinyl cyclohexane TiCl
Cl 80 0.049 488
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
mixed phase is embedded in a continuous polypropene matrix. No genuine solution is
obtained. Additional new properties can be achieved by compounding the polypropene
with solid inorganic or organic lling materials [512]. Rigidity and hardness, especially,
can be improved in this way. Possible lling materials are glass bers, glass balls, talcum,
chalk, aluminum oxide, metal powder, wood our, or carbon bers [513]. Up to 50 wt% of
these lling materials can be directly worked in as a master batch.
Higher a-olens are less easily polymerized, as they pose more steric hindrance. Propene
is about three times more active than 1-butene, depending on the catalyst system. The
polymerization rate is progressively decreased with increasing size of the linear alkyl
group. On the other hand, 2-olens cannot be homopolymerized. On the other hand,
2 olens cannot be homopolymerized by Ziegler catalysts. Nickel-diimine/MAO or borate
systems are able to homopolymerize trans-2-butene to polymers with low glass-transition
temperatures until 53

C [514]. The industrial interest in polymers of higher a-olens

is much lower than that for polyethene and polypropene. Only poly-l-butene and poly
(4-methyl-l-pentene) have some commercial use. The scientic importance of higher
1-olefns is explained by their ability to form chains with variable isotacticities. Because of
the longer alkyl group, higher a-olens show only 1,2-insertion. A suciently large number
of dierent linear, branched, cyclic, and aromatic olens have been investigated.
A. Poly(1-Butene)
Isotactic poly(1-butene) crystallizes from the melt into an unstable modication which
is slowly converted into a thermodynamically more stable form. The two modications
dier in helical structure and density; therefore, the product undergoes deformation in the
course of time [515,516]. For the polymerization of butene the same catalysts are used as
for propene.
The reactivity is lower. In contrast to isotactic polypropene isotactic poly(1-butene)
is soluble in boiling heptane despite the ethyl side group. Poly(1-butene) is produced in
suspension, solution, or in liquid-1-butene. Because of the lower activity of the catalyst, the
polymer usually has to be puried by a number of washing steps from catalyst residues.
Mainly TiCl
Cl or MgCl
catalysts are used. TiCl
(0.2 wt%)
on MgO and AlEt
as cocatalysts yields 60 kg of poly(1-butene) per hour and gram of
Ti [517]. With TiCl
and (C
Mg atactic polybutene is formed [518].
Also soluble catalyst based on ethene bis(indenyl)zirconium dichloride/methylalu-
minoxane can be used [519]. The
C-NMR spectroscopically measured isotacticity is
in excess of 97%, the molecular weight low (44 000), and the crystallinity 66.9%. Similar to
polypropene poly(1-butene) crystallizes in four dierent modications [520]. To inuence
the crystallinity, 1-butene was copolymerized with ethene or propene [521,522] or
compounded [523,524]. Poly(1-butene) shows very good stability against stress, corrosion,
cracking and is therefore used for pressure tubes.
B. Polymers of Other a-olefins
The other a-olens were investigated considering the polymerization rate, helix
conformation, and melting point of the polymer (Table 27) [525]. It was found that
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
poly(1-pentene) gives two monoclinic modications (4.1 and 3.1 helix); poly(1-hexene)
forms a 7.2 helix. The polymerization activity and the melting points of the isotactic
polymers decrease with growing alkyl groups [526]. The melting points of the isotactic
polymers pass through a minimum at 20

C for poly(1-hexene).
Campbell observed a decrease in activity for a-olens with branched alkyl groups
[527]. A signicant decrease in olene activity takes place when the branch moves closer to
the double bond. 3-Methylpentene is three times less active than 4-methylpentene. When
the branch is moved away from the double bond to carbon 5 or 6, however, the olen
activities increase. The olen activity is drastically decreased when both carbons in
position 3 or 4 are substituted (the activity of 3,4-dimethyl-1-pentene is ve times less than
that of 3-methyl-1-pentene). Lower activities are also found with growing size of the
substituent at the branch. The poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) has drawn most interest in this
group [528,529]. It has a higher melting point of 235

C and higher transparency than

polypropene and forms a 7.2 helix. MgCl
can be used as catalyst and
phthalic acid diisobutyl ester as Lewis acid. The isotacticity index of the polymer is 98.2%.
When the 3-alkyl is a ring structure as in vinylcyclohexane, its contribution to the
steric repulsion becomes lower and the polymerization activity increases [530535].
C. Polycycloolefins
Many but not all cycloolens from cyclobutene to cyclododecene have been polymerized
successfully. A wide range of Ziegler catalysts were explored [536,537]. The main interest
is directed to the polymerization of cyclopentene. There are two pathways for the
polymerization of cycloalkenes [538543]. One is the double-bond opening:
and the other is the ring opening.
Table 27 a-Olefin relative reactivity (propene 1) in polymerization with heterogeneous catalysts
and melting points of the isotactic polymers.
Monomer Reactivity Melting point (

Propene 1 170
1-Butene 0.220.62 140
1-Pentene 0.20.45 80
1-Hexene 0.160.36 20
1-Heptene 0.20.45 18
1-Octene 0.10.3
1-Nonene 0.10.3 19
1-Decene 0.120.28 34
1-Dodecene 0.10.2 49
1-Tetradecene 0.10.2 57
1-Hexadecene 0.10.2 68
1-Octadecene 0.10.15 71
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
As of the steric hindrance and the possibility to form allylic intermediates, cyclopentene
inserts by metallocene catalysts with a 1,3-structure while polynorbornene shows a
1,2-structure (structure (64)) [544].
When polymerization occurs by double-bond opening, the product can be
syndiotactic, isotactic, or atactic.
The ring opening polymerization can give two structures, the trans-poly(cyclopen-
tenamer) or the cis-poly(cyclopentenamer). Both pathways were found to be followed
with Ziegler catalysts. Table 28 gives results of cycloolen polymerizations. Cyclopropene
polymerized spontaneously above 80

C [545]. Cyclobutene is very active and poly-

merized easily with various catalysts [546]. Cyclopentene has been polymerized by
metathesis reaction. With heterogeneous catalysts both ring opening and double-bond
opening are found at the same time [547]. Cyclohexene has not been polymerized because
of the high ring stability of the normal twisted-chair conformation that it takes [537].
Cyclic alkenes such as cyclobutene, cyclopentene, and norbornene can be poly-
merized by double-bond opening with metallocene/methylalumoxane or late transition
catalysts [548551]. The activities for the polymerization of cyclobutene and cyclopentene
are high, whereas the activity of norbornene is signicantly lower. The melting points are
Table 28 Polymerization of cycloolefins.
Monomer and
catalyst system
Ring opening Ref.
trans cis
Cl 100 0 0 542
5 65 30 541
30 40 30 542
0 0 100 543
0 100 0 543
Cl 5080 3050 540
/MAO 100 0 0 539
0 93 7 543
Cyclooctene (cis)
0 85 15 543
Cyclodexene (cis) 0 85 15 538
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
surprisingly high. Under vacuum (to have avoid oxidation) they were found to be 485

for polycyclobutene, 395

C for polycyclopentene.
Table 29 compares the activities for the homopolymerization with dierent
transition metal [M] catalysts using MAO as cocatalyst [551].
Nickel-O- and palladium-O-complexes are very active catalysts for the polymeriza-
tion of norbornene and also for cyclopentene [552554]. Nickel catalysts produce soluble
polymers with a molecular weight of over one million while polymers obtained with
palladium or metallocene complexes are insoluble. The soluble polymers have an atactic
structure. The microstructure of the polynorbornene depends on the catalyst used and is
isotactic by synthesis with chiral metallocenes.
The processing of homopolynorbornene would be extremely dicult, due to a
melting point higher than the decomposition, especially if the polymer is insoluble.
Dimethanooctahydronaphthalene [DMON] is more rigid than norbornene. The copoly-
merization product of norbornene or DMON with ethene is amorphous, featuring high T
values of 160

C. The copolymers are insoluble in hydrocarbons and have an excellent

transparency, thermal stability, and chemical resistance [555].
D. Polyisobutene
Isoolens with branchings adjacent to the double bond cannot be homopolymerized
by active centers of the ZieglerNatta type. Corresponding olens with vinylidene double
bonds, however, are classical monomers for cationic polymerization [556]. In this context
Ziegler catalysts can act as cationic catalysts [557]. In the group of vinylidene olens,
isobutene is the one of greatest importance. It is obtained as the major component (45 to
50 vol%) of the C
fraction in the naphtha cracking process [558]. The rst polymerization
was carried out by Lebedew [559].
The main distinguishing feature of technical poly(isobutenes) is their molecular
weight. Molecular weights range from about 3000 for viscous oily liquids to 40 000 to
120 000 for sticky products and 300 000 to 2 500 000 for elastic rubbery materials [560,561].
Poly(isobutenes) have low glass transition temperatures and thermal conductivity as well
as high electrical resistivity and chemical resistance. They are soluble in hydrocarbons
but insoluble in alcohols [562,563]. The cationic polymerization of isobutylene can be
carried out as a precepitation reaction at temperatures below 0

C with FriedelCrafts
catalysts (e.g., AlCl
, BF
) in chloromethane or other solvents [564573]. The Lewis
acid as initiator is activated incombination with a proton sosurce which is usually present
Table 29 Polymerization of norbornene with different catalysts at 20

Catalyst [M]
time (

molar ratio
(kg Pol/mol M)
weight (g/mol)
5 10
0.5 9 400 11 000 2.4 10
2 10
0.5 25 000 27 000 Insoluble
5 10
0.5 9 400 3 800 1.7 10
5 10
0.3 10 000 44 000 Insoluble
7 10
72 5 1.6 Insoluble
48 5 000 40 Insoluble
6 10
2 603 400 Insoluble
2 10
1 2 600 220 Insoluble
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
as a trace impurity (e.g. water, hydrogen chloride). The mechanism includes the
following reactions [558,574]:
To obtain high molecular weights, the polymerization temperature and with it the
rate of the transfer reactions must be lowered. At 100

C poly(isobutylene) of molecular
weight 300 000 g/mol is obtained [575].
The reaction is strongly exothermic with a reaction enthalpy of 356 kJ/mol and is
usually nished within seconds or a few minutes, even at low temperatures. The molecular
mass is kept low by adding a-olens and diisobutene. Addition of 0.25% of diisobutene,
for instance, reduces the molecular weight from 260 000 to 45 000. In contrast, the addition
Table 30 Copolymerization of isobutene (M
) with different comonomers (M
); copolymerization
parameters r
and r
Comonomer r
Styrene 1.82.8 1.45.5 577
4-Chlorostyrene 1.01.7 1.014.7 578
a-Methylstyrene 0.201.2 1.45.5 579,580
Indene 1.1 2.2 580
1,3-Butadiene 43 0 581
trans-1,3-Pentadiene 2.3 582
cis-1,3-Pentadiene 5.0 582
Cyclopentadiene 0.20.8 1.56.3 583
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
of organometallic amides [e.g., zinc bis(di-ethylamide), titanium tetra(diethylamide)]
has the opposite eect, raising the molecular weight to more than 1 million [576].
1. Copolymers of Isobutene
Isobutene can be copolymerized with numerous unsaturated compounds via a cationic
route [577586]. Table 30 lists various comonomers and copolymerization parameters. The
isobutene portion in the copolymers usually exceeds 90%. The use of aluminum organic
compounds (e.g., AlEt
Cl) as opposed to aluminum trichloride permits better control
of the copolymerization, as they are weaker Lewis acids. Hydrogen chloride or halogens
must be added as cocatalysts that are capable of regenerating the carbocations. The
organoaluminum catalysts are produced at 78

C with boron triuoride.

Isobutene/isoprene copolymers (butyl rubbers) are the technically most important
copolymers of isobutene. The polymerization is carried out as a continuous suspension
polymerization in an agitator vessel with 0.8 to 3 mol% isoprene in chloromethane [558].
Further solvents, such as hydrogen sulde or heptane, can be added to prevent partial
cross-linking of the isoprene at higher isoprene contents [587]. The isoprene is
incorporated with a trans-1,4 linkage [588]. Further catalysts can be zinc bisdiisobutyl-
amide/boron triuoride or titanium tetrachloride/cumylic chloride. When the monomer
mixture is added to the latter, the molecular weight of the copolymer increases with
reaction time (i.e., the reaction proceeds quasi-living).
Isobutene can also be copolymerized with 1,3-butadiene, cyclopentadiene, indene,
or a-pinene [589593].
In copolymerization with styrene, isobutene is the monomer with the highest
reactivity [594596]. In analogy with this it is possible to produce copolymers with
a-methylstyrene or 4-chlorostyrene.
2. Block Copolymers and Graft Polymers
Block copolymers of isobutene and styrene can be produced by homopolymerizing styrene
in dichloromethane with titanium(IV)chloride and 2-chloro-2-phenylpropane as initiator
system to a desired chain length followed by addition of isobutene [597]. At a reaction
temperature of 50

C the molecular weight of the block copolymer is M

45 000 and
that of the styrene block is M
29 000. Homopolystyrene and homopoly(isobutene) are
removed by extraction with pentane and butanone [598].
With 2-bromo-6-chloro-2,6-dimethylheptane as a starting molecule it is possible to
specically produce diblocks that are not contaminated by homopolymerizates [599]. The
two terminal halogen groups dier in reactivity. Addition of aluminum alkyls successively
generates carbocations that can be used for a stepwise initiation. The more reactive
chlorine group is converted rst, starting the growth of a polystyrene block. After this
the bromine group is activated, which then leads to the growth of the poly(isobutene)
block. Products of this type feature two glass transition temperatures [74

C for the
poly(isobutene) block and 96

C for the polystyrene block].

The development of a synthesis for telechelic poly(isobutenes) with boron trichloride
catalysts (Inifer technique) has led to an extension of the spectrum of isobutene block
copolymers [600,601].
In addition to isobutene-styrene, di- and triblock copolymers can be synthesized
by isobutene/a-methylstyrene. Further, block copolymers of isobutene can be made by
polyaddition reactions with hydroxy- and dihydroxytelechelics of poly(isobutene).
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Poly(isobutene)/polycarbonate blocks are produced by conversion of poly
(bisphenol-A carbonate) that contains isocyanate groups and dihydroxytelechelics
of poly(isobutene).
It is possible to graft isobutene onto activated polymer molecules when they can be
alkylated in an electrophilic reaction [602604]. Polystyrene, for instance, is alkylated with
FriedelCrafts catalysts. The grafting is simplied by the presence of halogen atoms in
the main polymer chain. Addition of diethylaluminumchloride or triethylaluminum leads
to the formation of cations. The graft polymers usually contain between 10 and 60%
of isobutene units and feature outstanding elasticity and dimensional stability at higher
temperatures. Also, copolymers of isobutene and isoprene, butadiene, styrene, and so on,
can be grafted in this manner [605607].
A controlled synthesis of functionalized poly(isobutenes) was not possible until
Kennedy and Smith [596,608] introduced the Inifer concept to cationic polymerization.
Inifer systems are mono-, bi-, or trifunctional initiators and transfer reagents (structures
(69)(71)) that lead to cationic polymerization reactions. Terminal halogen groups
are introduced by controlled chain transfer reactions while terminating reactions are
supressed. In this way one can synthesize linear, triaxial, or star-shaped poly(isobutenes)
with reactive terminal halogen groups [609612]. These groups can subsequently be
converted to hydroxyl, phenyl, carboxy, silyl, and other functional groups.
69 70 71
3. Polymers of 1,1- and 1,2-Disubstituted Olefins
Next to isobutene, other 1,1-dialkyl substituted ethenes can also be polymerized
cationically. Suitable monomers are 2-methyl-1-butene, 2-methyl-1-pentene, and 2,3-
dimethyl-1-butene [613] Polymers with very high molecular weights of M
>300 000 are
obtained by catalysis with aluminum alkyl halogenides. Also, cyclic hydrocarbons with
a methylene group (methylenecyclopropane, methylene cyclobutane, methylene cyclohex-
ane, a-pinene) are suitable monomers [614619]. 1,1-Disubstituted ethenes with stronger
steric hindrance as camphene or 2-methylene-bicyclo-[2.2.1] heptane, however, could not
be polymerized cationically [574].
With FriedelCrafts catalysts or mineral acids, 2-butene can only be oligomerized
while nickel II-diimin complexes give high molecular weight polymers [514]. Copolymers
of 2-butene with ethane by metallocene catalysts are possible [620]. Also, cyclopentene,
cyclohexene,hexene, and norbornene can only be converted to products of low mole-
cular weights with boron triuoride/hydrogen uoride or AlCl
[621623]. In these cases
the steric shielding eect of long aliphatic chains or rings prevents an eective cationic
Copyright 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
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