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Key to (obligately) foliicolous, crustose lichens 1a Thallus with c. 0.

1-2 mm long, sterile bristles/hairs---2 1b Thallus with dish-like, stalked isidia; ascocarps absent---Porina ("Phyllophiale") 1c Thallus without such structures, naked or sometimes with more or less hair-like hypophores, tomentose, or with cylindrical isidia---18 2a Ascocarps absent: sterile, hairy plants cannot be identified with certainty; they are arranged artificially under Tricharia melanothrix Fe, with black hairs, and T. leucothrix Fe, with white hairs) 2b Ascocarps present---3 3a Ascocarps immersed, disc level with thallus surface, sometimes surrounded by a raised, rim-like thallus area---4 3b Ascocarps sessile, often constricted at the base---13 4a Perithecia present; hairs on the perithecia---5 4b Apothecia present; hairs mostly on the thallus---6 5a Hairs on perithecia tiny, scattered---Porina 5b Hairs on perithecia coarse, in apical whirl---Trichothelium 6a Hairs white. often over 1 mm long---7 6b Hairs brown to black, short, under 0.2 mm---12 7a Hairs tiny, dense, forming tomentose areas on the thallus and thalloid apothecial margins---Mazosia 7b Hairs larger, often over 1 mm long, bristle-like---8 8a Thallus with cortical layer of quadratic, rectangular or rounded cells, one celllayer thick---9 8b Thallus without cortical layer or with a cartilaginous cortical layer---11 9a Ascospores transversely septate; epithecial algae absent---Asterothyrium 9b Ascospores muriform; epithecial algae present---10 10a Thallus more or less extended and flat---Gyalectidium 10b Thallus consisting of more or less confluent, c.0.5 mm wide, convex cushions --Bullatina 11a Ascocarps surrounded by a raised thalloid rim---Calenia 11b Ascocarps without raised thalloid rim, with a more or less distinct excipulum --Echinoplaca 12a (6) Ascocarps without black proper margin---Caleniopsis 12b Ascocarps with black proper margin---Aulaxina 13a (3) Excipulum laterally spreading over the thallus, thus apothecia seemingly immarginate---Echinoplaca 13b Excipulum not laterally spreading, apothecia distinctly marginate---14

14a Apothecium disc smooth, without central, sterile part---Tricharia 14b Apothecium disc umbonate, with central, sterile part---Paratricharia 18a (1) Ascocarps present---19 18b Ascocarps absent, but conidangia or goniocystangia present---82 19a Apothecia present, rounded, occasionally with punctiform discs arranged in lines---20 19b Lirellae present, elongate with black labiae---63 19c Perithecia present---70 20a Ascocarps without visible margin---21 20b Ascocarps with clearly differentiated margin---30 21a Fruitbodies white, with asci scattered in loose, medulla-like tissue---22 21b Fruitbodies coloured or white, compact, with asci in differentiated, usually gelatinous hymenium---24 22a Asci in poorly delimited thallus warts---23 22b Asci in non-gelatinous ascocarps well delimited from the thallus--Amazonomyces 23a Ascospores muriform---Cryptothecia 23b Ascospores transversely septate only---Stirtonia 24a Asci with I+ blue tholi; ascospores transversely septate---25 24b Asci with I-negative tholi; ascospores transversely septate or muriform ---26 25a Paraphyses simple and straight; hymenium gelatinous, I+ blue; ascocarps completely flat, level with thallus---Byssolecania 25b Paraphyses simple and straight; hymenium gelatinous, I+ blue; ascocarps convex, sessile---Loflammiopsis 25c Paraphyses branched and anastomosing; hymenium not gelatinous, Inegative---Vezdaea 26a Hymenium I+ red or blue---27 26b Hymenium I-negative---31 27a Ascospores muriform---Arthothelium 27b Ascospores transversely septate---28 28a Ascocarps seemingly punctiform and arranged in lines---Enterographa 28b Ascocarps disciform, more or less deeply lobate---29 29a Conidia filiform, over 50 m long; pycnidia elongate with lateral pore--Eremothecella 29b Conidia bacillar, under 20 m long; pycnidia rounded with apical pore --Arthonia 30a (20) Apothecia immersed in the thallus, disc level with thallus surface, sometimes surrounded by a raised thallus rim---31

30b Apothecia adnate to sessile, often constricted at the base; disc above thallus surface---35 31a (26, 30) Thallus with cortical layer of quadratic, rectangular or rounded cells, one cell-layer thick---32 31b Thallus without cortical layer, or with a cortical layer of conglutinated, unmodified hyphae---33 32a Ascospores transversely septate; epithecial algae absent---Asterothyrium 32b Ascospores muriform; epithecial algae present---Gyalectidium 33a Paraphyses simple; with laciniate, erect or recurved, thalline margin; hyphophores absent---Chroodiscus 33b Paraphyses branched and anastomosing; without thalline margin; hyphophores present---34 34a Ascospores bicellular; hyphophores stalked---Echinoplaca 34b Ascospores at least 3-septate; hyphophores without stalk, consisting of a sessile, gelatinous ball---Actinoplaca 35a (30) Hymenium I+ blue, at least after pretreatment with diluted KOH solution, and at least near the asci; asci I+ blue, usually in the tholus, at least along the outside---36 35b Hymenium I+ reddish; asci I-negative---Mazosia 35c Hymenium and asci I-negative or very pale blue---55 36a Ascospores simple---37 36b Ascospores transversely septate only---38 36c Ascospores muriform---46 37a Thallus smooth, containing green algae; apothecia with pronounced margin---"Lecidea gr. piperis" 37b Thallus granular, containing blue-green algae; apothecia soon convex and with indistinct margin---Biatora s.l. 38a Excipulum formed externally by loose, felty hyphae---Byssoloma 38b Excipulum compact, also externally---39 39a Asci with an I+ blue tubular structure in the apex---40 39b Asci without tubular structure, with or without an I+ blue axial mass---41 40a Apothecia usually over 0.5 mm wide, flat; I-positive tubular structure in ascus apex distinctly stained over its whole length; excipulum usually filled with crystals --Badimia 40b Apothecia mostly under 0.5 mm side, soon convex; I-positive tubular structure in ascus apex most distinctly stained in its basal part; excipulum not filled with crystals---Fellhanera 41a Campylidia absent; asci with conical or rounded, I+ pale blue axial mass ---42 41b Campylidia (usually) present; asci without I+ pale blue axial mass---43

42a Asci with conical axial mass; excipulum prosoplectenchymatic ---Bacidia 42b Asci with rounded axial mass; excipulum paraplectenchymatic---Bacidina 43a Hypothecium purplish; apothecia black, sometimes with white pruina --Tapellaria 43b Hypothecium usually not purplish; apothecia variously coloured---44 44a Ascospores 3-septate, fusiform---45 44b Ascospores 7-septate, bacillar; campylidia as in Calopadia---"Tapellariopsis" 44c Ascospores many-septate, over 10-septate, acicular; no campylidia --Bapalmuia 45a Campylidia producing flask-shaped, c 20 m long conidia ---Barubria 45b Campylidia producing ovoid, c. 10 m long conidia ---Loflammia 46a (36) Margin of apothecium with long, stiff hairs---Lasioloma 46b Margin of apothecium without such hairs---47 47a Epithecial algae present---Sporopodium 47b Epithecial algae absent---48 48a Apothecia black, sometimes with white pruina, with flat disc; hypothecium purplish---Tapellaria 48b Apothecia not black, variously coloured, with flat or convex disc; hypothecium not purplish---49 49a Apothecia yellowish, soon convex---Logilvia 49b Apothecia reddish to dark brown or grey-brown, with flat disc---50 50a Apothecia dark brown to grey-brown, with flat disc---Calopadia 50b Apothecia red to carmine, with flat disc---Loflammia 55a (35) Apothecia elongate to angular or round, not constricted at base, margin formed by a dark tissue which initially covers the disc---Aulaxina 55b Apothecia round to slightly irregular, margin not formed by a dark tissue which initially covers the disc---56 56a Apothecia proliferating on their margins; mainly on leaf margins---Polystroma 56b Apothecia not proliferating on their margins---57 57a Paraphyses simple, straight---58 57b Paraphyses branched and anastomosing---61 58a Ascospores bicellular---59 58b Ascospores pluricellular---Gyalidea 59a Apothecia yellow to orange; ascospores bicellular in cylindrical asci (NB: for species determination it is important to study the pyncidia, which are often found on separate plants)---Dimerella 59b Apothecia grey or brown to blackish---60

60a Ascospores single in the asci---Psorotheciopsis 60b Ascospores 8 in each ascus---Linhartia 61a Excipulum thinly spreading laterally over the thallus---Echinoplaca 61b Excipulum not spreading, forming a prominent margin---62 62a Without bristle-like hyphophores---Gyalideopsis 62b With bristle-like hyphophores---Actinoplaca 63a (19) Hymenium I-negative; ascospores sometimes I+ blue-violet; paraphyses unbranched or slightly branched apically (Graphidales, occasionally on leaves)---see key to crustose lichens, #257 63b Hymenium I+ blue and/or red; ascospores I-negative; paraphyses branched and anastomosing (Opegraphales, frequent on leaves)---64 64a Asci with thick apical dome---Arthonia 64b Asci with thin apical dome---65 65a Ascocarps immersed in thallus, without black margins---Enterographa 65b Ascocarps more or less raised, with black margins---66 66a Ascocarps with constricted base; ascospore cells not swollen ---Opegrapha 66b Ascocarps with gradually ascending base; ascospores with swollen (sub-) median cell---Mazosia 70a (19) Thallus subcuticular, very glossy---Strigula 70b Thallus epicuticular, forming a usually dull sheet over the cuticula of the leaf --71 71a Perithecia with warts, bristles or a disc-like expansion around the pore; ascospores transversely septate or muriform ---72 71b Perithecia simple---74 72a Perithecia whitish, with a disc-like extension around the pore or with more scattered scales---Aspidothelium 72b Perithecia reddish or black, rarely whitish, with bristle-like extensions, usually in a whirl around the pore---73 73a Asci bitunicate; ascospores 14-17 x 3-4 m, transversely 3-septate---Lyromma 73b Asci thinwalled; ascospores usually over 18 m long, variously septate--Trichothelium 74a Ascospores pale grey-brown, transversely 3-septate---Microtheliopsis 74b Ascospores colourless, transversely septate or muriform ---75 75a Paraphyses absent or desintegrating early; algae chlorococcoid ---Macentina 75a Paraphyses absent or desintegrating early; algae Trentepohlia-like---Pocsia 75b Paraphyses (s.l.) persistent---76 76a Ascospores one-septate---77 76b Ascospores transversely many-septate---78 75c Ascospores muriform---79

77a Ascospores under 30 m long---Anisomeridium 77b Ascospores over 50 m long---Musaespora 78a Perithecia solitary---Porina 78b Perithecia grouped in raised thallus parts---Flavobathelium 79a Perithecia with outer wall containing dark-brown pulverous masses, often irregularly shaped---Phyllobathelium 79b Perithecia with outer wall without such masses, regular---80 80a Ascospores lumbricoid, with few longitudinal septa---Phylloblastia 80b Ascospores oval, with numerous longitudinal septa---Thelenella 82a (18) Conidangia present---83 82b Goniocystangia present, black-rimmed, resembling ascocarps, but producing goniocysts, present---Opegrapha gr. lambinoni 83a Conidangia strongly exserted, ear- or brush-like, variously coloured ---84 83b Conidangia immersed or only slightly exerted conidangia, black or concolorous with thallus---92 84a Campylidia (ear-like structures) present (artificially arranged in the genus Pyrenotrichum)---85 84b Hyphophores or other brush-like conidia-producing structures present---91 85a Conidia ovoid to pyriform, simple or uniseptate---86 85b Conidia more elongate, bacillar or branched, simple or variously septate---88 86a Conidia uniseptate, with unequal cells; usually found with ascocarps--Byssoloma 86b Conidia simple; often found without ascocarps---87 87a Campylidia short, on top of a thalloid cylinder; algae between the conidiophores---Sporopodium 87b Campylidia not on thalloid cylinder; no algae between the conidiophores (Loflammia and Logilvia have similar campylidia, but are unlikely to be found without ascocarps)---Musaespora 88a Conidia flask-shaped, non-septate---Barubria 88b Conidia filiform, septate, sometimes branched---89 89a Conidia branched, somewhat star-shaped---Lasioloma 89b Conidia not branched---90 90a Conidia cylindrical, to c. 40 m long, without appendages---Arthonia 90b Conidia cylindrical, c. 100 m long, with appendages (short branchlets)--Badimia 90c Conidia tapering, c. 50 m long, without appendages (genera can be separated only by ascocarp characters)---Calopadia/Tapellaria 91a (84) True hyphophores present, bristle-like or flattened, producing conidia in free-hanging gelatinous balls---Echinoplaca

91b Hyphophores absent, but bristle-like conidangia present; conidia not produced in free-hanging gelatinous balls, but inside the conidangia---92 92a (83) Conidangia brown to black, star-like branched; on leaf upper surface--Lyromma 92b Conidangia pale brown, simple; on leaf margin---Bacidina 93a Conidangia black---94 93b Conidangia pale, inconspicuous---Dimerella 94a Conidia simple---Anisomeridium 94b Conidia septate---95 95a Conidangia separate---Strigula 95b Conidangia in groups of c. 10-30 in elevated thallus areas---Phyllobathelium Key to genera of the Lichinaceae in tropical South America, excluding the Caribbean, by M. Schultz, December 1999 1a Thallus filamentous, mainly composed of the filamentous cyanobacterium Stigonema, trichomes 75-160 m thick, tips often with tiny side branches, aquatic on silicous rock, Guyana---Ephebe (brasiliensis) 1b Thallus not filamentous---2 2a Thallus foliose, lobes broad, rounded or strap-like---3 2b Thallus crustose, squamulose, umbilicate-rosette shaped or small fruticose ---4 3a Thallus dark-grey, consisting of narrow, strap-like, richly branched lobes, apothecia immersed, small, discs pale yellowish-brown, on silicous rock in Mazaruni River, Guyana---Jenmania (goebelii) 3b Thallus dark reddish-brown, lobes rounded, 3-10 mm broad, folded, sparingly branched, on Granite inselberg, Guyana---Thyrea 4a Thallus small fruticose, forming tiny cushions, lobules cylindrical, 160-180(-200) m thick, sparingly branched, apothecia in apically tickened tips, on calcareous or silicous rock, Brazil, Venezuela---Synalissa (matogrossensis) 4b Thallus not small fruticose---5 5a Thallus squamulose, squamulose-umbilicate, umilicate-rosette shaped or consisting of elongated, slender, roundish lobes---6 5b Thallus crustose: film-like, effuse, areolate or effigurate---10 6a Thallus squamulose, attached by umbilicus, however, in surface view appearing as areolate crust; surface of squamules smooth, cracked with age, anatomy compact paraplectenchymatous, fungal cells small (2.5-5 m), in vertical rows, on quartzitic rock in Brazil and on Granite inselbergs in Venezuela---Phylliscidium (monophyllum) 6b Thallus different---7 7a Thallus of worm-like, straigth, bent or soigmoid lobes of -3 x 0.2-0.25 mm, lobes simple or divided into 2-3 lobules, vineacous-brown, apothecia sessile, base constricted, spores -16, small, globose 5(-7.5) m, axcus tips rounded, on Granite

inselbergs in Venezuela and Guyana---Phylliscum ("vermiformis" ined.) 7b Thallus different---8 8a Thallus squamulose, small, 0.5-1 mm, surface of squamules smooth or rough, not tessellate---Phylliscum (macrosporum, tenue) 8b Thallus squamulose, umbilicate-rosette shaped, larger, squamules 1-4(-6) mm, their surface distinctly tessellate---9 9a Surface areoles very small, 60-120 m and marginal areoles not or indistinctly enlarged (-100 m) or surface areoles larger, 75-250 m and marginal areoles distinctly streched, 100-400 m, squamules roundish or irregular in outline ---Paulia (gibbosa, myriocarpa) 9b Surface areoles small, 75-150 m, marginal areoles little streched, 100-250 m---Phylliscum (testudineum) 10a (5) Thallus with distinctly effigurate margins, marginal areoles -0.65 mm large, thallus black or dark brown-black, sometimes "isidia"-like outgrowths present on thalline surface, on Granite inselberg in Guyana and granitic coastal rock in Brazil --Pterygiopsis 10b Thallus not effigurate or indisticntly effigurate, marginal areoles <0.25 mm or not areolate at all---11 11a Thallus a thick crust, however, compound, of umbilicate squamules--Phylliscidium (monophyllum) 11b Thallus a real crust, thin or thick, areolate to effuse or film-like, attached to the substate by the whole lower surface---12 12a Photobiont a species of Rivulariaceae, thallus very thin, a film-like crust, gelatinous/slimy or granulose or of minute filaments, on wet calcareous or silicous rock, Paraguay, Brazil---Calotrichopsis 12b Photobiont never a species of Rivulariaceae, thallus crustose, but not slimy or of minute filaments---13 13a Anatomy loosely reticulate, algal cells usually large (>7.5 m), fungal cells elongated or roundish---14 13b Anatomy compact paraplectenchymatous, algal cells small (-7.5 m), fungal cells roundish---15 14a Thallus colour dark reddish-brown, sheath of algal cells reddish, KOH+ violett, paraphyses lacking, conidia large, sigmoid to falcate, >15 m long---Cryptothele 14b Thallus color dark olive-brown to blackish, sheath of algal cells yellowishbrown, KOH-, paraphyses present, true exciple thick, slightly coloured, hymenium devided by bands of sterile hyphae, on mortar, Rio de Janeiro---Leprocollema (americana) 15a Apothecial disc black, umbonate, immersed, true exciple blackish coloured, separated from thalline tissue by thin slit, thallus composed of tiny lobules that grow vertically and are dying from their base, on Granite inselbergs in Venezuela --Metamelanea (melambola) 15b Apothecia never umbonate and usually not black, true exciple never thick and blackish coloured---16

16a Thallus usually blackish, algal sheath yellowish-brown, KOH-, paraphyses not moniliform, asci thin-walled, not amyloid, cylindrical to narrow clavate, on silicous or calcareous rock---Psorotichia 16b Thallus dark reddish to dark reddish-brown, algal sheath usually reddish, KOH+ violett, paraphyses distinctly moniliform, asci thickwalled, with thin amyloid inner wall (sometimes not visible), clavate, on silicous or calcareous rock ---Pyrenopsis

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