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| "ML edicina Disfaioas | | Sympatheticall MUMIE: CONTAINING, Many myfterious and hidden Secrets In PHILOSOPHY and PHYSICK. Conftraction ¢ Extraction of Microcofintcal 8 . |B Tran{plantation Gspiriswal Mumia. and “Application Teaching the Magneticall cure of Diteafes at Diftance; e&c. Abftraéted from the Works of i} De. THEOPHR. PAR ACELSUS: : By the labour and induftry of | Andrea TentZelivs, Phils & Med, - Tranflated out of the Eatine BY }| Far DIN anbo ParkHunrs *, Gerit.| H Son mévle, 4 woudl Par overs. A London, Printed by 1. Newcomb for T. Heath, and dre't6 bé fold at his Shop in Ayfell-ftreety necr _ thé Plagza’t of Covent-Gardens 1 6 $ 3: 1 7 fy (is BECKS i To the Ri he Honorable : Pag Earle of Denbigh Vilcount Feilding and Baron of Newnban. Mx Lonp, FES.07- ae Lord{bip ba-— Ren bag. ving fometime caft z Byour eye upon the Originall of this Treatife, eemed to ratifietbe credit a {bad received in the World by Ajtbe honor of your Approbati- . f:2 on: " The Epiftle Dedicatory. — on : Upon. the. intimation «My Lord, Thefe confzdera- whereof; I bave (out ofim séons bave chiefly induced the “efpeciall Obligations to “you imployment of my beft: Ende- Lordbip _) pretermitted myvours in the performance of _ more peculiar Studtes far thathis VV ork; efpeczally the affu- Tranflation of th Peete yrance of your Lord{bips Pro- Not shat‘ could thereby re teltion; under nbich confi-. ceive the better acceptan dence I bave made it Pub- with your Lordfbip ( wher lick, as the least acknowledge- there is fo much Language, qment of my duty to your Lord- otber -accomplifbnients of oif?ip. 0” re (pects to the Generall nor )butin refpethofitbe sbin Good:W bich if it may recerve it felf Ca Myftéric: of Phildj ibe favour. of your Lordfhips Sophy): left it foonld out-gron\ Gountenance, I fh il not doubt be. better knowledge, as its preferment, and therein ‘bath the common Preffe. the advancement of the Mag- web ine neticall My {terie. oo 7 “sy M, The Epiftle Dedicatory:

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