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G Wells Pen Name "The Father of Science Fiction" Liv ed 21 September 1866 13 August 1946 Geny the science fiction genre Period Bio
Herbert George Wells was born at Atlas House, 46 High Street, Bromley, in the county ofKent, on [1] 21 September 1866. Called "Bertie" in the family, he was the fourth and last child of Joseph Wells (a former domestic gardener, and at the time a shopkeeper and professional cricketer) and his wife Sarah Neal (a former domestic servant). An inheritance had allowed the family to acquire a shop in which they sold china and sporting goods, although it failed to prosper: the stock was old and worn out, and the location was poor. Joseph Wells managed to earn a meagre income, but little of it came from the shop; Joseph received an unsteady amount of money from playing professional [7] cricket for the Kent county team. Payment for skilled bowlers and batsmen came from voluntary donations afterwards, or from small payments from the clubs where matches were played.

Most Interesting work

Wells some time before 1916 Born Herbert George Wells 21 September 1866 Bromley, Kent, England, UK 13 August 1946 (aged 79) London, England, UK Novelist, Teacher, Historian, Journalist British Science fiction (notably social science fiction) The Outline of History Fiction: The Time Machine The Invisible Man The Island of Doctor Moreau The War of the Worlds The First Men in the Moon The Shape of Things to Come

Died Occupation Nationality Genres Notable work(s)

Oscar wilde

Born Died Occupation Language Nationality Alma mater Period Genres Literary movement Notable work(s)

16 October 1854 Dublin, Ireland, 30 November 1900 (aged 46) Paris, France Writer, Poet, Playwright English, French Irish Trinity College, Dublin, Magdalen College, Oxford Victorian era Drama, short story, dialogue,journalism Aestheticism The Importance of Being Earnest,The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wilde's parents were successful Anglo-Irish Dublin intellectuals. Their son became fluent in French and German early in life. At university Wilde read Greats; he proved himself to be an outstanding classicist, first at Dublin, then at Oxford. He became known for his involvement in the rising philosophy of aestheticism, led by two of his tutors, Walter Paterand John Ruskin. After university, Wilde moved to London into fashionable cultural and social circles. As a spokesman for aestheticism, he tried his hand at various literary activities: he published a book of poems, lectured in the United States and Canada on the new "English Renaissance in Art", and then returned to London where he worked prolifically as a journalist. Known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress, and glittering conversation, Wilde became one of the best-known personalities of his day. Padres de Wilde fueron exitosos anglo-irlandeses intelectuales de Dubln. Su hijo hizo fluido a principios de francs y alemn en la vida. En la universidad Wilde leer Greats , y l mismo result ser un excelente clasicista, primero en Dubln y luego en Oxford . Se hizo conocido por su participacin en el levantamiento de la filosofa esttica , liderado por dos de sus tutores, Walter Pater y John Ruskin . Despus de la universidad, Wilde se traslad a Londres en moda de los crculos culturales y sociales. Como portavoz del esteticismo, l hizo sus pinitos en diversas actividades literarias: public un libro de poemas, conferencias en los Estados Unidos y Canad en el nuevo "Renacimiento Ingls en el Arte", y luego regres a Londres donde trabaj prolficamente como periodista. Conocido por su ingenio mordaz, vestido extravagante y brillante conversacin, Wilde se convirti en una de las personalidades ms conocidas de su poca.

Sir Willian shakespear Pen name Francis Bacon

Lived Nacionalidad inglaterra Obras hamblet Romeo y julieta
La fierecilla domada, Macbeth


bautizados 26a Abril1564 Stratford-upon-Avon


23a Abril 1616 Stratford-upon-Avon

Genero playwright and poet

William Shakespeare fue un dramaturgo, poeta y actor ingls. Conocido en ocasiones como el Bardo de Avon, Shakespeare es considerado el escritor ms importante en lengua inglesa y uno de los ms clebres de la literatura universal.

William Shakespeare was a playwright, poet and English actor. Sometimes known as the Bard of Avon, Shakespeare is considered the most important writer in the English language and one of the most famous in world literature.

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