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The transformational leadership of Ella Baker A transformational leader.

Develops followers skills Creates personal identification Motivates followers Sources: northouse, burns, bass, house Ella Baker is a transformational leader Group centered leadership Anti elitist politics Work with NAACP and challenges to their leadership style during the 40s Work with Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and challenges to their leadership style during the 50s Work with Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) guidance and development during the 60s Sources: ransby, payne, elliot

Development of Ella Bakers leadership style Christian missionary culture Familial influence NY Harlem renaissance, leftist radicalism George schulyer cooperative Sources ransby, payne, Elliot

Ella Baker and the NAACP Field secretary work (danger, promotion of mass mobilization clash with NAACP policy) Conflict with NAACP headquarters o Bakers orientation towards local empowerment and minimization of bureaucracy vs. NAACP leadership orientation towards litigation and centralization of power talented tenth class elitism Promotion to Director of branches o Selection conveyed authoritarian culture Ego of walter white o Continued lobbying for local empowerment o 1944 leadership conference o 1946 resignation Work with NYC branch of NAACP o Organizing around education content of curriculum and education in 1956 Sources: ransby, Elliot, payne

Creation In Friendship and the formation of the SCLC

Formed by Stanley Levison, Bayard Rustin and Ella baker and representatives from other religious, political, labor groups to help support and protect activists from reprisals o Through In Friendships support of activists in the Montgomery bus boycott particularly attempts to establish long term mobilization after the boycott grew the SCLC

SCLC Emergence of MLK o Bakers transformational group centered leadership vs. MLKs charismatic leadership Gender differences w/in The Black Church as impetus for different leadership styles and sexism o Clashes with SCLC policy Highlander folk school Labor studies, union training, civil rights training United Christian Movement (Shreveport, Louisiana) Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (Birmingham, Alabama) Southern Conference Education fund (SCEF) Tied to socialists/red baiting o Inconsistency due to involvement in purges and support of certain leftist Politics of respectability Class politics Violation of gender roles o Marital status Religious bias (not Christian enough) June 5th 1959 speech o Resignation from SCLC

SNCC Growth out of the sit-in movement o Spontaneous action grassroots action o Baker organized and influenced The Southwide Student Leadership Conference on Nonviolent Resistance to Segregation From this conference grew SNCC

Efforts to protect autonomy of students from NAACP and SCLC Role as advisor and logistic work Great respect afforded to her by SNCC workers o Development of Bob Moses o Development of Jane Sembridge o Camaraderie Planting and Cultivation metaphor Only advised did not control Prevented a split into factions Bayard Rustin incident SNCC Actions o Direct action Shock troops o Commitment to mass action Fayetteville County NAACP politics of respectability vs. SNCC mass action Freedom Riders MFDP

Ellas Legacy (summary and conclusion) Work extended well over the 30 years discussed Philosophy of transformational group centered leadership carried forward by groups such as the black panther party Fulfills the standards of transformational leadership

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