A Paperless Department of Pharmacy

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A Paperless Pharmacy Department

Submitted By A. K. M. Radowan Ahmad ID: 2008-3-70-018

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Pharmaceutical Engineering

East West University

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Abstract The concept of offices without paper originated during the 1980s. The primary idea behind this concept was that the application of computers and computer networking would decrease the amount of paper used in office work. Today, this same concept is understood as the computerization of all office work. In a similar win A paperless pharmacy department represents the promotion of information and communication technology (ICT) in the overall scheme of activities in Pharmacy department of East West University. This paper highlights some of the departmental activities which can be digitalized and may adapt a paperless department.

Key words: Paperless, Paper, Computerization, Internet, Web, Email, Multi-media.

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Introduction Reality has proven that a paperless office has been impossible to achieve thus far. Todays individuals, computer savvy as they are, have shown they are unwilling to give up the convenience and low cost of paper for more cumbersome and costly digital display devices. Individuals have also relegated printers, copiers and fax machines into the for granted category, believing one belongs on everyones desk. Until digital display devices transfer data from computer to medium as simply as printers do with paper, the paperless office may never be a reality. More and more, however, we are seeing digitized data creep into our everyday lives; eventually paper will be a scarce resource and digital information transfer will be the norm. Since the Egyptians first used rudimentary writing utensils to communicate on sheets made from reed, paper has been the most common method of documenting information. This method of transmitting the written word has been so etched into the minds of todays society that giving up this means of communication will be a very long time coming. In fact, studies have even shown that people are able to retain 30% more information if it is shown to them on paper than if they see it on a computer screen (New Zealand Management, 2001; King, 2001). These statistics, however, are sure to drop as society becomes increasingly cognizant of the computer as an information transfer medium. Additionally, technology is advancing to make display devices more paper-like. According to King, Characters in the movie Red Planet use a screen device that unfolds like a thick map or scroll. This technology isnt too far off; several manufacturers are working on similar technology (King, 2001). Each generation will become more and more used to digitized data, so much so that eventually the line that separates screen and paper will vanish as digitized information display mediums become more and more like their older brother. Already this transformation in common office vernacular is evident. Almost gone are the days when co-workers ask, Did you get my memo? or Did you see the paper today? Todays water cooler conversations are more likely to contain the phrase, Did you get my E-mail? or Did you see the latest on that story on newsagency24.com? They just updated their site eight minutes ago! The rise of the Internet has also spurred more paper-averse environments. For example, the teacher evaluation system of East West University is currently using Internet server and Intranet-based display tools to evaluate teachers instead of the making mark on the evaluation sheet (paper-based). Proponents argue that Internet-based paperless services are faster,

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cheaper and more efficientand friendlier to our environment. The Center for Energy and Climate Solutions recently published an article by Joseph Romm, a former Assistant Secretary of Energy. In this article, Romm makes a largely tongue-in-cheek observation that during 1997 and 1998, energy consumption remained nearly the same, even as GDP grew 8% and energy prices stayed low. Thathas never happened before. The explanation: The use of the Internet is making commerce more efficient, thereby reducing the use of natural resources ranging from oil to paper (Chen and Lindsay, 2000). Education -today is conceived as the foundation of human rights, universal human value and as a contribution to the national and economic development of society. It is also increasingly viewed as a means of achieving national development and prosperity. Education must serve society as an instrument for its creation and promotion, as well as for the broadening of knowledge and scientific cognition. Simultaneously, an ever-increasing number of people are in a dilemma over whether the current system of education is fulfilling these objectives and if so, what changes must be made in education. The basic objective of us is to call attention to the need for permanent computerization of post-secondary institutions as an assurance that the development of our society keeps in step with the advanced world. University without paper is a system of this effort. Paperless Pharmacy Department Office The global demand for Pharmacy Graduates in the academic and research institutions, pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and other health related institutions is increasing in rapid pace at both home and abroad. Keeping this in mind the Department of Pharmacy was established in East West University in 2003 with only 41 students and 4 faculties. Soon after its inception the Department of Pharmacy became one of the best institutions not only in East West University, it gained its reputation throughout the country.At present there are at least 800 students, 16 full time faculties and 3 adjunct professors. Toward a paperless environment The technology is available today to provide information and data in a paperless environment. The paperless system can be viewed as a knowledge representation activity in which analysts implement and maintain a qualitative model of a software application that provides some desired functionality.

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In a traditional setting, this application model is described in text and diagrams, and the models realization is encoded in an imperative language that favors performance over flexibility (Blum, 1989). The presentation of data must support a system that is user-friendly, flexible, comprehensive, and quickly accessed (Breaux, 1994). Media in education has shaped our concept of knowledge throughout history. Todays new technologies, which have been dubbed the knowledge media, are engaging from the convergence of computing, telecommunications, and the learning science. These new technologies play a role to renew a university from traditional to paperless by giving knowledge its new shape. Following figure 1 shows the evolution of educational technology.

Figure 01: Evaluation of education technology with time Since the Egyptians first used rudimentary writing utensils to communicate on sheets made from reed, paper has been the most common method of documenting information. This method of transmitting the written word has been so etched into the minds of todays society that giving up this means of communication is not easy. In fact, studies have even shown that people are able to retain 30% more information if it is shown to them on paper than if they see it on a computer screen (Mathieu & Capozzoli, 2002). Paperless working is about alleviating the amount of times one physically handles documents and maximizing the efficiency of the work by being able to retrieve information electronically and at the time that one needs it. Paperless applications are being used to enhance and simplify every area of business and the administration of employee benefits. Web sites and intranets have been designed to achieve paperless benefits to the full extent. Internet-based various products that harness the power of the online system, enabling small and mid-size companies to streamline

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communications, comply electronically with pertinent legislation, and provide employees accurate, easy-to-access, real-time information. EWU is currently trying to run a paperless environment through web-based applications, such as electronic books, digital library, computer based learning systems, database management system. Different Faculties are administering undergraduate courses introducing various worthwhile, prolific programs. Applications are also online based where everyone can apply through Internet during the application time. Design of the department The EWU Pharmacy Department Online System would be a web-based facility for students and faculty to perform the following activities: Profile view/update Add/drop course Exam slip Result slip Timetable Financial report Activity proposal Faculty evaluation Web mail Online postal service Student/Staff directory

The online bulletin is used to make all necessary announcements from the administration. Using the Online System, students can register courses, withdraw courses, print examination slips and view academic results. The students information center allows students to edit personal profiles, check financial status, view academic timetables, and submit activity proposals. Faculty can also change their personal profile and book venues for classes. Both students and faculty members have the web mail service and the online postal service gives the ability to check their incoming letters/parcels. The faculty/students directory keeps the record of all current faculty/students. Students can also evaluate lecturers through the

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online process and the lecturers can view their evaluations. Each student/faculty of EWU is given an Integrated Computerized Education Management System (ICEMS) password. The ICEMS password is necessary for online course registration, viewing results online, accessing the financial information, and accessing the academic evaluation system and all other online system facilities. Figure 2 summarizes the EWU Pharmacy Department Online System.

Figure 2: Summary of online systems at EWU Pharmacy department It can include a new feature that keeps records of class attendance, which are uploaded by lecture for the students to monitor their attendance status. Another interesting kind of service, we can propose, focusing on the paperless system is the EWU SMS Service and Info line. EWU is also providing SMS services to the EWU community. The purpose of providing these services is to allow students and the EWU community an effective means of getting information from EWU at their fingertips, such as: EWU Pharmacy department administrative directory EWU Pharmacy department faculty directory Examination results retrieval Notification of class schedules Registered course detail Application status

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Some of the important services are examination result retrieval, notification of class schedules, registered course details, and application status. EWU Info Line is an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System aimed at providing information about EWU by way of a telephone within seconds. The system is activated 24 hours a day for the convenience of EWU students, staff, and the public. This auto-telephone-operator system takes care of general inquiries by the public. It offers different options to the callers including call transfers, obtaining information on the courses offered and examination results. (http://ewusearch.ewupd.edu.my/websearch.php?query=Telephone+system). Design of paperless classroom In today's classroom, it seems pencil and paper is going the way of the chisel and stone tablet. As school age children are becoming more technologically savvy, classrooms have to evolve to keep pace. This is happening simultaneously with a renewed effort toward environmentally friendly use of materials to create the "paperless classroom." Paperless classrooms are not necessarily completely paper-free. They typically still use some textbooks and have in-class activities. Rationale for the Paperless Classroom There are three major benefits to creating a "green," or paperless, classroom. Going paperless in the classroom reduces paper waste, which means that less energy is used in the making of paper and that fewer natural resources are destroyed. It also creates a conservation mind-set in students and educates them on related issues. It creates "teachable" moments that often carry over into the home. Creating a paperless classroom also allows the teacher to introduce new technologies to students. Businesses are looking for employees that have 21st century skills. It is important that students receive some training on Web-based applications and other technological tools. Tools for the Paperless Classroom E-readers are becoming an affordable alternative to textbooks in schools. Instead of printing out articles from PDF files I created, loaded them onto our classroom set of Amazon Kindles. This not only saves paper, but allows students to explore e-reader functions.

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Web-Based Tools for the Paperless Classroom Instead of turning in paper copies of their writing assignments, students can use computers and online applications. This allows students to improve their basic computer skills while learning the grammar and mechanics of writing. This will also benefit teachers, as they will no longer have to carry mountains of paperwork home. When creating a paperless classroom, there are many Web-based applications and tools teachers can utilize in the classroom or for collaborative work outside of class. Below are a couple of the free Web-based tools used in classroom. Write board There is a great value in using Writeboard as a collaborative workspace for group projects outside of class. It would also be an excellent spot for keeping classroom notes. Moodle Moodle is a class management system similar to WebCt or Blackboard. Teachers can organize activities and create discussion forums and quizzes. Moodle also allows students to submit their assignments online, cutting down on paper usage. E-Mail One fast and simple way to go paperless in your classroom is have students send their work via e-mail to the teacher. Students should be taught how to use word processing software to type their assignments. Another lesson can focus on using their computers to attach and send documents. Require your students to include "HW," for "homework," in the subject lines of the e-mails to keep things organized in inbox. Create a separate folder for each class. This works well with middle school age students, but could also be adapted for fourth and fifth graders as well. Having students submit portfolio assignments via e-mail saves many printed pages per student. With modern word processing software, one can proofread and leave comments directly on the file and send the assignment back. PDAs Some universities are using PDAs as part of the standard curriculum. All assignments are completed and submitted from the student's personal handheld computer. Internet usage

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should be monitored to ensure students aren't surfing during instruction. There are many applications and software programs that can be loaded onto the PDAs for use in and out of the classroom. E-books can be downloaded for free from Internet libraries. Students can even write their book report on their pocket PC and e-mail it directly to the teacher. Using the PDA is also a lesson plan in itself, and is useful, immediately applicable knowledge that is sure to capture students' attention. Classroom Response Systems If you still want to be able to give in-class quizzes without students having access to the Internet, a classroom response system, also known as a clicker system, could be a great addition to the classroom. Set up to run in conjunction with a slide presentation, students can be presented with questions one at time and answer by pressing a button on their individual controller. Teachers can track which students chose which answer and the percentage of students who got the question correct immediately. It saves the teacher from grading 30 quizzes separately, and is more interactive than a pencil and paper quiz. Software for Teachers Programs like EverNote and LiveBinders are now available for teachers to have interactive and accessible class notes in the classroom. Google Docs is an online application that lets teachers store documents online for students to access. This can drastically reduce the sometimes tens of thousands of sheets of paper teachers distribute through handouts and packets. Students can open up docs.google.com and begin writing. This also helps with collaboration and live commentary. Buzzword is another option for online document collaboration. ZOHO Challenge is an online test maker, useful for quizzes, exams and surveys. Take Notes on Smart Phone or Tablet We would have suggested taking notes on laptop too, but with the evolution of technological devices, the job of jotting down notes has become less cumbersome. There are many notetaking applications that can be downloaded on your Smartphone or tablet, such as Evernote, Microsoft OneNote Mobile, etc.

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Use Google Docs / Drive for Sharing Documents Is there a project coming up that one needs to work on with peers? In order to keep ones study group in the loop with whatever they are doing, they can explore the option of Google Docs / Drive. Any changes you make in a document are instantly edited on the online version of the document, where peers can see the changes and the edited version instantly, if someone allowed them to share the files. Complete and Submit Assignments Online For online students, its increasingly easier to submit assignments, chat with peers, and post questions to the professor(s). For offline students, a high quality student portal, a classroom blog, or even just a simple upload form can be a huge help. As long as it allows students (online and offline) to submit assignments, the simple functionality of an online document uploader is worth it. Take Exams on the Computer Gone are the days when teachers would have to go through pages and pages of ink to grade a students assessment. Many universities and colleges today have a designated examination lab, where students come and take their exams on the computer. Online students may also have the option, particularly when it comes to multi-choice questions or true/false quizzes. Even assessments have become paperless today. Paperless Laboratories Before designing a paperless laboratory for our East West University Pharmacy Department we have to understand the activities of the laboratory, the goal of the paperless laboratory, issues for the paperless laboratory and design it. Activities of the Laboratory The activities of the laboratory can be divided into two groups, they are as following: 1. Research purpose 2. Tutorial purpose

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Research purpose Research paper

Data entry



Tutorial purpose

Lab manual

Data entry

Lab report



Goals of the paperless laboratory The main goals of implementing a paperless laboratory include: Reduction of paper work: acquiring and manipulating data electronically is faster than paper-based processes. Increasing efficiency: electronic data can be shared more easily and quickly, allowing decisions to be made faster than on paper. Speeding sample throughput: electronic data acquisition and manipulation allow work to be completed faster. Automating regulatory compliance: 21 CFR Part 11 compliant systems can have the same or better level of compliance, but are generated automatically. Issues for the Paperless Laboratory Primary issues regarding the implementation of the paperless laboratory are: Can we use our existing paper-based process electronically? How does a laboratory actually become paperless? Do we mean paperless or is it just less paper? Do we have the understanding necessary to design an electronic laboratory? Can we work electronically?

Solutions for Paperless Laboratory There are a number of applications available that can automate functions in the laboratory:

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Laboratory information management systems (LIMS). Chromatography data systems (CDS) and other instrument data systems. Chemo-metric and experimental design software applications. Applications for the visualization of data. Statistical analysis applications.

The first stage in considering the paperless laboratory is to look at the basic processes and computerized systems, how do they currently operate and how do they integrate together. Our laboratory have many computerized systems such as chromatography data system and data systems associated with the main analytical techniques such as UV spectroscopy. In that case we can save our data from those equipments into a computer by software which can easily spread to all of the students through email, which can be placed in the lab report. This lab report can be mail to the instructor instead of the paper based lab report; by which we can reduce the use of paper and can be make a paperless laboratory. The way forward The aim is to understand the bottlenecks and hold-ups in the way that the laboratory works. Find, analyze and understand the root causes of these process bottlenecks, as they will help us to challenge and improve the process. The aim is to have: Electronic data capture. Electronic ways of working. Electronic storage and sharing of data and information. Electronic signatures where required by predicate rules.

The key point is to ensure that, once data are acquired, they are transferred electronically between systems, not retyped. Strategy for a Paperless Laboratory In designing a paperless laboratory, it is important to realize that it will take several years to fully implement. Therefore, it is important to have an automation strategy for the laboratory that is aligned with the objectives of the work. This strategy needs to be reviewed and revised on a regular basis for introduction of new technologies and systems that may impact the overall direction of the laboratory strategy.

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Justifying and implementing individual systems There will be a number of individual applications that will be implemented and integrated to the paperless operation. There are LIMS, CDS and other instrument data systems; electronic laboratory notebooks; scientific data management systems and experimental design applications. The approach that should be taken for the overall strategy must be that: Each application must be self-justified It automates the underlying analytical process efficiently

Implementing steps toward the paperless laboratory requires the active involvement and cooperation of the instructors and students. In short Table: Changes those we can do to make a paperless laboratory Instead of Paper based Data entry Write the lab report Written examination We can do Software based Data entry and email Type the lab report and email for evaluation Verbal examination with software based result entry and evaluation Paper based lab manual Lab manual in *.pdf format and email to the students

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References Chen, C. Y., & Lindsay, G. (2000, March 20). Will Amazon(.com) save the Amazon? www.fortune.com. King, N. (2001, July). Pursuing the paperless office. Computer User, 20(7), 42. Anonymous. (2001, July). When in doubt we print it out, New Zealand Management, 48(3), 11.

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