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Agenda setting, Policy formulation Implementation GHANA

Population Regions GDP TFR MMR


Birth Attendance

24million 10 8.2 4.0 350/100,000 59% 30/1000 50/1000 80/1000

Trends and Causes of Newborn Deaths

Birth Asphyxia - 41% Neonatal Sepsis-15% Preterm/LBW - 15%
(Ghana EmoNC Study 2010)

Child Health Task Team with wider consultations Data Sources Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys HMIS service delivery Situation Analysis EmONC National Child Health Policy and Strategy Continuum of care approach Endorsed by Ministry and Partners Widely disseminated

ADVOCACY, PLANNING, COORDINATION - National Committee - Annual Newborn Stakeholders Meeting IMPROVING HEALTH WORKER PRACTICE o Information for planning - EmONC Assessment - Quality Of Care assessment - Disaggregation of HMIS data - Revision of Child Health Register Human Resource - Increasing numbers - Improving skills Safe motherhood, IMNCI, ENC, ETAT, KMC, Helping Babies Breath o Equipment and Infrastructure


and Guidelines/Training - IMNCI training materials - Job aids - Training IMPROVING COMMUNITY PRACTICES - Manual for CHOs and Volunteers - Training - Revised Child Health Records - Radio Programmes - Child Health Promotion Week


and Newborn health a national priority Existence of clear policy Involvement of key stakeholders in policy formulation Health system linkages with communities - CHOs - Volunteers Supportive partners Generation and dissemination of data

Invisibility of newborn deaths Home deliveries, No auditing of newborn deaths Quality of health services Inadequate human and financial resources Harmful socio-cultural beliefs and practices Weak private sector involvement

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Fragmentation in implementation

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