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Last Name: N/A Gender: Female First Name: Other Names: Calpurnia Cal Age: Occupation: N/A The Finch Familys house Keeper and Cook Town of Residency: State of Residency: Maycomb Alabama Characters significance to the novel: Major / Minor

Calpurina shares a strong relationship with the Finch family due to the fact that she has been working for them for a very long time. Even if she is just the Finchs housekeeper, they consider her as family. This is because when Mrs. Finch passed away, she decided to take on the role as Jem and Scouts mother. For example, she taught Scout how to write. She also takes care of the children when Atticus is at work. Cal is highly respected by Atticus and greatly loved by Jem and Scout. In the beginning of the story Cal and Scout seem to have an unsettling relationship.

This was because Scout disliked the times when Calpurina would discipline her. As the story progressed, Cal and Scouts relationship strengthened. Lastly, she attends the First Purchase church. Therefore, she has many small ties and bonds with many people of the congregation. Calpurina is also the mother of Zeebo, the organ player of the church.



Atticus Finch

Similarities: 1) Both characters act as the parental figure of Jem and Scout. 2) Atticus and Calpurnia have a sense of confidence and self worth. They do not let the harsh comments or rumors of others affect the way they act or think. 3) Both characters are not accepted by everyone in Maycomb Town. 4) Atticus and Calpurnia both accept Scout and her tom girlish ways. 5) They also are not racist. Their morals and beliefs encourage them to treat others with respect.

Differences: 1) Atticus is more laid back and easy going when disciplining the children. While, Calpurnia has a more strict approach. 2) Atticus is white man, while a Calpurnia African-American woman. Therefore, Atticus is more respected by others because of the race. 3) Calpurnia is poorer and is beneath Atticus in society rankings.

Other Comments:
Although Calpurnia is not physically related to the Finchs, Atticus says that he considers her as family.

Aunt Alexandra: 1) Aunt Alexandra and Calpurnia are both mother figures for both Jem and Scout. Alexandra was not very accepting of the person Scout was. She wanted her to be a lady. Calpurnia loved Scout for the person she was.

Calpurnia attends the First Purchase Church. She also has different personalities in front of the blacks and the whites.

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