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1.T H E S C O P E O F T H E P R O C E D U R E 2.T H E F I E L D O F A P P L I C A T I O N 3.D E F I N I TI O N S A N D S P E C I A L W O R D S 4.K E Y D O C U M E N T S 5.R E S P O N S I B I L I TY 6.D E S C R I P T I O N O F T HE A C T I V I TY 7.R E C O R D S / D O C U M E N TS / F O R M S 8.T H E F L O W - C HA R T O F T HE P R O C E S S


The procedure describes the way activity is carried out in the Accounts receivables department of Orange Romania.


The procedure applies inside Orange Romania.

1. 2. The Invoice The


1. 2. 3. The main activity f the department is to keep track of all the customers spending and account it. Elaborating the required payment intervals and providing in accordance with the company strategy, payment methods. If the client is a pre-pay client, the expenditure will be deducted every time from his pre-paid credit. Just before the clients credit runs out, the department will issue a text message warning.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

If the client has a subscription, the department will subtract his expenditure from his agreed upon subscription, after the equivalent subscription runs out, the department will add every expenditure to the clients extra-credit. At the end of the month, the department will issue a invoice to all the clients that have subscriptions. The department will check to see if the clients have paid. If not, the bad-credit clients will be issued in this order: 1. A pre-warning 2. A written warning 3. Cutting the clients access to the service. If the bad-credit clients are still unwilling to pay, the case will be forwarded to the legal department. If the clients have paid, recording this and awarding them Bonus Points as well as renewing the clients available spending. If the client is a pre-pay client, recording the new credit every time they top-up. If the subscribers complain, take the complaint into account and investigate, forwarding the complaint to the according department, in correlation to the process map. The department must have a good communication with all the other related departments within the company. The department must make new accounts for new subscribers. The department must make new accounts for new pre-pay clients. The department must be in contact with clients that require other products, than the usual services (e.g. Phones, Accessories, Roaming, 3G Services , MMS Services). The department will make the necessary changes in the clients accounts and establish, in accordance with the clients desires, a appropriate payment method. The department will choose together with the client one of the following payment methods : 1. Pay at the end of the month 2. Pay immediately after receiving the product 3. Pay using methods 1 or 2 and also using the Bonus Points the client has. Register the VAT. The way the department communicates with the clients has to be in accordance with the companys policy and must not, under any circumstances, harm the relationship the company has with its clients. The department has to integrate its strategy and vision within the strategy and vision of the entire company. The department has to arrange its entire activity around these two elements. The department is free to use all the tools made available by the company. The department must solve all of the available problems that might occur involving clients, or internal, according to its area of responsibility. The department may not forward any issue to a different department, if it can be proven it could have solved it on its own. The department must forward any issue that does not fit into its spectrum of liability.


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