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In your business

Jobs for Life (JfL) is a national non-profit organization that offers a unique solution to poverty and joblessness in communities and for individuals across the country. Jobs for Life equips churches and community organizations with the materials they need to lead JfL classes, teaching men and women timeless biblical principles concerning work and the ways those principles are applied in the marketplace. With JfL, communities and businesses are transformed through the dignity of work.

JfL training provides businesses with a well-trained, community-supported workforce that understands the value of work and demonstrates the character needed to be a quality employee.

Why should a business look to JfL sites for potential employees?

By connecting to JfL sites in their area, businesses gain access to potential employees who have been: Screened: Each student has participated in the 16 session JfL course and has been observed and evaluated by the course leaders during that timeframe. Qualified: In order to graduate from a JfL class, students must fulfill all requirements to demonstrate they are ready for work. Therefore, businesses can be assured that a JfL graduate has proven that he or she has the character and values necessary to be a quality employee. Supported: JfL graduates receive ongoing support and encouragement from their JfL champions to help them overcome any barriers impeding their progress. Employers that hire JfL graduates can access this support system as needed to ensure the new employees success and help the company to focus its energy and resources on what it does best, running its business.

What is a JfL Site?

A church or community organization that implements JfLs job training and support strategy enabling unemployed and underemployed individuals to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. JfL sites train individuals in basic life and work readiness skills through JfLs 16 session training course which covers topics such as: Understanding my life journey and my value as an employee Overcoming roadblocks to success Perseverance, positive attitude and conflict resolution Succeeding through adversity Integrity in the workplace Effective communication skills and customer satisfaction Developing a vocational plan and a stellar resume Managing employer expectations Being responsible for my actions

What is distinct about JfL training?

JfL training is a unique combination of faith-based character enhancing and community building. JfL training is distinct in its ability to equip an underutilized resource, churches and community-based organizations, in workforce development to improve employment outcomes for the unemployed and underemployed. Participants experience an extraordinary sense of community during JfL classes not found in other job training programs. In addition to the training, every student has a JfL champion (a mentor or a group of mentors) who provides the student friendship and support both during the training and following graduation. With this training and support system, churches and community organizations provide a reliable, trustworthy workforce to meet the employment needs of companies in their area.

What are other ways businesses are involved with JfL sites in their area?
Participate in a class: Serve as an interviewer during mock interviews or as a part of employer roundtables Provide funding: Consider sponsoring a local JfL site or adopt a Day for Dignity on behalf of your business at Hire a student: Contact local JfL sites to access potential employees

What are the requirements for a student to graduate from a JfL class?
The student must:

Complete all of the lessons in the

curriculum Complete their vocational plan and resume Not have missed more than three classes. Must make up any class that was missed by completing the lesson and demonstrating knowledge of the material Embody the principles taught in the class Have the approval of the Site Leader, Class Leader, and his/her Champion that he/she is ready to go to work.

How do JfL sites match students to available jobs?

During the class, each student will formally assess his/her skills, abilities, and interests. This information will help the student develop a vocational plan, which contains a specific job objective and the steps the student needs to take to obtain that job. With that roadmap, the student will pursue openings that fit within his/her plan. Sometimes, students will find employment that meets their skills and interests, other times they are encouraged to take an entry level job to develop a positive work history or pursue further education to obtain the skills needed to grow into their career of interest.

There are a lot of opportunities with this curriculum to bring in business people of faith to share their stories. In addition, we can be the church and still use practical application without us having to compromise the gospel. -Pastor Ken Jenkins: Pastor, Refuge and Restoration Ministries & The Job Alliance in St. Louis, MO

Get involved To connect to the JfL sites in your area, contact Jobs for Life at 888.408.1565 or visit

I have gone from homeless to entrepreneur. Ive got joy today! - JfL Graduate, Tennessee

P.O. Box 20368 | Raleigh, NC 27619 | 888.408.1565 |

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