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555 Valleydale Drive Anytown, OH 42421 (555) 555-1234 A School on a Mission

MEMO TO: Superintendent Smith MEMO FROM: Technology Directors: Dominga Gardner Erin Hatfield Corey Holmer DATE: Sunday, April 14, 2013 RE: Technology Plan

The memo is in response to the school boards concert that the students in the Pleasant View School District are not adequate prepared as learners in the 21st century. Upon reviewing the data extensively from last springs Technology Integration Self-Assessment survey. I propose that we should increase assessment scores and integrate more technology within the school district. Increased Assessment Scores Professional development is one of the most powerful tools a school district has. Through effective training, teachers are provided the tools they need to be successful. These meetings and trainings also make sure that everyone is on the same page and that we are headed toward the same goal, student success. These focused professional development meetings can and should contribute to a rise in the state assessment scores across the board, but most importantly in math. They should include a combination of technology integration as well as good practice.


One of the first things we should to communicate to our teachers is the importance of literacy in all subjects. Studies have shown that students who read well also do well in math and other subjects (Larwin, 2010). Our schools need to have a unified vision on literacy. Teachers should know how to provide students literature that is appropriate to their abilities. Focused professional development on the importance of literacy and strategies to improve students reading is one of the first areas that need be addressed.

Hewlett-Packard Next, teachers need to know how to interpret the results of the assessments given throughout the year. Teachers should be able to identify their students strengths and weakness as well as where to focus in the coming weeks (Education World: Boosting Test Scores: Strategies That Work, n.d.). Regular professional development time should be spent in Professional Learning Communities for the purpose of looking at how students tested versus how they perform in the classroom. Every teacher should be able to access the data in a way that is comfortable to them. Often this means creating charts, graphs, and other visual data using a computer software. Teachers should have training on these programs and on how to effectively analyze the data.

The last area to focus professional development for the purpose of improving assessment scores is standards. With the introduction of Common Core State Standards, many teachers are reevaluating their curriculum and pacing. These new standards are complex and often encompass many ideas or skills into one. Teachers need to have time in their Professional Learning Communities to unpack these standards and get to the heart of what needs to be taught. The Common Core State Standards incorporate technology into every area of study. Teachers need the opportunity to learn and brainstorm ways to integrate technology into what they already have. Technology Integration Preparing students for the 21st Century is our main concern. As Technology Director I have surveyed and researched some possible options to reach our goal. Currently each classroom, K12, has at least two computers stations for student use. These computers are dated and due for upgrades, which is part of our future plan for the district. The survey showed the teachers use the computers 1-2 days a week on average and are rarely used in connection to curriculum activitiesmeaning mostly used for research projects or printing out homework.

Because of the major change our district must adopt, I believe implementing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative would be most successful in the classroom and for the district. Further research proves success in neighboring districts and is more economically sound. This program would allow students and teachers the ability to bring their own devices into the classroom for use. Some students may not have the technology available, which means we will have to supply a small amount of devices (preferably iPads or laptops) to each classroom or building. Currently our network infrastructure can handle enough devices for a 1:1 program if need be. The major concern with this change will better preparing the staff and students on the use of technology in the classroom.

Part of the overhaul will include several professional development opportunities that will be catered to the needs of all teachers. Currently the district offers web-based classes on Microsoft Office and adding Web 2.0 techniques into the classroom, but these new offerings would be more specific and leveled. I believe that hiring of 2 new Educational Technologists, in addition to the one we already have, can be used to educate and prepare these professional development opportunities. We will be looking for qualified persons with at least 2-3 years of experience and a background in education.


With the addition of the BOYD program, we have broken the professional development into a 3year plan, adding more opportunities each year. To lay the groundwork we will be creating several district-hosted websites on the basics of technology in the classroom. These websites were be updated weekly with examples of teacher-work, instructional videos, and important links that can be accessed by all staff. Besides the addition of a website, four teacher-institute days will be focused on the use of technology in the classroom and better educating staff. Each school will host several opportunities/options and the teachers will be allowed to choose which class best suits their needs. Staff members, on a volunteer basis, will teach these sessions. As the program progresses, further professional development will be made available. These opportunities will take place yearly and will be modified as technology changes. The professional development offered, not in a particular order, will be: tiered classes dependent on level, interactive website for specific topics and technology, online form and database of teacher work, pilot program across various grades through an application process, and paid-leave for out-of-district technology conferences. With the addition of previous services, I do believe that we will see immediate changes in technology use by teachers and students. This will in turn better prepare our students for the 21st Century and motivate learning, which should increase our test scores across the board.
In conclusion, we propose that this proposal be taken into consideration to move towards 21st century learning skills to better prepare our students. We look forward in hearing from you to discuss the proposal in details and move the proposal forward.

Thank you for your consideration.

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