F - Sx-Za: 12t Simpriff: (#) (+r. )

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2064-1-Page1 Name:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

f (2x-3)and (x+ 5)are multiplied b formhe binomial a* + bx+ c,whatishe valueof ,? A) 7 Bl 2 C) -1s tl(2x-3\(x+A) =2* + Bx+6,trcnA- B= A)2 B)5 Whatare he taclors ol3* +7x-20? A) (3x+5Xx-4) B) (3x+4Xx-5) C)-9 C) (3x-4Xx+5)

D)4 D)-1 D) (3x-sxx+ 4)

The rinomial4,* - 12x+9 represents he areaof a square. Epress fe measure of a side in Erms of x A) 2x+3 B) 2(x+3) C) 2x-3 D) 4x+3 The areaof a rectangle is .* + 10x+9. Represent he perimetgr of his rectangle in Erms of x A) 4x+20 B) 4x C) 4x+10 D) 2x+10 Whatfactordo he bllowing tinomials haveincommon? * + 1Ox+ 24

f -sx-za
A) x-4 7) 8) 9)

B) x+2 -5 Whichequation has and 3 as itsroots? a) *-Zx+lS=O B) *+2x+15=0

C) x+4 C) *-Zx-tS=O

D) x+6 D) *+2x-15=0 D)-2 . ,) , ,f ,- l 'r P-

tftre equation ,f - 3x+ c = 0 hasx= 2 as one of itssolulions, hen c mustequal A)-1 B)1 cl 2 Whichfraction is defined ficra//realnumbers? f-1 _--= 'o Al ' ,, k-1P

*-l o n *-1 '',, "r x+1 .*r1 t-+n2_2 10) lfh= 0,whenhefactio^T issimplified,he resultis A) h B) 2x+h C) 0

D) 2*+2x+h

11) Whatis he quotient wfren 6,* + 7x+2 is divided by 2x+ 1? Al 3x+2 B) 3x+5 C) 3x+7 Dl Sx+l z

12t simpriff: (#)(+r.^)

A) x-1


c) +
/ ^\ a+1 v, ' a


n-1 -+ is equivalent 13) Th'e expression to #-1

A)* 14) Simplify:(x1 * y\-1 XY A) . x+y

B) +.+ *r


c) {:!


*1 D)1 xy

2064-1-Page2 .-v-b rn,tren xis equalto 1 5 ) It'* a= b+ a A ')mY 16)

,+* B)

C) y- b+ am

r'\\ Y' b' am 'm


9 -z=e" solve: x+1

x A) 3


D) -3

17) s o f v e :

2 2 x+1 ,J= Ua*^ B) |,t


c) l,t
C) x=a+c+1

D) x=a-c

os f c a n da ? 1S ) xf't 9 + 1 = 9 , w h i c hi s a n e x p r e s s i o n f o r x i n t e r m 'x A) x= c- a B) x=c+a

2W? isthesum ofsfu ana 19) What

B) 16.,6 -2^175 + 5^,120 + 6^.,82 20) SimpliflT: 3 ,,50 A) 20 + 6...%

c) 16w c) s.6+ 22^,0.

D) 1694 D) 15.,6

- 4,,8 + 10,6 A) 15.8

B) 15Jr+2^,8+ 10.'6

21) What is tre exactlengh of side xin he tiangle?

A) tn

B) ,,8
/:. /3

c) tm
c) 8-4ls c) Ji2=4-x

D) ,,ti D ) + *l t s

22\ Rationalize he denominator:

A) 8+4.i15


B) 4 -^/15

hasbotr3 and6 as roots? 23) Which equation

A) tx*2=x-4

B) {0}

set of tre equationvxE = x- 1? 24) What is the solution

A) {0,3} =E A) (x+ 212

c) t)
=4 C) (x+ 272

D) {3} =2] D) (x-272

wouldbe a step in completing the squareof 3* + 12x+ 10 = 0? expressions 25) Whichof tre following

=? B) (x+ 272

to he quadratic equation2* + 5x- 1 =0? 26) What is tre solution

A) #
f^ t1l

*# B)

c) r{


of tre equation af * bx+ c=0? 27) Whatare tre roots 'za







28') Whatare he rootsot4P -3x=2 to fre nearesthundredfr? , .43 B ) - 1 . 1 80 c) -3.41 1.18 A) -0.43, ,1.23

D) 1.23,3.41

2064-1-Page3 P9 is equivalentto 2g') When simplified, -1 A) B) -i

C) -2+ i
,^\ 4+t

D)i D) 2+ i 4-t 15

PtZ-f is equivalentto 30) Theexpression

A) 2- i

B) -2-i

inverseof 4 + i is 3 1 ) The multiplicative



c) M
C) ill C) 13


32) ln whichquadrantdoestre sum of 3 + 2iand 4 -5ilie? A) t

D) IV D) 7

33) Findthe magnitude of he complexnumber z=5 + 12i. A) 16e B) 17

34) Whichdiagramcouldrepresenthegraphof an equation wih imaginary roots?


35) Theroots of tre equation * + 2x+4 = 0 are A) rational andunequal B) imaginary andunequal

C) real,rational, and unequal D) rationaland equal D) -1 D) 10 o

36) Forwhich valueof kwillflrerootsof he equation 2P -4x+ k=0 be realand equal? A)0 B)1 c)2 37) What is ilre sum of fre rootsof tTeequationf - l1x+ 10 = 0? A)7 B) 11

c) -7

38) What is the productoftre rootsof tre equalion2P -9x+ 6 = 0?


B) P-7x*6=0
is allrealnumbers (x- 1Y B) exceptl



39) Whichequation has tre roots3 + .i2and3 -l2? A) * +6x+7=0

C) *-lx-4=0

D ) * - O x * 7= O

y=40) The domainof the equation A) except1 and -1


C) greaterthan1

D ) l e s sh a n 1

41) Given he realvalued function f(4 = +,which


number is intre domainotf(*1?

B) -1
B) y>9

c)2 c) v< 3

D)3 D) y<9

42) Whatis therangeof tre function t(4 = -P * gZ

A) v<o


f(, - Jrx+ 4? 43) Whatis he rtrngeof fre function B) v>2 A) y<o 44) Whichgraph of a relationis nota function?

c) y>o

D) y> -2

45) Which relationis nota function?

(3,8), (5,16)} A) {(1,4), 46) lf(, = #,hen

(2,1),(3,1)} B) {(1,1),

(2,2\, (3,3)} c) {(1 ,1),

(1,2),(1,3)} D) {(1,1),

(n+ 1)is equal b

f(x)= lx- 41 f(.9= 2x+7 t(tl= x- 1 f(r) = 'tx4




furrctions are linear? 47\ Howmanyof he ficllowing

D)4 of lh graphbeloW? 48) Whichof he fullowing equatorc lyouldproduca graphwift lhe generalshapeand posilion



A) Y='12'x

B) Y=-\m

c) v=,[ii

D) y=[2-v

is the graph of y=14+ 1? 49) Whichof he following

50) lff(, = 5x+9,wtrat "Wwhen

Aand Baredifierent?




+ 1g U4_96 A.B

D ) 5 A - S B +1 8


= * +2awhatis -,,8))Z 51) ffg(4 =lx-3landh(.r) thevalue of g(h(1 A) +^,0. Z B) 6.,E2 C) 6f;+10
52) Whichfuncilonis nofone to one?

D) 4^E+2

53) Given: setl ={(1,2),(2,3),(3,4), (4,5)} rahich lf the inverseof he set is ,4-1, stiatement is true? A) Aand A-1 arefunctions. B) Aand A-1 are notfunctions.

C) Ais a function and A-1is nota function. D) ,4is nota function and A-1is a function.
D) x>0

54) Whatrestiction canbe madeto he domain of (, = 1 +.f so tratf114 willbe a function? 1 <x<1 A) B) x<1 C) x> -2 55) The inverse (-3,4), (7,-5)} function of {(2,6), is (3,4), A) {C2,6), (4,-3), c) {(6,2), C7,-5)} C5,7)} (7,5)} B) {(2,-6), (4,3),(5,7)} D) {C6,-2), C3,4), 56) lf (-3,1) is inthefunction f(r, which points of tre following willbe in thefunction flWlZ A) C1,3) B) (1,-3) c) (3,-1) 571 Whatis f114whenf(x)= 1^r, 11 A) x-2 B) ,*2
C) x+2

D) (3,1)


53) Theinverse y= P + 9,x> 0 is of fre function

A) Y=',lx-9 B) y=+Jy+9 C) y=^E+g D) y= -ix+ g 59) Whichof tre followinghave tre propertytratf(x) = f1{ui)?

I ll. Ilt. tv

y=, -,=1 ^ Y= P y=f

B) l, on\y
C) l, ll, and lll, onty D) land Il, only

lV, only

60) graphs is the inveseof y= * -+l Whichof thefollowing




to the withrespect andthe graphof itsinvesearc q/nnrctdc The graph of anyfunction C) ytxis A) xexis y= x D) graph of theequation B) graphof theequation != -x


lf the graphof f(x)is

is thegraphof -t(*1? |, whichof the following

r --j
63) 64) 65) in the linex= 1,the inngeis reflected Whenpoint A(-2,5)is B) (4,s) A) (5,2)



C) (2,-3)

D) (0,5) D) (4,)

isy- X? in the linewhoseequation of R1,the inageof R(4,3)aftera reflection Whatarethecoordinates B) (3,4) C) Ca,4) A) (4,3) with-.t? Whatwill be the effecton the graphof y= l.{ if xis replaced A) nochange B) a flipoverthexcxis

c) a horiantalshift of 1 unitto the left D) a verticalshift


lf the graph of f(x)is

is thegraphof f(x- 1[ | , whichof the following



to the rbht andslirj5 units equation? lf thegnaph 3 units down,whatwouldbe the resulting aI y= fx is translated D) Y=-l*3-s B) y= (Jx-3) - 5 c) v= lr.l -5 Whateffectwillrcplacing xwith (x+7)have on the graphof y= p2

A) Y=,E- -5


A) slides thegraph7 unitsup B) shrinks thegnaph by a factorof 7 in the orpin.The coordinates The point(-3,-2) is reflected of its incge are A) (2,3) B) (3,2)


the graph7 unitsleft slides D) slides thegraph7 units down D) (,2)

c) c2,-3)
C) x= -3

y= 2? - 6x- 14? of the axisof q6rrretry of the graph 70) Whichis an equation A) *=,

B) x=$

D) x=6

pointof thegraphof thefunction y= * - 6x+2? 71) Whatis theturning (3 ,1 1 ) B) A) (-3,11) y= +? + z)x+ 14willhave 72) The panabola B) a rnaxim;m A) a rnaimumat (2,) at(-2,34)

c) (3,-7) C) a ninirrum at (2,)

D) (-3,-7) D) a nraxirnum at(2,U)

y= 2? - 5x+ 7? 73) Whatis theyintercept of the graphof the equation A)7 B) -5 74)

c) y=? +2x+15

D) -7 D ) Y = ? -2x+ 15

(-3,0) Whichis an equation of the panbolathat intersects thexrxis at the points and (5,0)?

A) y=? +2x-15

B) v=? -2x-15

Whatis theequation of the graphbelow?

-z A) tr=2(x-+f

B) y= (x-+f -z

C) )r=2(x+ +)2-Z

D) y= (x+qf -z

Wdthe equati0n of the paEbobthatopensupu/adqhasa verto(V(2,3), and b congrent to /= l. lPbce thearBrria dE fom

y=a8-nf +t.l +Z A) y= (x+ 212


B) y= (x-2)2* g

C) y= (x+Z)2-S

-S D ) y= (x-Z) 2

Whatis an equation whosecenteris (-3,1) of the circle andwhoseradius is 10?

= to A) 6-sf + (y+1)2 = 1OO + (Y+1)2 B) (x-3)2 781 y= *^ffi resutts ina gnaph of A) anellipse centered at (0,0) B) only thebottom half of a circle centered at (0,0)
79) 80)

c) 1x+ 3f + U- D2= 100 = ts D) 1x+ 3f + Q- 1)2

C) a circlecentered at (0,0) D) onlythe top halfof a circlecentercd at (0,0)

Oonsider$e two equations descdbe thesarB line? /= 2&(+ 6 -'llxand 4x+ y= kx+ 2. Whatvalueof fwillenEllg tht,oft equatons A) 0 B) no values of k c) 1s D)7 Considerthe two linesy=2kx+ 6 - 11xand 4x+ != kx+2. Whatvalue pan1ep of kwillmke thelines

7 A)3


c) -7 9 2,5


y= Zkx+ 6 - 11xand4x+ != kx+ 2. Whatvalue(s) Oonsider the two lines perpendicubf of kw1l nnke the lines

A) O,z


B) 5


D) 5,9

qrctem Solvethe following of linear equatbnsfor.y 4x+ y= -11 x+ ly= -g A)2

B) -3

c) -2 c) (0,0) c) 0 c) (0,0)

D)3 D) (-1,r) D)4 D) (3,-9)


y= xandy= ? + x- 1? Whichis a pointof intesection of the equatioAs A) (1,0) B) G1,0) Howrmny points do the graphs of * + f = g andy- 4 have in conrrcn? A)1 B)2 Whichisa solution for the system of equatbn s y= 2x- 15andy= * - An A) (6,0) B) (s,5) The expressnn @?f)3 is equivalent to

84) 35) 86)

A) -27P)P

B) -27Ff

c) 3hF

D) -shP

isequivabnt 87) Theexpress r^t'F! to -3Pv A) $47 +f z ct ot 7f ana 8S) Whatistheprodu A) 4T)s B) zlf c) 2et1s
B) 6xy

c) $y

D) $xy

D) rf



1 value oti1 -sf . s9) lry=;,findthe

A)0 23 + 32 Evaluate: S"

2 B)3


2 D)a


8 A)n
91) Sinplify:





17 D)C

{ "x
B) 1

1 A) a1 (31t"13 s2) Srmplrfr

A) 34ar4

c) 81

1 D) -g1



C) ,&+a+t2

D) ,F+a+144

93) lf thefractior #ffi

A) 94) -1 ef =: 256 Solve: A){ 95) Solve: 16x1 = gx

x 1ln,the form 1.23 value d z is b expesd inthe

B) -2




c) 8



4 A) *=3

1 B) *=4

C) x= -1

D) x=4

setcontains lt l2x+ 3l < 1, thenthe solutbn A) bothpositive and negaWelealnunbee rcalnunbes B) onlynegattve What is the solution st for the equatbnl3x- 1l = x+ 5? B) {1,} A) {3} Whichgraphshowsthe mlutlonfor 16 34> 12? A) '

realnunbers C) onlypositive D) no realnuntels c) {-1,3}

97) 98)

D) 11)

-6-54-3-2-10123456 - 5 4 - 3 - 2 - 10 1 2 3 4 5 6

D) '

-6-5 -4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

- 5 - 4 - 2 - 10 1 2 3 4 5 6


the solution to whichinequalffi The graphbebw Eplesents

-5 4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A) W+ 1l<4 100) B) l x + 1 l <4 C) lx+ 8l< 3 C) {*2. x< 3} D ) l x+ 6l > 1 D) {,{ < x<21 Whatis the solution setfor I - x- 6 < 0? -Z B) {,{x< or x>21 A) {4x. orx> 3}

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