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• Routers
• Hubs/Switches
• Wireless Gateway
Login Most of the articles listed here are about 802.11b. Articles are listed in approximate chronological order, with
• Wireless AP newer articles added to the top of the list.
• Wireless NIC
• Network Storage
• Print Servers Tip: Be sure to also check out the Wireless LAN Mapping and WEP Encryption Cracking tools on this
• Bluetooth Adapters page.

New submissions are always welcome. Just drop us a note!

& Tutorials
• Networking
Added Name Description
• Internet Sharing
• Security The network security group in the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS)
• Backgrounders Division developed a secure 802.11b wireless networking system. They
• Troubleshooting Wireless Firewall used an off-the-shelf PC running the OpenBSD operating system, an
Guides 9/13/01 Gateway White Paper Apache web server, the Internet Software Consortium DHCP server, and
• PracNet How To's IPF firewall software. This paper does not contain implementation details,
but has contact info for the system's developers.

User Opinions Security Fix for SF Gate article by Henry Norr says help is on the way for 802.11 security
9/13/01 Wireless problems via four proposals submitted to the IEEE Task Group i.
Practicallynetworked Exploiting and ZD's ExtremeTech takes to the streets of NYC, New Jersey, Silicon Valley,
Glossary 9/5/01 Protecting 802.11b and Boston and finds that it's pretty easy to grab a free 802.11b wireless
Wireless Networks connection. Last page contains good tips for securing wireless LANs.
Find a Network Term
Enabling IEEE 802.11 Microsoft Driver and HW Development paper that describes the changes
8/14/01 Networks with needed to work with Windows XP's implemention of the IEEE 802.1x port-
Windows "Whistler" based network access control draft standard.
Using the Fluhrer,
Mantin, and Shamir Paper by Stubblefield, Ioannidis, & Rubin describing details of the actual
Attack implementation of WEP key recovery.
Daily News to Break WEP
This article by workingmac's John C. Welch is a good explanation of what
Compare Prices Getting the most out of
8/7/01 WEP does and doesn't do. Good to remember with all the "WEP sky is
• Routers falling" alarms going off!
• Hubs/Switches An Inductive Chosen
• Servers Slide presentation by Univ of Maryland's Bill Arbaugh. Describes yet
8/6/01 Plaintext Attack
• Storage another method of getting WEP keys.
against WEP/WEP2
• Adapters
Slide presentation by Ian Goldberg of Zero-Knowledge Systems, presented
• Wireless The Insecurity of
8/6/01 at the July 2001 Black Hat Briefings. Describes the problems with WEP in a
reasonably understandable way!
Forums Cipher attack delivers
EE Times article by Patrick Mannion that describes the latest problems with
8/5/01 heavy blow to
WEP security. This new discovery essentially puts the nail in WEP's coffin!
About WLAN security
"Weaknesses in the
Jobs Key Scheduling
Algorithm for The paper by Fluhrer, Mantin, & Shamir that the above EE Times article is
Home 8/5/01 RC4" (PDF) based on. (You'll need a good math or cryptography background to get
much out of this paper!)
(alternative source -
Postscript format)
Often unguarded
wireless networks can Similar article to the "War Driving" one above, it's also about Peter
be eavesdroppers’ gold Shipley's mission to raise awareness about 802.11b network security.
Probably the first article about "War Driving", or the technique of driving
7/12/01 War Driving by the Bay
around, looking for unsecured 802.11b networks.
ZDNet's Rich Santalesa's article talks about Marius Milner's Net Stumbler
The War over 802.11x
7/10/01 and the work that the IEEE 802.11 Task Group is doing on improving
wireless security. 02-Dec-07
Wireless Networking Reference - Security Page 2 of 3

internet.commerce Secure Your Wireless Our own little checklist of simple things you can do to protect your wireless
Network LAN from intuders!
Be a Commerce Partner ISS XForce: Atmel If you have a Linksys WAP11 or NETGEAR ME102 Access Point, you
Economy Server Racks 6/20/01 SNMP Authentication should read this ISS XForce Security advisory. Home users probably
Auto Insurance Quote Flaw don't need to worry, but business users should take note!
Desktop Computers This ISS XForce Security advisory should be read by users of Symbol
ISS XForce: Symbol AP
Franchise Directory 6/20/01 Technologies based 802.11b Access Points (3Com Airconnect, Intel
SNMP WEP key flaw
GPS Devices Pro 2011, etc.). It details another SNMP related security flaw.
Freelance Programmers
Overview of IEEE
Corporate Gifts
802.11b Security Reasonably understandable article on 802.11b Security.
Health Insurance
Prepaid Phone Card
Televisions WEP Encryption ORiNOCO article on WEP Encryption. Contains good information on how
Data Center Solutions (ORiNOCO] multiple keys are supposed to work. (PDF)
Online Universities
This is the paper by those troublemakers (just kidding guys!) at University
Promotional Golf (In)Security of the
of California at Berkeley that started all the hand-wringing over 802.11
WEP Algorithm
wireless security.

Operating Your 802.11 Wireless Not to be outdone by those California guys, this paper (PDF) by a
Network Has No University of Maryland at College Park team, this paper says that all
Systems: Clothes 802.11 security mechanisms are flawed!
Other Wireless Article Topics
Operating Systems - Wireless Networking Backgrounder
Open a Business General 802.11
802.11a 802.11b (WiFi)
802.11g Bluetooth
Find Top Operating
Systems Schools in Apple AirPort Windows
Antennas & Range Boosting
Your Area utilities and info
Community Wireless /
Linux Wireless Card drivers
"Rooftop" Systems
"War Driving /
Symantec Email Make your own POE Injector Wireless LAN mapping/
Archiving Other tools
Wireless Bridges
WEP / Wireless Security
& Repeaters
Data Backup Other Websites

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