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(Customer service)
Name: Account number: Account type: Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Mobile number: Email id: What is your occupation ? Service Business Retired Household Student Other Please Specify________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

How do you describe the behaviour of our staff towards you as a customer? Good Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Please describe an instance where our staff was not helpful in dealing with a complaint you had________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

(Customer service)
How is the facility of locker at our bank ? Is it secure enough ? Yes No If No, Please specify the reason as we'd like to serve you better: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ How much time was taken by us in opening your account with us ? 15 minutes 1 Hour 3o Minutes 2 Hours More

Did you find the process too time consuming? _____________________ Are you availing any of the credit facilities/loan schemes from our bank? Yes No

If Yes, which of the following? Personal Loan Car Loan Consumer Loan Other Housing Loan Please Specify______________

According to you, which of the following is the best area of service of our bank? Efficiency Network Mobile Banking Internet Banking Product Range

Have You had/Do you have an account in another bank also. If Yes, then which of the following? SBI PNB only HDFC ICICI HSBC Any Other

(Customer service)
Do you agree that minimum account limit is not high and easy to maintain? Select the option which is the most appropriate. High Manageable Low Negligible

Rate the following services offered at our bank using 5-excellent, 4-good, 3average, 2-poor, and 1-very poor. Fixed Deposit Schemes ____ Savings Account Current Account Easy Access Account PNB Express Account ____ ____ ____ ____

Do you find the Interest rates offered by our bank competitive enough? Yes No

Do you wish to shift your account to another bank in the near future? Yes No

If Yes, Please mention the reason or the area of dissatisfaction __________ _____________________________________________________ How will you describe the overall service quality of our bank? Good Average Very Good Poor Excellent

(Customer service)
Are there enough customer care representatives in our bank? _____________________________________________________ Are the customer care representatives efficient? _____________________________________________________ Based on your experience from our customer service department, would you recommend our bank to your friends and relatives? _____________________________________________________

Date : ___________ Place: ___________

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