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Last Name: Robinson Gender: Male First Name: Tom Age: 25 Other Names: N/A

Occupation: Farm Worker ( Mr. Link Deas's farm) Town of Residency: State of Residency: Maycomb Alabama Characters significance to the novel: Major / Minor

1) 2) Tom was married to Helen Robinson. They had three children together. Atticus is Toms defense lawyer in the case against Mayella Ewell. They both share the belief that no one should be discriminated because of their race or beliefs. Although, Atticus and Tom were not good friends, Atticus truly cared for Toms well-being. He strived to bring justice to the case and to Tom. It was evident that they both respected each other.



Arthur Radley

Similarities: 1) Both characters are discriminated for unjust reasons. Their lives symbolize the killing of a mockingbird. 2) They are both well known around Maycomb town. Much gossip about these men had been spread throughout the novel. 3) Both suffer from a disability. Arthur is mentally ill. Robinson is physically handicapped because of his destroyed left arm. 4) Both men had issues with the law in the past. Boo was arrested for stabbing his father. Tom was charged for disorderly conduct.

Differences: 1) Arthur Radley is a white man, while Tom is black. Therefore, Arthur was more privileged then Tom. For example: Although Tom was an innocent man, his race lead to his demise. While, Radley on the other hand, was shown compassion at the end of the story. This occurred when Heck Tate claimed that Arthur was not responsible for the death of Bob Ewell. This was because he did not want him to face the brutal comments and judgment of the town people. Hence, saving Radleys life. 2) Arthur is shyer, more antisocial, and reclusive compared to Tom.

Other Comments:
Both men familys and lives suffered immensely due to the prejudices and discrimination of others.

Bob Ewell: 1) Bob Ewell failed at supporting his children. His family lived in an unsanitary home. They were also uneducated, impolite and unhealthy. Tom was a great father! He went to work to provide money to sustain the lives of his family. 2) Tom felt compassion and sympathy for Mayella, hence the reason why he helped her. He agreed to help her with these tasks because he was a gentleman. Bob Ewell had no respect for his daughter. This is why he punched her. 3) Tom was also a very well put together man. He had a job, family and a home. Bob did not strive for those things, instead he was an alcoholic.

When Tom was 9-years old, his left arm was torn apart when he got it caught in a cotton grind. Robinson also attends the First Purchase Church with his family.

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