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Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma of Management and Leadership Level 5

Unit 5003 Performance management

SUBMITTED BY Mukhtar Ahmad Student no. 00315



Contents............................................................................................................................... 2 1. be able to Identify and Performance Objective.................................................................3 1.1 Explain links between individual, team and organizational objectives........................3 1.2 Identify the selection of agree individual and team objective.....................................4 1.3 Identify and agree areas of individual and team responsibility in achieving objective. .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with others.............6 Advantages to Open a trusting Workplace........................................................................7 2. Be able to assess performance and provide feedback......................................................7 2.1 Evaluate and assess individual and team performance against objective...................7 Checking performance against objective........................................................................8 2.2 Identify method of providing feedback to individuals and team on performance........8 2.3 Identify the causes of conflict and describe strategies to minimize or prevent conflict. .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Explain recording systems for performance assessment for individual or teams......12 3. Be able to understand performance support for improvement ......................................13 3.1 Explain a performance improvement cycle. ............................................................13 3.2 Discuss the Indicators of Poor performance..............................................................15 3.3 Evaluate the methods that support performance improvement...............................16 Counseling.................................................................................................................... 16 Training or coaching..................................................................................................... 17 Performance improvement plan...................................................................................... 17 Q.4 Be able to understand and apply the organizations disciplinary and grievance procedures.......................................................................................................................... 17 Disciplinary........................................................................................................................ 17 4.1Discuss the organizations disciplinary and grievance procedures.............................17 4.2 Identify the role of the manager in both a disciplinary and grievance procedures....19 4.3 Summaries the key aspect of the legislation that applies to an organization ..........20 Reference........................................................................................................................... 23

1. be able to Identify and Performance Objective. 1.1 Explain links between individual, team and organizational objectives.

Organization Objective Organizational objectives are very vital, because it provides logic of idea to the worker. It is also a source of improving the performance of organization. we can obtain this by lining up aim and objective in the organization. Worker needs to get tough input to recognize their objective. Individual Objective All the workers need to work mutually as a union to achieve the objective of the organization. Team work is something through which it becomes easy to achieve the objective easily and nicely. The objective of team is to achieve agreed tasks on time. It helps every organization to increase its efficiency of work. Through this all the workers work according to the stress and the line given by the organization. Objective of organization is a key to put all the workers on a same page and than their every action become helpful for the improvement of the organization. This is the organization who decides the objective for both team and individual. Objective of organization completes after doing the tasks of organization. Before completing the objective easily it is important to understand the tasks. For this purpose everyone should be on the same line. Team, individual and organization should cooperative each other. They should not oppose each other.

There should be a strong link among all the individuals in team and organization. In this way it will be easy to keep the success high. To keep the value of individual high in the team, it needs to fulfill his objective. The performance and skills of team members can be improve by agreeing team objective. In this way it becomes easy to achieve the organizational objective and it stabilizes the organization. The purpose of all these activities is to achieve the goal of organization. 1.2 Identify the selection of agree individual and team objective.

There are two different things, which are, Agreeing individual objective Agreeing team objective.

Agreeing individual objective is not hard as compared to agreeing team objective, because in team different people have different thoughts, skills and ideas. For the joint purpose everyone observes objective side by side. All these things make the team objective valuable, and profitable for the organization. These activities make team ready to start process of agreeing team objective, to gain the obligation and greatest input. To agree a real-life team objective, a team organizer can utilize training. He can open a training academy for this purpose. He will have to tell the entire participants about the training. Tell them that they are going to focus sometime to set a SMART objective for the team. He should try to agree the objective instead of imposing objective. Next, you talk about how difficulties in agreeing individual objectives can be magnified when you need to agree team objectives.


Identify and agree areas of individual and team responsibility in achieving objective.

To achieve goal of organization, an objective is a precise step. Before we achieve an objective it is very necessary to set an objective in the organization. For this it needs awareness of all the individuals and team is important. For efficient performance, it is vital to set a correct objective. The objective should be SMART. This means it should:

be paying attention on a result, not an action be reliable be specific be measurable be related to time be achievable and reasonable

After setting objective, it is important for every individual in the team to take responsibility in improving performance in following areas. Improve quality Increase output

Find better ways of working and make continuous improvement Remove the causes of failure Provide training Help others do a better job with less efforts Help everyone do a better job with great satisfaction


Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with others.

To make the results of a company good, it is important to create a good quality operational environment in the company. Through this, the entire associates would have a good association with company. Trust, honesty and good relations are very important for good and fruitful outcomes. Your trust on your staff is very important. Behavior of your staff to the clients is directly related to your behavior with staff. If staff is not satisfied on your behavior then they will not behave to customer nicely. Then they will not be honest to the organization and this will become a cause of failure of company. In business trust is valuable. Everyone wants to satisfy himself before doing business with someone. If I have no trust in someone then it is impossible form e to start business with someone. Trust guarantees success in the business. If there is trust in employees, then they will perform always in the favor of organization. Trust and support is like a polish for any employee. If on my mistakes, my manager support me then it will increase my trust. In this way, performance will improve in the organization.

As a manager you should have these things to increase success, good working relationships Convert the neutral to good Reduce the amount of complicated relationships by change them to neutral.

Advantages to Open a trusting Workplace Staff will be loyal to the organization if you are thinking about them. Then, resources of organization will be safe. Employee will become loyal as below: Worker will share their ideas more willingly Save resources. Like time and money Improve productivity and creativity Improve relationship among employees Motivation in workers

2. Be able to assess performance and provide feedback. 2.1 Evaluate and assess individual and team performance against objective.

It is very important to judge performance of every individual and teams in the organization because it is all performance of the organization. Peak management should do this task of

judgment. Parent organization feeds a strong hold to the individuals to make a successful team. Identifying objective The first and initial step of performance management is identifying the objective. The best way to identify the objective for every individual in the team is to identify him the key outcome areas for each and every work in the team. Checking performance against objective Once you set an objective for all the individuals and team, after this it is necessary to review the performance. What is the outcome? Is it attaining or not? In both situations, a great experience will be learning. If a team is achieving its aim properly then they need to continue it. If it is not achieving then they should know the about the barriers. They should evaluate for the future if they go through the same situation. For example, if workers are not attaining the required outcome, then following could be the reasons of failure. May be individuals and team are not doing their tasks fully. May be the team is not getting support (like information, guidance, reward and material) from the management. 2.2 May be there is some fault in the leadership and relationship in the team.

Identify method of providing feedback to individuals and team on performance.

What is performance feedback? It is a simple that everyone finds it hard to receive feedback, no matter with how much good intention it is given. Feedback should be given in such a way that it provides aid to someone and everyone appreciates it. We can use different methods to provide feedback, following are some key points we can use while giving feedback. Set the scene Keep it simple Address the problem, not the person Make your feedback a joint effort Ensure privacy Feedback is one of the most useful things that enable us to learn and develop ourselves. However its value is often eroded because the feedback is given in a way that alienates the recipient and reduces the perceived value of the advice. Dont shy away from giving feedback, just take the time to think it through using these 5 tips and then do it with a genuine concern for the development of the individual, team or organizational performance. 2.3 Identify the causes of conflict and describe strategies to minimize or prevent conflict. In every organization people have different idea, feeling, thoughts and views. They have dissimilar viewpoint and diverse work-related and individual objectives. It has an advantage that it becomes a source of exchange of information and a competition in the team. But if this

diversity of opinion is on the same work, it can cause confliction. This confliction could be minor or sometime serious. The following could be the reasons of confliction. success Success of one employee or department causes the jalousie of other one.

objectives beliefs

and Everyone have its own concepts which cause argumentation and conflict.


People hesitate because of territory or keep limited.

irrational hostility

Anybody who has this attitude is known as irrational hostility.

personal style

Everyone has its own style which causes conflict. There are four personal styles of management. 1. Traditionalists 2. Analysts 3. Competitor 4. Performer

How to minimize conflict

There are different techniques to minimize conflict. A common way of doing this is in the below. 1. Intervene Try to know the area of confliction and the people involved, and then show that you know the area and you w ill intend positive attitude. . 2. Listen and discuss Gather all to the people of both parties at one place give same time to both parties, discuss the problem of confliction properly to make a sense. 3. Make your position clear You have to clear your position, show neutral attitude, positivity, clear the facts and tell them that you will not tolerate the facts. Also show them that you want to solve the problem and want win/win result. 4. Negotiate a win/win outcome You need to find such a result which should be acceptable to boyh the parties. It is important to avoid this type of thing for good outcomes in the future. It could be any type of result, compromise or agreement, but it should be win/win result to avoid confliction. 5. Monitor the situation Monitoring of situation is very important; you do not have to go away immediately. We can use both formal and informal method to monitor the situation. A formal both parties` follow up meeting.

An informal meeting to know the situation. Informal conference presently to make sure how things are going Explain recording systems for performance assessment for individual or teams.


Recording system There is a record management system (RMS) in which we can record all the data and record of organization and many other systems like marketing system and financial system. Now a day it is known as recording system for security purposes. Through this it has become easy to manage everything correctly and easily. These days every organization is using this system to improve performance by keeping record of employees, teams and every department. It is a source of improving individual performance as well. Following points show the importance of this system. Through this system, we can record feedback we received in the past very easily. After getting the feedback all implementations we made in organization to improve are also important, which we can record easily. If organization has a record of all the individuals and teams, on this basis it becomes easy to promote someone or demote.

We can warn someone or appreciate on performance through this recorded data.

3. Be able to understand performance support for improvement 3.1 Explain a performance improvement cycle.

Performance management is a way to improve the performance. To get the output of any continuing process, it is easy to handle the performance management cycle. This cycle consists of four stages.

Identify the problem Establish the reason for the problem Agree a plan of action Monitor the situation.

(Class work)

Identifying the problem In performance improvement, it is essential for you to be conscious to the problem. It is necessary to know the problem. Once you become able to identify the problem, the trouble, then it will become easy to solve the problem. Establishing the reason for the problem

Now we need to know the cause of problem. It is important to know why someone is not performing well. It could be several reasons behind the bad performance, like personal problems, insufficient courses, lack of training etc. Agreeing a plan of action After knowing the cause of problem it is essential to make and action a plan for the individual who need improvement. Before going to any improvement and training it is required to agree the plan with the individual who concerned, so that he feels confidence. Monitoring the situation Once you have agreed an action plan with individual, then after that it needs to monitor the situation. Make sure that everything is going well according to plan, and then you need to give positive support to the individual. If there are some faults in achieving the target, then sit again; find problem and then action a new plan to resolve the problem. 3.2 Discuss the Indicators of Poor performance

There are different signs and indicators of poor performance. How can we identify that someone is not performing well. Following are some signs which can help us to understand poor performance. Quality of work Poor quality of work is a sign of poor performance. Absenteeism Not coming regularly on job is also a sign of bad performance.

Role as the centre of conflict Becoming the cause of confliction is an indicator which shows poor performance.

Dishonesty Not working honestly.

There are also many other signs like, Setting of unrealistic targets Refusal to delegate Slowness in taking decisions.


Evaluate the methods that support performance improvement

If someone is not performing well, then we have to know the reason behind this poor performance. After that we need to focus on the region of development for the person. Following are some methods we can use for performance improvement. Counseling If an individual is not fulfilling the requirements of his job, then there could be some problem with him related to his external life at home, relatives or sickness. In this situation there is need to sit a skilled councilor with him to discuss the problem and try to solve. In this way, we can get positive results.

Training or coaching If the reason of someone`s poor performance is lying inside the organization, like he needs training or coaching, then we can provide him training or coaching to enhance his performance. Through this, he can improve his ability and awareness. . Performance improvement plan In this stage current altitude of performance are recognized by text formal written plan. Then the precise procedures are stated to fill the gaps that are on paper in the plan. There is all the time a review date.

Q.4 Be able to understand procedures.

and apply the organizations disciplinary and grievance

Disciplinary This is the procedure in which the major focus is improving the performance if not dismissal is the final option. The worker admits the roughness of the poor performance and can then focus on improvement. 4.1Discuss the organizations disciplinary and grievance procedures It is significant to have policies and rules in the organization. It is essential for organization to provide all the information to the workers about laws and regulations of organization. Through this, everybody can know the structure, system, procedure and legal requirements. A procedure called formal disciplinary procedure has following three stages.

1. Informal verbal warning 2. Formal verbal warning 3. Final written warning In all the stages, any person or team against which action has being taken, is free to know the charge against him and he has right to take a chance clarify himself or state his issue. He will have attend any gathering by trade union or coworkers. It needs to go through a proper channel to follow the rules and regulations. Otherwise, the infected person can sue for this and you have to face embarrassment and you will have to pay money. The aim and purpose of this procedure is the rapid and fair settlement of grievance near to the point of origin. Co-operation of all parties can make it possible to operate the procedure fairly. Sometimes individual members raise some grievances, which could have fundamental importance or of a straightforward nature. The purpose of this procedure is to encourage transparent, consistent and fair system at workplace. It helps in resolving and handling problems at workplace. It should allow the employer to seek some informal solutions of the problems if possible. But mostly it should allow the formal proceedings on the demand of circumstances. The grievance procedure let workers to make an application up ahead of their immediate manager. The grievance process guard persons from ignorant act by their direct manager and give confidence to debate about objection. This is the way to pay your management attention toward workers issue.


Identify the role of the manager in both a disciplinary and grievance procedures

In the process of disciplinary and grievance, the responsibility of a manager is very important. He is leading and directing all the performances in workplace. It is essent5ial for the manager to know the policies and rules of organization. He should also have knowledge about disciplinary and grievances. Manager can generate a healthy and wise discussion with worker to understand and solve the problem according to the framework. He is in charge to provide all the information o the employees, like about their job, wages, their boss, about day off, about allowed work, legal facts etc. In the form any confliction, manager should sure following things before going to the disciplinary action. This is really serious problem? There is not any other agenda behind this all? Witnesses are against and I have their statements as well. Any other solid prove if it so take it into possession.

After clearing these all things manger will have to inform fallowing things to the employee; We need your disciplinary interview. Tell him about the nature of interview it is formal or informal If he needs any support or he has any person on its side he can bring him as well.

And the appointment time.

It is manager`s duty to listen employee carefully. He should understand the situation and point of view of the employee. He should make sure to the employee that his position is neutral. It is important to allow the worker to explain freely by not showing that you are listening judgmentally. Ask more and more questions to make it clear. Before making decision summarize whole story. When manager understands the whole thing then time to take decision but you can investigate more because its about the job matter of somebody so be honest and careful in this condition. You can announce decision right there or after some time as you wish but soon to not waste a time. 4.3 Summaries the key aspect of the legislation that applies to an organization

Managers should be aware of execute and when concerning with disciplinary and grievance, they should do a best exercise. Generally companies have execute the code of conducts and offered them in the form of legislation acts which applies to all the work force working in the firm. Section one of the codes as following: The idea of disciplinary rules and process.

Dealing with disciplinary concerns in the work place.

What comes about when a grievance is shown during a disciplinary case?

Dealing with absence from work.

Dealing with particular situations.


Keeping records.

Sketch up disciplinary rules and procedures.

Further action.


Acas. (2010). Promoting Employment Relation. Available: http://www.acas.org.uk. Last accessed 20th.

Chartered Management Institute. (2006) Checklist 180: Performance Management Chartered Management Institute, (2006) Checklist 102: Setting up a disciplinary procedure.

Stewart V, Stewart A. Managing the poor performer. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, 2002.

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