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asleap Main:

Project homepage:

asleap is a tool designed to recover weak LEAP (Cisco's Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) and PPTP
Linux passwords, asleap can perform:

Linux tools, Howtos

 Weak LEAP and PPTP password recovery from pcap and AiroPeek files or from live capture
Tools Index
 Deauthentication of clients on a leap WLAN (speeding up leap password recovery) AIRJACK DRIVER
Wireless Commands REQUIRED

FC6 Build Howto  Plus many more features, see the project homepage

FC5 Build Howto

FC4 Build Howto

Installing asleap:

Live Linux Distros Download latest stable code from to /tools/wifi

tar zxvf asleap-[version].tgz (tested with asleap-1.4.tgz)

Site Search
cd asleap

Search make

./asleap should now return asleap usage

Using asleap:
WIN32 tools, Howtos
The first step involved in the use of asleap is to produce the necessary database (.dat) and index files (.idx). See
Tools Index asleap README for a full description as to why these files are required.

cd /tools/wifi/asleap



Miscellaneous WI-FI

Default WI-FI Settings

Rogue AP Howtos

WI-FI Certifications

802.11 Standards


Formats / Extensions

WI-FI Home Security

Useful Links
./genkeys -r dict -f dict.dat -n dict.idx

dict = Our wordlist/dictionary file, with one word per line

dict.dat = Our new output pass+hash file (generated as a result of running this command)

dict.idx = Our new output index filename (generated as a result of running this command) 9/14/2008
Asleap Main Page Page 2 of 3

asleap options:

The final step in recovering our weak LEAP password is to run the asleap command with our newly created .dat
and .idx files:

./asleap -r data/leap.dump -f dict.dat -n dict.idx

leap.dump = Our libpcap packet capture file (NOTE: Any libpcap (e.g. tcpdump, Wireshark) or AiroPeek capture file
(.apc) can be used)

dict.dat = Our output pass+hash file (generated with genkeys, see above)

dict.idx = Our new output index filename (generated with genkeys, see above) 9/14/2008
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As you can see from the output above, our user name = qa_leap and our password = qaleap

Note: The screenshots and data files used above are all provided within the asleap tool itself (located
in /asleap/data).

© Copyright 2005-2006 All Rights Reserved. 9/14/2008

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