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Our Sun

By Rex A. Crouch

© 16 April 20 05


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This is a brief look at our Sun, its creation, its structure, function, and some of the internal and
surface characteristics of our star as well as recent developments in solar observations, and a few
of my own personal experiments as they related to the Sun.

Introduction. Just less than 5 billion years 4.5 billion years. Of course one day our Sun
ago, in a spiraling arm of our Milky Way will expend it hydrogen to the point that it
galaxy, a cloud of gas, and dust began to can no longer fight the force of gravity of its
compressing under its own weight. The developing iron core. Gravity will then
particles within the cloud's core became so begin to compress the Sun under its own
densely packed that they frequently collided, weight; yet again but the fusion process is
and fused together. The fusion process changing as the Sun matures. The
released tremendous amounts of heat, and compression causes the new helium particles
light which could then compete with the inside of the core to collide hard enough that
force of gravity within the cloud. The two they can stick together and fuse. The core
forces eventually found an equilibrium then begins to fuse helium into carbon to
point, and a star was born. This star in create enough energy to maintain its balance
question is our Sun. All stars in our galaxy with the force of gravity it is quickly
and other galaxies come in various sizes and growing iron core. Creating carbon gives off
colors. All stars are relatively unique. Our more energy than did the making of helium.
sun is a medium sized star known as a The energy being pumped out of the core
yellow dwarf, or a G Class star on the radiates through the outer layers of the sun.
Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram. Our Sun, The introduction of too much energy into
located just 149,598,000 km from Earth has the sun’s envelope heats up the envelope
a radius of 696,000 km, a mass particles to the point that the envelope
of 1.9891 X 1030 kg , and a surface expands. The Sun's envelope will expand
temperature of about 5800 Kelvin. Our Sun and engulf all of the inner solar system out
is composed of (by mass), 74% hydrogen, to the radius of Mars. In the process the Sun
25% helium, and 1% all other elements. will drop in temperature; this change in
Because hydrogen has very little mass, the temperature will be marked by a change in
composition of the Sun by number of atoms color as the star becomes a red giant. Our
would be 92% hydrogen, 7.8% helium, and sun will continue to live like this for maybe
0.1% all other elements. The cloud from another billion years before pulsating and
which our Sun formed did not use all of its exploding into a planetary nebula probably
gases and dust to make the Sun. The leaving a white dwarf at the center.
leftover gases and dust were used to form That is the life and death of our Sun in a
the planets of our solar system (Harvard nutshell.
Science Department, 2002).
Sun’s Structure. The structure of the Sun
Our Sun has been fusing hydrogen into is like looking at a fascinating piece of
helium and providing Earth with radiant machinery except is has no tangible moving
energy for about 4.5 billion years, and we parts. In the below image developed by the
expected it to continue doing so for another SOHO Project Team, we begin with the

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Sun’s Core where nuclear fusion that referred to as direct (University of
produces the heat and light we experience Tennessee Astrophysics Department, 2005).
here on Earth occurs. Next we find the
Radiation Zone followed by the Convection Fusion Process.
Zone. The Photosphere, which is what we As mentioned in the introduction, the Sun is
typically see in one of the lower layers of composed of predominantly hydrogen, then
the Sun’s atmosphere is the next layer. We helium, and a small percent of all other
next find the Chromosphere which is a elements. The fusion process, as mentioned,
reddish orange layer thousands of kilometers occurs at the Sun’s core where the
thick. Lastly we find the Corona which is temperature is believed to be about 15
the upper most layer of atmosphere on the million °C and the pressure of gravity can
Sun; this layer extends millions of alter the nuclear bonds of atoms. Because of
kilometers thick. Other aspects depicted in the extreme heat and gravity on the Sun the
the below image are a prominence, and flare fusion process is more complex than the
which will be discussed in more detail later. process here on Earth in that the fusion
process is a step-by-step process called a
proton-proton chain. In this fusion process
two atoms of hydrogen are combined to
create what is called helium-4 and energy.
This occurs in several steps:
The pressure at the Sun’s core forces two
hydrogen protons to combine to form a
deuterium. Deuterium is one hydrogen atom
with one neutron, one positron, and a single
neutrino. Heat is beginning in this step.
A proton and a deuterium atom combine to
form a helium-3 atom. A helium-3 is the
combination of two protons with one
neutron, and a single photon of gamma ray.
Lastly, two of these helium-3 atoms join
under pressure to form a helium-4. This
SOHO Project
consists of two protons, two neutrons, and
two protons.
This three step process accounts for about
Sun’s Rotation. ―The Sun is not actually a 85 percent of the sun's energy. The
solid body.‖ Subsequently its rotational remaining 15 percent comes from the
period is not well defined. To imagine a following reactions:
sphere of water suspended and spinning A helium-3 and a helium-4 combine to form
about on an axis system; water would tend a beryllium-7 which is not the most stable
to spin faster in some placed than in others. form of beryllium. This consists of four
The modern measurements the Sun rotates protons and three neutrons, and a gamma
once about every 25 days near its equator, ray.
28 days at 40 degrees latitude, and 36 days A beryllium-7, because of its positive
near the poles. The rotation is the same as nature, captures an electron to become
that of the planets which is sometimes lithium-7. Lithium-7 consists of three
protons and four neutrons, and one neutrino.

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The lithium-7 then combines with a proton
to form two helium-4 atoms. Heat – radiation
The helium-4 atoms have less mass than the
two hydrogen atoms that started the fusion Light – radiation
process. Subsequently the difference in
mass was converted to energy as Einstein Bandwidths
elucidated in his theory of relativity,
(E=mc2). The energy is emitted in various Sun’s Magnetic Activities. Magnetism is
frequency lengths to include gamma, the key to understand the Sun. Magnetic
extreme ultraviolet, ultraviolet light, X-rays, fields are the cause of all features we see on
visible light, infrared, microwaves and radio and above the Sun. The direction of moving
waves. If you were conducting the equations charged particles is changed by magnetic
in your head with empirical formulas you forces. This forces increased orbital speeds
may have noticed that some neutrinos and of some electrons and slows others; this also
protons were not accounted for at the end of induces electrons to jump to higher orbits
the equation. These unaccounted for within atoms. These changes in electron
particles that fell out of the equations are speeds changes the light emitted in terms of
emitted from the Sun and create the solar frequency. These changes in frequency
winds which will also be addressed with allow us to remotely measure the Sun's
more scrutiny. magnetic field by observing the difference in
the energy of the light emitted as these
Before continuing I want to mention that the electrons jump from orbit to orbit. Both
word ―burns‖ although inaccurate when strength and direction of magnetic forces are
talking about stars is nonetheless a measured on the Sun however we still do not
commonly used word to refer to the fusion fully understand the Sun’s magnetic forces
process in the Sun or a star. (NASA Solar Physics Department, 2005).

In addition to the last three steps, the Sun Initially a Dutch physicist named Pieter
also burns other elements at various Zeeman observed in 1896 that a spectral line
temperatures at other layers within the Sun splits when the atoms are subject to very
as depicted in the below graph: intensive magnetic fields. The more intense
these magnetic field the more intense the
spits in the spectral lines. Between Zeeman
Temperature and the works of George Hale, it was shown
~2 x 108 °K ~5 x 108 °K ~10 x 108 °K that sunspots occur where magnetic fields
He burning occurs C burning occurs myriad reactions concentrate. The importance of the
3 4He —> 12C + C + 12C —> 24Mg + occur magnetic field of the Sun was becoming
He + 12C —> 16O + Ne —> 4He + 16O
12 20 4
C + 12C —> 23Na + Ne + He —> clearer.
4 16 20 1 24
He + O —> Ne H Mg +
+ C + 12C —> 20Ne + 2 20Ne —> 16O +
He + 20 4
Ne —> He
Mg + Astronomers began taking pictures of the
Mg + Mg + 4He —> Sun at two wavelengths, one just greater
Si +
Ca + 4He —> 48Ti than the other and between the two pictures
+ they could construct what is called a
NASA table magnetogram in which the magnetic fields
of the solar atmosphere are displayed. In
these manetograms the dark blue colors

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represented area polarized north while the
yellow colors represented magnetic lines
polarized south. The sunspots did not seem
to relate however the magnetic lines did. By
the 1960s the astronomer Babcock presented
the magnetic-dynamo model. In this model
the magnetic fields wrap around the Sun,
kink, and eventually unwrap. The study of
Helioseismology, addressed further in this
paper, added further explanations to the
phenomena of magnetism in the Sun.
Ultimately, astronomers learned that the
magnetic field of the Sun expanded deeper
into space than anyone of them initially
thought. Southwestern Research

Of the Sun’s magnetic characteristics that Along the Sun's magnetic equator, the
affects us most is the Interplanetary opposite open field lines run parallel to each
Magnetic Field. other and are separated by a thin sheet of
current called the "interplanetary current
The interplanetary magnetic field is a part of sheet". Because of an offset between the
the Sun's magnetic field that is carried into Sun’s rotational and magnetic fields, the
solar system by the solar winds. The current is tilted as depicted by the image
interplanetary magnetic field lines are below.
sometimes referred to as "frozen in" to the
solar wind plasma. As the Sun does rotate,
the interplanetary magnetic field, much like
the solar winds, travels outward in a spiral.
The interplanetary magnetic fields originate
in regions on the Sun where the magnetic
fields appear to extend indefinitely into
space; these regions are sometimes referred
to as ―open‖ magnetic fields (Southwestern
Research Institute, 2005). The below image
from Southwestern Research Institute assist
in depicting this spiral pattern of the
interplanetary magnetic field. The IMF is a weak field, varying in strength
near the Earth from 1 to 37 nT, with an
average value of ~6 nT.

This interplanetary current sheet and

interplanetary magnetic field extend outward
dissipating over distance. The end of the
effects of the interplanetary magnetic field is
found past Pluto where the outgoing solar
wind and the incoming plasma from
interstellar space meet, this is called the

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Heliopause, or the boundary of our solar

The Sun’s magnetic activities lead us into

the surface features on the Sun caused by
magnetic activities.

Features on the Sun’s Surface

The below image from reveals plumes,

flares, plagues, and strongly depicts the lines
of magnetic flux that twist, and turn the
flaming gases over the surface of the Sun
(SOHO, 2001).
Galileo Project

These sunspots are actually disturbances in

the magnetic fields in which magnetic lines
protrude out of the Sun inducing sunspots.
These sunspots are areas on the solar surface
that appear dark because they are cooler
than the surrounding photosphere. They are
about 4500 K which is about 1500 K lower
than the temperature of the rest of the
photosphere. The darkness is only relative.
Should you view just the sunspot against the
SOHO darkness of space it would glow brightly.
The darkest region in the center of the
Sunspots and Plagues. Sunspots have been sunspot is called the umbra and the region
monitored extensively for a long period of around the umbra is named the penumbra.
time allowing us to determine cyclic
behaviors. Galileo first began monitoring These sunspots tend to fluctuate in intensity
the sun with the use of a telescope in 1610. over a period of 11.1 years. This 11.1 year
He made an observation each day for 35 cycle is known as Solar Maximum and Solar
days at about the same time of day Minimum. The activity of the Sun increases
documenting sunspots. This affords us our drastically at Solar Maximum exhibiting
first view of the motion of sunspots across more sunspot and other surface phenomena
the surface of the Sun. The following image during any other time. The below images
was drawn by Galileo (Galileo Project, depict the vast differences between
1995. Galileo’s improper solar Maximum and Minimum.
observations later led to blindness.

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groups; and k is a variable scaling factor
(typically <1) accounting for observing
conditions and equipment from binoculars to
space telescopes. Scientists combine data
from lots of observatories -- each with its
own k factor -- to arrive at a daily value.

The second system is called the

"International Sunspot Number," which is
provided by the Sunspot Index Data Center
in Belgium. The Boulder and the
International numbers are calculated from
the same basic formula except they use data
different observatories; regardless, if you
The below image depicts a quickly growing were to divide the International Sunspot
sun spot in the lower left portion of the Number or the Boulder Sunspot Number by
image while the four small dots in the upper 15, you will reach about the same number
right are the remnants of a previously visible through a standard telescope.
massive sunspot
Sunspots tend to end in two fashions; they
either fade away as the magnetic line retract
back into the Sun or the magnetic lines
breakdown resulting in an explosion called a
solar flare.

Plague is French for "beach‖. Plagues are
bright cloud-like features found around
sunspots that represent areas of higher
temperature and gas density within the
Chromosphere of the Sun. Plagues are
visible when photographed through filters
passing the spectral light of calcium or
Space Weather Image hydrogen.

In this image we see two sunspot numbers. These plagues are an extended emission
There are specific techniques used to feature of an active region that exists from
calculate these sun spot numbers. Of the the emergence of the initial magnetic flux
two sun spot numbering systems in use inducing the sun spot until the widely
today, the foremost is the "Boulder Sunspot scattered remnant magnetic fields merge
Number," which is computed by the NOAA with the background.
Space Environment Center using a formula
created by Mr. Rudolph Wolf in 1848. In These bright features are found near almost
his equation, R=k (10g+s), where R is the all active sunspot groups, and occur on a
sunspot number; g is the number of sunspot larger scale, and are brighter than facula.
groups on the solar disk; s is the total
number of individual spots in all the sited

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The below image depicts a sunspot adjacent create, depending on their intensity; violent
to a plage. In the image the plages is the solar winds that effect power grids here on
represented as the whiter area near the top. Earth, spacecrafts, and even the Earth’s
It is fascinating to see that the plague magnetic shield and atmosphere. These
disturbs the field lines otherwise uniformly solar flares are divided into four classes in
surrounding the sunspot. which X-Class is the most sever and B-Class
is essentially benign (Phillips, 2005)
Measurement is Intensity (I) in
Watts/ m2

X Class Flare I 10
5 4
M Class Flare 10 I 10
6 5
C Class Flare 10 I 10
Big Bear Solar Observatory B Class Flare I 10

Solar Prominences. Solar Prominences are

features found on, at, or near the surface of Solar Flares are sometime mistaken for
the Sun. The term prominence, strictly by Hyder Flares which will be addressed under
definition refers to protrusions, projection, Filaments.
protuberance, or surface abnormalities. In
the realms of astronomy some consider Filaments. Filaments consist of relatively
prominences to be solar surface events cool, and dense gas suspended over the
caused by magnetic activities in the Sun Sun’s surface in magnetic loops. These
while others tend to refer to all surface filaments collapse when their magnetic
activities as prominences. For the purpose fields become unstable or otherwise
this paper, I will refer to all protrusions, collapse.
projections, and protuberances as
prominences. These prominences are The following two images show the before
predominately caused by magnetism in one and after collapse of a solar filament viewed
or more ways. Magnetic activities will be from the perpendicular:
responsible for most of the remaining items
discussed here. Of solar prominences I will

Solar Flares
Hyder Flares
Polar Plumes

Solar Flares. Solar Flares are massive Space Weather

eruptions of gases near the Sun’s surface

sending energy into space through the entire A solar filament when viewed from a profile
electromagnetic spectrum. These flares can appears to be a large standing flame—they

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can appear to be very dramatic as they hover originating from bright points near the limb
over the surface as depicted in the image extend 30 to 60 arcseconds above the limb.
below taken using ultraviolet cameras. The ramification or significance of these
Polar Plumes has not been fully addressed as
of current date. The following two images
taken by SOHO were at the 1032 Å
wavelength (white light).

SOHO Project

Hyder Flares. Hyder flares, named for

Charles Hyder, occur when magnetic field SOHO Project
lines protrude through the Sun’s surface
under the filament and breakdown the The following image was taken at 195 Å
magnetic lines creating the filament. These wavelength (extreme ultraviolet) clearly
can be observed, much like most flares, in depicting the plumes near the polar regions
the Hydrogen-Alpha wavelength of 656.3 as tiny jets:
nm. These explosions typically occur away
from the spotted regions. As these are rare,
they are typically mistaken for solar flares
and there are few images available.

Polar Plumes. According to Harvard

University, Polar Plumes are collimated
flow tubes, specifically ―magnetically
unipolar, linear, high density structures‖,
that may carry the majority of the mass and
energy of the solar winds that emanate from
high-latitude regions of the Sun’s Corona.
These Plumes occur in regions of simple
magnetic topology in contrast to the rest of
the Sun. Plumes were original observed SOHO Project

using white light but are also visible using

Coronal Mass Ejections. According
extreme ultraviolet. Observation of Polar
NASA Solar Physics Department, Coronal
Plumes using the SUMER instrumentation
mass ejections are very large clouds of gas
on SOHO have indicated through use of
and plasma threaded by magnetic field lines
spectroheliograms with 1.5 arcsecond steps
to the surface of the Sun and subsequently
extending to about 8 arcminutes that these
ejected from the Sun over the course of a
Polar Plumes, narrow jets or macrospicules

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few hours. These Coronal Mass Ejections The mass ejections are often directly
disrupt normal solar winds and cause solar associated with the sunspots, which
winds of their own. These ejections release always lie in the Sun’s equatorial
billions of ton’s of material into our belt or at mid-latitudes.
planetary space at speed in excess of 500 Other mass ejections occur near the
km/s. According the University of Sun’s poles, far away from any
Washington, there may be more than 10 sunspots. These events are most
billion tons of electrified and charged gases frequent at the peak of sunspot
erupting from the Sun during each Coronal activity, but they can continue for a
Mass Ejection. The below image from while as the count of sunspots begins
SOHO depicts an intense Corona Mass to decline.‖
Ejection from the Sun’s southern pole
region. The SOHO Project has compiled data as
depicted below that shows an increase in
Corona Mass Ejections during Solar
Maximum and in terms of an increase we
also see that speed of the ejections is nearly
300 km/s faster during Maximum then
Minimum however, the variations in width
are essentially unchanged between
Maximum and Minimum.


These Corona Mass Ejections are not

random but rather a method that the Sun
uses to clean-up unwanted magnetic fields
left by Sunspots and other abnormalities
(Australian Institute of Geoscientists, 2005).
The Sun is in fact housekeeping and Solar Winds. The solar wind streams off of
sweeping out the dust to paraphrase the the Sun radially in all directions at speeds of
Geoscience web site. near 400 km/s. The source of the solar wind
is the Sun's super hot corona. The
―What emerges is a systematic temperature of the corona is so high that the
pattern in the outbursts. It changes Sun's gravity can no longer retain it.
during the sunspot cycle, as the Although the solar wind is always directed
numbers of dark sunspots seen each away from the Sun it is not uniform. The
day on the Sun’s bright surface first speed changes and the wind carries with it
increases and then diminishes again. magnetic clouds and there are interacting

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regions where high speed winds catches up Acoustic Waves. Generating p-mode
with slow speed winds, and of course there oscillations. The p-mode oscillations or
are composition variations of all of these pressure mode oscillations are forms of
factors. The speed of the solar winds vary acoustic waves – Consider the fact that the
greatly from as high 800 km/s to as low as Sun is ringing but not like a church bell
300 km/s. The solar winds from the poles being struck once but rather a bell be struck
has been measured to a limited extent in by millions of little particles over a
which the Ulysses Mission launched from continuous span. There is not one loud ring
Discovery went as far as Jupiter, and used but a constant trill of rings. In terms of
the gravity of the planet to double back and oscillations, we are not discussing flat two
pass over the south pole of the Sun 1994, dimensional oscillations, nor even three
and the north pole in 1995. The orbital dimensional oscillations like the ripples seen
pattern places the spacecraft over the solar on-top of water but rather three dimensional
poles once every 6 years. The Ulysses spherical oscillations known as p-mode
Mission found that there is an abundance of (pressure mode) shaped oscillations. The p
He3 in the solar winds, and deuterium in the modes can be described in terms of spherical
outer convection zone during polar studies harmonics. The spherical harmonics are
of the Sun. Not unknown to us but characterized by three whole numbers: The
nonetheless confirmed the Ulysses Mission order, given by n in physics is the number of
was that solar flares and class III radio burst nodes in the radial direction. The harmonic
are related to solar winds and solar degree is known as l and indicates the
maximum. number of node lines on the surface. This
correlates directly to the total number of
Study of Features Internal to the Sun planes slicing through the Sun. The third
number, m, tells how many of the surface
Helioseismology. At the Wilcox Solar nodal lines cross the equator and also gives
Observatory at Stanford University the the phase. The term m has boundaries of -l
subject of Helioseismology is the to +l as the direction of the waves are
developing subject for them. This is the important in many cases. The term m,
science of studying wave oscillation within describes the number of planes slicing
the sun. As the sun is not a solid object through the Sun longitudinally. The
there is no one source of seismic waves. In oscillations are nearly radial. The
lieu of a titanic plate as found on Earth it is frequencies depend on the travel time of an
termed the source of agitation causing solar acoustic wave across the star.
waves and in most cases the source of The below image depicts p mode
agitation is the convective region. As this is oscillations in the l direction.
one region it is treated as a continuum. The
oscillations have amplitudes of no more than
about 0.1 meters per second. The goal at the
Wilcox Observatory is to measure shifts of a
spectrum line to an accuracy of parts per
million of its width (Hoeksema, 2005).

The types of waves the helioseismologist are

looking for fall into three types – Acoustic
Waves, Gravity Waves, and Surface Gravity

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Stanford Image

The next image depicts p-mode oscillations

Stanford Image
in the l and m direction.

The p mode with this spatial pattern causes

Gravity Waves. Generating g-
motion of the surface that alternate in sign
mode oscillations. According to Newton,
(in or out of the surface) in adjacent regions.
for every action there is an equal and
The difference between m=+/-18 is the
opposite reaction. For the p-mode
phase (in or out) of the pattern. Note that
oscillations, the reaction is the g-mode
we have essentially broken the Sun up into
oscillations. These are the gravity mode
Earth equivalent of latitude and longitude.
oscillations or the thought of as the restoring
force or gravitational force perturbation.
Gravity mode arises because gravity tends to
smooth out material inhomogeneities along
equipotential level-surfaces of the Sun. As
the p-mode oscillations are non-uniform,
they are a form of agitation as such is the g-
mode oscillations, subsequently these
oscillations are referred to as perturbations.

Surface Gravity Waves. Generating f

mode oscillations. Everything wants to
vibrate at a frequency that specific to its
shape and composition. For stars, this
oscillation is the fundamental oscillation, the

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f-mode oscillation. The nature frequency of
vibration. The f-mode (fundamental) is a
stable mode which exists only for non-radial
oscillations. The frequency is proportional to
the mean density of the star. The f-mode
can also be derived with Newton’s uniform
density of stars formula.

2 2l l 1 M
2l 1 R 3

Each oscillation mode is but one sampling

Another means of looking at the rotations
of the Sun’s interior which acts like a
shows that there are correlations between
resonant cavity. Of the p and f modes there
frequency ranges and time (in terms of days)
are about 107 modes which does not include within the Sun.
n harmonics.

The study of p, g, and f mode oscillations is

serving to make the Sun transparent
allowing deeper study of sun which brings
us to projects that SOHO has been
developing in which the internal rotation of
the Sun is now being map.

Observations by the SOHO Satellite. In

direct correlation with Helioseismology is
the internal mapping of the Sun’s rotation by
the SOHO project as Dr. Fleck of the SOHO
project elucidated with me. While we have
known for extensive period of time how the
out surface of the Sun rotated is has not been
until recent technology allowed us to make Recent Developments. There have been a
the Sun transparent and look at the inner multitude of recent developments in solar
rotations. One of the most significant observation.
observations has been the rotation of the
convection zone. In the below SOHO image Helioseismology Holography. As
we see the stability of the convection zone mentioned there is the growing and
as a uniform rotation but varies drastically developing science of Helioseismology.
as it spans out from 0 to 90 degrees. Synoptic Imaging of Active Regions on the
far side of the Sun using Helioseismology
Holography to monitor condensations of
magnetic flux allowing astronomers to
monitor sunspots on the far side of the Sun
and providing more accurate space weather.

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Corona In-Flows. Still under study are recording device and a monitor I was able to
newly discovered Corona In-Flows in which visually discern when a change in intensity
matter traveling between 20 km/s and 100 began. A time measurement from this point,
km/s is falling back into the Sun through the and I terminated the time measurement
Corona. These In-Flow rates correlated with when the signal intensity dropped.
the occurrence of non-polar coronal holes
and other indicators of nonaxisymmetric The Sun traversed the 72 cm dish in 4 hours
open flux per SOHO Project members. and 24 minutes. Bisecting the dish into two
right angle triangles this turned the
Personal Experiments. For the purpose of experiment into a trigonometry exercise
developing my research skills I have opted with a visual confirmation on an LCD
to conduct several of my own experiments. screen. The Sun is in fact 1,380,000 km.
As stated, the purpose is to develop my own
research skills, and practice analyzing and Photovoltaic cell measurements. Measure
documenting my findings. I don’t anticipate intensity of various frequencies by using
finding anything new but the application photovoltaic cells receptive to specific
will be a learning experience for me frequencies. The photovoltaic cells produce
nonetheless. a voltage representative to the amount of
light received in that bandwidth. The 525
Measure lambda and voltage monitored Nanometer (nm) wavelength corresponds to
over a 200 meter antenna of 9.5 the green light produced by our Sun. 626
oriented parallel to the ground, and East nm is red light produced, and received by us
West in direction. Measurements were here on Earth. I also conducted
conducted at various times of the day and measurements at two infrared wavelengths
night to discern any difference as the angle being 816 nm, and 940 nm, both obviously
of the sun varied throughout the day. out of our visual spectrum. The data table
This experiment failed miserably as there also shows air mass which is a based on 1.00
was no way of discerning exactly where representing the mass of air directly
these long wave frequencies were overhead as the baseline. Measuring the
originating or even isolating one frequency angle of the Sun to your position can give
range to monitor. This experiment should you the mass of air the Sunlight must travel
be conducted again, except care should be through to reach your measurement location.
taken to ensure that the antenna is shielded
from stray RF, and a band-pass filter should I also sought to compare voltage outputs of
be employed to examining one particular photocells to protons per centimeter cubed
segment of low frequency at a time.
I collected the following data on 27 March
Measure diameter of sun using a high 2005 during clear skies, and stable high
frequency receiver. In measuring the barometric pressure:
diameter of the Sun using a 10 GHZ to 12
GHZ receiver on a parabolic dish I learned 37° Sun 525 nm .425 V
nothing new about the diameter of the Sun, rising
but the experiment itself was interesting. I 626 nm .452 V
measured the distance across the dish and 816 nm .519 V
then I aligned the parabolic receiver to the 940 nm .508 V
Sun’s path. Connecting the receiver to a

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48° Sun 525 nm .564 V our solar system. The basic structure and
rising inner workings were dissected to gain an
626 nm .604 V insight to how our star creates energy—
816 nm .617 V looking at the fusion process from the
940 nm .618 V chemical level we saw that the Sun converts
hydrogen into helium and how this
43° Sun 525 nm .337 V accounted for 85% of the Sun’s energy
setting while the remainder came from burns of
626 nm .304 V other various elements derived from the
816 nm .332 V fusions process. The Sun’s Magnetic
940 nm .335 V activities were then addressed covering the
Sun’s basic magnetic features to the
33° Sun 525 nm .220 V Interplanetary Magnetic Field that carries
setting the solar winds. A glimpse at the features
626 nm .237 V on the Sun’s surface was provided in which
we looked at sunspots and various solar
816 nm .275 V
prominences. Corona Mass Ejections, Solar
940 nm .274 V
Winds, and touched upon the internal fusion
machine as we delved deeper to touch on the
Conclusion of light frequency
inner workings through Helioseismology to
find the internal rotations of our star. In
contacting researchers from various solar
The lower the Sun angle which corresponds
research facilities I found them to be very
to thicker air mass, the lower the output
helpful and insightful as I queried their
intensity of all bandwidths. This was
recent developments. Recent developments
obvious without an experiment, but was
were fascinating and I for one am waiting
fascinating to see first hand to what degree
anxiously to see the results of the new
the impact of sun angle has radiation
studies. Lastly I touched on some of my
received by a position here on Earth.
own personal experimentation conducted for
The intensity of shorter wavelengths was
personal development. I found that a 6000
higher than those in the visible light
word paper on the Sun was truly a difficult
spectrum. This is something that I
subject in that the limitation of words was at
previously did not know and sparked some
a threshold in which we are just above
additional research on my part. Monitoring
layman talk, but skimming the advance
protons per cubic centimeter through SOHO
scientific dialog. This paper turned-out to
as I conducted these measurements on the
be a document in transition in which I
four light frequencies, I found no
learned a great deal about our Sun, and
correlations to voltage outputs of the four
developed an appreciation for how much
frequencies examined and proton output by
more this is to know.
the Sun.

Summary. In summary, I provided an

overview of the subject matter that
comprises our Sun. From the Sun’s birth
out of stellar gas and search for an
equilibrium in gravity and burn to become a
star to the eventual death of the life-force in

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Albert Van Heldon ―Galileo Project,‖ 1995, (February 10, 2005)

Amara Graps, ―Helioseismology,‖ 2005,

(February 14, 2005)

Australian Institute of Geoscientists ―Predicting Solar Outburst,‖ 2005, (March 25, 2005)

Bernhard Fleck, PhD. ―Dr. SOHO,‖ 22 February 2005, personal email (22 February 2005)

Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph.D. ―How Stuff Works,‖ How the Sun Works, 2005, (February 9, 2005)

(Einstein’s) general theory of relativity

Harvard Science Department, ―The Sun,‖ April 11, 2002, (February 22, 2005)

NASA ―Jet Propulsion Laboratory,‖ 2005,

(February 22, 2005)

NASA ―NASA Solar Physics,‖ 2005,

(March 25, 2005)

(Newton’s) second law

SOHO ―The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory,‖ 2005,

(February 9, 2005)

Southwestern Research Institute ―Interplanetary Magnetic Field,‖ 2005,

Page 16 of 17

(February 23, 2005)

Tony Phillips, PhD. ―Space Weather,‖ 2005,

(February 9, 2005)

Todd Hoeksema, PhD. ―Solar Research Paper,‖ personal email (14 February 2005)

University of Tennessee ―Sunspots,‖ 2005, (February 8, 2005)

University of Washington ―Analyzing a Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun,‖ 2005,

(March 23, 2005)

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