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Informal consultation begins on future of Long Rock crossing

11 April 2013
Cornwall Council is carrying out informal consultation with a range of groups with an interest in the future of a footpath across the main line railway at Long Rock. The Councils consultation follows a formal application from Network Rail to close the pedestrian level crossing at Mexico Inn. Section 118A of the Highways Act 1980 gives specific powers to relevant authorities, such as Cornwall Council, to make public path orders to close public rights of way where they cross railways. The grounds for making a Rail Crossing Extinguishment Order are specific and apply where it appears to be in the interests of public safety. Before it determines whether or not to exercise its power to make a Rail Crossing Extinguishment decision, the Council has written to a number of organisations and individuals including emergency services, utility companies, Ludgvan Parish Council and people who have previously contacted the Council. The purpose of this letter is to carry out informal consultations and to seek information which will assist it in determining whether the crossing should be closed on these grounds. Consultation prior to the making of public paths orders is a requirement of the constitution of Cornwall Council and forms part of a good practice regime endorsed by the Rights of Way Review Committee.

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Louise Lever Communications Specialist Cornwall Council Tel: 01872 324423 Mobile: 07964 114538

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