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Personal Management

Q1.A Ans. In everyday conversations, the word motivation is vaguely used. It is assumed that motivation is found only in successful people. It is thought that, motivation is an intense commitment of doing something, or it is a willingness to engage in particular set of activities. For instance, an employee who regularly spends half an hour more than his official job timings to finish work without being rewarded through overtime is said to be highly motivated. It is also common to believe that only few people have motivation, while others do not have it. However, the scholars across social sciences, such as Sociology, Psychology, and management sciences, have viewed, defined, and theorized about motivation somewhat differently from the conceptions of laymen. Practitioners of social sciences view motivation as a force that energizes a behavior. Motivation is a drive, or a force that activates behaviors. Motivation makes it

possible for humans to perform tasks consistently over period of time. For instance, Typist whose lifelong work is to type and type must have a degree of motivation; otherwise he wont be able to maintain quality of his work. Contrary to the beliefs held by a lay person about motivation, scholars of social sciences argue that motivation is not limited to successful people. They contend that motivation is found in every human being. The factors

that make an individual motivated are different. For example, some employees work hard to earn a promotion, while others value appreciation of managers, and of fellow workers. Motivation is not a behavior, nor is it a level of performance. Motivation is an inner trait that triggers human actions, and behaviors, in order to satisfy a need, or achieve a goal. For instance, many employees work hard to receive a pay rise in order to better fulfill their economic needs. In The following paragraphs we offer a definition of motivation.

Q2.A Ans: Ten of the most important traits to look for in a manager: 1. Self-Motivation. The person that you hire for the job has to be capable of doing the job without needing you to look over her shoulder all of the time. This individual needs to be capable of understanding the basic goals of the business and developing her own strategies for achieving those goals. She needs to be committed to putting her all into the job every day without the close supervision of a boss. 2. Great Customer Service Skills. No matter what type of business you are in, you can benefit from having a manager who is excellent in dealing with customers and clients. Ultimately this may not be a large

percentage of the manager's job since the daily tasks of customer service will fall to other employees. 3. Integrity and Trustworthiness. You want to hire a manager who is going to be someone that you think that you can trust. Of course, it's hard to tell this off the bat at an interview but asking the right questions can give you a general sense of the individual's basic integrity. 4. Being a Team Player. The manager has to be someone who is committed to working with a team of people for the improvement of the whole business. This means that the manager isn't in the business solely for the selfish reasons of "getting ahead". 5. Conflict-Resolution Abilities. Serving as this type of middle-man is also going to put the manager into the position of having to act as a liaison between people in the company. He will be the liaison between the lower-level and upper-level employees. 6. Knowledge of the industry. The manager is going to have to be someone who is capable of answering the questions of customers, clients and staff members. This means that she better know what she is talking about. 7. Dependability. When it comes right down to it, you're going to need to have a manager that you can count on. A dependable manager is someone who always shows up to work on time, doesn't slack off on

the job and is capable of being counted on to stay late when there are times at the office that requires him to do so. 8. Ability to Remain Calm. The role of being a manager can be a tough position to be in. There is a lot of stress involved in the daily tasks of management. A number of problems will arise throughout the course of any given day and the manager is responsible for handling those things well. 9. Optimistic Attitude. You don't want a manager who is calm but indifferent. You want a manager who is going to approach each project and each work day with an optimistic attitude. 10. Leadership Skills. Beyond all of the other things that you need to see in a manager, you need to immediately be able to see that he has strong leadership skills. He needs to be confident in his ability to lead a team.

Q2.A Ans: Management plays a key role in the development of the Business enterprise. It means getting any work done by other people. Management system has some core functionalities such as planning organizing, staffing and controlling the efforts of human beings who are working in the concerned in the enterprise.

Management basically deals with all the persons working in the concern who are responsible for managing an organization. Everyone in the organization will have certain responsibilities and duties in the enterprise. Personnel management includes planning and directing the applications, development and utilization of human resource in the enterprise. Employees, unions, public relationship also plays a key role in personnel management. So there is a need for personnel Management and planning of the members play a vital role in the Enterprise. The objectives of personnel management in any working organization are, to bring development of individuals, maintain safe and effective environmental conditions, utilize the available resources, to ensure job satisfaction among workers. What is the entire objective to be focused?
1. 2. 3. 4.

Social Personnel. Enterprise. Union.

Q2.B Ans: This manual contains the policies, regulations, and procedures of the Office of State Personnel which apply to employees of state agencies, universities, boards and commissions that are covered by the provisions of the State Personnel Act. Policies and regulations approved by the State Personnel Commission are presented in fourteen major sections. Policy formulation and implementation involves the following steps:

Identifying the need: Initially important areas of personnel management (recruitment, selection, training compensating bargaining) must have a policy formulation which is clearly spelt out. Collecting data: Once priority areas are listed, steps should be taken to collect facts before formulating a policy. Various sources could be tapped for this purposes such as (1) companys records (2) past practices (3) survey of industry practices (4) experience of personnel handling various issues (5) top management philosophy (6) organizational culture (7) employee aspirations and (8) changing economic ,social an legislative environment etc. Communicating the policy: To gain approval at various levels, the formulated policy should be communicated throughout the organization. Policy manual, in house journal and discussions with people at various levels may be used to reach out to employees quickly. Special coaching programs can also inform people about the manner of application. Evaluating the policy: Personnel policies, to be effective must be reviewed evaluated and controlled regularly against certain established standards. Evaluation helps determine changes in existing policies. All this policies should be reviewed annually and some policies should be reviewed at specific times for example when there is collective bargaining or after strike / lock out etc. Q3. A Ans: Recruitment and selection is the process of identifying the need for a job, defining the requirements of the position and the job holder, advertising the position and choosing the most appropriate person for the job. The Recruitment Sources in the recruitment process are the sources of candidates. Generally, the HRM Function recognizes two main sources of candidates for the job positions: internal and external sources of candidates. The internal recruitment sources are very important, but they cannot be used to fill every vacancy in the organization. It is very important to realize, that in many organization, the internal recruitment is divided into two separate processes: internal recruitment and promotions. The promotion is the move of the employee when the organization initiates the whole process. The real internal recruitment is than a move of the employee initiated by the employee him or herself. The external recruitment sources bring job candidates from the external environment using different techniques. The oldest, but still pretty efficient is a newspaper job advertisement. Many HRM Professionals do not believe in the power of the newspaper advertising, but for many jobs it is still one of the best techniques with the best cost/income ratio.

The modern recruitment source fully managed by the organization is the web job advertisement. It is very cheap, but it can flood the organization with many useless job resumes. This can make the final decision almost impossible. The cost/income ratio is always attractive, but the success rate can be really low. The other external recruitment executive search companies. organization does not have to agency also make follow ups process. Q3. B Ans: Recruitment is actually going out there and finding potential candidates. This can be done through networking, agencies, or even resume sorting *shudder*. Recruitment is also the process of enticing a candidate to join your company. The selection process starts when you have recruited individuals and are selecting who you will decide to hire. So the process starts with recruitment, goes into selection, and then back into recruitment RECRUIT --> SELECT --> RECRUIT --> ORIENT --> RETAIN --> TERMINATE A pseudoscience is set of ideas based on theories put forth as scientific when they are not scientific. Scientific theories are characterized by such things as (a) being based on empirical observation rather than the authority of some sacred text; (b) explaining a range of empirical phenomena; (c) being empirically tested in some meaningful way, usually involving testing specific predictions deduced from the theory; (d) being confirmed rather than falsified by empirical tests or with the discovery of new facts; (e) being impersonal and therefore testable by anyone regardless of personal religious or metaphysical beliefs; (f) being dynamic and fecund, leading investigators to new knowledge and understanding of the interrelatedness of the natural world rather than being static and stagnant leading to no research or development of a better understanding of anything in the natural world; (g) being approached with skepticism rather than gullibility, especially regarding paranormal forces or sources are the recruitment agencies and Their services are not cheap, but the handle all that job resumes and the good of the job candidates in the recruitment

supernatural powers, and (h) being fallible and put forth tentatively rather than being put forth as infallible or inerrant. Q4. A Ans: The establishment of a wage and salary administration program is a time-consuming and demanding task. However, it can provide the mechanism for accomplishing corporate performance and compensation objectives. Unless the program is kept current and is maintained properly its usefulness declines rapidly. The functions involved in maintaining a wage and salary program are directed toward continued compatibility with corporate objectives, which the program is intended to serve. In order to develop a corporate compensation philosophy, total compensation must be viewed from two different perspectives. First, it is a major expense. Economic pressures have forced management to reconsider the affordability of their compensation programs. Others have concluded that a strong compensation package, including deferred compensation and incentive plans, can be a competitive advantage with regards to attracting and retaining quality employees who contribute to the company's success. Secondly, the total compensation and performance appraisal package should be a positive tool with which to influence employees' behavior (employee contribution) and attitude towards work and job performance. Well-adjusted and happy employees are more productive and increase the effectiveness of the entire organization. Q4.B Ans: The Best assets of an organization are a committed force with adequate and who keep developing themselves in their respective fields. When there is an existence of a sound relationship between the employer and employee, it ensures greater efficiency and higher productivity however, an individual may be efficient, if he is not supported by a suitable compensation, his level, of performance may not be at an appreciable level, wages, Salaries and incentives from the greatest (monetary) motivating force and hence care should be taken to device the wage structure. Compensation generally comprises of cash payments which addition to wage include pension, bonus and other shared profits. Sometimes, compensations are in the form of a word praise and subsequently in the nature of promotions. Any compensation package should encompass factors like adequacy of wages (both internal and external), Social balances supply and demand, fair comparison, equal pay for equal work and work measurement.

In a country like India, it is possible to find employees willing to accept jobs at lower rates of pay. The employer has to have ethical obligation to pay fair wages, taking in to account, the industry rates and the standard of work done by the employee, if not his contribution to the job, should be accounted for. Q5.A Ans: Privatization is the incidence or process of transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency or public service from the public sector (the state or government) to the private sector (businesses that operate for a private profit) or to private non-profit organizations. In a broader sense, privatization refers to transfer of any government function to the private sector - including governmental functions like revenue collection and law enforcement. The term "privatization" also has been used to describe two unrelated transactions. The first is a buyout, by the majority owner, of all shares of a public or holding company's stock, privatizing a publicly traded stock, and often described as private equity. The second is a demutualization of a mutual organization or cooperative to form a joint stock company. Q5.B Ans: The nature of the current renewal of labor studies will be evident once we compare it with the context in which the first wave of study of labor originated in India. Studies of labor and the working classes became prominent in the first decade after independence, primarily in the context of the planned economic development. Industrialization was to be the preferred route for economic growth and modernization. In so far as labor was recognized as a crucial "factor of production", its deployment, bargaining practices and conflict behavior became objects of methodical scrutiny. Industrialization and modernization, then, were the twin interrelated processes that were expected to transform traditional institutions of Indian society and realize economic growth. By consensus, the industrial worker was assumed to be a male, as is evident from the title of a significant work of the period, Industrialization and the Industrial man. The impact of industrialization on family forms was noted en passant and was related to the progressive commitment of the industrial labor. But neither the gender composition of the workforce nor

the differential gender experience of industrialization was thought to be of any significance. Even though the industrial transition was conceived of as a temporal transition, in reality it was entirely devoid of any actual historical temporality, being in essence an ideal type transition, in which merely the abstract time of the stage wise evolution of industrialization, namely the early, middle and mature forms of industrial society, was implicit. Philips Abrams 1971 (pp 18-32) had noted this tendency in sociology. Logically ordered contrasts between structural types have been treated, quite naively for the most part, as though they effectively indicated chronologically ordered transitions ... The function of the sociologists past ... has not been to provide a frame of reference for empirical studies of the mechanics of transition but instead to furnish a rationale for side stepping such tedious historical chores. It was thus easy to equate contemporary underdeveloped societies, like that of India, with the early industrial period of the western countries. By purging real concrete temporality from the concept of industrial transition, modernization theorists denied covalence to contemporary societies. Sociological and social anthropological research on industrial labor in India inherited the problematic of the industrial transition optic. It must be admitted that the industrial transition optic found greater favors with what is known as industrial relations studies than in mainstream sociology. Mainstream sociology in India remained largely unconcerned with the labor question, focused as it was on caste, kinship and the village. In this context, why urban sociology too remained rather stunted during this period, several notable exceptions notwithstanding, 14 is a question of some relevance. Mainstream anthropology similarly remained focused on the study of tribal social systems, very rarely taking into account the long-standing history of the participation of tribal populations in wage earning activities, migrations and industrial employment, including in large enterprises like plantations mines and factories. Q6. A Ans: The Welfare State is undergoing change. This change will mean important challenges for all citizens. Nowadays it is not just the so-called marginalized groups which are affected by socio-political changes. Anyone can become a person in need overnight. For this reason Non-statutory Welfare is different from the social services run by the public authorities, be it at a local or national level. And it differs equally from any services offered by commercial bodies which operate for prot.

Non-statutory Welfare is characterized by independence and a partnershipbased co-operation with the public social service providers like the State, local authorities and social insurance bodies. The objective is to effectively complement the latters action in favors of those in need.

Q6.B Ans: A work environment can be identified as the place that one works. i.e. -in an office building in a cube, at home at the kitchen table, from a car or truck, at a construction site. All are work environments. We tend, however, to hear about "healthy work environments." This can point to other factors in the work environment, such as co-workers, air quality, ergonomic seating, management (the boss!), child care, parking, noise, and even the size of one's cube. A work environment doesn't require a job. It requires that work has to be done in some place. Say you need to do homework. Where do you do it? At school in study hall? At your kitchen table? On the floor at a friend's house? These can also be considered work environments.

Q6.C Ans: Many cities, counties and other municipalities have experienced difficulty retaining skilled employees to operate heavy equipment. It is widely known that untrained and unskilled operators increase the cost of road maintenance due to improper use of equipment leading to equipment damage, downtime and safety hazards. Research has indicated that employees respond to skill-based pay. An Equipment Operator Skill-based Pay Plan (SBPP) must be designed to increase the number of employees serving as skilled operators by motivating junior employees to seek higher-level positions and senior employees to remain in their positions. The plan must also seek to cross train employees. Promotions should be based on more objective criteria than current practice. Written tests will confirm knowledge. Hands-on tests can confirm ability. The practical, hands-on test should consist of the employee completing actual job tasks in his/her classification. The employee should be provided with a score from a third party, outside resource experienced at this type of evaluation.

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