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April 16, 2013

The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C)
P.O. Box 142 Washington DC 20044
Tanya Ward Jordan L.O.R., B,A., M.S. Founder

Ms. Valerie B. Jarrett Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Ms. Jarrett: The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) seeks your aid in urging President Obama, as head of the executive branch of government, to promote an end to unfairness, bullying and retaliation in the federal workplace.1 Towards this goal, we ask that President Obama sign an executive order to mandate uniform discipline for public officials found guilty of violating the civil rights of federal employees or the public they are to faithfully serve. On May 15, 2002, Congress passed the Notification and Federal Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act after hearing testimony that federal workforce abuse reduces government's ability to timely and adequately address vital public needs. No FEAR was to make federal managers and agencies more accountable for discrimination, retaliation, and harassment. Yet, eleven years after the passage of No FEAR, chronic problems of discrimination and retaliation against federal employees and the citizens they serve continue to escalate. Moreover, the administrations continued failure to impose discipline on public officials who commit civil rights violations cost taxpayers in the billions. To address the concerns cited above, C4C has launched its Unleash No FEAR campaign. We have started a petition to hold public officials accountable for breaking civil rights laws. We have garnered signatures from concerned citizens, civil rights groups and whistleblower organizations. The petition urges President Obama to address the toxic culture within the federal ranks that has permeated government from one administration to the other. The Republican led Congress and the Bush administration recognized and saw the need for addressing this culture. If the Republicans can address discrimination and retaliation, surely this Democratic administration can champion this issue. In closing, we ask that you acknowledge receipt of our concerns as cited in this letter. We also ask that you visit our website at and view our video: Unleash No FEAR. The video exposes the toxic federal culture that impedes the governments productivity, harms the well-being of U.S. citizens, and increases the cost to American taxpayers. | signed | Tanya Ward Jordan, Founder The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) cc: Representative Marsha L. Fudge, Chair-Congressional Black Caucus

Philip Taylor B.A., M.P.A. President

Willie Berry B.S. Treasurer

Michael Castelle, Sr. Diversity Chair

David J. Grogan B.S. Social Media Chair

Keesha Kareem M.B.A., D.M. Advisory Committee Chair

Marilyn Haywood Greetings and Outreach Chair B.S., LOMA Cert.

Arthuretta Holmes-Martin B.S., M.S. Mental and Spiritual Well-being Chair

Paulette Taylor A.A., B.A. Civil Rights Chair

Diane Williams B.A., M.S., J.D. Legislative Research Chair 1-866-737-9783

Enclosure: OpEDNews Unleash No FEAR: A Campaign to Secure Our Nation by Ending Federal Workplace Abuse, April 11, 2013

An earlier letter, pending Whitehouse reply, was sent to President Obama on March 20, 2013.

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