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Title: is there a relation between doing a specific diet and gender?

Statement of the task: I will investigate if doing a specific diet is related to gender I will collect primary data by doing an oral survey and then annotating results, this survey is going to be asked personally to each individual so results are not inaccurate. I will investigate this relation between diet and gender since in our country body care and good looking is a very important matter during adolescence and doing the survey i want to validate my hypothesis which is: Argentina is a country where physical aspect is of huge importance during adolescence. I will collect data from 100 people, 50 males and 50 females ate year 12 of St Andrews Scot school, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This survey will only be done to year since year 12 since 100 people are more than 50% of the people in this year and results will be more accurate instead of asking people in different year which will give a broader but less accurate percentage result. The survey will only present two answers doing diet or not doing diet. Then this data will be displayed in a pie chart and also in tables. The pie chart will give a percentage whilst the table the number of people. Both will be divided into four groups males doing diet, females doing diet, male not doing diet and females not doing diet. Then I will do a chi square test involving the following steps: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Set a hypothesis Calculate the expected frequency and set them in a table Calculate the chi square value Calculate the degree of freedom Calculate value for the given degree of freedom and level of significance State a conclusion proving my hypothesis between a relation in gender and doing a diet

Data collection: This is the data collected after doing the survey. This data is not processed; it is defined as raw data. Raw data is the initial step to obtain the results, obtaining this data collected after doing the survey to the St Andrews Scot School in Argentina I will develop my chi square analysis and prove my hypothesis.

Gender: Female Male

Doing a diet 40 23

Not doing a diet 10 27

Data Table: After doing the survey and adding up the results, the data was annotated in this table, here we can observe the final results of the survey asked to St Andrews scot school, this raw data will be processed to obtain pie chart and calculate the chi square value.

General Pie chart: in this pie chart we can observe a general view of all the results so I will do 2 more pie chart so we can observe the deference within each survey to obtain a different observation. In the general pie chart we can observe there is a relation between diet and gender since a high percentage of females are under a diet process whilst in males the percentage of men doing diet is low, this shows that women care more about their figure whilst men do not.

Survey on diet and gender

27 40 10 23 Female doing diet Male doing diet Female not doing diet Male not doing diet

Specific pie charts: this pie charts are divided by gender to show a more precise proportion of results within each gender. Here we will observe more clear results within a relation between the specific gender.

Female and diet Survey

10 Female doing diet Female not doing diet 40

Male and diet survey

23 27

Male doing diet Male not doing diet

Calculating a relation: Gender: Female Male Doing a diet 40 23 Not doing a diet 10 27

Contingency table: Gender: Female: Male: Doing a diet 40 23 63 Not doing a diet 10 27 37 50 50 100

P(M/D.D)= (23/100)/(50/100)= 0,46 = 0,46 x 100 = 46% P(M/N.D)= (27/100)/(50/100)=0,54 = 0,54x 100 = 54% P(F/D.D)= (40/100)/(50/100)= 0,80= 0,80x 100 = 80% P(F/N.D)= (10/100)/(50/100)=0,20 = 0,20 x 100 = 20%

Calculating the Chi-square H0: Doing a diet and gender are independent H1: Doing a diet and gender are not independent

Calculating the Expected Frequency: Gender: Female: Male: Doing a diet 40 23 63 Not doing a diet 10 27 37 50 50 100

Expected frequency table: Gender: Female: Male: Doing a diet 31,5 31,5 Not doing a diet 18,5 18,5

Fe: (total row x total column) / general total FDD: (50x63)/100= 31, 5 MDD:(50x63)/100=31,5 FND:(50x37)/100=18,5 MND:(50x37)/100=18,5

Fo 40 10 23 27

Fe 31,5 18,5 31,5 18,5

Fo-Fe 8,5 -8,5 -8,5 8,5

(Fo-Fe)2 72,25 72,5 72,5 72,25

(Fo-Fe)2/ Fe 2,301587302 3.918918919 2.301587302 3.918918919 12,44101244

Calculating the degree of freedom: V= (number of rows-n)x(number of columns-n) V= (2-1)x(2-1) V= 1 (X)2 Test (X) 2= 12,44101244 P= 4.2976(E-04) DF= 1 X calc Critical value= 3.841

Using matrixs

I reject the null hypothesis H0 as the x2 calc value 12,44101244 as it is greater than the critical value 3.841 Statement: Doing a diet and gender are not independent

After doing the chi square test, the value obtained was (x2= 12.4). This value was higher than the critical value (x2 critic Val= 3.841). So the null hypothesis had to be discarded. This means that the results show that the gender is related to doing a specific diet. The level of confidence used in these project obtained from our maths Sl data booklet is a 95% and this states that gender and doing a specific diet are not independent in st andrews scot school year 12 students.

to acomplish my maths Project, the data was collected from surveys done by mysleft to st andrews scot school students in buenos aires argentina in year 12. This was done only for one year group to obtain a higher

, data was collected from surveys done by students and teachers from St. Andrews Scots School in Buenos Aires, Argentina and business people from a Procter & Gambles office in the same province. This is relevant due to the fact that if this survey would have been done in another location, or with different groups of people, the results would have varied and might have been different. Regarding the mathematical processes used and their validity, the x2 value found in this project (10.7) was compared to the value obtained by the use of the same chi-squared process in a GDC (Graphic Display Calculator), which gave 10.3 as a result rounded to 3 significant figures. This similarity in figures indicates the projects results were reliable; therefore meaning the null hypothesis was rejected.

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