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html Worm Jelly/Cendol with Mung Bean Sweet Soup Recipe (Ch Bnh Lt u Xanh) Date: 2013-04-07

One of my favorite Vietnamese Dessert Recipes is Worm Jelly/Cendol with Mung Bean Sweet Soup (Ch Bnh Lt u Xanh). Its combination is really simple but will create a spectacular in your mouth when eating. In hot days, even I am at home or hang out with friends; I usually cook or order this dessert for myself. It is really fresh and amazing. Have you ever thought that you guys can combine grinded mung bean, cendol, water chestnut in tapioca pearl, basil seeds, coconut milk, sugar syrup together before?

Are you curious about one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one? Are you ready to make it with us? When you do want, please follow my instruction below and let us start together right now.


Cendol: 300g rice flour, 50g tapioca starch, 1 bowl pandan leaves (the 1st water) Sugar syrup: 1 bowl sugar, 1 bowl water Coconut milk: 500g dried coconut meat, 1 liter warm water, 5g vanilla starch 100g mung bean (no cover) Ice.


Step 1: Mix tapioca starch and rice flour together. Separate into 2 equal parts. One part is mixed with pandan water (add 1 tablespoon water). The left part is mixed with water to have white cendol. Filter to eliminate impurities in these mixtures. Pour 2 mixtures into 2 different pot and cook in small heat. Stir until they become thick.

Step 2: Here is the important step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes. Use a basket have many small holes on bottom. Put it in front of cold water (better is ice water). Pour one by one mixture into basket. Press firmly to create cendol. Their length depends on you. Soak cendol in cold water about 30 minutes.

Step 3: Making sugar syrup: Cook sugar and water until it is melted all.

Step 4: Making coconut milk: Pour warm water into dried coconut meat and mix well. Then, use your hand to press out all coconut water. Filter to throw away impurities. Bring to cook in small heat with a little tapioca starch until it become thick. Finally, turn off the heat and add more vanilla starch.

Step 5: Soak mung bean until it is soft. Bring to steam and grind well.

Finally, your dessert is basically finished. Add cendol into glass; add more grinded mung bean, sugar syrup and coconut milk. Mix well and add grinded ice before eating. If you love basil seeds or water chestnut in tapioca pearl, you can add them more to create one of special Vietnamese Dessert Recipes. Hope you have a good appetite and Good Luck for your Cooking.

Cendol: tepung 300g beras, 50g kanji ubi kayu, 1 mangkuk daun pandan (air 1) Sirap gula: 1 mangkuk gula, 1 mangkuk air Santan: 500g daging kelapa kering, 1 liter air suam, 5g vanila kanji Kacang hijau 100g (perlindungan tidak) Ais.

Langkah 1: Campurkan ubi kanji dan tepung beras bersama-sama. Asingkan kepada 2 bahagian yang sama. Satu bahagian dicampurkan dengan air pandan (tambah 1 sudu besar air). Bahagian kiri dicampur dengan air untuk cendol putih. Penapis untuk menghapuskan kekotoran dalam campuran ini. Tuangkan campuran ke dalam 2 2 periuk yang berbeza dan masak pada musim panas kecil. Kacau sehingga ia menjadi tebal.

Langkah 2: Berikut adalah langkah yang penting untuk mewujudkan satu menakjubkan Resipi pencuci mulut Vietnam. Gunakan bakul mempunyai banyak lubang-lubang kecil di bahagian bawah. Meletakkannya di hadapan air sejuk (lebih baik air ais). Tuangkan satu demi satu campuran ke dalam bakul. Tekan tegas untuk mewujudkan cendol. Panjang mereka bergantung kepada anda. Rendam cendol dalam air sejuk kira-kira 30 minit.

Langkah 3: Membuat sirap gula: gula dan air Masak sehingga ia cair semua.

Langkah 4: Membuat santan: Tuangkan air panas ke dalam daging kelapa kering dan gaul rata. Kemudian, gunakan tangan anda untuk tekan semua air kelapa. Menapis untuk membuang kekotoran. Bawa memasak di haba kecil dengan kanji ubi kayu sedikit sehingga ia menjadi tebal. Akhir sekali, tutup api dan menambah kanji lebih vanila.

Langkah 5: Rendam kacang hijau sehingga ia lembut. Membawa kepada wap dan mengisar juga.

Akhir sekali, pencuci mulut anda pada asasnya selesai. Tambah cendol ke dalam gelas; menambah kacang hijau lebih kisar, sirap gula dan santan. Gaul dan tambah ais kisar sebelum makan. Jika anda suka benih selasih atau chestnut air dalam ubi mutiara, anda boleh menambah mereka yang lebih untuk mewujudkan salah satu khas Resipi pencuci mulut Vietnam. Berharap anda mempunyai selera makan yang baik dan nasib yang baik untuk memasak anda.

This Fried Sticky Rice (Xi Chin Phng) is one of my favourite Vietnamese Food Recipes which is normally used with grilled chicken to enhance the flavour. The preparation for the dish is quite easy, just around 30 minutes for preparing and another 30 minutes to process. As the dish can be easily addicted, hence, Vietnamese food team suggest you to make 20 pieces for 5 6 people. The beans need to be doused in water for 3 6 hours in advance.

So, are you ready to create one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes with us? If you do want, please follow our instructions below and let us start cooking right now.

Ingredients: - 300gr sticky rice - 90gr green beans (mung bean) - 40gr sugar - 30-50ml cooking oil - Coconut milk (as much as you like)

Processes: Step 1: Green beans (mug bean) & sticky rice need to be doused in water for 4 6 hours. In case you do not have much time to prepare then you can use warm water to push up the process.

Soak Mug Bean (Green Bean) in water

Soak Sticky Rice in water

Step 2: Next, Green beans are steamed thoroughly and mashed. Mix sticky rice with green beans.

Step 3: Steam the mixture. You can add some coconut milk if you like it to have buttery flavour.

Step 4: After steaming the mixture, you spread it on a flat surface; add sugar on top of it. You need to quickly mix the sugar with the green beans & rice.

Step 5: Continue to knead the mixture until it attach into each other as shapes. Use your palms to knead it as add some fat into the mixture. Stop kneading when the mixture does not stick on your hands but the surface (about 10 mins).

Step 6: Roll the mixture and cut it into small round pieces (0.5 cm of thick).

Step 7: Add cooking oil to your pan, wait till you hear the sizzling sound then add the sticky rice pieces in. You will see it sink to the bottom at first but it will float to the surface later when it is cooked and start bloating.

Step 8: Use a large spoon to push it back to the bottom. Push it gently at first but increase the intensity later. Do not put too many pieces at once as they will stick together.

Step 9: Cook it till you see its colour turns to something like straw colour. Here is also the important step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Food Recipes for yourself and family.

Finally, you can enjoy one of amazing Vietnamese Food Recipes. It is best served when it is just cooked as you can feel the crunchiness. You can find it almost everywhere in Vietnam and the price is unbelievable cheap (just US 1$ and you can have a plate full of it. Serving this dish with Roasted Duck (Vt Quay) is a best choice. Make sure you try it when visiting Vietnam and good luck to your trip.

When Lunar New Year is coming, most Vietnamese people is really busy for buying food and decorations in house. They do not have much time for cooking. However, today I will introduce one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes for you guys which can save your time much more you thought. It is Grilled Eggplants with Pork and Shrimp (C Tm Nhi Tm Tht Nng). You should use with boiled rice to know the true Vietnamese flavour.

This dish is not only require short time for cooking, but also really delicious. It contains enough energy for all members in your family. If you want to cook one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this dish, please follow carefully our instruction below. Let us start cooking right now. Ingredients: 2 3 eggplants 200gr shrimp 300gr grinded pork 5gr dried cassava vermicelli (Min Kh Buy at Vietnamese Markets) Purple onion, salt, pepper, salt, sugar, fish sauce, Maggis stuff. Process: Step 1: Cut in half eggplants and bring to clean. Use spoon to scoop away all seeds. Next, soak them into cold water added a li ttle salt in 30 minutes.

Step 2: Soak dired cassava vermicelli unti it is soft. Next, cut it short. Peel off the cover of shrimps, pull out the black line on their backs. Smash well. Mix smashed shrimp + grinded pork + sliced purple onion + cassava vermicelli + teaspoon salt + pepper + maggis stuff. Marinate in 15 20 minutes.

Step 3: Use spoon to scoop a little mixture (in step 2), put on the center of each sliced eggplant. Use your hand to press gently to make sure mixture can stick with eggplants. Here is also the first step to create the flavor for one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes. Put all eggplants on tray and bring to grill at 180 degree in 40 45 minutes. You can grill on coal as well.

Finally, you finished one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes. It is really fast right? I suggest you should eating when it is hot. Add more chili sauce when eating with boiled rice is perfect. I bet all members in your family will totally fall in love with this dish. Hope you love this food and Good Luck for your Cooking.

Cendol Tepung Beras dan Cendol Tepung Jagung

Air Cendol adalah antara menu wajib di bulan ramadhan semasa kecil-kecil tinggal dengan mak dulu. Mak E-na guna acuan cendol khas dari tempurung kelapa yang besar dan telah di tebuk lubang. Sayangnya acuan tersebut dah pecah...maklumlah dah lama sangat. Cendol ni E-na buat untuk berbuka Sabtu lepas. Siap tepon mak tanya resepi cendol. Biasanya Mak E-na guna tepung beras. E-na buat guna tepung beras dan tepung jagung. Kualiti tepung beras kat sini tak sama mcm yang kat mesia tu (tepung beras thai)....cendolnya jadi lembut sangat dan mudah patah.

Resepi Cendol Tepung Beras Bahan-Bahan: 1 cawan tepung beras

3 cawan air

1 sudu kecil air kapur sedikit pewarna hijau sedikit perisa pandan

Cara Membuatnya : 1. Sediakan bekas yang mengandungi air sejuk / air paip. Ketepikan. 2. Masukkan semua bahan-bahan dia atas ke dalam periuk non-stik. Kacau supaya semuanya sebati. 3. Kemudian masak dengan api yang sederhana dan sentiasa di kacau supaya tidak berketul. 4. Kacau sehingga masak dan adunan berkilat. 5. Ketika masih panas masukkan adunan ke dalam acuan cendol dan tekan ke dalam bekas yang berisi air sejuk tadi. 6. Proses menekan cendol hendaklah dilakukan dengan pantas. Adunan yang sejuk akan menyukarkan proses menekan cendol. 7. Boleh di simpan di dalam peti sejuk bersama dengan airnya sekali. Sedap di makan bersama santan atau fresh milk dan air gula, di buat puding atau sebagai bahan campuran di dalam Air Batu Campur. NOTE : Cendol Tepung Beras teksturnya lebih lembik dan mudah hancur tetapi rasanya sedap.

Lebih sedap dan harum jika menggunakan air daun pandan.

Resepi Cendol Tepung Jagung Bahan-Bahan: 1 cawan tepung Jagung

3 cawan air sedikit pewarna merah (apa-apa warna kesukaan anda)

Cara Membuatnya : 1. Sediakan bekas yang mengandungi air sejuk / air paip. Ketepikan. 2. Masukkan semua bahan-bahan dia atas ke dalam periuk non-stik. Kacau supaya semuanya sebati. 3. Kemudian masak dengan api yang sederhana dan sentiasa di kacau supaya tidak berketul. 4. Kacau sehingga masak dan adunan berkilat. 5. Ketika masih panas masukkan adunan ke dalam acuan cendol dan tekan ke dalam bekas yang berisi air sejuk tadi. 6. Proses menekan cendol hendaklah dilakukan dengan pantas. Adunan yang sejuk akan menyukarkan proses menekan cendol. 7. Boleh di simpan di dalam peti sejuk bersama dengan airnya sekali. Sedap di makan bersama santan atau fresh milk dan air gula, di buat puding atau sebagai bahan campuran di dalam Air Batu Campur. NOTE : Cendol Tepung Jagung lebih pejal dan tidak mudah patah atau hancur. Rasanya juga sedap.

Lebih sedap dan harum jika menggunakan air daun pandan. Tidak perlu masukkan air kapur jika menggunakan tepung jagung.

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