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University of Asia and the Pacific Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City


In partial fulfilment For the requirements in the subject Introduction to People Development Corporate Social Responsibility (IPD-CSR)

Submitted to: Prof. Hilda Felipe San Gabriel

Submitted by: Melissa Antoinette Garcia Merlanne Abby Crizaldo Astrud de Castro David Ron Manabat Krishna Punzalan

MARCH 15 2012

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In fulfilling this requirement, we would like to thank the following people who served as our inspiration: First and foremost, it is with immense gratitude that we acknowledge the help and support of our dear professor Ms. Hilda San Gabriel who continually guided us in this endeavor. The completion of this paper will not be possible if not for her. We also want to extend our thanks to our beloved families who constantly provide for our financial and emotional needs. All of them served as inspirations. With utmost importance we offer our thanks to Ms. Camille Buenaventura, Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation, for sharing her time with us and for making us feel at home in San Miguel Corp. We appreciate her efforts in answering all our queries regarding the CSR projects of the organization. It really helped provide substantial information for the paper. And lastly, we want to give thanks to the Almighty One who endowed us strength and wisdom in accomplishing our paper. We could not have completed this humble task if not for this people.

The Researchers

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Being a household name due to different products and services that the company provides and introduces for the country and some nations abroad, San Miguel Corporation is an ever growing organization that has become part of the Philippine economy. And with its status now Camille Buenaventura, Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation, sees the need for the company to give back to their clients through the companys corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. This paper is divided into three parts which would provide an assessment, deliberation, recommendation and conclusion regarding the corporate social responsibility of the top brewing company in Asia. In the assessment part of this paper, the researchers gathered the CSR projects of San Miguel Corp., its strategies, analyses and reporting processes to provide information that was used in order to assess and determine whether or not intended outcomes are being achieved by the company. The researchers assessed the company based on the following criteria: 1. If the companys CSR projects are align with their corporate strategy 2. If it complies with the four components of CSR (economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic) 3. If the type or level of CSR of San Miguel is minimalist, strategic or discretionary With these criteria, the researchers are able to consider and deliberate the CSR projects of the company and generate a statement or decision or activity that will benefit one of the stakeholders of San Miguel Corp., - the larger community in some way. This is the second part of the paper. Based on the CSR projects of San Miguel Corp. the researchers found out that the companys CSR projects are aligned with their corporate strategy. When it comes to the four components of CSR, the corporation has complied with all the required responsibilities such as

economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic. Lastly, the researchers concluded that San Miguel Corp., is practicing strategic CSR since it went beyond of what the law requires them to do. As a recommendation, the researchers suggest an in-depth analysis of the CSR projects in a specific manufacturing industry of San Miguel, Inc. (i.e. focusing on the CSR projects of packaging industry). The researchers also suggests that the corporation should continue their CSR projects and formulate other initiatives such as the livelihood programs, and many others to further solve the pressing issues of the community.

INTRODUCTION Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as the commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community and the society at large to improve the quality of life. CSR debunks the idea that businesses are only profit generating bodies. In the society, a corporation, which is already considered a legal entity and have certain rights as that of an individual, should not only focus on generating profit, but also in taking care of the environment and the people. In this case report, the corporate social responsibility of a particular company San Miguel Corporation, will be studied. The companys core business includes food, beverages, packaging and properties. Having gone through a lot of changes, San Miguel Corporation is still going strong and controls a large percentage of the market. Knowing the definition of CSR, San Miguel Corporation was able to give facts and concrete plans on how they would help their local community. They also made sure that all their CSR activities are in line with the nature of their business. After all the needed information about the CSR activities of the corporation will be gathered, the researchers will analyze the data and will give their own recommendations. The propositions regarding the company will ensure that their CSR activities will be their way of life. Objectives This study intends to make an assessment report on the CSR projects and programs of San Miguel Corporation through the San Miguel Foundation. Furthermore, this study aims to: 1. identify some, if not all, of the CSR projects of the San Miguel Corporation

2. assess the CSR projects of the San Miguel Corporation using the triple bottomline of corporations 3. measure the effectiveness of the CSR projects of San Miguel Corporation 4. identify some of the best practices of the said corporation in reference to their CSR projects and programs Scope and Limitation This study intends to assess the CSR practices, projects and programs of a chosen company. The researchers have chosen the San Miguel Corporation as the focus of this study. The study would use the personal interview of the researchers with the Executive Director of the San Miguel Foundation as a primary source in gathering the needed information for the study. In line with this, the researchers would also use the brochures and assessment reports, which were provided by the San Miguel Foundation, also as a basis for the assessment. In the assessment and analysis of the CSR projects and programs, the researchers would use the triple bottomline of corporations namely, the economic, social and environmental. With this, the study is limited to use only the company chosen by the researchers. The study will not be allowed to use other companies for comparison. Also, the study is also bounded with the CSR projects provided by the corporation. Lastly, the assessment will solely be objective judgments and be based on class discussions in IPD-CSR.

The Company Through our products and services, we want to give every single person we come in contact with access to the very best we can offerwhether in terms of quality, or affordability or choice. Our vision is to contribute to a strong Philippines, where our businesses create new jobs where the cost of basic services is well within the reach of every Filipino, where quality roads and transport infrastructure help bring down the cost of goods, putting more money in the pockets of manufacturers and consumers alike, and where our beverages and food products provide nutrition, and enjoyment in celebrating lifes big and small moments. More so, with over 17,000 employees, and a nation-wide network of thousands of suppliers, dealers, distributors and business partners, San Miguel Corporation is ideally placed to make a positive impact on the Philippine economy, the environment and society (Home, San Miguel Corporation, 2011). San Miguel Corporation (SMC), a household name because of its brewery biz, is the biggest food and beverage manufacturer in the Philippines. Its main businesses are food and beverage, agriculture, packaging and property. Being the largest food-to-power conglomerates in the Philippines, it operates more than 100 facilities not only in China but also in Southeast Asia. The most popular product that SMC delivers is the San Miguel Brewery (beer and liquor), on the other hand, it also has Pure Food unit which manufactures a different staples such as meats, dairy products, and coffee. More so, it has Ginebra, Monterey, Magnolia under its flagship. Not only does SMC have packaging operations, it is also a major stakeholder in Petron (the biggest oil refiner in the country) and owns 33% interest in Manila Electric. In addition to this, SMC has also a joint venture with the Qatar Telecom which operates mobile and broadband businesses in the Philippines and has other investments in energy, telecommunications, mining, construction and banking (Our Company, San Miguel Corporation, 2011).

With these things said, it is but undeniable that through strategic partnerships it has forged with major international companies, San Miguel has gained access to managerial expertise, international practices and advanced technology, thereby enhancing its performance and establishing itself as a world-class company. With the far-reaching influence of CSR, now, more than ever, corporations are guided by values from which it bases its every business decision. As for San Miguel Corporation, integrity, teamwork, respect for others and social responsibility are just a few of its corporate values that guide them every day. Through its corporate social responsibility arm, San Miguel Foundation Incorporated, San Miguel Corporation proactively reaches out to others to bring forth change that will enable communities to live better lives. As consequence, then, San Miguel Foundation, Inc. has crafted various programs and projects that address contemporary issues on livelihood, health, education, the environment and disaster relief following its overall direction of Enterprise, Education and the Environment (Social Responsibility, San Miguel Corporation, 2011). Succinctly, then, the above mentioned things are the driving forces which motivated us into choosing San Miguel Corporation as our company of interest. These are the very reasons why our group chose this company to make a case study of.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITIES At large, San Miguel Corporation, its subsidiaries and the foundation, hand-in-hand envisions a country wherein all Filipinos will be able to celebrate life in productive and selfreliant communities. With that, they take it to themselves as a mission to be committed to empowering our communities by managing corporate social responsibility programs that harness the strengths of San Miguels operating businesses. Now on its fifth decade as a foundation, San Miguel continues to support and invest in communities in which they operate by partnering with local community groups. As the foundation claims, being the corporate social responsibility arm of the Philippines largest and most diversified conglomerate that is, San Miguel Corporation their ability have a positive impact on the county is huge. This year, as they celebrate their 40th anniversary, they renew their commitment to do their utmost to help their parent company and its subsidiaries deliver on their social and environmental objectives. As they put it, they would collectively strive to ensure that good corporate citizenship is woven into the very fabric of San Miguel Corporation. As their Executive Director Camille Buenaventura puts it, Corporate Social Responsibility should be a way of life. Given that belief, it is but imperative to analyze and see for ourselves whether or not what they say is congruent to what they do. Hence, this particular section of the paper specifically expounds on the corporate social responsibility activities and projects of San Miguel Corporation.

San Miguel Corporation

San Miguel Brewery, Inc. San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation San Miguel Purefoods Company
San Miguel Global Power Holdings Corporation

Ginerbra San Miguel, Inc.

Figure 1.1. San Miguel Corporation, the mother company, and its subsidiaries

Given the information shown in Figure 1.1., on the onset, one might fall into thinking that just because there is one mother company, all these subsidiary companies rely entirely and solely on the CSR projects and activities of San Miguel Corporation in general. But after data gathering, each of these San Miguel subsidiaries has CSR activities of their own. From these CSR projects, it is but noteworthy that for each of these daughter companies, they have both long-term and short-term or one-time activities as will be seen in later discussions. In addition, it is worth mentioning that during the interview, Ms. Camille Buenaventura, the Executive Director of the foundation, mentioned that they do not have a hardcore project for each of their subsidiaries which means that even the projects of each of their sub companies are diversified. According to her, for instance, Purefoods being a food company limits them to feeding programs and in-kind donations. Rather, though this particular companys main projects are food-based, it still has other projects not directly related to their being a food company.


Zeroing in on the San Miguel Brewery, Inc, their CSR activities encompass four longterm programs and seven short-term programs/projects as seen in Figure 2.1. Meanwhile, categorizations of each of these projects are presented in Figure 2.1 while the number of beneficiaries of each of these programs is in the Appendices.

Long term
"Malusog na Katawan, Matalas sa Isipan" Supplemental Feeding Scholarship Community Clinics Socialized Housing

Short term
Scholarship Conference "Ipakita mo, talino mo batang Pilipino", Kid's Camp Medical Missions Livelihood Capability Building Watershed Rehabilitation and Coastal Clean-up Barangay Strengthening Program Cash and In-kind Donation

Figure 2.1. Long-term and short-term projects of San Miguel Brewer, Inc.

*Mati Fishermen Livelihood Project *del Carmen Siargao Livelihood Project

*Bridgepark Development Program *Watershed Rehabilitation/ Tree planting

Community Relations


*Malusog na Katawan, matalas na Isipan Supplemental Feeding Program *Scholarship Program *Educational Conferences



*Community Clinic *Medical Mission

Figure 2.2. Categorization of projects of San Miguel Brewery, Inc.

Meanwhile, the CSR activities of San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation include two long-term programs and five short-term programs/projects as seen in Figure 3.1. The


*Livelihood capability Building

*Linis Kalat, Linis Dagat

*Barangay Strengthening Program

*Socialized Housing Project


categorizations of each of these projects are also presented in Figure 3.2 while the number of beneficiaries of each of these programs is in the Appendices.

Long term
"Maludog na Katawan, Matalas na Isipan" Supplemental Feeding Schoolarship

Short term
Scholarship Conference Medical Missions Tree PLanting and Mangrove Rehabilitation SMYPC 73rd Anniversary SMYPC Pamaskong Handog Cash and In-kind Donation Figure 3.1. Long-term and short-term projects of San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation



Community Relations


*Malusog na Katawan, matalas na Isipan Supplemental Feeding Program *Scholarship Program TESDA Scholarship Program *Educational Conferences

*Tree Planting in Monte Maria, Alfonso, Cavite *Mangrove Rehabilitation in Brgy. Sasa, Davao City

*Medical Mission

*SMYPC Anniversary *SMYPC Marketing Christmas outreach at Fabella Hospital, Abiertas House of Friendship, Little Sisters of Assumption and Bustos Bulacan Donation of television set to Cavite National Science High School Donation of school supplies at Tipolo Day care Center, Mandaue City

Figure 3.2. Categorization of projects of San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation

With regards the CSR activities of San Miguel Purefoods Company, two long-term programs and one short-term program/project are included as seen in Figure 4.1. The categorizations of each of these projects are also presented in Figure 4.2 while the number of beneficiaries of each of these programs is in the Appendices.


Long term
Sumilao Community Clinic Handog Lusog - Supplemental Feeding Program

Short term
Medical Mission
Figure 4.1. Long-term and short-term projects of San Miguel Purefoods Company


*Malusog na Katawan, matalas na Isipan Supplemental Feeding Program

Community Relations

*Medical Mission


Sumilao Community Clinic

Figure 4.2. Categorization of projects of San Miguel Purefoods Company

Tackling the CSR activities of San Miguel Global Power Holdings Corporation, it includes one long-term program and one short-term program/project as seen in Figure 5.1. The categorizations of each of these projects are also presented in Figure 5.2 while the number of beneficiaries of each of these programs is in the Appendices.


Long term
Sumilao Community Clinic Handog Lusog - Supplemental Feeding Program

Short term
Medical Mission

Figure 5.1. Long-term and short-term projects of San Miguel Global Power Holdings Corporation


*Scholarship Program in Batangas State University and in Pangasinan State University

Community Relations

*Medical Mission

Figure 5.2. Categorization of projects of San Miguel Global Power Holdings Corporation

And lastly, Ginebra San Miguel, Inc., also have one long-term program and one shortterm/ one-time activity as seen in Figure 6.1. The categorizations of each of these projects are also presented in Figure 6.2 while the number of beneficiaries of each of these programs is in the Appendices.


Long term
Sumilao Community Clinic Handog Lusog - Supplemental Feeding Program

Short term
Medical Mission

Figure 6.1. Long-term and short-term projects of Ginebra San Miguel, Inc.


*Scholarship Program

Community Relations

*Medical Mission

Figure 6.2. Categorization of projects of Ginebra San Miguel, Inc.

On one hand, as was explicitly mentioned during our interview with the Executive Director of SMF, San Miguel Corporation has external CSR the ones provided for above. On the other hand, she specifically qualified that they too have internal CSR. This giving the employees decent wages that is, not only at the minimum, providing them with the right


benefits, making available wellness program in your company, and striving to be a child-friendly company. Three Bottom lines In the contemporary world, corporations are already considered separate legal entities, meaning that they have the same rights as an individual person residing in a specified territory. And in trying to debunk the idea that the business of business is to make business, John Elkington proposed the three bottom lines that all corporations should follow People, Planet and Profit. Corporations needed not only to generate profit, but also to remember not to be monsters in the community, earning money at the expense of people or the environment. Some companies who focused much on making profit do not care anymore whether their actions will harm their employees, or whether their factories will harm the environment. These companies establish bad reputations in the community and may affect their consumer market, especially in the long run. John Elkington emphasizes that businesses should also take into consideration its surroundings and the people inside and outside the companys vicinity. San Miguel Corporations, having a separate department handling CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities, exploits these three bottom lines. The company makes sure that they give back to society the benefits it has given to them. And one effective way of showing gratitude to the society is through different CSR activities. And since the executive director sees CSR as a way of life, their activities are all in line with the nature of the business. Projects concerning the environment include the following: Watershed Rehabilitation, Linis Dagat Campaign, and the Bridge point Development Programs. All three projects lean towards a healthy environment not only for consumers and people residing near the company, but also for the whole community. This is to ensure the safety of the companys consumers, as


well as to provide for the people the society that they deserve. According to Ms. Camille, . . . some projects really depend on the needs of the society at large. On the other hand, projects concerning people living in the community include the following: supplemental feeding programs, scholarships, socialized housing, kids camp and other donations (of television sets, appliances and school supplies). All these activities promote the basic rights of the citizens in education and in having a good shelter. Most of San Miguels beneficiaries are students who excel out-of-school youths, and those who are homeless. Even though they are sometimes not accepted in the community, as Ms. Camille would say, they still continue what theyre doing for the betterment of the society. These projects serve as medium for San Miguel to reach out to the community to lessen the gap that it preset between private corporations and individual citizens. Inside the company is a different thing. While CSR is usually what is seen outside of the company, it also has its manifestations inside. In order to encourage employees to work harder, Ms. Camille says, San Miguel sometimes gives awards to people who have achieved excellence in their work Such are the following: Employee of the Year Award and Employee of the Month Award. Benefits and other incentives are ways to encourage and boost the companys employees to strive to be the best. Another would be the presence of the gym. Ms. Camille emphasized that there are people who already have their sculptures built inside the gym! This facility promotes healthy living for the employees, particularly the men who wanted to stay fit. San Miguel, during the Christmas season, also holds mini bazaars and Christmas Parties for everyone which help create a strong relationship between employees. Parties and get-togethers such as these uphold unity within the company.


Ms. Camille also mentioned an opportunity to create a day care center for the mothers who are working in the company. This will enhance, according to her, the efficiency of the mothers since they do not have to think and worry about their toddlers whom they left at home with a babysitter. If the day care center would be pushed through, mothers then will have the chance of concentrating more on their work, and at the same time, address the necessary motherly need of their children while at the office. Overall, San Miguel has CSR activities which not only focuses on generating profit, but also helps the people and the environment. This concept of the three bottom lines should always be maintained for the company to have a good reputation in the society at large. Stakeholder Mapping San Miguel has a lot of CSR activities. Usually, the beneficiaries of which are the students, those who are homeless, those who do not eat three meals a day, those who suffer from a polluted environment and many other. All these can be categorized into stakeholders. The primary stakeholder and the one which is greatly affected by the companys CSR activities would be the community itself. It would be best that they first help the people near their company Ms. Camille says. CSR projects conducted with respect to the location should not only target those in the nearby community but also the other people at a larger scale. The general public consist of the largest among all the stakeholders thus, should be given the most importance. The company should show that the corporation is starting to appreciate and return the benefits it received from the society. These projects usually start by surveying the people and figuring out what they actually need most. This will help ensure the business as to what projects will be conducted. This also saves time and money for the business, making the supposed investment/amount allotted for the


project greater. After the survey, the department will device a specific tactical plan that would cure the specified current problem, may its source be the surroundings (like a waste drainage system) or people (like a group of bandits). The project would then be implemented after seeking the approval of the town mayor or barangay captain. According to Ms. Camille, this last phase of implementation is the hardest because it needs the complete cooperation of the town officials. Another primary stakeholder that is affected by the company directly is the employees of the business. As mentioned earlier, the company takes care of its employees such that they find ways on how to motivate each other, making sure that theyd feel at home even though theyre at work. Projects mentioned earlier such as parties and fitness activities all create opportunities for employees to get to know each other. The gym and other fitness facilities also provide convenience for the weight enthusiasts. They do not need to go far just to have an exercise for the day. All they have to do is to wait for those free times that the company provides to get to the gym and do some lifting. Social gatherings are for those who are shy and arent able to reach out to other employees. All employees in San Miguel will have equal chances, even the new employees will get to know the old employees better. These CSR activities also help new employees be more comfortable and feel welcomed in the company. No one gets left behind. Each and every member is all taken care of. The government, particularly the local government units (LGU), also play an important role in San Miguels CSR activities. Although they are not great affected by the projects, their consent and affirmation is important, for without it, then the proposed projects will all come to waste. Once the LGUs reject the proposal of the company, the project ceases to exist. LGUs serve as mediator between the company and the society at large.


Overall, the company affects three stakeholders the community, the employees and the government. Although it may also affect the owner and other stakeholders, the three categories mentioned above are the most visible. The community is help through different feeding and environment healthy programs, the employees have bonding time with each other, and the government should have a good relationship with the company in order to fulfil the different tasks. Issues and other Matters on CSR Projects and Programs Corporate Social Responsibility for the San Miguel Corporation is about self-reliance and productive communities. Moreover, CSR for them is beyond compliance, is voluntary and is not mandated. They also give importance to Personal Social Responsibility (PSR), a term they coined. Aside from CSR, in which the company gives back to the society, every employee should also have their own social responsibility and give back even a little to the community they belong. For the San Miguel Corporation, they consider CSR as a way of life of both the institution and the employees. When talking about the environmental bottom line, they have waste management water facility and waste management. Ms. Camille Buenaventura emphasized during the interview that San Miguel Corp. does not go under the table, which is very remarkable for a company. They face public hearing, public scrutiny and the like to defend their projects and programs to different organizations and also to local governments that will be affected by their plans. In line with the minimalist CSR that San Miguel provides such as right wages, just benefits and wellness program for employees, San Miguel Corporation also engages themselves in different researches to improve their economical products for they believe that this is also their job.


With this complex concept of CSR, issues and other disputable matters are inevitable. Issues are very important to discuss because it is one factor that can be used to measure or assess the effectiveness of the CSR projects and programs of a corporation. Issues can also serve as a corrective measure for a company to consider in planning and implementing their projects. Furthermore, the issues that will be exposed in the paper can also a test the companys take on the triple bottom-line of corporations. During the groups interview with the Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation, Ms. Camille Buenaventura, the group found out that there are issues revealed about the CSR projects and programs of the corporation. This part of the paper will use the groups interview with the Executive Director and also some of the brochures and pamphlets given to the group. In the first part of the interview when the Ms. Camille was asked by the group about San Miguels point of view of what is CSR, she said that that the foci of their projects are the communities. She added that they do not like to dictate what CSR project they would implement for the people and that their project would be a response to the need of the community. However, the problem with this enters when she said that they will not do anything unless there is a problem or there is a community in need. She gave an example by mentioning a beer plant facility they have in one province. She said that that the people complained for the incidents of tuberculosis around that area. With this, the San Miguel Foundation put up a medical mission in order to answer to the needs of the civilians. The groups take on this is that corporations have the responsibility to give back to the society although there are no problems that needs to be addressed. On the other side of the issue, she said something contrary to what she mentioned first. At the last part of the interview, she said that their CSR projects target to stop problems from happening. He compared this to a fire situation wherein people would tend to prevent the


fire from happening instead of waiting for the fire to happen and that is the only time to think about what CSR project would be best for the community in need. When the group asked if their CSR projects are in line with the business strategy, Ms. Camille said that it is the case in their company. They made sure that for example, for their food group, they will focus on health such as community clinic. It is remarkable also in the part of the company that they are recognized both locally and internationally as no. 1 when it comes to strategic CSR. However, the group saw inconsistency with one of the answers for she mentioned that their packaging business is also into feeding programs aside from their environmental projects, which are their main target for CSR. She said that they cannot restrict one business to focus on one thing in terms of the CSR projects that they will implement because their CSR projects depend on the needs of the communities. One of their businesses is the San Miguel Global Power Corporation. They are the ones who produce energy for Meralco and other distributors of energy. The Executive Director laughed when she said that this business of theirs is earning so much. They realized that power businesses are a good venue to earn more profit. This business CSR is scholarship program for those who aspire to be future engineers. As mentioned by Ms. Camille, they have scholarships for three engineering degrees namely, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. This may sound impressive at first however, the students who received the grants have to work for the Global Power after they graduate. This can be considered as a labor issue for they restrain the freedom of their workers to work in other companies. This situation may also lead to future abuses such as unjust wages and unequal treatment. Since the graduates are tied up to the company for years, the workers will not be able to develop themselves in their chosen sphere. But this is not the case for all the scholarship grants given by San Miguel


Corporation because for the San Miguel Foundation, they also give scholarship grants. Unlike Global Power Corporation, their graduates are not tied up with San Miguel. Their principle is that if another company would hire the graduate and can give his/her more than the basic salary that San Miguel can offer, he/she could always choose the company. San Miguel Foundation does not want people to say that they only give scholarship programs to look for potential employees for the company. During the interview, the group learned how San Miguel Corporation gives importance to the physical well-being of their employees. In the San Miguel compound, there is a gym where employees regularly go to exercise and be fit. This is how they practice CSR internally. Also, when we asked about their activities in the pipeline, Ms. Camille talked about her plan to have a day care center. She gave Proctor and Gamble as an example for the company won as the employer of the year by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) because of their day care center. This would address the problems of their employees who experience difficulties when it comes to taking care of their children. The group agreed with her when she said that having a day care center inside their compound would increase their productivity since working moms commonly take leaves when they have problems with their yayas. Moreover, the group thought of this plan as a way to empower and develop women. With this future agenda, women would become more active and productive at work since they will not have any personal problems when it comes to their children. Furthermore, this would provide a healthier and more conducive workplace knowing that the children of the employees are secured. Another issue that the group found out during the interview is about their mining projects and power plants. They spent Php 900,000 to have a survey and learn about the civilians take on their project. The company wants to know the reactions and ideas of people about their new


business venture. However, the group understood that the corporation is very concerned to understand what people thinks of them but not that eager to learn about the consequences of their new businesses to the environment.

Challenges and Strategies Aside from the issues found by the group in the CSR projects of San Miguel Corporation, the corporation also faces challenges while planning and implementing their CSR projects. This part will briefly identify some of the trials that faced San Miguel that can also applied to other corporations as well as how the corporation dealt with these. Firstly, Ms. Camille mentioned during the interview that she encounters problems with interest articulation since San Miguel Corporation has many businesses and each business has their presidents, which are all members of the Board of Trustees of the San Miguel Foundation. In finding out the most appropriate project to do, Ms. Camille finds it hard to consolidate the variety of issues and interests of the presidents. Some of the presidents like to have many research but some want to have outreaches alone. However, with all these, Ms. Camille praised their presidents for they are very supportive and generous financially. Another challenge they encounter is with dealing with their target communities. Some communities are indifferent and are unsupportive of their projects. Also, they find it hard to sometimes identify the root problem of the community. One instance she encountered during the early 2000 was when a community demanded them to just give them the 1 million San Miguel allots for the CSR project. The community residents said that instead of implementing a project, which is useless for them, San Miguel should just distribute the money amongst the residents. As mentioned, San Miguel Corporation does not want to dictate any CSR project that they would


like to do for a community. With this, they do tons of research methods in order to extract the root problems of the community. When they do group interviews, they do not get a lot of information but when they do surveys and one on one interviews, that is when the real problem comes out. Perhaps, she said, that the problem is either embarrassing or unknown to the people. One example she gave was when they did a group interview and none of the residents gave very helpful information to them. So they decided to conduct surveys and in the surveys, they found out that there are instances of diarrhoea in the area. With that, San Miguel decided to establish a more efficient and effective potable water system because the incidents root is the source of water. San Miguel does not care if they will spend millions of pesos just to get an information. They are willing to spend months of research and go through the whole process for they do not want to provide substandard projects to the communities and make sure that what they are doing is the right thing.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions The researchers conducted this study in order to know the existing CSR activities of San Miguel Corporation as well as to assess whether these support the required guidelines of CSR. In gathering pertinent information, the researchers set up an interview with the Executive Director


of San Miguel Foundation. They also made use of brochures and assessment reports to further know the CSR projects of SMC. In assessing the CSR projects of the company, the researchers found out that San Miguels CSR projects are actually aligned with their business strategy. For instance, the food industry of the corporation focuses on improving the health condition of poor individuals. Their CSR projects include feeding programs, sport festivals, and medical and dental missions. Also, San Miguels packaging sector focuses on environmental sustainability and its projects include cleaning programs such as Linis Ofis Program, environmental forum, disaster management, and other environmental initiatives. Having said all of these, the different sectors managed by San Miguel Corporation (i.e. food, beverages, packaging and properties) execute different CSR projects depending on the nature of the industry but are still in line with the corporations business strategy. Subsequently, the researchers also found out that the corporation is meeting the terms of the triple bottom-line which pertains to economic (profit), social (people), and environmental (planet) responsibilities. As said in the previous section of this report, the SMC focuses not only in generating profit but also in improving the life of its stakeholders and creating a sustainable environment through their CSR projects. Through the stakeholder mapping and analysis also, the researchers are able to know that the community, the employees of the company, and government are the primary stakeholders of the firm. Using the four CSR components of Carroll (1979), the researchers are able to assess whether San Miguel Corporation are practicing the required economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. The first component refers to the economic responsibility of the corporation. As an international corporation and manufacturer of different products, San Miguel


is able generate huge amounts of profit. This profit is the basic necessity for the company to survive and hence, we can say that San Miguel has actually followed the first responsibility. The second component of CSR refers to legal responsibility. This entails that companies pay the right amount of taxes and adhere to the rules and regulations set by the Republic Act 7934 or what is called the Consumer Act of the Philippines. San Miguel is complying with this responsibility as the corporation not only pays the right amount of taxes to the government, but they also present all the companys expenses to the public as a sign of transparency. And when it comes to their products, the company put labels and safety precautions which only show that they strictly follow the rules and regulations of the government. The next component would be the ethical responsibility which is doing what is right, just, and fair. As said by Ms. Buenaventura, the Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation, the company does what is right, just and fair to their employees as well as to their consumers through their CSR projects and more importantly in complying with the law. The last component of CSR is the philanthropic responsibility which means contributing resources in order to improve the life of every community member. San Miguel Corporation adheres to this responsibility in their various CSR activities. Knowing all of these, we could say that San Miguel Corporation practices the four responsibilities of the Corporate Social Responsibility paradigm. However, there is still a need in strengthening and maintaining the practice of the four responsibilities. Lastly, the researchers found out that San Miguel Corporation was able to surpass the minimalist as well as the discretionary stage of CSR since it went beyond of what the law requires them to do. It is now on its strategic level of CSR because their projects had become their way of life. The Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation said that their Corporate Social Responsibility has now become the San Miguels way of life and that SMC now realized


the importance of giving back to the society after reaping success in their business endeavours. The researchers concluded, after interviewing, that San Miguel Corporation is an example of a company which practices a good CSR strategy. Nevertheless, the researchers as well as Ms. Buenaventura said that, the corporation still needs to formulate and execute new CSR projects in order to further improve the quality of community life in the different parts of the country. Policy Recommendations After looking into the CSR projects of San Miguel Corporation, the researchers have come up with recommendations that can help the company regarding their CSR endeavors. First, though the company is considered as strategic in their CSR activities as it is their way of life, being strategic does not entail that the company is interactive. And so, San Miguel should not only be strategic but also interactive. Being interactive in implementing CSR activities would mean that the company has a continuous relationship with their stakeholders particularly the communities that are part of their CSR projects. This continuous relationship also entails that both are capable of acting on or influencing each other with regards to the CSR projects and activities that San Miguel Corp., would be spearheading. Some of their partnerships with stakeholders are interactive especially those involving scholarship grants which are long-term but when it comes to their short-term CSR projects, after the project the interaction also stops. It would be beneficial if there could be a continuous relationship between San Miguel Corp., the communities and their partners. They should make their CSR projects interactive especially if it can be sustained. Second, as stated by the Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation Camille Buenaventura, San Miguel Corp. should provide communities with livelihood projects that certain communities can sustain. In this way, the company allows communities to be


independent and self-sustaining. This is still a challenge for the company to be their CSR project but the Executive Director of San Miguel Foundation is determined to pursue this endeavor in the future. One good way that the company can do in order to pursue this is to partner with the local government and/or NGOs. The researchers found regarding this matter the Community Livelihood Assistance Special Program (CLASP) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). CLASP aims to help alleviate poverty and improve the quality of life in resource-dependent communities in various areas in the Philippines through resources that will lead to sustainable economic and social benefits for communities, (Forest Management Bureau, 2003). Third, the company should also involve employees in the selection of CSR projects and the respective communities that would be benefitted. This would help alleviate employee engagement which improves both company and employee performance. Such is deemed important according to Philanthropic trends today. Fourth, San Miguel should measure the outcomes of their CSR activities. Through this, the company would be able to know whether their projects and activities are effective or not. Also, they would be able to evaluate whether their CSR endeavors actually contribute and/or contributes to the development of communities at the present and in the long-run. And last, Southeast Asia's largest publicly listed food, beverage and packaging company could expand their CSR projects internationally since their stakeholders include some parts of Asia. It is only appropriate that San Miguel Corp. extend their help through their Corporate Social Responsibility to the communities that consume their product. For further studies, the researchers suggest an in-depth analysis of the CSR projects in a specific manufacturing industry of San Miguel Corporation. For instance, future studies to be


conducted can focus on the CSR projects of the packaging industry of SMC and cite whether their CSR activities are truly in lined with their business strategy. Moreover, future researchers can also assess whether the packaging industry abides with the triple bottom-line (economic, social and environmental) as well as the four components (economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic) of a good Corporate Social Responsibility.


References Our Company. (2011). Retrieved on 17 February 2013 from Home. (2011). Retrieved on 17 February 2013 from Social Responsibility. (2011). Retrieved on 17 February 2013 from


Appendix A (Documentation)

Ms. Camille Buenaventura, Executive Director of SMF, as she discusses SMFs projects

The groups photo opportunity with Ms. Camille


Some awards garnered by SMF


Other citations awarded to SMF


Appendix B (Interview Transcription)

Mel: Ms. Camille: From the San Miguels point of view, what is CSR po? Hmmm. Ok. CSR for us its I would use our vision and mission. We changed our vision last year kasi during the previous years, which is for the communities ganun ganun. But now, we included self-reliance and productive communities coz our strength is with our communities. Actually, we dont dictate what CSR project we would like to implement for them o parang kme magsasabi eto gawin ninyo. In our case, uhm we make it a point that the projects we would like to go into, its a response to their need. So for us its actually a compliance coz when we talk about compliance, ok nagbabayad ka ng tamang tax, nagpapasweldo ka ng maayos, or sumusunod ka sa government regulatory. Well, that is the minimum eh, that is expected of the business but if you go beyond that, if you go to the communities and give them what, sorry, what the government cannot provide. Eh diba the government can only do so much eh kasi onti lng namanmaraming pondo but I think the allocation is the problem so uhm ang sa amin is building self-reliant and productive communities and at the same time for me, personally, CSR is beyond compliance. CSR is voluntary, its not mandated, in fact that is one of the things I thoughtsa Congress hearing kasiMona is our program officer, here is our report for 2011, its kinda old but the projects are still there and articles on CSR. So thats it, thats how we see CSR So Miss, by the way Im Krishna Hi Krishna Do you think that your CSR programs or activities are in line with your business strategy and how? Oh yeah, number 1, we make it a point that when we do CSR projects, its actually the strength of one business. We have flashy programs I could mention one. Obviously, for the food group, what is the best CSR program? Its the nutrition and feeding program, thats where we go. For our beer business, its on health kasi diba ang community clinic kami, andyan yan (pointing to the brochures) for our group, kasi andito yung planta mo, andito yung community mo, palagi saming binabato oi, dumadami ung incidents ng tuberculosis and honestly, theres no proven data on that but still we, o cge lets come up with a community clinic coz we see that our beer business and our beer plant facilities are one of the critical facilities. What else, in line with our business, uhm ang San Miguel kasi, we won sa Alpha publishing ng Hongkong. Actually, we were surprised that we were mentioned as no. 1 when it comes to strategic CSR now they call it business continuity alam mo ang dami na natatawa ako kasi just the other day, Friday, may pumunta from Malaysia, shes a doctor and she interviewed me on disaster tapos tinanong niya do you have business continuity program? anung sasabihin ko sa isip ko lang. You know its a new jargon but weve been doing that, the Philippines has been doing that and sabi ko nga, in the Phillippines, we call it strategic CSR. And galling lang na marami nang matalino na kung anu-ano na bagong coined technical terms and jargon but weve been doing that for years and ang San Miguel we want to make sure we dont want na pumasok kami in things we dont know ike in the case of housing. Before, of 35

Krishna: Ms. Camille: Krishna: Ms. Camille:

course, our partners are Habitat for Humanity and Gawad Kalinga but we dont rely on our partners alone. When we look at the areas kung saan kami magtatayo ng bahay, we have our own geologist kasi diba parang, we trust naman our partners but its just that we want our own people to see na ito bang paglilipatan ng mga tao, are really safe for them, they will not experience the same thing, the flooding, the whatever. Also, yung packaging business naming, whn you think of CSR, you think also of course the vision of the CEO of the company kasi marami kaming mga presidente. All these division presidents are members of the Board of San Miguel Foundation. Some of them really want an integrated business CSR, some of them just wanted really outreach. You know iba-iba eh kung anong feel nila. Minsan, its really what they want and for packaging business, of cour se no. 1 is sabi nga nila environment, sila un. Pero may feeding din sila, why? Coz one of the plants, Pandacan plant for packaging, theyre into plastic, mga lalagyan ng mga products is situated in the Pandacan area and you know naman, yeah in Manila. It s thickly populated area and dun paglabas mo pa lang, marami nang mga batang maliliit na nagtatakbuhan so may feeding program kme dun. So we really cannot dictate uhm kung ikaw hardcore lang tayo, pag packaging ka environment ka lang , hindi pwede coz yo u have communities that you have to answer their needs like un nga. Again, our packaging business dapat feeding food group lang yan , hindi rin kasi sa beer group lahat ng planta din sa labas may feeding not as huge as thousands like the food group sila nga, 35 kids, ganun lang. ----someone called her in her phone---Also our Global Power. Meron din kaming San Miguel Global Power Corporation. Sila ung IPPA when I talk about Independent Power Producers Administrator. Pag may planta ka, yung planta sila yung gumagawa ng power pero sino nagbebenta, yung San Miguel Global. Sila yung nagbebenta sa Meralco, sa distributors, sila yung nagbebenta sa mga electric cooperatives, we have that group. That group right now is earning so much *laughs*. Ang power business pala maganda pala yung kita. On our Global Power, kailangan naman nila are engineers so their CSR program is into scholarship of engineering students, electrical, civil and may isa pa so tatlo yang.mechanical. so silang tatlo yun. So its in line with the business. But we always say na parang dun sa ibang scholarship naming naman compared sa Global Power kaya matatawa kayo sa parang, ok so wed always say na oh we have scholars but we dont want them to be tied up with San Miguel, if somebody would hire you and give you more than the basic salary that San Miguel can give you, you could always apply to other. Ayaw naming kasi na parang pinagaral naming kayo ng two years so you have to work for us. Pagdating naman sa Global dapat samin kayo so sabi namin ok nagswiswitch kami. Dati medyo, how will I say the word, hardcore kami when it comes to hndi eto dapat dapat iisa lang. you cant do that when youre handling a conglomerate like San Miguel kasi iba -ibang business, iba-iba talaga yung pangangailangan. So thats how we do it. So thats how San Miguel Foundation.. so I have to prepare prior to a meeting kasi I might be talking about a policy of one of the businesses wherein dapat eto yung so we make it a point that its really strategic CSR, in line with the business, strength of the company that we are helping. 36

Mel: Ms. Camille:

So Miss, is it safe to say that your CSR activities or projects, (they) comply with what is needed by the circumstance? Oh yes, yes. That should be the case with CSR. And, okay, when we talk about CSR , eto nanaman ako pasensya na nagiging professor ako kasi I used to be a professor in Ateneo of CSR pero hindi ko kaya magturo dahil grabe ang preparations! (laughs) Kaya you, you should appreciate your professors ha; thats the only time I appreciate my professor (laughs) kasi ang hirap pala, you know its, uhm, I would sleep at tweleve and wake up at five because I have to be ready with all these materials, it is not that easy to teach, that I tell you, its not, so parang ako after that sem sabi ng Ateneo said Sige pa, sige pa. Ako no, no kahit Sabado lang siya, you know, but maybe Ill go there again. Uhm, CSR is not just helping the community. When you talk about CSR, internally you have your CSR, you have your employees, human resource, and when you give them the right sweldo, the right benefits, if you have the wellness program in your company, if you are a child-friendly company, those are CSR within, internal. And then when you is your quality, okay, quality management; when you give your client the best products that it has gone through several research you know, to give the best economical product, that is CSR. When you give contracts so the supplier to comply with the (with the) standards environmental standards then that is CSR. On the environment side, may waste management water facility ba kayo? Nagsesegregate ba kayo inside the company? That is CSR. And what we are talking right now is CSR outside of the company. So, thats (thats) what CSR is. We comply, uhm, when we talk about CSR sa (ibang)labas ng kumpanya, its (its), yes its safe to say that, uh, ah, what (what) were doing is that we answer to the needs of the community. It shouldnt be kasi when you pag nag... alam ko naman yung mga bata last Monday nag-panelist naman ako sa may ST. Paul parang sabi ko Obvious nag-Google lang kayo! (laughs) nag Google lang kayo! Please come up with an analytical thinking and logical.. you know yung mga bata. Its uhm, kaya kayo wag kayong ano ha, pag nag gu-Google kayo wag obvious. So... (laughs) Alam ko naman yun, yung anak ko just graduated from college so yun yung sinasabi ko. Pag tiningnan ninyo what is community development, what is community relations, what is CSR, its actually (ansing) answering the need of your community. Its not just because you have the money and you do it! You know maraming kumpanyang ganyan and uhm, most often than not, nagiging failure ang mga projects kasi (kasi) sasabihin ng mga tao Eh hindi naman namin hinihingi yan eh. Kayo ang nagsabi sa amin eh. Kami hindi ganun. Ako I would always, kahapon I had a meeting with my team sabi ko sa kanila Let us do it this way. Well make it the traditional way. And what is the traditional way? Ako, ang ginagawa ko, medyo may fusion, may fusion ako sa grupo ko. Meron akong traditional. I would go to the community, come up with a survey, know the demographics, in the demographics you have to know the profile, who is the head of the family etc. etc, what do they know, what they would like to know, what are the resources in the community, what could they contribute, who are the perceived leaders. I would go through that survey. Nevermind if it would take me a month to get that. And that I would validate that with the community and together with the community we would identify projects. Kasi you know one community recently lang na inayos namin is that when we talked to them, uhm, hindi lumalabas yung isang project which is potable water system and, uh, and as a 37

cause of not having, alam niyo sa bukal lang, spring water lang, andami talagang incidents of diarrhea. Pero during naman the dialogue hindi naman kinwento. So nung nagpasurvey ako lumabas talaga yun. Number one cause is uh, yung mga, ng mga sakit, uhm, is diarrhea. Tapos water source, lumabas water source. So ngayon, alam na namin. So isa sa mga priority ko ngayon is to come up with a potable water system. So see, its, thats the beauty of it. Minsan ang tao would be Ay nahihiya kami kasi sasabihin mo ba naman na, sorry, maraming nag tatae samin. Pero hindi ko naman masasabi yun. May mga ganun. Diyahe! (laughs) Pero once you interview them na one on one. Halimbawa tayo lang dalawa, ako yung nagiinterview, ako yung numerator, nasusulat, nasasabi mo... so lumalabas. Thats how we do it. I dont know the other companies whos doing it. Pero ako, sabi ko, never mind if were spending thousands of pesos for that. Uhm, I would go to the process just to be sure, you, know, that we are doing the right thing. And at the end of the day hindi kami masasabihan ng mga tao na, kasi before may mga tao na nagsabi Magkano gagastusin niyo? Edi sasabihin one million po. One million? Eh ilan kaming pamilya? Isang daan? Paghati-hatian na lang namin [iyang] one million. We encounter that. We encounter that. That was in the early 2000s. Ngayon hindi na, hindi na namin naeencounter. Ganun talaga di ba. Ang tao easy money. Lalo na pag sa. Pag bababa ka sa communities... sabi ko nga sa inyo some would say Papakahirap pa tayo may pero ka naman pala diyan, ipamigay mo na lang sa amin. Kami na lang bahala. Kami na lang bahala. Mel: Ms. Camille: Miss kanina, you talked about, like your employee... so is you CSR, internally, equally active, as your eternal CSR? Uh, yes. Uhm, actually nakakatuwa. Aware na rin ang aming HR on that kasi, infact even during CSR expo, even our HR peole would attend. Haha. Minsan nga nao-off ako. Most of the topics are on the community, and environment, global warming, during expo. Pero ngayon meron nang HR people doing that, meron kaming parang minsan before every month. One Friday in a month meron kaming mga, ano yun, mga pag Fridays yung parang, yung parang, meron kami nung may mga yung sports bar. Yung canteen namin will have a sport.. thats part of it. Para balansiyado di ba. They are working at the same time meron ka pang oo. Misnsan parang nao-OAan ako (laughs). Parang minsan, Okay, meron tayong Haloween gaunun. May ganun. (laughs). Pero kinacareer. Di ba? Meron kaming Bank of commerce is there, Ginebra is there, ang laki eh. Petron is at the basement, ground floor, first floor. So talagang kinacareer. And you know, the competition tuloy ang nangyayari, sabi nga namin, Nakakatulong ba to? (laughs) Parang sila nagtataguan sila lalo na nung Christmas party, uhm, ano naman, Christmas party was break... ah, no no no no, uh, hip hop. Hip hop na parang merong theme na parang Arabian nights something. Sabi nga namin imbis nga ata na mag-foster ng camaraderie (laughs). But you know at the end of the day we still see it as something really healthy for all of us. Kasi, like, uhm, pag nakita mo, uy, parang nag-aaway na sila, pero within (within) the (the) company, like in the case of my daughter sa Ginebra siya, ang dami niyang nakilala from other kasi shes new, five, nung sumali siya two months palang ata, three months. So parang daig pa niya yung mga old employees kasi . . . because of that, marami siyang nakilala from the inside. Also, we have, like last 38

Christmas community outreach its the day after the Christmas Party; so you could just imagine, nakakatuwa, but obviously, in your age, mga bagets pa ung mga umattend, kasi para sa mga matatanda . . . ako nandun, coz I have to be there . . . coz this is an outreach, pero konti lng ung matatanda na umattend, and sabi ko my gosh . . . 12 oclock natapos ung Christmas party, then 6 oclock off kami to Palawan Laguna. So we have that and it feels good. Um, internally also, ang CSR . . . the company is paying us well, the benefits are good, you know, pag ganyan, our management is very generous. But on the wellness program we have a gym, ung iba, parang meron na silang rebulto sa gym, parang ilang years na sila . . . na sila parati ung nandun sa gym,kaya ngayon . . . dati ung gym namin is only in the afternoon, ngayon meron nang morning at lunchtime, bukas na siya, and also in the evening. Kasi andami dami ng empleyado eh. So thats how we have CSR internally on the HR side. I think they have a very good program right now, compared to before. Theres one thing, you know . . .I wouldnt be a beneficiary . . . Ung isang pinauusapan namin kahapon sa ladies room, kasi every morning, I remember, I talk with the young moms. Kasi were San Miguel foundations, at paikot namin ay ang corporate affairs, and were talking about yayas and wala nanaman sila, at sabi kong ganun, you know, ang tagal tagal ko ng sinasabi to, maliit pa ung anak ko, right now my daughter is working na, I have been wishing that we should have a day care center, you know, its something really . . . kasi I remember P&G, Proctor and Gamble. They won before as employer of the year ng PMAP, people management association, because of their daycare center. And before ko pa sinasabi un, and sana ung isa sa amin may daycare, kasi it will help productivity of the mommies on leave . . . saying why dont you just have one person there na mag-aalaga . . . Thats one thing that I . . . sabi ko nga kahapon sige na miss . . . Sa U.S. maraming may ganyan eh, I think also, dapat sa Pilipinas may ganyan . . . its women in development. We should be gender sensitive about it, Im not a hardcore feminist, but I know how hard it is for a working moms, mas mahirap for us compared to . . . ako hindi na eh, ung anak ko malaki na . . . I could feel for those na every morning . . . my gosh, ung pag-uusapan is about the yaya . . . sabi ko something must be done about this. Un lang ung gusto ko sanang meron kami. Pero otherwise, the rest, I think here in San Miguel, we have a work-right balance . . . ang sa empleyado nalang kung gusto mong maging involved . . . ako kasi Im always on the field, and every time theres a big celebration, Im on the field, nagkakataon talaga, pero pag meron namang opportunity bumababa naman ako. We have tiangge every Christmas season. Alam mo na yan pag sinabi na okay, reserve for your stall . . . Uy, the day before nyan meron na tayong bonus. The employees and relatives can sell . . . makikita mo ang daming empleyado, tapos hanggang alas dose . . . marami kami dyan sa labas. Abby: Ms. Camille: So with that, you can see CSR as a way of life? It is. It should be a way of life. Meron kaming ki-noin (coined) na word . . . I am also the vice chair of the league of corporate foundations . . . theres CSR and PSR. Personal Social Responsibility, we use that term. For corporate, it should be. Its our way of giving back to our clients, to the patron of Ginebra San Miguel, of beer, of those using your electricity, kahit na kailangan yan diba, given yan eh . . . but it should be a way of life. At the same time, personally, we should do our own social responsibility. Its our own PSR. 39

Dapat kahit in the little way that we can, we should give back. It doesnt have to be naman . . . halimbawa meron bagyo, tulong kaagad . . . helping your kasambahay, you know, helping the kids sa labas ng bahay mo . . . I remember I received this Christmas gift . . . sikat na tao, syempre pag sikat na tao ang iisipin mo . . . ang binigay nya sakin . . . very galling talaga, kokopyahin ko to, sinabi ko sa kanya . . . kasi you know what she gave me, its a bag of loot bags . . . iba -iba, marong puro candy,may isang loot bag na clips . . . meron syang letter. Nakalagay dun sa letter: Put this inside your car, so every time during that Christmas season, every time a kid knocks on your window, bibigay mo sa kanya . . . wow . . . until now nagoo-goosebumps ako. Kasi diba . . . its something really . . . siguro inisip nila, anu ung ibibigay ko sa babaeing ito . . . eh ako naman, kahit ano masaya na ako eh. Nung tinitignan ko nga uy, gusto ko ung ipit! Pero, diba, these are things that . . . on our own initiative. We have our own personal social responsibility and ako . . . kayong mga bata . . . parang in your bag, you have to put some biscuits so that when kids approach you, dont give them money . . . ako, pag minsan nagdridrive ako, tapos may ganyan . . . sa isip ko, kasi . . . pasensya na, trabaho ko to, pero pinipigilan ko ang sarili ko to give anything na pera. Kasi kung wala akong maibibigay, I wouldnt give money talaga, alam ko naman sindikato un eh . . . talagang pipigilan mo ung sarili mo . . . but if you have that something . . . ako natuwa nga ako eh, kasi ung bata crossing shaw . . . kasama ko ung anak ko nun, tapos nagtigil . . . binigyan ko ung isang bata . . . Ben 10 na cheap lang, ung binili ko sa divisoria, un kasama un sa bag. It shouldnt be . . . it shouldnt be original, pwede ung mga nabibili mo sa divisoria or kahit saan. Tapos binigyan ko sya. Sabi ng daughter ko Ma, wallet lang yun, wala tayong food. You get some food And then I think meron kaming tikoy, and then binigay . . . ung bata takbo kaagad sa nanay nya tapos ipinakita niya . . . tuwang tuwa siya, tuwang tuwa siya dun sa wallet, alam mo naman ung mga bata . . . tapos tinuro pa niya ung kotse. So it should be our way of life, you know, its . . . sabi nga nila, dito palang sa lupa, nag-iipon na tayo, para pagdating mo sa langit, mas madali ka kung malagay ka man sa purgatorio, mabilis ka nang makapunta sa langit. We should do that, and it feels good when you help people, you can sleep well at night. It should be our way of life. (ang dami kong nakwento sa inyo, sorry, Im really madaldal, ewan ko, nagging personal akong masyado sa inyo.) Okay, next? Krishna: Ms. Camille: Miss, can you give us a concrete CSR project? Actually, you can look there nalang. Those are our concrete CSr projects. These are , more or less, projects naming that we do every year. Ill show this to you . . . Eto na un gaming mission vision . . . So miss, this is the new . . . This is the annual report of 2011. Our 2012 kasi, we just prepared . . . you need 2012?

Abby: Ms. Camille:

(handed the 2011 CSR report of San Miguel) It's actually the same... Ron: What are your activities in the pipeline?


Ms. Camille:

We're looking at another housing project we just went there last January in Compostella Valley we talked to the Governor, 1000 houses. We have projects also for the Pablo victims, agricultural enterprise project where farmers we're going to give them seedlings so they could plant them like cassava, corn, 10,000 per family.with this project we are partners with PLDT, Jollibee Corp, San Miguel.Also, though it's not in the pipeline we've been doing it a community clinic in Mandaue, Cebu. This is an urgent project. Project in Tawi-Tawi though our security in threatened we can still partner with NGOs to pursue with our projects. It should not stop us from helping our countrymen. Walang kasing tumutulong because people fear for their lives. It's about time we go there. Also an agri-project. Our new business in on Mining. It's really challenging to put up the powerplant. So we spent 900,000 for a survey to know the reaction and ideas of people about our new business. We really want to know everything. 2013 is an exciting year for CSR because of the new businesses. Some mining groups really look up to us and consider us as their champions. They want to consult with me regarding their business. We advise them on what to say, what not to say, whom to accept invitation from, etc. One casing point is when the Diocese of Bataan invited us and one of us said that we decline it because we might just be interrogated but I said we should go. We have to answer because we're going through the process anyway, we'll get the permit, we'll get people. To put it on record San Miguel is one of those companies that don't go " under the table". We really face public hearing, public scrutiny and the like. I wanted the company/foundation information campaign where people can ask questions. So that people won't tell and assume that we're hiding something. We have nothing to lose but more to gain. I suggest you do the same thing kasi wala ka naman talagang tinatago, we want the people to know what youre doing and sabihin mo pero pag naman tatlong beses na parang anon a to, too obvious na. yun ang talaga and para kang ano,para kang tinapon sa dungeon. Bahala ka dyan. Thats how I see it on the standpoint of uhh. kasi diba there is a thin line between public relations and CSR pagtiningan mo eh pero sabi ko nga these are things na kelangan talaga. Ang PR ano yun eh sige, ang CSR naman. When you talk about CSR, until the end of the day you still want a good result. Ang PR bahala na, its actually fire-fighting. Ang CSR before the fire dapat walang magyaring fire, dapat naaddress mo na agad yun. On the 23rd of February on La Salle of Bacolod, they have a CSR Congress. Kayo ba may CSR Congress sa UA&P? I think thats one thing that you should have . Kasi yung La Salle is second time na. The first time was years ago and tapos nag-invite ulit sila sa 23. Buti na lang pagganyan I would normally say no because its Bacolod and magastos. Pero pag ganyan, every opportunity I hand it over to my cotrustees or the other trustees of this league corporate foundation. I received several interviews from different schools and its always like that, kapag second sem. of the year, palaging maraming interviews left and right and some of the businesses, my co-trustees would say na dagdag pa sa oras natin yan. But I said that this is an opportunity for the students to know what we are doing and for them to appreciate CSR, for them to know that there is a career in CSR. Ako Im a business graduate as well as the other 2 people in my team, yung isa psychology graduate and yung last is mass communication. Wala kaming social worker background. Yun yung gusto kong sabihin sa kanila, na they 41

Ms. Camille:

should accept invitation because I know it, I also have a daughter and I dont want the same thing to happen to my daughter. Yung nirereject ng prof. I dont want that to happen. You do good and you also reap something good in return, yun din ang sinabi ko sa mga kasama ko. Maganda and line-up ng La Salle and I suggest that you also do that in university. Simple lang naman yun, come up with a theme and come up with an interview, ang daming pwedeng gawin. It is also a venue for the students to ask about anything regarding the company, sana your professor can do it. Iniisip ko magturo nga ulit ng CSR, magsusulat nga ako sa UA&P. So what else? Mel: Miss, last question. Personally, from your own point of view, are you satisfied with the CSR projects and also in general, the corporates viewpoint if they are satisfied with the projects of San Miguel. And if ever, theyre not that satisfied, what do you think are the points for improvement? Am I satisfied? Alam mo yung coming from a NGO, sa NGO ako nagtrabaho beforePhilippine Business for Social Process. If you want to check my biodata you can check the LCF website. I used to work in NGO and I would always say na masarap ag araw na wala na tayong trabaho, kasi yung araw na walang trabaho ay yun ang araw kung saan lahat ng tao ay okay na, wala nang problema. In terms of the CSR that we are doing, I hope that we can do much more, ang daming nangangailan ng tulong. Ang nakakapanghinayang lang is when the people youre helping only think of San Miguel pera-pera lang at dun ako nahihirapan kaya hindi kami magroon ng livelihood projects. Di ako makatuloy kapag may seed capital, yung bibigyan mo sila ng puhunan with zero interest fee tapos sasabihin nila ui, wag na nating bayaran yan, San Miguel naman yan. Yun nga, sino nga kami, mahahabol ba namin sila, were not banks. We are here to help them so if they cannot pay eh wala naman silang pananagutan sa amin. Sa aspetong yun, feeling ko, sana makagawa kami ng paraan, dun ako hindi satisfied. But otherwise it, personally, if you are satisfied with what youre doing, you will stop because youre happy na of what youre doing. Pero hindi eh, andami pa ring mga bata na kelangan mong pakainin, hindi lang basta papakainin kundi bibigyan mo ng nutritious food. Marami pa ring eskwelahan na kulang, sabi nga ni Bro. Arni, kulang pa tayo sa school buildings. Marami pa ang tao na nasira ang bahay at hindi makapagpatayo ng bahay so you really cannot be satisfied when youre in this kind of work. Hanggang retire na ako at may apo na ako, baka hindi pa rin ako satisfied kasi habang may pangangailangan, gusto mo pa rin tumulong. Is the company satisfied? I hope theyre satisfied. You know, were still here and every year mas tumataas naman ang budget ng foundation. And every year, they would see us ohh lets ask the help of San Miguel Foundation_that I am really very happy because they see the foundation as not just a cash-card that you just get money but they see us as an asset for the company. Kasi kumpara sa ibang foundation, kami kasi humaharap sa public hearing. Nagulat ako nung prinesent ko to dun sa kasama ko sa LCF, sabi nya bakit ikaw ang humaharap sa public hearing eh dib a trabaho yan ng environment officer ng company or trabaho yun complaisance officer or trabaho yan ng operations group ? Sabi ko hindi, who can talk about what the company is doing in terms of CSR is the foundation. Who could make kwento about war stories in the field kung hindi foundation kaya ako noong nag-umpisa kami, we were just for funds 42

Ms. Camille:

foundation, its a donor foundation. Ang daming partners kaliwat kanan. Actually, last week Im looking into the old annual reports, bawat project may partner. Ang ginagawa ng San Miguel nagbibigay ng pera ngayon ang sabi ko sa kanila we have to know our clients, we have to know our partners and the only way we could do that is to go on field. Ako Im happy when the five of us are here, nagpapakain ako. But that is not our job, our job is in the community, we have to go down. And with that siguro, nakakatulong to give satisfaction to our businesses. Ako natutuwa kung theres somebody in the planta sa probinsya na pupunta at ang parking area nila ay sa amin. It feels good kasi they see us na somebody na pwedeng puntahanan and kelangan makita nila and not just to talk about trabaho but also chika-chika and weve gone close to them already. With that, I think that the company is satisfied in what we are doing. Me, personally, ang dami pang pwedeng gawin. If I say that Im okay already, I would stop kasi okay na ako and happy na ako. Pero siguro ganun talaga when your in this kind of career, you shouldnt stop eh kasi if youll stop, tigil na rin ang matutulungan mo. And not of course hindi rin titigil kasi there are others who will continue your work, pero wala ka na noong passion,wala nag fire. Yun yung kelangan na meron ka kaya ako I think kaya rin siguro ako masaya kasi this is what I really wanted. Im 46 years old but Ive been working with San Miguel for 18 years and 24 years in this kind of trabaho. Nagsawa ba ako? Minsan nakakafrustrate and I must admit because minsan kasi when you go to the community you give your hand pero hindi lang yun, they are asking for your arm and your whole body for it. The others are telling me bigay nyo na lang samin ang pera, umalis na kayo. Thats really frustrating. But you know, at the end of the day, may iba pang pwedeng gawin. So thats it.


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